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President seeker of the parliament or out the head of kerry are going to be going fine they just possible solution. They may reportedly also discuss things are possible successors that would be a series of or forums offered by Prime Minister not haiti has. The momentum of the one of. These say the only thing they want for men to be to resign at the polls are about in 60 days that will be monitored by the way maggie says he sees that down there will be a payoff in iraq there will be a delay in the approval of the budget as well have to make a federal order. On wednesday the Baghdad Police chief said his Security Forces are being i care yet not a single bullet has been fired iraq is Human Rights Commission says the. People have died during protests since friday the judiciary announced that it would be investigating government corruption is a lengthy process that may not appease the impatient transfers also the u. N. Special representative here in iraq and the time we are to speak to people she says they have legitimate demands however she also says that it would be impossible for any government to harbor and simply attack the past and present challenges in just one year that is how long Prime Minister i do have no money has been in power irans Supreme Leader says the protesters in iraq and lebanon should seek their demands within the framework of the law ayatollah ali how many is also accusing the u. S. And some arab states of stoking on rest in the 2 countries who took 13 let me be the biggest damage enemies can inflict on a country is to deprive them of security as they are doing today in some countries in the region in the world american western Intelligence Services the Financial Support that some countries in our region produce chaos in the middle east and this is the worst hostility towards our nation and i recommend those who care in iraq and lebanon remedy the insecurity and turmoil created in the countries by the us design astray getem people also have some demands that are right but they should know their demands could be met through legal frameworks of their countries when legal structures are disrupted in a country nothing can get done they also planned it for our country but our people neutralized it when they came to the scene. What a weather update thanks to announce a 0 then a report into a deadly fire to residential tower at london 2 years ago is published or tell you what it says 2 more state Department Officials testifying in the impeachment inquiry against donald trump. Hello there mostly dry conditions through central and eastern china but a bit of a change in the calls into the southeast because of all this cloud not just cloud it is also bringing some rain is coming from the latest a Tropical Storm system by thursday this is expected made landfall across into Central Vietnam very heavy amounts of rain particularly the accumulations over the next couple of days we could see between 2 and 300 millimeters of rain it could well lead to some flooding it will sunny push up into northern vietnam by friday and then also well see this cloud really blanketing much of the south so feeling quite humid in hong kong with a high of 28 celsius and some pretty humid air into southern areas of india as well watching a disturbance just off to the southwest that could develop into a tropical cycle however plenty of rain through carola and again through much of monday pradesh over tools east of calls this is also the cycle were watching but its pulling away from india continues to push really of course closer to the coast of oman and eventually down into yemen but theres still a lot of moisture from this system which as i say could develop into another storm system if it doesnt it will just still continue to feed a lot of moisture particulate across into maharashtra again so should be dry this time of year but not so friday with a high of 32. 00 celsius. Insane to really know someone who must walk a mile in their shoes. Follow in their footsteps as they fall into their way in the world. Aljazeera shares these personal journeys. Inspiring stories of people persevering on their chosen path. Weakness documentaries on around here. Again this is al jazeera lets take a moment remind you of the main news this hour syrian state media reporting that heavy clashes between the syrian army and Turkish Forces a little feast that follows the passing of a deadline under a russia turkey deal for the withdrawal of all Kurdish Forces from a socalled safe so. A meeting about syrias constitution is underway in geneva 150 syrians pulled together from various factions a sitting down together for the 1st time since the war began 8 years ago. Lebanons president has asked can take a Prime Minister assad out easy to form a temporary government already resigned on tuesday after 2 weeks of nationwide protests earlier on wednesday the army cleared all major roads in the capital beirut that had been blocked by protesters. To more u. S. Government officials will be the latest to testify in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump Christopher Addison and Catherine Croft both served on the former special envoy to ukraine volker. The power follow on exam the vin the National Security council official in charge of ukraine policy who testified on tuesday he was the 1st impeachment with those who dissent to the call between trump and the ukrainian president which is at the center of the inquiry lines out of washington and i was house correspondent kimberly how could so kimberly will can we expect today. Age or what we expect is kind of a deep dive into the trump administrations ukraine policy as you point out 2 state Department Experts essentially on ukraine policy testifying in a closed door session what we expect were going to hear from them if some of this is leaked out we do have some of the prepared statements but essentially theres going to be sort of an offering of timelines questions will be answered about the troubled ministrations ukraine policy and also we know that at least one of the witnesses will testify that she was present in meetings where she did hear discussions of under the direction of President Trump there was the decision to withhold aid in exchange or contingent on political investigations into his political rivals during the sort of offering of to withhold aid from ukraine so far to ukraine rather so this is something that we expect will be coming out of this testimony that we are of course following very closely. Of course the real action damaging though todays testimony could be to the president the real action comes on thursday doesnt it. Yeah theres no question that what comes out today could be damaging but what is really the sort of timeline for those that are following this impeachment inquiry very carefully is thursday thats pretty pivotal because up till now the white house has been able to block witnesses to sort of struck these proceedings arguing that