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President s allies his new measures to end the violence. President trumps former National Security advisor fails to appear before the impeachment inquiry john bolton says he will testify only if a court clears its. And lessons on how to save the planet italy becomes the 1st country to make Climate Change a compulsory subject in Public Schools. We begin in iraq where police how far its on and see government protesters in the Southern City of basra killing at least 7 people demonstrators have been staging a sit in for days looking at the entrance to the port of course are many iraqi cities have been gripped following weeks of ansi government protests this anger over a mix of. Look services corruption and unemployments well in iraqs capital at least 6 more protesters were shot dead on thursday clashes broke out in show how the bridge forcing the Security Forces to use live fire well just as mohammed jump june joins us on the phone from baghdad mohamad what walky tellers. Well a lot of these reports out of basra clearly indicating that the tension there is continuing to rise as you mentioned reports now that at least 7 people are dead and at least 150. 00 injured after Security Forces used live fire on protesters outside of government buildings there there are also reports that some protesters may have been trying to storm government buildings in basra of course the main source of iraqs oil d well it didnt stray sions as you indicated have been going on there and not just the support also you had thousands of demonstrators that are gathering around other Government Installations you had a group in the past few days to block the entrance about some problems to the nasiriyah oil refinery you had officials have come out in the past few days saying that this type of activity is costing the government billions of dollars so attention continuing to rise about that we must stress though that we have not been able to get any type of government confirmation yet with regard to these latest reports be it in basra the violence there or the violence that you spoke about in baghdad there are these reports down below that several antigovernment protesters have 24 hours have been shot there have been conflicting numbers some reports indicating that 6 people have died other reports indicating that some of those deaths were protesters that were shot on wednesday and not thursday and they succumb to their injuries on thursday so its a fluid situation were trying to get to the bottom of it but all of this happening against this backdrop where you had iraqs military spokesman saying on a wednesday that Security Forces had been ordered not to use live fire on demonstrators and Major General abizaid cutting but it told reporters at a press conference on wednesday he had said to avoid any confusion clear and strict instructions had been handed down that. Live ammunition being used orders have also been given to not allow any live ammunition on the scene of protests so this is certainly showcasing that is is really a burden by the fact that they are getting more and more condemnation coming their way you have in the past few days statement of condemnation that were issued by the new as well as by us in the scene by the dead be on thursday had voiced concern over the ongoing protests across iraq and they have said that the use of force against protesters is deplorable thats the word that they used the u. S. Embassy in baghdad just a few days ago condemned the deadly violence against unarmed demonstration and demonstrators they had urged iraqs leaders to engage with the thousands who have been protesting across this country so there is just so much going on right now youve had iraq to use congregating in the capital here into heavier square for weeks they are demanding a complete overhaul of the political system in its precedent to a wave of mass protests that dont look like theyre going to slow down anytime soon right now were waiting to see what will be happening on friday were expecting there to be a large turnout not just me to hear square in baghdad but also in other parts of the country of course you have the internet its been basically shut down here intermittently the past few days so thats called the prostration will as well when it comes to the demonstrators and just a few hours ago we finally got a response to this Amnesty International report that had been released saying that Security Forces here in baghdad have been using military grade tear gas grenades seem to indicate to kill and not Disperse Protesters well the bad command the head of the budget that command holders here that they have conducted an investigation and that they will determine the amnesty report was correct and the antiriot police had been using banned tear gas and that that will no longer. The news so there is so much going on but the fact that you now have these reports emerging just in the 9 hour or so that there have been more deaths that there is more violence and yet it seems as though the demonstrators in all the cities across. Basically no matter the violence or the threat of violence they may face they are committed to this cause of theirs they want to annex and bring down the political elites in this country and they want to effect some sort of mass change hala ok mohammed jim jim bringing us the very latest from baghdad thank you. Well a crackdown against mostly on arms protesters haas killed more than 260 people since the unrest. Thats a good name has more from baghdad. Or says he came to Tucker Square with his brother abas is meal on october 1st ready to push for change carried him out that day after a tear gas canister sliced open his stomach the unemployed teacher died last week from complications related to his injury. Is that the thought when i hold his photo i feel like hes with me just like he came with me to the protest i want to avenge his death by playing the politics among the protesters there are people like nasir hashem trying to scrape together a living one shining shoe and one step on the scale at a time nasser says he supports the protesters but he cant afford to join them despite the crowds he says few are interested in perfectly polished shoes the father of 5 from basra has been forced to leave his family behind to work in the capital its a very difficult situation there are no jobs if you have money to bribe someone and you will get a job if you dont theyll tell you to go the oil rich province of basra has been the scene of violent protests people block the entrance to the port halting operations for days the government says thats cost iraq more than 6000000000. 