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Nothing in history has matched the speed and scale of beijings transformation. Over 85 percent of its buildings were cleared to make way for a new age. Just as in the time of. A new beijing is being built. And it is sending out the same message. A new power is marching to the center of the world stage. So. Woman kwans audra leisure. So when you see how many you need. So it really. Lets hear. From tom. Yes you can mail. Was. My. Knees and are not. Nice hansei naga me and you home and. Away nice of that diana and now its. Made flush or legal weenies. Will. Say sure. Guy told me. Nice hungry in the movie. Sure ill treat that. Being guides teaching tool chemi a uni sure. Chen is one of chinas leading markets its. Now the. Us is in town. And. Beijing. Beijing has been transformed in a generation but the scale and ambition of projects show that the city is still a work in progress. Even morgana or 18. Should. Sound. In. One office in a year. If you very quickly. But you. May owe more on the total. Force and their loss. Mr zhao is old beijing he lives in a hoot on. One of beijings fast shrinking old neighborhoods some of which date back to the days of marco polo. Mr joe is a good citizen he will not stand in the way of history but he hopes that when history comes knocking at his door. She will treat him kindly. Had told me get on so on the young for. A month. And i didnt mean that and the. Good in our hearts it dont. Mean that. And if. Youre not eating are called on and are wired into youre. Going to share my tongue. And too much time on the take back its you dont go on sunday he uses. Them a sound chance he had been counting under. Your feet on shama bhana youre trying shooting. Phage on things other guys. Drew water for music trigger time trying. To get chinas a 2 single one random chance. Commander letting this monk sure to meet. Troubles on monday the tender no go controlled want to try no one want some of my mate in the team. Take up a jew card to where you want a mammal before sunset. Not a come back. Beijing child how would that. Look or lot of babies how whatever i mean that she moved out to. Being born will meet. Womans her there why. Woman are sure of all that you would see woman the buttons on a. Male mean bank. Mako a nice true. Mvm. Marco polo had been to none and to bed. He was appointed googly khans envoy. To every corner of the new empire. I am now he set out again i am this im into the heartlands of china. I am the route took him south. Getting an unconscionable. And dacia. Across the globe river. Towards mangi. The last stronghold of the chinese song dynasty only recently taken by koblick khans mongol. Nikos who mumbled he had. An email you should our new home of the fighting in general in trying chan. Nasheed go call all the trencher will be true with me. He does sword has so many jumbo a sure way can follow me at times. Nice of all 5 hello my spirit. Than the homeless and all saluted and troll. The route into this new and undiscovered world astonished marco polo. He traveled on a huge waterway that koblick on had opened up to ship grain to his new capital beijing. Marco polo was the 1st european to record the grand canal. No but im can fit to cause 3 requests still cannot it. All in order make good on the law to get say perform the. Ether just called it a law for women for sure and on the few women. Commerce on a vast scale. And on its banks the smoky signs of the stock in the advanced civilization that ticked up will be entered into. Buckle more than any other. Cat of the comment all the. Europeans at the time knew nothing about call. Mr putin a thing morning for their lives. Its the sheer scale of this endeavor that amazes marco polo. Saw father the father enforce a law to get it on p. C. May not be done on fuel may allow a little it on who are alive or a lot of. The nations thought they knew about canals but this was the longest manmade waterway in the world. 1800 kilometers long and built more than 600 years before kubelik on by the chinese. We had a war there you go you dont mean that. Journey down by living. Nation doesnt do a buy for your years are sure. To go down itll be really chilling are you a sabbatical and. Was was a bit out you know. For the dolphin. Stood out in time but not for the some of the better. Than the hard core solution. As marco polo travelled further and further downstream he must have asked himself what force could have made this happen. We. Know mako ball or. You would will. We see it. Was marco polo for sure for. You and bob who for all your mentored always lets hear. You you. Are you a susie lytle sure jihad theyre. Firing guns. Timeless china. The china of you in indiana. Man living in harmony with nature. But there has always existed another china. Will rule as with absolute power it will stop at nothing. To force nature into a. They did it with the great wall. And the grime cannot. Today theyre doing it again. And on. The. Turning out to. Watch off as others are. The north south water reversal project tunnels for 3. 