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Prime minister he has formally submitted his resignation to parliament but its done little to calm protesters around the country demonstrators clashed with Security Forces are trying to block a road in baghdad medical Officials Say 3 protesters were shot dead and at least 58. 00 wounded so manifold reports now from baghdad. The day Prime Minister of the mahdi submitted his resignation crowds in Tahrir Square showed no intention of packing up and going home banners were still held high doctors remained on standby to treat the wounded and new street art sprung to life depicting the aspirations of the protest movement. For many the Prime Ministers departure is just the 1st perhaps the easiest step on a long road towards change they Want Parliament dissolved and fresh elections to be held under a new election law the problem is not just the Prime Minister its not the queen its a whole beehive all of them have to resign if the Prime Minister leave someone similar to him will replace him. Its a fear dad risks becoming a reality in an emergency Cabinet Meeting of the mahdi said he would stay on as part of a caretaker government until parliament chose his replacement in the midst of morkel to be. There is no doubt that the council and its parties and members will oversee the finding of an appropriate solution as fast as possible because the country in this circumstances cannot endure a caretaker government for a long time so i want the parliamentary to complete the procedures to appoint a new Prime Minister and government. That process could take weeks even months and requires buy in from local and foreign power brokers because. For sure the Political Parties are facing a difficult exam they cant go back to the balance of power that used to be in place they have to come up with an extraordinary government which has to complete the process of passing a new election law that is agreed by the protesters. But reforms wont bring the victims back nor will they appease those who mourn them as the death toll rises demands for justice grow louder. Comes to Tahrir Square every week to pray for the victims she doesnt just want to leave she wants his government to be held accountable. And not it is. Not just him those who opened fire she gave the order this is blood this is the blood of the people of the well its a guilt their pride claims and they go to the graves instead of celebrating their wedding theyre stained with blood. Or those responsible for the bloodshed should be punished the government has promised to investigate the most recent violence but as the focus shifts towards appointing a new Prime Minister such promises risk being forgotten demonstrators have welcomed the modest offer to resign but their joy is overshadowed by uncertainty over whether he will really leave and what will happen next without big changes to the rockefeller or long many fear that whoever succeeds him will simply carry on with what they see as the same failed political for the wonderful thing in all of this iraq. Iraq analyst at the Washington Institute for near east policy he says the resignation of the entire iraqi political system in uncharted territory. The resignation of the Prime Minister of automatically means the resignation of the entire cabinet. This is the 1st time that this happens in iraq so the legal ways forward not necessarily clear but one way or another there has to be a new the president has to give mandate to a new person or a new bloc in parliament to form a new government the Prime Minister in his Resignation Letter specifically said that iraq needs a permanent government rather than a caretaker government something that the street have requested the latter a caretaker government that you know once the affairs and till new elections are in place for the new system to be in place i mean adelman he was the face of this lack of accountability in the iraqi political system rather than the system itself so he could easily be scapegoated in fact is probably overdue for him to be leaving the scene but this is not the end of the road grand ayatollah sistani has played a significant role in channeling the protest movement into a single ask of the Political Leadership and of the government obviously in the absence of strong iraqis the institutions on the one hand and also in the in the absence of organized Civil Society the inability of the populists and public what this movement into being translated into into specific apps that allow us that he has played that again referring back to the many these Resignation Letter he doesnt say in response to the protesters but specifically says in response to the call by grant that the losses. Pressure is growing on maltas Prime Minister after a prominent businessman was charged over the murder of a journalist youre going to deny his complicity in the murder of death make i want to call it c m 2017 the case has developed into a Major Political crisis for Prime Minister Joseph Muscat his chief of staff resigned this week amid reports it was being questioned by police but we spoke to our that ghalia journalist at the mall to independent about the possible repercussions this case could have on the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is hes expected to be giving a televised address tomorrow morning and the indication d is that he will be announcing his intention to step down and stocking up the process or the leadership race for the labor party which hes part of. Cognitively in an election which will inform would take place on the 18th of january as to whether hell step down imminently we are were not entirely sure yet. About protests those are demanding enough his resignation is is immediate ever since. The 1st of this