theres no legitimacy to it its all happening behind closed doors thats all going to change on thursday when we expect there will be a vote in the house of representatives to formalize this process it doesnt change whats going on but as a slayer of transparency that the white house says has been lacking up to this point the already what well see are you know still ongoing request for documents procedure hearings those will continue what this vote wont be though is a vote to impeach donald trump thats very important but what this does is it no longer allows the white house to obstruct the proceedings by saying theyre not legitimate so what this does is bring this process out of the shadow provide transparency in order to facilitate the transparency the American Public was but also to make the white house compliant our White House Correspondent kelly how could live in washington can be many things south sudans main Opposition Leader says the government has failed to push through a peace deal aimed at ending years of fighting former rebel leader bashar says that a unity government cant be achieved before the deadline a 6 year conflict has led to the deaths of more than 400000. 00 people and internationally mediated peace deal is still in place but the still violence between armed groups around the country are serious have a morgan reports from khartoum. With less than 2 weeks to go it doesnt look like all the worrying sides who signed a peace deal here in the sudanese capital hard to last year are in agreement with regards to forming a Transitional Government mid november now lets remember that the november 12th deadline is already an extension of the initial deadline which was made 12 Opposition Leader rick machar says that the security arrangements and the number of states are 2 issues which hinders him from returning him back to juba and forming a Transitional Government on time asked for the peace deal that was signed 83000 troops from both sides are to be brought together trained and unified before being redistributed across the country and forming a National Army now that has not fully completed yet the process started less than 2 months ago and the other issues is the number of states now lets go back to october 2015 when south sudans president change the number of states in the country from 10 to 32 that was something that Opposition Leader rick much are strongly rejected and said was illegal and he says that those 2 issues should be resolved before a government of National Unity is formed now into the Intergovernmental Authority on development a regional body which has backed the deal along with the European Union and several regional countries have said that it comes down to the mediators sudan and uganda to bring the 2 sides together and bring them and put them to the negotiating table and decide whether they can go ahead and form a government and resolve these issues after that Transitional Government is formed or whether they will be once again another extension and people of south sudan have to wait to see a Transitional Government and for stability in that country. Russia says that it will not be making a significant investment in the Saudi Oil Giant aramco as it prepares for its long awaited launch on the stock market the comments were made by the russian delegation who were attending an Investment Conference in riyadh norway as all were also said that its not interested in buying around co hopes to make its initial Public Offering one of the largest ever however earlier this month saudi arabia delayed the listing saying they needed more commitment from investors the findings of a Public Inquiry into londons grunfeld tower fire have been released 72 people were killed in the tragedy 2 years ago it was the biggest single loss of life in london since the 2nd world war the report says that one of the major failings was a fire brigade policy called stay put residents were advised by telephone to stay in their apartments and wait for rescue instead of being told to escape the reports also accuses the brigades commissioner danny cotton of remarkable insensitivity the saying that she would not have changed the way that her team responded to the tragedy the investigation also concludes that the fire started because of an electrical fire and a refrigerator it says the flames spread quickly due to the material that was used to crowd the outside of the building aljazeera is joe the whole reports now from west london. Well there is a feeling on the ground here at Grenfell Tower among. The support group and Community Representatives that ive spoken to that while this report is strong is valid it highlights failures that certainly did take place in the fire response and indeed failings that the fire brigade itself isnt attempting to hide from it doesnt go far enough because as the fire brigade itself has pointed out essentially this building was a death trap before the fire even began and that is because of fire safety lapses inside of the building but also crucially in the planning that was applied to the exterior of the building rain scream cladding with a polyethylene core highly combustible that meant that the fire was able to leap all the way up to the top in just a matter of about 20 minutes on the outside far far faster than the fire brigade could control it or even properly understand what was going on and it is as far as the community here is concerned the ultimate failing of the councillors of the Tenant Organization of the contractors involved in the 2016 renovation of this building and that is where they really want to see accountability and justice done now that portion of this inquiry will only take place in phase 2 this is just phase one phase 2 takes place next year it could be 18 months long it is only after that that a Police Investigation will conclude and possible criminal charges laid so accountability for the people that the community here feels are actually responsible and justice are still a long way off british m. P. s have voted to hold a general election on december 12th hoping to end the deadlock over briggs as Prime Minister currently needs a minority government to secure a majority in parliament itll be the 1st december election in almost a century. Chile is pulling out of hosting the next Global Climate change conference in december at the Asia Pacific Economic cooperation or apec summit next month due to the ongoing antigovernment protests on tuesday demonstrators threw rocks at Police Vehicles the protests began several weeks ago over a hike in metro fares but have since turned into a wider unrest over inequality well among the many demands is one for better pensions to see a live in and lucy and even rather a latin america editor with a man who was robbed of his life savings. 75 year old pablo only vadis worked all his life in construction and earned enough to support his family of 7 he also paid his Pension Fund Contributions but when it came time to retire he was in for a shock. When i told me a beautiful dale i would receive 2 thirds of my last celery instead they stole my savings. Mr only that is for shes less than 180. 