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Of justice over the crackdown on muslim arrangers aljazeera sheds new light on some of the alleged crime and current pressure in the pacific we travel to the tiny island nation of allow to find out exactly whats at risk. So in hong kong the polls are open for local elections and in just the past hour chief executive kerry cast her vote this poll is seen as a test for her probation government following months of demonstrations this is amazing a record 4100000 people have registered to vote 7000000 people in all of hong kong which would make it the biggest turnout since the territory was returned to china from britain in 1907 speaking to the media caroline was appealing for a peaceful vote. We are facing an extremely challenging situation in organizing this years elections but im pleased to say that with the concerted efforts of all parties including of course over 30000 Civil Servants in many departments working today we should have a relatively peaceful and vironment to conduct these elections successfully weve also heard from prodemocracy activist joshua wang who urged. Protesters to continue opposing beijing he himself was disqualified from running in the election says i will protest movement stop for a few more people around the world just a pom pom pom should come up booked district house in your action is that your action in marketing to the base of islam on the street. Instead over the political system but i still urge people to keep the action to show how this can head to beijing. Its just after 10 am in hong kong and well be live at the polling booths in just a moment but 1st this report from rob mcbride coming amid unprecedented unrest everyone agrees this will be an election like no other many seats are being contested by a new generation of candidates some molded by the protest movement. And wing an independent is out on bail after being arrested and charged for unlawful assembly. People have been paying close attention to the process the excessive use of force by police and the aris and theyve been studying the views of the candidates on these things and making up their minds in a city of 7000000 people a record 4000000 have registered to vote. Its tough we dont know which side to take but beijing is in charge in any case so all signs indicate that the prodemocracy protests are poised to win a big victory. This is important for hong kong people its like an opinion poll. Normally dominated by local issues this election will instead focus on the much bigger question of hong kongs relationship with mainland china. With pro china parties having the majority of seats up for election they are seen as having the most to lose given the groundswell of antigovernment feeling prodemocracy candidates are contesting every seat with thousands of new young voters registering for the 1st time the probe aging camp seems to be bracing itself for losses this year the elections have been highly politicized and violence have become a central issue and there are people for and against so local issues sidelined campaigning on streets the bad the scars of months of unrest leo chu is a candidate for the democratic party. Hes not hopeful about the chances of this vote forcing the government to concede on any of the protesters demands i do not have a very strong am optimistic mind about they were care about the people. They both. In this direction but thats why it is. Important matters for the International Community that people but people are thinking in hong kong. This ballot will likely prove the strength of feeling in this deeply polarized city the question then will be watching impact it has on the escalating violence of mcbride al jazeera hong kong. And now sarah clarke at that polling sessional one of the politicians i should say in hong kong bring us up to date sarah. We have huge lines at most polling birds across hong kong behind me this line snakes its way around the block now as rob mcbride mentioned we have a Record Number of people who registered to vote in this election 4100000 people and the increase of the senate has been in the 18 to 35 Year Old Age Group now im joined by anthony deferent whos an author and lawyer oh i asked you about what this early line up with saying i think its 3 times the turnout right in the 1st hour since the last election which is in 25th and what does this early turnout name well people have been saying that a big turnout should favor the pan democratic parties especially given that very large number of new young voters so it could be that this is looking to be something of a swing towards the democrats but its very hard to say because passions have been very high in hong kong over the last 5 to 6 months of protests today being seen as somewhat of a referendum of that whole period of hong kong history and so passions are high on both sides so really its hard to say you think its a referendum on certainly the governments handling of the crisis as well as the support the public support for the prodemocracy movement and these protests absolutely i think people on the one had been very frustrated with carrie lamb and her handling of the crisis but also on that same side frustrated with the disruptions to day life and some of the violence and vandalism that theyve seen from the protesters so that may push people to the probate side on the pro democrat side of course that discontent with the way hong kong is being governed the very broad support the protesters seem to continue to enjoy means that the democrats should hoping to see a swing in their favor so the post office mccampbell the camp as we often refer to it has the majority in the district elections can the pan democrats the prodemocracy Political Parties can they pull back some of that support and some of those seats i think this certainly expecting to see that in the more urban areas like Hong Kong Island in the the more highly Populated Areas of calhoun moving out to the New Territories where its a more rural population traditionally more of a pro beijing stronghold they may not see that same swing out there. So what would you what the early results i suppose will expect out of the seating what do you predict. If you look at a tough call and i feel like we may end up back where we started over these months of unrest people who at the beginning may have even though they lent pro beijing may have been inclined to support the protesters were against the government the violence and the vandalism may have swung them back to the government side whereas people that started out pro democrats unlikely to have changed their minds and still support the protesters so we may end up a scenario looks pretty similar to what it was coming into all of this and to be different thank you very much for joining us thank you and i should say the police of today theres a record turnout of police around the 30000. 