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Security Council Approves a resolution that calls for thirty days ceasefire across syria. They killed my father killed my mother i feel skeered i dont want to go back to me and my. Tragedy we revisit ranger survivors who became the target of one of the worlds most brutal crackdown six months ago. Democrats in the us a finally allowed to release a member a republican. F. B. I. Bias against election campaign. And will be able to march under their own flag in the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics have a live report. After days of heated negotiations the u. N. Security council has unanimously adopted a resolution demanding a month long truce in syria this comes after a week of government led strikes on the rebel held enclave of eastern which has killed more than five hundred civilians the resolution calls for an immediate end to hostilities for thirty days thats meant to allow a window for much needed aid to be let into besieged areas including east. It would also allow medical evacuations in a moment well get the latest on the situation in eastern but first. Phase as this report from the United Nations. Diplomats worked frantically to get a resolution for a cease fire on syria about sort of you got an agreement with the russians now. Today were going to see if russia has a concert the Russian Ambassador conferred with his syrian counterpart whose government has continued without rest by the bombardment of eastern puter even as the negotiations dragged on diplomats have been working around the clock exhausted frustrated and in some cases angry most of the discussions focusing on the exact wording of one paragraph in the end they agreed to a place an immediate cease fire with one that comes into force without delay it meant they could vote. It was unanimous but there didnt seem to be much unity in the chamber. Every minute the council waited on russia the human suffering Group Getting to a vote became a moral responsibility for everyone but not for russia not for syria not for iran i have to ask why as they dragged out the negotiation the bombs from assads fighter jets continued to fall in the three days it took us to adopt this resolution how many mothers lost their kids to the bombing and the shelling why we negotiated this so long and that is illusion that they wanted to make sure that it is not used as a pretext for any military action because we had some trouble so what in worrying. Governments on that in the recent days any good in today some of the variability cause these negotiations were extremely hard getting a ceasefire across syria will be even harder can they get a stop to the bombardment in eastern guta there is an exemption in the resolution allowing continued military action against al qaida. And i saw and some diplomats fear that the Syrian Government will assert that those fighting in eastern guta have links with those groups james pays out his era at the United Nations syrias two major rebel groups in eastern guta say they welcome the Un Resolution but its still unclear whether it will bring any relief or perceived civilians in eastern assemblage of it is following events from turkeys border with syria. Ive spoken to a number of sources since the United Nations Security Council came to this agreement a United Nations source said that weve always been ready to provide aid inside eastern huta and its been frustrating for us to know that people can see our warehouses from inside who are there only a few kilometers away but we havent been able to reach them in the last five years but aid workers are saying that it is going to be tough for these aid groups to come in and provide this help because not just the Syrian Foreign Ministry but the Syrian Intelligence also controls these checkpoints and in the past have stopped aid convoys and taken out medical supplies in essential items that they do not want to ascend into people have cautious optimism about what has happened but theyre also afraid of what is going to come in the coming hours because eastern huta has been bombarded lentulus the more than five hundred people have been killed at least twelve hospitals have been destroyed and more than two thousand people have been injured medics have been saying that the situation is desperate and critical. To the. Rescuers are responding to crisis for help. Thank you very much. But eastern no very safe basically none of the i was young and so i guess you know much of panic the search for children who disappeared in the debris. Every one of the children called for their father. So there was no the Civil Defense worker says they must hurry to the basement. Activists accuse the Syrian Government and russia for the airstrikes and shelling the suburb of syrias capital damascus has been bombarded specially hard for the last week. The only like these is from the fires which started the bombing. You are you out these children prayed in the dark in an underground shelter one of them wants the world to feel their pain her. No food no water every day you sleep on the floor my back hurts we cant bring a pillow from our house if we get out well get it dont you know that imagine your children being gone and what do you want me to say. The other was the safety. The words you had out the floors are down the air is humid and its called underground there are few basements in all to nearly four hundred thousand people i have a little most of us i smoke i know what this is called our children didnt eat for two days we cant find anything else well feed them this is a male god help us. Aid i syrians living in cities abroad have protested in small gatherings they reject that the fight in eastern huta is against what the government calls terrorists. But the Syrian Government iran and russia say the civilian deaths in our fabricated propaganda. Since the United Nations Security Council agreed to a thirty day ceasefire in syria aid workers say theyre ready to take in the aid but people inside are scared fearful of what has happened in the past in other areas might happen here again with the government tries to take as much as possible before the Implementation Phase kicks in. And the turkey syria border. Has been six months since ranger became the target of one of the worlds most brutal crackdowns the u. N. Has described their plight as textbook genocide an estimated six hundred eighty eight thousand ranger have fled from men into coxs