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A museum in the capital tunis killing 22. 00 people in march 2053 months later 38. 00 people were killed in an attack on a Beach Resort Hotel at seuss and last october a woman blew herself up in central tunis killing herself on wounding 9 operates many chinese ians he rely on tourism for their income say theyre nervous about the future you know that and he said lets actually not arbitrary so its not their will or what happened. He said act. As if it would be the police but city it makes a lot of people whether the media are safe or not fighting in neighboring libya is another worry for the Chinese Government as it deals with threats from inside and outside its borders victoria gates and be al jazeera. The weather is next and then endangers Constitutional Court rules on a challenge to the president s reelection victory and a west African Leaders look for solutions to the rise of course. The weather sponsored by cattle always. How we got normal weather across the middle east at the moment it says hot sunny we have got some longer spells of rain some rather disturbed weather continuing just around the caspian sea around the black sea anywhere from around georgia or armenia azerbaijan could see some showers long spells upright over the next couple of days for the south or into the fortys mid fortys maybe high fortys for baghdad and for kuwait city behind that a rather more pleasant 28 celsius theyre for. Route and for jerusalem similar values as we go on through saturday noticed by saturday that rain sinking further southwards northern parts of syria north east of turkey could see some showers long spells of bright wanted to show is to over towards a back to was to minustah afghanistan pakistan they stay dry and sunny as is the case across iraq peninsula a little more cloud over towards the red sea but to sensibly more hot sunshine coming through here and are we getting up to around 4344 celsius over the next couple of days but here sunshine across Southern Africa meanwhile little bit of cloud just moving through the western cape the southern cape 15 celsius in cape town as we go through the next day or so generally it is looking fine dry and sunny some warmth around harare and antananarivo where the top temperature of 21. Well sponsored by the time. Is a dialogue reading about it. On International Media and on t. V. With skepticism because theres a lot of it online everyone has a voice well be taking advantage of just small. In their 12 just join the global conversation on now to 0 all they want to do is try to depict the same kind of history. Good to have you with us on aljazeera these are our top stories former us secretary of state Rex Tillerson has testified that he was kept in the dunkel of the Foreign Policy he accused the white house advisor jad kushner of going behind his back with high level diplomacy. The g. 20 summit as officially underway as the worlds most powerful leaders gather in japan tension between the u. S. And iran has already come up the chinas president saying the government is at a crossroads of war and peace trade disputes and the state of the Global Economy are also high on the agenda and bahrain has reported some bastard to iraq after hundreds of the rockies stormed the embassy in central baghdad demonstrations burned flags and anger behind hosting of the u. S. Sponsored manana conference on peace in the middle east. Round 2 of the fight for the u. S. Democratic president ial nomination has come to a close the 2nd of 2 debates in miami featured 10 candidates including pop in a frontrunner as joe biden then he sounds and coming to harris like the 1st debate immigration was once again a focal point candidates also clashed on the plans to address Climate Change Abortion Health care and 7 wives a lot correspondent and again it has been following that debate and hes joining us live from miami and really one moment and then that everyones talking about from this debate. To get these debates in this is a very crowded field or all about that moment those moments that people will remember its an exchange between Camilla Harris and the former Vice President joe biden will be talking about for days to come she was talking about her experiences as a child growing up in california when she was bused to schools that was a practice when they were resegregating schools in this country where poor africanamerican children had to be bussed into schools to re segregate them so that black and white children could go to School Together but i think it was the Vice President s response to her accusation she didnt say he was racist she just said he didnt do anything about it he then said that it should have been dealt with at the county level instead as perhaps saying he was sorry she had to go through the experience of talking about his own fights against social injustice but lets just listen to some of that exchange and see why it will be talked about for days to come. Do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose bussing in america do you agree i did not oppose abortion in america were opposed is bar scene ordered by the department of education that you are appalled why there is not a failure of states to into your own Public Schools in america i was part of the 2nd class to integrate berkeley california Public Schools almost 2 decades after brown v board of education because your city council made that decision it was little that was an issue that all government must never be and that why we have the last right. Why we thank you oh yeah thats why we need to pass the n. R. A. Because there are moments in history where states fail to preserve the civil rights of our people or to your right from the very standing a man who biden has of course already come under some courses in the last few weeks because of his comments that was seen as being supportive of previous segregationist politicians so how much is this going to along with tonights performance do you think affect his status as the front runner so far and what will be his strategy Going Forward. Well i think for joe biden this was a bruising debate he had a target on his back coming into this because he was the clear front runner in all of this i think what the expectation was that was that the vermont senator