00 strong force basically guarding these polling booths we expect at least to rot place to be polling at these polling bays to try and keep the place there was some room is early that they might maybe violent clashes and as a result the right place that they got a particular polling place but at the moment as i mentioned earlier we have a mass turnout when im president ready and study just a couple of polling booths have. Good stuff sarah clarke at the polling station in hong kong for those local elections. Were going to look at colombia now where antigovernment protests have continued in the capital for a 3rd day. Of Security Forces patrolled the streets. And fired tear gas on thousands of protesters are gathered followed an overnight curfew ordered by president even do k. Which was defined by demonstrators who stayed on the streets there angry over proposed reforms to the tax and Pension System. With more now from the time. Small groups of protesters are on the streets most are peaceful and happening without major issues but other ones if protesters try to march on the streets are blocked one of the rows. Front. Quo. Bylane plea by the police in and take riot gear with tear gas with grenades bombs as we have witnessed earlier during the day we have now been able to confirm that at least one of these protesters was seriously injured by one of these. Grenades that hit them in the in the head he is now. Under surgery in a hospital in downtown bogota we understand that his condition is critical but under control so were going to try to find out more about him in coming hours and more people are also out and planning to repeat. These demonstrations were people hit on pots and pans in different parts of this city most of the violence seems to be happening when the protesters try to reach the government buildings downtown if they stay further now north and in the plazas and dont try to move on the streets then things seem to move on peacefully. Plenty more ahead for you this news are we looking at voting for change the program in the west african nation of Guinea Bissau goes to the polls and hopes to end the political crisis more revelations in the impeachment inquiry into alleged misconduct by a us president on all the details on that. And in sport history for canada and britain russia to want to reach their 1st ever davis cup tennis final. So its look at the latest from the impeachment inquiry in the Us State Department has released records related to its dealings with ukraine documents that support testimony at the inquiry that several senior officials were in the loop on the efforts to pressure kiev into investigating Donald Trumps rival joe biden john hendren with the details now from washington. The cast of president Donald Trumps Ukraine Pressure Campaign grows ever wider 100 pages of newly released state department documents show that secretary of state mike pump aoe spoke to President Trumps personal attorney Rudy Giuliani twice in march that was shortly before u. S. Ambassador to ukraine maria vonn of h. Was removed from office scott lucas says its not hard to infer what they were talking about but the day before pompei 0 2nd call with giuliani there was a time line prepared which set out all of the material about biden his son hunter and maria on a bitch trying to set up in other words a paper trail for the secretary of state of these alleged alleged activities by biden and yavanna bitch that werent in the best warranted an investigation by ukraine the impeachment inquiry is looking into whether the white house engaged in a coordinated campaign to withhold nearly 400000000. 00 in military aid to ukraine until the president of vacuum tree publicly announced that he would investigate President Trumps chief political rival former Vice President joe biden President Trump denies that accusation i want nothing. Thats what i want for you thats what i said i want nothing the newly released documents support this damning statement from embassador Gordon Sunland was there a quid pro quo the answer is yes everyone was in the loop we kept the leadership. Of the state department and the n. S. C. Informed of our activities and that included communications with secretary of state pompei o. The state department had refused to give those documents they were obtained through a freedom of information lawsuit by the Watchdog Group american oversight now Senate Democrats are asking pump aoe in a letter to recuse himself from the state departments response to the impeachment inquiry pump ale was quick to respond im not going to accuse myself from this i know precisely what american policy was with respect to ukraine i was working on it and im incredibly proud of what weve accomplished also joining in the circle of those implicated in the president ial Pressure Campaign is the president s top defender in the impeachment inquiry republican devin nunez clearly these little chris accusations dont reflect Committee Members who are honestly searching for the truth on saturday reports emerge suggesting nunez met with a disgraced former ukrainian prosecutor to find dirt on biden that is according to a lawyer for a businessman live parness indicted for his role in working with giuliani to prompt a ukrainian investigation of biden and his son if true the circle of all the president s men in the Ukraine Campaign just got bigger john hendren washington. One of egypts last independent news publications mother mauser is appealing for the Urgent Release of one of its journalists a statement on the website says police took from his home in cairo on saturday also confiscating electronic equipment and documents related to his work that its arrest is the latest sign of a widening crackdown on press freedom in egypt israels Opposition Leader benny gantz is once again called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign over corruption charges that follows netanyahu saying on friday he wouldnt step