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Arrested the protesters say is much closer more closer to 1400 people being arrested now many of those according to the police have been released they were detained not arrested so theyve been through that administrative process processing but why are they protesting there protesting because theyre very worried about upcoming moscow says he county elections and theyre very worried that some Opposition Leaders may not be able to get on the ballot and the kremlin will try and stuff these elections full of people loyal to them. Still ahead on aljazeera keeping lines of communication open for how to keep children have arrested by israel and why the take back higher than ever while warming climate scientists look for a green a way to raise livestock. Hello again its good to have you back well here across the South China Sea we are watching the potential of a tropical system that is going to be developing over the next few days and as you can see there are some clouds here just to the west of the philippines and so for the philippines we do expect to see some very heavy rain showers across parts of western resign and that will also affect manila as well the circulation is quite weak here on monday but as we go towards tuesday you notice that the system makes its way slowly to the northwest begins to develop a little bit more and as we go towards wednesday making its way towards high nand with even more development here so by this time on wednesday we could be looking at a Tropical Storm system that is going to be affecting the Southern Coast of china as well so hong kong gusty winds a storm surge as well as rip tides could be a major problem along that Southern Coast as a week away over here towards india has been quite rain across much of the central part of india as you can see on the satellite image much of india is covered with those clouds and rain showers as well that will continue across much of the hour here on monday night per youll see a break as we go towards tuesday with a temperature of 29. 00 degrees and then here across the gulf the temperatures are quite warm as well were going to sing doha here and the media high for this time of year with a temperature of 40 degrees up towards we do expect to see 41. 00. In south korea around 2000000 dogs are eaten every year but no Animal Rights groups want the engine tradition taken off the menu when no one east investigates korean dogs friends. On culture because this week south africa is Debt Laden Companies need a bailout before they cripple the economy well take a look at taylor swift with big business over who owns her music plus we find out why radio and kurds are looking for work and both of you will. Cancel the cost 0. A recap of our top stories on aljazeera police and protesters have clashed in hong kong for a 2nd night police fired tear gas and arrested dozens of people near the office of beijings representatives in the city the protests in hong kong began 8 weeks ago over a controversial extradition bill which has now been suspended. The Syrian Government offensive on any province shows no sign of letting up despite warnings from the United Nations that war crimes are being committed at least 4 people died when a market was bombed in the town of ivory have and jailed russian Opposition Leader alexina bonnie has been taken to hospital to be treated for a severe allergic reaction is serving a 30 day prison sentence after calling for a protest in moscow which saw more than 1300 people arrested on saturday. And Israeli Human Rights Organization is pushing for young palestinians to be allowed to make phone calls while in detention so 110. 00 palestinians under the age of 18 are being held. In israeli jails to offend are believed to be under 14 rise school bets the lamb says most children report physical and verbal abuse from the time of arrest and threats during interrogation many arent told where they are going or allowed contact with their families or a lawyer. Need a brain has more from qalqilya in the occupied west bank. Thought of as he missed his little sister the most israeli authorities held the 15 year old under arrest for 3 months last year charging him with throwing stones at Israeli Soldiers he says he was questioned without any good counsel or member of his family being present and he only saw his mother once from a distance while he was detained. My friend was a restart with me the israeli interrogator told him that i confessed against him that he threw stones they wanted him to confess against me as well he came back to the prison room angry and shouting thinking that i did that to him he almost hit me via palestinian prisoners associations say that teenagers like thought and even younger children are often arrested late at night or during confrontations with the israeli army in the occupied west bank they are tried in military court and around half a storage of hurling stones that carry a prison sentence of around 6 months now the Israeli Human Rights Organization how good is petitioning the courts to allow minors to have access to phones the phone contact with the pick families is doubly important i mean of course its a basic right but also when you look at everything these kids are going through its very important for them to have some sort of support from their families. You know i meant to try to fill that void he spent 2 years in jail until his release a few weeks ago and looked after young this unease while he was there he says some inmates whereas youngest 12 and found him the only consolation sawyer but some of them start crying they tell me i want my parents i want my mom but i know theres little i can do so im forced a lot of them i say youll be able to talk to mom soon and shell visit in 10 days just so they can calm down and start adapting it usually takes more than 2 months for parents to get a visitors permit but sometimes they never do theyre