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3 Killed in Bandung Trains Collide :
3 Killed in Bandung Trains Collide :
3 Killed in Bandung Trains Collide
The train accident between the long-distance train Turangga and the local train Baraya in Cicalengka has reportedly caused three people to leave the world. Head of Public
Related Keywords
Stompo ,
Sulawesi Tengah ,
Indonesia ,
Cicalengka ,
Jawa Barat ,
Turangga ,
Baraya ,
Sulawesi Selatan ,
Bandung ,
West Java ,
Baca Juga ,
Dua Kereta ,
Ayep Hanapi ,
Kusworo Wibowo ,
Great Commission Ibrahim Tompo ,
Bandung City Police ,
Public Relations ,
West Java Regional Police ,
City Police Chief ,
Police Commissioner Kusworo Wibowo ,
Commuter Line ,
Operational Area ,
Kereta Api Indonesia ,
Train ,
Accident ,
Police ,
Iva English ,