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A. Career i will tell you take care of it. The u. N. Security council will hold an emergency meeting after north korea launches its long range Ballistic Missile. To al jazeera live from our headquarters in doha with me out of the problem also ahead a u. S. Jury acquits the man accused of masterminding the two thousand and twelve benghazi attack on the most serious charges. Balis airport shops for a third day as mount auburn continues to spew smoke into the sky. And a year on from a plane crash that killed nineteen brazilian Football Players well look at how shoppach wednesday has rebuilt its team. South koreas president has chaired a National Security meeting after the u. S. Detected and into trajectory from song and reached an altitude of four thousand kilometers before landing with an its waters tokyo has requested an emergency. The u. N. Security council which has been shed three p. M. On wednesday u. S. Defense secretary james mattis said the launch was the highest yet and shows that the north poses a worldwide threat nato says pyongyang is undermining regional and interNational Security while the e. U. Called it a grave provocation well lets go live now to washington d. C. Thats where our correspondents rosalyn jordan is joining us from tell us more about the reaction and the u. S. Role as. Well as you might expect elizabeth the u. S. Government is not very happy with this latest development considering that it comes after what one state Department Official called a period of call this is the u. S. President donald trump. A. Little while ago. Tell you take care of it. Gentlemen with us and then one discussion of it. It is a situation that we will handle. The secretary of state Rex Tillerson was in a meeting with King Abdullah of jordan when he was passed a note of the i. C. B. M. Launch he then ended his participation in the meeting returned here to consult with allies around the world and as you noted elizabeth there will be an Emergency Security Council Meeting on wednesday to address the issue but in light of the fact that the Security Council recently passed two resolutions expanding sanctions against pyongyang and given that the u. S. Just issued a new round of sanctions its not clear exactly what can be done in order to make give up its Nuclear Ambitions but u. S. Officials say that diplomacy is still the tool that they are relying on to resolve this crisis thank you very much for that for now thats wrong and joining joining us live from washington d. C. Thank you well jim walsh. As an expert and to National Security and a Research Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Security studies program and he says its at a pay as an opportunity as paul to begin talks about tension on the Korean Peninsula it flew higher flew longer now we dont know what the payload was was it during something you have a was a caring nothing at all that would impact our calculations somewhat then you know were an early hours theres still some data to be collected but yes theyre Getting Better at it theyre not quite there yet but with every test theyre Getting Better and at a pace that is faster than people anticipated so the general trend line is definitely born in one direction and its one of better and greater capability this test was coming one way or another. Sanctions or no sanctions that doesnt mean it was a good idea to put north korea on the state sponsors of terrorism list whether you know that was a good policy decision i think is a separate question but my own view my own guess is the North Koreans have this Testing Program and they each year they sort of slow down in the Fourth Quarter and then it begins to resume many analysts were predicting that we would have some time over the next thirty days so in some ways this is really not a surprise. As move on to other news now the man accused of masterminding the two thousand and twelve benghazi attack has been acquitted on the most serious charges brought against him abu khattala was captured by American Forces in two thousand and fourteen and brought to the u. S. To face trial the attack on a u. S. Diplomatic compound in the libyan city led to the deaths of u. S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other americans but in a blow to prosecutors that i was found not guilty of federal murder charges she have a tonsil has more from washington d. C. I could tell i was cleared fourteen of the eighteen counts against him but he was found guilty of four counts two counts of conspiracy to provide Material Support or resources to terrorists one count of maliciously destroying and injuring broiling Zone Property and placing lives in jeopardy and one count of using and carrying a semiautomatic weapon during a crime of violence but acquitted of the federal murder charges the prosecutors have constantly said he was a ringleader of the attack on the compounds in benghazi the state department and cia compounds in benghazi his defense and said he was a bystander attracted by the noise perhaps he was there after the attacks are taking place that was the point the prosecutors had to concede not only that the defense lawyers pointed out that one of the key witnesses against him had been paid seven Million Dollars to testify against him in addition they raised questions about the nature of his interrogation held at sea for two weeks without a lawyer and in the end now he faces several decades in prison