bazaar in bangladesh says the twenty fifth of august weve reversed says some of the ranger refugees were interviewed in the past six months since the exodus began solid bellus has this report written in your refugees are the Biggest Group of displaced People Living in any one country in the world their version of the record without a war and in six months almost seven hundred thousand have streamed across the me n. Mar Bangladesh Border fleeing what they call a targeted campaign to wipe them out. We first met as a big room in december the nine year old had been shot three times in the leg and armpit by a soldier close range her parents were killed as they tried to escape six months on shes still in pain and has decided she wont go back there and. They kill my father killed my mother i feel scared i dont want to go back to me in ma they were bombing houses sitting them on fire pulling people out from their homes and shooting them torturing me and im scared to see all their all one in one until i still feel like dying a fireman that those days. They raped our women and you can see what they did to this child there are thousands of his here recovering from different weapons of war these two sisters say myanmar soldiers tied them to trees and raped them their mother father and three siblings were locked inside the horror which was the incision lines not much has changed since we first met the teenage girls in january they care and crucible long camp got them you know cabs although bright and colorful the girls say they remain cloaked in darkness. As an image and we cant go back to burma if we are asked to we dont have parents brothers and sisters no house to live there where should we live. Their wounds have healed but their nerves are frayed they fidget constantly they say they need help but they are too proud to big. Pride motivates many to carry on muhammad or haasan is eighteen years old hes in studio on his feet he says he was shot three times by soldiers twice in the back once in the chest he lived by playing date. When i came here i became paralyzed couldnt walk move and couldnt even move my hands after taking medicine i can now move and walk but still very much in pain. His wounds have healed well since we met him in october at this point he knew two of his brothers had been shot and killed he has since learned eighteen family members died in the correct. Mohammad rule and others are considering their future in November Abdul fi showed us his house right across the border the bangladesh governments agreed to repatriate the revenger but six months on they refused to return abdul says they want a guarantee of safety compensation for the destroyed villages and citizenship something theyve been denied for thirty five years. We want to tell the world of we want to live like human beings we want to educate our children and we want to live a peaceful life with our family we asked the world to provide justice for all. Myanmars government continues to deflect accusations of ethnic cleansing and even genocide justice for the revenger is hard to come by. I have no father no mother and so much pain if i have to go out to collect firewood its so painful. Those who survived the crackdown in the camps live with scars on their bodies and in their minds charlotte ballasts aljazeera as a member has a Research Professor at the stage of studies institute at the Us Army War College hes also the author of the rangers inside man laws hidden genocide and he joins us now from seattle when you hear these stories from the refugees no wonder they dont want to return to men but whats going to happen to them. Rule in job been displaced its been six months and just the figures released today we have and dick it has succeeded and forcibly removing ninety percent of the ruling job population no the difficulty is that in the last six months theres been absolutely not a single piece of action from the International Community or the United Nations to fix the situation in myanmar and bangladesh ive entered into an agreement to the pact. I believe that agreement is simply is use by the myanmar authorities to buy a team and tow the International Attention moves on to the next cases and those will hinge on become a permanent fixture within bangladesh we have been here many times before and ninety two ninety three two thousand to two thousand and thirteen and myanmar has essentially no intention of taking the job back to the big question here is why on earth the International Community has done nothing to stop this atrocity. Theres a number of reasons for this the principal reason is that. The cheneys veto at the u. N. Security council protects me and more from any sort of action from the International Community shana will simply veto any un human nature investigations or any sort of sanctions or in myanmar a second reason is that the International Community has continuously waited for unk sung suu kyi to take action in this situation they did not want to put too much pressure on her because they believe that myanmar was a very fragile democracy it was flawed but was moving in the rate daily action and any sort of pressure on myanmar me have resulted in a military coup which is something that nobody wanted and this is a mess thats been perpetuated by and sung suki and our supporters because the military is actually in a very good situation at the moment they have the holy grail of politics they are food power without any accountability and they can go on to their Hearts Content of ethnic cleansing and so this has been the International Community havent taken its eye off the ball so do you think that the minimal floridians have then judge this correctly that the International Community is simply going to leave a period of time and the refugees will stay in bangladesh and then attention will be diverted elsewhere. I think so one of those unfortunate myanmar authorities have been rate you know they have more or less gone ill be with this massive generous aid and ethnic cleansing of these people and the agreement that theyre trying to enter into bangladesh is as i said before is simply a ruse the job nothing to go back to their villages have been burnt the land has been seized and those already been redistributed and is being harvested by the locals saw this agreement as simply a mechanism just to buy and for and to look busy setting up these commissions commission for example a Bill Richardson withdrew from because the