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We visit the center providing a lifeline for rough sleepers christmas. Welcome to the program we begin in syria where the battle for the last rebel stronghold has led to deaths of more civilians at least 8 people were killed in a Syrian Government as strike targeting a school in the town of joe bass an adlib people displaced from other parts the country had been sheltering in the school when it was hit tens of thousands fled their homes in the province over the past week as Government Forces helped by that russian allies push deeper into the area and a number of towns and villages have forwarded to government control. Dos is on the turkey syria border and says refugees are now on the even more pressure. Well the humanitarian crisis is huge and its keeping on growing because more and more people are being uprooted from their homes. Started with the city of man which was the target of the initial strikes bottle bombs underground shelling but now were seeing other places also reporting people fleeing from them after being targeted by Syrian Forces sworn a mission to take every last bit of territory that is in the homs all through our position we are right now one of the hobs for the Turkish Charity which is helping the refugees on the other side of the border and speaking to a senior all fishel who told us that they have been trying us much as possible to help the people who are fleeing 100 under 25000 was the convoy this tendency of rising and he says there must be up to 150000 of the moment and he says they cannot provide each family with its own individual talent theyve been forced to build this must have tents on high heel to avoid flooding of course and they are commentating up 200 people in every tent have separated the men on the women but he says there is a lot of suspicion between the people because it has been home to people who. Fled to places like aleppo and other places that the regime had targeted before and he says there are so many other people who have set up tents on the sides of the road im going not want to mingle with the rest of the refugees that he fears for their health because they dont have sanitation they dont have clean water and they do not have food as well and of the moment they say that if you just cannot cook for themselves he says they are forced to to to to provide them with warm mails. Well the other big story from syria Customs Officials of seize the assets of the countrys wealthiest businessman its the 1st time an order has been issued for romney maloof who is the cousin of president bashar assad hes been accused of importing products including oil and gas without paying charges and fees the e. U. And the u. S. Have already imposed sanctions on the loof who reportedly control 60 percent of syrias economy. At least 4 people have been killed in northwest libya in the latest as strikes by. Us forces the attack was launched on the town of the shura around 20 kilometers east of the capital tripoli at least 3 people were injured in the offensive fighting around the face of the contested capital has escalated in recent weeks off to have to declared a final attack on tripoli 7 months ago when libyas internationally recognized government which is based in tripoli reportedly has asked for turkey for Ground Troops after the 2 signed a military cooperation pact last month the policy is libya has been divided between 2 rival governments and those who support them the u. N. Recognize administration that by Prime Minister fayyad as a so raj is based in tripoli its supported by tacky and most western nations including italy which is worried the fighting near the capital will force more people to cross the mediterranean and then in the east there is the tobruk based government the center of power 405 to he is backed by egypt saudi arabia russia and the United Arab Emirates france is also accused of providing support for his forces. Or mahmud up to why it has more from tripoli now on the governments request for military assistance from turkey. Government sources say that the type of turkish military. Individuals requested by the g. N. A. T. The government of national is military commanders and the government Officials Say that the troops on the ground did the Government Forces are in need of military commanders to range this battle and to run. Battle on the ground to prevent have to his forces from entering get the capital why now the government is demanding military commanders because have to his forces have been recently advancing with the help of russia. According to the Government Military source of. Russian mercenaries are fighting for have to and have to this force have been receiving advances weapons from the United Arab Emirates and also from russia now. Says that in order for the government to send troops to libya it needs to submit a mandate to the Turkish Parliament so that it could be endorse it and then in this case it can send troops to libya. Became a foster president rock market bar has declared 2 days of National Mourning after 35. 00 civilians were killed in an attack on an army base in the move of the country 80 fighters were also killed when the military responded to the attack at the base and our benda 7 soldiers also died it tack involved 100. 