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Resolution goes on. And every delay brings more deaths more than five hundred people have been killed in a week as Government Forces attack opposition held eastern. Areas says its the ploy more troops to search for more than one hundred schoolgirls seized by boko haram in the north of the country and the fascists march in the roma week before its always a lecture ends with right wing parties like the league expected to do well. And im Tatiana Sanchez in doha with the sport where history has been made in pyongyang chang the czech republics estella death to becomes the fast athlete to win gold in both skiing and snowboarding as a single london picks. While for the third day running un ambassador is there a gathering of the sick. Council to vote on a resolution on the syria but the session keeps being put back it was you could take place an hour ago but nothing so far are diplomatic editor james bays joins us live now from United Nations headquarters any news or any information about whats actually going on behind the scenes could we see a vote in the next few hours. We could definitely see a vote but then again we could have seen a vote taking place on friday and there were many that wanted a vote to take place on thursday so its not at this stage clear whether were going to get a vote certainly russia is still calling for amendments still calling for changes to the draft resolution has already been changed several times this is the draft as it stood overnight a new modified version and i can tell you all the changes are on this the first main paragraph of the draft the operative paragraph one as they call it im told in the last hour numerous changes to that paragraph have been proposed theyre arguing over individual words the placement of words its all that paragraph about the seas far and how the ceasefire comes into effect and the timing of the cease fire but certainly russia is pretty pushing back i understand there may be a new form of words that they are trying to agree on among all of the Security Council and one suggestion that a form of words is now being sent for translation because there are five visual at languages of the United Nations and a resolution needs to be translated into all of them i have to say to them that some delegations here including the u. S. And the u. K. Believe its not really about whats in this resolution a tall words in that in that first paragraph they believe its all delaying tactics from the russians working alongside their syrian allies to delay so that the military operation in the scooter can continue because the Syrian Government wants to complete its operation and when its operations certainly the u. S. Sound like they want this to come to a vote today when she arrived here the u. S. Ambassador and he. Haley she said today were going to see whether russia has a conscience regarding syria just the line there so why is it so crucial to get some kind of resolution to get some kind of agreement because as you mention it to holy once a vote even if it would be obvious that russia voted against it but it does seem that there is a time initial eleven days to come to some kind of agreement well i mean the main reason is if you get this resolution you get a cease fire called for if you dont nationalists are to get a cease fire thats much much harder so thats the next phase but you get a cease fire called on not just in these guta which is clearly the emergency now but across syria thats what this resolution would demand i think its also the position of the u. S. And some of its allies that its time to put russia on the spot that russia might actually not veto the resolution as it stands it might just obsessed day and its better to force russias hand because if you keep negotiating with russia russia will keep in their view delaying and diluting any resolution and there comes a time when you have to just say lets put this to a vote that clearly is the u. S. And u. K. Position around the table its worth also telling you though that theyre not the countries that have been taking a lead on this resolution perhaps unusually in the Security Council its actually the nonpermanent members have been taking the lead with this resolution and in particular the president of this month which happens to be the arab member of the Security Council kuwait alongside sweden and the swedish ambassador certainly has been looks absolutely exhausted i tell you because hes been involved in around the clock negotiations on this matter up. Well james we are still waiting for this vote we can see the chamber i think and its still empty no ambassador sitting down yet for well of course cross life to you as soon as the vote happens and before as well james bays of the u. N. Thank you for meanwhile in syria itself the governments onslaught on the last rebel held area near the capital damascus eastern huta has entered its seventh stay five hundred people have been killed so far and theres been no let up in the bombing of the area thousands of people are trapped in underground shelters and are appealing for help will some a binge of eid as long. Rescuers are responding to crisis for help. But it used to be received and of the other one none of your few moments of panic were children who disappeared in the debris. And the children call for their father. That was oh the Civil Defense worker says they must hurry to the basement. Activists accuse the Syrian Government and russia for the airstrikes and shelling the suburb of syrias capital damascus has been bombarded specially hard for the last week. The only light these days is from the fires which started after the bombing. These children prayed in the dark in an underground shelter one of them wants the world to feel their pain heard. No food no water every day we sleep on the floor my back hurts we cant bring a pillow from our house if we get out well get it dont you know that imagine your children being gone and what do you want me to say. The worlds a safety. The floors are down the air is humid and its called underground there are few basements in good old nearly four hundred thousand people. Get on the roofs of our size. This is called our children didnt eat for two days we cant find anything else well feed them this is a male god help us. Syrians living in cities abroad have protested in small gatherings they reject that the