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League champions Manchester City and given a 2 year ban. Now chinas foreign minister has his house at some countries for overreacting and causing panic over the corona Virus Outbreak said that containing the virus remains a huge challenge for china but insists it is under control now the death toll has risen to over 1500 with 143 reported on friday but figures just released by Health Officials show the number of new infections hall from the previous day and almost all of those infected are in china a province where the outbreak began orders have now gone out for all people arriving in the capital to quarantine themselves for 14 days or to face punishment while our correspondent adrian brown is live for us in Hong Kong Adrian with these fresh numbers that were getting from beijing is it too early for optimism. I think these figures are you know a crumb of positive news as you rightly point out there were 143 deaths recorded on friday thats up 27 on the previous day but significantly the rate of infections is much lower there are more than 1500. 00 deaths in total but as you also point out the infection rate outside of who by province has been dropping you know quite markedly during the past few days i think over the past 4 days weve seen a steady decline that will reassure Chinas National Health Commission and also the World Health Organization which has more experts arriving in the epicenter this weekend one of the things they want to find out of course is why so Many Health Workers have become infected 7800. 00 so far and of course 6 Health Workers have also died they want to try and identify where those infections actually occurred now chinas top diplomat whiny has also been talking hes worried that a lot of countries are in his words overreacting and he wants to stress once more that china will bring this virus under control. Some countries have stepped up measures including quarantine measures which are reasonable and understandable but some countries have overreacted which is triggered an unnecessary panic fire. Well that was the Chinese Foreign minister one year and of course chinas diplomats elsewhere in the world are also in trying to send out that kind of reassuring message and were noticing a real change in the tone of state controlled media at the start of this outbreak they were allowed basically free reign to report what they saw what they heard that has now changed you know the government is ensuring that only selected journalists are allowed into hand and they are there to really extent you ate the positive and to stress as i say that china is bringing this virus under control the rest of the world of course remain skeptical because we are being asked to in a sense interpret figures that themselves may be inaccurate adrian brown that live for us in hong kong thank you for that update adrian well the chinese city of one hand is now entering its 4th week under lockdown since it was identified as the source of the outbreak and as adrian was saying there are restrictions on journalists from traveling to the city but aljazeera has obtained pictures from the resident trees trap near by katrina you reports from beijing. Empty streets and an increasingly empty fridge there are plenty of vegetables but not much meat for the one familys next meal during the coronavirus lockdown speaking via video call from who pay one she told us his family was doing its best not to panic you would only go home with this infection lucre all over our bodies will we go out we wear masks we dont know if we go out we come back with a virus stuck in our clothes so we disinfect every day. He lives in ging mn a city knavery will hunt the epicenter of the Virus Outbreak for 3 weeks the familys been ordered to stay indoors movement is increasingly restricted once every 3 days one family members allowed to leave the house to pick up groceries supplies and a limited shop to stand in lines one meter apart waiting to enter its been almost a month since juan saw his daughters who are staying with relatives in southeast china is it true that there are few relief that my wife and daughters are not there who are now we chat or lie every day theyre doing ok just worry about me the vast majority of confirmed coronavirus cases will than 50000 are in a province patients have been sharing videos and social media of life inside makeshift hospitals and Quarantine Centers at least 1700 medical staff are among the infected. Elsewhere in china people taking any chances want shinn hopes leaders will learn their lesson from the outbreak. At the beginning nobody paid enough attention everyone thought it was under control until it was too late. And looks forward to life under lockdown coming to an end katrina new aljazeera aging. Well say steve zahn is the director of the China Institute at so us which is part of university of london he says the handling of the virus in china is also playing an Important Role in domestic politics. We have to be aware that the. Party is much more seizing the retailer and controlling the. Spread and the negative news of how the government is managing it and with the actual management of the Public Health crisis we see it in the compulsion and all the top level special to me by xi jinping all 9 members only one doctor is responsible for Public Health the others are responsible for propaganda and Public Security i think we have to make a distinction between the spread of the virus beyond china and how the Chinese Government is actually working with the International Community to tackle that and the issue of the spread of the virus would seem to china i think they are actually more open and when they i didnt with the spread of the virus. From within china we have to bear in mind that when one hand was locked down in this city of 11000000 and 5000000 had already left for the new Year Holidays and very High Percentage of them would have gone to the countryside with very little medical support practically no testing kits and where they are and how many of them are you factor that i dont think are really reflected in the statistics. Moving on to other news now and its a deal that last only a week but u. S. Officials say if its a success it could lead to the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan now the taliban and american negotiators