conflict was now 10 days ago there been a lot of protests any time the crowds get larger and larger and all of them are calling for the same thing that is now that hes in his immediate resignation and this is something that that track back for the off ever since the assassination of things even the panama paper scandal a move 3 years ago when his staff who resigned last last tuesday and a senior minister who also resigned last tuesday where where are named as having secret companies. Its been revealed the man who killed 2 people in a knife attack in london was released from prison last year after serving just half a sentence for his part in a foil bomb plot was one Congress Shot dead by police on London Bridge on friday he began his attack at a conference he was attending on prisoner rehabilitation conference stansell reports. Dramatic new video showing bystanders as they take down an attacker on London Bridge after he went on a stabbing rampage they use a whale tusk and a fire extinguisher to stun him and then tackle him before armed police move in. Ill be born and bred in england in stoke on trent in co beach and all the Community Knows me and the will know if you ask them dave will know the labels will deploy not that im terribly distant he will know. I wrote those words spoken by con just over 10 years before fridays attack. 28 year old was attending a conference on prisoner rehabilitation when he threatens to blow up the venue he stabbed 5 people before running out to nearby London Bridge. In 2012 he was convicted in connection to a plot to blow up the London Stock Exchange he was released from prison in december last year serving less than half his sentence we want to toughen up the sentences for serious and violent offenses and ive said for a long time that i think that the practice of automatic Early Release where you cut a sentence in home often lit really serious violent offenders out early simply isnt working and i think youve had some very good evidence of how that isnt working im afraid with this case the pearl board said it had no involvement in his release in a statement it said given the seriousness of this attack it is understandable that there is speculation about the attackers released from prison the parole board can confirm it had no involvement with the release of the individual. The attacker who appears to have been released automatically on license without ever being referred to the board police are searching khans home in staffordshire 3 hours north of london they believe he was acting alone and theres no further threat to the public the circumstances surrounding khans release are now in the spotlight the former head of the National Counterterrorism Security Office has issued a scathing criticism of the criminal Justice System saying that its playing russian roulette with the public by allowing convicted criminals to be released from prison too early and this will be a key election issue here as well with police and prisons being subject to budget cuts over recent years catherine stansell aljazeera london. Hundreds of people have protested outside a Police Station in india with 4 men accused of raping and murdering a 27 year old woman being held that the modern the police term the suspects over to them as how the young reports. Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the indian Police Station where 4 men accused of killing and raping a 27 year old woman were behind bars the victim was a veterinarian she left her office on wednesday evening but never made it home ok thats what she was on her way to see a doctor she had parked her scooter near the plaza on her way over there at around 9 oclock a stranger approached her to tell her that the scooters tire was punctured she called her sister but after that her mobile phone was turned off and Police Believe the suspect damaged the victims tire beforehand a plan they say to offer help and then attack her her charred body was found the next morning under a bridge. The murder has renewed anger over the governments handling of sexual assaults with shame and fear of not being believed many cases are not reported political and religious divisions are often exploited instead try and see the foreman as if it was one of them as well and so muslims are out the problem rather than think bacteria hes the problem. Disrespectful consent of the problem government figures show that 32000 rape cases were reported in 2017 the year before more than 2000 girls younger than 12 were raped in 2013 indias government double prison terms for rapists to 20 years it also lowered the age which a person can be tried as an adult from 18. 00 to 16. 00. But some critics say these laws havent done enough that needs to be some kind of a Prevention Program so to speak to prevent this because we have always. Were always shocked and angered by these crimes but we find ourselves left with no solutions. To to address these crimes so that they dont repeat themselves this latest case now sparking a new wave of outrage across the country katia llopis of the young aljazeera who the rebels in yemen have released footage they say shows the shooting down of a saudi Apache Helicopter the group says it was behind the downing of the aircraft on friday and that 2 saudi pilots were killed helicopter was hit by a surface to air missile and crashed on the south side of. But also to come here not just here including farms of the future we travel to wales to see how all techniques could help save the planet. And bethlehem lights up the start of the Christmas Season as the holy relic returns to the city after more than a 1000 years more of that stay with us. Hello again welcome back to your International Weather forecast well across much of china were seeing some low clouds in the