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So im fully back to watching al jazeera live from doha also coming up and push the wrong but. A false alarm over an incoming missile strike on hawaii frightens residents and is put down to human error the tunisian government offers new aid to poor families in an attempt to stop public protests spot. Why the legendary johnny cash lives on in some of americas toughest prisons. Sustained attack spy Government Forces aided by russian air strikes are continuing on rebel held areas in syria activists say one hundred seventy nine people have been killed in the besieged damascus suburb of recent guta in the past two weeks and further north in pushed by assads forces and their allies is causing a new wave of displacement about one hundred twenty thousand people have fled their homes in recent weeks but rather than finding places of sanctuary many continue to face danger. Lo lo lo lo lo jo we dont know what to do you know the goodness knows if you go through despite it clear that if this you know law. These dramatic pictures were captured by an aljazeera team who were filming in a makeshift camp when an attack happened the pictures show a myside falling near civilians who had fled the bombing of their neighborhoods in chorus in the nearby hama countryside al jazeera correspondent don along with men women and children around him desperately try to find the nearest cover lets meet too simple so glue joins us from in Southern Turkey now sinne him even people who are seeking shelter are not spared the Bombing Campaign has been relentless these past few weeks why are we seeing sunshine intensity in this area. Yes foley this is actually surprising after especially the astana Peace Process when russia turkey and iran have agreed on the escalation zones actually and there have been some while asian since the beginning of the Peace Process in us than about this one the latest one is the most intensified one the partners the partners actually are risking threatening the Peace Process but when we speak to the syrians they say they are not surprised and many people believe that this is just a kind of political diplomatic leverage game just before the sochi meeting that is going to be held at the end of this month this january and people believe that and out of the store saw a claim that both russia and iran are trying to gain more power on the negotiation table and saw that the regime could also take part on the table or course this is a diplomatic perspective but when you look at the field the Peace Process is currently being violated and the civilians are the ones who pay for it and the situation for civilians is also very dire in Northern Syria seen them youve just returned from Northern Syria tell us about what youve seen and what youve heard from the people affected by this war. Yes fully yesterday we have the chance to wisit the camps across the border on the syrian side and according to the monitoring groups there are one hundred seventy thousand people who moved to the border camps after this latest strikes by the regime started in mid december the conditions are very poor because those camps are all of the full and the new list stablished ones are not good enough in terms of infrastructure but the immediate need is extra medical services extra food and extra tense because nothing was called collated and that there are just a few n. G. O. S functioning by the border and most of them are not capable of accessing inside lives so immediate Public International Community Attention is needed and this is what people may call for thank you for that sin and sin in kosovo reporting there from an attack here not far from the syria turkey border and staying with syria several people are in hospital after a bombing by Government Forces in eastern aid workers on the scene say they are being treated for suffocation after a suspected careen gas attack now the world news at least eighty three countries have been affected by a sound monella outbreak at one of the Worlds Largest dairy firms french food giant latterly says twelve million branches of pounded baby milk being recalled more than thirty children have been poisoned in france alone and a Victims Group says hundreds of lawsuits have been filed the french government has shut the factory at the center of the outbreak how wise governor has apologized for an accidental message sent out by the state warning of an imminent missile strike the mistaken alert triggered panic among many hawaiians to scramble to find shelter the Emergency Management agency later confirmed it was a false alarm looks at how the mistake happened. U. S. President donald trump and north koreas leader kim jong un have been trading claims about who has the Bigger Nuclear button so you might expect the u. S. State of hawaii in the middle of the pacific would be on edge i was the first place theyre going to drop a bomb its crazy you know living here its awesome but the same time you know killings going on like secure all the time that might explain why when this alert was sent out to every cell phone on the island people panicked the warning a Ballistic Missile was coming seek shelter this is not a drill so people just are its starting around trying to get into that room so there was a sense of oh girls who are eating and some kids are crying and nobody really knew what to do people on twitter found out about ten minutes later from emergency officials and