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Suffered a major defeat in 1000 advance in full gear priests serbia and montenegro in the 1st balkan war. Theyve lost the european territory but the defeat did initially ease the relationship between the arabs of the Ottoman Empire and the young turks governments. Able to focus. On the. Well. I suppose. I would do it. When we. Went to faff. That would include how it was that the what the rethought. For fear i mean what are you. I the thought of. The 1st world war started at the end of july 19th 14. Britain france and russia the central powers the germany austriahungary and bulgaria. Shortly after the ottomans opted just supports germany. Look out over a 1000000 things i know well and who walk. So fast it is generally a funny. Little sit when i came to shit i see kind of home. That was set for most of them by about an f one how to see by their own mouth off with money its out of show you. Are liberal did the. National heart of. Political. Who are the starlet. I look at remove. My knee i mean. To be a highly. Mean cold mean. Politically and he really thought that i were legit or i must be really really really brilliant or so youre going to talk doggy into luckily my mother took. Me in there but i also learned by her the Libyan Government also will put. A roof doleman head the head of a says he cannot afford it and we had definite well. Well what he had there that you know let me get to an end and method of what lobo can a to read woman who wore in again ill bring the most forward with theft moved down the hall and we had death. In february 1915 frustrated by the stock meeting war in europe the british open to an Eastern Front against the ottomans on the dardanelles straits they imagined the ottoman army as weak and easier to defeat as the way of taking on germany and ending the war. Russia however was more concerned about its use of ottoman waterways so the russians asked britain and france to sign an agreement to guarantee their own share of the spoils after the war. The russians were keen to seize more as Cultural Capital as a sort of restoration of orthodox christianity after. 5 centuries of all of the rule and so with the outbreak of the 1st world war on the eve of the can the police station. The russians wanted to secure their allies commitment to granting istanbul and the straits to the russian empire and this becomes an exchange of documents known as the constantinople agreement concluded between march and april 1915. Britain france and russia entered into the constantinople agreement which granted the russians certain ottoman territories and waterways. However this agreement the way for another secret deal as london and paris started to plot exactly what they wanted from a region that was gaining strategic significance in the coming age of oil. You could really say that britain and to the war without any clear territorial ambitions in their territory they could not at the stage of the constantinople agreement identify one place that they wish to add to their empire but they reserve the right to do so as soon as they worked out what their priorities were and so in a sense the constantinople agreement really is the 1st of the wartime partition agreements that will begin to shape the way in which the arab provinces will be carved up primarily between britain and france since russias interest lay mostly in turkish territories so very British Fashion the british created a committee called the debunks and committee and its remit was to look into. The sort of the options for britain so that when the time for negotiations with the french came up the british would be well prepared know what they wanted and this is actually something that the british did throughout the war and right to the end of the war. So in april 1915 the british start up a committee headed by the diplomats more. To define their interests in the ottoman territories its made certain assumptions about what its ally france would expect from any potential deal. I mean a few who. Are there to upset if you could walk and if it is you you really do there and leave front. Man a sort of in the front seat going to be a call on it right now i will certainly be in the must i look at the month and the thought that if you have a month with you probably have your month what will really be a month of britains interests are most likely to be in completing its imperium of the persian gulf by securing the territories of the province the bus right in baghdad linked as they were to persian oil fields and other done island in the shot that are up. Nicely completing dominion that stretched right around the earth coastline of the persian gulf which it would take since an 820. 