00 a month not enough to survive on he says. Hes now forced to live with his daughter and hes suffering from a painful hernia so hes unable to join others on the streets demanding chiles private pension plan he scrapped. Chiles highly unpopular Pension System or a. F. P. Is a leftover from the countrys military dictatorship and it strikes a sensitive chord among protesters of all ages. Minnesota the pensions here are undignified my grandmother couldnt come today because shes too old so i am here for her. On the 12th consecutive day of nationwide protests the list of grievances against chile is free market Economic System is growing and protesters are finding creative ways to express them. The system is terrible theres no opportunities we live with these credit cards all of us choking in our debts enough we are drowning in debt yeah did our god despite the large number of people here this is actually i know for a rise in march the government says that these people will not be allowed to reach the president ial palace because they have no one would want to negotiate the terms because unlike previous marches that have taken place over many years in this country what were seeing here now is no margin numbers of people coming here not under any particular organization not called by every ticket of person but actually i know honestly all of it on the social networks was. Security forces used tear gas and water cannon to prevent protesters from advancing towards the palace but demonstrators nevertheless seemed upbeat as they vowed to return every day for as long as it takes to obtain the social reforms theyre demanding. You see in human aljazeera santiago. Pro basketball players and millions of dollars in the n. B. A. But College Athletes in the u. S. Cannot profit from brand sponsorships and indorsements as well the new rule was approved on tuesday the change is likely to benefit athletes in the highest profile sports such as basketball and american football the sports generate billions of dollars in revenue even at the College Level california approved legislation last month to allow student athletes to toss money. It is good to have you with us hello adrian from going to here with the headlines on aljazeera syrian state media are reporting that there are heavy clashes between the syrian army and Turkish Forces in the north east of the country it follows the passing of a deadline a russia turkey deal for the withdrawal of all Kurdish Forces from the socalled safe zone. Reports now from suddenly of there the turkey syria border. Russian and Turkish Military officers on the ground assessing the situation ensuring that the troll of the fight has been completed before starting the joint patrols which could be to day to morrow if sure that the withdrawal has been completed however were getting also indications that the turkish government does not seem to be 100 percent pleased about whats happening on the ground. For the very 1st time syrias long awaited Constitutional Committee has met in geneva 150 delegates representing the Assad Government opposition and Civil Society a supposed to thrash out a new government governing documents after more than 8 years of war lebanons president can take a Prime Minister saad are ready to form a temporary government michel aoun this request follows her eightys resignation on tuesday his leaving ended the Coalition Government that had been hit by nearly 2 years 2 weeks rather of protests the army stepped in early on wednesday to clear roads that have been barricaded by demonstrators calling for the ruling elites to step down iraqs Prime Minister adul. Is under growing pressure to reside in the wake of days of antigovernment protests here along with the president and the speaker of parliament to hold talks later to try to find a way out of the crisis and discuss possible names for a new Prime Minister earlier the Influential Shiite cleric called for mafias resignation on tuesday tens of thousands came out into the streets spurred on by reports of Security Forces shooting protesters in kabul and south sudans Opposition Leader says the government has failed to push through a peace deal for rebel leader rect russia says that a unity government can now be achieved before a mid november deadline those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the bottom line next. The Prime Minister. Mission to the british on the 31st about trade and making this country the great just plays pretty much. Drama puts it on aljazeera i am Steve Clements and i have a question is america an ally that can be trusted lets get to the bottom line. Ever since the United States adopted its america 1st stance nato has been lambasted crimeas annexation looks permanent south korea was told they should pay for the us bases in their country and theres a renewed attempt to get out of the socalled forever wars in the middle east so can anyone blame americas allies if theyre confused does anyone believe that the us will stand by them in their time of need this america 1st really mean america alone or in america on the sidelines of the big global challenges well were very fortunate today because we have 3 people in the room that have all the answers to these questions kelly playhouses the executive editor of the american conservative magazine James Carafano works on National Security and Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation and richard fontayne heads the center for a new American Security great to have all of you with us here have a lot to get through today i was surprised by a comment that Bret Stephens in the New York Times made recently where he was agreeing with all people irans foreign minister zarif is a wreath basically was saying that allies of america were in kind of a bad place today and that they should neither seek americas permission to do things nor look on at america to secure their security and hes basically saying our allies are in trouble so kelly let me let me start with you what is what is the state of americas allies in the world are how we organize our National Security infrastructure around the world in the right way or do our allies need to begin looking for other places to secure their the. Needs i think i think the latter is correct i mean im im thinking of George Washingtons farewell address when he warned against foreign entanglements he warned that in pursuing these friendships partnerships treaties entanglements as he put it would put us in a complicated position and which we were basically selling and sharing our Foreign Policy basing our Foreign Policy on other peoples other countrys interests those entanglements were things that we built after world war 2 that had gone through horrific wars where we had world war one world war 2 nato was securing our security doing a deal with japan and basing u. S. Forces broad was something where we looked at