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And this is al jazeera a long way from london also coming up. Hundreds of people protest any changes in capital to mark seventy years since the revolution that spawned the arab spring. Twelve million tens of baby milk in eighty three countries the true scale of a salmonella scandal begins to emerge. And the Catholic Pope speaks out in defense of migrants he says fair and doubt should not determine our response to new arrivals. A new wave of attacks by Syrian Government forces on their russian allies is forcing thousands of syrians to leave their homes around one hundred twenty thousand civilians have been displaced in rebel held province in recent weeks but instead of finding safety many continue to face danger. The whole lot lot lot of up i dont really know whats real but there are no the. There are very few you know law. But look at what were broke this aljazeera crew is filming in a makeshift camp in it live when an attack happens they tell us a missile hit very close to civilians who are the skate earlier bombing attacks in the nearby how my countryside which is a record spondon milad fell can be seen among men women and children desperately trying to find cover meanwhile tension is growing between russia and turkey who back up posing sides in the conflict scenario kus ago who has more from the Southern Turkey intensified a strike by the Syrian Regime and Russian Military forces in there actually threatens the Peace Process achievements the Peace Process that was launched in the cas our capital astana Turkey Russia and iran have been the current theories of this Peace Process and they have agreed to establish the escalation zones in and left hama. But for now this Peace Process is now is current the violated by the regime and also by russia and when we speak to the opposition they say theyre not surprised about this violation but the experts say that this is actually a move to gain diplomatic leverage in the upcoming sochi meeting at the end of january so they say russia and Syrian Regime is trying to gain more power on the go say ssion table over the Syrian Opposition. Or more when caroline is the director of policy analysis at the doha is to shoot for graduate studies he says the attacks on civilians are an attempt by russia to kickstart political negotiations this illusion was part of the disk illusion agreement which has been agreed by the three of. Russia to the key and iran into a sit down or process and whenever you see a skittish and like this we should know that things are not working small between these three parties in recent weeks actually we have been seeing sort of tension in the relationship between turkey and russia on two things number one is the sushi the sochi conference which the russians are just desperately seeking to have by the end of this month they want to actually the Syrian Opposition to attend a sushi conference of president putin once this very much because he wants to translate his military gains on the ground in syria into something political this is exactly what president putin is trying to do put maximum pressure on the civilian. Community of those fighters in order to force them to agree to a. Compromise. And the u. S. Has confirmed its helping Syrian Kurdish fighters set up a force along the Turkish Border containing thirty thousand personnel the troops will be stationed in territory carved out of Northern Syria by the Syrian Democratic forces which are mainly composed of kurdish why p. G. Fighters is angered nato member turkey which is fighting kurdish separatists in its own country turkey has repeatedly threatened to capture areas under kurdish control and is warning of an imminent attack on the syrian city of afrin. Several people are in hospital after a suspected chemical attack in the rebel held area of eastern guta the damascus suburb which was designated a deescalation zone has come into heavy bombardment as Government Forces seek to take it back from rebel fighters aid workers at the scene say the victims are being treated for suffocation from what they suspect is chlorine gas. Hundreds of people have protested in the capital to mark seventy years since the revolution that sparked the arab spring many of the issues which brought people to the streets back then are still causing problems today anger has risen over new austerity measures after a year of rising prices the government has promised more assistance for poor families but many say its not enough cash sent this update from the Chinese Capital to. Four minutes in asean this is a moment of National Pride parents along with their children converge here on the how do you give a square which was the focal point of the two thousand and eleven revolution to commemorate the band and to honor those who were killed in two thousand and eleven to defend democracy and put an end to the autocratic rule of the former president s in between but i have to say that there is also this feeling of frustration over the track record of the government and this feeling among people that this worried about the future because of the instability of those the city continues and because also the austerity measures that were implemented by the government a few days ago for the tunisia is the biggest problem is not the budget deficit or the need to tackle corruption and embezzlement of public Government Funds the government on the other hand says the only way to caught or reduce the budget deficit is to increase