00 s. Good morning gentlemen are doing so to get on some time to settle. And its youngest. And most carefree. Mark sykes who was kitcheners military assistant kitchener was the secretary of state for war and he delegated the job of sitting on the committee sykes mark sykes had been born into a wealthy family in yorkshire in the north of england in 879. He studied at Cambridge University and was elected as a conservative member of parliament. In 1000 enough. He like to give the impression of being an expert on the middle east based on his travels in the region but he was not quite the authority as it was sometimes assumed. He presented the Bunsen Committee with his vision of a new near east region his riches i tell you and this will be our use ive come up himself with a different plan which is something completely different a much more Old Fashioned that was to create a quarter of across the middle east so he was planning to divide the middle east between france and britain. And create a belt of english controlled country that stretched across from the mediterranean coast to the mountains on the iranian from and back to the century as a as a affront to britain could control and keep other people away from the red sea and the persian gulf. That was rejected by the defense i wish i were older wiser heads said you know that why work your. Way into line 1915 the debunks in Committee Recommended dividing the Ottoman Empire into several provinces over which britain would seek influence rather than exercise direct control. But when sykes was sent to the middle east and india he began to revert to his original idea of a british cordon from the mediterranean to iraq. So far from your knowledge of the air out of the question. Where would you say that a legion slot. Between us and the french. Tragically all arabs approach. Not exactly empty french but frightened of financial exploitation and they are frightened of French Colonial methods. But there are many christians in syria in the limited particular how do they fit the christians or is afraid at the bottom of their hearts as the muslims and only in syria at Training Center is present everywhere because they know what the french do that feeling pretty well runs all through there is the French Nationalist Party which is sentimental still harking back to the crusades. So science returned and as the current sort of started to come together he was called into downing street at the end of the year on the 16th of december 1950 and then. He mustve gone with a map as well because he got into them the meeting with the cabinet the Prime Minister and his chief ministers sitting around the cabinet table in downing street i believe they fear an arab caliphate. Is an independent stage a common language the arabs of tunis algeria and morocco in regional cause they control entirely the french nationalists believe that if the allies when they want syria and palestine and north mesopotamia likes appeared to be someone who is very knowledgeable and in fact in that Cabinet Meeting that he went to in december 1950 in. It or that the result of the Cabinet Meeting was that one of the cabinet ministers he was there believe that he could speak arabic and turkish but in fact he could speak neither language so he he dotted his speech with arabic phrases that sort of thing to give himself the appearance of being an expert when in fact he was more of a gifted amateur what do you think we should do some are. I think to counteract the french war aims. We require diplomacy. Do you think diplomacy will achieve with the fridge i dont want to make any suggestions except on very general lines. That i feel we ought to settle with france as soon as possible and get a definite understanding about syria what sort of arrangement would you like to have with the french what would you say to them i would like to process. South of haifa apart from the attitude of tourists. If you have it is just to be very. Good and the who. Your forgot to bark lisa fuck off. I mean there were funny. Men and with. Guns and no. Idea of how old men would love to mop up a female for a few months of the chemical its most important that we should have a bout of english controlled country between the sharif of mecca and the french in syria what would you do the french i should like to draw a lot. In asia. To the last can cook and this must all be settled before we can take military action against the turks in syria. We must find out what the french actually in system having they do multiple syria they can both be merely a military purposes we must make terms with props. Which means we must make terms. About. Right to. Britain has identified the territories of the Ottoman Empire its wanted in order to protect its interests in the suez canal and the area provinces. But this clan was dependent on fruits and friends winning the war which at the start of 1015. 00 was almost at a standstill on the western front in europe. The allies decided to open an Eastern Front against the ottomans. The ill fated gillet Police Campaign ran between april 19th 15 and january 19th 16. When its finally field the allies including australians and new zealanders suffered a major setback. This monument commemorates the ottoman victory in which around 80000 allied troops were killed. This defeat at the police and later includes mystically timeo caused the british to enter into more secret deals over the middle east. Coming up how the british conspired we should be focusing on mcconnell to strike back at the ottomans through an arab revolt the british adopt the sharif of mecca as the partners that were essential. In the propaganda war with the ottomans to demonstrate that the muslim world was better off on the allied side the fight with the audience let me explain why we must and sikes. Negotiate peace to feasts to get what they both want from the middle east well if we cannot have palestinian my government was suddenly not allow britain to control my government would take the same view. But then we need to find another solution. For we come to blows. And so. Now we can draw. What is resistance. In akra people are grabbing social and political issues by the horns. And time to sing creativity. And protest to