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In new york the bombs keep falling. And its russian allies have targeted the rebel area. For a week now at least five hundred people have been killed many of them civilians well look at the human cost and why recapturing the area is so crucial for the regime. The hunt for more than one hundred schoolgirls missing in nigeria the government sending more troops after boko haram fighters attacked their school the latest kidnapping. And. The immigration policies which a polarizing opinion and dividing. Pro and demonstrators are on the streets before next weeks parliamentary election far right parties are expected to win big. Taken by a member of a violent mob. Outrage online showing a lack of empathy on social media. The show using the hash tag. You know what the news grid live on air streaming online through you tube Facebook Live and aljazeera dot com good to have you with us on this saturday we begin in syria eastern huzzah which isnt good another twenty four hours of almost relentless bombardment medical workers say the attacks. Wont stop long enough for them to count the bodies of those killed. At least five hundred people in the past seven days families are holed up in basements and children terrified as the bombs rained down and on the other side of the world diplomatic efforts to stop the fighting have failed yet again theres widespread frustration after the Security Council delayed a vote on a resolution demanding a ceasefire across syria that vote is now due to happen in new york in about two hours from now a spokesman for one of the armed groups opposing the government has condemned the failure of diplomacy to end the fighting. For the will be here carrot in seventy what is going on now in eastern guta is a humanitarian disaster and a shame on humanity the current differences in bargaining this taking place prove that the Security Council is morally weak and its becoming a repeated problem that i am saying it frankly that the countries which claim they are friends of the Syrian People if they really want to make any action they would never have resorted to an institution that they know for sure is unable to help and is totally paralyzed because of the russians veto. Other pictures emerging from eastern appear to show a deadly mix of weapons being used by Syrian Government forces in one of the bloodiest assaults of this seven year war and schapelle explains. Guta is just outside damascus a rebel held area that includes the Eastern Suburbs of the capital. Making it close enough for rebels to fire mortars into central damascus and for Syrian Forces to deliver a devastating response. Since february eighteenth Government Forces have targeted a series of densely populated towns in the area the u. N. Says there are nearly four hundred thousand people there that includes rebel fighters but most are civilians for days as strikes and months of forced families and children into underground shelters we cant do anything we cant even go outside to get food. Some of the weaponry being used is designed to target underground hiding places this video shot by an activist in the region on wednesday appears to show helicopters dropping vacuum bombs with their signature parachutes al jazeera cant confirm these are vacuum bombs but one weapons expert we spoke to says hes ninety nine percent sure they are this weapon creates a pressurized shockwave and a vacuum rupturing lungs and other internal organs thats if the target doesnt die in the initial fireball. If that wasnt enough the same area was later showered by incendiary cluster bombs. The u. N. Secretary general has described the situation as hell on earth. With weapons like these being used in a densely populated area just a few kilometers away from the syrian capital. And are shell aljazeera all right well lets bring in osama bin give aid who is in the turkish city of gaziantep near the border with syria so a salmon no let up it seems say in the fighting in eastern latest reports saying up to five hundred People Killed. Well i let up would be a Welcome Development because there has been escalation every single day in the last seven days since sunday weve been hearing reports from that from the ground from hungary or from government but not from a to b. In various parts of their people say i spoke to one activist this afternoon who said to me that before sunday we would get a bombing or a shelling every day now it happens every hour we cant even come out of our basements is what he told us that there are people there are children whove been inside those basements for two days theyre scared even getting videos of these children appealing to the world that are asking the world to stop the bombing so they can go out and have something to eat but most of in the last five years has been leveled to the ground i spoke to some activists who told us how this Tunnel Networks were how these telling that works work and they told us that people dont have basements under their houses in the regular construction in syria so they built their buildings shelters now each shelter is holding multiple families bunch of the has up to fifteen families with one bathroom for men and one for women and things are extremely tough especially the children and that we keep hearing about and we keep seeing pictures of they make the for fifty of the five hundred people who have been killed and theyve been telling people about how difficult this ordeal has been on them. Thank. You for doing going through. Everything if it. Was out. Of the. Scene it was. That was that. That was. The final. So medics have been telling us that its not just medical aid that they cant provide they cant even move between places ambulances have been taken out at least twelve medical facilities are out of service more than twenty four have been targeted in the last seven days they said they were already running out of medical supplies the Assad Government was blocking all the humanitarian aid that was coming in by the United Nations into good and consumables were not being allowed in they dont even have bags to can do hold blood through blood bags even ran out so but its have been painting a very desperate picture theyve been saying that more than two thousand people have been wounded in this latest onslaught for months theyve been trying to rally around this cause of