Bernie Sanders would attack him he did at one point criticize joe biden for voting for the war in iraq but you know it was that moment between harris and biden that will be remembered i think joe biden will just continue on because ultimately its up to the voters of this country who the winners or the losers were over these 2 past 2 nights where 20 candidates took to the stage but certainly for come on here is this will give her a boost she was only polling in the Single Digits but she used her experience as a prosecutor to really put joe biden on the spot and his reaction was what really people will remember he looked shocked he looked like he was on his back foot for those few minutes in that exchange happened but theres a long way to go before the general election the Democratic Party does even pick their candidate until next summer theres going to be a whole series of debates between now and then certainly kemal harris had a boost tonight but with 18 months to go lots more debates to go anything could and probably will happen what happens to joe biden will be watched very closely because he has had a commanding lead these monies to sustain that but he has a tendency to say things like working with segregationist was ok they called me son and not boy and then hes going to get attacked for things like that he didnt seem prepared for what should have been an obvious thing to happen and as far as is the only africanamerican on station and she used it to great personal effect it was a personal story she talked about after the base talking about how it scarred her for a while shes now got over it and it was that moment over these 2 nights that i think people will remember Going Forward and to thank you very much for that for now thats i want to live in miami thank you. Now Democratic Leaders in the u. S. House of representatives have backed down to President Trump on their border aid bill demands the house has passed a 4600000000 dollars package to help address the surge in people trying to cross into the u. S. From mexico but that doesnt include additional protections for Migrant Children that Many Democrats have wanted the bill which has already passed the Republican Controlled Senate it now needs to be signed into law by the president that the new u. S. Defense secretary has told nato colleagues that his country doesnt want a war with iran and marcus 1st meeting with the alliance and taking up the post he added that he wants to move for the military track to a diplomatic one just last week President Trump said he called off strikes on iran at the last minute after iran shot down a u. S. Drone now the rise of armed groups in west africa will be high on the agenda as leaders begin a regional summit in nigerias capital in the coming hours molly in particular has seen a surge in violence this year with more than 160000. 00 people displaced by ethnic fighting and thats putting pressure on the u. When mission there as nicolas hark explains from bamako and a warning has reported begins with some distressing images. Disturbing graphic mobile phone footage of mutilated in burned bodies found in the aftermath of the massacre either shot or had to death 164. 00 only villagers died in a matter of hours. The International Criminal court during visits to getting what possibly constitutes crimes against humanity. It is a massacre the survivors believe could have been prevented. We knew that it had to be doggone hunters no one else but them and they are the only people who could attack us when. Done. Is a doggone militia they have declared war against the full on the people they queues for monies of supporting the armed groups like the struggle the slum will mostly mean and the Group Islamic state in the greater sahara active in the region where these for lonis live. But in baghdad there was shooting everywhere in the village 3 minutes into the attack i called the Brigade Commander telling him that the town was being attacked and i asked him to deploy soldiers he said that soldiers were on their way 10 minutes later i called again the soldiers hadnt left then i called the captain his name is diarra i told him again that our village was being attacked he told me the soldiers were leaving soon some moments later i called him again asking him if the troops had left but they were still in their barracks and while their barracks were short 20 minute drive it took them 6 hours to get to go sagal they arrived to after the attackers left. Not able to call for these reports. Of his thoughts of Missile Defense will send over sports to coordinate forces action in the villages and between villages. To appease the. Villagers for the money an army of backing the doggone militias 1000000 forces with militias have conducted joint military operations in the past in so as barry was hiding while his village was torched and his family killed he called the un peacekeepers known as minutes my for help. I called i talked to the people of the United Nations Human Rights Office mr baca your call he told me that under control he was trying his best to solve the situation and said that bush or they would be a solution and then i switched my phone off these villagers say the un came but a day later the Un Peacekeeping force me to use my says it sent battalions and helicopters on the day of the attack this is. The head of the mission have you failed your mission to protect the civilian population there. And. We do have a mandate to protect civilians but if you see the agreement if you see the mandate of the minutiae it is 1st intended for the north the south came after and it is now being contaminated by what is happening in the north. Violence is spreading faster than it can be contained and caught in this spiral of destruction for the people of mali nicholas hark al jazeera bamako. The mayor of istanbul has for many taken office after winning mondays reelection election rather more than victory was a setback to the ruling party and the president. Dominated politics and turkeys biggest city for decades the opposition now only won the 1st election in march but the ak party said they had been voted for and forced their way run. Indonesias president has welcomed a court ruling that rejected allegations of widespread voter fraud and confirmed his election victory djoko would dodos