have agreed to a proposal for a reduction of violence in the country the announcement is the result of ongoing peace talks and cata a senior u. S. Official says if this deal holds it could be followed by a more permanent accord while the u. N. Secretary general spokesman has welcomed the agreement he says its important to cut violence thats harming civilians and afghanistan if this were to succeed it would obviously be notable step in bringing peace to the country. And the dialogues are vital pay is a is vital to paving forward the constructive intra afghan negotiations on peace i think its very important. To find ways to reduce the levels of violence in afghanistan is especially the violence that is harming civilians while she had her tansey joins us now live from washington d. C. She had this does sound like a breakthrough of sorts talk us through how this might work. Well this is what weve been able to glean from rather vague on the record official statements and rather more specific anonymous briefings its a 3 stage process we have the 7 day reduction of violence there is an element here that there is an acceptable level of violence and that will be allowed but from what we can understand the taliban have specific prohibitions there are no roadside bombs. No rocket attacks no suicide attacks however the u. S. Is still allowed to carry on what it calls Counterterrorism Operations whatever that might be one of the questions we have. There is no understanding that the taliban doesnt control the factions in afghanistan so they may be still violence in afghanistan but there will be a channel of communication between the u. S. And the taliban so that if there is an incident then the taliban and the u. S. Can question each other and what what was that what happened here what were the reasons behind it was that you. Seem to be very conscious about the possibility of false flag operations that might be designed to try and scope of the deal after that 7 day period of everyone is satisfied that the taliban will pledge that it wont support any what are called terrorist attacks on the u. S. And its allies and the u. S. Will put in place its phased withdrawal from afghanistan that then leads to direct talks between the Afghan Government who by the way had nothing to do with all these talks and the taliban and then hopefully to a lasting peace deal however clearly still lots lots of questions here what is acceptable violence what it what a Counterterrorism Operations for that matter out when when was this all going to stop the u. S. Say its going to start really soon c. B. S. Going to tell about a source apparently to say that theyre expecting the 1st stage in february 22nd a 2nd stage for b. 29th a week later and then the peace talks to begin march 10th but many questions before rolling out there will occur in munich on saturday morning local time. So you have i mean we cant forget as well that this is an Election Year in the u. S. It seems a rather good time for a troop withdrawal from the very unpopular war right there frankly who can blame donald trump like him or not if he pulls this off this will be a amazing achievement barack obama also campaigned on pulling the troops back from afghanistan as donald trump did and failed he when barack Obama Left Office it was still 8400 troops that this is a very unpopular war all the democratic president ial candidates are vowing to bring the troops back as soon as possible the opinion polls show the. Move was opposition it would seem is an endless war with no military military solution 2400. 00 us dead not to mention all of the afghan civilian casualties the afghan casualties 2 trillion dollars people want to get out but this is where it gets complicated there are reports notably in Time Magazine they say theyve seen several secret alixs to this deal and those who say theres actually do say what the cia will be allowed to do they also suggest the taliban is allowed to deny there will be any and prolonged u. S. Presence but the key part is there will be a 400000. 00 troop withdrawal in afghanistan by the u. S. But some 8600 troops may still remain 200 more than what Obama Left Office except they wont be fighting any was simply Counterterrorism Operations something we often hear from republican and democratic administrations they will if they continue their military operations around the world which leads to all will more questions how stable afghanistan be with the continued u. S. Presence what happens on the taliban rank and file realize that they have the u. S. Troops are still there fighting in afghanistan or is it simply a matter of well the election will come and gone by then so it doesnt matter so there is hope that this will lead to that peace deal those direct talks with the taliban and the government but theres still a lot of questions a lot of questions and you have a tendency there for us in washington d. C. Thank you say have. Well theres still plenty more ahead for you on this news hour including Fire Destroys an orphanage in haiti killing more than a dozen children well have all the latest plus. In north Center Sri Lanka where farmers and elephants are fighting for survival and in sports 2 giants of african football playing for one of the continents major titles away from sweden soil find out relieved that with the cast to pick up the story its strange. Now rebels in Northern Syria say they have shot down a military helicopter on friday killing everyone on board Government Forces are trying to take the last opposition held areas in an operation thats already displaced more than 800000 people since the beginning of december some all the reports from the tekkie syria border this is the moment another Syrian Military Helicopter Shot down in aleppo province none of its crew survived they were taking part in a military operation to recapture opposition held areas of the oscars of aleppo city its the 2nd helicopter downed by rebels in the same area this week. Fees fighting continues in neighboring province its a critical time for the rebels who are constantly retreating after losing ground. Is their last stronghold if they are defeated here the war will be over and president bashar assad will have regained total control over syria many syrians are continuing to flee their homes this woman has been forced from the countryside of aleppo province