fight in eastern is against what the government calls terrorists. But the Syrian Government iran and russia see the civilian deaths in who are fabricated propaganda activists from who have been sending us messages asking people to imagine living their lives without proper electricity or Running Water for five years and now the bombs just dont stop whether its day or night some of the job under zero. In the turkey syria border. Well lets try and get an idea now on what life is actually like on the ground in eastern who town wide loyal dean joins us now via skype from dumas that is inside the greater area of eastern thank you so much for joining us here on out again i mean we have spoken in the past you painted a picture just tell us a little bit more about what its been like especially in the past few days its now coming up to a week. My friend when the campaign started in nineteen this month. Till. Today their aircraft and. Helicopters didnt leave our skies as the earlier tell you how bad is the enemy terry and even a tarion. Situation here in eastern good is all fall in the beginning of the campaign. Assad regime and its allies start that start to target mistrust because its considered like the economic capital for the eastern good the factories and the big yuris are out of service thats why its more devastating for the humanitarian situation also today there was targeting poor mans america and other cities of Eastern Ghouta duma at least today is fifteen dead be able at least ten air raids if you want to put you in some sort this sunset istic sorry. Last night four hundred dead b. Ball including sixty child and fifty women one thousand seven hundred wounded and injured including four hundred and fifty women. Five hundred and fifty. More than three hundred and fifty erith more than one hundred seventy barrel to a barrel this is the new four is through that is that into a barrel that to throw out of from the helicopter its full with if you arent in there one barrel can destroy a whole neighborhood. Building collapse on the head of their residence in a third. Forgive me for interrupting you but at the Security Council you know there are moves on the way to have a cease fire in place so that this would stop some of the sticking points are the timing of it you know when it would start how immediately would start and how long it would last also perhaps issues of a humanitarian corridor i mean how important would these things be for you for example the length of the ceasefire but also if you were given the chance a humanitarian corridor to leave eastern who would you and your family do that if. Yes my friend i wish to. Announce the beginning of the truth of the. Cease fire one of them the in their meeting come and live in sin good and see how bad is the situation here its probably well call it to from this moment. No one can imagine how we live in eastern with the se asia from from five years now over that the Madness Campaign yes the ceasefire is very necessary for mr good but about the. Humanitarian sorry about the evacuation its for the medical. Cases as the escalations on agreement say is theres more than five hundred case in eastern good up from kidney failure and cancer disease. And cancer of this is our waiting to evacuate from eastern guta about the other families my my friend barbara this is their this is where they grandfather lived where they born i didnt think or believe they are about to leave. Its my land in our our land if you ask me about myself and my family i want peace in my land in my city in my be able in my relative. Joining us from duma which is of course inside east thank you so much for your time in explaining what the situation is like there thank you. Now i saw is claiming responsibility for twin suicide bombings that killed at least six people in the yemens Southern City of aden the explosions targeted a military camp used by Counterterrorism Forces as well as the residence of aidans former governor hospital Officials Say three of the dead are soldiers and sri are civilians at least forty three others are being treated for their injuries nigerias president is the blowing extra soldiers to search for more than one hundred girls kidnapped from their school in the town of mohamedou bihari has called mondays abduction by boko haram a National Disaster parents of the missing girls plan to join the bring back our Girls Campaign which was launched after book of harm kidnapped more than two hundred and seventy schoolgirls from the town of chibok in two thousand and fourteen many of them are still missing after an interest says more now from the capital of. The more you start off shock and anger anger because the Nigerian Government has failed to properly explain how many kids or how many students have been taken from that college and what exactly happened there now shock in the sense that many people expected nigeria and the security agencies to learn from the mistakes of two thousand and fourteen when more than two hundred seventy schools go to school girls have been kidnapped by more than one hundred of them are still unaccounted for group of activists whove been pushing when i joined in government to rescue the girls now we spoke to some of them who expressed shock and dismay that four years on the Nigerian Government and the Nigerian Security services have not learned anything from the war. Before for years one hundred and twelve but only to be walking up tuesday to realize that more schoolgirls were abducted and were back to square one when many nigerians expected the government to beef up security at our own vulnerable places like schools especially boarding schools in the northeast of nigeria now in the case of see that clearly did not happen and many nigerians will be watching the government closely as a low Security Agency is to see whether or not these girls are rescued in the next few days or so. Still ahead on. Our four deadly attacks in a single day the taliban an eyesore launch a wave of assaults in afghanistan. After fridays twin bombings as angry relatives accuse the government of failing to protect the country and norway when a record. Winter olympics medal all the details from chang coming up with. Dozens of protests have taken place across. In the run up to next weekends election the anti immigrant league Party Formerly known as the Northern League has a rally in milan where its leader spoke to