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Wrong. Past mistakes come back to haunt former new york mayor Michael Bloomberg as he announces hes running for the white house. Prodemocracy candidates and home cone have won an unprecedented and symbolic victory in District Council elections voters turned out in Record Numbers after almost 6 months of protest on kongs probating leader kerry lum says shell home plate listen to voters after the stunning result scott hider reports. In a sweeping victory prodemocracy candidates made huge gains in hong kongs District Council elections gaining control from pro beijing parties. The voters sending a clear message in the 1st polling since the protest movement began. Even before the polls closed it was clear that this was an extraordinary election and a record breaking day for hong kong elections the highest voter turnout ever over 70 percent of registered voters cast their ballots after nearly 6 months of at times violent demonstrations the polling was seen as a way for voters to officially take sides in this deeply divided city of 7000000 back the probation candidates in the Hong Kong Government or those who support greater democratic freedoms for hong kong in line with the protesters who have been fighting to push back on what they see as increasing control of the Mainland China you know. This election meant a lot to hong kong the older generation who. The Younger Generation hopes for change. Its usually a sleepy election to select a low level local government positions but many will couple early to vote as there was concern that unrest could mean the polling could be cut short for the prodemocracy camp is about a vote of confidence on no confidence on the carrier government and on the excess use of police force against protesters but a probation camp there was say this is also a defacto referendum on the protests and the violence there was an un easy call during the few days leading up to the election just a week after some of the worst violence in these nearly 6 months of protests thats mainly because both sides knew this election is critical to their cause. Kongs leader kerry lamb while casting her vote recognized that challenging times for the city and the importance of peaceful elections. Andrew chu won his 4th term as District Councillor the prodemocracy candidate was brutally attacked earlier this month parts of his ear were bitten off. Howard doesnt need can have a very strong and clear mouse to a new method for the other me the beijing of 14 and also the International Community thats be home from people as they stand firm together trying to keep on fight for our freedom and democracy so even though more people voted than ever before and this is a significant election its unclear if the victory for the prodemocracy parties will ease the violence or help to mend the divisions here scott heiler aljazeera hong kong. Well another over reporters in Hong Kong Sarah Clarke tells us more about the implications of those results. The probation had parties had held the majority of these District Council elections but now this is clearly changed and of course this is traditionally an uneventful vote until now it hasnt had that much importance but simply out of those ongoing protests and the mass Antigovernment Movement this is become a barometer of public support for knowing the protests but for the government i know we have seen some quite high profile public. Members unseated including julius ho and he was of course the fellow who was associated with the triad to within the queues to be shingle we saw images of these triads beating the protests is during the campaign weve now weve spoken to a promise. Kept member early on his lips of counts his name is paul cherry and he says that these results for the probation camp a nightmarish this is what he had to say a short time ago i. Have spoken quite loudly and clearly so i believe what we now do is. But the more satisfactory than before and i think the government. Although timing wise it may not be the best time yet but they will be on the table as well there is a handful of those protesters have been inside that Polytechnic University campus for more than a week now we had 1000 late last week but we believe up to about 20 are still holed up inside now some of the civic is on the candidates who won at sundays district election and theyre going to go on this of course in a demonstration at university we also have 2 other demonstrations planned we have one flash mob we expect to appear in central which is about a couple kilometers from where we are now and another encounter in tong so at the moment sound certainly a huge win for the prodemocracy camp at the moment theyre celebrating their victory. Beijing has responded to the protests saying hong kong is part of china no matter what happens in elections one of those Andrew Thomas for more under whichever way you cut it this isnt a barrison result for beijing just how is it being viewed in china be. Or what is quite telling is that when youre in beijing as i am you hear very little about the Election Results nothing on state media nothing on television you wouldnt even know these elections had happened and yet in the run up to the elections there was plenty on state media which really tells you all you need to know i want to give an example of that this is china daily the official english language but essentially government mouthpiece newspaper here in beijing this is monday mornings paper but of course it was printed on sunday night when the turnout was known but when the results werent known and here is the front page headline turnout sets wreck