she feels abandoned by everyone that is mad i mean its very cold and no one seems to care about whats happening to us the situation is more than tragic no one is helping look at the people leaving i dont know of any safer area where i can take my family almost 150000 refugees have fled to worse the border with turkey in the last 4 days joining more than a 1000000 forced from their homes since the start of the syrian armys offensive in it live last april. Has been forced to flee his village. As well as refugee camps at least 4 times over the last few months after modernism i recently moved with my family to the city of been ish think you will be safe far from the fighting then the syrian army stepped up its offensive a week ago we packed and left i dont know where to go next i feel like my next move will be towards the unknown. As the humanitarian crisis deepens turkey is deploying more troops into had lived. Accuses damascus of violating the terms of a cease fire agreement that was we 2 years ago between turkey iran and russia the deal established safe zones and implemented a cease fire but violence never stopped the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continue its advance towards the city of idlib thats a red line for turkey its ramped up its military presence in and has given the syrian army until the end of this month to pull out behind turkish observation post or face a tougher response has. Delivered on Turkish Border with syria. Well the Syrian Government has also attacked a camp for internally displaced people in the northern countryside of its lead province social media video showed the off tomorrow of the shelling nearest armada there were no casualties. 20 people have been killed in an attack in central mali it happened in the village of august sagal in the region of mopti more than 100 people were killed in the same village last march an ethnic dogan militia has been accused of carrying out attacks now a fire has swept through an orphanage in haiti killing 15 people 13 of them children its thought candles were being used after a generator had failed rescue workers at the scene near the capital Port Au Prince are still working to recover bodies and you got to get reports. The fire broke out on thursday evening quickly spreading through the unlicensed orphanage run by a u. S. Religious group just outside haitis capital Authorities Say 7 of those who perished were babies or toddlers along with 6 who were roughly 10 or 11 years of age who reportedly took firefighters around an hour and a half to reach the scene in museum prosecuted cos it was a little. We did not have the means to intervene all the way up the floor we were taking out the children who were conscious and making sure to get them to the hospital unfortunately when they got to the hospital they did not receive any help. Other place started is still being investigated but a worker at the home said candles were being used to light after a generator failed the church of bible understanding is reported to a failed senator inspections in the past because of overcrowding and a lack of trained staff. Pennsylvania organization which runs this and another home in haiti says it houses close to 200. 00 children in what it calls a Christian Training Program in haiti orphans are often children families cant afford to feed they come to places like this to get an education and safe housing workers from the home are in shock the idea of. I was eating soup and i ran fast to get there when i arrived i did not find any of my children i saw only 3 or 4 of the younger ones a life the government has closed around 160 orphanages in the past 5 years and hundreds more operate without official authorization haitis president job namo east tweeted his condolences saying im deeply saddened by the death of about 10 children as a result of a fire last night at the orphanage i urge the authorities to urgently investigate in order to establish the causes of this tragedy the Authorities Say theyre seeking shelter for the children that survived and the gallacher aljazeera. In algeria its the 1st anniversary of the beginning of the Mass Movement that ousted the countrys longest serving leda president idolizes but a figure was removed in april but protests as a still demanding freedom and democracy as well as the removal of what they call the ruling elite. The reports. Every friday for the last year theyve been demanding an overhaul of algerias entire political establishment. Many algerian say they feel betrayed by that political elite and have lost trust in the government. Algerias political crisis began last february when president after lizzies beautifully announced he wanted a 5th term in office the 82 year old had ruled for 20 years but was rarely seen in public since suffering a stroke in 2030. 2 weeks of protests calling for him to step down the army withdrew its support algerias longest serving president eventually resigned the speaker of the upper house of parliament upped okada bid salah was appointed interim president but faced a daunting task. His replacement was accused of corruption trading and poor governance and seen by many algerians as belonging to the same elite in salah cools for unity as well as transparent and Fair Elections but discontent continued with protesters determined to push for genuine change. The president ial election of originally shared jewels for last july finally happened in december and with boycotted by many algerians millions described the election as a sham and less than 40 percent of the 24000000 eligible voters took part in. The election was won by abdul majid to be a former Prime Minister the military backed interim government hoped he would end months of protests say fall that hasnt happened. Local a c. Student in play used to be in the fight against corruption did not go far enough for deep enough. To be social problem student. 