5 kilometers under the yellow river 14 meters above market. So what are kind of the years there are you. Needed the grand canal to feed beijing this new grand canal is to stop beijing dying of thirst. Astonishingly the capital and surrounding regions with the 200000000 inhabitants living in what is in effect a desert. Payphone. Jubilee triggered. My survey dont consider it all but you know. So you see i went to see disgust or to. Read about yamaha french and on our farm on the bus. Get up are. Also moving north through these tunnels without much anything ever attempted before. 3 gigantic waterways 3000 kilometers of canals and tunnels will transfer 36000000000 cubic meters of groceries from the Yangtze River basin in the south and channel it. Showing some notion of separate from p. G. And trying to tell. Fact out or jumping into whats on the top of your sheet wont dont you be in some while youre not. Wanted to. Drunk old friend dede whole. Luxury. Would you bill why shelter hole dug a coal hall jr at. All which inch. Genting krumping. Sure way nice. Each year we are. From goal was shooting each all dried cinda. Totally. Gens all you saw way nice loose shit in china. What went wrong in society that opened up the space for him it got out but it is the european problem and its not accountable and its impossible for the people but it is for link up our people dont want to take the lead that it profit a stronger man our song while getting the growth of rejectionism of this world because the model doesnt work europes forbidden colony episode 2 on aljazeera. The most memorable moment of aljazeera was when i was on air as Hosni Mubarak fell with the crowds in Tahrir Square talking. If something happens anywhere in the world al jazeera is in place were able to cover this like no other news organization. Were able to do it properly. That is our strength. Recruited to win a war exploited to on the battlefield the call the new regime faced a different value and half invited in and europeans then abandoned for a lifetime and we should be ashamed but for the same for for our country on the thinking of the 3 people in power investigates the plight of imperial britons african troops begin tonight the forgotten heroes of empire on aljazeera. Theyre watching all of us are with me still robin a reminder of our top news stories the former South African president jacob zuma is making a defined appearance before a Public Inquiry saying theres a conspiracy against him as he faces questions about government corruption during his time in office the commission is looking into allegations that he oversaw the mass looting of state funds. Ive been a subject of. Talk in this country for. More than that dick. Ive been vilified. Too. Keen of. Quite apt on european Foreign Ministers are meeting in brussels to find ways to convince iran and the u. S. To start dialogue after months of tension its the latest diplomatic effort to cool months of heightened tension between iran and the us britains foreign secretary has warned the window to save the 2050 nuclear deal with tehran is closing. We are totally committed to keeping the middle east denuclearized if youre on the rise of Nuclear Weapons and other countries in the region with a particular comes a very very toxic and dangerous situation so we are looking to find a way to preserve the nuclear deal which we think is the best way of keeping the middle east is an old Nuclear Weapon free. Iran is still a good year away from developing Nuclear Weapons we think there is still some closing thoughts window to keep the deal alive to Health Workers fighting the break in the democratic republic of congo have been murdered there were killed in the homes in north kivu province earlier doctors confirmed the 1st case of the virus in a major city which is home to 1000000 people and the World Health Organization says this development could we quote be again changer and experts are concerned the virus could spread quickly in the densely populated area close to rwanda since the latest outbreak last august almost 700. 00 people have died the Health Ministry says the patient being treated in goma is a Church Preacher who touches the hands of worshippers those weather headlines here on our show you can follow those stories on our website after their dot com im back with the news hour in half an hour do stay with us. The young venetian merchant marco polo has been traveling the mongol empire for 6 years. He has now reached china the new heartland of this empire. And journeying down the grand canal he discovers a city which to him is even more sophisticated than his hometown venice. Causey mame very. Necessary medical ball of. Ketamine they call me off. The the west lake in the heart of hollows you a lake that is almost a sacred hold on the chinese imagination for nearly 2000 years the poets painters and storytellers whove been inspired by the westlake have mapped the soul of china you sure you marco border. So who are you me and. Where ye. Should carry unhurried. Years shoot through troll. No mark hope all mortal much and im. Sure harm. No study of it will be to meet up on the. Dedicated. It was that they do that. But venice didnt invent the compass venice didnt give us the Printing Press venice did