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To beat the siege. And on peace terms though you support the gypsy king is crowned heavyweight champion twice in 3 stops the unfair world or to win the w. B. C. Belt in the last vegas rematch. So iran is being isolated by its neighbors because of growing fears over its corona Virus Outbreak in the last hour or so pakistan afghanistan and turkey have all closed their borders with iran it has the largest number of fatalities outside of china with the latest toll standing at 8. Also weve got china where president xi jinping has admitted there were shortcomings in the countrys response he has described coronavirus is chinas largest Public Health emergency since its founding in 1949 we also look at it today with 50000 people a north of been told to stay at home there quarantined 132 people have been affected there and to have died while in south korea the president has given the government quote unprecedented powerful measures to control the outbreak south koreas were going to start this new bride has our report. The worst affected areas in southeast korea the city of daegu and neighboring chango county remain at a virtual standstill to mask clusters of infections account for the majority of cases reported so far one of them at this hospital quickly spread infecting more than 100 patients and staff wards are being prepared to treat the increase of new coronavirus patients raising the alert to the highest level came at an emergency meeting chaired by president moon j. In this weekend the number of new cases has risen alarmingly by the hundreds and he stressed that the next few days will be critical in stemming the outbreak to. The situation has become completely different since the outbreak of mess and fiction extra resources will be directed into trying to stop the spread of the corona virus the urged everyone to avoid massive events well you know you want to do we have vividly witnessed how dangerous it is to have a mess meeting in an enclosed indoor place in terms of the spread of contagious disease everyone to restrain themselves from group of interactivity not on the indoor places but also outdoor places. Sunday across south korea Church Leaders were asked not to hold services yeah. Its sad that we cant hold a Church Service but were following government policy and we dont want any further spread of the disease in the affected areas most people have heeded warnings to stay indoors as they wait to see if the emergency measures work the south korean government is hoping its latest measures will help limit the clusters of infection to this part of the country knowing the price of failure could mean the kind of travel restrictions imposed on china with the damage that would cause to its economy rob mcbride aljazeera chando county south korea and just a footnote to that story south korea has lodged a complaint with in. After a plane load of South Koreans were refused entry to it was ready passengers were allowed to get off the Korean Airlines flight with when it arrived in tel aviv but 130. 00 of the passengers were turned back israel is now banning south korean and japanese visit since the move follows the discovery of corona virus among group of south korean tourists who visited israel last week lets go back to iran now and look at developments they 43 people infected with the virus dosage of bari tell us more. We have heard from the Health Ministry officials here who have said that the death toll is now at 8 and those that have been confirmed to be carrying the virus are now up to 43 now the number is of course significant because they are worried that the containment process is really something that they need to address as quickly as possible the outbreak started in the holy city of home which is about 120 kilometers south of the capital tehran officials believe that a chinese worker because struction worker was the source of the outbreak in that city you know they have since closed schools and universities not only gone but in about 2 thirds of the cities across the country in the capital all the major events have been canceled including the governments Foreign Ministry briefing that was to be held on monday and we also understand the Tehran University dormitories have been evacuated as well the Health Minister has also said that the masks and disinfectants will no longer be sold in pharmacies because the government will be hanged handing them out in a public metro stations as well as buses across the cities and borders dosser i mentioned it briefly earlier perhaps you can take us through this the surrounding countries which are essentially now starting to isolate iran physically. The 1st country that chose to close all its borders land borders with iran was iraq on saturday there are 5 borders between the 2 countries and we also heard from turkey on sunday that they decided to shut down the 3 land borders that they share with iran also heard from afghanistan and pakistan and theyve all followed suit now what we have heard but have not been able to confirm yet is that Turkish Airlines has canceled its 2 flights to and from iran that is something that we are trying to confirm here but according to the turkish Health Minister that is something that the turkish authorities have chosen to do this of course will have significant ramifications for iran not only because of what it will mean in terms of its relationship with its neighbors but theyve said that they are able to handle this outbreak the president Hassan Rouhani has given special powers to the Health Ministry to be able to control the disease in any way they see fit that means they can choose to shut down entire cities if they choose to that is not something that theyve done so far theyve just managed theyve just canceled a lot of events that would have seen people gather in public areas for now the iranians say they have a handle on the situation and theyre just urging the residents across the country to exercise caution thank you tilsa jabari into wrong with that update we look at italy now with the Prime Minister says he is ready to use the army to help contain the virus in the north of the country Victoria Gates and weve been looking at that. Life inc you dont youre in northern italy is now happening behind closed doors the towns mayor has told the 15000 residents to stay at home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus rosica valley