area and thats what you see right here on the satellite those gray areas of clouds pushing over here slightly towards the east not a lot of rain except in the central areas of the country here in the central areas were going to be seeing probably temperatures down into the mid teens with a possibility of rain as well hong kong though it is going to be a nice day with some sun at 27 degrees there for taipei though it is going to be quite windy as well as cloudy only into the high teens at 90 but down here across the philippines we are watching over the next few days a typhoon just to the east that is increasing in intensity in as we go towards the beginning of the week you will start to see the effects of the storm really bring some surge wind as well as some very heavy rain across the region we do expect to see probably a landfall in central parts of the philippines by the time we get towards monday maybe even into tuesday depending on the speed of the storm but do expect to see a lot of flooding as we go towards the beginning of the week well for india it is going to be the rain particular down here across much of the southern areas and this rain will continue over the next few days for tonight though youll be on the edge of the rain at 29. 00 to greece but for sri lanka the rain is going to continue in colombo a rainy day if you at 26. 00. The weather sponsored by town and. Semantics here in london too will cost them 10. 00 teams special get in conversation i dont. Here because of colonialism unprompted funny interrupted theres a sense of burden still having some legitimacy in terms of spreading knowledge and technology. Something more new mentally horrific slavery. On al jazeera. Welcome back to the top stories here on aljazeera iraqs Prime Minister has officially handed his resignation to parliament but its done little to comp attest as across the country with another 3 people shot dead in baghdad. Prominent maltese businessman has been charged with complicity in the murder of a journalist the charges against. Put further pressure on Prime Minister joseph. You information as a knowledge about the man who killed 2 people in a knife attack in london on friday when khan had been released from prison after serving just half a sentence for his role in a foil bomb plot. A mob in the democratic republic of congo has killed 2 suspected rebels in the town of beni in the northern khyber region the crowd attacked a man and a woman dressed in civilian clothes after guns and ammunition were found in their bags and accuse them of being members of the allied Democratic Forces which is blamed for killing more than 100. 00 civilians in the past month the most recent attack on saturday claimed 14 lives so lets take a closer look at the allied Democratic Forces group when it was formed in 995 by ugandan rebel leader as a combined regional rebel force it was originally based in western uganda but later expanded into neighboring democratic republic of congo according to the un the group had an estimated 1221500 fighters in 2013 and operated mainly in the eastern city of beni. The allied Democratic Forces has been accused of committing widespread atrocities in the region including rape and the use of child soldiers. Has more on the latest attack in kabul tama and says families are still afraid the rebel fighters may come back residents are now feeling that its safe to go and assess the situation and were also hearing that some of the bodies are mutilated others have their heads cut off and this is a situation that people have been talking about for the past week or so people very upset with what is going on. Able to calm and carry out attacks yet we have thousands of soldiers in that area carrying out an offensive against a. D. F. We have un peacekeepers in that area as well yesterday evening the 28 people who were killed earlier this week. Still very much in shock still afraid that these rebels might come back and weve been talking to the governor where the territory. Talking to the governor about just what is going on. He said that this seems to be a strategy being employed by the a. T. F. They want to cause maximum panic and fear they want to show that bennie is ungovernable the security situation is out of control and they know that people are angry Security Forces so theyre playing on that and they want to anger people even more so that we can see more protests going on maybe as president has been reelected for a 2nd he won the president ial vote with 56. 3 percent he was 1st elected in 2014 with a sweeping majority of his popularity has slipped in a growing frustration with the lack of jobs and economic difficulties. A court and so are not a sentence the president does he need to 20 years in prison for the killing of political opponents and 982 the verdict may end the legal saga the last 12 years is but its unclear what will happen to the president once he were tense and china where hes been on an official visit and the chapelle as much. As china rolled out the red carpet for surinam president does he decide this week he defended beijing over the protests in hong kong this strictly. And for strongly reject any form of interference. And affairs but while hes been in china the news back home wasnt good for about to say a military court found him guilty of murder and sentenced him to 20 years in prison in a case that goes back decades a panel of judges ruled out as oversaw an operation in which well known journalists lawyers and University Teachers were rounded up and killed for the crime of criticizing his leadership the victims families have long doubted whether bowed to so would face justice in the trial which began in 2007 he accepted political responsibility for the killings but said he wasnt there i think its safe