politicians it was a false alarm those not on twitter had to wait much longer before a correction was sent out thirty eight terrifying minutes how could this happen in the first place the explanation itself is baffling it was a procedure that occurs at the change of shift when they go through to make sure that the system is working and employing pushed along but thats right Officials Say one person pushed one wrong button the government says it will investigate but for the people who live through this panic thats little comfort i just i run and we went to this author place. That was it people are just running on history they were all desperately. There was nothing at all they got one job right he messed up so all thats crazy a false alarm in the face of an actual threat making the people of hawaii realize they might not be ready for the real thing patty call hane aljazeera washington. Israeli Security Forces of use tear gas to break up a protests against the detention of a palestinian teenager activist. The. Supporters of sixteen year old guy had to mimi had been marching in the occupied west bank demanding her release she was detained last month when a video of her slapping an israeli soldier went viral her case has made her an icon of resistance among palestinians her lawyers say i had could face jail time if she is convicted of the charges which include assault she is you back in court on monday aljazeera is imran khan was at the scene covering the protests before and after fighting broke out. Protesters gathering outside of the house of i had to mimi and theres really two messages that i want to impart the first is to the palestinian leadership they want determined Nonviolent Resistance Movement the other of course is to the israelis that i mean the family now we saw like this whole area will not be bowed will not be broken and they should release both the mother and i had to be me as soon as i can now this is ahead of a cool to parents taking place. On monday night now weve been speaking to palestinians here this is what theyve had to say extend their message today isnt really liked wing government but our studios are united behind im behind her passion behind her resistance we are all here in obviously from all of it was going to include more honesty of people to this program ive is not alone i mean the family is not alone not be solid has not alone in the other hand we ask our friends all over the world to show a bitter sort of duty and to start really with concrete action to isolate israel and increase the cost of a completion on those leaders and kids to eat i want to tell the israelis we as Palestinian People and palestinian children we will continue to defend palestine we will get x. A mosque in jerusalem back and we will make two rooms in the eternal capital for palestine. Its right to start firing tear gas canisters into the crowd to push them back. Now this was a peaceful protest the protesters are now very angry and hes ready army using as much take us as they can to push them back. Iran has lifted to has lifted restrictions on the messaging telegram which were imposed during recent antigovernment protests several social Media Services were brock to prevent activists from using them to organize at least twenty two people died in a thousand people were arrested before the demonstrations wound down earlier this month instagram was restored last week but facebook and twitter still brought in yemen dozens of female who the supporters have protested in the capital sanaa who the leaders called on women to hold the rally as a show of defiance against the sell to lead coalition the protesters carried weapons and said theyre willing to fight for their cause or the rebels have been battling the government and saudi Led Military Alliance for almost three years and i mean as. We came out today to prove to the Saudi Led Coalition that our men and women are capable of facing them for a thousand years not only a thousand. We want to show the arab world to clear up to the task and the women will stand by the men. January fourteenth mark seven years since the wave of protests known as the arab spring began in tunisia demonstrations are continuing in the country this time over new austerity cuts in response to the widespread protests the government plans to increase aid for poor families but the path to recovery from the countrys ongoing economic difficulties could be a long one as hashim had bar reports from tunis like the one. We does really starts his day ensuring his stuff off of the best services to the clients. He was a banker but twenty years ago he quit his job and started his own business an environmentally Friendly Hotel in the town south of the capital tunis. Its saturday the restaurant was fully booked in advance but with the growing violence into his year most of the bookings have been cancelled i mean ive been willing marched for most of the people are afraid to go out to serve up to two hundred guests that weekend but look around what can i do there are twenty people here who work full time growing plants harvesting olives and selling organic produce to tourists. Has been a farmer for almost ten years he says he works hard but he does but lee needs a secure income and now im going to. Have him. I want to make a future for my kids i want them to go to good schools and end up having a good comfortable life. Business was booming before the two thousand and eleven revolution zakk wylde was packed