00 people on motorbikes and it lasted for several hours the latest assault on the region since violence 1st erupted in 2015. Indias cabinet has approved funds for a census next year that critics fear could be used to implement a controversial new citizenship role the legislation grants citizenship to were just minorities but it excludes muslims since it was passed at least 25 people have been killed in protests against the legislation elizabeth poran and has more on the latest on the rest. Marching to the beat of their own drum thousands of people have defied a bat on public gatherings in the indian capital. Out there pose a recently passed the law that grant citizenship to religious minorities from ghanas fon pakistan and but excludes muslims i think this lawyer hes an existential threat to the idea of a secular india as it is defined in the constitution. On the back of the many other things that causes all resentment against the government its not one thing its an accumulated resentment against his government a government critics say is use an ideological issues like religion to distract people from the problems facing the country their real issue is that economys on the slowdown that unemployment it is i guess regarded never in the last 40 years that. Distress and in order to divert attention from those issues. Brought in the 1st people here said they wont let the government do that. Here chanting slogans against the government and the thought police would told earlier to detain demonstration that is watching from the sidelines. They were even bigger protests elsewhere from asked some of the northeast to salaman the south but the government b j p insists these are small sporadic protests being prompted by Political Parties look at the protest today it is the protest you were just you just you just came from. You know in a city of one good old 30 lakh people if you have 200 people per 300 people and you say that is produced do you think there to deliver and give me a break. The government has launched a campaign on social media to calm the anger of the Muslim Community i really want to assure them they didnt really real grounds for what do you mean what is the grown this ad does not discriminate against them because of Indias Supreme Court is expected to hear the case next month. For the government of the mahdi. These protests to pose the biggest challenge since he came to power 5 years ago a little bit proud of al jazeera new delhi. Now violent protests have broken out at a number of shopping malls in hong kong during a busy Christmas Eve with riot Police Firing tear gas in a bid to disperse the demonstrators were testers through broilers and other objects at police who then charged them with battens families have been gathering in the busy tourist district of chad sweet to view the Christmas Lights that the protests are now in their 7th month and demonstrators applied to stage another march for new years day. Now to iraq the parliament has approved a new electoral law in a bid to make elections fair and also granting one of the demands of the antigovernment protesters the law gives independent politicians a better chance of winning seats in the parliament but there is still deadlock over the decision to appoint an interim Prime Minister with a midnight deadline on sunday looming dosage of bari is in baghdad and explains what the new new law means for voters. There are being called a very significant change to the countrys electoral system this article was passed just a short time ago in parliament it includes 50 divisions within it which states that the countrys electoral system will not be changed it will be one that it will be based on direct voting rather than parties having electoral lists of candidates that they selected this is something that was very important to the demonstrators and it took weeks of political wrangling to make it happen in parliament a number of sessions were held without any of these laws being passed but finally on shoes they the countrys parliament managed to get it through and its being seen as a very Significant Development and something that would not have happened without the protests taking place in this country which began in october its being seen as a major step towards what the demonstrators and the people of iraq had wanted and that is a system which they have some say the how they elect their members of parliament and now this is being seen as something that has been granted to them and it will be very very interesting to see how the demonstrators react to this in the coming days but was still also waiting for a nominee candidate for the position of Prime Minister that is something that is being very much debated now between the various parties in parliament and they hope to have inappropriate candidates in the coming days with the demonstrators have said that despite all their political wrangling they want to be able to elect their own Prime Minister will have to wait and see how that pans out. Well the protestors in iraq of largely reject the mainstream Political Parties though one religious Movement Still seems to maintain considerable influence as a minor fault in reports from the capital baghdad. Every afternoon and his friends load his pickup truck full of supplies for demonstrators in baghdad starrer square person is from sutter city the stronghold of Influential Shiite cleric mark that assad that this is the capitals most populated and marginalized neighborhood it is also a lifeline for protest against the wall so says he can be considered a large storage of humans the majority of the protesters are from sort of city and in addition most of the supplies are from sort of city. The sudras dominant role in the protest is controversial protestors have rejected the entire political establishment which technically includes party if you dare to speak out against the cleric in public sutter also appears wary of a backlash and has ordered his followers not to openly discuss their allegiance sutter himself has retreated to iran for religious studies we were intent to the process as iraqi people. If the leader came out with us he would be exposed to danger