is one of the few people venturing out she owns a pharmacy and the man has told her to keep it open to the poleward appointed manny were all afraid but were crossing our fingers o. P. L. Rate if someone doesnt feel well they should react early because people can be cured if they come to hospital in a desperate situation its much more difficult to cure them 2 people have died of corona virus in northern italy and with dozens infected its europes worst hit country as many experts are saying well probably see many more cases of infection over the next days as people now are more afraid of the virus and will likely ask more for a check by medical staff whereas up to 2 or 3 days ago the virus was perceived as something very far from italy Prime Minister does there picante has announced a ban on people entering or leaving zones designated coronavirus hotspots but hes ruled out suspending the European Union schengen agreement and says the Free Movement of people and goods across italys borders will continue. At the moment there are absolutely no conditions for an initiative of this kind not to mention the devastating impact it would have on our economy and paradoxically i want to reverse the question why would we want to make italy an outcast there are no conditions for it to come to this nor do we want to do it. Could own your is one of a dozen towns in northern italy thats in lockdown italian say theyre frightened and have no idea when life will return to normal Victoria Gate and be aljazeera. Japan now which has confirmed a 3rd death of a passenger who was on the cruise ship that was quarantined for 2 weeks earlier japans Health Minister apologized after another passenger tested positive for corona virus after she was allowed to go home 23. 00 passengers were eventually allowed to disembark without being tested for the virus or an 80 percent of the 770. 00 infection cases in japan were on that ship announcer china we mentioned this earlier with the chinese president xi jinping says the situation remains serious and complex in fact leaders are debating whether to cancel next months annual parliamentary session to concentrate on fighting the virus this report from adrian brom. The National Peoples congress is chinas biggest political event of the year drawing almost 3000. 00 delegates from across china on. Board one of the few occasions when all of chinas leadership is on show but the governments own advice is for people to avoid large public gatherings that means this years n. P. C. Is almost certain to be postponed possibly delaying a key announcement on Economic Growth targets chinas president xi jinping says that getting the economy moving again while containing the spread of the virus remains his priority he has to tell the Chinese People something you can choose total blackness or you can choose a sort of veneer of transparency what we dont know as with all governments is whats happening behind closed doors over sorts of things and more importantly for transparency what we dont know is that whats coming out in the media is something we can necessarily trust ryan manual is an expert in chinas Public Health system he says the governments initial response to the outbreak in early january was correct it reacted very quickly it found out what the virus was test for the virus and in that period 2 weeks afterwards it reacted appalling. This past week chinese diplomats have been on the offensive defending the expulsion of 3 foreign reporters and brushing aside international skepticism over the constant changes to chinas testing criteria for the virus but that criticism has been very selective says one analyst they show at us and saying that us making the virus worse and is discriminatory against china but when nowadays russia made. Our decision to close the border for all the chinese nationals they cannot say a word its not just the National Peoples congress thats now in doubt so too is a key economic conference known as the bow economic forum. Also held each year in march if the National Peoples congress is cancelled then analysts say theres one thing guaranteed to be missing from the agenda when it does eventually convene a call to hold chinas leaders to account for this crisis adrian brown aljazeera hong kong and we will return to the coronavirus story later in this new out and look at issues around containing the virus and quarantine for now though at least 9 people in turkeys eastern van province which borders iran have died in a magnitude 5. 00 earthquake several people believed to be trapped under the rubble and Dozens Injured on the iranian side an update now from hashem he is live in. Southern turkey has. Come out of the rescue operation is still under way all those villages that were affected by the 5. 7 magnitude earthquake in van process in van province already and the authorities are starting still trying to figure out the magnitude of the damage to the areas particularly in the villages and the distress in the mountainous areas of land over the last few hours did manage to set up tents in different parts of the of those areas affected to accommodate for the people who wont be able to get back to the to their homes via is an area that has been hit by a coal or wave of called temperatures over the last few weeks and as you know come out turkey and iran have 40 lies that run across those areas which explains why they are some of the most seismically active breaches in the world in last month for example an earthquake rattled 2 areas. And 41 people were killed and 1500 people injured in 2011 in the same area the same problems of more than 500 people were killed in a 7 point one magnitude earthquake. Ok thank you for that update that is. And the time in turkey right lets see whats coming up for you on this news on germanys 2nd biggest city how goes the polls amid political unrest. Also poisoned by pollution how the main water source for bangladesh is capitals become a toxic stream and small we will meet a 12 Year Old Girl who isnt letting a disability stop her from following your dreams of becoming the fastest the removal. Elections in iran to look at now and it has announced the lowest voter turnout since the 979. 