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Internet in iran the authorities there impose one of the biggest blackouts anywhere and americans living under donald trump who. Are yearning for the sound of silence war as the saying goes is politics waged by other means in israel war usually waged on gaza can be a means of destruction a political weapon and that context is often missing in the News Coverage last week Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched airstrikes on the gas a strip what his government called a targeted killing of an Islamic Jihad commander 8 members of one gas and family were among the scores of innocent palestinians killed however in political terms those missiles werent even aimed at Islamic Jihad the real target was Benny Gantz Netanyahu is political rival ganser is trying to piece together a Coalition Government to replace netanyahu is one that would have included the support of israeli arab party. Netanyahu is fighting for more than his job hes just become the 1st sitting israeli Prime Minister charged with a crime indicted for bribery fraud and breach of trust so netanyahu could use the distraction and he knows that conflict with palestinians military and political can pay off he can also count on those in the news media who tend to shorthand the political context and go along on the dominant narrative that palestinians somehow pose an existential threat to israel we have 2 starting points this week gaza and jerusalem. Split screen moussaoui in israel and palestine on one side weeks of Coalition Negotiations intensifying with either a new government coming or another election israels 3rd in less than a year on the other a fresh Israeli Military assault on gas heavy casualties on the palestinian side with rockets hitting the other way 2 stories that when examined are really one and the same since the lives lost in gaza are a central component of the political negotiations in israel the timing of the tax is a bit curious considering that it is doing its best now to form a government and at the same time hes facing potential indictments on various corruption related scandals one that ask oneself whether or not these things are related. To history initiating or exacerbating violent conflict with palestinians whenever his legal or political predicament get a little too sticky so this is quite a common practice by israeli politicians especially by netanyahu. Palestinians to gain political points with. Which in this realm for she is increasingly right wing and increasingly violent towards the palestinians any kind of military assault on the gaza strip it seen as a form of strength is seen as a form of defending the National Security of the state of israel and therefore. Dehumanization i think has become so effective that this is only seen in one dimension which is one that gets political capital. Since 20083 of the wars israel has waged on gaza have been launched during israeli Election Campaigns this time around the votes have already been cast twice a lecture in april and september but the electoral process is ongoing since neither Benjamin Netanyahu nor his main rival benny gantz has been able to patch together a Coalition Government and gantz is efforts to convince israeli arab parties to support his would be coalition gave netanyahu yet another reason as if he needed one to play the National Security card he was using that conflict to try to deliver any option for a minority. Said by benny gantz with the support of the our parties with israel to incite. Those who are 20 percent of population the palestinian citizens of israel he was trying to legitimize their leaders as supporters of terror. During this year of elections Prime Minister netanyahu strategy with voters has been to divide conquer and if necessary alarm in septembers vote his look to the party sent out recorded messages to the mobile phones of the israeli masses as it has in past elections and warning them that arab voters were turning out in droves but it turned out those messages were actually recorded before the election. Just last weekend netanyahu convened what he called an emergency meeting of his party where he was live streamed labeling palestinian members of the knesset an existential threat to israel this is sort of the teacher the whole of the english want to shoot the. New committed the to create the. New sources of those the mabus cannot and do not assume as the liberal israeli paper rats put it it is hard to exaggerate the gravity of such statements by netanyahu inflaming the Jewish Community against the Arab Community and inciting the entire israeli public. Is the king of upticks there is a long history. Right wing politicians and figures inciting against the arab minority in sight is rather but this is the 1st time any Prime Minister of the israeli people that postilion members of knesset are in the existential threats this kind of rhetoric is extremely dangerous so much so that even if any said that this is a step too far but banning guns has also been part of this his Election Campaign video used footage from the 2014 gaza war and because he was i. D. F. Chief and star so he was using it to boast about his manliness to show that hes tough on the palestinians. Its a particularly horrific war thousands of palestinians killed and injured the main he even said that parts of gaza back to the stone age video that was used by benny gantz was particularly in fact. We have a counter in which the number of palestinians that are killed go up as the campaign repealed and all their message is very clear that everyone else is a terrorist everyone guys that if someone were to be killed. The video or in a very crude way makes clear that the only thing that matters in the gaza strip as far as an israeli politician is concerned is the number of those killed and in fact there is radio electric were receptive to those images and really what we saw this year in the Election Campaign was a competition between 2 parties boasting about who could do worse things to palestinians. And in that competition the Prime Minister has israels most widely read newspaper backing him to the hilt israel