shia cleric commander of insurgencies populist leader of iraq street protest looked at us sort of has taken many roles over the years and he has become the kingmaker in iraqi politics now he faces a particularly delicate balancing act his followers form the backbone of protest against the government he helped form and the parliament in which his party the biggest share of seats sutters party saw it all in won 54 of iraqs 329 parliamentary seats in the 2800 but following Prime Minister out of his resignation the party announced it would nominate a replacement former m. P. He was part of your own alliance but resigned when protests began there is a feeling among. Whoever by the. On the because of the president because your report by the group made your point that. This person will be more formal work is the. Critics say side owns refusal to nominate a new Prime Minister is a populist move and an effort to ensure political survival supporters like house on call it a genuine step towards meeting protesters demands and although sudras party wont officially name a candidate that doesnt mean the sudras havent made a choice a list of candidates considered acceptable is spent attends across the area including hasans for the oil some say we selected those 5 candidates based on the consensus of the people in the square use their old independent and they dont belong to any side or particular party we select a v. M. For a transitional period until there are early elections in 6 to 12 months rival iranian backed parties have put forward their own candidates whether or not the sudras will get their way will be a test of sudras political influence but no matter who gets their man at the helm of government satirise command over iraqs streets appears uncontested simona faulting al jazeera but of that. Youre watching out as they are live from london more still ahead on the program were looking back at months of protests and thats america and why the driving force behind the on last night and pilgrims descend on bethlehem to celebrate christmas but many christian palestinians from gaza have been refused permission to visit. Hello again its good to be back well things are finally cooler across much of south eastern australia actually its more average for this time of year compared to those high thirtys low fortys were dealing with last week tempers here in melbourne about 25 degrees on Christmas Day for sydney 24 but we finally have a change we are seeing more rain across the coast of queensland as well as New South Wales brisbane actually may be showery here on wednesday as we go towards thursday. Those showers start to push a little bit more towards north more sun for brisbane tempter coming up to about 27. 00 degrees there townsville you will see the showers with a temperature of 30 well for the north and south island of zealand well auckland looking quite nice as you go towards the next couple of days temperatures into the mid twentys for you there but down towards Christ Church it is still going to be a little cooler than average we do expect to see a tempter of about 15 maybe coming up to about 16 but just to the north of fiji were watching a developing tropical system you can see the circulation right there that is going to bring some very heavy rain across the region over the next you days and then very quickly here across parts of north asia for tokyo over the next few days it is going to be sunny but it is also going to be into the Single Digits down towards the south though a sucka expect to see more rain in the forecast with the tempter there of about 10 degrees. And thats because technological at peace and not fluent and brutal poverty to live side by side. In its last episode life lapse challenges kenya and App Developers to help small scale found thats cultivate a new future but can mobile phones really be the seed of change its a starting point because its only been able to pull together life outside silicon said im not an aljazeera. Welcome back a quick look at the headlines this hour at least 8 people have been killed in as strike as Syrian Government forces continue that battle for the rebel held elite province the victims were displaced people sheltering in a school in the town of job aas full civilians have been killed in an asteroid on a town near the libyan capital tripoli the latest attack by woodward fully fof those forces as they try to advance on the city which is carney held by the internationally recognized government and indias government has approved funding for a census next year which its fear it could be used to enact and you citizenship will protest as half continue the action against them all they say is discriminatory against muslims. Now the Israeli Army Says a strike in gaza in november that killed 9 members of the same family was because of a faulty assessment of the risk to civilians the attack targeted the home of rust me ugly man who is described by israel as a commander in Islamic Jihad he and 8 members of his family were killed in the strike the army says the intelligence collected ahead of the attack showed the property walls and Islamic Jihad compound and that no civilians would be harmed now thousands of palestinians and christians from around the world have gathered in bethlehem for annual Christmas Eve celebrations festivities all centered on the church of nativity christians say jesus was born was a procession led by the most senior catholic cleric in the middle east but palestinian officials are saying many palestinians in gaza cant attend the event because israel has not given them permits a safe use inhofe of those who sought the mits actually had their applications granted only to abraham is in bethlehem and says that israels