58 years after independence from france many algerian say theyre still fighting for freedom they want a clean sweep of the political establishment and a National Unity government to bring democracy to tour again to be out there but now it just got more expensive airbus to export its planes to the United States washington has raise tariffs on european built aircraft amid a dispute over subsidies the u. S. Levy will go up from 10 to 15 percent washington has long argued that airbus has an unfair advantage over american based plane maker boeing the move comes as American Airlines struggle with a shortage of planes almost a year after boeing grounded at 737 max model of a safety concerns well lets speak now to kyle bailey hes an aviation analyst and also a former federal Aviation Authority safety Team Representatives and he joins us now from butler in new jersey kyle this has been a really long running issue and air bus is saying that this will hit u. S. Airlines and u. S. Consumers how true is that. That is very true especially with the fact that the 737 max has been grounded for a year there is over 5000 now of the max aircraft in the order pipeline so realistically boeing doesnt have enough airplanes in the production pipeline to produce so air bus you know here is a major disadvantage here because boeing d pretty much has its hands crying so Something Back to you well given all of the controversy around the boeing 737 max i see ed buses even struggling to keep up with orders for its planes so does this now make it even harder if the u. S. Airlines to get hold of desperately needed new planes yes and that has been the case for the last several years especially with the not just on the passenger side but also on the cargo side there is a tremendous need for aircraft for both passengers and for cargo and this is been this this way for the last couple years and even now some verse from max its more more of the case so this is an urgent situation and you know airbus is at the disadvantage here and unfortunately boeing does have its fans there inside and i think the general why public as a result of this you know will also kind of project were seafarers increase so kind i mean i know this is part of an ongoing trade dispute between the u. S. And the e. U. But is there a sense that this might also be about trying to protect boeing a u. S. Plane make amid all of its troubles. Yes that very well could possibly be the case and a lot of times well see these terrorists imposed and then there will be after they are imposed for a couple of weeks there will be some more negotiations and talking behind the scenes and you know i wouldnt be surprised if after a few weeks these terrorists do go away or maybe just you know reduced and we weve seen this in the past with the case you know without you know terrorists and china we seem threats of terrorists and theyre implemented and then theyre pretty much reduced or taken back and i wouldnt be surprised if this is the case you know we were very much as well say that this is some want authorized as well by the World Trade Organization theyve said that the state subsidies for boeing at a disadvantage but i mean boeing also receives state subsidies from the u. S. Government. That is correct. But airbus is more of a. Quasi government subsidized organization or boeing is just a pretty much a Public Company that does get incentives from the government but the subsidies are pretty different if you in comparison between whatever airbus gets from its government versus what boeing gets in the forms of. Less importance of subsidies. Kyle bailey than aviation analyst speaking to us from new jersey thanks so much for joining us there they have a good night. Well still ahead on the jazeera a show of strength by female supporters of iraqi cleric. Others define his call to stop protesting alongside men. From the sound of the pharaohs why saving one of the worlds oldest Musical Instruments has become this mans personal mission. And despite a lack of snow shortening the race the reality of sweden finally getting some to way thats coming up with joe and. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast well here across asia we are watching back to back storms making their way from china up here towards japan this is been the trend over the last few days saturday not a bad day for japan most of the heavy rain will be coming up through the lens but notice the rain down here across china they have seen quite a bit of rain some flooding rain as well the good news for china that rain is on its way out but it is heading towards japan as we go towards sunday we do expect to see some very heavy rain by the time we end the day here on sunday up here towards the Korean Peninsula temperatures are on their way down take a look the forecast for seoul starting at 15 degrees on saturday sunday all the way down to 0 in on monday we do expect to see some snow in the forecast only getting to about minus 3 there well here across borneo we do expect to see some more rain over the next few days though showers have been quite heavy over the last few days they will continue as we go towards saturday as well over here towards parts of sumatra do expect to see some very heavy showers particularly over here towards the western coast but for the philippines it is going to be nice over the next few days manila where the top temperature on sunday of 30 degrees there and then across india it has been quite quiet over the last few days it will remain that way as we go towards saturday up here towards kolkata a nice day for you with a temperature of 29. Progress. Or a serious mistake. Intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our lives. But very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. In a new documentary aljazeera explores the impact of a accessing vast amounts of opposable data sets data line coming soon. Let me talk about 2 of the biggest problems facing and they are the endemic corruption and the current we listen so if you replace china as the enemy of the with not really vendors we meet with global news makers and tweek about the stories that matter on the edges 0. A diverse range of stories from across the globe from the perspective of our networks journalists on 00. 