with tourists but into a thousand and fifteen a gunman killed thirty eight terrorists in the resort town of seuss creating the worst crisis for hotel owners like three be her saw his revenues declined by ninety percent. Every day on my way here i think about the painful decisions that ive been delaying for quite some time who should i fire to cut expenses it torments me i want my staff to stay makes me happy when they show up every day excited about they were. Revie hopes to see the political crisis come to an end soon so that his clients can return and enjoy a quiet time in this mountain landscape. This is biggest challenge is to find a way to cut the budget deficit increase revenue through taxes and those same time deliver on the promise to cut public and unemployment seven years after the rubble you some people here say they are frustrated over the governments track record the continue to worry about their and their countrys future how about aljazeera the one a serial killer may be behind the rape and murder of a young girl which has led to protests in pakistan six year old zainab and sari was found dead in a rubbish dump on tuesday d. N. A. Evidence has linked her death to at least five other cases of child abuse and murder in the area eight people are being questioned including two of the girls relatives a death resulted in days of demonstrations which really with police accused of not doing enough. Still ahead on aljazeera. The Congolese Army moves against rebels blamed for the killing of u. N. Peacekeepers. By such Traditional Craft that drives for generations is in disarray why guises carpet industry is unraveling. To transform the review. I do not mean. If it means going to. Hell over there whether its all quite mobile across the western parts of europe still you see this latest system weve got with us those are actually breaking up a little bit but its still giving us a fair few downpours there for the southern parts of france and across into the northeastern parts of spain some of the showers here are all the heavy i did just about make out the next system that is galloping its way towards the southeast and is going to be here on monday stretching its way through france the low countries on up into norway as well bringing somewhat some very windy weather in for the northwestern parts of europe its going to stay very windy over the next few days thing eastern parts of europe very very different here weve got an area of High Pressure in charge is fine unsettled but called minus four more so and minus four moscow remember thats the maximum that were expecting during the day chris the other side of the mediterranean where we got a little bit of cloud there just flirting with the coast of egypt but mostly its actually staying away from the shore and weve got the next weather system thats making its way steadily east with that gradually edging its way into the western parts of libya there as we head through into monday and behind it there is the next system for monday that will be giving us a few showers for parts of morocco and just about squeezing its way into as well before the towards the south has a most of the showers at the moment off the top pitchers are in the southern parts of our map and the rivulets dont risk of seeing one or two will. The with is sponsored by qatar. As thousands of seek refuge in bangladesh a new armed group is taking shape fighting the government and me and mom. Because they refused to give us basic rights of citizens for the first time a member of the ark. Talks to aljazeera at this time. Welcome back our top stories on aljazeera sustained attacks by Government Forces aided by russian air strikes are continuing on the rebel held areas in syria these are magic pictures were captured by an aljazeera team one a makeshift camp was a time they show a missile falling directly near civilians would fled the bombing of their homes in nearby how much your country side and. At least eighty three countries have been affected by a salmonella outbreak at one of the Worlds Largest terry firms french dairy giants like to lease a twelve million boxes of pollard baby milk and being recalled more than thirty children have been poisoned in france alone and hawaiis governor has apologized for an accidental message sent to residents warning them of an imminent missile strike triggered panic among many hawaiians will scramble to find shelter the Emergency Management agency later confirmed it was a false alarm. To the democratic republic of congo where the military has launched an operation against an armed group suspected of killing fifteen you and. Peacekeepers in december troops are targeting members of the allied Democratic Forces near the town of beni in north kivu province. Has the details. The beginning of an offensive by congolese troops on rebels hiding on the border the ugandan group known as the a. D. F. Killed fifteen peacekeepers in an ambush on a un base in north kivu province in december it was the biggest single loss of peacekeepers in nearly a quarter of a century those killings triggered this response. Vehicles transported three hundred troops to the area with tanks and Armored Vehicles to port said. We decided to launch an operation against the i. D. F. And all other groups in the area this is the last operation and we are prepared to fight to the end so we can restore security and peace in the region. The congolese hope its the last but it certainly isnt the first here