challenger onto the result and widowhood disqualified of the Constitutional Court ruled that the evidence wasnt Strong Enough Lawrence Louis reports from jakarta. Indonesias Constitutional Court to gives its verdict the judges rejecting president ial challenger probables to be antos application of the 2 and now the result of the election in april. We declare the refusal of all arguments in principle submitted by the applicant and related parties entirely. The 9 judges ruled there wasnt enough evidence to prove that big massive fraud and systematic cheating in the polls as alleged by probably his lawyers argued the president joke over dodo mobilize the power of the state to win by breaking Campaign Finance rules and that up to 13000000 votes was stolen speaking after the verdict. He accepts the decision. We understand that such legal decision must have deeply disappointed. Supporters the just and Prosperous Indonesia Coalition and surely ourselves everyone in the Election Committee yet all of us agree that we will obey and follow our constitution the court in the capital supporters in the hundreds waited in anticipation of the verdict thousands of them demonstrated last month against the election result 9 people were killed and hundreds injured during 2 nights of riots this time supporters left before the verdict was announced many analysts didnt rate his chances of winning the case. The problem. Is decision to challenge the result right and wrong its difficult to win in the Constitutional Court when it comes to president ial election of 2004 cases be rejected but theres no other way to challenge the result except to bring the case to court the courts decision is final and cant be appealed the Election Commission is due to confirm the final election result within 3 days that president djoko widodo will continue to rule indonesia for a 2nd term. With a legal challenge. Behind president as hes popular can focus on governing the country but hell have the added task of bridging the divide that this election achieved dispute has caused lawrence to aljazeera jakarta. A new floor has been discovered in the Computer System of the troubled boeing 737 max airliner the us aviation regulator found a problem with the anti stall software and says the company must solve it before the plane can fly again the 737 max was grounded in march after 2 crashes killing 346 people. Now finally this bulletin a previously unknown dinosaur species has been discovered in brazil named divest the sorest pair of aces its fossils where on earth from the countrys northwest is thought to have inhabited this part of brazil about 90000000 years ago when it was a desert paleontologists say the car never a species was about one and a half meters long and had a uniquely shaped claw. Again on theres a problem and the headlines on aljazeera the former u. S. Secretary of state has described being kept in the dark about Foreign Policy Rex Tillerson testified before a committee in washington last month and details have just been released to listen accuse white house adviser Jared Kushner of operating independently and outside of the state department what would leaders have posed for the traditional family photo at the start of the g. 20 summit in japan the tension between the u. S. And iran has already come up with chinas president saying the gulf is at a crossroads of war and peace and the u. N. Chief says the world cannot afford to have a conflict in the gulf. Ive always believed in the go on believing that the j c p a way is a very important instrument that was achieved and it was effective if the bill if he. Did that it would be very important to preserve it and so i made that appeal to everybody including to be done. Obviously it is essential to deescalate the situation in the gulf it is essential to avoid that. Confrontation takes place in the gulf i think the world couldnt afford this hundreds of iraqis have stormed the behind the embassy in central baghdad and anger over the u. S. Sponsored with a conference on pace in the middle east a train has recorded some besa to iraq after demonstrators broke in and took down the flag replacing it with one of their own police used live rounds to break the hour long standoff but no one was injured a 50000000000. 00 economic plan was unveiled by white house advisor jack kushner and behind this week one person has died after 20 solicited tax targeted Security Forces into misery as capital tunis a bomber targeted a Police Vehicle near the French Embassy in central tunis the other of the counterterrorism headquarters. Of the fight for the u. S. Democratic president ial nomination has come to a close the 2nd of 2 debates in miami featured 10 candidates including frontrunners joe biden Bernie Sanders and the harrisson like the 1st debate immigration was once again a focal point of all those other headlines on aljazeera the stream is coming up next thank you very much for watching. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it. To bring you the news and Current Affairs the matter to you. If i mean ok and i really could be in the stream today the theme for womens world cup 2019 could this years tournament be a game changer for womens football some of the biggest matches are being played over the next couple of days and if you are following the tournament tell us why and the highlights so far so that your comments via twitter or in the live you tube channel which i get them into the show. The u. S. Womens National Soccer team left activists and fighters. And youre in the. Youre. Always this years womens world cup changing attitudes towards womens football compared to past tournaments the event hosted by france this is already breaking viewing records around the world joining us to talk about some of the stories that have come from the tournament so far in new york erica a Sports Writer and social activists and browns and out the world cup to be a bari is jani a sports journalist with t. V. C news and going to the beach florida Lauren Silber shes a midfielder for the Jamaican National team and in Lagos Nigeria super falcons defender i know may she made history this year as the 1st african to play in 5 world cup tournaments congratulations smiling that. I have been looking at your Instagram Account and it really takes into the atmosphere behind the scenes special access that youve got as you. Reporting on the womens well comp i have to share this instagram here at the full can celebrate step a question to round 16 off for the 1st time in 20 years im going to press play be ready for a party oh. Oh yes but it was oh oh that was to be a very what is happening here. There is the owner of goalie i believe will be doing a little girls how do you qualify the course. And chile doing very well for you will have to get into their own 16th got married it was just one of those days where things just go you know where you so they couldnt control the emotions and to me it was it was just too good not to culture and ceremony ok as a way to acting and that is when we go back to you know my you know what was it wanted to get through to the for as 16 i go its really amazing because before we went for the all corporate. 