taxes and they need to do which to maintain the economy the balance of the budget to be able to find and social Development Programs in the near future so this remains a very delicate moment for the tunisian people and for the government on one hand the need to grease taxes to get more revenues but at the same time they cannot further afford to upset the people because of the go to this. Thats where we might see more instability. A member of the cattery royal family says he is being held against his will in the United Arab Emirates shake up been. Released a video statement saying that anything were to happen to him cattle is not at fault he has been living in saudi arabia since the blockade by some of cattle his neighbors began the kingdom and the u. S. Had earlier presented him as a potential alternative to katters amir saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain and egypt all cut ties with qatar last june accusing its government of supporting terrorism which though hardly knowing. So little more than the hello im currently in abu dhabi i was hosted by ship mohammed im now confined to my residence im not allowed to leave i fear anything may happen to me and tend the blame is put on qatar and therefore this is my way to notify you all very in case i suffer any harm qatar cannot be blamed im currently hosted by Shaikh Mohammed and he shall be responsible for anything i may happen to me finally i want to salute the people of qatar the people of the u. A. E. And of saudi arabia and all deployed of the gulf thank you. One of the worlds Biggest Dairy Company says it will pay damages to families affected by its contango native baby milk French Company tallis was accused of trying to cover up the extent of the salmonella contamination at one of its plants now in a rare media interview c. E. O. Emmanuel bears near has admitted the problem affects eighty three countries or about twelve million tens of powdered baby milk being recalled lawsuits have been filed by families who say their children suffered salmonella poisoning after drinking the milk at least thirty fallen ill in france and one in spain that actually got reports. After weeks of silence over the contaminated baby milk powder scandal the boss a French Company like tallis has responded to critics who say the manufacturer covered up the extent of the risk emanuel binya has told a french newspaper our priority has always been to handle the crisis and make sure that no more children become sick we have never minimized the risk of salmonella we consider that there was no breach of procedures on our side in december like tallis began recalling some of its baby milk products in france it had discovered the salmonella bacteria in this factory in the northwest but its only now that the extent of the contamination has become clear like tallis has now withdrawn twelve million tins of baby formula for more than eighty countries salmonella can be deadly for Young Children and dozens of families in france say that their children became sick after drinking luck tellus baby milk they have followed lawsuits against the company saying that it tried to hide the risks and failed to help it klepper of and families were lied to shamelessly and that the fear was spread by the telephone helpline number which was provided at the time or can you believe an operator who tells you that your milk is not affected but then three weeks later you learn that it is. The french president a man or mark or says locked alice could face penalties and on friday the finance minister said the government would do Everything Possible to end the crisis like there is or like to lease will take back all baby milk products manufactured at cal regardless of their production date from wherever it is being sold in particular from supermarkets and chemist the aim of despair to call step is simple not to avoid delays problems in sorting but is in the risk of human error like dallas his boss says his company has launched its own investigation and will pay damages to the salmonella victims for parents the focus will be on making sure their children are not exposed to the life threatening bacteria Natasha Butler aljazeera paris. Still to come on the sound is there a half hour a new threat emerges for founders of people who lost their homes to flooding in democratic republic of congo also hackers in your home a new warning as our worlds become ever more connected. Hello there theres plenty of dry weather to be found across the southeast in parts of china at the moment temperatures are on the rise you can see shanghai there up at fourteen degrees and the winds all feeding up from the south dragging in that slightly milder air for hong kong will be up around twenty as we head through into choose day here is where were going to see a little bit more cloud begin to develop that sound will be squeezing out a few outbreaks of rain but later on tuesday it will begin to fizzle out once more over towards the west and for many of us in india and pakistan is draw and following at the moment of the fall south of india and of course for lanka just the outside chance of one or two showers but i think even here for the majority of us it should be dry the problem across india at the moment is in the north its to do with the air quality new delhi they getting to around twenty or twenty one degrees but the visibility will be quite low here in doha is pretty warm as we head through into monday twenty six degrees will be our maximum temperature will