challenge and change ideas. A gun a controversial to witness documentary on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks. With details coverage no one is willing to return home to me on my own without sort of the ship papers and security guarantees from around the world the challenges facing the new Prime Minister. Negotiate the new threats that feel in one day a deal the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated. Aljazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how rivalries influenced the course of history steve jobs a much better market youre going to bill gates for apple is going to reinvent the boom made software what it is today will change the world to high tech visionaries whose breakthroughs inspired the digital revolution jobs and gates face to face on aljazeera. With. Them. Elegant pieces over here in the top stories from aljazeera saddams former president Omar Al Bashir has gone on trial on charges of corruption hes accused of possessing foreign currency and accepting bribes attentive in court said he received millions of dollars from saudi arabia the military removed Omar Al Bashir from power in april after months of antigovernment protest people morgan has more from khartoum witnesses who were inside the hall described him as being very composed very confident but theyre saying that members of his family who were inside were very emotional and were saying that he should not be tried because as a former president or rather when he was president he had immunity that therefore exclude him from having to be facing from having to face trials however one thing we will not see in these hearings is that he will be charged with and internationally with what the International Criminal court is presenting against him. A Syrian Government airstrike a certain area close to a Turkish Military convoy advancing on the northwest of syria the government says the convoy was heading towards an area near concha kuhn in italy province one rebel commander was killed turkey is strongly condemning the strike and says the convoy was heading to an observation post as part of a deal with its International Partners irans warning the u. S. Not to seize its oil tanker in open waters after it set off from to brawl to last night the vessel was detained in july on accusations of violating sanctions shortly after it was seized iran detained a british tanker. As for the release of the violating british tanker we need to wait for the court order there have been several maritime violations made by that ship so the court is looking into it hopefully as soon as possible the process will be complete and the courts verdict will be out whatever that may be it could be a release order hopefully it will be released as soon as possible afghanistan has prospered celebrations marking 100 years of independence following an attack on a wedding hall on saturday i saw has claimed responsibility for the bombing that killed 63 people in kabul it is one of the worst attacks in afghanistan this year. Pakistan says Indian Security forces have fired across the line of control in the disputed kashmir region several civilians are reported to have been killed on the pakistani administered side both countries are blaming each other for the recent violence those are your headlines the news continues after sykes pekoe ill have the news hour for you in about 28 minutes see that. We must retain full control. In the late 1915 early 1960 region both britain and france were exercised by how they might divide up the ailing Ottoman Empire between them so the allies ultimately win the 1st war. But when they suffered a serious defeat at belittling britain looked at alternative ways of attacking the ottomans and undermining their support for germany. But now the ottomans on a victory might be able to provoke uprisings in the india and egyptian muslim populations that so far theyve not been able to effect its at that point different begins to really consider how it might turn the tables on the audience and force them to fight in their own territory against an internal uprising so to address that challenge they turned to that sharif of mecca who had already made overtures to the british about concluding an alliance to secure their position now all of a sudden the british the dot the sharifs of mecca the partners that were essential. In the propaganda war with the ottomans to demonstrate that the muslim world was better off on the allied side than fighting with the ottomans. In 1000. 00 or 8 the ottomans had appointed should each post in been highly as the wily the governor of his us area towards the red sea. He was from the hashemite in his team in mecca of which he was the emir. His sons faisal and the representatives and Ottoman Parliament but is with the ship with istanbul deteriorated in recent years but that effort was going to show you that soon. Either me. And know. If you stumble some you too many and some you just are going to have to have the thought of going on. With many heavy for. Your army your already home. There on the pier got a pretty good acme phil show you. Your i mean. I love you theyre all difficult. To jazz you know who or what do you think i should offer you. A home and i saw a model for jazz. In the. Me that there were as many. Really. As many yakkers. Do all that off the i was many a how come yet this was what a crowd was good on about are they are. In there id have allowed that spirit and then her referred to as many