if he is now sentenced to the maximum charges on all of these counts. The un Security Council has held an emergency session on Human Trafficking and libya evidence has emerged of hundreds of people being auctioned there for as little as four hundred dollars mike hanna reports from new york. A small crowd of africa next gather outside the Libyan Embassy in protest against the practice of modern day slavery why do we. Not here disputes that libya is now a failed state but many argue that those who were affected the overthrow of the gadhafi government six years ago must share responsibility for the consequences of the political vacuum that was created among them the abuse of migrants and refugees who fled their native lands. Just up the road the Security Council discusses what is to be done when. France calls for a strong expression of condemnation from the Security Council the horrific images emerging in recent weeks. They underscore the urgency of improving our Global Policy to tackle this scourge and put an end to this human tragedy. The uns refugee chief proposes immediate measures but says funds as well as words must be deployed strengthening refugee protection and Offering Solutions along the route. Including in chad and me share is key but dramatic funding gaps persist especially in Subsaharan Africa some ninety percent of preppie g. s and migrants attempting to get to europe pass through libya and its the most vulnerable who are the prey. They so africans over there in libya they sell men even fifteen year old libyans are there in a car theyre armed the coming kidnap you and the so you heard seventy to one hundred fifty dollars and then others will resell you. As soon as you arrive in libya the first thing that happens is that you are taken away and sold under discussion in the Security Council the possibility of sanctions against individuals and entities and applying the full range of International Law including the use of the International Criminal court but the session ends without a resolution it could be weeks even months before the u. N. Security Council Agrees on concrete measures to stop slavery but those suffering in africa and the contact in new york adam and even. Mike hanna aljazeera york. To kenya now a president of kenya has has divided nation to move on from months of political op after being sworn in for a second term meanwhile at least two people were killed when police clash with supporters of Opposition Leader violence in nairobi catherine so i reports from the capital. Who are looking at i arrived for his inauguration arousing welcome from tens of thousands of supporters there as relieved as a reelected president following did. He called and controversial an action campaigns this year the second of two poles was especially mad by fighting between rival supporters and violent confrontations between police and protesters kenyans are deeply divided along ethnic lines and millions opposition supporters feel marginalized i aurukun yatzar. Truly and diligently so as expected he said all the right things uniting kenyans more jobs continuing with Development Projects started in his previous stop by to listen carefully to my competitors and in the spirit of inclusive ety i will endeavor. To incorporate some of their ideas many kenyans also want to see how you is going to deal with an economy that has been slowing down because of among other things a severe drought the Political Uncertainty around the election only made things worse many kenyans will tell you that theyre struggling to make ends meet. Its very high sixty thousand people came to cheer president. But many of them are leaving without knowing where theyre going to get their next meal they say the president needs to deal with me as a matter of. The economy is very burn i am a businessman. During campaigns i have to. We need to shine tribalism we are. Where businesspeople. Join. Move affordable bring together especially those who are in opposition. As he was being sworn. Police in running battles in another part of the city they say they dont recognize him at his presidency. And say what he now needs to do is stay true to bridging the ethnic and political divide fixing the economy dealing with corruption and improving their welfare catherine aljazeera and i will be kenya. Zimbabwes new president has opened a three month amnesty for the return of stolen public funds and some. Individuals and companies that have illegally stashed money abroad have until the end of february to get it back. As president on friday and promised to tackle corruption after Robert Mugabes forty seven year old son has more from the capital harare. I do apologize we dont actually have that report from our correspondents lets move on for now and u. S. Vice president mike pence says President Donald Trump is actively considering when and how to move the u. S. Embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem and june trump decided against any immediate move shying away from what was a Major Campaign promise by finding a leak and waiver that keeps the embassy in tel aviv palestinians say that moving the embassy from tel aviv would prejudge one of the most sensitive issues in the conflict the status of jerusalem undermining the u. S. Status as a mediator and while for the past twenty Years Congress and successive administrations have expressed a willingness to move our embassy as we speak President Donald Trump is actively considering when and how to