4 you know i faggot so. We had to do that so its really something nobody can hold those were just off to war with the outs with joy. So its really amazing erica i just miss fastenal part of the show looking at some of the highlights from the wall comps i saw so you what was your highlight so far theres been so many highlights but i think generally speaking it is also reflected in this conversation there in so many women of color have been at the forefront as journalists of course as players and for me thats exciting because i think that football certainly here in the United States definitely has a long way to go when it comes to showing that women and girls of color can play the sport and the level. So i love hearing all of the highlights the highs of this years tournament i hate to break up the party because online people are sharing what they see as some of the lows and that seems to be the biggest thing that is on their mind so lets dip right into that this is santos here who says i watch the womens world cup with hopes of seeing a much improved organization i was shocked to see how referees and v. A. Are which is a biddy oh assistant referee in arguably helped kick out africas 3 teams every just critic will agree that cameroon one theory and south africa are key to its sad for africa so hes not the only one who had that if you want to play a video comment from someone who talked about his perspective on this your sternum it including that b a r controversy this is a mode hes a sports journalist and heres what he told the stream thanks for having me my name is joe hurley grew from the max some schools there ski legal i think this was called the reverse of those 2 stories so its never movements and also the new rule in penalties the european nations also once again of the challenge given the americans around money this time around 7 european nations in the finals and of course i think. The americans this time around. So laurin this is your 1st world cup of course that comes with a lot of excitement there but then you you hear about what people online see as a controversy whats your take. I mean in terms of the like and i think its kind of just changing in a negative way like i say to a lot of people i just feel like its. You know like when we go back and we watch and the referees that make a call in a regular game like in pascual cups you know if you go back and you look at those games like the people who won at the time i may not have technically won the tournament basically are today so when you have that kind of discrepancy in some of the calls and its its kind of changing the course of the game that for me is its a problem and its kind of unfortunate that i mean this is my 1st world cup so i havent experienced that without you know our but a kind of lit up like that. Im just looking ahead to feel well as well comp 20 and that was a media point for talking about the refereeing and this went on for quite a long time and safer was talking about how from macho all the way for to june that they were friendly games and that the players were able to practice using this technology but most teams womens teams who are playing around the world im not using this technology a tool koreatown not only are women not using it to have around the world but it is like the record its a womans its a womens tournament which is kind of one of the arguing points for me why bring it in the womens tournament but then also in the world cup and while maybe some teams are are have the opportunity to use it theres a lot of teams who dont have the opportunity to use it so then theres a question of like. You know theyre playing in the hands literally fat hope for me it for me basically its been not less is really about the players was been able to use it or not but the referees know how many of those referees have been able to professionally use this technology you know in active competitions because i felt there was an overreaction reliance on the be our friend the referees some to see sions what you know delayed or you know anticipated by directories and it will either go to the ear are there was you know there was a level of you know the referee taking all the of decisions and say ok add in the Human Element which for all really is about. For me to just went to whatever the beer are showing they forgot about the Human Element which will fortunately we have seen with some of the mens competition where the references says yes they might have been contact but the player got the ball 1st which really sometimes is what the games all about so for me i feel it was more with the office than the players and the awareness of what we are to bali you think that and i would just add disgusted about him was actually at that press conference and they said that they wanted to make the guy more entertaining more thought and to up the tempo acca had. Well i was just going to say that the conversation has kind of been on v. A. R. Itself and how even the players have reacted to v. A. R. But i think that there is a piece of this that for me is missing from the conversations as far as what are the actual rules of the sport and what do you have something that supposed to be cut and dried which really isnt because you still have to scratch and from the officials but then youre trying to utilize something thats cut and dry for rules that you know of themselves can be arbitrary it makes it a best and it seems like