governor Bill Richardson because he realized it was simply a stitch up and just make an ism to divert attention. Many thanks for joining us there with your thoughts from seattle now the u. S. Congress has released a classified memo by democrats two weeks after it was blocked by President Trump citing security concerns and there are buckskins by republicans that the f. B. I. Abused its powers investigating alleged russian interference in the u. S. President ial Election White House agreed to the release of the democratic memo only after redactions one made a series of tweets on saturday trump criticized the memos saying the democrat memo response on government surveillance abuses abuses is a total political and legal bust just confirms all of the terrible things that were done so illegal by estabrook has more from washington d. C. Well this democratic memo that was released today basically says that the f. B. I. And the d. O. J. Acted in follow the letter of the law when they launched this investigation into carter page who was a Campaign Aide to president from the republicans earlier this year contended that the f. B. I. Based its investigation so only on partisan research that it had gotten that relied on information from brit former british spy Christopher Steele the democrat said today in this heavily redacted memo that they actually began this investigation the f. B. I. Began the investigation a few months before it even saw this da cia and that the f. B. I. Was really basing its investigation on the conversations that carter page had had with russian officials and relationships that he had with russian spies at the white house says that it is glad that this heavily redacted memo by the democrats was finally released today even though it undercuts the president and then was also back and forth between republicans and democrats on the House Intelligence Committee adam schiff who is the ranking democrat said some time ago republicans on our committee released a declassified memo that omitted and distorted key facts in order to mislead the public and impugn the integrity of the f. B. I. We can now tell you what they left out devon nunez who is the republican chair of that Committee Fired back that this democratic memo proves absolutely nothing i would say that this we actually want to do so so this is been held up for over two weeks the f. B. I. And do j. Had right away had told the democrats what was wrong with their memo or their response to our memo and they waited for two weeks before they actually did the reductions that were necessary to get this out we wanted out we wanted out because we think it is clear evidence that the democrats are not only trying to cover this up. But there are also colluding with parts of the government to help cover this up now the republicans are continuing to claim that this is part of a witch hunt into the presidency in the trunk Campaign Democrats on the other hand are saying that it was acting that the f. B. I. Was acting responsibly and would have been remiss had it not investigated carter page plenty more still ahead on the news hour including nigerias president calling the plight of missing schoolgirls a National Disaster and deploying more soldiers. To us joining Major Companies cutting ties with americas largest gun lobby the n. R. A. Calling them cowards. And norway winning a record thirty eight Winter Olympics metal details from china coming up with tatyana and. It looks increasingly unlikely that russian place will be able to march to the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics under their own flag and sasha limpid Committee Board has recommended that russias ban over doping should remain in force the i. O. C. President said the two failed drug test by russians during the games makes it impossible to lift the sanctions imposed in december over a state sponsored doping program tasha got a live for us in cannes. Looks like the russians unable to fly the flag of the cross closing ceremonies but a pretty disappointing games for them. To say the least laura this all stems from the massive doping scandal unveiled during the twenty fourteen sochi games it involved more than a thousand athletes across several sports and as you mentioned the International Olympic Committee Says that the ban for russian athletes during the pyong chuang Winter Olympics will remain in effect meaning that they will not be allowed to march under the russian flag during closing ceremony that was the case also during the Opening Ceremony and the reason is that two russian athletes failed drug tests one was a bobsledder the other was a curler the curler was stripped of his bronze medal now the court of arbitration for sport allowed one hundred sixty nine carefully screened russian athletes to compete during these games but they had to do so as socalled neutrals meaning they could not march under the russian flag dozens laura of russian athletes remain banned for life from olympic competition and the russian Olympic Committee remain suspended as it is being billed as the peace so why are we saying controversy over their arrival at the north korean delegation for the closing ceremony. There are have been and continue to be protests at the border people blocking the bridge or attempting to block the bridge as this high level north korean delegation arrived in south korea for the closing ceremony on saturday three thousand people protested in seoul the north korean flag was burned leader kim jong un photos of kim jong un the general leading this delegation were also burned so who is this controversial general his name is general kim young hes a hardliner and he used to lead a military Intelligence Agency believed to have been behind attacks against South Koreans most notably the sinking of a warship in twenty ten that killed forty six sailors as he arrived in a school today reporters asked questions about the sinking of that ship he remains stony faced now the south korean governments position is this that its difficult to pinpoint exactly if the general is responsible for that particular attack and that South Koreans need to look at the Bigger Picture and look to the future that this general is now in charge of affairs with this with south korea that he does have a say in the countrys Nuclear Program and therefore is precisely the right man to lead this delegation at the right time and the hope by president moon and his government is that this spirit of reconciliation