A missing face in SketchUp A missing face in SketchUp can be a frustrating thing. In this video, Tim Killen demonstrates how he cures this common problem. Periodically, friends and students send me SketchUp projects along with a description of the problem encountered. A frequent problem is getting a “face” and a frustration trying to fix it. There are just so many things that can affect the “making” of a face. There is no Face command, so you can’t make it happen – you’re reliant on SketchUp to close-up that component. I recently received the following model with this face problem. While making changes to a Front Leg Component, some of the faces disappeared, and could not be recovered by the student. You can see below, the missing back side of the Front Leg. Also because of the adjustment to the Leg width, a gap appears at the connection to the Seat Rails.