to say that the country is split on this case he has supported you know its a very well organized party. He is the president he is elected democratically. Does he has dominated politics in the former dutch colony since he seized power during a coup in 1980 after being elected president in 2010 he pushed through a law granting himself immunity which was later overturned. In 2009 he told al jazeera he was looking forward to the end of this case another. One lets wait and see the wording of the judges order it is not nice that we carry out the trial at this moment lets wait for the outcome of the verdict and sentencing are being seen as a triumph for the rule of law but authorities in suriname had yet to issue a warrant for the president s arrest and her schapelle aljazeera. Now sunday marks one year since the mexican president under arrest manolo pres of a daughter coffee his Approval Ratings remain high but critics say hes done little to solve major problems mexico registered a Record Number of homicides in the 1st 6 months of the year and the violence shows no sign of slowing down as alan fischer reports now from mexico city. Luis enrique hopes one day soon his daughter will stop being a statistic one of the thousands missing in mexico he stopped strangers on the street asking for help follows up every possible lead but more than a month on im around me is still missing from my home in a cat to pick about an hours drive from mexico city. I couldnt get in touch with her by phone or what set me surges i didnt know she came to my house or went to my mothers but i wasnt worried because she did that sometimes i thought maybe her cell phone ran out of vetri the next day there was still no contact hed no choice but to go to the authorities to report her missing missing those put the heel i felt defeats us and i felt impotent because i had to do all the investigation i had to bring all the information to the authorities i even had to force them to search for her. Im irani is one of thousands of mexicans who disappeared each year some have been trafficked others have been murdered the greaves litter mexico or mexico elected a new president last year they did so largely on the promises made by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador that he would end the plague of violence in the country but in the 1st 6 months of this year the 1st 6 months of his presidency. Moderate and this story is that. We are changing the strategy to combat insecurity and violence because it was a failed strategy that only consisted in the use of force and it didnt deliver any results it only made things worse. Despite his election promising a new Security Policy there have been clear challenges to the rule of law in mexico the most blatant when the authorities were forced to release the captured son of drug lord Joachim El Chapo Guzman when the similar cartel took control of the area he was being held and so what we have is a government that makes promises and then says publicly that he will make a change but then does not implemented the promises he makes. In the meantime we have thousands of people searching individually for their loved ones without a necessary support luis and ricky thinks his daughter may still be alive. Weve been searching for her and morgues and hospitals even in prisons i suspect that this is probably a case of trafficking. He says theyre still hoping for her return but hope we not be enough to see for alan fischer aljazeera mexico city funeral has been held for a teenager shot dead by the Israeli Military 16 year old was killed near the gaza Israeli Border on friday at least 348 palestinians have been killed by israeli fire in gaza since we protest began last year. Amazing this epidemic sweeping through has now killed 44 people more than 3000 cases have been registered since the outbreak began last month health Officials Say most of the victims are children under the age of 4 measles immunization rates dropped in summer following the deaths of 2 babies in 2018 because the vaccination was not administered properly. Unfortunately in some part of what is happening there has to do with some social social messaging around an anti Vaccine Group and this is now being measured in the lives of children who who have died and in the course of this outbreak a funerals been held for 8 members of the same family killed in the earthquake in albania the victims included 4 Young Children they died when their home was flattened on tuesday i think 51 people died in the 6. 4 magnitude quake around 5000 of them left homeless. The un says Global Warming is upsetting food systems reducing harvests and intensifying poverty and hunger but the way we produce food accounts for nearly 40 percent of Greenhouse Gas emissions and he would travel to wales in the United Kingdom where farmers are trying to do things a bit differently but farmers looking after the land whatever the weather is a lifetime commitment none more so than at the holden probably farm in the welsh hills where they take a holistic approach to producing food no chemicals have been used on the palm of portie 6 years and theyve sown herbst into the pasture land to build a copper back to the soil to help offset some of the me thank produced by the cows. Thats chicory and in here as well this Yarrow Burnette and other herbal plants which the coals loved also they have deep roots and they help real live in the soil and build the organic carbon by which we need to have to do to address Climate Change. Patrick is a pioneer of the movement to produce food more sustainably he wants governments to support and vironment friendly farming methods while taxing those that pollute and hes encouraging consumers to pay more attention to how the food on the table is produced a