thousands of supporters anti immigrant sentiment has spiked in italy in the wake of europes refugee crisis but its also being met by opposition several demonstrations in support of immigration have taken place including in the capital. Salvini greeted him in fees he asked a crowd of supporters in central and its interesting for a posse that he has which was once known as the Northern League he has since drops the name and order to appeal to the rest of the country of course the party was founded as a session this movement for the north sea for the rest of the country which it deemed as a backwoods and this is an interesting time because of course while the name a strange little in the way of its politics has it still has the same xenophobic rhetoric still very much on t. Banking and the effects on the economy and still very much also against the e. U. And the eurozone as well but its interesting to note that trying to appeal to other parts of the country as well has been criticism of this is an opportunistic. Policy by mr selby many and that is really to try and gone or as much support as possible against immigration and its use immigration policy is of course not forgetting that its a lead has had hundreds of thousands of people turning up by sea and that has really put a strain on the countrys infrastructure here has been a lot of coal to brussels as well to try and do as much they can to help it but the country as well as that has also been going through its own recession those two problems things have had a definite effect on the politics certainly immigration policies certainly heard more by mainstream politicians as well its not just a focus of rightwing policies but its all throughout now as well and that has seen its really swing to the right politically. Oreilly is underway and of even support of african migrants and Asylum Seekers mainly from sudan and eritrea in january the Israeli Government told thousands of africans who went to the country league. That they had three months to live or face incarceration harry force and joins me live now from matt tell of the very come a little bit about you know the people that are there and how strong this is felt this issue is felt in israel. We have what is in charge actually interesting about this house more than anything it other sorts of people that are here this isnt we have seen rallies before involving the Asylum Seekers and selves this is a mixture of the Asylum Seekers and thousands of israelis who are out protesting against this government plan this is the neighborhood in which many of those thousands of african Asylum Seekers have found themselves over the last decade or so and it is here where we have seen thousands of israelis come to protest against this policy of either deportation or prison and a lot of the Asylum Seekers are we speaking to a so that they would prefer to stay in indefinite detention in prison rather than be deployed to deported to a third country rwanda which they say is potentially unsafe or at least is not to does not provide them with the kind of secure future that they were looking for when they came here im joined here by seagal rosen she is from the hotline organization which helps assists these these the sorts of people Asylum Seekers and youve been doing that for for two decades now whats what does this crowd tell you about how people feel on this issue. When we finally see that so many easily join us and claim that we cannot see the fijis because they are a few g. s even if these little government doesnt acknowledge them as such a to life danger man can choose to deny anything they can hes going to get him into the easily countries like the one they knew granda keep unceasing that that is no example i mean weve seen people weve seen that Holocaust Survivors and others saying that this goes against the fabric of the identity of. The nation i mean why do people say that. Because judaism is not just about demography the russian high levels and what the government the president is trying to now is violating the most basic Jewish Values at the same time though i mean there have been surveys which is just two thirds of israelis are a are in favor of this government policy that that number is even higher among jewish israelis so in terms of the domestic politics this is the service a big show of support for your side of the argument but domestically nationally the other side of the argument is winning with the israeli public has done well for her the other than a decade the Israeli Government kept on saying kept on calling these people work infiltrated and they did very much to fight Public Opinion when everyone believed that these people will work in fixators what we see now is that in the moment that the government decided to deport them not just to make their life miserable as the many still think dealing ill the former minister of interior daily show used to say that they will make their life miserable until they will leave and go on volition so we see that the public protests the public doesnt want that hes loaded with send the fijis to a life danger and this is what we see now so many israelis are against it nonetheless this policy is progressing weve seen eleven people now put in prison opting for that rather than taking that the tickets are a wonder in a free and off hours and dollars that they would be given i mean where do you see this going do you think that there is even now a chance to turn to turn this policy around and and and make a difference i am sure that if there is a chance to tell his supporters to have a holy minds of the hood and change of opinion and that we will not be diggin that assistance of the high paulding all the time change it but they im sure that somehow this is going to be changing its cannot continue on up until now four thousand asylum. Live to mind anything down and down that they they found no life huge down they were deported from london to gun down they had to win it all and in the course this week to find out a few genial of those who managed to survive the journey did receive a few seconds. Actually tell you when you think you can wait just even they didnt acknowledge the innocence thank you very much a single reason and so that is certainly the argument but you sound citizen whos advocating for the new the israeli asylum system is failed in that it has not really adjudicated on the status of those