0 again im a star a reminder of our top stories this hour chinas foreign minister has criticized some countries for overreacting to the coronavirus which has now killed more than 1500 people wrongly says containing the spread of the virus remains a challenge for the Chinese Government but he insists the outbreak is under control. U. S. Officials say they have reached an agreement with the taliban which could lead to the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan the deal to reduce violence in the country is the result of ongoing peace talks and cancel. The Us Government has raised tariffs on european built aircraft airbags from 10 to 15 percent it marks a new escalation of a long running dispute between the worlds 2 largest fane makers washington says even subsidies given rival everson unfair advantage. Now iraqi women are defying a call by leading cleric to stop protesting alongside men knocked out outsiders calling for the segregation of men and women because of what he claims is nudity alcohol drinking and illegal drug taking. Mixed sex antigovernment rallies and has more from baghdad. Iraqi women standing together but not standing alongside men this is how the leading shia cleric knocked out our solders says iraqis should protest against government corruption high unemployment and u. S. Troops based in the slugger market or cider is not against women protesting but he is against some illegitimate acts that happen in the protest camps. Us other says protests should be segregated he tweeted the demonstrations have become mired in nudity promiscuity drunkenness and drug use some of our solders female supporters on this march in baghdad sutter city a Green National shattuck now feel weve been protesting since october with our songs on brothers but according to the ways accepted by islam we protest and create our revolution but within limits on values which are accepted by our religion. Us and our lead armed groups against us forces during the 2003 iraq war now he leads a shia political bloc in iraqs parliament. First backed antigovernment rallies when they reignited in a top but when demonstrators refused to accept Muhammad Ali Assad as favorite to succeed the current Prime Minister Abdullah Abdullah mocked the also to stop supporting the antigovernment protests as part of military forces are accused of turning on the protesters they were originally protecting. Assad as demand for gender segregation and protest was largely ignored in rallies in baghdad on thursday by men and women who marched together to do it after his last tweet we thought it was positive because no one responded to it all the people see segregation between genders as an old idea which leads to more problems and submissions. Several weeks ago. Souter called for a 1000000 man march but the numbers which turned up to that when anything like body hoped for the numbers of protests generally have been 20 since they began back in october but people are going to be watching very carefully about the numbers who turn up at this protest in case it might give some sort of into geisha about whether or not the shia clerics influence in iraq is changing. Then and women who protest in iraq say they share a common purpose in opposing the government and demanding change but they seem divided about how they should make their voices heard rob matheson aljazeera baghdad. Techies president has expressed solidarity with pakistans stance on india and indian administered kashmir subtype out on held talks with pakistani Prime Minister emraan khan and as im a bad addressing parliament added one says he stands with the people of kashmir india revokes the disputed regions autonomous station last august our correspondent in the has the latest from the pakistani capital. Both sides. Straight to the tune of 5000000000. 00 the pakistani Prime Minister one on one meeting with their president their dress Pakistans Parliament and bridgie times the people of pakistan for the support pakistan has given to turkey whenever theres been a Natural Disaster and the cooperation between the 2 was strong on the strategic and political level but he also stressed that they should not be a relationship which should be an economic one as well the pakistanis want to learn from their model the pakistani Prime Minister are asking his. Counterpart to help pakistan in the field of. Both countries have a strong strategic relationship they have had military maneuvers together pakistan by a lot of military hardware from that country so indeed an important and fruitful meeting as far as blog astonished concerned and the turkish president also saying that he will support pakistan on the international forum. A course in istanbul has a crystal attackers novelist who is charged with being a member of a terror organization. Arrested back in 2016 as part of an investigation into alleged links to outlawed kurdish fighters she was held in pretrial detention for 4 months and now lives in selfimposed exile in europe a newspaper that at one went for was also shut down by the turkish government one of 130. Media outlets closed in the aftermath of the failed coup in 2016. The president of bellary says hes facing increasing pressure from moscow to join russia and a unified state for 2 months now russia has cut oil supplies to batteries which relies on its neighbor for 80 percent of its Energy President Alexander Lukashenko says its part of russias push to merge the 2 countries you know who faces reelection this year and has governed for 2 decades says he will find alternative markets for oil serbia and kosovo have signed a deal to restore rail and road links after more than 2 decades the u. S. Brokered agreement was signed at the Munich Security Conference it follows a decision last month to resume direct commercial flights serbia does not recognize kosovos independence and still considers it a part of its territory talks to normalize relations between the rivals ended in november 28th seen. Our concern on behalf of the. Republic of sort of your. Full force or will feel. Much better in the future and we will be able to stabilize the region and to secure the peace for the next decades which is a phenomenal significance for all the inhabitants of the us about more resources what we are signing today gives another positive message that there will be more peace more stability more development to divorce jobs exactly what course a vote serbia and the whole region need. All the munich summit as one of the worlds top gatherings focused on security and Foreign Policy issues john holl is there and he spoke to elizabeth broad from the Royal United Services institute about the growing concern over americas shrinking global influence. A lot of anxiety as you said and even being able to coin a word like restlessness how often is anybody able to do that but actually i think that the real problem is the United States European Countries feel i think pretty