lot of farmers doubt whether the system could work and feed enough people but here is a which is demonstrating that this is the future the i. P. C. C. The uns body on Climate Change says Global Warming is already upset in food systems decreasing harvests an increasing Food Insecurity but it says poor land practices a contributing to 23 percent of global Greenhouse Gas emissions come from bombing agriculture and other land uses the trainings towards more Sustainable Farming is something we can afford not to undertake and we need to act immediately because we probably have only 10 years left in making these changes if we are irreversible Climate Change. Looking after the soil and seeing its potential for combating Climate Change is at the heart of what happens a few kilometers away blind camel and contribute to this organic farm success. Being created. For materials like grass. And. It is biologically active with millions of microorganisms working to the life of the foil here they aim to be Carbon Neutral but plan to be carbon negative and everything thats grown goes into the local markets. By managing the farmlands of the world you can bring carbon into a situation where it is stable within the saw oil and that will help the future not only for Climate Change per se but also for Food Production farming wherever in the world has always been tough but a changing climate makes it even more challenging some farmers believe the answer lies in overhauling current industrialised farming techniques and embracing practices that both draw from and nurture the land and he would aljazeera in the west of wales. Thousands of people are in bethlehem to mark the start of the Christmas Season lights were turned on outside the church of the nativity where christians believe jesus was born palestinian Prime Minister. And the mayor of bethlehem lit up the tree on saturday said to be from jesus his manger was returned to bethlehem had been stored in the vatican for more than a 1000 yards palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas negotiated its return last year maybe abraham has more now from bethlehem where palestinians are hoping the return of the relic will boost tourism the. Thousands of palestinians and like right to come to the manger square which is the lead up to become church. Right. Now it took us i know where to get here from jerusalem to israeli checkpoints we were delayed but. Its a joyful occasion its a new beginning nothing competes with the duty. Here. They have another reason to celebrate earlier. More than 2000 years ago. To the vatican in the 7th century before making their way back to. Give. The ministry of tourism. The 3000000 visitors that came to palestine here. For a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera iraqs Prime Minister. Has officially handed his resignation to parliament but its done little to comp attest as across the country demonstrators clashed with Security Forces trying to block. Road in the capital baghdad medical Officials Say 3 protesters were shot dead and at least 58 wounded in protests. Pressure is growing on both as Prime Minister after a prominent businessman was charged over the murder of a journalist youre going to deny is complicity in the murder of daphne carolina in 2017 the case has developed into a Major Political crisis for Prime Minister Joseph Muscat his chief of staff resigned this week and the reports move being questioned by police. New information has emerged about the man who killed 2 people in a knife attack in london on friday or someone can have been released from prison after serving half of his sentence for his role in a foil bomb plot. Hundreds of protesters have surrounded a Police Station in the indian city of hydrabad where 4 men accused of raping and murdering a 27 year old woman are being held there demanding the police turn the suspects over to them a body was found on thursday morning under bridge of of the on the ground that together to meet in the beginning had returned from her workplace and was only a way to see a doctor she parked to scrutiny of a toll plaza and when she was returning a stranger approached to tell her its time i was punctured shed been called assistant in the in her mobile phone was switched off we are investigating all these angles and now we have some evidence. Who the rebels in yemen have released footage they say shows the shooting down of a Saudi Arabian Apache Helicopter the group says it was behind the downing of the aircraft on friday and the 2 saudi pilots were killed the helicopter was hit by a surface to air missile and crashed on the saudi side of the border. A mob in the democratic republic of congo has killed 2 suspected rebels in the town of benghazi in the northern khyber region the crowd attacked anon and women dressed in civilian clothes after guns and ammunition were found in their bags accused of being members of the allied Democratic Forces which is blamed for killing more than a 100 civilians in the past month the most recent attack on saturday claimed 14 lives. But those are the headlines on the news continues here on aljazeera after part of. The watching. Hello im a man is a barrel and this is climate s. O. S. The land is one of our best weapons against Climate Change but why are we destroying it Scientists Say humanity is stripping the earth fits the bill ity to sustain life and that extends to the way we produce films but were wasting a lot of it on not feeding all who are hungry we speak to people working to transform our relationship with the land embracing Sustainable Practices and well look at whats coming up at the cup the annual climate talks taking place this year in the trades. We begin with something which quite a

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