if it would be. Her. Lee. At the ottoman ruler of great. Her syria jamal pasha executed a group of arabs in damascus and beirut in 19151916 they were accused of being separatists and of supporting the british and french this hard determination of the Arab Nationalists to separate from ottoman rule and to create an independent arab States Hussein didnt have any modern ideas of nationalism but he wanted more autonomy under the ottoman. Empire but its only gradually that he was drawn into what became an Arab National movement a full scale revolt against the ottomans and this wasnt an easy decision for the sharif maker to make because the ottomans were fellow muslims. And he was siding with an infidel. Against fellow sunni muslims. There had been conversations between the british and the hushed moritz before the war but in july 915 sharif christine wrote to the british high commissioner in cairo sir henry mcmahon. He offered his support against the ottomans in return for british support for an independent kingdom that would include the provinces in the arab peninsula and be ruled by the hashemites. Service 7 either a. 3rd of the. Muscle over here that did but there was a lot of could be up early may how about you see a fella. There with a limb as it ought to be cleaned. To clean it off and the other one for the upper limit as a seal mccoll with an associated double of the labia coming that a muzzle of the key is that there were a lot of be absolutely. Ill most earth early. But a source of his ability to team a la la plata most but the map but he thought what the limits of the fish others as they saw the you were a scary few. Months of. The correspondence continued and mcmahon wrote to sharif resting on the 24th of october 1915 he said that britain would not guarantee support for an independent arab kingdom with all the provinces demanded by the hashemites nevertheless the hashemites went ahead with their revolt against the ottomans in july 1916. But many still consider mcmahons letter controversial today because of the air. As the british wanted to exclude from any future arab kingdom. And that you. Should see. It doesnt mean it is a good akiko asian. People see that middle feeling. Will it it wouldnt going to undo presidency and britain. While barack and assume walk off is going to be demolished homes. And you clothes arent going to be wrapped up in that. Doesnt mean it is likely then getting money in d. C. Became a few uneasy in districts very moment it clear and the fear doesnt or hasnt you can believe this was an evil mccarran canot get out of it and document it like that was careful not to promise anything the contravened preexisting treaty arrangements they wish to exclude territories to the west of hong damascus and aleppo and certain areas around the gulf of alexandretta and into the sea and that britain was already an occupation of the province a bus ride much of the province of baghdad at this time and so britain was very keen to declare its interest and retaining some degree of control over those territories for the Mutual Benefit of the arabs of the british and the others boundaries that britain would be willing to accept the hash like claim to arab kingdom with british support hussein thought that the british promised to include palestine in his kingdom. And the british later denied that they have probably seen palestine they denied outright but. All the average is is that they have probably seen palestine double the idea. Of us with only a certain image maria lets show you for saying i dont mind the level. Of all the thing these miles and so we. Filmed the brutally minimal world in the living may as well yet i did feel that means. Yeah you can leave out also theyre going to require a libyan number of. Significantly in the 3 months that the british promised parts of greater syria to sharif to stay and they told the french that any agreement relating to the borders of an arab kingdom would not be finalized without their consent. They knew how strong the french interest in syria was. On the 1st of october 915. 00 the french ambassador to britain Paul Campbell wrote to his Prime Minister we need. To tell him that london had requested a french representative to draw the borders of an arab kingdom with syria. In this document the french ambassador suggested hans want george p. Koch would manage the general consulate in beirut for over a year and knew the syrian issue better than anyone else. Aloft also just because diplomat sit down diplomat here diplomat kamel is a. 100 years in the game circular debate event some person that is his all clear will get off so. Long some of the stuff i mean you do. Not think i dont know them. The diplomatic all said it says on the song happy kid also political and yet as yet t. K. It is something thats kind that you find more of as you know you know we are back with a diplomat less upset than if its a depress the bus dont bust or even so close good. Evening on the hotel we have some candles. A few. More zouma sure your very nice to you again place your feet enjoy warm its the french representative pico had his 1st meeting with the british in london on the 23rd of november 1915 here to buy food to see you again i know everybody you know they started their negotiations about their respective shares of the Ottoman Empire once the war was over. British come along with another writer of people from all the different ministries that take an interest the war ministry the Foreign