00 Islamic Revolution and about 43 percent of people voted in fridays parliamentary elections hard line conservatives are set to dominate they won all of telegrams 30 seats final results still coming in from elsewhere in the country voters there had limited options with thousands of moderate and reformists disqualified from running it is the latest now from tehran. Well this is very embarrassing for the establishment have voter turnout is around 42 percent in the last elections it was 61 percent hare in iran where i am its 25 percent in the last elections it was around 50 percent now this is one of the most conservative parliaments this country has ever seen but it takes place when the turnout is the lowest since establishment of the Islamic Revolution now we need just to give you an idea of how low the turnout was in the last elections here into iran there were 30 seats up for grabs all of them were won by reformist moderates candidates every single one got over 1000000 votes this time around all 30 seats were taken by conservatives and only one of them the former mayor got over 1000000. 00 votes now we knew this election would be controversial because the Guardian Council the body that vets candidates disqualified over 5000. 00 candidates including 81. 00 current sitting m. P. s but despite the Supreme Leader coming out and president Hassan Rouhani coming back to encouraging people to vote they just didnt come out and vote and its a very very low turnout its very embarrassing the Supreme Leader spoke this morning and hes blamed western propaganda that tried to deter people from voting but this also puts president Hassan Rouhani in a very difficult position he presides now over a conservative parliament that politically opposed to him that had been politically critical of him and the 2015 nuclear deal and many people see him as a sitting duck president because the president ial elections are next year and he just doesnt have a majority out of the 290 seats around over 200 a one by conservatives and hes reformist moderate allies only have around 20 seats now lets not forget the position of the economy here inflation has been very high unemployment is high and also the economy is suffering under sanctions so it does put him in a very difficult position and also theres a lack of trust and confidence in the gulf. And the political establishment because of the low voter turnout so it is so despite the sea of support that we saw after the assassination of general carson for the minute that hundreds of thousands of people that came out onto the streets that just didnt transfer into people coming out and taking to the polls. Voter turnout is up in germanys state election in hamburg with polls that to close in the next few hours this election seen as a major test for the mainstream parties the regions been a stronghold for the social democrats for decades but its Coalition Partners the greens are experiencing a surge in popularity across the country in Homburg Dominic angels as germanys largest port is vulnerable to rising sea levels which puts Climate Change and therefore the greens on the agenda. Its the central issue for the central parties as it were in this government which has presided over this city for the past 5 years the greens in the social democrats in government with each other but now at loggerheads with each other about how fast they should approach changing policies to prevent Climate Change the greens say no lets excel or rate the process whereby we can banish carbon completely from everything the City Government does they want that to be much quicker than other parties would suggest the social democrats say no thats its easy to say such things but hard to implement them instead they think that its better to prioritize doing away with coal powered power stations and that sort of thing each making different pitches to the voters in so far as how things are going today while the poor weather in this city state so far has not prevented voters from coming to the polling stations the last projection was a few hours ago 29 percent of the population had already come to vote also the postal vote is much higher this time around than it was the last time this city elected its State Government much higher which suggests many more voters are taking an interest in the politics of this state the emir of qatar i mean bin hamad elton he has arrived in amman to meet the king of Jordan King Abdullah the 2 leaders expected to discuss bilateral trade and Regional Security jamal shale is in amman for us where do you even start tomorrow with Regional Security or more to the point where would these 2 men but start. Well a good question obviously at the top of the agenda is the palestinian issue something that is very concerning both for jordan being the neighboring true palestine as well as housing so many Palestinian Refugees and qatar which has tried to play some sort of mediation roles throughout the years in trying to find a solution that will bring about the end of the illegal occupation of palestinian lands and their reaction will be with regards to the deal that u. S. President donald trump announced or what was known as the deal of the century you will not both jordan and qatar opposed because it was as they put it a unilateral decision to recognize illegal settlements trued legitimize what they see is illegitimate occupation and do away with the rights of palestinians in terms of rights of return and to have their state so in terms of regionally that will be one of the main things on the agenda but this trip is significant for several other reasons not least because it is the 1st trip by the emir of qatar to jordan since the 2017 blockade on qatar that was orchestrated by saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates and egypt but jordan did participate somewhat in the blockade in that it downgraded its Diplomatic Mission to doha since then it has resumed those diplomatic relations to maximum with the return of the ambassador several months ago and therefore this trip by the mere shows that there is at least some mending of thats relationship there are several bilateral deals that will be agreed in the economic sector Financial Sector investments and so forth but also with regards to security and military cooperation between the 2 countries with. Seeking assistance from for example the Civil Defense and police you know in jordan to help secure the 2022 world cup with qatar promising to invest a lot in terms of property here as well as. Thousands of jobs for a lot of Young Jordanians remember come all that over the past year or so there have been lots of protests in jordan because of the