is a free paper. Owned by an american billionaire a fan of netanya its political coverage is so one sided its commonly known as b. B. Time. But that wasnt enough for. One of the Corruption Cases looming over him pertains to his alleged attempts to strong arm another newspaper are not into supporting him some people run for office to become commander in chief netanyahu acts as though he wants to be israels editor and is trying to change the media landscape to control it so this. Battle over the media is reflected in the media itself you can see journalists that are in a very unethical way loyalist or spokesperson for netanyahu. You know the family fled the. Scene of. His message is over and he has of course is own newspaper israel for example would publish that. Then this would be posted on facebook that has more followers than any other media outlet in israel and this works in a circle. Israels defenders maintain that for all of its faults at least it is a true democracy one surrounded by hostile states with a more active autocratic rule but palestinians know the flipside of that democracy next door they have paid the price in bombs bullets and blogs during israeli Election Campaigns in 20082012 again this year with no coalition in sight and yet another election likely garrisons can only hope that the next time israeli politicians hit the campaign trail they stick to the talking points and the Television Debates and leave. The army and palestinians out for a change a real one. Were discussing other media stories that are on our radar this week with one of our producers and actually ravi mena as 1st internet blackouts go the one that the iranian government imposed on november 15th was as comprehensive as they come talk us through the story of the blackout and what led to it what happened it understood wasnt the jamming of a few networks or throwing up a firewall here or there this was a total switch off fixed line internet mobile Internet Everything was done according to ned blocks a group that monitors Internet Freedom and tracks connectivity dates this was the most severe blackout they have seen anywhere in the world what triggered this shutdown was nationwide demonstrations about a week ago after the iranian government announced a hike in petrol prices now iranians are facing real economic pressure right now and it has been worse in by the u. S. And stringent sanctions and the protests were quite sizeable the internet was cut out within a day of them beginning and how is the iranian government able to achieve something so comprehensive part of it is down to infrastructure the 2 Exchange Points that is the physical infrastructure through which iran connects to the Global Internet are controlled by the government pull the plug on those and its job done now currently tehran says that it has restored peace and that is bringing the country back on line and it blocks is monitoring the situation and says connectivity is literally just creeping back in ok lets move to the u. K. Which is about to vote in an election in less than a month Fact Checking sites are very important particularly during Election Campaigns because they can root out fake news and they do so quickly tell us about the Fact Checking site in the u. K. That turned out to be fake news but at the very least it was a Fact Checking site that was misrepresenting itself that this happened during the 1st t. V. Debate between boys johnson the conservative candidate for Prime Minister and Jeremy Corbyn the labor candidate now the conservative press office rebranded. Self online with the name fact check u. K. It then proceeded to tweet out purely political points even declaring its kind of did the winner of the debate now even in the age of misinformation a Political Party faking the look of a Fact Checking service thats next level deception the conservatives were called out but it didnt end there a few days later the labor party released its manifesto and the conservatives created a website entitled Labor Party Manifesto dot co dot u. K. It was complete with labors colors a picture of Jeremy Corbyn on the home page and it was a publication basically of the conservatives take on labours manifesto then boosted the site on google paying for it to appear in the top leered of results for anyone searching for the labor partys manifesto it seems that Boris Johnsons entire modus operandi for this campaign is to dress up websites to look like Something Else ok folks where. For 9 months now algerians have been hitting the streets demanding political change back in april they succeeded in toppling the countrys longtime president abilities beautifully and theyre not done so they have rejected their governments proposed president ial elections next month persisting with their demand of politicians that they must all go many algerians are far too politically aware to trust the state owned news media which initially under played the protest story and continue to spin it in the governments favor long before this years demonstrations began a generation of you tube or people like rajon thats a yawn and these tina emerged as unofficial spokespeople for algerian news and as a on is a musician now living in exile in prague and as tina is a comedian still posting material from his home in the algerian capital both are getting clicks in the multimillions we spoke with the 2 of them about the grievances they articulate and the political and social change they advocate in the videos theyve produced that have become part of the soundtrack of the algerian revolution. Chemicals you see my passions on a family of 10 macand. He. Uses used to explain me that that cannot and you can have up. To have everybody. Can maybe you can i didnt have any idea you know none if. You will. You can bet that. What. I did. Like this and i was pleased and i thought you. Know you cant. Hold us all with them but. Some of us out on the coast and in the woods and fields you do you. Know you heres one of the. Meal. With. The image of shelley had a woman was mourning who had and. Not listen to the kind of. But its the job of a saloon the. Kind of. Son of. Facebook for just. A bit. You know but