trying to evacuate more than five hundred people but that number has gone up to more than two thousand and it continues to rise as the bombings dont stop we heard yesterday from a number of people inside who who pleaded to the United Nations and the outside world saying acknowledge that you know that we are here acknowledge that you know that we are dying acknowledge that we are being hurt and we have been wounded and stop these bombs dropping on us. Some of the injured live for us there in gaziantep near the border Turkish Border with syria thanks for santa lets bring in james dennis lowry in london hes a syria researcher and also head of the conflict and humanitarian policy at save the children good to speak with you again james selim let me ask you first of all why does eastern hooter matter right now in the syrian conflict why is the Syrian Regime targeting this area so heavily. Well i think what weve seen over the last year or so is since the fall of aleppo the restoration of Syrian Government control over certain areas that have been besieged for some time and i think what weve really witnessed in the last week is the move from a slow death which is besiegement and denial of food and aid into this fast death five hundred deaths in the space of a week one hundred twenty one children at least so i think when youve got nothing to sort of push back against that in terms of peace processes or diplomatic efforts we havent seen. A star of vienna origin never geneva deliver at this point though the world watches on with horror and i think at the moment were seeing well i think its safely said to be so the epicenter of human suffering on this planet is currently in eastern guta and the United Nations attempts to find some form of ceasefire are in deadlock while people keep dying yeah as you say the world watching in horror diplomats at the u. N. Are still trying to come to some kind of agreement on or on another cease fire resolution but why i mean there is a school of thought that says that the russians are essentially playing for time. At the u. N. And that they they are deliberately trying to delay this resolution while while the fighting continues and while the Syrian Government makes gains in eastern huta is there any any truth to that you think. Im not sure entirely agree with on the basis that the russians have vetoed ten Security Council resolutions already on syria so theyve shown a willingness to reject a larger consensus at the un around matters syrian there of a cia a key political and military actor on the ground there i think its very interesting to look at the language that theyve suggested for this debated text thats gone through over the last few days theyre very keen knowledge the fact that rockets and artillery shells and mortars been fired from two surrounding sites in damascus in the kill civilians they also want to bring an equivalency i think to what happened in rocca where the american Led Coalition liberated the city last year with degrees of destruction maybe not the same level of sort of media output from inside the city at the time and the russians are quite keen to say theyre doing exactly what the americans did in iraq and they are sort of looking to to take out as they call them terrorists and any other sort of Collateral Damage in terms of civilians is. A mistake and its on its not in design but thats just what happens so its interesting to see that text go through but i keep saying the un resolutions weve had numerous ones on humanitarian access into areas of syria weve had the istana process that the russians leave themselves agree to humanitarian access in syria but theres actually since that was agreed weve seen less weve seen less humanitarian access last year than the year before forty percent less and were seeing even less this year so it seems like the politicization of people being able to get food and water and to get injured children out has reached a senate and syria and this is International Norms that are hemorrhaging as we speak and if so what is the fall of eastern huta what would that mean for the Syrian Government if that were to happen. Well i think you would oversee mean more control of territory directly in their own capitals which is a strategic choice for them i think whats particularly interesting for us humanitarians is that in previous area pretty previous conflicts within syria whether its homes or aleppo youve seen large numbers of civilians evacuated to largely the northwest to. The end of the battle theres very little places for syrian civilians who are in non government old areas to go to now i mean it lives being squeezed and theres maybe as many as four hundred thousand people in eastern guta if Ground Forces are sent into these areas where weve seen increasingly dense populated people huddling in basements under heavy artillery then the death toll would likely spike even further and where are they going to go is there going to be any form of accusation could that even happen it seems very unlikely and so while we hope that a u. N. Resolution can give us some immediate ceasefire some immediate aid to alleviate the situation in the short term we should be not just under any illusion that there is not any form of Long Term Strategy to help syrian civilians the world simply has run out of ideas and that is the price that is being paid by by men women women and children in ghouta today indeed good to speak of your lot as always james dentist for stay in london. Now the Syrian Governments and russia say their own theyre only targeting rebel fighters but people on the ground say the strikes have taken a devastating toll on hospitals aid workers and residents there say syrian Army Helicopters have been dropping barrel bombs these are all drums packed with explosives and shrapnel on marketplaces been dropping them on marketplaces as well as medical centers the World Health Organization is reporting that twenty four of these medical facilities have been hit thats about half and half of them rather have had to close our hospitals and clinics were already stretched after years of a government siege the sport shortages of lifesaving medicine and equipment or dr ahmed iraqi is the president of the Syrian American medical society joins us now from boston thanks very much for being with us dr so as weve been saying this bombardment of eastern huta is