00 protesters say that revenue is being looted by the government they are getting is for services pollution and cancer. Intact rear there is a congenial spirit as people bond over their love of iraq and their common cause to create a government that is responsive to their needs people are coming here to offer their Services Free of charge salem says hes. Ports 3 family but he felt compelled to help in the one way he knew how. I came here with a group of friends to look after the protesters so they can continue to try to provide them with everything. So they dont go on friday Tahrir Square could see its largest crowds yet protesters are encouraging iraqis to come in memory of those whove been killed according to the u. N. About 300 people have been killed since the protests began on october 1st the talks are going to Ayman Al Jazeera baghdad. She this president s hands announced new measures to come to an on violence and see government demonstrations carry on for the 3rd week earlier on thursday protesters to show the Health Minister he was visiting a hospital in the chilean capital president Sebastian Pinera proposed laws to toughen penalties for looting and rioting especially by people hiding their faces with mosques or series of concessions have failed pacify the protestors lets get more now from our latin america gets to see a new man she joins us now live from santiago the c. E. O. How significant are these new measures that are being brought in by the chilean government. Well they were supposed to really be they certainly are an appeasement to the rising criticism that the president is getting from within his own ranks in the conservative parties who say that clearly he is unable to control violence in this country in the protests are moving further and further up town they had been limited up until yesterday to the mid and lower town areas and the working class neighborhoods but that is no longer the case in fact the street were on now just about 50 meters behind me was the scene of running battles between riot police armed with tear gas and water. Cannon and protesters who are outside of a very emblematic Business Center here in santiago whether they will work or not is another matter 1st of all its a proposal and it has to be passed by Congress Although hes asked for it to be sped up but it hasnt gone down very well with the opposition or with the protesters government opponents say that he is trying to criminalize the protests and other opposition protests to say that he just didnt get the message that while its true that they did not defend violence many say that perhaps it was the only way to get the government and other politicians including congress to listen to peoples demands now at this hour the president is meeting with the National Security council which is absolutely unusual here and hasnt met since 2014 and that seems to be sending a message to the country that things are far more serious than they may think that will deeds things do seem to be incredibly serious given that this has dragged on for 3 weeks now obviously these protesters as you say will not appreciate the new harsh measures being brought seen by the president but is this going to be a turning point do you think to see if these measures get passed. I really dont think so i spoke to a lot of protesters who 1st of all dont consider themselves to be the ones earmarked by these measures are very interesting the president said that most of the violence and im quoting him is being carried out by organized crime we have seen no evidence of this from the police in fact one of the measures is to substantially improve intelligence so that as i was also told by another member of his cabinet they can find out exactly who is organizing or the leaders of these socalled organized groups that are trying to destabilize they believe the country we have as i say we dont have evidence of this but the ordinary protesters are going to continue to go out in the streets they say that the Pressure Cooker has a burst and theres no turning back now. To see a human life is in santiago thank you very much indeed. Well lets get more on this from jorge mn hes a chilean social research or lecturer at the university of cambridge and joins us now live from our studios in london a good to have you on the program 1st of all boys you think the government is responding in this way with these new punitive proposals to tackle the on race in chile what do you think its likely to achieve. I think the. Administration of being it has found a problem he has found himself in a problem hes taught at this spiral against chilean people the very file in the way if we remember the 1st days of this mobilization he declared war on people on the 2nd or 3rd day since the mobilization started so since then he has never made a gesture in terms of talking or making a dialogue wed people and actually not offering a real answer or a real political answer or staging a table of dialogue so instead he has kept going with this criminalization so there is a whole narrative in the way of being you know has been developing his art a tutu would civilization but its really close to that to a military solution so hes in a way hes cornered into this. Profile into this perspective and it seems that he dusts and we dont know he doesnt have the answer or the tools or he doesnt seem ple want to get out from this approach where everything falls into some sort of. Raising the bar of punishment of criminalizing disant or or increasing the prerogative of soft intelligence or Police Officers so he is into this problem and he doesnt seem to find a way out we dont know if he