there was very little time for as was mentioned earlier for certain teams in particular to react to this and additionally i agree why do this at the womens world cup the pinnacle of the sport for a lot of people is you know and it just it. Grew in the flow of a lot of these games how do you try to Something Like that law and. I dont think you train for that but its just like its just the opportunity to practice with it like the referees for instance if it is something that were going to use we need to be my profession at it and if were going to go with it make sure that all the teams and all the referees members working at understands how to properly use it for instance like i think one of the things that it ruins for me for the game is the opportunity to just play if youre in a vacuum thing about being a are like that was previously mentioned if youre if youre going into its happening as a player you dont want to have to be thinking oh man ive got to make sure this looks good on television when i go into a tackle and i stick a tackle and i get contact and well if i follow through and i make contact with a player and i get to be reviewed by the b. R. I think thats a little bit cheap because obviously my intent isnt to injure the player but if i come in contact with them after i touch the ball and then they decide to call a penalty on that i dont think thats fair i dont think that this is a display this going to go on for quite some time and i jump in here and im going to move on just a little bit further because its so much to talk about the small company. If i say Something Like a good way to have this argument with you are free i think its a good judgment like she and she called off. That i was actually this is not the follow you if you will you know made the decision to read the book is like they called me from the its not my decision they called me that all that yes its your decision you either are free you make the decision on the fog dont dont think decisions for you they got action for something but you have the final say well shes like no law they have its really crazy its really crazy out that this conversation is annoyed over but im going to leave us on just a little bit because the tournament is more than just about football so i want to tell you about some of the winning football knows who are also fighting for equal pay and recognition how to listen to what the Sports Illustrated reporter brought wall had to say about that. If you go on stub right now and look at the prices on the open market for one tickets to the usa france quarterfinal that everyone is excited about here youre going to be paying anywhere from 530 dollars on the low end to 3800. 00 for a single ticket i have never seen any prices like that ever for a womens soccer game this is just for a quarter final but it gives you an idea of how much buzz there is thats a reflection of the interest in this womens world cup interest equals dollars and so i say pay the women. Pay the women so i think a lot of people in our audience agree this is commando bandit thats her hand though if u. S. Soccer as a whole generates x. Amount of revenue then the women should be entitled to more of a cut they can actually make it to the world cup and when it the men struggle to perform well in one of the easiest International Groups so thats their opinion there but commando did get some pushback this is someone who says the ad revenue for men is way higher and the ad buyers pay more for ads on the mens game so your beef should be with the corporate sponsors and ad buyers not so much the corporations and the football associations behind it lauren way in on this debate here because the last time you joined the stream we had a long conversation about pay scale and fairness and equality talk to us about now that were here 2019 july where has that needle moved. Yeah thats so a comment that i want to make im really sick and tired of people kind of comparing like forcing women to compared to mens even though thats they were going to form equality but its kind of like women are against men in our federation and i dont think thats the case at all and i think like having having what he just said about the prices of the tickets shows that theres interest in the game so theres interest in the game that entered into money and i think like in turn goes to paying the women in terms of contracts like i was i think i mentioned before that on norway i think there are now equal pay in terms of their federations. So the men and women are getting paid exactly the same that is new and theres been a lot of talk along the way from all fires all the way to the world cup where a lot of other federations have picked up slack i need to make. We didnt have contracts before and were working out contracts now but we have weve signed contracts and weve got to be im not saying this down the federation im not saying this to offend anybody all im doing is speaking my truth and when theres talk about contracts and we just qualified for a world cup and then we played in a world cup and moves have not been made or things are still that messy to meet or make very much sense because clearly theres interest and i dont know i just feel like thats an excuse and we share this with you this is from. South africa its about not about yana the. Football team of the womens world cup for south africa they got power to they going to get the same bonuses that the guys get so they did things do you all screw for the well cup started meanwhile the super falcons is life. Youre always going on strike trying to get your money how is your power telling me. Yes they were fighting about that because in my country the guys like its way way higher than the female side so it was actually if it got even gets to half the men like the guys because we will grow it for the country so busy i think with more than what were getting or when fighting this for a long time i think its not even. Close to our busy fighting for and i i hope it gets close because really. Its a bit embarrassing for me really because as much as i wanted to focus on reporting the fact that we had to be turns out to walk up watching from a cutting goal like i can do stories like that because i have to talk about the fact that we do girls can not be in pain which is a bit of brass and