taking an unimaginable toll on the people there talk to us a little bit about that because i understand there you have been speaking to the head of the medical office in a hoot about that well what did he tell you. That has been cleared over the last week at least that there has been direct targeting of the hospitals in a goal to collapse a Civil Society in sirte guta the frequent and deliberate targeting of those hospitals the similar to what happened in a report in the past and explains way more than twenty four hospitals and clinics were told to regularly and all medical capacity is good the capacity of the medical Services Services have dropped to forty percent from where it was a week ago. And we mentioned there the World Health Organization documenting how many medical facilities of been hit i understand as well that you the youre going to zation wrote a letter to the w. H. O. A few months ago asking for help and support and you havent got a response from them still on fortunately the w. H. O. Has not be very front about what is going on at this time it is expected from them to take a strong position of protecting medical personnel and facilities and also to be up front about the lack of medical Services Many of those facilities in the Eastern Ghouta were visited by w. H. Or teves and u. N. Teams in the past there are will established medical facilities so that this qualified the narrative from russia and the Syrian Government that we dont know what those facilities are so we know that those facilities are hospitals and theyre serving people at this time weve been pushing really hard with every Single Member of the u. N. Security council to include lots of narratives to protect hospitals. And to deliver aid to and get to the people and said good unfortunately those political games that were seeing being played right now by russia the u. S. For the council unfortunately theyre causing lots of death direct death on the people in goutam prolonging that scenario until ceasefire is achieved its very simple you should stop all the fire all across that starve the civilians should stop all the fire have one hundred people who are good and evacuated the medical cases that the to be evacuated very simple and straightforward unfortunately theyre trying to achieve some political points and theyre trying to score some points and thats whats stopping the resolution right now from being adopted yet is a terrible situation are all around for people that we appreciate you talking to us about it dr ahmed tacky in boston thank you. Now the seven year war in syria has taken a huge toll on peoples lives all over the country not just in eastern hooters weve been reporting is displaced hundreds of thousands and you can have a look at our special interactive web page life on hold which features stories from the lives of Syrian Refugees that life on hold dot aljazeera dot com. Now the parents of more than one hundred girls missing in nigeria are joining a demonstration by bring back our bring back our Girls Campaign that was launched after the armed group kidnapped more than two hundred seventy schoolgirls from the town of chibok back in two thousand and fourteen but its expected to gain more traction now after the latest abductions from a school in by boko haram fighters rally is due to get under way in the capital a budget president mohamed to behati has called mondays kidnappings a National Disaster he sending extra shouldest extra soldiers rather to look for the girls how many priests is in a butcher with the latest for us so i had a lot of public anger. About the governments handling of all this and the report a response has been to send more troops but whats that going to do in the short term. Well basically the anger and the disappointment continued and there was a brief moment. In the town of she when we were there on tuesday and wednesday when news got out that some of the girls had been saved are now with the military and then it was later discovered that it was a hoax it wasnt true a lot of people were disappointed a lot of people were angered and there were angry people who were trying to demonstrate in the town of dust until the Security Forces to control of this equation however in the long term or in the long run. People will be watching out watching to see how far the government and its security agencies will did with this situation for example we spoke about the bring back our girls that been at the complaint to push the Nigerian Government to save the chipper goes more than a third of them are still not accounted for more than one hundred have been home but there are still lots of them out there and then this disaster happens and of course some of the people weve spoken to some of the activists is spoken to the say the government has. Still to learn from the mistakes of the past many people expected the government to beef up security in schools especially boarding schools across nigeria as pressured more respectfully in the northeast of the country but in the case of gee it didnt happen and thats the reason why some of them say the kidnapping took place. And this of course is happening again after four years after the. Kidnapping of the girls in chibok and he did the social Media Campaign that began there bring back our girls and we understand that. The families in there and other people are latching on to this again now what effect is is that going to have the second time around. Well nobodys sure at the moment but because its Election Year the elections are due in the next one year was so terrible reached two thousand and nineteen a lot of people expect to see more action for from politicians either the president himself the National Assembly the Security Services being pressured by the politicians a lot of people expect to see not only the triple goes back but also the latest round of victims of kidnapped by boko haram fighters if i move slightly out of the frame now you see the gathering over there a small crowd of activists are coming up gradually to fill up this particular species and this has been the basis for the last four years theyve been launching demonstrations from this particular spot pressurising the government to push for the release of the chagos somehow it has walked and dozens of people guards have been reunited with their families after rehabilitation and they say some of them we