doesnt want to if its a long strategy or if he is just with the spiral that he is just can cant can deal would look at the president would perhaps argue that he has been trying to solve the problem the protests he has put forward to see reason of measures that granted havent been well received do you do you think that i mean dialogue who would he converse with here we go see a wage what do you think the solution would be to this crisis is another election or is there any other measures that that he could take. There are several options i would say within the field but if we listen to the archers who are actually mobilizing even political actors as well what theyre proposing in saying i mean 1st of all theres no like a petition list right because as you have said there is no clear leadership or clear going to station behind the mobilization but there are several actors saying that there are measures that have to be applied real soon like a short agenda then there is a medium to long agenda and this involves a reference to call for a referendum on the constitution and then to move forward into a rewriting of the constitution of us long as the constitution is observed the framework that doesnt allow chile to move on social rights and Social Security and the end of the stranglehold the locks of neo liberalism ok jorge. Afraid we are out of time but its great to get your thoughts thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera thank you. Whats more still to come on the news hour including prominence campos you know position leaders frustrated in his efforts to return to campaign. And why French Police are living in sea dismantle this my boot camp in paris plus well have the sports and more here from the rugby player use just become the highest paid player in the history of either cold. Now the former National Security adviser to donald trump has failed to appear before the impeachment inquiry into the president john bolton was formally asked to testify on thursday but his lawyer says his client wants appear voluntarily bolton who was farts by President Trump in september says he would all be willing to testify if a federal court sparked a congressional directive asking him to do so the impeachment inquiry sensors on whether President Trump abused his power by pressuring ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden well the transcript of the testimony of a state Department Official who appeared before the inquiry last month has now been released george kent says he was told to keep his head down on ukraine by senior colleagues despite the country being part of his portfolio he also criticized the parents influence of president s of the president s personal lawyer pretty giuliani in shaping ukrainian policy its the 4th transcripts of be released from the inquiry well and gallacher joins us now live from washington d. C. And the lets start with the peach mince inquiry talk us through the significance of the latest revelations. Well the fact that john bolton didnt turn up is perhaps no surprise he would clearly be a very important witness a Senior Security advisor to President Trump someone who are reportedly was very concerned about what the trump of ministration was doing in this accusation that they withheld military aid in return for investigating one of President Trump political foes in fact he called Rudy Giuliani allegedly a hunger that is President Trumps personal attorney someone whos been accused of running a shadow Foreign Policy but all that aside i think what the democrats and what the rest of the nation is looking to now is next week when we have the 1st open Public Inquiry thats the 1st time the American People will be able to see whats happening we will to see what answers theyre getting out of these people in there are 3 key witnesses next week weve got bill taylor whos an american diplomat from ukraine weve got george when you were just talking about him. A while ago and his deposition was released today he was the man said he was told to keep his head down stay out of the way of Rudy Giuliani and someone who said that giuliani was spinning a web of lies about ukraine and then Marie Evanovich the former ambassador to the ukraine they will all appear in open hearings next week so that is something that will be watched very closely not just by either of these parties but potentially by the entire nation these are incredibly important hearings its all been behind closed doors before now now it will be open to the public. And meanwhile this more pressure on President Trump after his fame day she was fined 2000000. 00 tell us more. Well i think this would essentially be a much bigger story if not for the impeachment inquiry thats going on at the moment but basically a judge found that the president was using his Charitable Foundation to further his political needs he got accused of using Foundation Money to have a portrait painted of him selfe is since given that money back he also used Foundation Money to settle legal arguments over his golf club in florida the 2000000 dollar fine will go to a range of different charities and of course Trump Foundation now no longer exists but this is just another blow to President Trump this is something i think will be taken far more seriously if the entire world in the entire nation wasnt watching these impeachment inquiry so closely ok and it gallacher for and i thank you very much indeed. Well Michael Isikoff is chief investigative correspondent for yahoo news he joins us now from washington d. C. Mike or us are hearing from and see all of our attention has been distracted by this impeachment inquiry so lets start with that just why do you think john bolton is refusing to participate in this inquiry and do you think this helps or hinders the president has his no show. Well it nobody really expected john bolton to show up today for his testimony he had the same lawyer he has the same lawyer as his deputy his former Deputy Charles complement who actually sued went to court seeking a judicial order as to whether or not he has to testify in response to a subpoena when the white house has directed them not to because of executive