obligations when they have been able to be made and so they argue that the israelis to address their issues and either give them refuge or adjudicate properly run off with in this deal of jail or death. Carrefour said with the latest from harry thank you. At least twenty six people have been killed in a series of attacks across afghanistan most of them Army Personnel taliban fighters stormed the military outpost in the west where they killed at least twenty soldiers Security Forces were also targeted in lashkar gah and another attack happened in nearby the alley and i saw has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing bombing in kabul Tony Berkeley has more now from the afghan capital. Another bloody day in afghanistan three suicide bombings at a large scale Taliban Attack on an Afghan Army Base the first attack was in kabul at eight thirty on saturday morning the target was intelligence building Afghan Intelligence building where people were killed and wounded this was carried out by Islamic State they claim responsibility the other attacks were by the taliban there is concern i think especially for the attack in kabul you may remember the a large ambulance bomb that was set off in january killing more than one hundred people but after that the afghan president ashraf ghani said there was a new Security Strategy youve seen on the streets greater numbers of army and police greater defenses but still with this in place Islamic State able to strike so thats causing concern and of course the taliban is beefing up their attacks as well is preemptive perhaps for their annual spring offensive which they always launch but there are so many attacks going on now that basically want to fence it rolls into another the United Nations has released a report showing that the majority of People Killed are civilians last year ten thousand were killed and wounded and its the weapon of choice now is more often suicide bombs and roadside explosions. The americans are here in force theyve beefed up their numbers theyre using more aerial power to try and defeat in particular Islamic State but so far it doesnt seem to be working and the Security Strategy certainly has holes in it. Relatives of victims from fridays bombings in somalia are accusing government leaders of failing to protect their people the twin explosions in the capital additional killed at least thirty eight people. Claimed responsibility it has more. Families connect the dead hours after the latest bomb and gun attacks in the capital its four months since the largest of a truck bomb attack in mogadishu killed hundreds of somalis the lack of protection continues to cause anger. And i added. The government failed to protect its people they should step down if they cant protect us from the slaughter of the constant explosion is. One of the. Fighters launched the attack at the start of friday pres targeting somalias Intelligence Headquarters and then the parliament. Gun battles continued near the president ial palace. As the night wore on the number of dead rose people searching for their loved ones and hospitals then at moogs many of the dead and injured on friday were civilians including people enjoying their weekend on the beach. As we came from the beach me and my two brothers we were near the hotel when the explosion happened i survived but my two brothers died. Of fighters who are linked to al qaida wants controlled large areas of somalia but were forced out of major cities six years ago it wants to overthrow the un backed government and impose strict islamic law. Frequently detonates car bombs and fights gun battles the worst attack killed five hundred twelve people in october at least fifteen hundred children wolf and Somali Government leaders say they are doing what they can to keep people safe and say Security Forces prevented at least one bomb laden car from reaching its. Intended target the Somali Government is backed by twenty two thousand African Union troops and u. S. Drone strikes following criticism after octobers attack the minister of defense was sacked along with the Police Commissioner and security bosses despite that mogadishus in mourning again victoria gave him be aljazeera. Youre watching the aljazeera news hour still to come on the program opposition activists in sudan celebrate their release but say dozens of their colleagues remain in prison hundreds of crimes a week and more than a dozen murders just last week just this year in london grapples with a knife crime the damage and to fly the flag or not russia last leads await their fate after two failed drug tests at the Winter Olympics details coming up in sport. Hello there weve got a lot of unsettled weather across parts of the middle east at the moment with two main systems with this at the moment the first one is here marching its way eastwards working its way steadily away from if but then weve got the next one thats already with us its working its way over parts of saudi arabia over parts of iraq and into parts of iran as well so that is our next real major system and its making its way through around there eventually into afghanistan as we head through sunday is also stretching across the other side of the gulf as well and that system will gradually edge its way more towards the east there as we head through monday tashkent will see some rain will see some cloud increasing there now marty and then the next systems with us as well say for monday then well see some more rain over parts of iraq and gradually another system and very strong winds will be there over the western parts of turkey now as i said some of that unsettled weather is making its way a bit further south as well so were expecting heavy rain in doha overnight saturday gradually on sunday though things will improve so a good deal of cloud at times maybe a few outbreaks of rain but the wettest of the weather will be here over parts of the u. A. E. Of the some of us it really does look very wet all of that though clears and as we head through monday does look a good deal of dry air for most of us across the region for the southern parts of africa plenty of cloud and rain and thats sticking with us for sunday. I would have been under the ada i had the most little ideas up a lot he put his head up. On the nineteenth of december twenty sixth Mahmoud Hussein was detained by the egyptian authorities he remains behind bars without a trial