Office the colonial office. They are sitting on one side of the table and pico is on the other side of the table have us would define for the 1st well founded or is your government just as we must of course have the whole of syria and palestinian north of it of course down to the egyptian border but pico you must realize there are other claims in this area. Perhaps perhaps. Bethlehem and you could form a kind of enclave but certainly nowhere. And despite the numerical advantage p. K. Just sits there with his arms crossed and says im not interested in you or your plan it doesnt we we call possibly accept something along the lines that you are talking about moving further east we must have the learn and not of this line and across here including most of most of the time not all the video yet the whole area around 20 years ago the belayer took most of included the baghdad ambassador district are you suggesting they should be separated now impossible to consider the situation of 20 years ago affecting the situation now so mature pekoe if you have palestine and syria and half iraq mosul will you be satisfied i think i can persuade my government then we have reached an impasse. The uncompromising positions of both sides at that 1st meeting cause the British Army Intelligence officer in cairo to write it is obviously hopeless to attempt to arrive at any reasonable agreement with the french so long as pico is their representative. Says never settle commit. In a key basket offered to do something a host of popular shows our bus clearly could toss you know it be us over toward advani goes here. Or here left. Here a pleasant look be cool and united with the nikkei it leaders of offered what were shouted the lable this one that penned the big game he lives like our states because typically also on the bed the big do get it idea of the veto are so markedly to our world larkham also potentially tied to our in this enough it can look after them get it talking exist they part its about that often mono kids are more under the more days that exist on their bellies in town on the e. Q. Wrong dissing me off at least wait till d. P. Do. So mark your government has been adopting extreme positions over a territory which you must recognise france has special claims to but in the meetings i attended no one seemed to give a centimeter and yet concessions i feel a censure decisions have to be made so that we both know where we stand when turkey is conquered as inevitably it will be. Mr speaker i feel sure that within these walls we can find a way through the issues and my government has given me the power to make the necessary decisions i too have been given the freedom by my government to make the necessary decisions and you must realize that we have very definite needs in the territory which some of my countrymen consider to be french by rights ever since the crusades do you remember who won the crusades yes but today the ira observes you said i didnt. Although these talks were secret the russians had already made their demands what we must do now that we have agreed the russians can have the Northern Areas of turkey including the straits is to discuss the southern and eastern areas so that the interests of both nations can be established for the decades that will follows the end of the war or the start then with the provinces of syria that center on damascus and the level. Of their own in a month for the. Month of it are nearly syria could draw. A desert should they have. Sort of a month before with foreign city then or other authority you couldnt before sukkot no foster home where you know roofs are given for health or how is it was an adult with money you had. No food. So you see its indispensable for the arabs have been in syria to have some direct access to the mediterranean somewhere along the syrian lebanon and the way to total french control that would be impossible but that would mean french positions would be split into between an often a self of syria. Simply cannot be allowed to happen the political and military a bit strange would be impossible in such a divided territory. Im not convinced but. It is nevertheless try to meet that object. And my dividing line is here. From. A bit of funny you should be. In either party a big deal. On the one hand. Nor from stuff you have to compare the. Brain. With a funny you and its also a miniature should be sent. To was your school configured to walk. Funny. Enough. Well a well mandala respect although enough oberstar to batter you both i mean it will not be possible to persuade my colleagues to accept a line as far north as that that would exclude kosovo regions like the whole run from a sphere i see but for france to control territory that fast south make it very difficult for our plans for a railway line from the coast to baghdad i must insist on this point. And co cook. We could not possibly let you have cook from my own travels in the air i know that this province contains the only elements of the population which will make it possible to colonize ation of iraq my idea sykes this is hardly in a spirit of conciliation let me explain why we must have the territory we requested in nov and mr putting. On play the mock signs is off pico dont believe i suppose this president but he seemed almost something he esteemed kosik though do continue it when he put it down the clutch at the wheel because the continually double up and i must feel to lose and then it dont come so awesome that at that