allowed to attend their childrens military trial but theyre asked not to touch or talk to each other in the gaza strip many palestinians say the situation is usually worse now. Just as his 16 year old son yusef was arrested 3 months ago hes accused of trying to smuggle himself into israel belfort says he doesnt know much about whats happened to his son since his arrest and is worried he wont be able to visit him. More often i was a wristed in the past so i might be banned from visiting him as they would deem me a security threat. These really army says the juvenile military court is designed to improve the rights of minors but according to those representing them many young inmates suffer physical and psychological harm indeed and having no contact with their families makes that worse the day over him aljazeera the occupied west bank. In libya 5 doctors have been killed and 7 other people injured in an airstrike launched by wallowed 25 task forces medical sources say the strike hit a Field Hospital in southern tripoli on saturday while it was packed with patients and medical teams mahmud abdel wired has more from tripoli. Since the beginning of the military Campaign Launched by warlord police or have that on april the force to take control of the capital tripoli medical facilities including Field Hospitals ambulances and medical workers have been so vulnerable this Field Hospital is only about 5 kilometers away from the front line in the vicinity of the all the active International Airport in southern tripoli was hit by an airstrike on saturday 5 medical workers including 4 doctors and one rescuer were killed 7 others were wounded in medical workers here tell us that these are the remains of the guy who did the rocket that hit the Field Hospital and they say that this. Was most probably launch should by. A drone we understand that immorality drones have been supporting have the us forces since the beginning of the fighting medical workers here tell us that. There are still remains body parts of the victims on the rubble and as you can see here. There is blood on the wall blood of the victims. The explosion was huge that it it just destroyed everything here and as you can see here inside the glass is shot of the there is also blood of the victims here beds are destroyed and. This Field Hospital has been fully evacuated and we know that since the beginning of the fighting on april 4th several Field Hospitals were told to but have to wait for the jets many medical workers and the rescuers were killed or wounded some who lost their limbs and the World Health Organization along with rights rights organizations have been calling on both rival factions of the conflict to go until the safety of the medical workers but so far it seems that all those calls have gone on hold at least 2 people have been killed and 25 others injured in an explosion in afghanistans capital kabul the blast hit near the office of Vice President ial candidate who was slightly injured and number of attackers then stormed the building phallus party green trend has posted online that he is fine and has been transferred to a secure location. Israels Prime Minister says his country any knives states have successfully tested a Ballistic Missile interceptor in alaska Benyamin Netanyahu said the arrow 3 system can stop Ballistic Missiles launched from anywhere including iran its partly financed by the us and produce with Israeli Companies in partnership with boeing. A delegation from myanmar has failed to convince Rohingya Refugees in bangladesh to return home during 2 days of free patch talks hundreds of thousands of people have been sheltering in camps at coxs bizarre since 2017 when they fled a crackdown by myanmars military refugee say they wont return home to myanmar without citizenship papers and a security guarantee. A is of war and instability have damaged iraqs gas and Oil Infrastructure leaving it dependent on Energy Imports despite having huge reserves now it wants to turn that around with help from big overseas investment osama bin jobs report some zubair. Claims like this one help keep the lights on across iraq electricity is in high demand specially during the summer and power plants rely on gas most of it comes from fields like the basra gas field in the south and because its associated gas with oil a single well provides both oil and gas but iraq doesnt produce enough gas for its power stations a 3rd of what it needs is imported from iran. In the 1980 s. Raining jets took out most of iraqs oil and Gas Infrastructure in the sanctions that followed saddam husseins invasion of kuwait stalled any redevelopment. Now iraqs economy is weak the us is an important ally and both saudi arabia and iran are its neighbors iranian gas is a burden on baghdad stretched budget and a loaded issue for domestic and regional politics Prime Minister other liberal maybe wants to make iraq Energy Independent his oil minister has already signed multibillion dollar deals with International Companies such as honeywell eggs on and shell unfortunately because of those who were delayed and thats why really the guys and us who was lagging behind. We are concentrating on this and the possible use to burn more 50 per cent 2 years to 3 years ago well. 55. 45. 00 i want to be realistic or the 5 years will be i would say there are big. And this of course will lead to many advantages one of course a whiting gods for Power Generation that will definitely make. Energy independent who dont need to import and of course. You know all that. Maintaining a gas field under 46. 