down over the 3 indictments calling it an attempted coup and one can with more than tel aviv or against time do statement perfectly for the evening news and this was very much a message not just to the israeli electorate but to the likud party itself he actually spoke in that building just behind me here in the Television Expo center where he had an offer for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu take a look at what you had to say. Surely i call for unity government as large as possible i will be the Prime Minister for the 1st 2 years while netanyahu can deal with his legal issues its clear he can come back as Prime Minister this is the only way to prevent an unnecessary election. So the idea is that the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be a part of the government but he wont have any ministries and certainly wont be Prime Minister instead what benny gantz is just thing is that he fights his court cases and then once that is resolved that they can take a look at any idea of the power sharing agreement and anything that might take place in the future between the good and the blue and white party whether thats going to be acceptable to netanyahu remains to be seen but the entire game the moment seems to be avoiding a 3rd election were in a period of about 17 days left where any member of the knesset can try and form a government if that doesnt happen then the country goes to the election which is what all the politicians seemingly are try. To avoid so this was not a generous offer to the very practical one to try and avoid going to a 3rd election lets see what the Prime Minister has to say about this offer hes also under a tremendous amount of pressure from within his own likud party as well gideon so is a pretender to the israeli throne and he says he wants the likud party to have a primary election internal election and to choose a new leader and to move on with the process of forming a government so then you know under a tremendous amount of pressure right now theres been renewed fighting between kurdish fighters and Turkish Backed forces in Northern Syria this was not the town of. Turkey launched an offensive against the kodesh Led Syrian Democratic forces last month a truce was agreed in coordination with russia but small scale fighting has continued well out as a result down with the turkish minister of defense to discuss the Ongoing Operations in northeast syria. If it was meeting its objectives in spite of International Criticism against turkeys mission. They believe. There was a toddler got them a sketch checklist and topic a church was about a color no longer possible for the march to be there. To matter the pleasure of each and they really think educationally. Because it made. Me when you talk to them is really up to the. Car going up along the way let me tell you a polygamist look up their little. Package to make. For something on my plate. To get tickets and make these changes are there or they could get us where theyre going to make. That which i was one of those who do make these. Things with. Any of those ridiculous talked about all of it was going on your mind and that entire interview with the turkish minister of defense on talk about a serious sunday at 830 g. M. T. On aljazeera. Meum hours later and sung suit shes expected to defend her military against allegations of genocide at the International Court of justice the army is accused of targeting the countrys range of Muslim Minority back in 2017 a documentary to be aired on aljazeera sheds new light on the abuses as well just a warning a summer binge of its report does contain some disturbing images of. Nearly a 1000000 muslims live in the Worlds Largest refugee camp in bangladesh as the International Court of justice prepares to begin hearing allegations of genocide and forced deportation of the ringer a new documentary uncovers testimonies of abuse and the involvement of me and my government officials. The prosecution has gone on for decades but since 2017 hundreds of thousands of rangar were forced to flee after the military accused the rebels of terrorism. As early as 966 the Burmese Military started to see the real hinge or as a problem. Through the years myanmars government has even set up special forces to deal with its ruining their minority british government. Grew up these problems with muslims have existed since the british rule because they brought labor from bangladesh. Were not migrants from bangladesh this is their birth place and i was born in this house that was built 18 or 19 our mosque was also built on 994 my great grandfather. Through the years myanmars government has even set up special forces to deal with its ruling the minority. Was essentially the burmese equivalent of as says. Now sarkar was the executioner this former intelligence chief says the priority was to stop people crossing into me in my or illegally you know i created a sucker to stop people from crossing the borders it was the right thing to do they were migrants our objective was to control our border they are a guest from bangladesh and we didnt want to accept guest otherwise there would be no more rakhine just got more and more muslims that. Now decades later u. N. Investigators have warned genocide threat for me and my is greater than ever i want into earlier the famous soldier held a gun to my head in seed what if i shoot you right now then he seed we have in order to kill all of you muslims we are invincible. Or were injured once their villages were burnt down were funneled into what is now the cum complex where 122140000 were injured are basically imprisoned there are concentration camps detention camps if not into communal violence this is the burma state organizing and watching over the destruction of ruins of villages and the rounding up of hundreds of thousands are injured into camps. Some ringers say they hid their children in graves of theirs had their babies burned alive but they threw the children into the fire that turned our heads the other way so that we wouldnt see it at the beginning we have never been soft on human rights in this country we must military denies carrying out mass rape and murder homeowner that any critical media a lot of news about what kind of state is fake there is fabricated news that the military has raped women its not true and. They raped us right there in the paddy field after 5 months i knew he was there i felt