dire Economic Situation here or the downturn because of the high levels of unemployment and because of the low Living Standards so this is going to be something that will be received very well not just by the Political Class here in jordan but also amongst 5 sections of society jamila shell in amman with that update thank you to the u. S. With any sound as has boosted his front runner position in the democratic race to choose a contender against donald trump with a decisive win in the nevada caucuses this was the 1st contest with a racially diverse electorate as rivals now looking to the South Carolina primary to try to keep their chances alive robins with the support from las vegas we have now won the battle clark. A resounding victory for Bernie Sanders as he sealed his position as front runner and moved a step closer to winning the democratic nomination you just look to go. A multi generational multi ridge Racial Coalition which is going up not only win in nevada its going to sweep this country 3 the vermont senator set up a strong and Sophisticated Organization in nevada winning strong support from white and latino voters with his calls for universal Health Care Student Debt Forgiveness and a Green New Deal to defeat Global Warming the victory came through the efforts of a small army of enthusiastic mostly young volunteers. Many of them gathered in downtown las vegas to celebrate as the results came in by sanders was so confident of victory here in nevada that hes get this already and spent the day instead holding rallies in texas now thats one of the big delegate rich state that holds its primary on super tuesday march 3rd sanders now as a boost of momentum going into super tuesday joe biden came in 2nd in nevada and is hoping to do better in South Carolina next week losing centrist candidates like pete would a judge warned sanders is to lift wings to defeat President Donald Trump in november senator sanders believes in an inflexible ideological revolution that leaves out most democrats not to mention most americans earlier Nevada Democratic voters gathered in schools libraries and casinos to stand for their candidates at 0 a Vista High School outside las vegas caucus goers argue sometimes passionately to win over other voters. Who made a gloomy day but in the end the night and nevada belonged to Bernie Sanders robert oulds al jazeera las vegas. Sun is a Democratic Political strategist who we heard from explain now why nevada is an important indicator of support from minority voters. People may have heard of the 1st 2 contests New Hampshire and iowa they make big news because they make big news the importance of the nevada caucus though is that this is a caucus in a population that far more resembles the democratic electorate nevada is a diverse state with latino voters Asian American voters africanamerican voters this is a demographic that New Hampshire and iowa really lacks a this gives us an idea of how the electorate in general are more representative idea of the electorate in general and least in terms of the democrats themselves subtill i know will be similar theres a large africanamerican population for International Viewers if it isnt clear racial the way that candidates interact with different demographic groups and different racial issues is enormously important in our politics particularly in Democratic Politics so this is that 1st contest that really factored that in. And on sunday President Trump congratulated Bernie Sanders on his way in the nevada caucuses trump also said he had been briefed on reports that russia had to be meddling in the Election Campaign to help send. I think what if a democrat. Agreed very. Very early and it sounds to me like a lead i think. Youre going to want bernie to represent it sounds like its all over again the party. You want to get a great victory. Right. I want to run congress. Right but i would. Rather be a terrible thing. So lead for you on this news out of tried twice before all but when the reconciliation plan in south sudan worked this time. And in sports italian mansions canceled because of coronavirus fears but the title chase is not 0 they get the government they dont have the details like. Welcome back lets look at weather conditions across the Arabian Peninsula germany a fine picture weve got coming out from the south few days ago the temperature in riyadh was just 20 degrees as much now a back up to 34 lovely weather conditions for qatar highs of 27 these with pointing fairly strong winds blowing through the red sea and in fact theres a convergence and we see the winds coming together from the north on the size and thats resulting in some showers for parts of down through into eritrea also share activity generally across the sinai and into more eastern parts of egypt that low pressure comes in across the mediterranean and we have got an area of low pressure across. Ran in iraq and thats going to develop during the course of choose day so certainly for iran theres going to be some very heavy rain and the mountains could see some breaks of snow a frontal system will be extending down into parts of saudi arabia maybe down through just to the north of riyadh so one to watch there for much of central and Northern Africa where the conditions are generally looking fine but we have got some showers affecting west africa standing away from liberia down through to ghana and we have had some very dusty conditions lot of dust blowing up the sahara and thats been affecting the canaries but i think by monday weather conditions here will be improving. Progress. Or a serious mistake. Is slowly invading every aspect of our lives. But very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. In a new documentary aljazeera explores the impact of a are accessing vast amounts of our personal data data on aljazeera. News as it breaks the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continue its advance towards the city of thats a red line for turkey with detailed coverage of the National Policy defense of Wild Elephants yet to be fully implemented 14 years after it was introduced from around the world will this fight will be completely transformed over the next fix this will be the northern terminal for phase one of the project. Ruth. Over. Here on the news on here at aljazeera and these are the top stories iran is being isolated by its neighbors because of growing fears over its corona Virus Outbreak pakistan afghanistan and turkey have all closed their borders with iran which has the largest number of fatalities outside of china the latest toll stands at 8. Also president xi jinping of china has called the corona Virus Outbreak the biggest Public Health emergency in the 70 year long history of communist china she went on to say china should learn from its shortcomings in response to the outbreak and in other news at least 9 people have died in turkeys van province in a magnitude 5. 