not use paper money. To save this to cation eclipsed anything marco had ever seen. 100 on the movies offered on fire alone colleague how. Are you. Just really uneasy. The chinese mandarin elite no longer in charge seized new opportunities presented to them. A member of the visitor from behind. Their offers off for your sins of the hood a. Pothole up near your church was an easy on the fox brazil youre on your boss its to the who thought it. So when marco polo arrived he found homes you in the midst of its very own in a sense. I mean feeney does it when said it was to one thing. That all lives in think was that it. Opens on nadal to look at the last quarter of a bout of the the da. Lend. Their kid. Sequence internal sunni and. The letter to the. Woman. All order since he. Moved to the older. Google she dont. Because the key. Issue funnell. So can you will pull this could even. See even a day. From marco polo it seemed the streets of hunks who were paved with gold. Anyone could get rich here. Orman saudis are the ones who my. Tallys. Foster. Families are part of the theres. Another one in the. To the my since youre the. Only one to look into to sell that. Deed to pushing pushing one. To the door. The madea. Goes for the more. Lady kids. Been ordered to eat and all that. That. Theyre not equals he ground it to their cause i dont crave that. Not allow go. On the table more genteel of war for then also the thought. Of the north the a lot of us the domain. Of the guinness are still could have survived. Only the water of the lake separates hong and her fiance sierra from the island marco polo wrote about full of the ghosts of ancient weddings. Mako bull or sure to me all who knew gender. Now coanchor rules charlie. Diesel. She found arian car and. Move along. Laid on the. Sun is at the mean they call me other rather new warm. If the sun calls it under. A lot of you know. Trying my demented. Cause it or not the cows are a cd called yes it has that in a lot but i. Bet a c. K or not to the sake. Of an order that it. Will support. So you end marco bull or monk or in that shanghai and. So i hung poly would all she. Would you sure honduran too and here. Are. My rules for. Posh she shot. Down 200. From paul function. Here so measure you what you should have. Hooping is an actress working in ancient Chinese Opera sounds like Hans Andersen and you can see as your see. My own home. Pup which is she good where you yell trivia the quarter yes she goes oh you peer youre. Each all quiet should you call long run. You should all find ingenues a. Home pin dear. Pool wouldnt good one try and. She wouldnt want. Me there from the only. New dollar shoes. Come and creamy rule i. Traditionally and change. The past the present and the future. Great risks taken for a great price. Temples of visited for blessings. Every rites of passage is a journey. Everyone who dares to change takes a leap into the unknown. What will happen to the snake lady dares to transform itself into a woman. What will happen to the poor boy dest to strike out on his own. What will happen to china now that she has dared to join the race. In modern china as a new folk hero. The poor boy from the country who is turning himself into a millionaire. So go. For the goodman cool with the whole book comin the soda so theyre going to go to the ball you know whether. It was going to come from of course you fail to go though if you seen your face in the fire so this is the downbeat although sitting as a decent old womans the examples you guys isnt going to. Follow just the way oh i shall be on the my each of the ones of. The quiz for laser was a coming to my home feeling thats simply a little since i like. You paying far as a young economist much in the good shoeless or jujutsu my pleasure. To join the like to buy one was. Doing their due to the long. Haul decided to come to the uk. When they want the same with the media. Companies have all been. To shimla long slow below before. Buying all those little football a few of. Those who follow trends who want. To do something good. But theres also. A little of all so and this is. Possible. In the syllabus a lot of the. Beach new bucket of gold is celebrated. First ali baba makes its clients rich and then it helps them to get rich. This is ali babas anonymous Global Headquarters it could be anywhere in the world. Ali baba connects manufacturers and merchants from china with the rest of the world. It has changed peoples lives. It is revolutionized how china trades with the west. The brains behind it. Is jack ma 13 years ago. He explained his plans for a new internet Trading Company to his friends today everyone in this photograph is a billionaire. Think of it were. Each child your child is just chest thats where she was that its over not. All that stupid enough. To just get the labor. While getting back to. Ali baba is huge an International Internet Trading Company bigger than ebay and dams and combined. The chinese businesses its a gateway to the world. Were. Anybodys book with arnie cause up at the end that was that there ed that im going to miss you and. That it is done while a cosy ground a symbol causing center the a. C o d