then most people get in half of what the men are getting than the men how are you really african cup of nations the women have 9 judges shoes you know i think. Its i think. The bonus accents for the ball also get higher like to what the guys like reached out to one side on the other and. The difference is too much for men is just too much compared to what they bring to the nation the simple fountains is going to play we have so much expectation because we believe we can actually complement the trophy we know that you make a difference well the men below the last in africa. The other day the nations top was going on but so few was prepared to watch the womens world cup because the game was better so i feel the Nigerian Football Federation can actually. Do better by this really does because i think the pleading you can see how emotional the piece you can see how much we wanted to. You dont do this with a good ole you could see the kind of said recently when we didnt when we got into the round of 16 because they always got those diable yeah glued to the walk up and come back up with the remark busy that was a bit demoralizing for them so getting old of the group stages was very important but as it stands i dont know when we will be able to even get there how. So erick i can see you trying to get in there i want to share with you from our audience this is Monro Mclaren shes a student and shes a big u. S. Womens soccer fan and she talks to us almost as though she is one of the teeming heres a have a listen to what she said. To the question is should the womens National Soccer team be paid equally to the mens National Soccer team and yes theres no doubt about it they should be better and more successful than the mens not National Soccer team weve won 3 world cup titles weve won 4 gold medals in the summer olympics and altogether weve won more games and then the National Team asked. In 2015 after we won our sure broke up title women repeat a mere 1700000. 00 to the mens 5300000. 00 that they won after losing in the 16th round of the world cup we won our gold cup title yet were paid less than the man so i stand with 2 women for better pay equal pay and i wish him the best of luck in the rest of the world cup term. So erica mentions the money but its not even just that look here on you tube this just came in live from Elizabeth Rainey who says i wish we did not schedule other major tournaments like the copa america during the womens world rather it seems like it is not in service to the women so not just about pay but about eyeballs and about promotion where do you fall on that i mean none of this is in service to women i mean that that i think sometimes gets buried in the complexity of the issue itself none of this is answers to women and that is the true problem so the problem is if we take the United States for example the viewers have said it its in the most recent lawsuit that the team filed that there was a time in the u. S. Soccer federation where the women were carrying the financials as as in they were making the money for the federation and whos to say if that cant continue but the problem the issue that we see when it comes to womens sports is that unfortunately a lot of the times and it goes back to a comment that we got through twitter that the marketing isnt there so there are so many angles with which to hit this and i think its its exhausting to constantly hear and and to hear that women feel that they have to be successful to get a fraction of what men get even when theyre not successful and so i feel for reporters like myself who have to have these conversations he certainly for the athletes who have to talk about what we have to erica its interesting because on the inside story on aljazeera just a few days ago Tatiana Henry and was a former f. A. A. Head of womens football addressed this head on this is what she told us on our desire to have a listen. Theres not enough interest theres not enough i think seriousness there is not enough Decision Making power if you look at all these organizations and you look in detail on the expertise in womens football and the number of women involved in the Decision Making process then its obvious to see that theres a huge lack of know how and that of course resonates in priorities and in also political decisions and in this area mens football in the mens world cup and the elite level of womens football is still dominating which gives womens football only a little area to grow. Theory which i had to say there as the tournaments heads into the quarter finals though we should talk about what we want to see in the remainder of the world cup to start us off is sharing ahmed who hosts the feminist sports podcast burn it all down hi everybody each minute here what im looking forward to the most for the remainder of the womens world cup is definitely following france im predicting a france netherlands final but also im very interested in italy and im interested because its a team that wasnt necessarily supported its the 1st time back in the womens world cup after 20 years i also want to see how all these teams are supported particularly now with you a 1st new initiative to grow the game so i will be watching all of this with a lot of excitement. Today barry she is predicting a france netherlands final you can see here on google if you are confused for any or audience members and want to know whats coming up next what happens in the next few days here it is on my screen your prediction studio very well i feel of the tournament well be right for. What i dont see them in the final fortunately i have many of the middle and they have. The ladies the. Press there were i want to see them in the finals but my prediction is that we didnt have either. Eric. This is tough i think its really going to depend what we see tomorrow between the United States and france United States has looked rocky in my personal opinion in this tournament i agree with a lot of other people that italy is a team that im very excited to see clay another has had a great tournament as well so im not really ready to make it predictions really against the United States but i think that they have definitely have a target on their back and teams have showed up to challenge them so its going to be a great run regardless. For question to