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Welcomes the program to flights evacuating u. S. Citizens who were stuck on a cruise ship with hundreds of coronavirus cases on board have now left japan those who are infected staying behind the ships being quarantined in the port of yokohama 355. 00 passengers tested positive for the virus among them 44. 00 u. S. Citizens will be treated in hospitals in japan what chinas confirmed another 105. 00 deaths on sunday raising the total number of dead on the mainland to 1770 around 2000 more people have tested positive for the virus and another person has died outside of china a taxi driver in taiwan became the 5th atallah to outside the mainland an elderly chinese tourist in france was the 1st to die outside of asia other deaths have been reported in hong kong japan and the philippines well katrina you joins us live now from beijing katrina so 2000 new cases being reported with 105 more deaths put these numbers into context for us katrina what does this all mean. Well daryn you have to remember that the vast majority of these cases of the cases generally in china are within home base so we had 2000 or so reported in the last 24 hours now the cases outside of china of those 2000 are only 180 s. Or outside of who they are only 118 of those cases are actually outside of who base so that is some positive news we do have to remember that these are official figures so we do have to take them with a grain of salt they of course could be much more cases but it does seem at least that though the numbers of cases are rising inside who by the numbers outside of who they are fooling we do have to remember that today is monday in china its a new working week and we are expecting many more people millions of people to return to major cities to go back to work slowly to start using public transport so the number could spike of the next few days and we do have to watch that closely and at the same time the Chinese Government have continued to implement stricter measures even to prevent the spread of this new current virus we know of who pay for example over the weekend they banned any vehicles from being on the streets and were nonessential vehicles so you cant just go out and and drive your car around if youre not a government or medical vehicle or a vehicle to do with helping to to deliver supplies also theyve sealed off many residential compounds in who are based specially but also outside of cuba in places like beijing residential compounds have one strict entrance which residents can go in and out of if you dont live there you may not be able to enter they take your temperature they ask you where youve been in fact everywhere you go in cities even in beijing miles away of who bit from who pay if you enter an Office Building a shop they take your temperature they take your details and still public main major public gatherings are prevented and if you are at a restaurant you can in you sit at a table you could have no more than 2 people sitting at a small table the very strict with keeping people as far away from each other as possible. Parents are of course also. The frustrated children have been staying home for weeks now we dont know when schools will go back to normal or at least the government has restricted any schools from opening before the beginning of march and parents are starting to buy printers to print out academic materials and textbooks because they believe that this is going to continue at least for months now so there is it is this virus although it is concentrated in who a portmans it has been massively disrupted to every day life here in china generally and the frustration is growing and the anger is growing directed at the government as we come to know more information that authorities knew about this virus and they didnt necessarily inform the public until much later or to katrina you there in beijing katrina thank you well more on the evacuation of those u. S. Citizens from that cruise ship in japan by al jazeera should have a chance. 2 flights which which took off wildly will had 2 and a half or space in california one to texas 300. 00 of the 400. 00 americans on board. Of which the latest figures we have all 44. 00 showed symptoms of the coronavirus they will be they will be staying in japanese hospitals now the rest will head to these and 4 spaces where they will be put into a 40 day quarantine before they are before the release of the show any signs or symptoms obviously were told they will be taken to a suitable off base facility meanwhile 100. 00 americans chose to stay on board the ship despite this being the center of coronaVirus Outbreak they felt as well as we can hear some of the reasons well look i mean wed rather not go on a pretty cold windowless called her plane all the way to the us only to be put into quarantine on that and was. On the cruise line however the some strict rules for them to actually we understand they will only be let off the ship on february the 19th we understand but they wont be allowed into the u. S. Until march the 4th but as far as this larger issue of the coronavirus in the u. S. Should you be scared it doesnt seem to be. An intense stage of tool really i think the main concern right now actually is among americans were getting reports of a slowdown in businesses and chinatowns in new york chicago los angeles this is this country has a long history of xenophobia against Asian Americans and were seeing Community Leaders local leaders saying look this isnt some ethnically. Ethnically based virus this is you know. Everyone should just stay come. Talk to ali khan is for me in the basket medical centers college of Public Health he told my colleague come on santa maria that its