also be quite hazy though as the winds pick up it will be a lot clearer for us on tuesday twenty three degrees at the temperatures dropping and it will be quite a blustery day elsewhere muscat twenty four degrees of fine sunshine here. Its warmer here where it twenty eight. China has a serious shortage of women and a lot of lonely men. One on one east meets those desperately seeking low anyway they can at this time on aljazeera. We understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter where you call home Aljazeera International bringing the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Aljazeera. Welcome back remind of the top stories here on al jazeera. And al jazeera crew has filmed a Syrian Government missile attack on account for displaced civilians in the north of the country it comes amid a government offensive to retake the rebel held a province as calls hundreds of thousands of people to flee the area. Hundreds of people have protested in the chin is in capital to mark seven years since the revolution that sparked the arab spring anger has risen over new austerity measures after year of rising prices. And the french Dairy Company accused of covering up contaminated baby milk says it will pay damages to families affected about twelve million tens of the powdered milk are being recalled across eighty three countries future the risk of salmonella poisoning. Now palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is due to address the p. L. O. Central Council Meeting open shortly with the u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital dominating the agenda they announced them by washington in december has sparked protests across the muslim world palestinian groups hamas and Islamic Jihad have declined an invitation to observe but not take part in the meeting which is taking place in ramallah in the occupied west bank they say there is a lack of agreement on how to. Respond to the u. S. Decision when joined now by our senior political analyst moment bishops are even iced up exactly here when the u. N. General assembly made that vote rejecting chunks move the israeli capital and that the way to the International World mostly was behind the palestinians have we seen the palestinian president capitalize on this and indeed other payload the right body to help in Capital Gains the problem of all of that is that its still in the real of. Sound its its a vocal its its speeches whether it is from the u n General Assembly or its from the p. L. O. Central committee its more speeches its more decisions of resolutions you know the United Nations has taken congress of resolutions of the question of palestine most of them not implemented and the p. L. O. Has taken many decisions in fact one of the recommendations in this very Central Committee meeting today in ramallah is that two thousand and eighteen will be the end of Israeli Occupation really i also reading some reports saying they might switch to a one state solution instead of a two state solution if you think its likely and if it is whats the impact of that to be honest with you sue one of the dumbest stupidest. Most superficial thing i heard from palestinians and none palestinians is this whole idea that as one state or two says solution is a question of switching it is not i mean of course of course the most important formidable obstacle is that israel will be even more hostile to the one state solution than the two state solution because that basically means the end of the zionist jewish state. But form but more importantly for the palestinians the idea of one or two states mean a whole other world its not a question of a decision taken by a committee this is this means that the entire process over the last twenty five years has to be an old theres no the void and an entire new process has to start my question is this all seventy plus average leadership of men plus one woman of the executive committee of the apollo the p. L. O. Is it capable of renewal is it capable of leading the palestinians on a whole new wrangle whether it is mass protests whether it is boycott whether its Popular Resistance i doubt it did you hit the nail on the head there when you talked about old men and we see so much here i had to mimis arrest and detention and whether shes going to get a court a jail sentence tomorrow and that seems to be galvanizing the youth is that a point really here that they should be looking towards the next generation to come up with something that might move things on a bit accidently because look of course it is its quite superficial once again use the word superficial if im allowed. And its simplistic to simply hang palestinian aspirations on a sixteen year old and have resistance to Israeli Occupation her courage but really its not about her perceval its about. Seventy percent of the palestinians under the age of twenty five its about a young generation that aspires for Something Different because this generation meaning that basically the majority of the palestinians have grown under the oslo auspices theyve grown under occupation and they want to see a different world a different world from the occupation and i would assume from that old men leadership now and i want to play a punches thanks peter. But process has held a special mass to mark the world day of migrants and refugees at a time when there are more displaced people than ever before according to the uns Refugee Agency world and sixty five Million People have been forcibly displaced twenty two