aljazeera world investigates his case and media repression in egypt journalism is not a crime this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera as their want us to embrace but its also there to see what happens next question on the wired by the where model repeated all seven that we need to hear the middle east now is what about change people have gone near the area the mission of the National Army is sixteen point complex and im just stories about telling it from the peoples perspective what they think is happening in their country. Reminder of our top stories five hundred people have been killed in Syrian Government attacks on rebel held. A un Security Council vote on a resolution calling for a ceasefire. For an hour and a half ago but has been. President. More than one hundred girls kidnapped by boko haram in the town of. A National Disaster and thousands of supporters of the anti immigrant party have all the rally in the tally in city of milan in the run up to. Get more now on our main story that syria the picture is emerging from eastern huta appears to show a deadly mix of weapons used by syrian Government Forces in one of the bloodiest assaults of the seven year war and explains. Guta is just outside damascus a rebel held area that includes the Eastern Suburbs of the capital. Making it close enough for rebels to fire mortars into central damascus and for Syrian Forces to deliver a devastating response. Since february eighteenth Government Forces have targeted a series of densely populated towns in the area the u. N. Says there are nearly four hundred thousand people there that includes rebel fighters but most are civilians for days in a strike some bombardments of forced families and children into underground shelters we cant do anything we cant even go outside to get food. Some of the weaponry being used is designed to target underground hiding places this video shot by an activist in the region on wednesday appears to show helicopters dropping vacuum bombs with their signature parachutes al jazeera cant confirm these are vacuum bombs but one weapons expert we spoke to says hes ninety nine percent sure they are this weapon creates a pressurized shockwave and a vacuum rupturing lungs and other internal organs thats if the target doesnt die in the initial fireball. If that wasnt enough the same area was later showered by incendiary cluster bombs. The u. N. Secretary general has described the situation as hell on earth. With weapons like these being used in a densely populated area just a few kilometers away from the syrian capital. Enter Chapelle Al Jazeera the situation there in eastern who thought and we can see live pictures of the United Nations Security Council where we have been waiting for a vote on a resolution calling for a cease fire it had slim delayed for days really but certainly been delayed about an hour and a half it was due to happen at seven hundred g. M. T. Still nothing we understand the ambassadors are around negotiations still ongoing and of course well bring you that vote here on aljazeera a soon as it happens. Now a week after sudan released eighty people arrested during protests in january many more remain locked up some of those arrested were journalists who say they were arrested for simply doing their jobs paper morgan reports from hard to. Ten days ago i met her but he was not sure whether shed ever see her home or her children again the journalist was held for more than a month without charge or trial after she was arrested while filming protests against economic reforms. I was arrested on the sixteenth of january in the protest organized by the Community Party we were at the place the protests were held with my colleague omar security people came and beat us and directed us to go to a certain direction they surrounded me and said im honest filming us filming us here all know how bernie was one of eighty journalists politicians and activists released last week by the Sudanese Government they were arrested during last months protest against the governments decision to devalue the currency which led to price rises and inflation lawyer had and has and like others who were arrested says she had no part in the protests but the good the member with her had better say i was walking on the streets after the protests and they were beating a young man so i stepped in to help and told them to leave him they turned to me and started beating me they put me on a pickup truck and i was taken to detention although funicular yet then because the prisoners were released after International Pressure on sudans government which hasnt said how many arrests were made political and Rights Groups say more than two hundred people were arrested during the protests over high prices in january and with only a few released Rights Groups including Human Rights Watch say many are still being held in unknown locations with no access to lawyers or family visit in conditions which may constitute and force appearances and put them at risk of abuse. The government has pledged to release all prisoners but says protesters who are attempting an overthrow need to be careful of the garden i see there is a president s decision to release the prisoners as a sign of goodwill and we released all the students women and all the members of the party and we hope that contributes in developing the political environment around the country but anyone who tries to mess with the administrative institutes of the nation and tarnish it we will not let them get away with it im an artist. I might have bonnie says shes happy to be back with her family a game but worries about others who remain in detention and with the shell be killed again for doing her job people are going to do their part to. The un has removed a police unit from a base in south sudan the middle a geisha ins of the Sexual Exploitation of women in a protection of civilians camp the United Nations that mission in south sudan has recalled forty Six Police Officers from the wow camp and the confined them to base after the complaint came to light a preliminary investigation found some members of the guinea and police unit allegedly engaged in transactional sex with women living at the site a lebanese man has been arrested on suspicion of being involved in the death of a filipino maid in q wait joanna adam a family says body was found in a freezer in kuwait city more than a year after