is a joint u. N. And congolese task force starting an offensive against idea fighters back in twenty fifteen. Originally ugandan rebel group have been rooted in the d. L. C. Has run the National Park for twenty years they retreated here after a failed bid to turn uganda into an Islamic State they also oppose the ugandan president yoweri most a fenian whos been in power thirty one years. The i. D. F. Has a brutal reputation its blamed for seven hundred civilian deaths and benny over the past three years as well as mess right and recruiting child soldiers. The december ambush that killed fifteen peacekeepers and injured more than fifty came just two months after the idea if killed two other peacekeepers the d r c is the uns largest mission and now one of its most dangerous it says it is planning to bet congolese forces. The rebels is yet to engage ballasts al jazeera. Police in south africa have fired rubber bullets at protesters who ransacked several of them Clothing Stores activists from the opposition Economic Freedom fighters party say theyre angry over what they describe as racist advertising used by the swedish Fashion Group earlier this week h. And m. Apologized after using an image of a black child wearing a sweatshirt with the slogan coolest monkey in the jungle the company has been widely criticized and has since removes the image. They had of south africas Ruling African National congress has promised to rid the country of corruption and restore Nelson Mandela as mission serial ron paul said the man most likely to succeed president jacob zuma outlined his vision during the partys one hundred six anniversary tiny a page has more from east london in eastern Cape South Africa you. See they were present two different versions of the African National congress its past and future one a space of hundreds of corruption charges and was booed by the crowd. Is riding high after winning the a in seize top job loud cheers greeted him. Up or so used to supposed major public appearance as the n. C. S. New president to inspire when making for me about references to his predecessor the movement has become deeply divided. Version on his. Part. Corruption and cynical competition for resources. If the boos made president jacob zuma uncomfortable he didnt show it they were not listening to the people he was in italy so he really couldnt see the political and what id like to see a resident to try and sell us. To the new president s vision is to rebuild and renew the party of Nelson Mandela to use new policies including changing the constitution to allow the government to take mostly white owned land without compensation and Free Education for poor students to realize the hopes and aspirations of millions of people the son of a celebration have found. Welcoming so wrong of course right on him to take his place to build unity and then. There is a. But after the Party Speculation is rife it could be a push within the a. N. C. As top structures to force president zuma out of office before his term is up next year that for there to be real change zuma has to go tania page aljazeera east london south africa president ial elections in the Czech Republic are set to go on to a second round in a fortnight president. Led the first round with nearly forty percent of the vote while his nearest rival jerry drowse got just over twenty six percent the man has been a vocal critic of immigration he also favors closer relations with china and russia thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of vienna demanding europe boycott austrias new right wing government around twenty thousand people gathered to protest against the Ruling Coalition which includes a far right Freedom Party a call for a boycott of Freedom Party ministers by other european governments and for austria to be shunned when it takes up the European Union presidency in the second half of twenty eight. Weavers of traditional handmade copied scene guys i say theyre struggling to keep their craft alive israel and egypt the territory as badly affected business malcolm webb has a story from gaza. Weaving sheeps wool into traditional camp it is one of palestines oldest professions it takes skill patients and a steady hand. To whats been doing it since he was ten now he says hes too old to be strained relatives to work on his looms hearing. Has been a Family Business for longer than he knows even his family name so after means will. Already. I am seventy two years old and ive done this work my whole life before me my father before him my grandfather its been in our family for four hundred years or more maybe ever since the Prophet Muhammad weve done the same work. Its possible archaeologists have found the remains of wooden looms in this region that are thousands of years old the techniques have passed their beliefs down the generations like these not recording the order of College Stripes in a design. That mahmoud says things are not how they used to be mainly because of israel in egypt blockade of gaza electricity used to prepare the will is off most of the time importing will and exporting carpets have become difficult and expensive. Just next door. Its quiet no customers he says its like this most of the time these days. This one so nearly a week to make an sells for just over one hundred dollars the economy is down in gaza because of the blockade so not many people can afford that. These are cheaper. Carpets mostly from turkey become common. Also hurt his