order in hong kong district voting obviously at that point it was a significant story and inside an editorial in that same part paper seems to suggest the high turnout will be good news for beijing ill read a bit of it it says that the election saw both a record turnout and a Record Number of candidates demonstrates the hopes of hong kong residents that the chaos will not continue as it is harming peoples well being and the image of the city clearly that paper the state media and by extension beijings governmental chinas government was thinking suggesting that the high turnout meant good news for pro establishment parties it would be a referendum on the violence and if you like the violent protesters would lose that referendum obviously it hasnt turned out that way and when you go to the website of china daily for the latest information guess what that same article is front and center theres nothing on the result whatsoever so really silence so far from beijing when it comes to these results and that in itself tells you everything you need to know. But on to in terms of an official response i mean how are the Chinese Governments going to respond to this. Well the ministry of Foreign Affairs gives a briefing every day to foreign journalists and were expecting that as per normal in about 2 hours time and no doubt they will be asked about these results and we should get some sort of official response from the minister of Foreign Affairs then the only comment weve had at all so far is from chinas foreign minister hes in japan and he was asked about the Election Results and what he said was that quote hong kong is part of china no matter what happens in elections well thats really answering a question that no one is asking no one is saying is hong kong part of china after this of course it is the big question of course is what these elections say about peoples attitudes towards the protests and about support for the violence that there has been in hong kong over recent months he didnt engage with that well see later whether the Foreign Ministry in beijing does but so far no official response on that at all ok Andrew Thomas for now i thank you very much indeed. Highly classified Chinese Government documents giving a stark insight into the mass tension of ethnic minorities mostly muslim weaker is why its groups estimates that more than a 1000000 people have been locked up in camps in the region into monohan as this reports. The Chinese Government says camps such as this in the shin jungle region are centers for education and Vocational Training documents obtained and verified by the International Consortium of investigative journalists reveal they in fact operate as extrajudicial internment camps for the compulsory indoctrination of ethnic minorities mostly muslims the documents detail how police use an Artificial Intelligence driven data system to select who will be detained once inside the camps every aspect of their life is controlled from frequency of toilet use and haircuts to visits from loved ones. Inmates the documents say are ultimately judged on ideological transformation study and training and compliance with discipline and order. In the classes they would tell us that we were poisoned by religion that islam is an Infectious Disease that it came from abroad that if they needed to be a religion in china that it must be put is him and we should not believe in any other religion. Human rights lawyers say the documents confirm what many have suspected about the camps theres a system inside of these camps you know where you get more points for being indoctrinated with you know the sort of central Chinese Communist propaganda and removing interesting youre honest. Its the most orwellian thing that ever seemed or as human rights. Chinese government has rejected leaked documents as fake news. Documents talking to talking about is a. Fabrication if you want to have a document about this but cheney had a consensus we have many documents we have the 7 papers published International Legal experts say the in term and camps are a violation of chinas laws and constitution but the Chinese Government has long stood defiant against foreign criticism vinton meaghan aljazeera. At least 56 people are now known to have died in landslides in northwestern kenya but with bridges and roads swept away rescuers are still struggling to reach all the affected villages and are unsure how many people are missing Victoria Gate and day reports. William and his 6 year old son gilbert have been searching for alice but so far theres no sign of gilberts missing 8 year old sister or 4 year old brother. It was about midnight we heard loud noise and then we were swept away by floodwater i heard my son screaming i risk you his mother and one other child but 2 of my children were swept away way yet to recover their bodies. This mother is searching for her 16 year old daughter who was at a friends house when the landslide hit on saturday in kenyas west polka dot county. Im here looking for my daughters body i want to know who can help me get her body back. Red cross aid workers are recording the names of people who are missing relatives are reluctant to leave but politicians worried about the possibility of more flooding and landslides arranging them to evacuate the area as soon as possible i know some people might want to stick with this is my life to go but one situation like this where we are losing 19 children 19 in austin. I am requesting all of us to leave this im going to serve our ground. President who are kenyatta has sent the armed forces to help but with roads and bridges destroyed rescue efforts have been delayed we