00 earthquake it shook eastern turkey and northwestern iran several people still believed to be trapped under that rubble. So more inevitably on coronavirus now in iraq is setting up quarantine areas aimed at preventing the spread of the virus there are fears that hundreds of thousands of iranian visitors to the holy sites could spread the virus this report from baghdad with math. These quarantine wards in baghdad are part of iraqs frontline against the covert 19 strain of corona virus many of the rooms and corridors are sterilized and sealed a nurse recorded these pictures from aljazeera recently iraqis arriving from china have been tested here even though they werent showing any symptoms medical staff say no one was carrying the virus fleet. To groups from the stuff from the doctors people so this was a bill for the killing of the hospital we training groups this. About this why of us. Do you think this one symbol of. Every month thousands of religious travelers visit shia holy sites in iraq including the shrine of him on hussein in the Western Province of caterpillar and the shrine of him in the job they also spend much needed money in nearby hotels and restaurants many of from neighboring iran which is reported infections and deaths linked to corona virus the governor of najaf province says he wants visitors to stop coming and im not i like in fact that i do not have the right to prevent anyone from coming in but we have asked the Health Ministry and they have asked people not to come from around or to travel there. But planes from iran some carrying iraqi passengers are still landing fairport. Yes people are afraid there are rumors most iraqis are Wearing Masks and even after landing here they kept their masks on. One popular shia holy site is the shrine of a mom called him here in baghdad one of iraqs most crowded cities iraq says that its opening up quarantine areas that various crossing points along its border with iraq its also a hole to flights between iraq and iraq for the forseeable future but there is another issue iraq and iran do about 12000000000. 00 worth of trade every year and a lot of that comes across the border if the borders limited or even closed iraqs economy itself for. Iraqs doctors now have to wait to see if their defense against the virus is Strong Enough rob Matheson Al Jazeera back down. To have mohammed many are with us now a lecturer of their ology at Lancaster University joining us on skype thank you for your time today i have a very basic question for you and that is what is quarantine or more to the point is everyones quarantine the same this is what i keep thinking with the way this is spreading people say oh were going to quarantine these people here that everyones going to have Different Levels different capabilities and surely that will affect how effective it can be. But seriously it couldnt gain medical isolation or social distance off more Vulnerable People to more need to sort of a certain length of time in order to see if theyve come up with some of that you need to sign for the virus as they are being cut and for who could coronavirus which is not us our c. E. O. He too is having a span off i dont 14 days off incubation period so therefore we now decide that fortnight according to him for this white house is sufficient to identify if a person is carrying an infection or not ok were just looking at some pictures there of people who are presumably in quarantine or theyre in a hospital and there are people with the full hazmat suits on clearly they are protected if you or i were there with a mask on would that be enough to help us but that is really important to make it clear that this situation that how we have controlled infections in the past such as such such as arsenal ebola or swine flu has been there so there are really only 3 ways by major we have prevented such infections in the past 1st is that people have a genetic desists against these infections 2nd is that we have a very good vaccine that can be applied to control this infection or the toad is that people change the behavior so changing behavior is the only option at this moment because the 1st 2 options are not available yet in this looking face off the old bridge so any nest in changing behavior is the major reason that the widest would surprise from one country to another striking from one person to another person so meeting mosque is a tell me more of what you mean sorry to interrupt you about you said changing behavior is the important thing what do you specifically mean there. By changing behavior specifically i mean is that in discordant situation the main factor that can either help to prevent the infection or to facilitate further suppress is the person who is infected or who are who who is were d able so the person who are well known neighbor audience acted or likely having contact with them they all are having to moderate responsibility to maintain a high level of personal hygiene and also to keep in close tact a bit the Public Health authorities that any suspected cases are reported in a timely manner so when the time of the matter of course are there we will have a possibility to intervene but the trust Mission Patch lost this infection for one person to another person overall how do you feel about. The levels of. Precautions and measures that are being taken again to say we see a lot of pictures from all over the world people in mosques people in hazmat suits taking temperature is. All these sorts of measures is it is it good enough do you think has it been the appropriate level of reaction. Dont and really because of these leaky nest the situation is getting worse d and worse and i can explain in a few. Simple of a how we really are d kept can protect from the further spread of this infection personal hygiene is at the top most video to keep so everyone should be avare that they have to sneeze and about and elbowed contact and discourage the public gathering and