restrictions are being felt by the community. Comically and financially the city has always depended on people coming from abroad in the place where christians believe is actually the cradle of christianity the star of bethlehem is something that Everybody Knows and people have been pilgrims have been coming to this city over the years however living under Israeli Occupation has definitely had its toll on the businesses on people working here especially as the city relies mainly on that on tourism and joins me now a 7 year shop owner mr met and i wanted to tell us more about the challenges of a new year shops and other Small Businesses face here in palestine yes basically the obstacle that weve been trying to deal with lately is the outage of power and water in the city and with the high volume of tourists in our hotels with over then 50 hotels in bethlehem filled up with tourists you know need electricity and they need water along with other stuff so power has been a big big thing going on for the past 2 weeks the Israeli Company of atrocity is cutting the power at least 2 to 3 hours in the city of bethlehem and the surrounding areas and if we talk about challenges we will also want to talk about hope is there anything that keeps you more hopeful that things are changing oh definitely thats whats keeping me here in this country in palestine in my city bethlehem the hope is the magic word for everyone and were hoping for a Better Future for palestine an independent palestine and within a with our neighbors and also to make palestine a safe place for all people who want to visit palestine and the holy places in our country thank you so much and of course the ministry of tourism has said that around 3 and a half 1000000 visitors have came to palestine during the year in 2019 and of course theyre hoping that this season would bring them even more tourism and help bring more businesses to the city. Now the russian president Vladimir Putin saying that russia will continue strengthening its Nuclear Forces and developing hypersonic missiles until new arms control agreements are in place at an annual meeting of russias ministry of defense putin said 82 percent of the countrys Nuclear Arsenal has been modernized you also said russia is the only country in the world to have hypersonic missiles go into service which fly 10 times faster than the speed of sound and can carry a nuclear or conventional warhead some news from the ivory coast a president ial candidate for the general election has flown to spain off the authorities issued a warrant for his arrest the former Prime Minister and rebel leader sorrow is charged with what prosecutors called an attempt against the states authority so has the loyalty of many Senior Army Figures who previously served as rebel commanders he was returning to the country for the 1st time in 6 months ahead of that election campaign. Well now from ecuador to chile the final months of 2900. 00 so various latin american countries engulfed in daily street protests while many of them were fighting for their own causes there was one issue that most of them had in common inequality a Latin America Edison you see in human reports from the capital santiago. 78 year old widow. Is the matriarch of her large family she lives in a low income sent the neighborhood with her daughter and her 2 grandchildren she had little formal education and worked hard all her life 1st in the fields and then as a maid to help the family get ahead. I worked in homes where people with money do love the stuff use the same cookery of the mosque they did not eat the same food or use the same crockery either. Over t. Her 48 year old daughter solange concedes that their Economic Situation has improved but not chiles acute Class Divisions the 23 year old son is steven studied law the 1st in the family to graduate from university but theres still an invisible barrier. The students from the upper class have countless advantages from not having to study and work at the same time to access to internal ships and jobs their parents belong to the class with clout and theyre not discriminated against because of where they come from. Although chile does have the highest per capita income in latin america it also has the highest inequality index the biggest gap between rich and poor in tina for example if youre in the bottom of income you are well made up to 6 generations to get to and to the mean income thats not all a recent study revealed an astonishing statistic women living in the wealthiest suburbs of santiago have a Life Expectancy 18 years longer than their counterparts in the poorest municipalities in men the difference is 9 years says dr alexander v. This what explains the fact that there is an equality is within the city has to do with the segregation social phenomena segregation across the city. This persistent class divide helps explain the recent social outbursts in chile i. Or than 2 months of ongoing protests that have brought hundreds of thousands on to the streets demanding Structural Reforms to level the playing field. For more last year gone we were born with different aspirations than our parents and we feel the segregation in the upper class areas when our parents go to work but are treated like inferiors in our neighborhoods that arent any parks any restaurants cinemas or hospitals. We have to leave our communities to access a better life that generates resentment and discontent. The inequalities and class privileges in this high you stratified society have been passed on from generation to generation putting an end to that system as would millions of chileans are now fighting for. To see in human aljazeera santiago. Hairbrushes Homelessness Charity has opened its annual