not clear when the worst of the outbreak will the other foot. I think we need to be very careful about making predictions but there is no doubt that this is a global emergency in china and theyve instituted a containment strategy and over the last couple of days weve been seeing a decline in cases in china too early to say whether or not thats permanent or not and across the world people have put in various layered Public Health measures to try to protect themselves they seem to be effective so far but we do know that there are hotspots even outside of china such as singapore is a good example where we are seeing local transmission within the community the World Health Organization saying yesterday that beijing is going i think it was 82 trials going on to try to find a treatment for and you know theyre expecting results within weeks again positive sign perhaps i take your point that you dont want to get into the predictions business too much its absolutely a positive point that theyre trying to systematically about you wait what good options may be to treat patients starting with the existing drugs that we may already have on the shelf and thats the reflection of these 8082 trials theres also a trial underway to try to look at plasma so this is people whove recovered can you take their blood and use that has a therapy for people who are sick so theres also a trial trying to look at the plasma prompt people who have recovered from the disease now one of the uns top representatives on libya says the weapons embargo in the country has become a joke for mrs some around the world met on the sidelines of a Security Summit a new mic to discuss the conflict fed agreed not to intervene in libya but many of them have been deeply involved in the conflict negotiations between the un recognized government and the wall orderly for after a 2 to receive on tuesday. And libyans are about to mark the 9th anniversary of the revolution that led to the downfall of longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi the power vacuum left behind has led to the current conflict the capital tripoli a scene intense fighting over the past few months aljazeera is child strength and met residents and fled their homes and im sure when they can go back. Half built a neglected for almost a decade these towers are on feet for habitation more than a 100 families who have fled fighting on the outskirts of libyas capital shelter here and now this tiny room is where samir heady and her 2 children have lived for the last 3 months theres no electricity or Running Water samir a says her son used to be top of his class at school but the school was closed because of the fighting she described what happened when she tried to return to her home with her daughter to collect more of their belongings. As where the horror theres this little girl has seen no other child has witnessed in all of libya the whole building new front of us collapsed the bombs were coming from all sides our home was completely destroyed we could have been killed the nation says that more than 150000 people have been forced to flee their homes since general haftar started is offensive on the tripoli in april more than 600 people have been killed or injured now many libyans will be celebrating the anniversary of a revolution that overthrew farmall gadhafi at the same time as the country is ensuring what many describe a civil war. International efforts to pull just cease fire the failed renegade general 34 have to say shes offensive against the un backed government based in tripoli will continue. To send an event organized by Government Forces to one of their sons killed defending the capital mohammed shock on says he still dreams of peace and a unified libya well i dont know when i heard my son had been killed i was shocked but i hope god willing that he just like so many others who died for this country will be deemed a martyr and in next years revolution anniversary will be better and all libyans can celebrate one unified libya where we and generations to come come across. Back in their tiny cold room in the town samir a says thousands of families like us have nothing to celebrate. The children that there are so many tragedies huge problems and theres people suffering even more than us i dont have any hope left there is no security to why and what all the celebrated another generation too young to understand can only wait for the peace and prosperity that was promised to their parents almost a decade ago. Tripoli. Syrian state media is reporting that Government Forces have recaptured most of aleppo province once controlled by rebels russian planes have been bombing the region in the northwest president Bashar Al Assads forces have made significant gains over the past few days seizing the strategic m 5 highway which links aleppo to the capital damascus. Meanwhile turkey is trying to stop that advance into the last rebel held areas u. S. President donald trump has commended turkeys president trying to stop the syrian Government Forces backed by russia earlier turkeys foreign minister told his russian counterpart anchor it will take necessary steps if diplomatic efforts with moscow fail now that cover soon and Sergey Lavrov held talks in new nick the Syrian Government with the help of its ally russia is also involved in several turkish soldiers have been killed one of the Syrian Government tightens its grip rebels are abandoning the strategic areas in aleppo and in libya but as turkey steps up its involvement in the company in those fighting Bashar Al Assads forces see a chance to regain ground are somehow bar reports from what say on turkeys border with syria. These are fighters from the National Liberation front a Rebel Alliance backed by