or socalled spirit of reconciliation that he has been heavily promoting the last several months at least since the beginning of the year will continue and will help advance into relations to lingering questions to remain. Post olympics laura one is will president moon take kim jong uns offer up to visit pyongyang at the earliest opportunity possible if he does it would be historic the first time kim jong un has met with a south korean president since he took office in twenty eleven number two how will north korea react given this latest round of sanctions at the United States has imposed many questions or may. Join us there from south korea. Excell does have been deployed to search for more than one hundred ninety million schoolgirls kidnapped by boko haram on monday ducks in the town of deputy cast doubts on the governments claims that it had defeated the armed group when it just has more from the capital and. The mood is that of shock and anger anger because the Nigerian Government has failed to properly explain how many kids or how many students have been taken from that college and what exactly happened there now shock in the sense that many people expected nigeria and the security agencies to learn from the mistakes of two thousand and fourteen in trouble when more than two hundred and seventy schemes go to school girls have been kidnapped by boko haram more than one hundred of them are still unaccounted for our group of activists have been pushing the Nigerian Government to rescue reachable girls now we spoke to some of them who expressed shock and dismay that four years on the Nigerian Government and the Nigerian Security services have not learned anything from the world. Before its four years one hundred and twelve people go but only to be woken up tuesday to realize there are more schoolgirls were abducted and were back to square one when many nigerians expected the government to beef up security around vulnerable places like schools especially boarding schools in the northeast of nigeria now in the case of she that clearly did not happen and many nigerians will be watching the government closely as a low Security Agency is to see whether or not these girls are rescued in the next few days or so. Have carried out an attack on Security Forces camp in yemen which left at least fourteen people dead to surfside bombs were set off at the entrance to the camp in the Southern City of aden before gunman tried to attack the facility is that was the first of its kind in southern yemen since fighting in january between separatists and the countrys internationally recognized government. Thousands of people have attended a rally in tel aviv protesting israels plans to deport african migrants Israeli Government has given notice to twenty thousand nail migrants they could face jail if they dont leave by the start of april the men missing from sudan and eritrea have been offered three thousand five hundred dollars and a plane ticket women children families and those with pending asylum requests a message before the sauce of this year will be exempt high for said has more from tel aviv. There are thousands of people here on the streets of south tel aviv not just african to silence because it also and notably many israelis are out here to protest against their governments policy of threatening i want the government to. Work infiltrators from african nations mainly sudan and eritrea with either prison or forced to essentially forced people to shift to a third country i. E. Or one of the well most of the people weve spoken to who may be in that situation the future they say that they would prefer prison to being sent to a country which isnt theirs which they say they would feel unsafe in one of those people is a man whos been here for ten years an Asylum Seeker who is from darfur in sudan and his name is thais harun and he joins me now thais just briefly your presence here is because of what happened to you and your family in darfur yes im here since two thousand and eight and the reason im here is because theyve got to say that happen end up. Going to actually going to say i started on we run away you know we our houses were van our family lives where you know most of the people were killed on then we end up going to that he felt the majority according to polls of israelis support the government two thirds of israelis support the governments policy on this nonetheless we see this big turnout opposed to it and in support of your argument here tonight what does i do feel. Look like to be honest i really want to thank the Israeli Society for come. I know that they met us they know that we are not here as migrants we came here because we have a problem on home and they understand that and we are very grateful for the the opportunity we just want the government to see this to see you come and meet the people and to see if you will out of Migrant Workers or we are really. Looking for a safe. Touch thank you very much for joining us and so thats the situation here we have thousands on the streets protesting against this law however the process has already begun some people are in prison people have been issued with these deportation notices Israeli Government seems to term and to press ahead. So has had on aljazeera Police Anything other than to me live now under names and nanda needs me alive so i dont carry a knife. Here case efforts to stop a rise in the deadly knife attacks plus. There were thirty five Million People who were living in poverty. We traveled back in time to resurrection city a shanty town filled with human rights activists fifty years ago. From flowing on in the winds to an enchanting desert breeze. Hello there weve got quite a few showers over parts of china at the moment if we look at the chart for us on sunday we can see that chong ching also through hunan and towards the west is going to see quite a few showers and those showers gradually become confined more to the chongqing region as we head through monday that means more of us will get away with a dry day and the temperatures arent too bad at the moment see their charm do they getting to around eighteen degrees force in shanghai where we are up at fourteen which is well above average of a further towards the south and weve been watching some rain over the philippines over the last day or say this system here is to some very heavy downpours over mindanao and its gradually now pushing its way towards the north that means for