spoke to say the latest abductions will give them more impetus to push the government harder to ensure that not only the latest round of victims have been saved but the remaining super girls who are still in the hands of boko haram have been saved but there is also thats what really on the part of security analysts will say. Based on rumors they heard maybe the government has read a book where i am some kind of runs from for the release of the ghost and they expect that this situation of kidnapping he can run by boko haram fighters will continue as long as they want to remain relevant in the scheme of things the like to hit and run or kidnap people to ask for some from government hefty amount some say so that they can continue their operations and that is a source of swarthy not only for the nigerian public but also for analysts picture journalists across the country. How many three sly first there in a blue jacket thank you and if you want to look at more the story online you can check out this info graphic on our web site which is a timeline of the boko haram attacks and nigerias fight against the armed groups thats on al jazeera dot com all right were looking at the multiscreen now this shows you some of the live feeds that we are our colleagues in the newsroom are looking at for us this gentleman speaking right now is that a. Pro fascists rally in milan ahead of parliamentary elections theres another one going on in rome those the red flags right there this is for an anti fascist rally these are competing summer competing factions and parties ahead of those elections in italy and were going to lie to our correspondent in midland for more on that a little bit later right now its more the world news with barbara sara in london barbara. Has im thank you lets go to somalia now relatives of bomb attack of victims are accusing government leaders of failing to protect their citizens the latest twenty explosions in the capital mogadishu killed thirty eight people on friday the korea getting b. Has more. Families collect their dead hours after the latest bomb and gun attacks in the capital its four months since the largest ever truck bomb attack in mogadishu killed hundreds of somalis the lack of protection continues to cause anger. They added to. The government failed to protect its people they should step down if they cant protect us from the slaughter of the constant explosion is. One of the. Fighters launched the attack at the start of friday prayers targeting somalias Intelligence Headquarters and then the parliament. Gun battles continued near the president ial palace. As the night wore on the number of dead rose people searching for their loved ones and hospitals then at moogs many of the dead and injured on friday were civilians including people enjoying their weekend on the beach. As we came from the beach me and my two brothers we were near the hotel when the explosion happened i survived but my two brothers died. Of fighters who are linked to al qaida wants controlled large areas of somalia but were forced out of major cities six years ago it wants to overthrow the un backed government and impose strict islamic law. Frequently detonates car bombs and fights gun battles the worst attack killed five hundred twelve people in october at least fifteen hundred children well off and Somali Government leaders say they are doing what they can to keep people safe and say Security Forces prevented at least one bomb laden car from reaching. Its intended target the Somali Government is backed by twenty two thousand African Union troops and u. S. Drone strikes following criticism after octobers attack the minister of defense was sacked along with the Police Commissioner and security bosses despite that mogadishus in mourning again victoria gates and be. Government buildings in myanmar as Rakhine State have been targeted in a series of bombings three separate explosions went off in the States Capital city where early on saturday police say they also found another three unexploded devices. A lebanese man has been arrested on suspicion of being involved in the death of a filipino maid in kuwait jo ahmed the fellas his body was found in a freezer and he wait sitting more than a year after she was reported missing police have arrested her former employer now there is some stuff in lebanon his wife is also a suspect but remains at large the Philippine Government has banned the new deployments of workers to kuwait in response to the murder and has repatriated hundreds of his nationals. Another official from Donald Trumps president ial Election Campaign has admitted to lying to a special investigation looking into russian collusion in the two thousand and sixteen vote rickey gates pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy and false statements on friday it could mean a jail term of between fifty seven and seventy one months on thursday gates and his Business Partner of paul man a fort worth charged with thirty more offenses as part of the investigation. Now allies of being on the olympic venues in china and for the last few weeks the area has historically been under developed but an influx of investment from four south koreas first winter games has changed that the fish are going to aim as being too gung one province to find out whether the games will provide a sustainable financial legacy when they end on sunday the mountains the sea and the forests of gang one province have inspired artists for centuries but the korean war divided the picturesque region and drove away investment after spending an estimated thirteen billion dollars on the socalled peace olympics as well as renew dialogue between the north and south people wonder if the tourists in dollars will keep coming long after the athletes pack up their skis and ice skates. Lou much less developed than i thought i dont think there would be much economic benefit after the olympics going on with the concorde it was good the north koreans came in so how developed we are it would be good for unification. Change huge you left the bustle the expense and the smog of saw six years ago to invest in our hometown. The native open this bakery with her brother she says the winter games have boosted profits and shes going to expand because the future looks promising. This is special for a spell china has become known throughout the world and it was a boost for