she was reported missing police have arrested her former employer employer now there is some stuff in the lebanon his wife is also a suspect but remains at large the Philippine Government has banned the new deployments of workers to queue weight in response to the murder and has repatriated hundreds of its nationals from. Government buildings in myanmar as Rakhine State have been targeted in the series of bombings three separate explosions went off in the States Capital city where early on saturday police say that they found another three unexploded devices no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks life crime rose by more than a fifth in the United Kingdom last year with the biggest increase in london the majority of those killed in the capital were black teenage boys to be phillips has more the father should have to visit the site of their sons but this is Michael Speight he doesnt know who stabbed to death his boy michael jr in a south london park the attack seems to be random for months on the police appealed for information. People is being tight lipped we are facing a barrier wishes. People think into their so that if they open their mouth and says something theyre going to be labeled as being named pharma or a snitch. Just another london knife crime this robbery earlier this month on camera but no one will tell the police who this is the epidemic hundreds of knife crimes every week these some of the weapons used driven say the police by territorial gangs drugs and in london theres an ethnic dynamic i recognise that theres a disproportionate number of young black males that are getting stabbed and unfortunately being killed the gangs dont necessarily follow racial groups in fact some of them come in very multicultural but as a rule at the moment were finding the biggest threat to a young black male is indeed a young black male. This club tries to give children focus yes children this young are at risk for us the man who founded this club was killed aged twenty in a knife crime his mother tries to explain whats gone wrong no investment for the Young People Community centers being closed down. No emotional support for our young people it affects their Mental Health depression anxiety stress. This project helps fill the void left by cuts in social spending by the government the mare of london city car is not responsible for those cuts but as a high profile politician in the capital hes feeling the political heat of the knife crime crisis at a time when the demobbed of policing is going up the supply of police and because of government cuts is going down his opponents say his policies are incoherent hes too slow to spend the money he does have. This week he sent a message to young londoners who isnt here learn the easy life london evening life london needs me alive so i dont. Its too late for my heart stabbed to death at a north london party attended by hundreds. Last summer the police who have very few ethnic somali offices are again struggling for information this community is disproportionately affected but a mothers despair well thats universal i love my son he. Is mummy boy hes good boy good. To be phillips aljazeera london the macedonian government has begun the process of renaming its airport in a bid to improve ties with greece the airport was named in honor of the ancient warrior King Alexander the great but will now be called sculpey airport its part of efforts to resolve a decades long this feud over the name macedonia the macedonian government took on the name when the country declared independence from yugoslavia back in one nine hundred ninety one but greece argues that it implies territorial claims to its own and Northern Province of macedonia where alexander the great was born. And mentioned the couple is being discovered near the nile valley city of netanya in egypt the large cemetery is located on the edge of the countrys Western Desert and is home to a range of family tools and graves archaeologists say one tune contains over one thousand statues as well as jars holding the mummified remains of their owner who is thought to be a high priest of the god false egypt hopes that this coverings will boost its vital Tourism Sector which was hit hard by political turmoil following the two thousand and eleven apprise. Europes first major Film Festival of the year is about to come to an end at the closing ceremony is underway at the Berlin International Film Festival in the german capital around four hundred fails have been screened that nineteen of them are contending for the top prize the golden bear when it came has more now from the red carpet. The air of anticipation is rising here in berlin as the stars arrive for the prize giving ceremony that closes this festival and the point to make amongst the nineteen films that are up for the main award the golden bear there are many diverse sorts of films and theres no theres a suggestion that this field is wide open no one central favorite to take the top prize the local favorite in the isles film set in the east germany of of yes the year as it were a poetical romance as it were that plays itself out in east germany there are other films here too wes anderson stop Motion Animation film isle of dogs is considered a favorite amongst some experts some critics but as i say this field is wide open remember this festival is very important because its the first such festival that takes place in europe and it attracts not just the hollywood movie moguls but also european art house cinema and this year a special prominence for indigenous filmmaking so thats why this Film Festival gathers so many people in the crowds but also those who make the movies. Well now let me take you straight to the United Nations Security Council now youll remember that we were waiting for a vote on a resolution to hopefully implement a ceasefire in eastern who just outside damascus which has been on the heavy attack for seven days now that this resolution was meant to be first voted on the thursday Nothing Happened Nothing Happened on friday we were waiting for a vote at seven thousand eight hundred g. M. T. An hour and forty minutes ago we are seeing some of bassett or is fill the Security Council hall now so stay with aljazeera well bring you the latest on that vote as it happens stay with us. And now we are going to go to james bays now our United Nations editor there james it does