many of us in the philippines it will be quite wet on sunday particularly if youre in the east were also seeing some heavy rain over parts of borneo too but this whole system is pushing further north would still as we head through into monday i dont think its going to reach us in vietnam just yet and as it moves northward it should actually clear away from the north coast of borneo as we head through the next day or say over towards india and pakistan and things are being fairly unsettled here in the north even see the latest system running its way towards the east it loses its intensity there as it makes its way eastward so not a great deal left to it by the time it gets to nepal theres more rain on its way behind it though. The way the sponsored by qatar greece. Struggling with the effects of Climate Change see. Larry leons dry season is unforgiving but compounded by corruption in its wet season months lives that are claiming most lives i dont remember even the wall when for a single day in one thousand died in two minutes people in power investigates the effects of deforestation and illegal building and asks what the future holds if those in authority fail to act the mountain will fall at this time on aljazeera. With bureaus spanning Six Continents across the. Aljazeera correspondent she live in green the stories they tell. Us about it. Didnt world news. Again youre watching aljazeera has reminder of our top stories this hour the u. N. Security council has unanimously adopted a resolution demanding a month long truce and syria has a week of government led strikes on the rebel held every beast in kuta which has killed more than five hundred civilians. Its six months since a military crackdown m. M. R. Forced hundreds of thousands of rain just to play into bangladesh the un has condemned the atrocities calling them a textbook case of cleansing thats racist six hundred eighty eight thousand range or across the border into by the dash to the twenty fifth of august. And the classified memo by the us democrats has been released two weeks after President Trump blocks attitude security concerns. And republican f. B. I. Bias against trump and his investigation into his president ial campaigns links with russia has treated the newly released document as a total political and legal bust. A growing number of high profile u. S. Companies are cutting ties with the National Rifle Association Following last weeks shooting at a Florida High School more than half a Dozen Companies say they will no longer offer discounts the n. R. A. Is five million members of the social Media Campaign by gun control activists calling for a boycott on brands who partnered with the organization or companies that have severed ties with the n. R. A. Include major insurers car rental firms and two of americas Biggest Airlines delta and united the n. R. A. Has lashed out at the companies saying they are punishing membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice the Advocacy Group argues activists are using the february fourteenth shooting to expand gun control and abolish gun rights in the u. S. Peter matthews is a professor of Political Science at Cypress College and he says the boycott is going to have a Significant Impact on the n. R. A. These are Large Companies it was a Small Company like a Car Rental Company thats one thing but when you know their lines and delta and other symantec and leave a High Tech Companies does the same thing its going to have a both of. Impact and a moral or ethical impact because the word then spreads the awareness of the issue of Assault Rifle especially Assault Rifles thats what needs to be banned and a lot of these young people the students have been galvanizing Public Opinion and these corporate opinion now against the n. R. A. And thats very significant in my view two hundred thirty members of congress over half of the house of representatives receives money for the n. R. A. From the n. R. A. For their campaigns and now theyre going to have star rejecting that money because their own constituents will turn against them once these companies turn against them and once the students have led Public Opinion against the n. R. A. And what its doing because the n. R. A. Does not i want to have any kind of regulation whatsoever but once these members of congress and their candidates to run against them see that the n. R. A. Is actually more of a obstacle rather than a help to them theyre going to have to refuse the money from them in a lot of ways or at least break away from their Political Support have been for attacks in Afghanistan Taliban fighters stormed an army outpost and look in the west killing at least twenty soldiers Security Forces have also been tugs in alaska and another attack happened in nearby not me and i feel its claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing and kabul anybody has more. Another bloody day in afghanistan three suicide bombings at a large scale Taliban Attack on an Afghan Army Base the first attack was in kabul at eight thirty on saturday morning the target was intelligence building Afghan Intelligence building where people were killed and wounded this was carried out by Islamic State they claim responsibility the other attacks were by the taliban there is concern i think especially for the attack in kabul you may remember the large ambulance bomb that was set off in january killing more than one hundred people but after that the afghan president. Gani said there was a new Security Strategy youve seen on the streets greater numbers of army and police greater defenses but still with this in place Islamic State able to strike so thats causing concern and of course the taliban is beefing up their attacks as well is preemptive perhaps for their annual spring offensive which they always launch but there are so many attacks going on now that basically want to fence it rolls into another the United Nations has released a report showing that the majority of People Killed are civilians last year ten thousand were killed and wounded and its the weapon of choice now is more often suicide bombs and roadside explosions. The americans are here in force theyve beefed up their numbers theyre using more aerial power to try and defeat in particular Islamic State but so far it doesnt seem to be working and the Security Strategy certainly has holes in it the pacific nation of pop and you can all gearing up to host his Biggest International event ever but