a bakery South Koreans hope they can benefit from the costly Infrastructure Projects to continue hosting sporting events something other olympic host cities have found difficult to do even so some of the stadiums will be demolished because theyre too expensive to maintain. Governor chaman soon says even with the new hotels a high speed train line and a casino the most important benefit for gang one is the prospect of peace with north korea to new orleans we hope the peaceful atmosphere will continue expand and we can tackle the Nuclear Issue its our role to provide a good atmosphere and for this sports and cultural exchanges are key. The hope is the picture seen on television and social media feeds during pyongyang twenty eighteen will captivate prospective tourists in the way it has artists and theyll come to experience the Natural Beauty firsthand natasha going to aim aljazeera gang one province south korea. And thats all from london for now now lets go back to the. Thanks very much barbara just to let you know theres lots of ways you can get in touch with us here on the newsgroup you can get it to us through whatsapp our number there is nine seven four five zero one one one one four nine and get it out for us on facebook as well facebook dot com slash for slash. And at a. J. News grid via email as well. This is the news great if youre watching us on Facebook Live you are about to hear from venezuela who are dying because they cant get access to vital medicine the countrys Health Care System in crisis because of political and economic turmoil. And then later in italy divided pro and anti fascist demonstrators holding rallies before next weeks parliamentary elections. Hello there weve got a lot of unsettled weather across parts of the middle east at the moment with two main systems with this at the moment the first one is here marching its way eastwards working its way steadily away from us but then weve got the next one thats already with this its working its way over parts of saudi arabia over parts of iraq and into parts of iran as well so that is our next real major system and its making its way through around there eventually into afghanistan as we head through sunday is also stretching across the other side of the gulf as well and that system will gradually edge its way more towards the east there as we head through monday tashkent will see some rain will see some cloud increasing there marty and then the next systems with this as well say for monday then well see some more rain over parts of iraq and gradually another system and very strong winds will be there over the western parts of turkey now as i said some of that unsettled weather is making its way a bit further south as well so were expecting heavy rain in doha overnight saturday gradually on sunday though things will improve so good deal of cloud at times maybe a few outbreaks of rain but the wettest of the weather will be here over parts of the u. A. E. Of some of us it really does look very wet all of that though clears and as we head through monday does look a good deal of dry air for most of us across the region for the southern parts of africa plenty of cloud and rain and thats sticking with us for sunday. Struggling with the effects of Climate Change sierra leones dry season is on forgiving but compounded by corruption its wet season month slides that are claiming most lines i dont remember even the wall when for a single day in one thousand one hundred people died in two minutes people in power investigates the effects of deforestation and illegal building and asks what the future holds if those in authority fail to act the mountain will fall at this time on aljazeera. Winning news breaks when people need to be heard. Lucky to get to. The river near. A library and the story needs to be tuned just largest catholic country is witnessing a dramatic rise in teenage pregnancy as iran has teams on the ground to bring the mood winning documentaries. And live news on. Hand. All right just to let you know about some of the most popular stories on our website white zero dot com number one. People killed in several attacks have been taking place across afghanistan the. Rift over. The u. A. E. Operated. Very strategically placed for. Number three u. S. Firms cutting ties with the. Been reporting on that over the last couple of days as well and our top story we reported earlier the. Death toll continuing to grow in the bombardment of eastern in syria lost more there on our website i just come. And if you click on that story about the National Rifle association the earlier youll see that a growing number of American Companies are cutting ties with the gun lobby which has been targeted by an Online Campaign since the mass shooting in florida last week using the hash tag of course and all right. I saw a little bit earlier on the web site the bin for attacks in afghanistan as a nato delegation visited to discuss efforts for peace taliban fighters stormed an army outpost in the west killing at least twenty soldiers Security Forces were also targeted in lashkar gah with another attack in nearby now the ali i so claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing in kabul tony bertie is following the story for us from kabul. Another bloody day in afghanistan three suicide bombings at a large scale Taliban Attack on an Afghan Army Base the first attack was in kabul at eight thirty on saturday morning the target was intelligence building Afghan Intelligence building where people were killed and wounded this was carried out by Islamic State they claim responsibility for the other attacks were by the taliban there is concern i think especially for the attack in kabul you may remember the large ambulance bomb that was set off in january killing more than one hundred people but after that the afghan president ashraf ghani said there was a new Security Strategy youve seen on the streets greater numbers of army and police greater defenses but still with this in place Islamic State were able to strike so thats causing concern and of course the taliban is is is beefing up their attacks as well is preemptive perhaps for their annual spring offensive which they always launch but theres so many attacks going on now that basically want to fence it rolls into another the United Nations has released a report showing that the majority of People Killed are