ask something hes been playing in this tournament but as you go playing out the other team teams had anything there were his is a guy telling is going to be playing on the final on july the 7th. I really want france to be in there just because i really enjoyed playing i love good and going against as a good book larry like we are now of years is not wrong so i feel like prince i have a good chance to really cool calm experience. Style and please impeccable and True Professionals on the field i love to see that wrestling just like the pages of a no main action hero and i may if you dont want this show teddy were you can share it with me its a fine chat and your predictions for july the 7th who is going to be in the final. Thing go. For. It because i think its really all were for this year go figure one claim. Oh there. Since its along the base of the local. Bar so i thought of our show on the river and. We will find out soon enough money to have this conversation going down on one more prediction from many who says the same is on words it will get k. G. Rather than free flowing i think the usa will be obvious favorites with another lens being my dark horses are so many firsts in this womans well cop and so many historic moments including the end of an impressive remarkable iconic career she has been voted the best Football Player on the planet 6 times in a few apollo she has scored in 7 well cup games this is how she ended her career on the pitch now this footage doesnt belong to us it belongs to fox sports one so mater the price of brazil and curry and this way and heres how were going to end this episode of the stream enjoy. I get a minus every now miles as you could on my desk at that brought the pressure on that number it they might be the mean looks clutch you know so well you suppose best buys me a nice move i dont want to meet up i say prove i dont mind the president no by douglas you i mean you could you bob i mean that thing did you both say but im still going to be very it dont be so nice rowleys reminds shaadi look im a surprise so you dont really. We are going to announce the biggest step in the. Decades activists in seats of government we didnt want to be part of this is. We really didnt want technologically challenging politics and implementing democracy. Freedom for. Our innovators we are activists we are. World leaders gather for the g. 20 summit in japan donald trump and Vladimir Putin are about to meet on the sidelines. Hello and welcome to aljazeera live from our headquarters and me Elizabeth Prado also ahead Rex Tillerson says he was kept in the dark and. By the president s son in law when he served as americas top diplomat. To nazir tries to reassure wary tourists after 2 suicide bombers blowing themselves up in the capital. And spain battle to control wildfires as most of europe banks in a searing heat wave. One of the most anticipated meetings of the g. 20 summit as jews to happen at any moment u. S. President donald trump will sit down with the russias leader of that in a person on the sidelines of the summit it will be their 1st meeting since the motive report reaffirmed u. S. Intelligence findings that russia and to fear in the 26000. 00 president ial election we have both our White House Correspondent kimberly how could and our diplomatic editor james base in osaka lets begin with james and who as we wait for this meeting james it will be very interesting to see what happens given the many pressure points on this relationship to get remaining overall pretty positive about president putin. Yeah im much more positive the president about the russians than the rest of the us system about the russians a great deal of scrutiny on this very unusual relationship between these 2 leaders how long will they meet for this time well theyve only got a gap sheffield here at the summit venue of an hour and 15 minutes before trump is supposed to meet the president of brazil but i can tell you previous trump putin meetings are going well over joel who will meet in the meeting will it just be them and their interpreters thats certainly been the case in the past theres been criticism of President Trump for that in fact their 1st meeting not only was it just the interpreters with the 2 leaders at the end of it President Trump took the notes for us from his interpreter and took those notes away with him key issues likely to be discussed well clearly the situation in the middle east is going to be high up there and certainly russia does not agree with the current u. S. Position on iran the growing tensions there certainly among russian officials to speak about that in the last few hours was the Russian Ambassador to the United Nations vastly new benzema saying that he believed the current tensions were the fault of the u. S. Remember at russia along with the u. S. And the europeans and the chinese were all in the Iran Nuclear Deal until President Trump pulled his country out of that nuclear deal and russia believes that is the cause or the start of the course of the current tensions in the gulf but ill be other issues syria ukraine many many pressing issues in the world in this meeting whether we find out about how many of them i think youll have to have some doubt their President Trump himself when he was asked. Before you go to force one to come here was asked what he was going to discuss with president putin in the end she replied reporter to reporters its none of your business thats right james and we are looking now at pictures of president s trump and hussein sitting down ahead of me saying theyre all it looks like there are number all the other people sitting in there but as you mentioned we dont actually know who will stay who will take pot all we can see the Russian Foreign minister actually sergey lavrov. To find these agreements have a large number of people and then they peel away and theres a smaller configuration thats certainly what happened in helsinki with a big summit where there were various level of talks lets listen to president shoulder. Length theres a lot. You know very. Very very very good. For weeks and weeks and are you trying to get. Things through the president thank you so much thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you thank you and thats because. Theyre getting about were going to