have recovered about 4 bodies. Yet to. Retrieve all. 7. Bodies we dont know where they are they are accounted for but the president was very bad. The governor of west polka it says the show to medicine plates and blankets hes appealing in town victoria gayton be aljazeera. So its come in the years ahead promises promises we take a closer look at the u. K. Prime ministers manifesto a heads off the scent of a selection. And i once again welcome to another look at the international forecast we have signs of some quiet weather pushing in across the middle east over the next couple of days lost the clearing skies we still got a little bit of cloud and rain sleet and snow just over towards the Higher Ground couple temperature of around 8 celsius a similar temperature perhaps a little brighter there 4 to rob on monday some cloud around just around northern parts of the gulf we could see some wet weather for a time in kuwait and some thickening cloud to just over towards the eastern side of the med so perhaps seeing some wetter weather just pushing over towards lebanon maybe towards jordan and also into syria 33. 00 turkey as we go on through each is tuesday and will cities and wetter weather thats also some showers for cyprus say heres that i think a cloud that we have around the gulf just pushing down swells consummate see a spot or 2 of light rain here 26 celsius as we go through monday will clear through as you go on into chased and i think it will be largely dry and followed a bit of cloud to just around the gulf of aden again southern parts of yemen could catch a shower or 2 plenty of showers there in place into central and northern parts of mozambique those showers they do extend up into tanzania and beyond no sign of the rain to even for kenya in the coming days. In china cancer drugs can be pretty beautifully expensive some desperate patients travel to india to buy cheap generic versions but what cost 1. 00 a when as to follow those dollars smuggling to survive on out 0. 0 such. As. This is a reminder of the headlines this hour results so far from hong kongs District Council elections show prodemocracy candidates have taken almost 90 percent of the seats on combs prodemocracy leader carried. Leader carry law and robert says she will respect the results and will im glad to listen to both hers and its classified documents from chinas governments have revealed new details about the must attention of ethnic minorities mostly Muslim Leaders it includes Intelligence Briefings that described by police use a data system based around Artificial Intelligence to select who ought to be detained. And at least 56 people have died in flooding and landslides in northwestern kenya and i can see workers just struggling to reach the affected villages but bridges and roads have been swept away making rescue efforts more difficult. Now aljazeera as investigative units has discovered how these secret sale of diplomatic passports as helps keep some caribbean politicians in power dominican general election takes place on december 6th in a separate davies reports the result may be influenced by payments from wealthy foreigners who want the privileges of becoming an ambassador. This is all of the serafin a former Prime Minister of germany kept using concealed cameras we film him willing to broker a deal with the rich businessmen living in asia i think im not sure how we got in there. He says the businessman would then be made an ambassador for dominique and despite having no connection to the country. Serafin says the money will go to dominique his current Prime Minister receive l. Skerritt to help win of 4th term in power. By the us amounts. To bring the region with us in the. Light of the present rounds so try and plan before. Last week police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the crowd demanding an end to what they say is widespread vote rigging our investigation reveals how in a rainy and and here is a man fred bought his dominique an ambassadorship he helped fund Prime Minister skerritt selection when 5 years ago paying for rallies t. Shirts and printing the partys manifesto mon freds foreign Business Partner witnessed the deals we dont use the word bribe well just use the word adult enough appreciation but definitely without that money he wouldnt have got his diplomatic passport manfredi hopes the possible gave him diplomatic immunity it didnt work hes just been sentenced in iran to 20 years for embezzlement. Our investigation has found that 6 caribbean states have appointed dozens of foreigners to be their ambassadors around the world while many are respected Business Leaders several have been exposed as criminals. American eric restante became an ambassador for grenada hes alleged to have filmed grenadas Prime Minister Keith Mitchell accepting cash in a briefcase the rest said it was half a 1000000. 00 Keith Mitchell denied any wrongdoing and said he was only paid 15000. 