civilians last year ten thousand were killed and wounded and its the weapon of choice now is more often suicide bombs and roadside explosions. The americans are here in force theyve beefed up their numbers theyre using more aerial power to try and defeat in particular Islamic State but so far it doesnt seem to be working and the Security Strategy certainly has holes in it tony barry reporting for us there in kabul and those attacks have been happening despite thousands of nato troops stationed in the country are online team has compiled a graph of the number of foreign soldiers deployed in afghanistan you can check it out at w w w dot dot com. Now the turkish government says it is deeply worried about the u. S. Move to open its embassy in jerusalem in may palestinians are also condemned the announcement saying it is a provocation rosalyn jordan has more. News the u. S. Embassy would move from tel aviv to jerusalem on may fourteenth ok not in a communique but in a tweet from israels intelligence minister i would like to congratulate donald trump on his decision to transfer the u. S. Embassy on israels seventieth Independence Day no greater gift than that a short time later the u. S. President donald trump confirmed the news in a speech i was hit by more countries and more pressure and more people calling begging me dont do it dont do it dont do it. I said we have to do it its the right thing to do it wasnt december trump announced he was moving the embassy to jerusalem. And he angered at those who said the u. S. Was basically giving jerusalem to israel outside of final status talks with the palestinians the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas was among those who condemned trump but at the u. N. Security council this week it was clear abbas had moved on he told them basters the era of the u. S. As an honest broker is over and that its time to try something new and the art of grammar we call for the convening of an International Peace conference by mid two thousand and nineteen based on International Law and relevant un resolutions with Broad International participation including the two concerned parties and regional and International Stakeholders a u. S. Based analyst called the move in date very bad Foreign Policy rather than just giving jerusalem away to the israelis what he could have done and said we will acknowledge jerusalem as the capital of israel if you just mantle all the legal settlements and so what he stand now isnt given away very big valuable check and essentially gotten nothing in return the ambassador David Friedman and a few aides will join current consulate staff at their office in jerusalem a new building wont be built for several years theres no denying the embassy moves will affect any and all peace talks Going Forward roslyn jordan aljazeera washington some breaking news for you it is coming to us now or for say theres been an explosion in the yemeni city of witnesses saying dozens of people were killed or wounded in the blast which hit a Counter Terrorism headquarters will bring more on that story as and when we get it now an attack on a tribal man in kerala has outraged many people in india on social media and chappelles here to tell us more about. Well a man in carolina den a fight as mob who was brutally beaten to death by local residents on thursday after being accused of stealing food now died due to his endure injuries after the mob handed him over to the police one of the suspects in in his death then took a selfie with the victim and shared it on social media so the pictures of the incident and the reasons that were allegedly behind it have created outrage across the state theres lots of criticism directed to a facebook account believed to belong to one of the guys in the selfies others are using the name of the victim in a hash tag as you can see here now joe says that its time to head hang our heads in shame since when did keralites become so ruthless others saying that they didnt expect this incident an incident like this to happen in such a well educated state there are fewer incidents of violence in kerala in comparison to some other parts of india and a user here says that the public has been involved in policing morals lately and taking the law into their own hands that shows a loss of faith in the police and while local police have not confirmed the cause of death or other government figures are weighing in careless finance minister thomas isaac says on facebook that people have no hesitation to kill someone who had worn out of starvation that they were enjoying themselves taking selfies during the act is a distress signal. And the state chief minister. Says strict action will be taken against the attackers and and that this incident was a blot on carolus Progressive Society finally some online are calling this a racist attack the victim was which is a term for the indigenous minority of mainland south asia this user says that india is becoming a wretched space of racism and hatred another user tweets his people were were there in india before any of us shame on everyone who was involved so wed like to know what you think about this especially if youre in kerala connect with us using the hash tag a. J. News grid. Thanks sandra now rival demonstrations are happening in italy in support of and against far right parties ahead of next weeks parliamentary elections supporters of the anti Immigration Northern League Party Gathering in milan is just one of a dozen rallies across italy this weekend in a campaign that has been increasingly mocked by violence and liberal steer the revival of far right parties in that march fourth votes lets go live now to sonia guy hugo who is in the land for us so sign to tell us more about the rally that your at. This rally house is being held in my party of far right martin here headed by my. Words in the event of any. Possible results by my right with reminders could possibly be more modern coalition if the results were to swing down the way but its being held. In northern italy just really one of the races really only believe it started out as the Northern League even so its a session from the rest of the games and claiming that it was being held back by the south and traditionally the war for an area of the country but it was seen as mocking one of four and seeking it out now that rhetoric has changed over the