you know thank you. So i believe that looks like big taking some questions james its very hard to hear though over the sound of the many cameras clicking away and then as these 2 means. You give us missions. Very hard to hear and of course youve got interpreters speaking as well trumpet them i think i hear. We havent seen each other since how see. The. Although i change have been together. Thank you very much. Thank you thank you thank you. We. Are going to. Have to show you. That there. Was. A whole i dont like. Shooting. Actually something that really hit me. Right so we are watching the pictures of u. S. President donald trump along with russian president Vladimir Putin taking some questions from journalists in a crowded room with many members of each of their delegations but as well be hearing from our diplomatic editor james bays very hard to know what this meeting will actually look like because all. Because of donald trump and his preferences and the possum times to just meet with Vladimir Putin alone and again james are we expecting. Developments of not progress as you were saying yesterday beating into these meetings on some of the key issues that these 2 countries differ on that the moment. Yeah there are many key issues that these 2 countries differ on and certainly if you were to speak privately to military commanders in the u. S. They say they are deeply concerned about russia. Russias threats in ukraine russias involvement in syria russia trying to pull out of some or certainly with the u. S. To to separate from some of the treaties that have been governing nuclear relations with the 2 it is a tense times but north a tense relationship it seems between the 2 leaders a lot of illuminating comments coming from either of them with the reporters in the room we will get our headphones on listen very very carefully trying transcribe what was said there try and find if theyre already nugget seanie but what is going to happen now is going to be behind closed doors and if we look at the previous meetings between these 2 men it may well stay behind closed doors james thank you very much for that finale that side diplomatic editor james bays live and i saw him its go to our White House Correspondent committee how good he is also in a socket so apart from meeting putin trumps had a brief interaction with chinas president kemeny. Yeah thats right erin looming over the events today of course the meeting between the u. S. President and blair putin but on saturday it will be the meeting with chinese leader xi jinping and u. S. President donald trump a wiser so much interest will of course the escalating trade war between the 2 largest economies the United States and china so a moment that took place during the socalled class photo of the g. 20 leaders that many people are making note of is the fact that while donald trump was standing there the chinese president seemed to seek out the u. S. President in order to shake his hand seemed like a very warm sort of exchange we couldnt hear the audio because. It wasnt provided to us but immediately after that at a working group of the leaders a route around the issue of the Digital Economy nonstop without naming china directly certainly took aim at china concerns by the United States that it has continued to steal americas intellectual property certainly there are concerns about Chinese Telecom giant while way as it seems that donald trump was addressing those concerns talking about the need for not only to stop intellectual property theft but also protect Digital Security with regard to the expansion of the 5 g. Network and then we saw a response from china coming from the chinese leader where he sought to say that this shouldnt be developed behind closed doors and certainly there should be no interference in the market why is all of this interesting its interesting because it shows how far apart these 2 leaders are and the prox of difference when it comes to trying to resolve the issue of the trade war between the 2 very far apart attack issues sort of does not bode well or foreshadow any sort of deal on trade coming out of these meetings that will take place on saturday committee thank you very much for that finale that White House Correspondent can be held good with the latest live saga thank you we are going to move on to other news now Rex Tillerson has described diplomacy being done behind his back by the president s son joel when he served as u. S. Secretary of state he made the remarks about. All testifying about his rocky 15 months of the job which ended when donald trump fired him via twitter john hendren reports from washington d. C. The United States former secretary of state says he often had to practice diplomacy in the dark Rex Tillerson told congress that president Donald Trumps son in law jared cushion or directed his own Foreign Policy without tillerson is knowledge President Trump did not know him and President Trump had no idea about how the process was supposed to work he probably thought oh well this is the way ive run my business in a newly released transcript from closed door testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs tillerson says he was surprised to walk into a washington restaurant to find jared cushion or meeting with mexicos foreign secretary i could see the color go out of the face of the foreign secretary of mexico as i very i smiled big and i said welcome to washington and i said i dont want to interrupt what you all are doing i said give me a call next time youre coming to town tillers and says he was taken aback when he was told cushion or in president ial adviser steve bannon knew of the blockade of qatar before it happened question on or about may 20th 2017 there was apparently a private dinner that was hosted between Steve Bannon Jared cushion or in the rulers of saudi arabia and u. A. E. Respectively were you aware of that dinner answer no question that wasnt something you would heard previously answer no question and to clarify sir not prior to when i just said it answer correct question whats your reaction to a meeting of that sort having taken place without your knowledge and sir it makes me angry here in washington the revelation of dueling Foreign Policy is one seen as a diplomatic

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