is at that time is vital to u. S. National security and our allies around the world put a lot of trust in those relationships so you think going back to washington that we should we should never have done those well i think. Im paper that looks fabulous but when were looking at todays situation when you look at the kurds for instance and the reason why Bret Stephens wrote that column were talking about complex relationships based on expedience in our Foreign Policy we have basically maintain this relationship with the p k k that the syrian kurds to get rid of isis but at the same time our turkish nato ally has declared the p. K. K. A terrorist organization so were in a situation where weve brought turkey into nato in which they have completely different interests at any given time in the United States and then President Trump is being blamed for leaving the syrian kurds high and dry but yet theyre no longer serving our interests in the region so it gets so complicated that goes beyond the sort of heroism that youre speaking of and world war 2 are creating these alliances to bring peace to the world jim let me ask you should i. Our allies be worried about the solvency of their relationship with United States right now you know and the reason for that is whats changed with trump and the reality is not much for the United States is a global power with global interests responsibility what knits america to the worlds really 3 regions europe the middle east and the you know pacific can the United States guarantee its interests in any one of those 3 areas without allies the short answer is no so what fundamental allies have we dropped and abaddon in europe nato is a strong as ever in the indopacific not only do we have the traditional allies like south korea and japan but we have emerging strategic relationships with countries like india so if anything our alliance our Partnership Structure and the end up as if it is stronger over the last decade and in the middle east you know change all the men names you want i mean who does the u. S. Go back to time and time again and israel which is our anchor into the region were back in a strong relationship with egypt we have an alliance we have a relationship with saudi arabia i got to tell you take take the work truck off of there and youre saying its all good but i want i want to play a clip right now President Trump on nato nato members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations but 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what theyre supposed to be paying for their defense. Now jim i know youre saying that nato has never been stronger never been better and i know that the president is just kicking the shins of our allies to contribute more and make it Even Stronger but i know that to be the argument but i was at that meeting if you sat down with those defense ministers and you sat down with those leaders they dont feel they feel like nato is wobbly they feel a little bit like americas commitment to the to our mutual security arrangement is not as robust as it once was take tell me where im wrong well. Every american president going back to eisenhower has complained about nato allies kicking in and even President Trump at the end of the last nato summit said hey the alliance is great theyve kicked in 100000000000. 00 this is terrific you know what there are there is wildly in this in nato but its not the United States thats wobbly if you go to germany today and you look at the state of the German Defense contribution concerning the size of their economy that looks a lot lot of if you talk about turkey if you look at what turkey has done some of its other own allies including you bringing in the s 400 as an air Defense System and sacrificing the f. 35. 00 which is an unbelievable asset which would not only tremendously increase turkeys ability to defend itself but would absolutely expand the capacity of nato to collective to selfdefense so yeah there is wobbliness in nato but its not coming from washington rich what is your dashboard on this look like in the sense that i know from your roles here for new American Security that youve written that you sort of lament we have before i dont think you agree with jim to you that nato is in as healthy a form as it could be now i think its obvious that its not in part due to the fact that the German Military is as well funded to develop as it should be but a lot is based on washington and President Trump a particular and ensure an alliance is an insurance policy particularly mutual Defense Agreement like with nato where we say we will defend you if called upon to do so and you will defend us of called upon to do so now its mostly been the United States is called upon our nato allies to help. Said afghanistan and other places weve not had to come to defense of stone or poland or somebody like that but of course thats there into the bargain and like in any insurance policy against a threat that may or may not materialize you try to think what is the chances that if i need this its actually going to be there for me what are the chances not only that the American Military is big but the american president is going to use it to protect me if called upon to do so and given the president s rhetoric which is really most of what these leaders have to go by they wonder whether if push came to shove the United States would actually go to war to defend montenegro millet a nato ally or defend poland to send us stony or defend a country like that because the body language and some of the rhetoric of the president suggests that he would not do you think we should yes if theyre a nato ally we have made that commitment i think if one falls away then the entire the entire edifice crumbles you can have the debate before a country comes to nato well about whether theyll be and thats why i was annoyed kellys point is that these entangling alliances get us deeper and deeper into it sounds very much like pre world war one right it sounds a little bit like all of these side deals may get us into something where all of a sudden we have a kinetic conflict we have a war we have deployment of troops and and all other means of war brought in in something that seems smaller than we should be using american muscle and power for the lives so kelly come back to you for a minute on this on this question is i think its a fasting are we to an Inflection Point where you believe we need to the United States needs to come back and redesign its alliances and pull back a bit i do and i think they did take the example of russia and are evolving relationship with russia as an example russia has been increasingly aggressive as weve been increasingly involving former so very soviet countries into nato so as much as the washington establishment likes to say that that russia has been acting aggressively on. Its own its it has been in response to the fact that weve brought in these former eastern bloc countries into nato under our security it was called up in the