him growing in size only there i got a call the mongolia there are 5 of us women were separated from the crowd and taken into the house. But they closed the door then they blindfolded us and then they did whatever they wanted to do with us hundreds of thousands of those simmering anger are waiting for justice and a chance to return home some of the job elders there and the full program from that report its called exiled and you can see it had 20100 hours g. M. T. On sunday on notice here the people of guineabissau are heading to the polls in a few hours to elect a new president hoping the vote will bring some stability to a west african nation but seeing weeks of violence president as a matter of hours is seeking reelection but faces and strong challenges from a former Prime Minister nicolas hark now with the support from. People come to nurse clementina to talk about their aches and pains but there is something that keeps coming up in her consultations politics is making people laugh. And so she tells them theres only one way to deal with it its to vote in this president ial election. Its as if politicians forgot about us that what they do actually affects us once they come into office they completely forget about the people they are meant to represent. The santos is disappointed with the president goes in where you have osh whos running for reelection he said he would put the country back to work instead elected officials squabbled threatening each other unable to pass laws or approve budgets the government stops paying teachers and nurses do some to us who was left without pay for 10 months or clinic has no Running Water it had no electricity until the charity installed solar panels. To get treatment people come to a hospital run by the west african soldiers stationed here as part of a stabilizing force because of the political deadlock. Treatment and drugs are free this is an effort to win hearts and minds because president ial candidates have been critical of the presence of foreign soldiers in their country in rallies the appeal to a patriotic crowd celebrating the south. It will take more than a good show to convince the 760000 voters they will come out to vote because many of them are 1st time voters and while this campaign has been about trying to bring to an end the political crisis with these young people for jobs. But you brewer has a masters degree in Political Science in a country where half of the population doesnt know how to read and write and yet he couldnt find a job now he works as a caretaker in an empty building site sleeping on a concrete floor. It is you mediating him plainfield to have gone to sleep on the floor i am not sure why i bother to study what is this country done for me. Its a feeling shared by many there is no quick remedy to get i was problems but for a nurse just on to us expressing yourself can help alleviate the pain and perhaps bring change nicolas talk aljazeera. Iran is restoring Internet Access after the government imposed a shut down last week in response to wide response to widespread protests the demonstrations followed a government increase in fuel prices about 50 percent Rights Groups on the ground say Internet Connections are still spotty in some parts of the country Amnesty International says more than 100. 00 demonstrators have been killed by Security Forces that figure is rejected by irans governments. Vice president mike pence is in iraq on an unannounced visit spent u. S. Troops at the air base in Anbar Province he also spoke on the phone with the iraqi Prime Minister about the violent antigovernment protests have been going on for several weeks their main street is around about corruption high unemployment and poor public service. In the news ahead a call to action tens of thousands across france are out on the streets demanding tougher laws to stop violence against women also we speak to victims of an underreported conflict in sudans Red Sea State and its borders a marine your makes a winning start to life as the new tottenham manager will have the sport at about 10 to the. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast well better conditions here across taiwan we did see a storm system that skirted much of the nation and pushing up here towards much of the rico islands over the next few days things are going to be Getting Better winds are going to be dying down across the area we are going to see a temper for taipei a 28. 00 degrees but across Central China though we do see more in terms of rain as we go from sunday as well as into monday temperatures only into the low teens maybe in the Single Digits there before hong kong it is still sunny still quite warm at 27 degrees as your expected high well the last several days across malaysia has been very very heavy in terms of the rain weve seen rain totals in some locations over about 120 millimeters in just a 24 hour period more rain is expected in this area were going to be seeing flooding in localized areas there as well up towards vietnam its going to remain quite dry here on the sunday but more clouds and more rain coming into play by the time we go towards monday as well and then very quickly down here across the southern part of india weve been dealing with a lot of rain as well the rain showers continue for tonight as well as across parts of colombo we do expect to see more rain as we go here towards sunday where the temperature for colombo at 30 degrees but better conditions for tonight with attempt a few of 30 degrees as well. Whether sponsored by katherine. If you have to choose between your site and feeding your family what do you do and it happens because we dont keep ourselves healthy when us son could face death from a dog i want to do Everything Else you can to constantly take choice can you afford them. Inspiring solutions to global challenges. E. G. Silence on aljazeera. One of the really special things about working for aljazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else working for it is you know its very challenging liberally particularly because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real story so ill just mandate is to deliver indepth journalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. These are the headlines this news hour on aljazeera voting underway in hong kongs local elections with a Record Number of people registered this time around this is seen as a test for the pro beijing