try to not get into places where there are possibilities for the transmission that is a priority however there are National Responsibilities and then the interNational Responsibilities National Responsibilities are really the especially in this situation Events People who are of a or china has given a lot of information early time point but many countries still being really poor and been really veeck in putting those efforts and a controlling it in place and that is we know the major reason that the why does is encouraging and around we american aid to the countries that it hasnt been before and then there are International Responsibility International Responsibility by by that i mean that you actually had other control authorities they being proactive in the beginning but really they came up with all of the probably you not the sport in a really slow manner and still there are a lot of question on to what really is the Public Health doing Public Health emergency for example is really putting in place so that countries especially the pinnacle i mean they would be at the same level to cut into new screen and to put all those controlled 1000000 in place but thats part of the problem is that you have you talking about the need for International Response and responsibility but if you just look at iran today with 3 countries essentially closed borders in and and stopped flights to and from iran thats isolation which is the complete opposite of international cooperation. Oh absolutely ive i dont i have no Scientific Evidence says that but largely closing the border is going to help to contain the infection that is where i mean that a Public International organization such as w h o d they should come of it a consolidated on a conservative approach how we really you can apply these controllable years to contain the infection if there is no Consensus International guideline available every country will apply their all strategy depending on what they think propagate that is where the disaster leads to because apparently they would be thinking that the many years they have put in place are about a king but they are leaky they are poor they are not according to the scientific justification therefore the problems were just get worse and if if if if if that situation persist mohamed money from Lancaster University very interesting talking to him glad we could spend a bit of time a. Cutting through all of the jargon in the talk thank you thank you moving on to other news one persons been killed and 4 others injured in ganser after the israeli army opened fire on a group of palestinians the Israeli Army Says the man was trying to plant an explosive near the gaza israel fence in an area used by palestinian wheat fun as the others were shot at when they tried to recover the body which was later taken away by and its already bulldozer. People in gaza have been living on the blockade on for 30 years and more than 50 percent of people are unemployed a number that is even higher among young graduates but a new program is trying to change that from within a stephanie deck in our records. The cold wet weather is the perfect stage for ya set in mohammeds project all of residue discarded in the process of making all of oil is being turned into something useful well loved for the long of a lesson on the many ideas daughter because of the continuous electricity and Energy Crisis here in gaza is spatially when it comes to homes and chicken farms this motivated us. This project is part of 31 innovative ideas funded by the International Committee of the red cross and red crescent these blocks burn easily and are now being used to heat chicken farms here in the gaza strip to infamy in the claim to. Free food lol. This saves the farm a 60 percent on heating costs to keep the chickens warm its also secure as he doesnt have to fear shortages of electricity which is controlled by israel a lot of farms lost their birds due to the power cuts in the winter now this is the final product its basically compressed all of pumice and they dont add anything else to it now its highly flammable and its a simple idea but one that provides a much needed source of alternative energy here and of course a boost to the income of the producers. They tell us they now make around 14. 00 each a day setting to the private sector and they have plans to expand their business there are similar ambitions here at saddle i moved out i always house shes a biologist and is making stevia a sweetener derived from plants native to south america its an idea she started looking into a few years ago as her family has a history of diabetes and she wanted to help and that i have to father the one of the. Year in gaza at the 4th cause of death. Diabetes around 60000. 00 people are diabetic also around 78 percent suffer from obesity so the idea is to create a safe alternative fishing and other industrial sweetness. She says this greenhouse is just the beginning and wants to come up with more nature based solutions. To humanitarian affairs they just need an opportunity people came with innovative ideas. From from their environment and this accountability minute. Action that can be seen and areas like. Places where conflict impacting the lives of people over a hope of gazas population is unemployed and when it comes to university educated adults the jobless rate is over 70 percent israel and egypts blockade of gaza isnt just physical it has an enormous impact on Mental Health too this project highlights just a few of gazas Innovative Minds there are so many others here in simple need of an opportunity to show what theyre capable of Stephanie Decker aljazeera in the Southern Gaza strip. South sudans rival leaders are making another attempt at a unity government after 6 years of civil war more than 400000 people former rebel leader becomes Vice President for a 3rd time president salva kiir insist they want to go back toward the stone. In a scene similar to that witnessed in april 26th after peace deal signed a year earlier Opposition Leader rick machar is once again sworn in as the countrys 1st Vice President. And so began a new transitional period for south sudan after more than 5 years of war i went to a sure you. We will work collectively. In your long suffering. 