00 the travel expenses the video has not be made public the americans kept it when they jailed rest on a fraud all of a serafin and demanded a fee for arranging a dominique ambassadorship. For all but serafin and Prime Minister skerritt later denied any discussion about a diplomatic passport skerritt denied any wrongdoing and said any payments were Legal Campaign contributions Deborah Davis al jazeera and diplomats for sale airs in full at 20 gnc on monday right here on aljazeera. The official who oversees the u. S. Navy has been fired over his handling of a high profile war crimes case the controversy president the Navy Commander against President Donald Trump gabriel is on the reports from washington. The Top Commander of the u. S. Navy one day shot down rumors he was going to step down over the handling of a war crimes case in all the Navy Seal Gallagher story contrary to popular belief im still here i did not threaten to resign. But let us just say that were here to talk about external threats and he elgars not one of them on the next day after those comments the Navy Secretary Richard Spencer did not have to resign on sunday evening he was abruptly fired after pushing back against President Donald Trump it all stems from the case of the navy seal who walked out of a military jail in july a free man after being acquitted of war crimes he was accused by fellow navy seals of murder in iraq in 2017 including shooting unarmed civilians and stabbing a wounded teenager to death gallagher whose lawyers argued any civilians he killed was done so in the heat of battle was happy with the acquittal top Navy Commanders were not and demoted him in rank after pushing for his expulsion from the seals because he was found guilty of a lesser charge of posing for photographs with the dead iraqi but the special operations soldier had a powerful ally of his side President Donald Trump who parted gallagher for any wrongdoing restore his rank and demanded the navy halt any further investigations against any and that is what led to spencers firing when a departure letter to the president wrote he cannot in good conscience obey orders from trump he believes quote violate the sacred oath he took his Navy Commander trump tweeted sunday night the reason spencer was fired was because he was not pleased with the way gallaghers trial was handled and cost overruns within the navy. When trump pulled u. S. Troops out of Northern Syria in october it was against the advice of the pentagon this entire ordeal with the navy seal is just the latest example of a president not afraid to use his title as commander in chief of the u. S. Armed forces to defy military commanders when he deems it necessary he rolls on though aljazeera washington the u. N. Humanitarian chief mark local cats made his 1st visit to sudan since the Transitional Government was formed in organise more than 8500000 people are in need of humanitarian assistance and sudans Economic Situation worsens over 300000 people have been affected by the heavy rains and severe flooding across 17 states since september at least 11 people have died of an outbreak of rift valley fever which is a water Borne Disease the rains have also cost of ice and cholera in blue nile and seen our states with some 300 people taking ill we have a new situation in sudan a new government your thought is i talk to them during this visit but theyve inherited an extremely difficult situation if youve as youve just described to me know your headlines are exactly what were seeing 800000000 people food insecure disease outbreaks conflict and so on are some really big important things are changing the new government is giving all the aid agencies much more access to deal with these problems they want to work in a different way with this they want to normalize their relations with the wider International Community the past behind them and i think the International Community really now needs to step up and to seize this opportunity for my my particular responsibility i would like to see more humanitarian assistance all over the country but also foster humanitarian assistance so all those people who came out onto the streets demanding change start to see some improvement in their lives. Australias Prime Minister says hes disturbed by reports that china tried to install an agent in his countrys Parliament Well since crimes as a chinese espionage ring as sets of plan to run a chinese astray and candidate for election as an m. P. Astray as Intelligence Agency is investigating the allegations these matters were already under investigation and those investigations are continuing i would i would caution anyone leaping to any conclusions about these matters thats why we have these agencies im not but i do find the allegations troubling and disturbing. But libyas interim president s ginny and yes has signed legislation paving the way for new elections that block former president ever more or less from running again gross resigned after a wave of unrest ran a sanchez reports from the past. Interim president journeyman yes elected the bill to collections in believe after weeks of nationwide turmoil no. It hasnt been easy to reach an agreement so i congratulate all legislators that work towards a steal its the result of bolivians who say enough with impunity and violence the National Assembly approved a bill unanimously hoping to construct violence including members of ousted president it woman ellis mass party i. Hope this helps all bolivians to begin to have a dialogue we dont want any more dead or repression we dont want people to tamed orphaned or widowed our responsibility is to open a national dialogue. The deal was reached the protesters began clearing road blocks around the country. And the government withdrew the decree that allowed the armed forces and police the use of force. Dozens of people have died since the election and International Organizations were full of irregularities now the National Assembly will appoint the 7 member Supreme Electoral Tribunal that must think 3 women and 2 levy and they will have 20 days wolfishly call elections. The effects are being felt already in central or past some Stores Remained closed while other vendors began unpacking their products. Shes lost a lot after being closed for 2 weeks. I feel much better now although sad for what happened i want peace in bolivia and hope