sure of their role in the world but where does the United States fit in and thats that the great anxiety here and if you look at the large u. S. Delegation thats here and essentially a whole planeload full of representatives from congress and the government in the think Tank Community but the man himself is not here and he is obviously the one who caused the shots and who has caused a lot of this west lessness not him alone but he has contributed to it because the push back effect of the west listen this is new alliances forming russia with china the e. U. Trying to figure out whether it needs to be friends with russia or whether it will eventually be allowed back into the arms of the United States its all been thrown up in the air as it thats right completely new alliances and unpredictable alliances because wherever the west retreats or wherever the west even expresses doubts that it might want to be involved might want to remain involved wherever that happens another country usually russia china pops agness right were happy to help and those countries dont really have a choice but to accept whichever country comes along and offers to help. Now president Donald Trumps former adviser roger stone has asked for a new trial on charges of lying to congress and witness tampering comes just days after trumps criticism of his proposed jail sentence sparked an uproar over political influence in the Justice System earlier this week the federal Prosecution Team quit the star in case after the Justice Department said it would reduce their recommended sentence charges against him were part of the investigation into possible russian interference in the 2016 president ial election or u. S. President donald trump is insisting he has a legal right to intervene in clipped criminal cases like stones thats often attorney general william bar complain that the president s tweets were making his job quote impossible on thursday barred criticized for his attacks on Prosecutor Says the judge and the jurors in sterns trial prosecutors had recommended he set a 9 year sentence but trump tweeted that it was unfair White House Correspondent kimberly how it says that balls remarks may have been part of an orchestrated move to maintain the integrity of the Justice Department. Its enormously surprising its very rare public criticism from one of the president s biggest defenders and so thats what makes it so on usual because donald trump is a president that while he doesnt offer it he demands loyalty weve seen others in his cabinet who have sort of broken ranks eventually quietly being dismissed sometimes not so quietly the former attorney general Jeff Sessions also the former chief of staff john kelly so theres a lot of speculation in washington right now about why william barr might be doing this is it to protect his own reputation were simply left to speculate but there is some thinking that perhaps this was coordinated and calculated given the fact that william barr has seen the departure of 4 attorneys from the department of justice that he oversees as a result of that stone case and whether or not theres concern that more attorneys might leave and what that could do to the integrity of the department. Is a republican strategist and consultant and she says the attorney generals comments open to interpretation. What we know right now is that attorney general bill bars words are that are expressing frustration hes frustrated that the president kind of wont keep his mouth shut but whats really tally is what barb will say and i think you know where we are right now is a moment in which we have to be skeptical the president has just survived being removed by us and hes acquitted for all intensive purposes hes feeling rather emboldened and he takes to twitter when hes feeling confident strong and wants to get his point across so what we learned from his tweets is that he is going to operate how he always did as a private citizen and and as a candidate as somebody whos transitioning to the white house and of course somebody whos now quitting reelection he wants to use his bully pulpit to show that he doesnt believe hes a he doesnt believe that the law is something that touches him he does believe there are and i think there are certain general sense in terms of get me to say you know mr president. The french president s candidates have paris mayor has dropped out of the race after a 6 figure was released on social media benjamin grieve over said he was stepping aside to protect his family his withdrawal is a major setback for among your party leaving it without a candidate in next months elections. That you know when i announced my candidacy for mayor of paris i knew the harshness of political life for more than a year now my family not been subjected to defamatory statement the law is synonymous attacks to population a private conversations that were stolen and death for it was this tournament has affected me its mostly hurt those i love as if that wasnt enough yesterday a new stage has crossed a website and social networks have relayed by all accounts of my private life my family does not deserve to this nobody deep down inside should ever have to suffer such violence. Well the entire border of france as a president of the oscars this is wards has resigned amid criticism over its 12 nominations for Roman Polanskis latest film the polish french director is wanted in the United States for the statutory rape of a 13 Year Old Girl back in the 1970 s. The multiple nods for polanskis an officer and a spy prompted hundreds of french cinema figures to brand the says academy as elitist. Conservationists have criticized the Sri Lankan Government for distributing shotguns to help protect farmers and crops from elephant attacks now shrinking habitats and growing human populations are bringing people and elephants into increasing confrontation Mel Fernandez reports from ever. And on the production is struggling to cope with the loss of her husband the 31 year old special task force policeman was killed by elephants here in aid whoever just over a year ago it was a half but it was his last day of a 5 day break at home we were both getting work done around the house in the evening he went to buy provisions as he would only be coming back in a month but it was while returning home that he ran into a herd of elephants. Last year was