well thats all its talk to us also this. Is a. Us. Woman who a comic. So moch hope all of the union. Deeds. Now go should a old role. He hauled away live. When he said the trial until these you. May. Issue to a jewish or be human to human eye. He cuts hein khuda sure sure. So would he and he had a. Meeting and you saw him. Where that. Iowa where is the one. To assouan. Good can be and why or why yet. Heres a the one. His office think. It was one of. Your own but who wears a helmet for. The wedding day. Like millions of couples the world over. In syria have opted for a western style wedding in a glamorous hotel. Room when you shop too impatient. The only element left of a traditional chinese wedding is the husbands body. When noncountry will see sure one leader youll. Make her an. She dont. Marco pull off hi who are you going to try on the hondo ma. Driel wong she the one you. Mean jenkins uncle hotel come by home she. Says i mean here was i kind of the whole going to fight i do you know. The whole going to play on. The scale of chinas future ambition can be gained from the ali baba control room which monitors every deal that struck every 2nd every day. He left home aged 17 in 1271 he returned 24 years later when he was 41 he had travelled to where no other european had ever been he had learned to appreciate difference and he had made an unbearable discovery. That the west was not the very center of the world that in fact europe was behind the game. Without ya. Down home says our turbans rooty. All. Week iron the mend. Shoot strong for weight or shoes it. Will. Leave it at the mess at a medical ball or it could be located on your side about it or no force it gets into the. Cause i guess one of the sheeple to sort of. Way nice of the equal call when e. G. Dont fall in neutral should. Be good science in the jungle. We. See dido will come a quick Gillman Shumway on the water not. Reach it. Jungle sure g. N. Junk. Yard where the a lawyer. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast where we are talking about barry as a weakened system and started to bring a lot of rain here across much of the southeast here of the remnants of the storm and were going to see the rain anywhere from parts of arkansas mississippi louisiana some locations another 152250 millimeters because the system really not moving too much now as its weakening and just about ready to die but the moisture is still there so that is something were going to be watching flash flood watches and warnings are still in effect across much of the area notice we start to see a lag but then a lot more rain comes back into play as we go towards tuesday up here towards the northeast not looking too bad for new york but warm with the temperature there of 31 degrees well across the caribbean fairly quiet in terms of Tropical Weather we do have a few showers out here towards sumter domingo as well as into the Eastern Islands right there bridgetown you may see a rain shower or 2 passing by here on monday and well as into tuesday but over here across much of Central America it is going to be quite heavy rain over the next few days cozumel a nice day few here on tuesday with a temperature of 31 degrees and up towards mexico city well we do expect to see partly cloudy to mostly cloudy conditions 24. 00 degrees in your forecast but down towards guatemala it is going to be mostly cloudy but a nice temperature few with a temperature there of 24 degrees. The weather sponsored by qatar airways. As iraq rebuilt itself following news of the one flags women struggle to play a bigger role politically and Domestic Violence also remains a problem. Some of the brave women battling abuse talk to al jazeera about the struggles they face and their pursuit of justice. An army of volunteers has come together to help with the influx of tens of thousands of evacuees. But their retreat to a Church Shelter has brought new challenges an outbreak of norovirus and other gastrointestinal problems. Smoke from the massive wildfires now blankets much of Northern California leading to some of the worst air quality in the world but with more than 12000 structures lost in the wildfires concerns remain about long term accommodations jobs and medical care. Local Officials Say there isnt enough Housing Stock available. Conflict pascha. More the key ingredients to any successful south for mexicos most loved it is no different behind the cameras this week tensions run high as the producers are forced to balance creative and social issues with a dimanche of commercialise a show. How a subset of olives episode 4 of soap box mexico on aljazeera. This is aljazeera. The roman you want to know is there a new life more headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 16. We think there are still some closing thoughts all window to keep the deal alive britain says the iran Nuclear Deals not dead european Foreign Ministers meet in brussels. Also to find jacob zuma faces a corruption inquiry accused of the mass looting of state funds while president of south africa. Ive been vilified. And they too. Keen of. Course about to keep. The russians arent coming so hows georgia trying to tempt more