seem that some of the key ambassadors are already in the chamber. Yes the latest were hearing from the Security Council and from diplomats is a vote soon youve got the live pictures there youre seeing the president of the Security Council there and the french ambassador talking to the swedish ambassador conferring right now it sounds like this is finally going to come to a vote it was originally scheduled to come to a vote nearly two hours ago and remember they wanted to bring this to a vote twenty four hours ago on friday and some of those that sponsor the resolution had hoped to bring it to a vote on thursday it looks like its coming to a vote the clear question is has there been a new draft resolution agreed on behind the scenes that everyone can agree on that is not clear you see again there may be who is the president the Security Council reading very carefully through his notes is that a new version of the resolution hes looking at or is he just preparing the opening remarks for a statement you also see in the live shot nikki haley the u. S. Ambassador moments ago i saw her looking through her notes and and using a big pen to strike through various paragraphs in fact she clearly is within a theyre writing her statement a statement we believe shes going to deliver either way russia vetoes a resolution or if there is a successful resolution lets remind you this is about a thirty day cease far in syria the russians have had objections they say to the language of this resolution i can tell you both the u. S. And u. K. Ive said public publicly they dont believe that in the russian. Problems with this resolution they believe its just delaying tactics with the russians trying to help their syrian allies to keep the bombardment of eastern go to going. James is all fine and well for the members of the Security Council to try and find Common Ground so that there is actually a resolution thats passed but there were also pressures to have a vote now because presumably if its that looted too much then they would lose any real impact. Absolutely there are various calculations here of a all concern what russia will do or most of them do although there are some questions about china as well because china mainly has voted its voting record has been with the russia or on syrian resolutions but there have been occasions when russia has vetoed in china has just abstained so some differences there but most of the calculations about what russia would do and russia is clearly has been voting and voting in voting. That alone update sorry to interrupt myself vehicles are just given another bit of information from me her star producer here a diplomat says a draft is almost final but they are now checking of the new draft with capitals with the various capitals and that also concurs with other information im getting you saw the swedish ambassador a short time ago im told that right now if you could see the whole of the room youd see that the swedish ambassador has actually been going around the table talking to each of the ambassadors i think trying to get everyone on board with a final version of this resolution but the big question is the russians and as i said the u. K. And the u. S. Believe that russia are actually has not really been negotiating it has been delaying very have said you should put this resolution to a vote theyve been saying that since those day because they thought that perhaps russia wont actually want to veto a ceasefire in syria and would in the end just abstain and they were making the point i think privately to the kuwaitis and swedes who have been leading the negotiations that actually the more time you give them the go to for the russians to negotiate the more time the russians will use it in their view to dilemma and potentially dilute the text of the resolution. I mean you were mentioning there q eight and sweden really leading the negotiations and they of course are not among the permanent veto wielding members of the Security Council i mean how interesting how significant is it that its actually now the nonpermanent members that are leading the go see on syria war thats now gone on for years. Well certainly its been nonpermanent members for some time that have taken charge of the file of humanitarian issues in the Security Council in fact originally it was a stray or a luxembourg in jordan who looked at that fall in the earlier part of the war you see there the swedish ambassador owner of scoop talking to the kuwaiti president of the Security Council there nodding their heads suggesting that they are probably ready to go to a vote soon. A diplomat telling outages here or they think they have consensus but still they are pretty cautious given the delays they felt they were there before the various park times in the last twenty four hours and then there have been yet further delays were told the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov himself has been involved in these negotiations its also clear that russia has been checking very closely with syrian allies and it can tell you in that room around the table in addition to the fifteen members of the Security Council the Syrian Ambassador bashar al jeffrey there but as you say the nonpermanent members taking the lead that they have had nonpermanent members looking at the humanitarian file for some time but actually working on a resolution like this i think it shows that they want to try and achieve things the permanent members cant do and i think thats in part because of some of the nonpermanent members we have on the Council Sweden particularly active also says january the netherlands on the Security Council are hoping that when you have the permanent members banging heads on issues like syria and yemen then perhaps of the nonpermanent members take the lead it makes it more difficult for a permanent member to veto things worth telling you as we still wait here for the Security Council possibly devote in the near future about another potential Security Council problem. That is just looming we we are here because of the suffering in syria sitting at the weekend but in in just a few hours time that the Security Council is back in business on a monday morning and yemen will be on the agenda and there is a resolution on sanctions in yemen that expires on monday looks like they wont be able to Reach Agreement on matter at the moment and thats because this time its