slogan shock at all because of akio hungry so as much as we push they push back and i think that we have to sort of look at what are what are our policies moving forward who are the predominant powers were seeing russia playing a more productive and it role and things that are happening in syria right now theyve reach to russia i mean to china and vice versa and responses to some regional and global issues were finding our power diminishing as their power of china and russia have have escalated we need to like you said maybe recalibrate those relationships. And you know our footprint whether it be in europe or south korea in asia so i think its time for some sort of reckoning to sort of look at the past and find out and kind of consider where the mistakes of these entanglements are and how we can move forward i know that President Trump has sort of like upset the apple cart coming into washington and talking about. You know nato went in and their responsibility even the village idiot nato itself and you know thats upset a lot of people here in washington but i think looking forward weve seen the polls of the of the power structure change and we havent kept up to it couple kept up with it and i think in syria youre seeing that in stark relief right now so i have talked to a lot of supporters of President Trump just out in Middle America and one of the things that came up with something i heard you know 20 years ago but it still feels real to them is that america fought the cold war and china won and and that people feel as if for everything that they have expended in lives and their g. Around the. World other nations are free riding on American Power and that they look at it is a sort of an entitlement that is that is due them and jim i want to ask you in that one would you agree with that because thats where a lot of President Trump supporters are that they say they want to see america get Something Back for all of its investment in the world they feel theyre due and when you listen to the president s rhetoric whether its on ukraine or talking about nato or talking to japan or south korea about doing more its almost a transactional arrangement you need to pay us to defend you well decide later if that security guarantee is is good if you buy a lot of weapons so should we bring something its a hit toward you to use words quid pro quo but that has a transactional dimension to it to show americans that theyre getting something out of these commitments well i guess i think not only is there an enormous enormous amount of continuity in our Alliance Structure and i would argue keli thats because it works in the Alliance Structures sustain because people feel like theyre giving a value to your point i mean when the data ive looked at in the polling is nato is actually more popular number americans and its actually more popular among conservatives so there isnt really a kind of a runaway from europe attitude in the American Public that i mean thats what the data is that. Part of it though i agree with you it is the. Rhetoric of hey people need to pay up and have skin in the game because i think americans intuitively understand that collective defense is not defending you collective defense is that youre involved and that if you are in the game and you participate youre actually a much more reliable partner so we look at for example that you know countries like poland which is capture the president s attention and which me makes me very hopeful about nato that here is a country on the front lines of nato that values even more the nato engagement and the u. S. Commitment and poland is increasing its if. Its expenditures. And i think i dont see a distinction between europe and china i think if theres one thing thats kind of a bipartisan consensus in the us is the rise of china is the stabilizing its what the United States the president s taking that head on so i think strengthening the the Alliance Structure and partnerships in the middle east in europe in the asia pacific that makes sense to americans because what are we one the president to do to protect us against the people that could so global disorder and eventually come let me hold that thought there and lets run a clip of the president s comments during his inauguration we will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical islamic terrorism which we will eradicate completely from the face of the year. Rich let me ask you this because its something ive been struggling with and jim just just put it on the table which is china should this have been we will refer reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against the stabilizing rise of china did we get distracted with the wrong task by overemphasizing radical islamic terrorism is the rationale for all the things we were doing when in fact theres a geo strategic threat to the United States as we see it thats on the china side we do organize things differently to some extent so you know after 911 everyone woke up and said oh my god we have not paid enough attention to terrorism we took a holiday from history its all about counterterrorism now or waking up and saying its all about china its all about Great Power Competition why did we spend so much time in the middle east why do we do these Counterterrorism Operations and of course the answer is you have to protect the American People from terrorism you also have to protect the American People and their way of life and their economy from the kind of world the autocracies like china and russia seek to build so were not a Regional Power were not a one issue power weve got to do both at the same time and it depends on what the proportions are the president actually deserves some significant credit for the defeat of isis which you know. If we were still watching americans you know being beheaded on t. V. And having attacks inspired in the United States we would be very focused on that its a good thing that we dont have to be as focused on it as we are now but it doesnt mean that we dont focus on it at all and yes its true the chinese of britain free for a long time you have a little bit more of a sotto voce kind of approach to building up the alliances and partnerships in asia because if the United States were to go around and say ok country in asia youre with us or youre with china no country will make that stark decision but they will quietly will align themselves more with our side than with china as an insurance policy. And thats exactly what we want to signal to the al polity quite now i mean. Theres a really important point that i dont think should get lost or and and that you are i think youre right. In the territories more but the fact is the last 3 president s have fought islamist terrorism and i think logically nobody really is just that but the point about the Great Power Competition i think is important because if you if you went back and you said bush what your bad guy list hes going to go theyre all going to say terrorism but hes going to go china