business. Is a company he made that was among many ordered by an israeli designer then handmade hearing. He says that kind of trade in corporation is impossible any more we have to wait days for a customer to come to his shop and asked to speak to we asked why pay more for a traditional handmade carpet. Heritage is very important for us and for the new generation if we cant see our heritage it be a big problem we should protect it. Sales may be slow but mahmoud says the quality of the work continues to improve and will keep struggling to preserve this Traditional Craft malcolm web aljazeera in gaza police are investigating the murder of another mexican journalist the body of seventy seven year old. Was found in a border state of tamaulipas the country is ranked by rice balls as one of the most dangerous in the world for reporters and the six journalists were killed there last year a former soldier whistleblower and prisoner Chelsea Manning is planning to run for the u. S. Senate the thirty year old has applied to run as a democrat in maryland again saying come and democratic senator manning was released after serving seven years in a military jail for passing classified files to wiki leaks she was formerly known as bradley manning. Fans of the late singer johnny cash are remembering the concert he recorded exactly fifty years ago performing before an audience of inmates inside one of americas toughest prisons the event highlighted the harsh conditions they enjoyed and made cash a Country Music legend tom ackerman has a story. A little im johnny cash johnny cash said prison audiences were the best and not just because they were captive listeners the song Folsom Prison blues won him many fans behind bars here to three dozen this rule in or around the. City in the sunshine i dont believe im stuck in school. You know. In one nine hundred sixty eight cash played the song before more than a thousand inmates and guards at the maximum security penitentiary in Northern California the album he recorded there sold more than three million copies and revived caches of flagging career one that had been hindered by his addiction to prescription drugs half a century after his two performances on that day the inmates at folsom still appreciate cash his appearance their psyche looks at us like the low low but Little Things like that kind of get your mind out of the you know the audacity of prison life despite his outlaw image cash never spent more than a few nights in jail for petty offenses but his sympathy for prisoners was the theme that also ran through another hit san quentin blues then what good do you think you do. Do you think ill be different when youre through. My heart and mind then you wore glasses. Or your stalls or love blood a little. Dance went on to perform in prisons across the us and campaign to improve their conditions. Because that still resonates in a country which incarcerates more than two Million People and has the highest prison rate in the world tom ackerman al jazeera. Now again on fully battle with the headlines on aljazeera sustained attacks by Government Forces aided by russian air strikes are continuing on rebel held areas in syria these are magic pictures were captured by an aljazeera team one a makeshift camp was attacked the pictures show a missile falling directly near civilians who had fled the bombing of their neighborhoods in nearby how my country side. At least eighty three countries have been affected by a sound break at one of the Worlds Largest dairy firms french giants latterly says twelve million boxes of powdered baby milk are being recalled more than thirty children have been poisoned in france alone hawaiis governor has apologized for an accidental message sent to residents warning for of an eminence missile strike the alert triggered panic among many hawaiians who scramble to find shelter the Emergency Management agency lazic and it was a false alarm allies governor david eick has apologized for the accidental alert. You know i know firsthand that what happened today he was totally unacceptable and many in our community was deeply affected by this and im sorry we are working to evaluate everything in the sequence of todays activities to make sure that we are prepared and the procedures are change so that a Single Person will not be able to make an error that triggers another false alarm the military in the democratic republic of congo has launched an operation against an armed group it blames for the killer. Fifteen un peacekeepers last month troops are targeting members of the allied Democratic Forces in north kivu province and iran has lifted restrictions on the messaging app telegram which were imposed during recent antigovernment protests several social Media Services were brought to prevent activists from using them to organize at least twenty two people died and a thousand were arrested before the demonstrations wound down earlier this month youre upset with the headlines on aljazeera the news continues right after a talk to all just year. Old the benefit of saddam people so bad they see the importance of the outcry witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. We were. Moved to. They call themselves the our economy really selfish you know army otherwise known as arsenal a new in until recently little known militant Group Fighting mean more Security Forces in the record state they want and then to decade

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