government following months of demonstrations in colombia antigovernment protests of continued in the capital for a 3rd consecutive day hundreds of protesters were dispersed with tear gas following an overnight curfew and isolated looting in bogota. And records of the u. S. State department stealings with ukraine have now been made public and they confirm contact between secretary of state. And Donald Trumps personal lawyer reed giuliani earlier this year. More from south america now in bolivia as interim leader has rejected the senates attempts to grant former president evo morales amnesty. To mexico made on occasions of rigging the october election and congress has not passed a bill paving the way for new elections by amazon shows with more from. The bill to call the elections was approved unanimously in congress after a heated debate now the interim president will enact it to begin the process of selecting members 2 for the electoral tribunal and set a date for a new election. Will give new look to done for the next government cannot be abusive either with the rural or urban people it has to be neutral to manage the country well but if its favors one or the other it will be lost. Part of the demands made by members of the mass party thats his party was to take the military off the streets in turn the government wanted no more protests now streets have been quieter here in the past few hours after this past week clashes between protesters and the police and the army left 8 people dead here now the government wants all road blocks to be lifted to allow passage of food and fuel around the country but there are still many roadblocks that need to be cleared only many parts of the traffic is fluid food is slowly making its way into stores but here there are long queues of people waiting to get gas and many here say theyre not happy. Things are not well yet were not getting gas the government doesnt care were being discriminated against not only here in the. Sun in other places around the country there are cars long lines of cars and trucks queuing up to get gas however here many people are saying that the approval of this bill to call elections is giving them the confidence that now the country begins to move forward. Another chile where the recent antigovernment protests are the most significant since the end of the dictator Augusto Pinochets role back in 1990 demonstrators of venting their rage at the government through slogans and graffiti on the walls of santiago the last an america that is on the sea and newman is there and takes on a tour of the socalled talking will. In few if any country is a social explosion left its mark as quickly and pervasively as here you probably all heard the phrase if only the walls could talk well in chile that is exactly what they are doing so i thought it would be interesting to show you exactly what it is that theyre saying starting with this. Meeting our eyes represent the unprecedented number of protesters whove lost one or both eyes as a result of being shot by riot police with pellets these walls reflect the evolution of chiles social outburst this was one of the 1st to go viral the time has come chile has awoken no more Student Loan Debt no more a. F. P. Chillies private Pension System no more collusion from big business anger against chiles neo liberal Economic System predominates with slogans like taking a bullet costs less than staying in the system. One of the most widely seen messages is this no more abuses in this case written over the name of president pena while above a more disturbing message that reads at war against order. Another one screams let everything burn. Antiestablishment graffiti and messages are everywhere this one says kill yourselves of capitalism what a great percentage of whats on these walls targets the riot police and this new one shows the face of the directors the National Police with a rope around his. Neck and underneath it says the night will fall and we will dance over their bodies. But many others have flocked more hope than rage and in recent weeks the graffiti has become more sophisticated and artistic. We met muralist philippe got real as he began his latest work. Nice to me that art shouldnt be just decorative but reflect that historic and political moment were living and were leaving a moment that i think would transform into a latin american operation is starting in chile and its our mission a sort is represented to show whats happening on. The finished work features the monopoly mascot rich uncle penny bags calculating that hundreds of protesters eyes are worth less than 30 basis the tiny amount that the metro fare went up last month that was the detonator of a social explosion that has destabilized the regions most stable nation the explanation on this wall it wasnt peace it was silence. To see in human aljazeera santiago. Tens of thousands of people have been marching across france to highlight the problem of violence against women from says one of europes highest rates of Domestic Violence so far this year 116 women have been killed by current and former partners a report released also found French Police and the Justice System often fail to protect women as a shot has a report. Joanna tilly thought shed finally escape her violent partner when she moved out of their home with their children shed suffered years of abuse but then one day in september he killed or join his friends in the northern french city of love say her murder made them determined to help other victims of Domestic Violence so they teamed up and launched a telephone helpline theyve been flooded with calls. When we saw how joanna had tried hard to get help her death made us think we have to do something we have to be heard there are some organizations that help but its not enough. In our city join a story touched a shocked many people to raise the awareness we hope our suspicion will get people talking and. It was outside her local supermarket the joanna tilly was fatally stabbed by her former partner in front of her 3 Young Children just weeks before her murder she filed a complaint with police but theyve done little to help. A woman is killed by her partner or ex partner every other day in france many others face daily physical sexual and Emotional Abuse campaigners say that even though violence against women is widespread Police Judges and prosecutors rarely take it seriously every woman knows