00 degrees is anything but easy but these iraqis are making sure that they continue to pump the gas which helps run their country besides the gas needed for electricity these gas fields also produce other types for domestic use and export 75 percent of the. L. P. G. Come from this. The facility which is more than 25 years old. Is being renovated its electric instruments. To do these upgrades requires major investment rox government says despite obstacles like corruption and an unstable region investors are coming to back that. The. Gas is the primary resource in the Southern Region especially to generate electricity most of the old power plants were motive from liquid fuel operations to cast power plants has there was an urgent need for investment and to upgrade production as tensions escalate between the u. S. And iran iraq wants to diffuse so it can attract more companies to help achieve baghdad becoming Energy Independent. Holders of air bus or. France is pushing ahead with new taxes on Big Technology firms despite the u. S. President threatening to put retaliatory levies on french wines finance minister bono to mathis responses a mistake the u. S. President earlier criticize what he called president a monument hawse foolishness for implementing the tectonics which will affect u. S. Firms like google and facebook. Now have a polluting industries are given much of the blame for Climate Change but Scientists Say in livestock and its methane emissions are not a huge factor so we searches in the u. K. Trying to find grain a ways to feed the planet Jessica Baldwin has more from devon in western england despite their cheerful disposition and inquisitive nature these animals get a lot of bad press thats because they release huge amounts of me thing gas its a Greenhouse Gas that damages the environment cows and sheep are responsible for 14 percent of global Greenhouse Gases thats the same as all the cars trucks and planes in the world also some of the land they graze could be used to grow cereals and grains for human consumption. Scientists at this Research Institute in western england are looking for ways to reduce the animals Carbon Footprint they vary the animals diet trying different grasses or even seaweed they selectively breed choosing the ones that emit less gas into the air the air is continually monitored to see what works and what doesnt. The high tech farm includes a brand new shed 1st specific experiments to carefully measure employed and output all designed to see of cows and sheep can exist in an environment at risk grasslands can incorporate kleibers in the games that concoction not to animals naturally would serve in the north to fertilize those plants so just to say because im the most produce meat is a not sustainable is too simplistic the institute amasses 9000000. 00 datapoints every year its a unique facility that attracts researchers from around the world even if researchers are able to find the most efficient way of raising livestock with a growing World Population some scientists believe the only solution is to greatly reduce the amount of money we eat we have a very serious Climate Emergency on our hands while production side measures will play a part actually we need to address what it is that drives our production and that is our Consumption Patterns livestock farming that doesnt harm the environment cant exist with a daily diet of steaks and how bookers a Healthy Planet may mean a return to traditional farms hills and bogs that cant grow cereals are ideal for cows and sheep just go baldwin aljazeera devon england. Again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera police in hong kong have moved to break up the latest round of protests in the south governing territory thousands took to the streets for the 2nd day over police and mob violence dozens of people have been arrested the protests began 8 weeks ago over a controversial extradition bail which has now been suspended has more from hong kong. Bubba bullets were bought on these protests over numerous hours trying to clear them but they resisted. The why they resist it was that with throwing bricks anything they could get their hands on we had sheets of glass and smashed bones and also on the highway above us which is another mine. Through home. Front of me and those protesters withdrawing devices anything that weapons they could the place of course that angered those police place we have thousands of police here as well so it was police versus the protesters in the city in similar numbers the Syrian Government offensive on provinces last rebel stronghold chills no sign of letting up despite warnings from the un that war crimes are being committed at least 4 people died when a market was bombed in the town of every how the government and its russian allies are trying to recapture it. Donald trump has been accused of racism again after his attack on a prominent africanamerican politician and the district he represents tweets follow democrat in line to cummings criticizing the president s mexico border policies the us president called cummings a brutal bully and describes baltimore as a quote disgusting rodent infested mess jails russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny is in hospital after suffering an alleged reaction is serving a 30 day jail sentence after calling for protests in moscow on saturday which saw more than 1300 people arrested a spokeswoman for the bonnie says his only thought is factory condition after arriving in hospital with severe facial swelling and rash. Iran says it considers a u. K. Seizure of its oil tanker off gibraltar a breach of the 2050 Nuclear Agreement iran 70 foreign minister made the comments in vienna at an emergency meeting aimed at saving the 2015 deal earlier this month british authorities detained iranian time kerrick using need to preaching e. U. Sanctions on syria those are the headlines one o one east starts now. Good. In south korea dog days has been on the menu this century us with around 2000000. 