privilege grounds that the committee the democrats have now withdrawn that subpoena because they did not see a favorable outcome coming from the judge who was assigned to that case he was a republican appointee a judge we own and they were afraid that the judge was not going to give the direct order for mr kopper man that they wanted so once they withdrew that they basically said were not going to force this in court right now that affects mr go bolton who will almost certainly not be testifying before the house the real question though is what happens when this goes to a trial in the senate and. Whether i think its very likely that there will be a requests by the democrats to bring mr bolton as a witness before a senate trial and i think the calculus there changes and we could well end up hearing mr boltons testimony it will be quite dramatic in a trial before the u. S. Senate but before we get to that trial in the u. S. Senate there are more open hearings. This these hearings the public hearings of course will start next week just how just became changes do you think thats going to be. I think these public hearings are crucial this is the one chance that the House Democrats have to make their public case for the impeachment of the president if you look at the polls right now the they generally show between 49 and 52 percent of the public supports impeachment of President Trump thats. That is arguably a slim majority but in order to. Really make this stick the democrats want those numbers to be up at 55556 percent then they think they might have a chance of bringing along a few republicans and this wont be seen as a purely partisan impeachment in order to do that theyve got to put on strong witnesses and make a strong public case these hearings are their chance to do so so everybody is going to be watching next week to see how these hearings play they certainly well Michael Isikoff investigative correspondent for yeah news thanks very much indeed for your thoughts thank you. And the french president s emmanuelle back home has criticized they still calling it brain dead in an incipient with the economist magazine mccrone warns European Countries that they can no longer rely on the United States to defend the alliance he says the u. S. Under donald trump appears to be turning its back on its nato commitments scene 8 so german chancellor Angela Merkel says she disagrees with michaels quote drastic words. The u. K. s main Opposition Labor Party has suffered a setback with 2 of its former m. P. s calling on the public to vote for the Britain Conservative Party in december selection one of them he was a minister in the last labor government says the partys current leader Jeremy Corbyn is completely unfit to be Prime Minister the comments for the resignation of labours deputy leader tom watson on wednesday. Well several prominent female m. P. s say they will run in that election gizzi increase intimidation crimes against m. P. s doubled last year and a parliamentary report found abuse against politicians is no commonplace the fark are reports now from london it was a dark moment in british politics joe caulks an opposition labor m. P. Was fatally shot and stabbed outside her Constituency Office shed campaign to remain in the e. U. A killer had shouted keep Britain Independent as he carried out the attack police of warn people not to inflame tensions caused by bragg said but politics has rarely been so toxic especially for women Caroline Spelman was an m. P. For 22 years her stance on breaks had led to months of rape and Death Threats she carries a panic button and her childrens bedrooms have steel doors i asked my male colleagues whether they also get threats of a sexual nature threats to rape or being referred to about their genitalia then theyre horrified why is it that in our culture that this is been allowed to happen spelman is one of a slew of prominent female m. P. s standing down at the next election including the former home secretary amber rudd all because of abuse and intimidation. This of course is where many politicians begin their careers knocking on doors meeting supporters and of course opponents rarely find a single politician that would do this alone these days many citing fear of violence and abuse despite the risks organ fitzroy is campaigning to become an m. P. In south london she blames an all boys network of m. P. s that includes the Prime Minister of fuelling the song Jenny Forrest johnson has been really irresponsible in his language you know he is called muslim woman letterboxes and he just keeps coming out with things like that because he is a privileged white man who is very well protected he doesnt face any of the issues that some of the female politicians and female politicians of color face politics is now full of divisive terms traitor betrayal surrender words used in Death Threats to female m. P. s words also regularly used by the Prime Minister when asked to modify his language this is how johnson responded and the same is just the prime never heard such humbug in all my life. But johnson cant afford to be complacent the female vote matters household names well known to to female voters they will be accepting stage left i think voters will notice that and they will take it seriously in terms of how they just havent ever. Earlier this year the m. P. Anna subregion is confronted by a mob outside parliament and led to sample arrest despite calls for calm research by cardiff and edinburgh universities found that most leave and remain voters now think violence towards m. P. s is a price worth paying for brick said the finding shocked the research is weeks away from the election the relationship between politicians and people has never look so troubled. Barca aljazeera london. So sudans president turns Opposition Leader have been given another one. 100 days to reach an agreement over forming a unity government president salva kiir and his longtime rival react machines are mets in the ugandan capital kampala for talks brokered by uganda and sudan the 2 men fell lights in 2013 sparking a civil war that left hundreds of thousands of people dead. Cambodian Opposition