Palatinate through a Freedom of Information request. When compared with the average numbers of livers-in during 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20, this equates to 60.11 kilograms of waste per student per year. Collectively, the catered colleges have produced 532.79 tonnes of food waste during that period, spending £9.3m on food in the process. In 2020, the lockdown between March and July saw a dramatic decline in both waste and spending. Total spending on food by the catered colleges – Collingwood, University, Hild Bede, Van Mildert, St. Mary’s, St. Aidan’s, Grey, Hatfield, Trevelyan and St. Cuthbert’s – dropped from £3.5m in 2018-19 to £2.4m in 2019-20, a decline of 30.6%.