00 dogs each and every year. About i think they made us long and it takes thinking and i just write our own new. Hands and i did a lot of. The mc a little. Bit script government regulations and a growing Animal Rights Movement Tracking down on industry look at that look at that. But i would. Like to think let me tell you. What. You know dolls electorate down and we think Younger Generation saying dogs more as pets than food demand is declining id love a little more closely to all the devil and a lot of the from the bill if you could. On this episode of 1018 we investigate the fawaz between those who love dogs and bugs who love to eat the. Garden out in downtown seoul as a place where nutrients like in the chip pit dogs with poultry and its like eating dog. Its name to something and for some its the best time to eat the traditional dish fistful. Dog meat soup. In korea its called top. Official of the just incredible video and i think thats i mean this all formed by women but i guess all the good it has been well i think its been that its been weeping now im on done you know the young yourself who have been did all thing you know. Is purported to have a variety of health benefits. That on the limb of a 12000000. 00 of. His books. I want to hear today yes i was here. For the to get the whole little me on monday to put him out on one on one visit them just just it cannot just kill the village in my. One saying im mobile or less because we are not. These dinahs are aware of careers reputation as a nation of dog into this but a growing number of koreans are finding this notion hard to swallow. These days 70 percent of koreans say they dont eat dog. And growing numbers are engaging into rick battle against the Meat Industry. Like activist. Whos desperate to save dogs from slaughter. So when he hears about a struggling dog farm he steps into. Well you tube or somebody in the day and this. Topic. It was the headlines of 3 new. Kennel dont come on i was told no but i was upset with all. Of the good all. The body. Or most years ago according to google or to the bumps on the pedals on home. At 1st the family wont let a camera inside. Ive walked in and out a couple of times what i can tell you is that there is rats maybe everywhere flies. A lot of unhappy dogs. The family finally gets me and once i agree not to identify him. Its easy to see this familys business is on the streets. Each year it is your life like. Here noted for the good you do. For. This place like many small farms cant afford to meet strict government regulations around racing dogs these farms are being forced to close. At the moment. But it was the job of an illusion of the going to get it and then he. Could do. So hes feeding the dogs which. Im taking to see their cages are about 6 metres long and its actually running through 3456 thats him i just. Did dogs in cages with living ones. Its obvious this guy can no longer look after his dogs. But hes not prepared to give them up into. The long. Island that around. Here. You know whether i get. The look on theres a. Torture you know. Who wants to rescue a few dogs immediately but the family is wary and is holding out for at least some cash before he hands him a dogs life. Is going to have to raise the funds and come back another day. And then theyre. Going to do. Well activists like gina and a growing number of koreans are trying to stamp out the dog Meat Industry the president of the meat. Eating dog meat is a part of beef here to. Look at the problem with. The follow government regulations. He says business is booming. Were told on. You go and then i thought oh my god are you quite out of the book were going in that im. Really not going to return on the hope of. In the road some got my moneys on them. Leaving my money and then i thought it was. Just shifting the. President kim jong so introduces me to pharma kim jong il who grants me rare access to his industrial scale dog ok so we have a look around its a far cry from the struggling famine just seen. Im told this place complies with government regulations goes through 2 tons of chicken per week and has a feces Processing Plant with over half a 1000000. 00. Kim jong il explains that his several 1000 meat dogs atos us the type of master and the not the same as pits. To do with all the time a good. Book yeah im talking. About them doing it here. We did it. Too on a normal. As we walk across a wide river of dog poop i start to get an idea of the scale of the spot. Maybe oh this is just dying yeah. But theres one thing i cant film and thats the dogs this is as close as im allowed this does that healthy and nice why cant we film them even ironically one of them so good to do stand out that it will get to a head on a new thing when the gun. Will be. This is apparently a showcase for. But the Korean Parliament may soon vote on legislation that would make dog meat illegal so the farmers are understandably a bit touchy about how well patrol whats going on inside. Thanks for showing me. Some of it anyway. Travelling to. The area with so many farms its no wonder this dont vally. Activists who do manage to negotiate the release of dogs from farms to places like thats. Just like our dogs yeah. Dogs. Yeah. He. Said. They were all. Wrong. Paul. You know i personally cannot save all the dogs. Today because yes. Canada and u. K. Phone 100 yen. Since dogs over seas because the most reluctant to adopt so cool. Oh this is me. Meaning that i leave it. There. Yes. I am ready to see you on the other side for. Use. Ok nami is a former University Professor who gave up her day job and dedicated her life to shutting down farms and rescuing dogs which if you think you. Should you. Know was. Wrong for. A dog is a dog there is no such a thin meat dog packed up. I dont want to see that size of. Any more in this country thats why i am striving for. You know dogs theyd never let. You love them while they love you back for a. While now many fights to save one dog a time right now theres legislation before the National Assembly that would declassify dogs as livestock. At the moment under the law dogs are treated the same as chickens pigs. But if the new norm is it could ban fams from breeding dogs for human

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