turkey outgunned and outnumbered the fighters secret behind a new directed embankment on the other side Government Troops are stepping up their campaign. Thought more through. We are consolidating our defense lines setting up small flexible command centers and most of the factions are coordinating their operations and our aim is to drag Government Forces into our own areas fighting has surged over the last few days president Bashar Al Assads forces have regained control of many areas in and it lives. Their advance infuriated turkey which accuses him of violating the terms of a cease fire agreement turkey signed with russia and iran 2 years ago unka has sent more troops into it and expanded its military outposts despite that damascus insists its campaign wont stop turkeys growing involvement in the syrian conflict is welcomed by the rebels who see it as an opportunity for a counter offensive. We are still fighting to prevent assads army and the militias backing him from destroying our villages and evicting civilians the morale of our fighters is high and we are all determined to defeat assad the rebels have been weakened by internal fighting and divisions the National Liberation front is one among many operating in rebel held territory but hey at the us. Is the most powerful its an alliance of many groups with a strong presence in. The rebels have no hope of defeating assads troops who are making more gains and determined to take over the last area held by the opposition now their last chance is that turkey increases its military presence in syria stops the government offensive and imposes a ceasefire but such agreement will be decided by 3 key powers russia turkey and iran have. Had tie on Turkish Border with syria now at least 2 people have been killed and 5 others injured by a car bomb in a turkish controlled town in syria detonated and thats in the north of rock a province dozens of civilians have been killed there by a number of car bombs since Turkish Forces drove out the Kurdish Militia in october. Media blame the attack on why p. G. Time for a short break here aljazeera when we come back is this the quiet before the storm indonesia has more to any coronavirus yet find out why its feared it could be spreading undetected plus. One of how some weird and wonderful designs in philadelphia are prompting people to imagine a very different reality in the future more than statements. Hello its time to take a look at the weather across the levant and the middle east region you see this area of cloud thats developing into quite a snow feature of the next 24 hours so is run the forecast you can see quite a bit of snow across the far east of turkey far north east of iraq and through north and iran and temperatures really struck in the advantages to tehran maximum of 9 degrees further south is looking fine nice weather conditions here in doha max and 25 degrees with light winds heading on through into choose day much of that snow clears away so dry conditions here but still some pretty low nighttime temperatures well into negative features in the across eastern parts of turkey temperatures in tehran expected to recover into double figures at least and again temperatures rising here around the Arabian Peninsula too by the high of 28 degrees heading into central parts of africa weve still got quite a few showers across parts of tanzania also were expecting some pretty heavy downpours further towards the west across democratic republic of congo and also for the Central African republic those showers expected to continue during the course of chooses to really prolong the downpours expected here should be bright though in kampala in uganda highs expected to reach 27 degrees celsius. Al jazeera. Ever. Heard. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here this hour china has reported 105. 00 more deaths from corona virus bringing the total to 1770. 00 on the mainland 2 aircraft evacuating u. S. Citizens would been stuck on a cruise ship have now left japan and some who tested positive for the virus are staying behind. A u. N. Envoy describing the arms embargo on libya as a joke Foreign Ministers from 13 nations discussed the ban at the Munich Security Conference they agreed not to interfere but many states have been involved in the conflict. Syrian state media is reporting that Government Forces backed by russian warplanes have seize most of the rebel held areas of aleppo province as part of the governments offensive to take the Northern Region near the Turkish Border including italy province. But more now on the coronavirus cases appeared in more than 2 dozen countries but one of angels most populous nations is yet to report a single infection in the nations who were evacuated from the chinese epicenter have been released with a clean bill of health jessica washington reports from one of them the main port and tourist spots. Its quieter than usual on balis beaches tens of thousands of Chinese Tourists who would have spent their winter holidays on the island have had to postpone their plans because of the corona Virus Outbreak who visit is from china who landed here before the outbreak escalated there were 2 choices return home or extend this stay at least 300 out of the 5000 who are here have applied for visa extensions but and her husband are ready to go home the couple say theyre confident chinese authorities and governments around the world handling the situation you know will we need to go back to our jobs and our children need to go to school so in our holiday we will immediately return home every year around a 1000000 Chinese Tourists visit bali and they would direct flights from will where the outbreak began until they were stopped a few weeks ago as many ask how