tourists to spend some money. And in Sport England are celebrating their 1st ever title win of the cricket world cup the players have been meeting their fans after the alaska us win over new zealand. Welcome to the news hour its the latest diplomatic effort to cool months of heightened tension between iran and the United States Foreign Ministers of European Union countries are in brussels discussing ways to convince them to return to the negotiating table irans decision to enrich uranium above limits in the 2050 nuclear deal is a concern. We are totally committed to keeping the middle east denuclearized if iran wants Nuclear Weapons and other countries in the region with a particular comes a very very toxic dangerous situation so we are looking find a way to preserve the nuclear deal which we think is the best way of keeping the middle east as a whole Nuclear Weapons free. Iran is still a good year away from developing Nuclear Weapons we think there is still some closing thoughts mall window to keep the deal alive. Iran has said it remains committed to the agreement so long as other parties also stay committed a statement from the foreign Ministry Says tehran expects europe to take the necessary steps to fulfill the deal well dominic cain joins me now live from brussels where those discussions are taking place and they are indeed a very important discussions what can we expect tangibly from the meeting and when. Well thats the question through animate many of the people reporting on this meetings because the basic reality here is that the europeans are the ones who want to keep this deal going so they are presenting the united front saying this is the only deal in town Everybody Needs to keep in observance of it and that they will do what they can to keep the iranians inside the deal as it can. As its concerned but the point here is that the tangible measure theyve already taken this year started in january this scheme called in stacks a scheme a financial scheme designed to help iran legally to circumvent thats to get around the impact of economic sanctions imposed by the United States so the point here is that what more can they really do they cant physically drag the iranians and the United States representatives into the same room and make them negotiate with each other so its more likely that we will find a form of words emerging from Foreign Ministers from the high representative on Foreign Affairs better to get more get any which says what it what it considers iran to be observing right now remember that they have breached the limits imposed by that deal they agreed for the enrichment of uranium and the level of of stock of enrich uranium that they hold one other thing to point out here we heard from the British Foreign secretary jeremy hunt but his counterpart in france john you did the deal when he came into this mornings meetings for this mornings deliberations he said that there was bad as it were bad on both sides it was a bad decision he said for the iranians to breach the limits imposed on enrichment of uranium but also a bad decision by the United States to pull out of this deal so you get a clear idea that the french and the british and the germans really trying to cleave to this deal theyre trying to hold on to this deal as much as possible well well leave it there for the. Events with you thanks very much will dorset. Weve been hearing from the spokesman of the Irans Atomic Energy Organization by whos come of andy who says that iran is prepared to go back to its prieto 1015 Nuclear Agreement activity levels when it comes to its Nuclear Program if the european signatories to this deal dont uphold their and the bargain now weve also been hearing from the Iranian Foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif who is in new york at the moment he is due to meet the United Nations secretary general antonio the terrorist during his 6 day visit to new york now the foreign minister has said that really iran is out of patience they want the europeans to stop issuing statements and start upholding their end of the deal they want to see action words are no longer enough for the iranians weve also heard from iranian president Hassan Rouhani who said on sunday marking the 4 Year Anniversary of the signing of this Nuclear Agreement thanking the Iranian Foreign minister and his team who worked so diligently to bring this deal together which saw the abolishment of 6 United Nations Security Council resolutions against iran and the iranian president said that the rain ians are meeting violations with violations and implementation with implementation and that the iranians will no longer say in this deal by themselves they need to see some concrete action from the remaining signatories of the nuclear deal. News coming into the role of the French Foreign Ministry Says that iran has detained a friend Iranian Research of details are quite sketchy lets get the very latest with Natasha Buckley whos live for us in paris what more do we know about this detention natasha. Well the french Foreign Ministry has confirmed that. Addle car was indeed arrested by iranian authorities more the french Foreign