because she heard that sure not nobody is going to listen to her though there is already the culture that if you go to the police youre not going to be understood youre not going to be listened and your case is going to be closed. For months sees activists in paris have been running an underground campaign after dark they put up antiviolence feminist messages in the street as people realize that this is mass killing disguised as crimes of passion one of our messages says you will never kill because of love so were raising Public Awareness and often women who are suffering violent tell us these messages help them to. The french government is working. New legislation to tackle violence against women but campaigners say the proposal so far failed to address the root causes of the abuse they say whats needed is to change attitudes to women and better educate children and adults Domestic Abuse often thrives because it is hidden these striking messages of bringing the problem out into the open where it cant be ignored the tasha partner aljazeera paris the leaders of the u. K. s biggest part is a face questions from a studio audience ahead of next months general election they appeared on a special b. B. C. Program and one of the issues that dominated no surprise that people voted 3 and a half years ago. To do thank you thank you to the power of israel before every other party that youve had on tonight is basically trying to for us rate that outcome we have a deal with you my role and the role of our government will be to ensure that that referendum is held in a fair it was fair and we will abide by the result of it and i would have dropped as Prime Minister if i am at the time a neutral stance so that i can credibly carry out the results of that to bring our communities and country together rather than continuing an endless debate about the e. U. And brics we are being very straight forward to the party that we want to stop break that you may agree with both you might disagree with ours i dont think you could accuse us of not being up front about wanting to stop breaks that we have been Crystal Clear about that from the very beginning at least 6 people have been killed in violence between tribes in sudans Red Sea State authorities imposed a curfew to try to stop the fighting but theres a demand for the government to do more to morgan has the support from red state. A few days ago Mohammed Saleh was cleaning in the restaurant where he works when men carrying swords and knives and raided it and attacked him mohammad is a member of the benny ahmed tribe he says he was targeted because of his ethnicity what began as a normal day at work and did with him in hospital contemplating living the rest of his life with a serious disability. Theyre going mad because i was simply walking the tables when they entered the restaurant in large numbers they were from the head on the one tribe and they started attacking us one drew his sword and with one blow it cut off my hand Ethnic Violence broke out between the benny amad and the head then there were tribes in sudans Red Sea State last week it was the latest incident in wave of outbreaks over the last 6 Months Health workers say more than 6 people were killed and more than a dozen injured it started after an Opposition Leader returned to the state which had been under a state of emergency for nearly 3 months witnesses say people from his scribe celebrated his return but that provoked tension and fighting. Whos from the head then to a tribe was among those wounded he says he was stabbed with a knife or the i was waiting for transportation and suddenly i was its on the backward in life i did not know what side of the fighting got that sorry but everyone throughout their lives and source of fights. Since june sporadic violence here has killed nearly 100 people and left more than 250 wounded according to Health Workers 2 pacs have been fined in the past 2 months to try and contain the tribal tension but people here say they are worried they are temporary solutions to problems that go back decades. The people live in Eastern Sudan and also parts of neighboring eritrea but for decades other tribes have viewed them as outsiders and they accuse them of backing sudans former government ousted in april after months of antigovernment protests and while that government may have gone the rivalry hasnt sudans new Transitional Government says its working to resolve the problem but it will take time. For now we are focusing on the Security Solution because of the regular outbreaks of fighting between the tribes but the solution to the long Term Solution has to be political and that would need all sides to sit down and dialogue so while we were working on the political solution we were addressing this by securing an increase in forces in the state to contain the situation. How much says he hadnt expected to see such violence but he wasnt surprised it happened and he worries that have no political solution is found there will be more are bricks of violence and more lives lost people more going on just 0 or so down. The students that are leaving university in new delhi have been protesting against a planned increase in their housing freeze they also allege the Indian Government wants to privatized Higher Education and make it difficult for many to even go to university and as our report. Thousands of students gathered in the heart of new delhi and demanded their right to affordable education they have been protesting for weeks since the university decided to increase the fee for their accommodation their leaders say as many as 40 percent of the students come from families who struggle to make a living i see. Is a ph d. Student who says he is the 1st in his family to get a University Education he credits the no competition piece for his success if not better if public funding is a person i would not have been here with no walkthrough prabakaran from the National Guard but the most obvious there was a Large Police Presence during the protests a few days ago during a similar demonstration several students were beaten by police and detained for hours david carr was one of them she says the police broke her arm in the scuffle but shes not deterred and will continue to protest by im living my life that i wanted to egypt and jordan one year ago might one day i its just that i did not at the market. Many of the current and former professors also came