that the person who wins the election will take the country forward. Some people however see peace. Wont be restored until those responsible for those killed in the protests are brought to justice. Im not satisfied nothing has been resolved Authorities Say Nothing Happened thats a law i have to be investigations however most believe me and say the sooner and actions are held the sooner peace will be restored again i just i just. One of americas richest men has answers the white house race former new york mayor Michael Bloomberg joins an already crowded stem across that fields and one big mistake from his past has come back to haunt him kristen salumi has more. Mike Bloomberg Party affiliation has changed since he was a republican mayor of new york but his opposition to donald trump has been consistent trump says he wants to run the nation like hes running his business god help us the 77 year old billionaire has funneled millions of dollars of his personal fortune into progressive causes like gun control and Climate Change but is considered a moderate and were he to run as a democrat a potential threat to former Vice President joe biden were he fits sort of an even keeled even tempered political leader with a track record of getting things done in the city of new york at the specially with world war 2 you can on the key issues Economic Development and and think things of that sort which has a certain amount of appeal to more moderate. Mainstream type democratic voters bloomberg has expressed his dissatisfaction with the current field of democrats suggesting some are too far to the left to beat the president who shrugged off speculation the former mayor would enter the race little might go will. Spend a lot of money Michael Bloomberg made his fortune here at bloomberg to help lead the Financial Information a Media Company cofounder hes the richest man in new york with far exceeding president tribes but among some democrats that could be a liability what we need is a dynamic democracy particularly among the party base billionaire will get charged to do walk the run for president of the United States while bloomberg may be targeting white suburban voters who went for trump in 2016 he recently apologized for a policy that put him at odds with the Minority Community called stop and frisk many saw this Police Tactic as a form of racism and harassment. I got something important wrong i got something important really wrong i didnt understand that bathroom the full impact that stocks were having on the black and latino communities an apparent recognition of the need to unify the opposition and a late apology that appears aimed at smoothing the way for a late entry in the race kristen salumi al jazeera new york. This is and these are the top stories early results from hong kong Sister Council actions show major gains for poor democracy candidates voters turned out in Record Numbers after almost 6 months of process and of course the territorys worst political crisis in decades later kerry said shed respect the result some would listen to the public with an open mind sarah clarke is in hong kong with more on what these results made its a huge of a morale boost for the prodemocracy front as well as the protesters it also has implications for the lives of council this is also the pound hong kongs Effective Parliament here in the city because 117 of these District Councillors are selected to stand on the Election Committee which plays a crucial part in voting for hong kong next later now that election will be in 2020 kerry lamb is very unpopular at the moment but certainly if the prodemocracy groups in the prodemocracy parties have the majority in his district elections youve got to assume that a large part of those 117. 00 District Councils selected will be from that side of politics. Its classified documents and chinas governments have revealed new details about the massed attention of ethnic minorities mostly muslim weekers Rights Groups estimate that more than a 1000000 people have been locked up in the camps in the sin john region the documents include Intelligence Briefings that describe police use a data system based around Artificial Intelligence to select should be detained. At least 56 people have died in flooding and landslides in northwestern kenya emergency workers are struggling to reach all of the affected villages with many bridges and roads swept away no one knows how many people are missing us defense secretary mark esper has for the navys top official said against Richard Spencer over allegations that spencer proposed to deal with the white house behind his back the master has to do with the navy seal keys of war crimes case has been championed by president s donald trump and thats you up to date they say with this here and aljazeera the us continues after one a one east by fanatic. From the aljazeera london pool cost center to special guests in conversation when societies divide was one women of the title the only thing that benefits from the speech act itself and from states uninterrupted is are 1st words good girls are those who work. For him or it is shot back sweaty saying cat if you like to think that theres nationalism is not as ugly as someone elses nationalists in studio unscripted on aljazeera. Police man is a drug smuggler hes about to board a flight from delhi to bet you a forceful. Our group. The peace corps people place hes in prison but the drugs hes smuggling out there would try. To boss who made this disparate we needed to keep transfer patients along. Were told all the way down to those who are powerful. One who

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