3 other Vice President s were also sworn in a 5th is yet to be appointed it comes as part of a revitalized version of a 2015 peace deal ended ending the war which started in 2015. The deal brings together several opposition groups it also gives all sides shares in the government cabinet and the Legislative Assembly the your neato word. May have been long. And difficult but we are finally here. But swearing in Vice President is only the beginning the new government has many challenges ahead before elections are due to be held in 3 years time as part of the deal to end the war south sudanese are suffering from high inflation as a result of the years of conflict with hundreds of thousands and able to afford basic goods corruption is also a concern and with the humanitarian effect of the conflict many are hoping for improvement during the transitional period. A quarter of the countrys 12000000 people have been displaced as a result of fighting and more than have rely on food aid with 1200000 of that being children who cannot respect complete trust different parties but there is an element of a basic trust. Each of you know. Representatives in the government needs to have a lot of hope is spent on the new government after years of conflict. You know morgan aljazeera juba. Police in kazakhstan of arrested dozens of opposition supporters in the latest crackdown on Anti Government demonstrations. Processes rallied on saturday in the capital north fulton and the largest city almaty that followed similar protests on friday which led to the postponement of the launch of a new Opposition Party angry at the authoritarian leadership rupture in arbitrary detentions and restrictions on government critics has all intensified. A Memorial Service has been held in New South Wales in australia for 25 People Killed in the bushfires tributes were also paid to 3 americans who died when their firefighting plane crashed thousands of homes were destroyed along with 100000 square kilometers of land some of those fires burned out of control its. It is a great land a great land beset with great tragedy recently devastation that can be so you know across the landscape and on the faces of people who live work and holiday in this land across the south whiles the bushfire season of 1920 will be remembered as one of the most challenging in our history bangladeshs capital it has some of the worst air quality in the world and there are some Serious Health risks for those living there theres been a special report that citizens arent just breathing in pollution they drinking it. Theyre taking a bath in a poisonous soup of decades of untreated wastewater from tanneries battery and pharmaceutical factories and other industries on which bangladeshis economy relies on. Were fully aware of how polluted it is but where both men and when where around here this is where we have to wash now the government is finally making some progress against the worst polluters with a High Court Order forcing the closure of 231. 00 illegal tanneries but the pollution continues licensed tanneries as opposed to pump their waste to this new Treatment Plant but its not yet fully equipped to operate at capacity. So every day thousands of liters go straight into the river. The court has ordered us to make sure that a fluid Treatment Plant is performing up to midlevel so were going to take over operations from the chinese who are running it now we in the government shares the same attitude and mindset to tackle and handle the pollution problems 64. 00 freshwater fish species in bangladesh are under threat because of pollution 9 a critically endangered according to government figures. Used to provide doctors Drinking Water now its toxic and black and cracking down on polluting industries is part of the governments ambitious plan to clean up the rivers. Here a market built on illegally reclaimed land is being ripped down all this area up to the road will be dug out again and the river returned to its original with. The money. There are a lot of influential people involved in land grabbing even members of parliament and big industrialists who own many of these industries are polluters but at the same time Public Awareness is growing in regard to the environment and pollution and a strong desire to save these rivers. For years the government has turned a blind eye to the garment related industries which contribution 20 percent of the countrys g. D. P. Activists hope this court ruling will set a precedent for other rivers 38 of which they say a dying due to unbridled pollution and land grabbing Bernard Smith aljazeera dhaka. Sports news coming up on the news hour in tyson fury. Sits on the heavyweight throne we will hear from the. Devastating defeat in its rematch. March on aljazeera. The oscar nomination witness brings a new film this time from africa for International Womens day. A crucial day in the race to challenge donald trump were live across kenya u. S. States for super tuesday a discussion series brings people together to talk about exploring topics and finding Common Solutions as Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to go on trial for corruption israel heads into its 3rd election in less than a year. The listening post dissects the worlds media how they operate and the way they cover stories. On aljazeera. Talk to aljazeera let me talk about 2 of the biggest problems facing and they all the endemic corruption and the can we listen so if you reprint place china as an enemy of the us and thats really that yours we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the edges 0. 0. 0. We couldnt bring it on a throne but hes here anyway pay to send it with your sports not about extravagance entrances british heavyweight size and theory has bounced back from addiction and Mental Health problems to claim the w. B. C. Title against the american fight to be on say wilder and wilder the visions of a champion Anthony Joshua maybe hes a logical next opponent it could be while he gets another shot. Tyson fury the selfstyled gypsy king showed he knew how to make an entrance in las vegas. Unlike his 1st fight with fiance wilder this time the brit would be out proof he could finish things. As well as against a man who had never been beaten and had won 41 of his 43 fights by knockout while his one blemish on his record was that draw with fury but this would prove worse was the american feeling canvas on his back for the 1st time in a decade of fights and it didnt get better for the man renowned as the hardest puncher in the game still was while the bleeding from the air and sluggish unable