point five million are refugees or than a quarter of them from syria and then there are the ten Million People who are stateless not considered to be citizens of any country that includes more than six hundred fifty thousand were forced out of me since august one of the most dangerous places is the mediterranean more than fourteen thousand people have died in those waters since twenty fourteen trying to reach europe peter shot reports. In the five years of his papacy probe francis has stressed time and again christianity is mission to welcome the vulnerable and the marginalised and on sunday at this mass in some peters basilica to mark the world day of migrants pope francis invited refugees Asylum Seekers newly arrived immigrants and their families to join him in prayer to celebrate the special day highlighting the fear and suspicion that has so often blighted the lives of those looking for a new start going into. The. Local communities are sometimes afraid that the newly arrived will disturb the established order will take away from what has been long labored to build up in the newly arrived also have fears they are afraid of confrontation judgement discrimination and failure of these fears a legitimate having doubts and fears is not a sin the sin is to allow those theories to feed hostility and rejection. Pope francis speaking out at a time when wealthy western countries are tightening their borders even though there are more displaced people on the move than ever before dress by the pope is important for. Or two main reasons the first is that weve seen all too few World Leaders willing to stand up for refugees in fact have seen quite the opposite over the course of the last two years weve seen a hardening of the refugee rhetoric. References in his address pope francis leaves on monday for a week long visit to prune chile hell be taking his message of compassion for the uprooted people of the world along with him and in malaga in spain on sunday the latest reminder that this crisis is not going away as another one hundred nine migrants from morocco including nine pregnant women and sixteen children were brought to shore peter shop al jazeera. Thousands of people who lost their homes to flooding in the democratic republic of congo last week are facing another Threat Health workers are now dealing with a cholera outbreak its killed a thousand people in the capital kinshasa from where katherine sought reports its hard to imagine just a week ago holmes a student here this is a neighborhood on the outskirts of. When floodwaters came crashing down from a nearby river many people didnt even have a chance to rescue their loved ones and belongings. Months shows me what you mains of the two bedroom house he shared with his wife and three children he says he knows he should take his family to higher safer ground but theyre still here despite the obvious danger. I am afraid because you still leaning but they dont have any money to move them weve got no help from anyone moving from here means lending the house. The rains are expected to continue for the next three months and this means more trouble for a country that is facing a cholera outbreak the worst in two decades about a thousand people have died since last year more than fifty thousand from across the country have so far been affected the government has declared cholera a National Emergency and set up Treatment Centers the government has set up this facility here in the most affected area in the city were not allowed to go to the wards where the patients are because of the nature of the disease since november at least thirty people mostly children have died in kinshasa alone. Cholera is highly infectious also easy to treat if detected early but with a Poor Health System and financial problems doctors are overwhelmed. A Government International appeal for eight Million Dollars has not helped less than two million has been released and first. On the list few countries in africa can deal with this situation make a deal by themselves this is why do government launched an appeal for help in november and declare a national disaster. So here health who it is focus on prevention talking to anyone they can about the importance of good hygiene and visiting centers like this one ali enough. They are preparing themselves for more difficult times ahead in this rainy season catherine song aljazeera kinshasa aviation officials are investigating why a plane skidded off the runway at an airport in turkey turned out. The Pegasus Airlines flight had just landed when it slid off the runway and stopped just meters above the shoreline in tribes on on the black sea one hundred sixty two passengers and six crew were on board no serious injuries have been reported the airport has been temporarily closed the Iranian Oil Tanker thats been burning in the East China Sea since last week has sunk this picture is broadcast by Chinese State t. V. Show the ship barely visible above the water twenty nine crew members are missing but iranian Officials Say there is no hope any of them will be found alive a tanker was carrying one Million Barrels of oil when it collided with a cargo ship on john ritter six adrian brown has more from beijing. Well according to Chinese State controlled television the senshi sank at around noon local time on sunday before it went down there was a large explosion and also a large plume of smoke more than a thousand meters high these pictures were recorded by chinas coast guard now the century was involved