despite major financing from Foreign Countries there is concern the small country will not be ready for the apec summit and as anna thomas reports that financing is coming from places like china and australia are pouring millions into the event as they vie for employment and the pacific. Half built on the waterfront in the van but this will be the showpiece Conference Center for the Biggest International events Papua New Guinea has ever hosted winning the right to host the Asia Pacific Economic cooperation or apec summit was a major achievement for Papua New Guinea its capital port moresby struggles with poverty and high crime and some living here doubt their city will be ready in time. Hopefully it will be ready but given the countrys. State. Them to finance im not so i have my doubts but Papua New Guineas government insists it will host a successful event it expects u. S. President donald trump and chinese leader xi jinping to be among the thousands of delegates and says the nearly two hundred Million Dollars its paying to host the event will be earned back in subsequent investment many times over the governments confidence is in part because the country is getting lots of assistance Papua New Guinea isnt having to pay the full a cost on its own other countries are in effect subsidizing the event particularly australia and china through assistance in cali into providing People Security and training australia is paying between a quarter and a third of the total apec costs its a real struggle is having a break in poverty and thats how i would see it. But new zealand who is sending hundreds of people to help with Protocol Training and the Chinese Government built and is now renovating this second apec venue a practice become an opportunity for rival powers to get close to Papua New Guinea an example of the way the regions bigger countries are trying to influence with small island nations separate happening in these in a very Strategic Point in the world in the world where it can pull from asia from a stray or new zealand to its benefit and to the benefit of its people and you know any country in that situation would do the same but others are concerned that their country risks becoming a geopolitical pawn its a little bit risky for me i think because in the event of a conflict its more likely that in places like new guinea those conflicts with the power of the plane of the help being poured into the apec summit is just one example of mostly china and australia competing to be the best friend of the pacific for if or when that friendship becomes necessary Andrew Thomas aljazeera port moresby number of life crimes in britain rose by more than twenty percent last year with a third of recorded offenses in london the majority of those killed in the capital are black teenagers a correspondent phillips reports no father should have to visit the site of their sons murder but this is michaels fate he doesnt know who stabbed to death his boy michael jr in a south london park the attack seems to have been random for months on the police appealed for information. Is being tight lipped. Wishes. Phil came to the us that if theyre all promote and serve something theyre going to be labeled as be made from a snitch. Just another london knife crime this robbery earlier this month on camera but no one will tell the police who this is the epidemic hundreds of knife crimes every week these some of the weapons used driven say the police by territorial gangs drugs and in london theres an ethnic dynamic i recognise that theres a disproportionate number of young black males that are getting stabbed and unfortunately being killed the gangs dont necessarily follow racial groups in fact some of them come in very multicultural but as a rule at the moment were finding the biggest threat to a young black male is indeed a young black male. This club tries to give children focus yes children this young are at risk for the us the man who founded this club was killed aged twenty in a knife crime his mother tries to explain whats gone wrong no investment for the Young People Community centers being closed down. No emotional support for our young people it affects their Mental Health depression Anxiety Stress to. This project helps fill the void left by cuts in social spending by the government the mare of london city car is not responsible for those cuts but is a high profile politician in the capital hes feeling the political heat of the knife crime crisis at a time when the demobbed and policing is going up the supply of police and because of government cuts is going down his opponents say his policies are incoherent hes too slow to spend the money he does have. This week he sent a message to young londoners who isnt learned these real life london evening life london needs me alive so i dont carry a knife. Its too late for my heart stabbed to death at a north london party attended by hundreds. Last summer the police who have very few ethnic somali officers are again struggling for information this community is disproportionately affected but a mothers despair well thats universal i love my son he. Is a mummy boy hes good boy never forget. To be philips aljazeera london. I mean salmon washington has said a case of an exhibition to an iconic Human Rights Movement ignited by mohsen luther king fifty years ago the Poor Peoples Campaign to modern Economic Justice for working class americans it ended in a six week demonstration in the u. S. Capitol where thousands of processes set up a shanty town known as resurrection city i was there as opposed the curator of the National Museum of American History bryant there were thirty five Million People who were living in poverty with another thirty million People Living just above the poverty able to twenty ninth one thousand nine hundred sixty eight the Poor Peoples Campaign actually begins with convening of one hundred leaders from across the country representing poor communities from across the country they come to meet with federal agencies and legislators on may second nineteen sixty eight the Campaign Officially launches every single day people would go out in they would protest to different federal agencies and that was really part of the responsibility in the committee and they made when they came to resurrection city but they would stay in washington they would live in resurrection city until they could bring about some sort of positive change the Poor Peoples Campaign was a