instant so as to apply he still he could go his own let alone do mulla descriptive for his own little problems to the point that you have thrown the ball you cannot destroy this well if we cannot have palestina my government was suddenly not allowed britain to control my government would take the same view french press time would be an outrage but then we need to find another solution before we come to blows. And so. Now we can draw a map. So when sikes left the Cabinet Meeting. On 16th of december 950 to go and meet pico he had a problem because he had to reconcile 2 conflicting sets of demands the set of demands that pico was making for syria and lebanon and the other set of demands that sheriff of st had already made and which the british had already affectively accepted for both covering the same territory so he in pico came up with a map that made a distinction between 2 types of land in the middle east land that britain and france would absolutely control which was colored blue for france and red for britain and a hinterland the in a region which was called area a an area b. Where the arabs would have. Some war ptolemy but in which each of the big powers the great powers would have the right to advise or influence with the further complication that the territory of what was to become palestine was designated for an International Zone where basically Russia Britain and france are able to agree who could lay greater claim to the holy lands just to further that decision down the road by painting it all brown. In january 1916 the french and british agreed to ignore the borders of any future arab kingdom. Their new borders were enshrined in the deal we now know as the psychs pekoe agreements. Sikes to his line from acre to could cook so the south of anatolia eastern turkey the syrian coast and the roots were put under direct french control. Basra and baghdad were put under direct british control. And damascus were put under french protection and were called area aid. The rest of mr petain mia and the south of greater syria were put under british protection and called area b. But palestine including jerusalem was designated as an International Zone in brown. All those like speaker was never implemented it formed the basis of future negotiations and the post autumn in middle east resembled the areas of influence it created so the map has different colors different letters but ultimately what really matters is the line in the sand that runs from the coast to the persian from local state it is yes. The National Harbor freight 6 people. While theyre not quite hashmi and. Dont really need to know the arab men. Called for most wealthy. Mining these. Done. Shall be from the who let it. Be funny in a funny way the british felt that this system that the arabs so viewed as a betrayal. Was in keeping with the terms of what theyve agreed with that guides because they were still considering the territories if there is an informal british infection floyds as kingdoms to be ruled by arabs and there was even one mention of the sharif of mecca and their sites because to route things out but ultimately for the arabs sikes pico was double dealing and it seemed to be giving territory that had just been conceded to the hashemites by the same man correspondence to the french. Here in St Petersburg and the Russian Foreign ministry the secret sikes pico agreements between britain and france was approved by russia. That deal was finalized in correspondence dated the 16th of may 19th. Influencing diffused church of millions of people in the middle easts. Over 100 years ago britain and france made a secret deal to divide the middle east between them now we can draw a map in the 2nd episode we explore the lasting effects of this agreement that there is a regional set to 6 because its at those borders were drawn without consulting the people who have to live with the. Psychs pekoe lines in the sand on on just the. Hello there will cool weather pushing to the northeast of argentina you can see this line of cloud bringing with this machine but also some much cooler air in place a very cold day with a few one is there is on monday 8 celsius warm though across into song zealand 23. 00 degrees celsius and even warmer on choose day. In fact it will more than rio with a high of 24 that is where youll see the showers and the thunderstorms and then across most the Central America and the caribbean very unsettled here as well more showers will thunderstorms generally the funnel so much later in the day a loss of cloud across much of the region the rain quite extensive all the way from southern mexico monday across into panama and then much each day more rain im afraid pushing into much of the yucatan peninsula so wet day in cozumel 30 celsius but that does come with the showers and thunderstorms should be dry there mexico city with a high of 24. 00 now the heat is on across the Southern Plains in the u. S. That heat advisories in place meanwhile to the north you can see this line of travel that is bringing with it some rain and some thunderstorms and this is has been looking in new york city so more rain in the forecast this monday its a warm day 31 degrees celsius and you can see that even warmer down into washington d. C. With a high of 36 and then guess what to say the rain pushes in some thunderstorms so a wet day again in new york with a high of 30 degrees. With a sponsor. 