move the American Embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem. Still ahead on the bulletin a public hearing on Climate Change as fighting for the jobs and the into the at the heart. Mining country. And but the cryptocurrency. The ten thousand. From dusk the sunset so if you spring savannah. To sunrise the top an asian metropolis how the weather looks slushy fine and dry across southern parts of china that is a different story that a little more cloud here some wet weather pushing up towards shanghai little convergence on this one that rain becoming more extensive as we go on through. Spells of writing will be heavy at times the possibility of some localized flooding eleven celsius there for shanghai further south on the other hand hong kong staying dry and sunny samprass here at around twenty six degrees meanwhile the usual showers across Southeast Asia the heaviest of which likely to be across indonesia will be downpours coming in here and that includes bali as well. Further north and to the gulf of thailand we have seen flooding collation into southern areas of thailand and that will continue to make its way a little further west which as we go through the next few days some parts of st cloud you saw half a meter of rain coming down in the last couple of days really really heavy right in that stretch its way into the by a big old southern part of the bay of bengal still seeing some lively showers sell them into i dont think too bad over the next day or two but we will still see some rather heavy showers coming in here as we go on through wednesday and on into further north it is generate try still in fog and smoke problems there for new delhi where the top temperature of twenty five. The weather sponsored by qatar. We will maintain the finest fighting force. United states army was so reliant on the private sector i would call the dependency mismatch between the way we. Work to be and the reality of the twenty first century. How many of the person youre sending out. Child soldiers reloaded at this time. Good to have you with us on aljazeera and these are our top stories south koreas president is chairing a National Security meeting of the u. S. Detected and to continental Ballistic Missile launch from north korea japan says the rocket reached the highest altitude yet before landing and its watches an emergency meeting of the u. N. Security council has been shadowed for wednesday. The man accused of masterminding the two thousand and twelve benghazi attack has been acquitted on the most serious charges brought against him. Captured by American Forces in two thousand and fourteen u. S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other americans were killed in the attack on the u. S. Diplomatic compound and the u. N. Security council has held an emergency session on Human Trafficking in libya evidence has emerged of hundreds of people being there for as little as four hundred dollars from the school for sanctions to be imposed on the traffickers. Now pope francis has called for respect for the rights of all of myanmar as ethnic groups as he appeared alongside the countrys. Cheney but he avoided any direct mention of the one hundred Muslim Minority scott high the reports from young. Pope francis traveled to the capital april or tuesday on a day trip for me im going to meet on song suchi she introduced the pope after their closed door meeting of the many challenges that our government has been facing the situation in the rakhine as most captured the attention of the. Touching on the issue that many are waiting to be brought up the plight of the ranger. While not calling them by name though he has before he alluded to their plight a growing number of nations and International Bodies are calling ethnic cleansing the future of me and my must be peace a peace based on respect for the dignity and rights of each member of society respect for each ethnic group. Respect for the rule of law and respect for the democratic order that enables each individual and every group not excluded to offer its legitimate contribution to the common good. Earlier in the day here and the pope started his first full day in myanmar by conducting an interfaith meeting with buddhist christian hindu jewish and muslim representatives. When represented muslims he was on the Rakhine Commission led by the former head of the United Nations kofi anon they provided recommendations on the real hinge of crisis i didnt use a word i didnt mention about the crisis but i did say there. Is. Multiracial multireligious literalistic society where diversity and unity prevails but recently religion has been hijacked and it has been politicised the Roman Catholic leader is due to hold mass in a stadium and gone on wednesday it will be the first time to speak to the tens of thousands of christians who have traveled from all over me and mar the c. E. O. Scott harbor al jazeera. Remains of eight people have been found in a socalled washed up on the west coast of japan local media reporting that the seventy to barge might have come from north korea japan regularly finds north korean fishing boat and such a power and drifted into their bosses. Now the International Airport on the indonesian island of bali remains closed for a day as not continues to spew volcanic ash about one hundred thousand People Living nearby have been hongs as scientists want a major eruption could take place at any moment now to name has the latest. Towers of volcanic