out in support they say the accommodation fee hike is the beginning of the Indian Governments plan to privatized every state funded university the students of this university are also dods with the government and other areas this is their only fighting for their right to dissent with the supporters of the government accused of sedition. Their university has faced several controversies many students here were accused of raising anti. Slogans and backing those who the Indian Government defines as terrorists the students however say they are being targeted simply for not agreeing with the government they want to be very carefully controlled and organized and all this new there is there no contradiction and us but indias governing b. G. P. Or party agent that party insists the students must pay more nobody is looking at the fact that lacks in lakhs of rupees are spent every month every year on each student im defeat is the lowest in the country why should it not be pleased the students say the protests will go on they insist this is about their future and theyre not in a mood to give in on any issue actual aljazeera new delhi now an archipelago in the western pacific is home to some of the most intact coral reef systems in the world in a spectacular range of biodiversity but theres pressure from Climate Change from tourism from overfishing and its all intensifying went there it is the pacific nation of palau and sense report. It is an extraordinary sight exposed structures of ancient coral reef framed in one expensive took weighs the requirements of a unesco World Heritage site and beneath the surface the profusion of variety of life is stunning one of the highest rates of biodiversity on the planet but the challenges a new worse in amongst a jumble of islands a series of marine lakes hold more one does this is a. Lake it is connected to the sea but only through a series of small correction fishes in the rock its effectively isolated sealed ecosystem and beneath the surface lies a unique subspecies golden jellyfish theyve evolved to Harvest Energy directly from sunlight there are more than 2000000 of them and indeed thats a significant reduction in the past there have been as many as 30000000 in this lake of fluctuations in the weather have recently taken their toll. The biggest challenge that we face in terms of the jellyfish snake is Climate Change very recently within the past. Year and a half to 2 years saw. The golden jellyfish that the site is famous for around the world completely disappear because of Climate Change the salinity of the lake. The temperature of the water the priest these ranges are on the lookout for Illegal Fishing in protected so called notes implemented to try and conserved when giving free species along the coast for the commercial fisherman and illegal for sure it uses the big ships mother ships its everything from giant clams through sheer chance to secure cumbers to fish and then from next year the marine protected area will be massively extended into the open ocean but. 2020 all the stuff sold will can only be facing that 20 percent of the water and the reason for that is that we want to make sure that 80 percent of. The ensure this is they know more than resource were saying that when we dont. Give area a refuge of Conservation Area you can see its 5 times as much space in an earth open there is another ultimately overriding concern not just on parallel but for the 2000000 islanders across the pacific Sea Level Rise can 0 has lived here for decades and he says full moon tides are getting. And that can have a devastating effect this is a 1st time ive seen these kind of. High thanks come in and its hard because you have to find another place to move to and if you dont have the money to build a new house then you wont be able to do that so pretty people are pretty much to stop. The wonders of this part of the pacific are many say to other pressures allow is standing tough when it comes to environmental protections but its people are going to need all the resolve they can muster in the coming years nick clegg aljazeera. President is a veteran campaigner find to protect the nations while there is still time he nick spoke about the pressures palau is facing from Climate Change she level rises age is a dramatic thing its salt water is seeping into our Agricultural Farm so its affecting put security. And of course the biggest threats. The frequency of storms and natural disasters typhoons you can see it today this is supposed to be a dry month but here we are were going through storms after storms for People Living away from the pacific and away from the front line here its very hard for them to make the connection with how serious the Climate Crisis is what would you say to them were small but were the window to what can eventually happen to the rest of the world. Were small but. The options that were taking here can also have a scale of value to what the world needs to do in order to ensure humankind is here for the next generation believe me this is this is something thats going to catch like a wildfire and we are on the beginning of that wildfire but eventually it will for spread sport coming up on this news hour on american skier mckayla shifrin just broken another world cup record that in the rest of the sport with me in a moment. The oppression of an ethnic minority and men mine goes back many decades the intention was to make sure that rangers were no longer entitled to either basic rights or Citizenship Rights in a new documentary aljazeera explores the history and motives behind the systematic persecution after him and me and my. Exile on aljazeera. Does the mind play tricks a damper as always is part right there or are they really out there half of the family by paula but most are everywhere get their act like theyre in the car a filmmaker takes the f. B. I. To court to find out approximately 33120 pages of records and in the process mobilizes her community as long as people are the cause then there is no check against chance the feeling of being watched on aljazeera. Were back with his supporters lier. Thank you very much canada have reached the davis cup final for the 1st time in history they did it by beating russia in a thrilling semifinal encounter with a tie level at 11 it was do or die in the deciding doubles rubber the canadian duo of didnt shapovalov and a bus across the sill outlasted the russian pair of