the u. S. That does not share the view of many of the other Council Members ates trying to push into that resolution along with its u. K. Allies the language on iran and irans missiles russia is having none of that so again we could see wrangling in the coming hours on a different issue in the middle east the lady in red you can see in the center there is the director of the Security Council a u. N. Official who tries to sort things out for the other members sort of secretary out service for them so the swedish ambassador and Ambassador Haley of the u. S. There you can see other ambassadors gathering around the director and to her side man saw a little table who is the kuwaiti ambassador theyre all looking at a piece of paper now my suggestion here i clearly cant see that piece of paper is its a speaking order thats now being agreed among the ambassadors if were going to have a vote then we obviously have ambassadors who are going to speak and when you have a vote you sometimes have ambassadors speaking before the vote to appeal to the other members and whats more normal you have them speaking afterwards i know that sweden is keen to speak before so i think its quite possible that they are now after all of this time thats been devoted to this having a little wrangling of who gets to speak where who gets to speak first but i suspect is what is going on leslie and carefully to the Council Chamber as well barbara because we will when theyre about to start we get an order belongs on im turning up my speaking here in my studio to see if i can hear that sound. James obviously this vote has been at least three days in coming we were waiting for it on thursday then friday and and now today with a slight delay and just remind us what the main sticking points are when it comes to getting a resolution that all the members can agree on. Yes its been sort of three days of talking about a vote and when the vote would take place but actually several weeks of negotiation that kuwait and sweden have been working on this various different drafts coming up from kuwait and sweden but also alternative drafts very different drafts coming from russia this is the final one ive got its not the final one theyre going to vote on because we understand there have been fresh changes the changes are not in the introductory beats here theyre in whats called the operative paragraph number one the first main paragraph of the resolution and you see and read the changes that were made overnight to this there about the ceasefire that supposed to come into effect across syria not just in eastern guta thats the reason this is being pushed through and im why this is taking place a Security Council meeting on a saturday but the ceasefire is supposed to take place if it is if this resolution comes into force across syria im a bit of hearing about the timing of this earth how quickly the cease fire should come into force of the of o. To the Security Council at one point said immediately and that was changed to without delay and then theres also a sequencing thats been in various of the resolutions about then what happens and there was timeline then of getting in humanitarian aid and getting out to medical evacuations of those people who are there who desperately need medical help in eastern guta also disk. Russians about other specific mentions that should be in the resolution the russians were very keen that if youre mentioning the situation in eastern guta you should mention the situation in the city of damascus because is that good is in the suburbs and although thats been bombarded many People Killed in eastern guta there have also been casualties from the shelling thats come from eastern guta into damascus so that is something that the russians want to there added to the resolution of various points in the negotiations. We just remind the viewers now what were watching are watching the chamber of the United Nations Security Council slowly filling up waiting for a vote on a potential cease fire in syria specifically the area of eastern huta just outside damascus were joined now by our diplomatic editor james bays youve been following all of the negotiations james a mess oppose the Security Council many people have accused the Security Council and the United Nations of being a bit ineffectual so the the words of always been there the sentiment has always been that to try to help the civilians caught up in the war in this syria but often the Security Council being effectively im able to to act. Absolutely remember that if we see a russian veto not clear what theyre going to do at this stage it will be the twelfth in this war and the only way the Security Council can act is if it has the veto wielding members on the side you see the horseshoe table there are fifteen members of the Security Council ten of them only serve for two years you get each year you get another new five members but the other five the third five all the special members of the United Nations who have more power than all the other members because they are permanently on the Security Council you see two of them their Ambassador Nikki Haley conferring with her chinese colleague the the permanent five are always on the Security Council they are the u. K. The u. S. France china and russia interestingly they are. A change of administration in china but they are effectively the victors of World War Two who retain their seats and have done since the founding of the u. N. More than seventy years ago those days you will of course stay with us as we are expecting this vote from the u. N. Security council to try to call for a cease fire in a serious specifically the area of Eastern Hotel where hoping that they are expecting that vote to be imminent to stay with us here on aljazeera for that. News has never been more available its a constant barrage of it with every day but the message is a simplistic you have the brain good logical rational person crazy monsters and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not go over well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narratives of this time on aljazeera. More than five hundred syrians have been killed in a week as Government Forces attacked opposition held east and. This as the United Nations Security Council continues to deliberate over a draft resolution on a potential cease fire in syria

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