ash continue to shoot into the sky over bali after more than half a century of calm experts are warning of a catastrophe on mount. Explosions can be heard and felt twelve kilometers away. The airport near the island capitol dome pasar is closed up ending the travel plans of thousands of tourists anyway so we dont know we dont know if you havent but if i think. The government said one hundred buses to the airport and to the islands ferry terminals to assist travelers ten airports elsewhere in indonesia are ready to handle diverted flights but the response hasnt been quick enough for some medics have said the government is doing enough to help the Foreign Tourists there are thousands of people stranded here at the airport they have to go to another airport and the are trying to do that but the government and the authorities. Islanders are nearby lombok say the mouth of a gong eruption is hurting their businesses but the number of Foreign Tourists has dropped considerably while local tourists have increased and you know one of the would talk rivers are enjoying the spectacular event but its a bartender a life or death situation for the estimated one hundred thousand people in the danger zone. The last major eruption of mt a gong in one thousand nine hundred sixty three killed around eleven hundred people. The russians news agency is reporting that a senior saudi prince has been released after more than three weeks in detention of a corruption charges prince. Reportedly for a doctor reaching what officials called an acceptable agreement hes reported to have paid more than a billion dollars and settlement who was the National Guard minister and the son of the late King Abdullah and was once considered a contender for the throne Officials Say at least three of those involved in Corruption Cases have also finalized settlement agreements. Now u. S. President on trial has ordered the Environmental Protection agency to begin rolling back obama era climate regulations a two day public airing is taking place in the heart of americas coal industry mine is that environmentalists will discuss the clean power plant president obamas regulations that limit going house gas emissions. Reports from West Virginia. Hes the powerful owner of the largest underground Coal Mining Company in the united states. And while he normally would be greeting his employees at a coal mine today hes at the state Legislature Building urging the federal government to repeal obama care a Climate Change initiative that he says is illegal and killing his industry but unless this plan is repealed this will force many of these coal fired power plants to close many more will close which would destroy their jobs and their family livelihoods for thousands of families in this coal dependent state interest is high on the first day of public hearings the obama plan was to cut power plant emissions in america to reduce Climate Change but it now faces a repeal. Something in. Mentally say would be a disaster repealing the plan means ignoring the reality of the Climate Crisis which puts our communities at risk of further disruption and deny them the opportunity to breathe clean air outside the State Capitol a statue in honor of coal miners is a signal of how important the industry is to the state dot along the landscape signs of a once thriving industry now in decline nationwide industry has lost forty percent of its workforce in a decade and production has dropped to its lows levels in four years here in coal country West Virginia the issue is personal its about jobs and its also political many people here are seeing a friend in president from the white house but with the wind solar and natural gas cleaner and cheaper the future of coal in america might come down to a simple case of economics the economics of renewables are Getting Better all the time some of these things are just going to happen without government involvement and so whether the government is involved or not the market is going to decide a lot of the size it may have already decided renewables are considerably cheaper than coal and even if the u. S. Reverses course on Climate Change policy prices likely wont change but in this part of america theres still hope theyll get the shot they need to revive an industry theyre not willing to give up on just yet. Charleston West Virginia now the Us Federal Reserve chair nominee says he expects entrust rates to rise gradually he may have a monster in his Senate Confirmation hearing power also defended the need to potentially ease regulations on the Financial Sector hes President Trump spectrally the Federal Reserve as a replacement for janet yellen who was appointed by former president barack obama. Now the cryptocurrency bit coin as hotter than ever the best as its price has already increased more than one thousand percent and the past twelve months and now its edging close to another monster on reports but a year ago you could buy one bitcoin for about seven hundred thirty dollars in Currency Exchange sites online now the same bitcoin is worth nearly ten thousand dollars why most likely it is because theres a lot of speculators that have seen the rapid price rise and bitcoin and decided that this would be a good gamble for them to get in there have been signs the financial world has become more accepting of the Virtual Currency japan has recognized it as an official method of payment and the Worlds Largest Derivatives Exchange operator c. M. E. Group