other a robe love and care and catching on in 3 sets. Its honestly i believe im in a loss of words its its incredible how far weve come as a squad and you know i mean by she blame playing this way were just just playing on on a different level that its just unbelievable to see and you know the clincher like this with the doubles with a guy i want to have it any other way. Josie a marine has made a winning return to life on footballs front line has taught him team beat west ham 32 and the English Premier League radio was back in the dugout almost a year after his exit from Manchester United he replacement dino at spurs who was fired on tuesday saw his team go 3 nil up at the london stadium before they conceded 2 late goals it was tottenhams 1st away win in the league since january so i seem cizik lee the team had a break and. Probably also a little bit scared of that if that mental barrier of the bed results away so the last 2025 minutes was was not easy but i think we played that is very well thought about an hour really really well and im. Very happy for the boys. Elsewhere leicester beat brighton to nil for their 5th premier League Victory in a row Manchester City are back to winning ways with a 21 defeat against chelsea and liverpool left it late but managed a 21 win at Crystal Palace to go 8 points clear at the top of the table you will have to be had we have to buy the challenges so theyll do pretty much everybody and their dogs that. They come from so many Different National teams back so that today absolute no problem if you go to a brilliant because in a game like this your chance to make sure that you are ready to fight for the result of the road that from the 1st minute football teams across the netherlands are using silence to raise their voices against racism on the field. Players at this match between i x and heraclius on melo didnt kick the ball in the 1st minute of this match in protest against racism and said they stood together and clapped this comes after excelsiors Ahmed Mendez Moreira was abused by din bosch fans on sunday during the minute of silence the scoreboards read it racism then we dont play football an extra minute was added on injury time in the 1st half. Brazilian side flamengo has won south americas Biggest Football Club title the cope at liberty to doris for the 1st time in 38 years they scored 2 goals in the last 3 minutes to come from behind and beat argentina side river plate 21 flamingo will now head to qatar to compete at next months Club World Cup the Asian Champions League will be decided on sunday saudi arabia as i take it one nil advantage to japan for the 2nd leg of the final against reds have a chance of becoming the 1st team to win this title 3 times have i have never lifted the continental trophy the winners also had tickets are for the Club World Cup golf world number 2 rory mcilroy continued his roller coaster of a ride at the season ending world. Or championships in dubai after opening with a 64 followed by a 74 the northern irishman finished a 3 with a bogey free round of 65 the lowest score of the day mcelroy is just 2 strokes behind john rom who is now in a strong position to win the race to dubai after grabbing a share of the lead with Frances Michael rains of their american skier mckayla schifrin started her season by breaking a world cup record she grabbed her 41st career victory in the slalom in finland on saturday she beat the 32 year record set by swedish great ingomar son mark who won 40 slaloms schiffer and reached this milestone after just 7 years in the sport. And in poland the best teams were competing for the ski jumping world cup austria took the top spot with 2 members of their team jumping or flying more like it a 133 meters norway came in 2nd with poland in 3rd. Heavyweight boxing champion dante wilder says hes already planning his next fight as he prepares to get back in the ring with Louis Ortiz Wilder and ortiz have weighed in ahead of the contests in the u. S. City of las vegas later on saturday the w. B. C. Champion is also lining up feb rematch with Britains Tyson fury. Look good though you know as a champion you want to see your opponent look good and look you say so when it comes saturday night i will have no mercy on him when im ready to do what i do we know was coming but we dont know when hes coming and women. Good night i love that confidence well thats it for me with sports but well have more for you later. Thank you coming up over 300 hours g. M. T. Which will be about 11 am in hong kong where theyre voting in Record Numbers 4100000 registered voters voters out of a population of 7000000 for these very important elections will be live from there in a moment. Here in just a few months time. Im counting the poll says russia uses mercenaries in call the slaves from syria to libya the future rule. The 2 trillion dollars that is the saudi state owned oil. Plus google takes on the big guns and the gaming Industry Company because on the ill just see. What was the last thing the president said to you about impeachment when you last spoke to him for. Its not about. Being done with allegations it was only years ago how worried are you that the conditions are still right for another i think they are right join me as i put up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. Just sent on aljazeera as this here comes to an end we look ahead to 2020 and the stories that may shape the people in power investigates the shocking treatment of disabled people in eastern europe. And exclusive look at the Worlds Largest conference on h. I. V. In rwanda will the efforts achieve an aids free africa a true part series charging chinas rise of the 21st century superpower. Un leaders will gather in spain to discuss issues about Climate Change and examine the possible Global Solutions join us for live coverage to somebody on aljazeera. In china cancer drugs can be pretty beautifully expensive some desperate patients travel to india to buy cheap generic versions but what cost. Smuggling to survive. Well. Yes. Yes. An unprecedented turnout expected in hong kongs local elections following months of protests the live from one of the polling stations. And this is live from doha also coming up. Heavy Police Presence in call me as capital often 2 days of major protests over tax and Pension Reforms all damning revelations in the impeachment inquiry

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