northern parts of that in order to appeal to all italians and a. Man to immigration policy hes aware is he may have changed that name to send a phobia is and i mean the message still remains and that is a part and parcel of the huge pressure that the refugee crisis had only actually italy has seen about. Six hundred thousand people coming to be that shows in the past. And it really has been having to deal with that region in a country which has been really is. Writing on the. Recession a very very sluggish economy and high unemployment and with all of that. Its entirely time in racing with iran asia is that has been in a way the immigration issue has been a rallying cry for. Xenophon. To come through and it is interesting to see that because of this recent incidences of that you have seen a shift to the right and sent me a more ninety immigration a voice being heard in italian politics and at the head of that is my feeling is hoping to capitalize on not not just in the northern part in the home base but also throughout the country has indeed and were just seeing live pictures of really speaking right now there but sonia we understand as well this isnt the only demonstration rally that is happening and its only today. You know its not. Just one place where demonstrations are happening you have in fact. Far right demonstrations the one where i am out here in the lego one but theres also a neo fascist posse rally harris well the kassam town doesnt snow here and they are openly near fascist they are openly in support of those fascist policies as well as that you have an anti fascist rally which is trying to. Get to the castle probably they have been stopped by the police that mishas that but in addition to that and see fascist rallies in rome as well old to try and sort of stop all cults this is but this is really something which is exposing the deep divisions within Talent Society and were seeing that a lot in the days to watch the election so when you got to go and live in the land thank you song you. Now knife crime has risen by more than a fifth in the u. K. Last year with a third of the recorded offenses taking place in london most of those killed in the capital were black teenagers are u. K. Correspondent Barnaby Phillips has more no father should have to visit the site of their sons murder but this is Michael Speight he doesnt know who stabbed to death his boy michael jr in a south london park the attack seems to have been random for months on the police appealed for information people has been impaired lip were fearsome a barrier which is. People feel came to their serve that if theyre open their mouths and says something theyre going to be labelled as being maimed pharma iris mich. Just another london knife crime this robbery earlier this month on camera but no one will tell the police who this is the epidemic hundreds of knife crimes every week these some of the weapons used driven say the police by territorial gangs drugs and in london theres an ethnic dynamic i recognise that theres a disproportionate number of young black males that are getting stabbed and unfortunately being killed the gangs dont necessarily follow racial groups in fact some of them come in very multicultural but as a rule at the moment were finding the biggest threat to a young black male is indeed a young black male. This club tries to give children focus yes children this young are at risk for us the man who founded this club was killed aged twenty in a knife crime his mother tries to explain whats gone wrong no investment for the Young People Community centers being closed down. No emotional support for our young people it affects their Mental Health depression Anxiety Stress to. This project helps fill the void left by cuts in social spending by the government the mare of london city car is not responsible for those cuts but as a high profile politician in the capital hes feeling the political heat of the knife crime crisis at a time when the dymov the policing is going up the supply of police and because of government cuts is going down his opponents say his policies are incoherent hes too slow to spend the money he does have. This week he sent a message to young londoners who is learned in these real life london evening life london needs me alive so i dont. Its too late for my heart stabbed to death at a north london party attended by hundreds. Last summer the police who have very few ethnic somali offices are again struggling for information this community is disproportionately affected but a mothers despair well thats universal i love my son he is loved each other is a mummy boy hes a good boy i never feel good. To be phillips aljazeera london now snap chats Parent Company snap has suffered a big loss on thursday after one tweet from a celebrity and talks talks about that well this might go down as one of the most expensive tweets on record reality t. V. Star kylie jenner is one of the biggest influencers on snap chat and on thursday she tweeted that she doesnt use the platform any more than shares of the company their stock sank by six point one percent that wiped out nearly one point three billion dollars in market value many find the recent redesign of snap chat difficult to use and one point two million users have signed a petition calling on the company to go back to its old design ill step in responding by saying its heard the feedback loud and clear and that it acknowledges how the new snap chat has felt uncomfortable for many wed like to know what you think about this and the power of one tweet and what you can do the marketplace let us know what you think using the hash tag as a news group or message me directly at andrew chappelle. I said youre not such and i will be here with the sports shortly hell tell us how this athlete has written herself into the olympic history books. I would have been on. The most out of. A lot of lists. On the nineteenth of december twenty sixth Mahmoud Hussein was detained by the egyptian authorities he remains behind bars without a trial aljazeera world investigates his case and media repression in egypt journalism is not a crime this time on aljazeera. Were here to Jerusalem Bureau coverage Israeli Palestinian affairs we cover the story with a lot of intimate knowledge we covered it with that we dont dip in and out of this story we have a presence here all the time apart from