Ministry say is that they are in touch with iranian authorities to find out more to try and gather more information about this arrest about the condition of miss out all car and also trying to make sure that she has full access to Consular Services which it seems hasnt been the case so far but the details are still very sketchy all we do know is that it remains unclear exactly when she was arrested there are some reports suggesting that it was in june but i spoke a short while ago to a professional colleague of hers here in paris an Iranian Research or because at all carr was a researcher with pariss Prestigious University apologist somebody who researched Iranian Society and this colleague of hers said that in her educational circles that no one had heard of adult karr had any of her news i should say for at least 2 weeks so it does suggest that she was detained at least 2 weeks ago if not further back than that. Of course monitor events with you as well. Lets head to south africa now where the former South African president jacob zuma is making a defiant appearance before a Public Inquiry saying theres a conspiracy against him as he faces questions about government corruption during his time in office the commission is looking into allegations that he oversaw the mass looting of state funds most of the accusations are linked to his relationship with the wealthy gupta family theyre accused of using their links with zuma to influence government policy and when lucrative Business Contracts the inquiry is all part of current presence around the poses pledged to clear out corruption he replaced zuma last year when he was ousted from the ruling a. N. C. Party so you are denies all the allegations against him. Been a subject of. Talk in this country for. More than dick. Ive been vilified. Cuban of. Course about. How tossers our correspondent following events force in johannesburg already zuma has spoken and continues to speak hes coming out fighting. Is putting up a fight is now time for the question and answer session lawyers are asking jacob zuma to elaborate more on some of the things he said earlier in the day he was 1st asked to speak more about this Conspiracy Theory he says is in place to try and get rid of him zuma said that the conspiracy has been around from the 1990 s. He says Intelligence Groups one foreign and one local have been trying over the years to poison him to kill him and he alleges that all these corruption scandals that have been dogging him for all these years are part of this Conspiracy Theory to remove him earlier he was asked to explain his relationship with the gutters that while the indian family and he says 1st of all yes they are friends and members of his family do speak to the doctors but he says they have never broken any laws zuma said hes the one who suggested to the guptas to start up a newspaper to start up a t. V. Station again he stresses no laws were broken in the processes in terms of the business paperwork that had to be filed he denies allegations that the doctor family had an influential role in Government Policies and appoints ministers and he kept stressing the group has had been in south africa for years they were friends with the Nelson Mandela Family Friends with his family both former president s as well and he says why are they why are the family members not being brought to this commission as well to answer questions about their relationship with the group has to go on until friday but the commissioners have said that if they need to bring zuma back to answer more questions then they will do so well of course this has huge implications to whatever he says or does not say and whether the commission actually saying so there has been any wrongdoing and the implications of that. Moving forward. When zuma started speaking earlier in the day he said that he has a list of officials he says are corrupt and he asked the commissioners to give him time to be able to approach these individuals as lawyers to post individuals to prepare them for that when their names do become released at this commission they have time to prepare and have they say in the commission he also of course the implication will be if he does name these people who are they on what are they being accused of and what will be the way forward he was very angry very defiant iraq today had this warning he says people are all over provoking me over provoking me ive been quiet all this time all these allegations have been thrown at me he says he has intelligence and hes not afraid to use it as kind of a warning to people that if you come up to me ill come up to you if that happens if this list is released and these names are revealed to the Public People into there for the well get a feeling of who could have been involved in some of these corruption scandals that have dogged the country for many many years. In johannesburg thank you roger syndrome witness the close relationship between zuma and the group the brothers hes the author of indentured behind the scenes up to t. V. Well they were very close relationship. They were released that was not just

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