67. Pound promise. But disaster. The blade to the establishment of the jewish homeland at the expense of the palestinians. The story of the british declaration that changed the middle east. Seems of to school on aljazeera. The most memorable moment of aljazeera was when i was on air as Hosni Mubarak fell with the crowds in Tahrir Square talking. To see. If something happens anywhere in the world aljazeera is in place were able to cover this like no other news organization. Were able to do it properly. And that is our strength. This is al jazeera. Hello again peter dhabi here in doha you are watching the aljazeera news hour coming up in the next 60 minutes the corruption trial of sudans former president Omar Al Bashir begins with revelations he received millions of dollars from saudi arabia. Syria launches an air strike close to a turkish army convoy and accuses ankara of interfering in its domestic affairs. Iran wants the u. S. Of consequences if it seizes an oil tanker thats been released from travolta after being detained for 6 weeks. And weve been the victims of powerful pellet guns used by the Security Forces in indian administered kashmir. With the sport athlete continue alone me buying me a nick and there are calls for indy car to make changes up to get another major crash at Pocono Raceway in pennsylvania. A course in sudan has today been told that the former president Omar Al Bashir accepted. Dollars from the Saudi Arabian government but she is on trial on corruption charges hes accused of possessing foreign currency and accepting bribes the military removed from power in april after months of antigovernment protests hes also wanted by the International Criminal court for war crimes and crimes against humanity in darfur all. Known are presenting the head of the country to trial proves that there is rule of law in the country and that no one is above the law this message is not just for the ousted government but to the incoming government the case will resume next week we cant tell you what the outcome will be but we can say that we are assured that the case is going in the favor of the defendant. Here as a lecturer in International Security at the university of bath in the u. K. He says that there are questions around whether theres sufficient evidence for the case to continue. The question here really is whether or not there is sufficient evidence for days trials to continue. If these trials would prove to be a chef fos as many commentators are really arguing its highly probable that the trial will continue precisely on the basis that bashir allegedly took money when he was president of sudan and as is lawyers are currently arguing he was called heard by immunity during that time right now what we are seeing is a contrast between. The 2 opposing views of what justice should look like. Whether or not this would be the case wed be saying in the future right now there is a problem that we need to discuss which is. Should we issue around some arrest against the problem of Court Precedents if these in p. S. The solution of the conflict that is ongoing in the council to morgan is a correspondent joining us live this hour from khartoum so hibbert just take us through whats been going on in the courthouse. Well peter this morning the president former president already bashir appeared in court for the 1st official hearing with the judge now his Defense Attorneys which come my comprised of more than mine people here say that they are very confident that he will come out of the. Guilty and theyre saying that it just proves that there is a rule in the country however the president did have. Hearings in june and he admitted to investigators then and his defense attorney as well admitted to investigators that he more than mine dollar. He also admitted to taking more billions of dollars from the United Arab Emirates very hard to come out of the not guilty especially because he said that this money was given to him during his time as president and that he could not account for given and how it was spent. On the ground. Charged with corruption when there are other crimes committed during the protests. Before this didnt happen. On the 11th april some of the military commanders came out and said that he ordered to kill. Them so they are saying that he should be tried. For murder cases not just Corruption Cases once this Legal Process has run its course what are the chances that he will actually be handed over to the International Criminal court. Well as a Transitional Military Council that. Previously said that they will not be handing him over to the International Criminal Court Despite an arrest warrant on him on the charges of work crimes crimes against humanity and genocide in the whats in the region of darfur theyre saying that its a matter of National Sovereignty and warner and integrity and backed a Transitional Government one form will be for want to set up an impartial judicial system where he will be tried that government is there to be formed the Opposition Coalition is coming up with. That Program Council and the executive council is going to be quite a process but the question is will an impartial judicial be able to try him on the actually because they have not been prevented yet right now were looking at corruption charges one thing we do know is that at the moment he would not be for the work crime against humanity and genocide that hes being accused of by the National Criminal court hes also looking to be charged or. Hearing regarding the murder charges that was that was going