multiethnic movement it marks a really important transition in the civil Rights Movement and that civil rights was transforming itself into this multiethnic multi racial multicultural human rights crusade we see more multiracial kinds of issues like the native american Cultural Heritage and preservation issues we also see issues related to our poor whites and appalachians which is really important considering what was happening in appalachian to job markets and the economy we saw issues related to women and women power in fact the Poor Peoples Campaign opened on may twelfth with the public rally led by Corona Scott King it was called the mothers day rally and part of her speech was you know womens power where she talks about the Important Role that women would. Where. America. At the horror of the similarities are really between the Poor Peoples Campaign. The symbol sample of what the american democracy is supposed to be about. The celebrated bollywood actress has died at the age of fifty four. She began her career as a child. One hundred films role of a romantic adventure to india that made her. Fifteen year break me successful comeback. On her first trip to the us in the hit Movie English vinglish. She suffered. A heart attack on a. Dubai. This is really an attack on its itself is a lot of a sudden the standing of what free speech is supposed to be about the context its hugely important setting the stage for a serious debate up front at this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Where every. Environment doesnt know any boundaries what goes up into the environment goes around the world. The sides are pushed that its a very modern way to do it. And weve made poisons the measure of progress the domestic population has become organized enough and active enough to believe. In the ideas that will kill or more vulnerable circle of poison this time on al jazeera. I. Think. A voice for the sport a quick update on a story we reported earlier the International Olympic committee has voted to uphold a ban on russia says athletes will not be able to march in the closing ceremony under russias flag that closing sorry in a few hours time eleven g. M. T. Will not feature the russian flag due to two failed drug tests during the games now ever. Thank you very much text no border ethyl a death scam has made history by becoming the first athlete ever to win a gold medal in snowboarding and skiing c. P. G. Actonel in pick there was a good day in pyongyang for no way and hosts south korea as well as peter stone it reports. All eyes were on is to go on saturday having already taken gold in the super g. Alpine ski event she went on to write her name into the in the big history books the czech winning the parallel giant slalom gold medal in her chosen sport old snowboarding no one else has ever achieved a stunning feat the lympics it was a great day i enjoyed every run and im very happy to be here. First place on the mens side switzerlands live in gomery me to go to the parallel giant slalom. South koreas leasing who took his countrys first medal on the snow. Big a snowboarding has won lots of fans over to the big debut including Donald Trumps daughter ivanka she was in the crowd to see kyle mack win silver for the usa but it was sebastian tootle of canada who got the gold. It was a special day for norway as they broke the record for most medals one at a Winter Olympics by any nation a bronze in the alpine Team Competition took their telly to thirty eight one more than the United States won at the vancouver games in twenty tain switzerland beat austria to gold in that event which sees mixed teams of four skiers compete in head to head slalom races there was better news for the u. S. In the mens curling final as they defeated sweden ten seven for a first ever gold in that event a good day too for finland who wanted first gold of these games in the mens crosscountry fifty kilometer mass start even eskin and held off two russian competitors to win in speed skating it was a gold medal for japan in the ladies mascot nonna to kagi was first across the line with the host nations kimbo drum taking silver bronze went to irenes coton from the netherlands and the host nation was given something to cheer for later in the day as leaf song hoon won the mens mass start gold medal the last middle of the day belgiums bought swings were second while bronze went to couldnt for way of the netherlands it all comes to an end on sunday with norway and germany in contention for more golds and south koreas golic goulds Womens Curling Team in contention for the ultimate prize peter stem of aljazeera well heres how the medal table is looking on the penultimate day of competition norway still top with thirteen goals and that record tally of thirty eight germany in second also have thirteen gold medals with canada sitting in fad on any level. Just full metal left to be awarded on the final day of action sweden will play hosts korea for the gold in the womens curling the men four man bobsled competition will get a new champion the last Gold Medalist russia was stripped of their title for doping germany faced the olympic athletes from russia for the mens ice hockey gold and the most decorated athlete in winter olympic history noways married b. R. Can goes for her fifteenth medal in the womens Cross Country thirty kilometer mass start meanwhile the International Olympic committee have delayed a decision on whether or not to allow russian athletes to march with that countrys flag in sundays closing ceremony they have competed as a limp a athletes from russia in pyongyang and carried in the limpid flag in the Opening Ceremony that is after russia was banned from sending an official team because of a massive doping scandal two russian athletes have failed drug test at these games complicating the eyes these decision allowing them to march with that countrys flag would be read missing russia into the olympic family. So. Of course we assure them that these violations are not of a systemic nature as you all the well and i hope our i. O. C. Colleagues understand this also that this is more the result of negligence than malice. Many russian athletes have won medals at these Olympic Games but of course we think our whole delegation of the athletes the coaches consider that the best reward would be the return of the National Flag and the reinstatement of the Olympic Committee. So bull now and round the dread to recent return to good