in a collision with a hong kong registered freighter the crew of that freighter all survived all twenty one crew members sadly the crew of the century were less fortunate so far only three bodies have been recovered the senshi was carrying a cargo of one hundred thirty six thousand tons of ultra Light Crude Oil known as condensate what concerns groups like greenpeace is how much of that crude could potentially leak over the coming days weeks or months we know that some of the oil has been burned off but not all of it now this vessel has gone down in waters that are part of japans Economic Zone so presumably japanese authorities will now be investigating to see how much of their waters have now been contaminated because of course fishermen in that area depend on those waters for their livelihood. Now were all aware of the risk posed by hackers whether its to our phones Bank Accounts even elections but what if saima criminals could get into your home as a new worry as dwellings become ever more connected branch of the space from the Consumer Electronics show in las vegas. By now youve heard all about the internet of things or io t. Socalled smart homes feature internet connected t. V. s washing machines thermostats door knobs and locks all controllable by smart phones there are web link security cameras smart showers and yes you guessed it online toilets the internet of things also includes underthings as neema model of a g. Of spy or explains simply put it right here in the gizmo attaches to your bra or your briefs and gives you feedback on your health incidentally our clothes are going to be informing us about how to make the small baby steps micro decisions that actually to Better Health by twenty thirty the io t. May and fourteen trillion dollars to the World Economy according to the Management Consulting firm accenture sounds great doesnt it but the more connected people and their products become the more at risk they are for a digital attack it opens up the possibility for risks of security natures of these are computers that have some Computing Power always on always connected and theyre very appealing to the bad guys and the problem is as youre rushing to put the stuff on the market you sometimes use products off the shelf and they have bugs in them and you could distribute those bucks to your customers in recent years weve seen how vulnerable even formidable institutions are to hackers like the Credit Reporting Agency equifax the movie studio sony and the us super spy bureau the National Security agency big defender is marketing a box that will defend all your systems and Online Connections its a complete solution its a multi think of it like a sandwich at technologies that basically employ our Machine Learning in ai. Understand the behavior of connected devices and figure out when something nefarious has happened unfortunately Cyber Security is not the top priority for many device makers or it seems for many consumers at this point the convenience and wow factor and excitement of new electronics are essentially winning the day consumers might want to consider whether Smart Devices are making their lives better or putting them in their families at risk robert oulds aljazeera las vegas. Thats reminder of your top stories on al jazeera. And al jazeera crew has filmed a Syrian Government missile attack on account for displaced civilians and the north of the country it comes i mean the government offensive to retake the rebel held it in province has caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee the area hundreds of people have protested in the chin is in capital to mark seven years since the revolution the spot the arab spring anger has risen over new austerity measures after a year of rising prices the government now pledged seventy Million Dollars to help poor families but the protest to say it isnt enough. A member of the cattery rolle family says he is being detained in the United Arab Emirates shaken been. Released a video statement saying that if anything were to happen to him cateye is not at fault he has been living in saudi arabia since the blockade by some of cattles neighbors began the kingdom and the u. A. E. Had earlier presented him as a potential alternative to catulus emir. So little more than hello im currently in abu dhabi i was hosted by Sheikh Mohammed im now confined to my residence im not allowed to leave i fear anything may happen to me and tend the blame is put on qatar therefore this is my way to notify you all very in case i suffer any harm qatar cannot be blamed im currently hosted by mohammed and he shall be responsible for anything i may happen to me finally i want to salute to the people of qatar the people of the u. A. E. And of saudi arabia and all the people of the gulf thank you a french Dairy Company accused of covering up contaminated baby milk says it will pay damages to families affected about twelve million tons of the powdered milk are being recalled across eighty three countries due to the risk of salmonella poisoning and palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas will address the pillow central Council Meeting opening imminently with the u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital dominating the agenda. Have declined an invitation to the meeting with disagreement on how to respond to the u. S. Decision those are your headlines stay with this one i want to waste is next. Oh. Thanks. Thanks thanks

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