against him in may by the Transition Military Council as well right now theyre focusing only on the corruption charges which people think is not enough are demanding or understood him many things. The Syrian Government strike has hit an area close to a Turkish Military convoy advancing in the northwest of syria now the government says the convoy was heading towards an area near a concha coolin nearly 30 vehicles including 7 tanks were in that convoy he says he was traveling to protect one of its observation post in syria one rebel commander was killed in the strike the Syrian Government has previously accused of crossing into its territory to support rebel groups zana holder is following developments for us from beirut in lebanon. There is a risk of direct confrontation between the syrian and turkish armies in the syrian province of idlib already there are reports that a Turkish Military convoy has come under fire and Syrian Government forces are being blamed for that attack this convoy was heading to one of turkeys observation posts in the rebel controlled province of idlib that post in the town of moore it is close to being besieged by Syrian Government forces what is happening in this province is that the Syrian Government and its allies are on the offensive advancing towards an international highway that they want to control but in order to do that they will have to overrun this turkish observation post which was set up as part of an agreement with russia last year that created the the escalation zone in italy province but since the past few weeks that ceasefire has collapsed and the Syrian Government offensive is continuing the syrian Foreign Ministry condemning the Turkish Military for sending troops into it live saying that this is violating the state sovereignty even though i mentioned that they are there according to an agreement with the Syrian Government ally russia the syrian Foreign Ministry also saying that this move by turkey because this is being seen as a message from turkey that they will not stand idle and allow the Syrian Government to overrun rebel controlled territories and and the international highways so the syrian Foreign Ministry saying that this is not going to stop our offensive so tensions are on the rise in this corner of syria mustaine with that story almost killing chick is a syria analyst at the Center Foundation a think tank based in anchorage who says he took his troops trying to keep their supply routes neocon should open. So actually a hunch you can was on the verge of city wall knowing we have seen a new development as you approach earlier that the to kish army sent a huge massive can work to a hunch in order to prevent these this city from being captured by the assad regime so we have to see that there were 2 main actions taken by turkey one is to put went. Into 2nd to prevent by listening escalation so the 1st was that the nation an army which is trained by turkey and conducted jointly to poison through turkey against isis and to y. P. Terrorist organizations send in message through a false cements to the front lines and lip and the 2nd we have seen today morning that the message convoy to hunchy from order to establish true base there and to prevent the situation from cutting the 5 highway which would also trap the true. Point mark so the Observation Point to mark has one supply would that its the m 5 highway and all of the 12 Observation Points of turkey. According to the us stand up movement between russia and turkey and side to regime has firstly try to force turkey out by shelling the Observation Points and now try to beseech them but the turks f. Responded well the turkish government dismissing lead the measure 3 cities in its southeastern region today accusing them of involvement and what it calls terrorism related crimes and console has more now from istanbul. Turkeys interior ministry stated in a press release that those 3 mayors who have been removed from their poor mayor or old posts this morning are accused of a rise crimes including being members of the out both Kurdistan Workers Party the pick a k spreading the p. K. K. Or gender and exploiting them in a spell team money and resources in order to finance and support the agenda the p. K. K. Is listed as a terrorist organization not only by turkey but also by the United States and the e. U. Also turkey is interior ministry detain 418 people doing in a parisian held in 29 provinces of turkey this morning and those people are accused of being linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party the minister says that those people has links to the out both Kurdistan Workers Party and they have identified that those people have been supporting the p. K. And after after the removal of the mayors from their paws the city governors have been appointed as trustees as the acting mayors according to turkeys constitution and a regulation for election the interior ministry has a right to has the authority to remove local Authority Members from their pause for a temporary period of time if they have ongoing persecution process or Legal Proceedings until a final decision is placed iran is warning the u. S. Not to seize an oil tanker in open water is after all from gibraltar overnight russell was held for 6 weeks on suspicion it was taken crude oil to syria in violation of International Sanctions no longer called the grace one that left under its new name adrian that

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