Leaders from a bands Political Party are being prevented from returning home they want to leads protests on saturday against Prime Minister who sent for a burden manly has more. From his home in paris sam rainsy says hes determined to return to cambodia hes been in exile for much of the past decade raese says he wants to gather other opposition politicians from the band Cambodian National rescue party to lead protests against Prime Minister hun sen at the box office today and it has he says its to restore democracy to the country but as he arrived at an airport in paris in an effort to return home this happened i was lucky enough for me to. Have the allowed to vote lead by international. Right and so i visit all right the research they have received from very high up in the structure not allowed to. His deputy musak who is one of several Opposition Leaders who fled from cambodia fearing arrest she to try to return to cambodia but was detained after landing in malaysia and since being released. A day before her News Conference in jakarta was interrupted by the come podium ambassador to indonesia so youre here then. Where you would be kind. But shes a really difficult here. Shes a criminal we have chosen to go back home to cambodia. We have high hopes that. That chair. Would be on the side of cambodia democrat. Partys acting leader sam rainsy has been part of cambodias political fold for decades he was the finance minister under a unity government in the early 1990 s. The 400 senseis power in a coup in 1970 he says of his own Opposition Party but left cambodia many times to avoid government charges against him cambodia trying to bully all its neighbors. C. N. R. The exiles out or arrest them and send them back we dont think that anybody actually embodies the dirty work to arrest people and actually. Argue c. N. R. Like all cambodians have the right to return to their country. Sam rainsy says hes ready to return home and bring an end to Prime Minister hun sens government and restore democracy in cambodia even if it means prison or worse laura has a manly aljazeera. Still to come on aljazeera former warlords known as the terminator and sentenced to 30 years in jail protesters keep up the pressure in lebanon as politicians begin closed door negotiations for a new governments fuss. Is an effort to unified professional truck and food outlets from around the world so it does have a voice. Calls from a multiple olympic and World Champion see athlete for athletes to unionize we hear from Christian Taylor about it in his new initiatives. Hello the snow has already fallen and for a time we can back off the difference between the cold air here on the wall its in the south is this frontal is that its been pretty active been a lot of rain falling in texas kansas arkansas and northeast with the snow on the back edge to come through be on the ground lying on the ground a suspect and dawn breaks on friday the temperature in new york kept down to 5 degrees its only just been freezing all the way back through the midwest the Northern Plains states civs subzero it when you pay these are day high temperatures even dallas doesnt show very much promise go to miami however thats the end of it is slightly warms up to get to saturday we go up a few degrees the snows to get on the canadian side of the border the sun is out further west settles at 16 in contrast to calgarys 0 again as a high during the day the showers are far fewer in the Caribbean Sea breeze is still quite strong and the focus on heavy rain is in panama costa rica honduras and up towards next year once again that will be for the next couple of days and the seasonal rain is in this line that runs through the western side of the and these in skirts across towards paraguayan southeast of brazil some big downpours seem likely. November on the. Planet s. O. S. Returns with a new series to set out the facts and the Science Behind the climate and ecological crisis affecting our planet. Will hold its 4th election in 4 years after it was inconclusive vote join us for coverage of the new series brings people together to discuss some of the big issues of our time turkish president will meet with u. S. President donald trump at the White House Well bring you the latest and exiled explores the Historical Context of the Rohingya Crisis and the increasing violence in mind state. November on. This is aljazeera a quick reminder of the headlines this hour the rocky Security Forces have opened fire on and see government protesters in the Southern City of basra on the capital baghdad killing at least 10 people demonstrations over corruption unemployment and Poor Public Services have gripped iraq for over a month once a government protesters in chile have shouted down the Health Minister as he visited a hospital to meet people injured during the demonstrations the president has proposed laws to toughen penalties for looting and rioting. And Donald Trumps former National Security adviser john bolton has failed to appear before the impeachment inquiry into the president s he says he only testify if compelled to do so by federal courts. The International Criminal courts has sentenced a former congolese rebel leader to 30 years in prison bosco tucker and has been convicted of war crimes that were committed sin the democratic republic of congos northeastern it to region Catherine Sawyer reports from kill one g. In eastern d r c. Mada rape and conscripting children a soldiers offenses committed by. That along with other war crimes have led to him being sentenced to 3 decades in prison he ordered fighters to carry out attacks in a tory province over to yes in 200220032 drive out one Ethnic Community judges of the International Criminal court in the hague described his involvement in atrocities carried out by rebel soldiers as a substantial parade of civil unions as a crime against humanity and as a war crime vent the a. T. s for a manager and attempt an attempted murder as a crime against humanity and as a war crime said he is for prosecution as a crime against humanity said 2 years of imprisonment a move into ganda was called the time in a time by people in eastern democratic