form has continued with a win over i live as in the league of christiana and although scored twice in the game and gareth bale whod previously been left out of the squad for a lack of goals while he also scored four nil is how it ended with current benzema scoring in the eighty ninth minute rout trial Athletico Madrid by four points in the table and leaders botha have now gone ten points clear at the top of the standings this after the six one thrashing of a catalonian team hit on a athletica madrid are second in the English Premier League liverpool have moved into second in the table vat is after a four one win over west ham are a chance scored liverpools one hundred goal of the season with the opening one of the game also on the scoresheet mohammed so law about a familiar and saudia manet. Alinas fit alina successfully managed to defend her to buy tennis championship title on sunday the cranium be seeded daria covered keenness six four six love in the final this is the salinas eleven title of her career and as a result she also becomes the third woman to win successive defy titles after justin and Venus Williams you have revenues of reform and. This is really. Coming into this week without the next their versions of course i have grown friends and pressure but just tried to you know take one match of the diamond be really four was and what serves as a record and it worked really well in rugby six nations scotlands of pulled off a quite an opt out after beating england in edinburgh on saturday hugh jones scored two tries Shaun Maitland also across the line a spin russell put in a man of the match performance for the scots to defeat the english by twenty five points to thirteen. And in Dublin Ireland overcame wales in a high scoring affair irish winger Jacob Stockdale scored twice as the host al scored the welsh by five tries to three and a thirty seven twenty seven home victory. Australias very hand denis leaves the tour of abu dhabis cycling race into sundays final stage denis won the individual time trial stage earlier on fourteen seconds ahead of spains jonathan a customer who is now sits second in the general classification time trial while champion tom de new lawn had a disastrous day when a mechanical problem force him to change bikes on the side of the road leaving him in night. That is all the sport for now more later. Romanian film about the fear of intimacy is the surprise winner of this years top prize the International Film festival touch me not was picked ahead of eighteen other films including u. S. Director aware. Of entry isle of dogs dont like a reports theyre going to make the effort to miss calls to. Touch me not but i do know. That when her film was entered in this years competition few might have thought a dinner pin team would scoop the top prize but for the jury no other film and no other director was more deserving of. This one per. Touch me not is an examination of physical intimacy where the main characters explore their emotions and feelings for each other but also their fears about opening up to one another this was its directors first full length work which explains his shock at winning both best film and best first feature we were not expecting that our. Oh its so important this is coming because. We would like the dialogue not proposes. Opens to the world so we invite we invite you the viewer to dialogue. Rancid epic or two were mean banana peels although few Hollywood Studio movies were in the competition the film i love dogs gained its director wes anderson a silver bear his movie offers us a stop motion animated adventure in a dystopian future japan where a form of canine flu has falsely or for a tease to quarantine all dogs on a Remote Island the us actor bill murray voices the role of one of the characters he picked up the award on Wes Andersons behalf i never thought that i would go to work as the dog and come home with. The silver bear grand jury prize went to the polish film mug based on the experiences of an industrial worker called yet chick who suffers a disfiguring accident while working on a vast statue of jesus yet check requires a face transplant and his subsequent experience and the reaction he receives depicts what the films director feels is the changing face of poland. So this festival is drawing to a close with a controversial choice for the golden bear the top prize touch me not from a d. In europe interior has been described by some as polarizing opinion with its examination of physical intimacy in the twenty First Century but for her this is a triumphant night dominic kane aljazeera berlin. And you can find much more on our website which is updated twenty four hours a day dress aljazeera dot com. And thats it for me laura kyle for this news up as our runaway head in just a moment with more of the days its. A unique portrait of a small gulf nation living under siege what made this different was their targets and their pain to be forced to leave would just be our and their gains others to live it has given us the desire to carry on with our lives and be creative maybe of turndowns its normal part of business. Has become more united. Beyond the blockade at this time on aljazeera. When the news breaks when people need to be heard. Like it too good to me is. My brain and this story needs to be turned ages largest catholic country is witnessing a dramatic rise in teenage pregnancy aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring the mood winning documentaries. And live news on air and online. From Satellite Technology to three d. Printing and recycled waste to solar powered classrooms africa is transforming young innovators are propelling change Building Communities creating employment and solving problems theyre challenging systems and shaping you what its about creative thinkers shaping their continents future innovate africa at this time on aljazeera. Finalis the biggest ever in the monkey. Decades activists in seats of government we didnt want to be piled on this information and all we really didnt want technologically challenging politics and implementing direct democracy open source code to use the free hand for one to look we are innovators we are activists we are regular. Madrid at this time and im just you know. Timid micheline the drafters hence adopted unanimously. The u. N. Security Council Approves the resolution that calls for a thirty day ceasefire across syria

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