indonesia has seemingly avoided this outbreak for now this concern the virus is present here but undetected somewhere in this vast archipelago a recent study by harvard researchers looked at data around the outbreak and its link with a travel volume it calculated the risk of an outbreak in countries with direct flights to when the outbreak began and found the disease could already be in indonesia some say indonesia is vulnerable. There are many ports of entry into the country so many airports and ways for people to get in and some areas dont have the right equipment to take to the virus. But authorities here are defending the measures taken by indonesia. Weve been mapping the spread of what would happen if there was a right we have 100 hospitals ready now and getting ready the facilities and personnel are prepared. The World Health Organization also says the country is taking the right steps to detect the virus and prepare for cases. That have did it and. Its been confirmed one Chinese National who traveled to bali has contract to the virus but its not clear whether that happened in bali where authorities are looking into the case and on this island many are anxiously waiting to know jessica washington aljazeera. The Yemeni Government backed by the Saudi Led Coalition has agreed to the biggest of a prisoner swap with who the rebels the timing and number of prisoners hasnt been announced but the u. N. Special envoy to yemens urging parties to move forward urgently in a deal brokered in 2018 the warring sides agreed to exchange about 15000 detainees for pakistan and the u. N. Refugee Agency Holding a conference to highlight the challenges facing millions of afghan refugees its estimated more than 2000000 live in pakistan some of them displaced since the 979 soviet invasion violence makes returning home dangerous but a repack Placement Program is set to resume next month of travel to a refugee camp near the pakistani city official. The United Nations High Commission for refugees and the government of progress on aids or staying a conference that really highlight the plight of the outbound refugees and mark over 40 years of their president and focused on but progress started also confronted with problem love for tone it was the International Community to dig deeper into their pockets to help the plight of the loved ones who have an uncertain fate however they are one refugees say they warn more help in order to be able to go back to their country but that cannot happen unless their experience and i were honest on something that has proved to be elusive margit so it is possible he became refugees due to the conflict in afghanistan but there is no end to it for how long will we be living like this we have no future our kids have no future and even the International Community has forgotten us sadly we are left at the mercy of god the United Nations and the International Community has acknowledged that progress than has done enough for the refugees the un secretary general spot is a patient in the International Conference is a recognition of pakistans exemplary compassion generosity and the results in hosting of gone refugees for the past 4 decades and our efforts for peace and stability in afghanistan it will also be an opportunity to attend a signal to the global International Community that i did must do more to help august on and to help the people to repair trade back today a country pakistan for 4 decades has been not just a generous host has always given shared with afghan refugees brothers and sisters across the border to Host Communities in a manner that is exemplary units and the International Community not only in terms of sharing the. But and supporting pakistan and the host country and the Host Communities with accommodating refugees but equal if not more stringent focused effort has to be made within afghanistan with the Afghan Government to create an environment which provide solutions for refugees that refugees can go back in safety and dignity in a while and to manage no one knowing how long the refugee would really have to live for one 3rd india and pakistan they were 3rd only need help of the International Community and the government to try to find a solution to their problems india has rejected an offer by the un to mediate in the kashmir dispute new delhi says its a bilateral issue the un secretary general antonio content has made the offer during a visit to pakistan is not about has been lobbying to put pressure on india after the autonomy of kashmir a territory under its control and then deeply concerned about the increase in tensions that we have witnessed last year i have repeatedly stressed the importance of exercising maximum restraint and taking steps to deescalate militarily and verbally while regulating my offer to exercise my good offices should both sides us diplomacy and dialogue remain the only tools that get in peace and stability details are emerging of a massacre in cameroon at least 22. 