republic of congo the crimes committed by the patchy arctic force for the liberation of congo rebel group included mada Sexual Violence and the sexual slavery of female child soldiers one as young as 9 and tug on the lead the military wing Thomas Lubanga was the head of the group and he serving 14 years in jail at the i. C. C. This man says his 2 brothers were killed by the fighters will get if i mean they will be we lost many family members Sisters Brothers uncles we also lost a lot of property. It to remind be the focus of intent and his case but in another town more than 800 kilometers south victims of a massacre 150 people were killed in one day in 2006 have been following Court Proceedings kinley they claim to have done to was one of the leaders of rebel fighters who attacked their villages in q one and was in charge of the killings almost everyone here in q one the last allowed one of those we talked to said whats going on and the fighters he led them off protecting a rival rebel they also say they want of the killer of one a q and unthought rebecca shows us has scars she says her husband and one year old son were killed. What is happening with entire gonda should be a deterrent to others who want to come and terrorize us in the villages those people destroyed our lives and again that is the 4th person to be convicted by the i. C. C. In it turi says he deserves to be in jail for life rebecca. Is still waiting for Justice Catherine saw aljazeera q one job east and democratic republic of congo. Broken a frances president says his Security Forces will hunt down the people responsible for killing 47 employees of a Mining Company common attacks a convoy of 5 buses from a canadian owns minute in congo in the east of the country thats despite a military escort 60 people were injured and dozens more are feared missing no one has claimed responsibility for the attack but its groups linked to i saw and al qaeda have staged dozens of attacks in the region in recent years so lets you just show continue. If the situation continues it will really be very hard for us we are all worried we dont feel comfortable we really live in fear this is really a disaster for us. In an address to the nation president rush cabrera has called for unity to tackle the violence in new forests. We must remain dignified and courageous thats why i willing gauge the defense and Security Forces to track these terrorists and i call all of our people to mobilize against the terrorists i ordered the recruitment of volunteers for the defense of the homeland in zones under threat only a general mobilization of the sons and daughters of the nation without any consideration for the region or ethnicity political opinion and religious faith can defeat these murderous faithless and lawless who dream of submitting our nation and our courageous people to their mercy. Another large protest has taken place in guinea against the president s plans to change the constitution at least 13 protesters have been killed in the last week theres widespread anger at president african days plan to push through changes so he can run for a 3rd term in next years elections. The u. N. Is calling for restraint in bolivia after a 3rd protester was killed on wednesday. Or demonstrations have gripped the country since the disputed election last month opposition supporters say the result was rigged to allow president evill marlice to stay on for another 5 years or alice has accused the opposition of trying to stage a coup and theres been fighting between my will protesters in the bolivian town of intl the mayor of the 10 was attacked by opposition supporters patricia korea was dragged through the streets bare feet its covered in red paint and activists forcibly cut her hair her office was set alight and windows of the town hall were smashed. Lebanons Parliament Speaker says he will nominate side hariri to be Prime Minister again a week after he resigns to come and see government protests ministers are negotiating the make up over a new cabinet split the still no sign of a new administration and no end to the countrys economic crisis seen a 100 reports from beiruts. Week 4 and protestors focus now is to paralyze the state theyre blocking entrances to government institutions and Companies Across lebanon and demanding a government in the pendant of Political Parties they blame for the countrys economic crisis but the governing alliance is not budging from their opinion a purely technocratic government one function because everything is like 2 Political Parties governments in lebanon have always been a reflection of the parliaments composition the biggest block belongs to president michel ouds Free Patriotic Movement and along with its allies hezbollah and amal are the majority in parliament and government but that government collapsed last week when Prime Minister. Resigned he says he bowed to pressure from the street but his action also damaged the governing alliance in particular the iranian backed hezbollah which benefited from had ties with the west. On the us sanctions and they are becoming tougher its beautiful live in all of his outside power so we avoid the repercussions but if the majority of employees support their presence then hariri will decide if he wants to hit that kind of government and politicians are holding closed door discussions over a new government but many protesters feel they are pushing their own political agenda and they also feel opposition parties are trying to hijack their movement using the street in the talks to try and treat the balance of power that is not why protesters took to the streets. There are some Political Parties like the progress of socialist party and the Lebanese Forces that use their supporters to block roads in order to impose their agendas and put political pressure to gain seats in the new government by blackmailing their partners in power politicians from across the divide all claim to support the demands of the people but many protesters say their voices are being ignored and they are demanding the entire Political Class leave office. Beirut. At least 9 people have drones trying to reach Spains Canary