the worst year for conflict between people and elephants 121 tree lankans and 405 elephants were killed sri lanka is home to around 6000 Wild Elephants 70 percent of them live outside protected areas which means they share their habitat with People Pharmacy they are vulnerable when travelling to their fears to work or when protecting their crops from night raids this family was rushing to harvest their paddy before the elephants got to it but the elephants are threatened with 500 shotguns handed out by the government the minister of wildlife has given the guns to Civil Security personnel to protect farmers and their crops he told aljazeera the weapons will be used under Wildlife Department supervision only to scare the enablers of morning sunday we have issued birdshot you can shoot and kill elephants with these they will fire up into the elephants are scared of guns because they have been used by villagers for many years these guns will be used in a disciplined way conservationists say the guns are a bad idea and will only make things worse for the pointers only point in this. Bill if one turns against you youre going to run. Berthed really reinforces our vision and elephants and the next time they reform comes in contact with somebody who doesnt know that that person doesnt have a gun and hes not going to shoot youre probably killed that 4000 kilometers of electric fences have been built to deal with the elephant problem but the battery is mostly in the jungle and are no obstacle for hungry and determined elephants instead he says fences must be used to protect villages and crops these farmers are doing just that. Going to. Make it this middle post will have electricity running through it like the base and other wires the elephants can pull it out at any point now we can get some rest at night earlier we had to stay up. Thats on both sides of this battle are rising every year and a National Policy to conserve Wild Elephants is yet to be fully implemented 14 years off it was introduced but protecting these farmers and their crops is the biggest challenge for the government one that carries important votes in a finance as aljazeera a row of North Central sri lanka now still ahead in sports why manchester says he wont be playing in european competitions for at least 2 years. He fled to protect his life but denied asylum a congolese activist must return home facing an uncertain future he once again finds himself at the forefront of a Political Revolution to try to improve democracy can come at a heavy personal cost. Back to kinshasa i witnessed documentary on aljazeera. Examining the impact of todays headlines you use the term misinformation ive used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions how unique aloma is this in terms of modern American History when it comes to racism you have the makings of a neo fascist Moment International filmmakers and world class journalists bringing programs to inspire you. On aljazeera. Route the all the way. Well its now time for sport. Thank you very much English Premier League champions Manchester City have been given a to see them banned from the Champions League by a way for european footballs governing body says the club committed serious breaches of its financial fair play roles its also fine city 32000000. 00 the club says it will appeal the decision of the court of arbitration for sport all Sports Correspondent lee wellings says he waived his decision had been expected while you were from Manchester City have been on a collision course the sun times this has been how many will remember that if you go back to 24. Matches the city were fighting for similar fans of the 50000000. 00 you wait for are really targeting not just managed but theres suddenly going off to the cops that i thought a huge amount of money i might believe in some way its not a good seeing you have a hose with such things as inflated sponsorship ways that you either feel its misleading said how they make their money to make it look like they are actually keeping in line with financial fair play when theyre not and what matches this is a happy about all is that there was a leak of the way for a Mission Investigation 28 saying it was already clear that much says it will get a vice quite big publishing what moment not being expected is the level of the punching 2 seasons out of the challenge theyve got pretty much as tough as he got it underlines how are you able to make a stand are you conscious of the example of a clock that match the city to the amount of money they have of course theyre not the only defenders in this area but certainly the ones that look to have been spending the most money in this one and now would he never said he happened so often speaks full disk. It is it goes to the cause of our childish sport in switzerland the cities appear and they will be confident of finding a wine with them though it is said beyond fairy traces the lyrics shouldnt happen shouldnt have been targeted in this way will this only result of good time before that seasons champions that much of the city is over by rogers in the last thing this is. Its going to be one of the biggest. Things got the more they. Say. In science amalek have won one of africas biggest Club Football competitions the caps a pickup playing hare and cats on the egyptians were too strong for to see in Club Esperance winning 31. Has the action looking to do what they didnt take the cash super campuses showdown between the winners of the african Champions League and the holders of the Confederation Cup with. The sellout crowd barely had time to find this seats before Confederation Cup holders Emily Oconnor story i mean just the 2nd. And what was a heated 1st half still the White Knights almost doubled the lead just before halftime but its bronze was saved by some lucky defending the 2 losing club had their chance to equalise in the 50th minutes after the v. A. Our old theyd been ahead born on the box and they didnt waste it thank you scarce. Here they come looking for instant response thank god its to the spots that minutes later zemanek were back in front. And the stoppage time ashraf bin sharkey ensured its bronze would be runners up for 2nd year in a row shot i cant go to she said its only the 5th time in the history of the competition that the Champions League hold a hasnt won the super cup switch roles