anybody. Who would do that they felt this a log book would be unusual. Make going ok and then you dont want to. Feel that. Limits loss lee Joni Mitchell soon did with the whole oh my thats one of the problems i could have. Im a little im good at it but that happened i was caught on camera i moved out on his i phone on this is fun. If spirit body more to one until or. 2 more likely to. Suffer hunger i will have them up and coming out of all servile recovery with the holy cow or a cut of the kernel out and look at on them that there really was about to walk out the shop which was. Always. The 1st return order was a done deal how do you have. The saudis blow to the hotel and made you had. Beaten the. Shit that it did lead you mostly wish not to publish tools to do something on the mantle. And we. I dont know madam when i told. I was she will. Never do is medically take me from the the dead for us and mr d. And English Teaching soldiers to mock you know do good do they can count one on the end on the home and. I just said i can and home in the flood true of some men pass a group it doesnt count really. We have lies she will lay on my side i will look at school have a camp to cook dinner for and yet i get to see. Him at a vocal majors in the mushy if on the mood. Had she maggie been shown this and the 2nd one a boy he had communities them. Coming back misty. Was used to mark was the most didnt the. Morning goes wrong if you put them all shed be. In the home drunk but send. The blood you handed to dont kershaw vehicle you truthful. Makes p. Me. Mission to me a Mission Mission not just about any specific. Day so to. You if you. Live. Under 7 just. So ive got had them with audiences you know i dont. Something human. Being im a little nuts a lot i love it if you name a name for the work i said im just now and thats because i know how i am not a sport i didnt offer up after we split apart. But look the bottom at that kind of thing if you. Look at that car not. Them and then the. Thought of i want to show for social name to them land shots for your. Fellow brit the most of them look. If you had the full look bill follows the law if we had just kept in jerusalem is lost in the total faith that i shall. Not close martial law dont know somebody who was going back usual some sort of gave that. She said its madness to my. Own from 0 to 00 draw is almost always. Good to have but on record shop 10 the product looking absorb slow but then the other more. Common was. Added you have to do miley kind o. And dont. Let anyone knew it was a. Good idea i genuinely how do you. Know. He had. None no. Less than i dont i was. A mess i was young when a cheap shot but i expected. To bat platform we. Need to. Ditto a you believe. Shes deepak entente disc. He can he said ill get that if he can. I mean and the nests you make when were to be in for. Trouble yes morning you are going to be should lead. To go to National News a little. Looked at. Delphi now what anybody from all the. Jude law you know that it is on annies detune ad of course images that are. Based on antarctic you can do via a tour of the not to actually do. As much of it but go and amend the most. Of. All of them clukey jli t. V. Many many many mention is c c a 7 now you just felt. Very one could of course not go showdowns like oprah does was it a bird or not theres a word Hard Rock Group that. Works for the been a part of the move for the. Another couple of moments i love the it how julian to know what i tell you. Tell you true but others will believe you for the milk but i know couldnt a little money in the hand of be but one subject that how to do a little. Bill x. On a cattle car and into a bit of lead the agree. And i will adopt it in the caning deserve to be included will not have the biblical scene samone of him up at the listeners to my. Mona comment. And that. Someone. And finally President Trump has been churning out the tweets again trying to undermine the impeachment process by trashing some of the witnesses involved since taking Office Donald trump has put out more than 11000 tweets he has worn out his Caps Lock Key by scapegoating minority groups vilifying his political opponents attacking american journalists and dismissing Global Warming as some kind of hoax for satirists the tweets are raw material they are the gifts that keep on giving trumps twitter account has caught the attention of the parody project its a comedy collective led by a filmmaker and composer named don carrick the song is a take on simon and garfunkels classic from 1966 the sound of silence and the lyrics have been adapted for a president who has taken the bully pulpit on why well see you next time youre at the listening post. This is. The 1st to. Tell. Me. This is. The. December on al jazeera as this year comes to an end we look ahead to 2020 and the stories that may shape the year people in power investigates the shocking treatment of disabled people in Eastern Europe scandals an exclusive look at the Worlds Largest conference on h. I. V. In rwanda will the efforts achieve an aids free africa a true part series charging chinas rise as a 21st century superpower. U. N. Leaders will gather in spain to discuss issues about Climate Change and examine the possible Global Solutions join us for live coverage to somebody on aljazeera. What was the last thing the president said to you about impeachment when you last spoke to him for all us Multicultural Society its not about you. Really damning allegations about the word only years ago how worried are you that the conditions are still ripe for another i think they are right join me man in the hot sun as i put up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. Big gains from hong kongs prodemocracy candidate sounds poses sends a clear signal of supports to the protest movements. And how the mighty dean this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up rescuers struggle to reach areas of kenya devastated by landslides that have killed dozens of people. Aljazeera uncovers hard diplomatic passports are being secretly sold to help keep caribbean politicians in power plus

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