Live Updates - Celebrated Irish writers, actors and musicia - Celebrated Irish writers, actors and musicia - Celebrated Irish writers, actors and musicians return for 45th Clifden Arts Festival
Clifden Arts Festival, Ireland’s longest-running community arts event, returns for a 45th instalment next month (September 15 to 25 ).
Related Keywords
Germany ,
Clifden ,
Kilkenny ,
Ireland ,
Irish ,
German ,
Margaret Atwood ,
Brendan Flynn ,
John Mcintyre ,
Tristan Heanue ,
James Joyce Ulysses ,
Muse Mister Joyce ,
Hanneke Frenkel ,
Duke Ellington ,
Alison Conneely ,
Nuala Oconnor ,
Ella Fitzgerald ,
Ronnie Drew ,
Michaeld Higgins ,
Elaine Feeney ,
Doug Allen ,
John Creedon ,
Nora Barnacle ,
United Nations Population Fund ,
Clifden Arts Festival ,
President Michaeld Higgins ,
John Moriarty Memorial Lecture ,
Station House Theatre ,
James Joyce ,
Nualao Connor ,
Mister Joyce ,
Curlew Theatre Company ,
Olwen Fou ,
Legendary Ingramees ,
Concert Big Band ,
Etwelve Bens ,
Drew House Band ,