and a worse aljazeera. Thing to stand it was that game for us in doha a victory for the egyptian giants they win by 3 goals to one heartbreak for the tennessean club it was the 2nd year in a row that they were in the super cup last year they lost 21 against roger casablanca of morocco and on this occasion it was 31 will they be back for a 3rd year in a row but theyll certainly be trying no doubt about that though is hosting the african supercuts 3 years in a row as part of an agreement between the Football Association and caf what are the africans get out of it well its an opportunity to expand their horizons expand their. Markets kind of like the way italy and spain have done with these super cups what does the host nation of the next world cup get out of it for us the main benefit is to begin testing our operational plans testing new teams these are all people that are going to eventually be working at the world cup and its another opportunity for us to showcase stuff its hosting a capability is all the new facilities that ive been built here the 2 teams are training our state of the art brand new training sites and you know theres a lot that needs to be tested so joyful zamalek they go back to egypt with another trophy to put into the cabinet as will the 2 new zealands well its not the end of the road for them quite they are 10 points clear at the top of the 2 new zealand Domestic League so when they resume duties they no doubt they can confidently expect another trophy in the cabinet sooner rather than later a lack of snow shortened and delayed the start of the rally of sweden but the race finally got underway on friday a thin layer of snow covered the gravel roads around tolls be close to the border with no way stages had to be cut from the race because of unseasonably warm conditions which also forced the cancellation of thursdays opening stage here it is elfin evans one to the days of 4 stages to hold an 8 and a half 2nd lead of the defending world rally champion tomic going into day 2 all right that is all useful for now well have more for you later. Well mountain jordan and one mans mission to revive a Musical Instruments from 3000 years ago his search for ancient music took him to the banks of one of the middle easts west historically important resins thats going to enhance the story. Its the sound of the wind skipping across the desert campfire or the waves on a tranquil beach as the sun sets the ny or reed flute is one of the worlds oldest Musical Instruments paintings on the walls of pharaohs tombs show ancient egyptians playing it. Coming directly from nature we just clean it make it straight and its an instrument rated to use this idea for me was kind of magical that the earth is giving us an instrument to hear that and. Cots passion for the night is rooted in his reverence for the arabic music of his ancestors 5 years ago he decided he wanted to learn how to play the ny however he couldnt find the instrument or a teacher in jordan even though the reeds grow in the valley of the jordan river he was saddened that an instrument that literally grew from his countrys land and was a joy by generations of jordanians was in danger of becoming an artifact he spent days searching for the reeds in the wild and learned how to make and play than i. Taught me that is more because there is no moving like the other every need is like a different personality of each 3 than using. The record cofounded the house of ny in 2017 to revive the instrument through lessons and concert dont be fooled by this simple looking instrument. I still havent been able to make a sound come out the recut says he wants people to feel comfortable picking this up and playing it without aiming for perfection to spread this traditional arabic music the house of ny has been Holding Workshops in and outside of that men reaching hundreds of jordanians. 16 year old tarek rabat attended one of those workshops in the small town of as rock now he teaches other children and is hoping to become a cultural in basad or. Visual but it doesnt look at fear and i want to attract tourists to enjoy the environment of acid rock teaching them to play the ny is giving them a window into the musical culture of. Connecting the past with the present crafting something from nature and savoring the music across the generations there are caught hopes hes reigniting an appreciation of an art form that transcends music and can continue d for many more millennia natasha guinea zeroth man. Thats it for meanest tape it to rain will be on the chat in the next few minutes with another full roundup of the days news just about. One of the really special things that work in progress here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much and put in contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know its very challenging live but in the particular because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues. With the people we live to tell the real story so ill just mend it used to deliver indepth journalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. To illustrate we have to be is a wise thing about chinas growing influence on university campuses. One o one east investigates how beijing is building. On aljazeera. Joining me many often as i put it up for questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on our just. We understand the difference is an similarities of cultures across the wound so no matter how you take a aljazeera personally the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Count is the. The controversial leader of the Islamic Jihad has cut you loose on one internists street. Count turned. His alleged extrajudicial killing oh yes rape telling them side says the bastards the outcome is only this if someone tried to. Immediately sue me tells us shut down the border. Kill him in damascus 0. 0 or. China accuses some countries of overreacting to the coronavirus sun causing panic as it tightens restrictions in the capital beijing. Youre watching aljazeera live from a headquarters in doha. Also ahead the taliban and the u. S. Reach a weeklong deal to reduce violence and success could lead to a major troop withdraw from afghanistan. Making airbus planes more expensive the u. S. Increases tariffs again as boeings problems leave airlines waiting. Im

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