islands their boat capsized when it hit rocks close to lanza rossi early on wednesday 15 people were thought to be on board the jimmy when it said sulfur maggots here in morocco 4 were rescued another 2 are missing. Police in france have dismantled a makeshift camp in paris who thousands of migrants and refugees this comes just a day after the french government announced tighter immigration policies is the latest in a series of camp closures throughout the capital with more still to come that sasha butler reports hundreds of migrants and Asylum Seekers sheltered from the cold and rain this French Police evacuated a camp in northern paris before dawn among them families with Young Children for months nearly 2000 people had been living in desperate conditions in flimsy tents wedged between roads with no sanitation most were from sudan somalia or afghanistan its a really bad condition for all the immigration here its. Not Good Environment its very cold you know where there is to call. Also a set every time a strain i mean theres a ground this read its not for good for like in recent years police of evacuated a number of similar camps in the city the mayor of paris said the situation was inhumane and she urged the french government to do more to help check phones and this and so well put you through each time were told it wont happen again if we dont want this to happen again we need a proper system that recognizes peoples rights and gives them a dignified reception a country should be capable of this as daylight broke people carried their possessions and boarded buses french authorities said theyd be taken to shelters in the paris region to assess whether they have the right to apply for asylum. As workers began cleaning up police said officers would remain on silent to prevent future camps in the area or the road here remains closed but most of the tents have been cleared away the cleanup operation is continuing but what is happening is that there are some migrants who are coming back they perhaps live somewhere else last night and theyre finding that all their possessions and gone and they dont know. To do. This somali man didnt want to be identified but he told me that he had lost all his belongings he said it was the 3rd time hed been evacuated from a camp in paris an experience that campaigners say is all too common for we dont know yet what solutions are proposed besides temporary housing in a sports hall we have to think about the long term and not only about today thats whats important some people are leaving today but what will happen in 2 weeks in a year can those people stay in this housing and not go back to living on the street the cam clearance comes one day off to the french government announced new measures to tighten its immigration policy assigned to some that the government serious about cracking down but activists say the evacuation is little more than political p. R. Because unless theres a better system to humanely manage migrants who arrive in france Vulnerable People who continue to end up in the street the sasha butler aljazeera paris. The sports world cup winning. Country. Thank you. Its really is introducing mandatory lessons on Climate Change in all Public Schools students will learn about the subject from primary through to high school its the 1st country in the world to make studying sustainability and Climate Change compulsory want to for sony is an italian politician and cochair of the European Green party she says making Climate Change a compulsory subject in schools is a step in the right direction needs in the as in many other countries we do have a lot of climate negotiations people that think that graham change doesnt exist or at least does not do well by human activity and therefore cannot be stopped but i believe that base ourselves on science and they mean its a very. Good discussion also to the agenda 2030 the un goals and Sustainable Development which are accepted by everyone so i think that there are ways which is this possible of course to present a discussion because not there is not only one way to be a Good Government change but the fact the resenting what the issue is and what the consequences of really are of Climate Change i think that these things do yawned in doubt he zealand has passed a Climate Change law and at reducing its that Carbon Emissions to 0 but 2050 the bill was passed with near unanimous support an independent Climate Change Commission Group before it formed to monitor progress. Anse the publishers of the colons dictionary have names their words of the year topping the list is climate strike paying testament to the actions of schoolgirl activist group the 3rd burke and the world wide protests over Climate Change in the past 12 months its time for the sports heres andy. Thank you very much 2 time olympic triple jump champion Christian Taylor is urging athletes to unionize and demand a greater say in how their sport is run it follows a world athletics decision to drop several disciplines from its elite series of events the 200 meters 3000 meter Steeple Chase and triple jump and just 3 of the 8 disciplines being axed from next years Diamond League organizers have radically reshaped the format so it can fit into a 90 minute television window the 5 in 10000 meters along with the discuss also on the way out when a statement taylor a 7 time champion said our sport is about unity and diversity and separating the events can only damage the sport we all love im announcing the formation of the Athletics Association an association for all professional track and field athletes around the world we will fight for athletes rights and ultimately demand a seat at the table and the say in how all sports is run it is an effort to unify professional track and field athletes from around the world so it does have a boys have a presence with this is a remade when when this is even being thought about i wish athletes had more presence of what it was on the Decision Making and this is hopefully going to be their proof that the athletes will come together and make a stand united united stand united right its a deliberate year its a very important year these dima the competitions really get you the exposure the experience it gets the top athletes in the world but now the athletes will have to see other meats go to Different Countries go to different events to try to get that competition in preparation for the tokyo 20 twentieths the worlds 1st transatlantic professional sports same as signed Sonny Bill Williams in a record deal for either rugby union or rugby league williams to most recently pay for new zealand at the Rugby World Cup will now play for canadas toronto wolfpack who are part of the English Super League competition after signing its who year deal worth close to 7000000. 