iran north korea and russia and you ask obama what your bag eyeless china north korea iran and russia and yes from what your bad guy list what we actually do its the same thats remarkable thats the 1st time since the end of the cold war where weve had across 3 president ial ministrations 2 different parties 3 very different president s essentially have a very similar threat perception now so jim telling this whole thing about Vladimir Putin and his buddy and kim jong un i mean i just i know i what youre seeing a struggle but you know come on you know superficial calling it as if you know the most superficial criticism because if you actually look at our policies in north korea and on russia lets be honest i mean they the reason why they talk to those guys or the North Koreans is going to tables because those policies are pretty tough but in some ways tougher than obama can south korea trust what trump is going to do on north korea a lot more than the u. S. Can trust with South Koreans could to a great but this is the question right when the president says that he cares about long range missiles shot from north korea that can hit the United States but doesnt care about short range or Medium Range Missiles that hit south korea and japan and if youre a south korean or japanese. You know a Government Official who is relying on the American Security guarantee that will make you worried now what happens if theres an actual attack who knows whom youre always in the realm of who knows but you look at the signaling up to that but you know jims point is is why we dont live in George Washingtons world he was a great man but that was 240 some years ago and there were european. Empires and he didnt want to get there so im just going to record it no records montane says George Washingtons a little dated a little a little dated the powered way going on particularly one of the great question im going to deal with i want to tell you theres a run in north korea with allies on our side or without notice they only used countries dont have to tell he was getting something that its a level but meet the discussion and i want to tip my hat to it because shes getting back at the question of what and why why are we doing what were doing in the world a lot of National Security decisions in this country in the United States are driven more by inertia than by planning in my in my view and i lived in japan i grew up on a military base in japan i saw 39 u. S. Military installations on okinawa and i would ask why are they there and you would see some of the irresponsible behavior of these of these leaders in the region over their history and whatnot they could do that because u. S. Forces were there so it raised the question of what were trying to achieve and would everyones behavior change if they counted on us less counted on the United States less kelly well and i agree with that entirely and unfortunately my magazine seems to be in the minority when were talking about these issues we have writers talking about all the time whether or not we need to get to to reduce our footprint and south korea for example for you advocating isolationism but its not isolationism because it is its basically reducing our reliance on a military solution to every problem and globally were not talking about reducing our diplomatic entreaties were not talking about reducing the treaties we make or even the the trade involved the communication the right you know the alliances it is a matter of reducing our military footprint which in many cases has actually been an instigating factor and some of these hot spots that youre seeing. Id just like to go back to the ticking off of the different. Enemies so to speak you know one of them is terrorism and weve talked about isis but isis would not exist today if it wasnt for the invasion of iraq and i feel like when we have these medical stations about Foreign Policy we normally talk about in terms of old alliances and current threats but we dont talk about how we got there and we invaded iraq that was a complete there was a there was a conversation that washington was having but it was a foregone conclusion now we find ourselves there we created you know al qaeda in iraq which wasnt there before and then iraq al qaeda was diminished and came up with isis so were talking about a threat that would have existed if we didnt make some of the Foreign Policy decisions and get into some of the entanglements that we find ourselves in jim you lived in your i bro we would know how to fight world war 2 if we had won world war one of the i mean you could play the historical game tonight and then pick a point where you want to blame somebody one is we could debate that all day long im not sure it gets us where the other thing is the reality in Foreign Policy is you are where you are maybe you dont like how you got here but it will shake your head all you want but were. Learning from our mistakes is that not is that something that we should expect from our leaders or are those are the lyrics in here we should learn from our mistakes look i was always going to learn from our mistakes and i dont know exactly the right thing anybody and so you know you are an authority and one rich well i think there is certainly a Different Group of people who are in that area in the play rich so we are where we are and yes we should learn from mistakes that weve made in past decisions but the question now is are we better off doing x. Or doing why are we better off staying in syria in iraq and putting pressure on isis are we better off leaving and not doing that or that the idea of fair validate the president no no no no killing no i mean look at all the people that he looked at look who he thing to think the troops are on the ground i think their intelligence partners and think you know the. I mean without partners our allies and troops on the ground weve not been able to carry out that mission so maybe it would be better if we didnt carry out the mission baghdad was alive today i think it would not be but thats the kind of costs you absorb if you if you make those sorts as we have just a few minutes i want to ask each of you a question because we havent brought it up it hasnt come up in this discussion but your former boss senator john mccain would not have allowed this discussion due to take place without discussion mentioning americas commitment to the human rights needs of others in the world and so we have a discussion so in this discussion where should human rights fit or not fit have we moved beyond that i think its a huge well i think on its merits its a huge element of american Foreign Policy but its also a comparative advantage for us to russia and china in this Great Power Competition want to build a world that is safe for their particular brand of autocracy theyre using technology and other means to export their own values and yet we have a very different view we should be defending our own democracies and we should be supporting the aspirations of