Christmas Centers to give people a place to stay over the festive period last year the Centers Going more than 4 and a half 1000 people shelter across britain and this year the Charity Crisis is highlighting the hidden homelessness of so called sofa surfing paul brennan reports. Ive been in a civil stalls have been breakfast ordering and for the last 1020 years russell was one of the 1st arrivals when the doors opened at this center the street is no place to be at christmas or any other time to killed. And raised ages show the role. Theyre all d related in squabbling over drugs woody it gets a bit. Its with the state and. For him this Christmas Center alleviates the loneliness and boredom of being homeless it means i will be able to spokes. Means ill be a lot warmer it means and i be able to watch television use a computer occasionally will have a load of arts and crafts activities in here for the 7 days that these centers are open they can be a lifeline for homeless guests can get medical checkups advice and counseling as one of the chance to wash and get a haircut and importantly to relax what you see on the last day is a group of transformed people leaving those that come in very suspicious of people from Mainstream Society and suspicious of the world in which they operate leave you know looking much better havent showered having had haircuts had their feet looked at they theyd just leave kind of transformed the most visible form of homelessness is of course rough sleeping in doorways for example but new research from crisis this christmas shows that nearly 6 times as many people are caught in a precarious existence no less so for surfing. Crisis found 39 percent of sofa surface it stayed at 5 or more different places in the past year including friends and relatives 28 percent had not had a stable home for 4 years or more and 77 percent said their physical health had suffered as a result were talking about people with whom i dont even have access to washing facilities to read people who might have to go out during the day when that icet. Its so very very unstable situation back at the north london christmas sent to the board games have begun the escapism in company of the senses are only a temporary respite they just figures show the numbers rough sleeping in england had increased 15 percent on the Previous Year when this sent to shots next week many of the homeless guests here will be back outside again paul brennan on his iraq north london. Government is saying that an oil spill from a sunken ship off the collapse of this island is now in the control the ship was carrying 600 gallons of oil it was attacked and and then sank on sunday when a crane fell on it at could also navy a spice barrier as absorbent cloths around the vessel to prevent too much oil from leaking into the sea the collapse of his island 100. 00 thousands of vulnerable species found nowhere else in the wild. Just a quick look at headlines before we go in syria at least 8 people have been killed and as strike as Government Forces continue that battle for the last remaining rebel stronghold they were sheltering in the town in the in a school in the town of justice in a blip after being displaced from other parts of the country Government Forces backed by the russians have taken a number of towns and villages in the province in the past 2 weeks in a minute assault. Well the humanitarian crisis is huge on its growing recall small more people are being uprooted from their homes. It was thought to do with the city. Which was the target all from the initial threats bottled them ground shelling but now were seeing other places also reporting people fleeing from them of that being targeted by Syrian Forces. Well now 4 civilians have been killed in the latest attack near tripoli by the forces of Khalifa Haftar at least 3 People Killed in the ass strike on the town of tajoura which is around 20 kilometers east of the capital and it comes as turkey is now considering sending troops to help the internationally recognized government repel a fresh wave of attacks by have to us forces which have been trying to take tripoli for the past 7 months 35. 00 civilians have been killed in an attack on an army base in the northern part of bikini 80 fighters were also killed when the military responded to the attack in the base of our benda 7 soldiers died the attack involved 100. 00 people on motorbikes and lasted for several hours its the latest assault on the region since violence 1st erupted in 2015 and indias government has a proof funding for a census next year which its feared could be used to enact a new citizenship will more than 20 people have died in weeks of protests against the law which fast tracks citizenship for minorities from some countries but it makes clear that muslims meanwhile security has been stepped up across india as protests escalate police and Paramilitary Forces have been deployed in the capital delhi. Life apps Silicon Valley is the program coming up next more news after that from doha. Article 2 is it out to donald trump is now the fair president in the history of the United States to be impeached thats the one that should be a breach everyone want to see as major event for the future of the rest joining us with details coverage and analysis of the trump impeachment on aljazeera. Its a mobile world. With cold texts and apps to help make our lives easier. But not everyones benefit to the timeline and yes. John mobile phone apps be designed to help make a better world this series challenges App Developers from around the world to visit communities who are missing out and then come up with an app that could help and i needed a life that

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