00. Just a quick misses to the to answer fans and see im looking forward to going over there i just want to say. That im not coming over for a holiday although my son might be coming over do some work and god willing we cannot have a successful season on an open field. Clearly the guy comes with almost a branding himself mega high profile player but i went out to japan last week to meet on a bill and i just wanted to make sure that resigning for the right reasons and he made some. Very sincere commitments towards that is common to win trophies i want to win a trophy wants to be successful as do we we have grabbed this burden on britain to be successful ourselves so who is Sonny Bill Williams when he started out playing rugby league in australia where he won the domestic title twice playing for the bulldogs in 2004 and the roosters in 2014 he was widely criticized when he switched codes in the middle of the 2008 season to play for the french rugby side to learn from returning to new zealand he played 58 matches for the all blacks and want to Rugby World Cups his big toe for olympic rugby sevens gold was short lived when he was injured in the opening game of the rio 26 tournament and then another unlikely career twist he won the w. P. A. International heavyweight boxing title in 2013 south africas world cup winning rugby team have started a 5 day with victory lap of their home country day one saw sickly team taking the trophy throughput soria johannesburg and so west so police is the 1st black caps in in the teams 127 year history and the cup travels to his hometown of sweden on sunday south africa beat england in japan last saturday to win this title for a 3rd time. This is actually be one of the most days in the history of south africa. To see that because it is pertinent in a device when youre on the road. Because she was a junior brittle situation as a member made sure that you know you may struggle to get through that next year the critics the country took over. This was. Like. Russia sports minister has denied that any of the data handed to the World Antidoping Agency was manipulated. Russia faces a fresh ban ahead of next years Tokyo Olympics if water finds the information from moscows anti doping lab had been edited. The experience consider that there were no deletions at all there its a purely technical issues related to how the system itself works at the next meeting between experts from wada the lowes and laboratory and from outside all of these issues will be discussed and im sure all of these issues will be explained i think you know. All. Of this people who work in russia responsible for sports they stop. Now we hear from them youre all there and. Its impossible to know the English Premier League team everson believe that midfielder andre got my skirt play again this season the Portuguese International suffered a dislocated fracture of tackle by tottenhams son young men on sunday its a manager mark i silver said sun had texted his apologies to gomes after that match the feedback. From our medical staff and is that possible theyre playing again this season. Of course you know when. Or 1st we saw that in that moment and hes really seriously injured and looks whos serious of course after after the surgery and after all the exams the everything went really well. 2 power boat crews were lucky to avoid serious injury after the boats crashed out at an event in florida the race was stopped after both boats flipped out of the water during a super stock price all 4. 00 crew members were able to escape from the overturned boats and no serious injuries were reported as a result of the accidents. And believe it or not this isnt real formula one this is a computer game its the latest events in the f one a sports processor is in london the ground finals in december with a prize fund of half a 1000000. 00 for craps ok that is all sport for now more later. And thats it for me to stay with us im back to the break. Investigative journalism below the target of such. Lobel experts in discussion 3 times youve got a deal and you disagree with that deal because of the terrible twos the worst of the law it was brets of us who want to have stories from other angles. Open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today you have to rethink pretty much everything thank you for talking to aljazeera the brave programs to inspire you on aljazeera the us is a Tipping Point scientists are telling us right now that we have just 12 weirdness as the worlds leaders failed to agree upon a solution people are taking matters into their own. The top enough enough. Which scientists actually get people to understand that it kills people and that it kills people now its ridiculous both sides return to the peoples books on al jazeera you know what. Im not quite done you just need to know. Russia has jeopardized the United States security interests we know what you are doing and you will not succeed perceptions from the outside looking. More to the picture from the inside. I think russias Foreign Policy is too soft going to be the most russian goals to be achieved not pieces of useful russia all knowledge is either. At least 10 protests as are shot dead across iraq as anger against the government shows no sign of letting up. I had seen this is live from doha also coming up getting cell phone protesters chiles president introduces new measures to rein in violence Anti Government demonstrations that have left at least 20 people dead

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