democracies and human rights abroad because it gives a strategic advantage as well as being good on the merits you think were doing it while we do it to a greater a much later or less degree in the trump and the obama administrations in the high point in the Bush Administrations theres a happy medium that we need to sort of wobble towards because the state department do stuff the white house you know it differently well i mean you brought up a bomb administration and Obamas Administration had escalated the drone war more than the Bush Administration so the whole idea that he was promoting this sort of humanitarian and intervention sounds good but what how he was doing it whats killing others with killing other people in places like pakistan and somalia and other places which created more terrorists and we know that and that is part of learning from mistakes and jim im going to give you the final word i mean i think at some places some instructions got a great record i think theyve been great for advocating for the rights of citizens of it as well theyve been terrific on the rowing another areas like id like to see. Stronger but america is always a nation of interests and values which which one do we need then so the answer is we try to advance both to the best of our capability and i think thats the right about fascinating conversation this is great id like to thank you all for being with us Richard Fontaine c. E. O. Of the center for numerous American Security James Carafano Vice President of the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation and kelly playhouse executive director at the american conservative magazine thank you all so much for being with me. So what is the bottom line as the u. S. Continues to rearrange its alliances no ally could be blamed for not knowing which way is north america was joined at the hip with the kurds in syria the kurds who clobbered the Islamic State but today america hardly knows them and as for human rights Trumps White House clearly hasnt made them a priority the value of being allied with america has simply plummeted allies cant count on the u. S. To really stand by them in their dark times and thats the bottom line see you next week. This december make the heroes of Europe Asia Africa the middle east oceania the americas feel welcome to a stage made for the germans make an entrance and makes the list as they come pizza the owner of becoming the worlds best see the excitement it will be short to say i want to be the plan for this fisa clockmaker thats gone your goal. November on aljazeera. 30 years after the fall of the berlin wall well be looking back at that defines a moment in history whose truth is it anyway follows journalists from around the world who are taking on those determined to modify the truth. Spain will hold its called the election in 4 years after aprils inconclusive vote join us for coverage a new series brings people together to discuss some of the big issues of our time and turkish president added on will meet with u. S. President trump at the White House Well bring you the latest. November on. A young fellow in santa fe from the author of bias wendy kept up this indication. Of when to have this approach anything done skys the limit so the young girls go through secondary school with us im going to be able to stay employed but thats one person been able to change have fun. Meet the women in guyana who are going places when it comes to education women make change on aljazeera. Plans join me many often as i put it up from questions to my special guest and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. This is al jazeera. Hello malcolm im peter w. Watching the news our live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes renewed fighting in syria state media says there have been heavy clashes in the northeast. Protesters force the hand of the government in chile its now canceled 2 big world conferences juggled for the next 2 months. Lebanons Prime Minister is asked to stay on as a camp temporary caretaker until the new governments 4. Also heard an inquiry into the ground full time tragedy has found lives could have been saved but londons fire chief defends actions taken on the plays that killed 72 people. And im peter with all your sport the world series has come down to one no winner takes all match thats all for the Washington Nationals thresh they use a masters in game 6 to square the series at 3 games each. Fightings back on in Northern Syria state media reporting heavy clashes between the syrian army and forces on the turkish control it follows the passing of a deadline under a russia turkey deal for the withdrawal of all Kurdish Forces from the northeast of the country shortly it will go to our diplomatic route as the james bays in geneva where works begun on a new constitution for syria but 1st how about it is on the turkey syria border for us here on the news hashim just get us right up to date whats going on with this fighting. Peter the Syrian News Agency and. Officials say that there were heavy clashes on the outskirts of the line and there were also heavy clashes in. They say that the Turkish Military used heavy artillery pounding those areas weve been also reaching out to the Syrian Rebels who basically said that these were really limited confrontations particularly in those areas yesterday for example the Turkish Military said that its cup shirts 18 syrian soldiers on the outskirts of that its been in touch with the rushes about what happened exactly and potentially baby had to go over those those prisoners to the russian counterpart paving the way to further cooperation and starting those buttle joint patrols in the area its a quite a delicate situation of the tension that you see in those areas is because the moment this. Is implemented and starts it is going to create a new political reality and this explains that all the parties are pretty much unction about what happens next the syrian army on one hand is trying to take advantage of the withdrawal of the s. D. Of fighters and trying to redeploy in many areas and i think this is something which is closely monitored by the turkish government which made it quite clear that its not going to allow any further presence of the s. D. F. In the ne if you say the save zone just to be clear. Or delay or pause then with that was extended by 150 hours is the fighting that were seeing today a reaction to that deadline now having passed. It is definitely a reaction to what is happening and what happens in the near future were talking about in your political reality on the ground and the thing about the deadline that came in to turn around yesterday is the only way for the turkish government to establish that the city of fighters put out is to start the joint patrols with the russian counterparts on the ground to establish theres no presence of the now the turkish government was told by russia that about 34000 fighters pulled out of combat in the and. Also on the outskirts of. All the way to maliki on the border with iraq but from a turkish perspective they can only get a confirmation of the mill of their own soldiers on the ground the joint patrols determine for as a fact that they put out was completed we do understand from different sources on the ground thats one of the Biggest Challenges that would face the turks in the future is basically the situation of the men and to live out the as the it has been insisting that it women taking up residence in turkey on the other hand is saying that theyre so she deal insists that all the of fighters to pull out from those areas east of the of for a test euphrates. Thanks very much. Fighting is happening as well begins a new governing documents for syria after 8 years of conflict and more 150. 