to unleash his deadly right as fury floored him again in the 5th. But the american looked a shadow of the man who has helped put genuine excitement back into the heavyweight division. His call that throwing in the towel in the 7th was to make the gypsy king boxings ruling how it was while the unhappy but gracious saying he wanted to be knocked out not to hold out days like this happen on the best way i wanted that was my moment my choice my coach my side i do the towel and you know already what i want to be a really good show heart of a champion for him without clean right time dropped him when he got back up but although many times not been he is a warrior he will be back he will be a champion again so was i fury was on song in the ring and afterwards as he claimed while his w. B. C. Belt i the divisions 3 other titles are now in his sights as well but maybe not before he meets wild again. I thank you god whole race aljazeera out there with a davies is a boxing journalist who was in las vegas he says while the chance to retake Anthony Joshuas 3 titles are attractive to firies promoters there is still a rematch clause in a while this contract. His athletic and warrior soul of. First time as he says be 1st time hes been operated in this way if he chooses to have a 3rd fight something will happen. But i think if business sense takes over i think the promoters will get together because if tyson fury does adult fights against the joshua this year rules for the heavyweight belts i think well find that it will become the biggest and richest heavyweight fight certainly of british boxing history but could be the entire history of the heavyweight division. For top flight football matches in italy have been spent on sunday the fields of the spread of coronavirus into mens game against sampdoria is just one of those affected as several towns in the region of lombardy have gone into lockdown following a spike in cases lott is match at genoa it did go ahead chito immobile a got 27th goal of the season for the romans despite jenner was best efforts at 53 to 2 lots c. O. To go just a point behind he does events its. Meanwhile right now those biggest rival has gone just over a month about scoring for barcelona but on saturday he ended that drought in spectacular fashion he scored 4 goals against a bar of the no camp barcelona going on to win 5 no. John rom has broken the course recalled during the 3rd round of the world Golf Championship in mexico city on saturday with a hole in one of the 17th finish the round 10 under par putting him in 4th place in the championship on 11 under overall american Justin Thomas leads by 2 strokes going into the final day. Organizers of skiings world cup of canceled sunday slalom race in japan because of strong winds and near white out conditions croatias phillips object she won the giant slalom on saturday before the arrival of the storm those severe Winter Weather conditions raised safety concerns around the course. A 12 Year Old Girl is not letting her disability stop her from pursuing her dreams on the ski slopes of pakistan poor vendor worth has a story. As rare as different speech in period she used to sell boiled eggs to tourists at the ski resort a melon job or to make money for her family thats where she developed a love of skiing but with her parents unable to afford normal skis her brother carved wooden boards for her to learn on. What she would be very poor and earn hardly anything to make a living but im still supporting her and bring her here every day to ski but im worried about how she will achieve her dreams despite all those difficulties edward has become one of the best students in a ski school. As well as a very bright girl and she picks things up very quickly i teach my other students virtually but i teach her through demonstration and shes so talented that she want to gold medal in recent competition. Melhem java and the swat valley is the only ski resort open to the public in pakistan and facilities such as the chairlift have just been rebuilt after they were destroyed by years of fighting between the army and the Pakistan Taliban as peace returns to the area an increasing number of events are being planned and with their friends help as versus shes looking forward to further success. There a bit on as that day. She says she enjoys skating she loves it and has a passion for it she wants to participate in International Tournaments and be the fastest skier in the world. At 12 years old as for his dreams of reaching the olympics her coach says with time and proper resources she can beat anyone pull vanda with aljazeera ok more sports news again later but i think nice story there peter thank you for that so he is back with more support in the next news hour im back in a couple minutes with the lines. Australias on presented fire season has killed more than a 1000000000 animals. Want to one east investigates a wild want to merge its. On aljazeera. Now and jews are. With every. When theyre on line like the other got to get one of the worst grabs the Mainstream Media about the president or if you join us on sanctities a different diversity and inclusion and they were see sometimes isnt always sincere base is a dialogue sanctions on the ways in which they were applied to iran are an act of war fair everyone has a voice we as a society that is so quick to get to they need to just sit down and listen and join the global conversation on aljazeera there is a huge group of people at work behind our screens and the power they had is massive that urge to keep swiping through twitter feeds thats just not the way we all click i agree to the terms and conditions thats most of us never even give it a 2nd floor and actually thats designed as well ali reexplore is how designers are manipulated county pavior and the final episode all hail the algorithm on a josie. Burke. Irans neighbors close their borders as fears grow over its corona Virus Outbreak. In the races to contain the biggest corona Virus Outbreak in europe several northern towns have been sealed off. Welcome back everyone come on santa maria in doha with the world news from aljazeera the only sound as wins big in nevada boosting his position as the Democratic Front runner in the race for the white house. Conservatives dominate initial results in irans parliamentary elections but turnout is the lowest in the islamic republics

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