plans to start offering Bitcoin Futures before yours and bitcoins market capitalization is now larger than giant reality based Companies Like walt disney and i. B. M. Investors have taken notice point base a Popular Online Trading Platform now has more than thirteen million users up more than three hundred thousand in the past week alone some Financial Experts see the rapid run up in bitcoins price as a classic symptom of economic delusion bitcoin as a speculative bubble the only question is when its going to burst and who is going to be left holding the bag in the end the people that are holding it will hold something that is worth nothing but going trading as historically been extremely volatile with the price spiking and crashing as it did in two thousand and thirteen and twenty fourteen and bitcoin has also been linked to crime as hackers narcotics sellers and child pornography peddlers prefer the anonymity it provides for illicit transactions robert oulds al jazeera los angeles. Now its been one year since a plane crash killed nineteen players from a Brazilian Football Team despite family still mourning football continues to be a source of strength for a small brazilian city. Reports. Even before the plane crash which nearly wiped it out Chappell Cohen says story was a remarkable one touching hearts around the world the modest team from the small city of just because in southern brazil rose to the countrys top division reached the final of the regional competition. It was on the way to play the first leg of that final against that let it go nasional of many years in that tragedy struck. As brazil. As the families mourned the club for back inspired by the three players who survived in memory of the nineteen who died was another of the survivors was journalist but i failed who two months after the crash back at work spoke to al jazeera. I believe its a rite of passage from morning to rebirth its obvious we wont forget anyone who lost their lives but we need to move on the Football Players lives to win to fight and to win im sure itll be a very emotional game everyone will cry were it was and they did in the two two draw with brazilian champions. The last. Played before the accident was the team now made up of players sold cheaply on loan from other clubs survived in brazils First Division and won the state championship was the jets and foreman who lost a leg in the crash now works for the Club Administration for two other surviving players. Who shell hoping to soon return to action. After such an experience we learn to appreciate life differently we start to celebrate life more often we dont know what will happen in fifteen minutes so i am enjoying my life in the best way possible but a cloud still hangs over choppa call an investigation into why the bolivian own charter plane crashed just short of its destination is still on the way the families are contesting a compensation of two hundred thousand dollars per player. Have come to symbolize many of the things fans love about football not just in brazil but around the world surviving and thriving against the odds playing football in the face of adversity of china. Again ominous of a problem in the headlines on aljazeera south koreas president has chaired a National Security meeting after the u. S. Detected an end to continental Ballistic Missile launch from north korea japan says the rocket reached the highest altitude yet for a north Korean Missile before landing in its waters an emergency meeting of the u. N. Security council has been shadowed for wednesday. The. World go. To. Jail. But. It is a situation that we. The man accused of masterminding the two thousand and twelve benghazi attack has been acquitted of the most serious charges brought against him. Was captured by American Forces in two thousand and fourteen u. S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other americans were killed in the attack on the u. S. Diplomatic compound the u. N. Security council has held an emergency session on Human Trafficking in libya evidence has emerged of hundreds of people being auctioned there for as little as four hundred dollars france has called for sanctions to be imposed on the traffickers now the russians news agency is reporting that a senior saudi prince has been released after more than three weeks in detention over corruption charges prince with ive been are reportedly freed after reaching what officials call an acceptable agreement he is reported to have paid more than a billion dollars and settlement with a who is the National Guard minister is the son of the late King Abdullah and was once considered a contender for the throne Officials Say at least three others involved in Corruption Cases have also finalized settlement agreements. U. S. President Vice President father mike pence says President Donald Trump is actively considering when and how to move the u. S. Embassy in israel from tel aviv to jerusalem and june trump signed a new can waiver that keeps the embassy in tel aviv palestinians say that moving the embassy to jerusalem would prejudge most sensitive issues of the conflict the status of jerusalem undermining the us as an effective mediator those are the headlines on aljazeera and side story thats coming up next. In greece over an. Idea rabia the government. Is accused of failing to follow proper procedures but how is the weapons trade regulated and is this to speed

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