00 delegates representing the government opposition and Civil Society Constitutional Committee meeting in geneva the u. N. Which is overseeing the process does not deny that it is an enormously difficult task diplomatic it is james bays joins us live now from geneva james how can you go back to square one on this given whats going on in the ground right now in syria. Well i think youre right peter yes you have diplomacy taking place here again in geneva and a chance for that the plough mysie but certainly the map of syria is being shaped by military action and most notably by 3 forces thats the russians the iranians and the turks and its worth mentioning that theyve been driving the politics as well and actually this Constitutional Committee that now for the 1st time met in geneva comes out of a meeting between those 3 nations back in january 28th such a where they came up with the idea of this committee has been a lot of wrangling about who should sit on it there are members of the government the opposition and Civil Society that are sitting around the table and it was that last 50 members of the Civil Society that they were haggling over the names for many months they agreed their names and finally they are sitting here trying to come up with a constitution for a post war syria hours i think the lines on the map are being drawn right now by that military action and for that reason the u. N. Special envoy said that this was going to be a very difficult process i know that it is not easy for all who are you to be here you together in this room and i respect that i know that there are deep feelings among you reflecting the the feeling among all syrians above the state of their beloved country after nearly 9 years of violent conflict but the fact that you are here to doing sitting together face to face reduced to start a dialogue and negotiations is i believe a pov of food sign of hope for syrians everywhere both inside and of sign they cant 3. I am therefore extremely grateful to all of you for having accepted the nomination and i am confident that each one of you will do great responsibility it entails really your part in fulfilling the economy it is mandate into service of the syrian people. No one here has any illusions about how difficult this is going to be remembered have been previous peace talks that have taken place here at the u. N. Headquarters in geneva and over the 8 and a half years until now this has been the place that diplomacy comes to die just look at the whole issues theyve got to discuss about the constitution among those is the issue of the presidency and of course one of the Component Parts of this committee of the government delegation those 50 members all loyal to president assad and what weve seen throughout this war is he is prepared to be absolutely ruthless to hang on to power prepared to use things like barrel bombs and torture in his prisons and is he just going to give up power relinquish power or some of his power in a new constitution because they decided here at geneva im not entirely sure about that james thanks very much. The chilean president has cancelled International Summits for the next 2 months because of ongoing antigovernment protests demonstrations against president Sebastian Pinera his economic policies have extended now into a 12th day never says his country wont post the asia pacific summit next month all the Global Climate change conference in december the protests across chile and said to be the largest in the country in nearly 2 decades more now from manuel paulo live for us in santiago in chile and well did this come as something of a surprise. That its was a surprise peter this is a major news very unexpected and certainly a major hit for the perception of chile as a as the most developed country in latin america as a leader when it comes to matters of the economy of course the cancellation of 2 major summits the Asia Pacific Economic conference was expected to take place in november and also the u. N. Apps triple c. The top 25. 00 Climate Change summit expected to take place in december now chilean president said us happy data issued a statement he spoke on National Media today he said quote we understand the importance of apec and cop for chile and the world but we have we have based our decision on common sense peter that common sense were praying to the ongoing unrest youre seeing these images of more than a week now closer to 2 weeks of unrest thats were at the chilean capital and other parts of chile now there are major implications for the cancellation of apec but the main one that we can point to is a trade deal that was expected to be signed between president from pushing big of china regarding trade between the United States and china trade deal that was expected to lessen tensions at least lessen fears within the Financial Markets of an escalating trade war between the United States and china and whether or not that the signing of that trade deal is still going to take place at a different location remains to be seen but its. Only not calming any fears there are other major implications for as which as well not least of which is the perception and the global standing in the tarnishing of the reputation as a Global Leader as a regional leader as a sort of model economic model for how a country can come out of 17 years of a brutal dictatorship and become the most developed nation in latin america there are major impacts in chile already being felt currency devaluation a decline in chile and stocks speculations financial speculation thats widespread and these protests are ongoing not only are we expecting more demonstrations to take place in the chilling capital today from workers there are protests that are specific to a whole host of social problems social ills within the chilean economy insulating chile and social structure from Education Health care pension reform minimum wage a whole host of problems each day there will be protests taking place addressing every one of these issues so were expecting demonstrations once again to begin today and demonstrations to be taking place throughout the course of this week peter but well thanks so much. For that owns

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