00 people including 14 children were killed by an armed group on friday the attack happened in the farming village of god who in the north west has been fighting between rebels and the government in the area over a push to create a separate English Speaking nations. So dans ousted president Omar Al Bashir has appeared in court in khartoum accused of corruption and killing protesters the attorney general said bashir was also being questioned over Money Laundering corruption and financing terrorism is the latest legal problems problem for the former president was overthrown following protests now at least one person has died as storm dennis creates chaos across the United Kingdom at Londons Heathrow airport planes battled strong winds as they struggle to land there were at least 500 flood Warnings Issued across the u. K. Flooding forced hundreds of people from their homes across wales and englands middle of the. Storm dennis has also reached parts of western france flood warnings and place their ocean firm inundated the coastal streets are sanguine all in the region of brittany thousands of homes lost power a strong winds back in the area. Now the role of design in the challenges that humans may encounter in the future is the subject of a major exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of art to the school designs for a different future as aljazeera as gablers on the reports its meant to provoke people to imagine a future much different than the reality of today its an Art Exhibition not about the past not about the president but about imagining the future of everything like this 25 collaged passports proposing a system to allow people to temporarily exchange citizenship a critique of a world where goods and services freely cross borders where humans often cant. Its one of more than 75 exhibits by designers tackling issues of the future and the human condition at a major new exhibition at the pillar dont be a museum of art it is a vast show that tries to ask a lot of questions without necessarily giving answers. When you come to an exhibition about the future you might expect to see things like this robots and there is one this is corey that looks at the interaction between robots and humans and Artificial Intelligence but this exhibition is also about a lot more these faces were created from d. N. A. Extracted from discarded cigarette ends and gum on the streets the designer using the Genetic Information to render the portraits. There are several pieces related to food like these 2 salmon a larger genetically modified one next to a smaller organic one and a replica of steaks grown out of human cells from hospital waste both provocative ideas we flecking a future where food resources are strained the idea is to make people think about food as a cornerstone of human civilization and think about what will happen to food and the future of human diet as we start thinking about the big challenges that are lying ahead like Climate Change diversity loss and environmental pollution einstein once said he never thinks of the future because it will come bast enough in this exhibit designers are the ones bringing bear ideas for the future and not telling people what to think rather what to think about gabriels on doe aljazeera philadelphia. Tartuffe a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera china has reported 105 more deaths from corona virus on sunday bringing the total to 1770 on the mainland around 2000 more people have tested positive for the virus aljazeera has katrina you has more now from beijing. We do have to remember that these are official figures so we do have to take them with a grain of salt they of course could be much more cases but it does seem at least that though the numbers of cases are rising inside who by the numbers outside of who pay off walling we do have to remember though that today is monday in china its a new working week and we are expecting many more people millions of people to return to major cities to go back to work slowly to start using public transport so the number could spike of the next few days and we do have to watch that closely. Meanwhile 2 aircraft evacuating u. S. Citizens stuck on a cruise ship with hundreds of people infected by corona virus on board have now left japan but those who are infected are staying behind ships being quarantined in the port of your karma 355 passengers tested positive for the virus among them were 44 u. S. Citizens who were treated in japanese hospitals a u. N. Envoy is describing the arms embargo on libya as a joke Foreign Ministers from 13 nations discuss the issue at the Munich Security Conference they agreed not to interfere but many of those countries have been deeply involved in the conflict. Syrian state media is reporting that Government Forces backed by russian warplanes have seize most of the rebel held areas of aleppo province as part of the governments offensive to take the Northern Region near the Turkish Border including it live province of pakistan in the un refugee Agency Holding a conference to highlight the challenges facing millions of afghan refugees its estimated more than 2000000 live in pakistan continued violence makes returning home dangerous. Details are emerging of a massacre in cameroon at least 22. 00 people including 14 children were killed by an armed group on friday attack happened in the farming village of garble in the northwest as the fighting between rebels and the government over a push to carve out a separate English Speaking nation. So those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the listing. Join me many as i put up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. Sound the only one. That is the way. That. Ill tell. What we are trying to. Make sure. That they are ready at the right. Hello im Richard Gilbert and youre at the listening post among the media stories that were covering this week transparency managed time beijings approach to controlling the narrative on the coronavirus remains a work in progress and trying to keep fear of the pandemic contained. In places like germany theyre loud they can bully they call themselves nationalists and they are some of indias most watched news actors plus the New Territory government in manila having gone after news websites it doesnt like now targeting the countrys biggest broadcaster 2 weeks ago when we 1st examined the official chinese response to the corona Virus Outbreak beijing was

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