being a cameraman its also very important to be a journalist to know the story very well before going into the fields covering the United Nations and all of the policy for aljazeera english is pretty incredible this is where talks happen and what happens there matters. Thank. You all again now lets find out what people are talking about today in sport history ana thank you very much has a myth been another remarkable day at the Winter Olympics for this woman estella deaths got the check is a two time World Champion in snowboarding but you might remember that a week ago she shocked the skiing world by winning gold in the super g. Well earlier the debt school was back on her board and she made history by winning a second gold in the parallel giant slalom the twenty two year old as the first woman to win individual gold medals in different sports at the same winter games she comfortably be germanys leni yet to take the title it at school was already the first person to compete in both skiing and snowboarding at the olympics but is now an unprecedented double champion as well. Not surprisingly because been trending worldwide on twitter with a lot of people expressing their admiration for what shes achieved and chang five time a limb picked alpine skier graeme bell had this to say two gold medals in Alpine Skiing and snowboarding is just gravy but also in credible thrown a car pester resi whos part of the Italian Paralympic Committee tweeted this she said next time somebody asks you whether you prefer snowboarding or skiing than on. Then theres this tweet from a recently retired alpine skier Julia Mancuso she said while i always wanted to do multiple sports my coaches never let me i hope this changes everyones perspective she then put how to be yourself to all other alpine skiers are a big fan of the deaths could giant slalom Gold Medalist mckayla shefrin who skis thats got actually borrowed for how winning super g. Run and downhill bronze medalist lindsey vonn take a listen to what they had to say. I do think that with the next generation coming up Everyone Wants to experience everything you know thats the millennial is our raw and. Inclusive and and trying other sports is important to them and as it should be and so i think maybe esther can give them hope that you know competing and being successful in more than one sport is possible. So yeah i think i think she definitely will have a long Lasting Impact the one thing that does not change is perseverance and hard work those are the only have those are really the only two things that anybody can put down on a book of like how to create a champion and esther was maybe the best example of that in this in this games that she. Hasnt been just solely focusing on skiing she didnt just specify Alpine Skiing in her in her you know sports repertoire when she was eight years old because she wanted to be the olympic champion shes been doing a lot of things but if she can find the similarities between her sports and actually help build. And improve. With ones for off of the other then thats thats maybe the most important thing you can take away from it so it does goes well and truly written herself into the history book and thought oh how nor why they thought that a new Winter Olympics record medal hold on thoughts today a braun then the Alpine Team Event took the total tally for these games to the i was one more than the u. S. Won back in vancouver in two thousand and ten thirteen in both a gold medals thats just one shy of the record set by canada also in twenty ten. Why the usa won the fattah limpid gold in mens curling now the sport often wins lots of new fans during the Winter Olympics and thats been no different in pianka ivanka trump the daughter of u. S. President donald trump cheered on her country to gold over sweden but the team of also attracted another unlikely supporter. It was not a whole year robust special guy back in the states mr t. Is here. Oh yes on the find that of the usa culling same with mr tate the famous for the one thousand nine hundred eighty the series the a team has shown a lot of love for curling throughout the games online becoming a kind of unofficial ambassador for the u. S. Or team shuster is that known here or just a couple of mr t. s tweets he said i predict pain to sweden and victory for the usa yeah thats right but what im talking about where and its a winner for of course he was also one of the first people to congratulate team shuster on twitter saying im so proud of you as always get in touch with us using the hashtag a. J. News go to a tweet me directly a time tatiana thats all this bill for now ill be back later housing is back to you thanks very much a touch and i will see you again tomorrow never get enough of mr t. We all love and that is it for this edition of news grid these are some of the ways you can get in touch with us well see you again here in twenty four hours. News has never been more available its a constant barrage that it was every day but the message is a simplistic you have to find good logical rational person crazy monster and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narratives at this time on aljazeera from Satellite Technology to three d. Printing and recycled waste to solar powered classrooms africa is transforming young innovators are propelling change Building Communities creating employment and solving problems theyre challenging systems and shaping new ones its about creative thinkers shaping their continents future innovate africa at this time on aljazeera. Jeannette morale is was just ten years old when a devastating earthquake struck mexico city in one thousand nine hundred five the quake damaged her familys apartment and the government moved them to distant shack around seventy families who lost their homes in that earthquake still live in this camp. The government raised our hopes and then abandoned us politicians have promised that they wont allow a repeat of what happened after the earthquake in one thousand eight hundred five but the cost and complexity of housing hundreds of People Living in camps is a major task and one that many people here think the government failed. More than five hundred people have been killed in a week in syrias eastern end still no u. N. Vote on a cease fire. Hello im Barbara Starr you are watching

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