Undetected elsewhere in the u. S. And aljazeera crew is taken on a tightly controlled visit to me in mars Rakhine States. Im florence lee in northern va kind with the Myanmar Military launched a brutal crackdown targeting the working a minority more than 2 years ago 700000 people escape to bangladesh the myanmar government says its ready to take them back but few have returned. Hello russia says it cannot guarantee the safety of turkish planes flying over syria the Defense Ministry issued that warning after the Turkish Military shot down 2 syrian fighter jets over. The latest escalation follows the killing of 34 turkish soldiers in it live on thursday and the deadline by turkish president for syrian troops to pull back from the rebel held province. Begins our coverage from heads high on the turkey syria border. But you arent turkish and syrian fighter jets faced off in an encounter in the skies above aleppo and that with 2 syrian warplanes down the confrontation marked in u. S. Collation in the conflict between turkey and syria. Turkeys defense minister warned that turkish troops will retaliate against and if air that attack. Also announced Operation Spring shilled and your campaign aimed at pushing Syrian Government troops out of the socalled buffer zone near the border. We do not aim to face off with russia our only aim is to stop syrian regimes most ekers radical groups the displacement of civilians. Turkey has stepped up its military campaign in italy province in response to the deaths of 34 soldiers in strikes on thursday a. Funeral processions in turkey for the dead soldiers have turned into rallies calling for revenge in rebel held it live people took to the streets showing support for turkeys Bitter Campaign in northwestern syria in recent fighting in southern. Turkey backed rebel groups recaptured villages they lost a few weeks ago including. Further south Syrian Government forces have launched an offensive to capture asuna main the city was a major opposition stronghold but in 2017 russia brokered a deal that allowed the Syrian Government to a bit as to the city and the rebels to withdraw the heavy weapons that deal didnt last and syrian troops are determined to control the city this time by the rebels 100 on Operation Spring shield is to use force cross Border Campaign in Northern Syria and there are fears this could turn into a wider confrontation but there are also hopes that russia and turkey would eventually set aside their differences and implement a cease fire in italy province. Just how tight was the fighting rages on in syria greeces Prime Minister has warned refugees not to try to enter europe illegally thousands of migrants and refugees are attempting to cross from turkey into greece after ankara said it would no longer enforce its border however greece says it wont process any asylum claims and will send anyone who crosses back thats also in a report some of their name turkey near the border with greece. Desperate to make it into euro people climbed down a steep bank of concrete and waded into a cold river. They huddled over fires in burrowed into sleeping bags while waiting to board a smugglers boat in the woods. But refugee hopes of abandoning lives of stagnation collided with reality turkey may have open the border for them to leave but European Countries are allowing them in this is that it supports the reality of the human eye to here like thousands of people abdullah had shivered through 2 nights as the temperature dipped below freezing he spent most of his money to get here only to be tear gassed by greek police pushing him and other refugees back from the border my feeling is not good here i hope i come here for a hope maybe that will open the door checker to lee and his father created that door by cutting a fence and running into greece an hour later they were arrested jailed and then deported he says the police confiscated their money mobiles vital documents even their shoe laces. And the good people developing the few jews who have lost the other that think they dont have to give anything but developing a dont know what kind of democracy they are going with if you just 8 year old found us at the a during a bus station she wanted to tell us that shes cold hungry and that greek should open their border love with 3 days have been telling my father to buy some food but weve run out of money because weve used all our money on transportation to get to the border the government says it has modified its policy all refugees and migrants are free to leave turkey instead its shifting its focus on allocating Resources Limited resources it says to a possible influx of Syrian Refugees from lib and influx the government says it is ill equipped to handle. For some refugees the hope of a better beginning was quickly crushed those who still had money negotiated with taxi drivers to take them back to the homes and lives theyve created in turkey natasha going to aim. It near the border with greece. Well its not just at turkeys land border with greece where undocumented migrants are gathering johnson reports from the greek island off where theres been an increase in numbers arriving by boat. This boat load of Asylum Seekers came ashore on the island of lesbos on sunday Police Stopped us from interviewing them on camera but this congolese man told me turkish people smugglers promised him and his wife a free ride while they were in church for sunday service this man from sierra leone says he was walking on the beach as the boat was being prepared he was told to jump in for free as well its unclear if someone is paying the smugglers to do that on the island north shore a boat load of afghans paid 500. 00 each to get out of turkey their deals with smugglers had been struck weeks before turkeys president the chapter you put on ordered the opening of borders with neighboring belgariad and greece both members of the European Union what did the agents say to you. This was the 1st day of significant arrivals since turkey opened its borders towards europe they want enough to create a logistical problem for the greek with origins but they were enough to make many of the people of lesbos anxious that they may once again face the sort of uncontrolled refugee flows experienced in 2015 and this time refugees would have nowhere else to go the arrival of a dinghy filled with refugees at the small fishing harbor affair to me led to a blockade as local residents prevented them from disembarking the coast guard brought the dinghy here after its engine failed t. V. Cameras were unwelcome and some of the scene had to be filmed at a Distance Police were unable to register other arrivals at morea camp the largest in greece it too was blockaded by angry islanders whove seen its population growth. So over 20000 since the new democracy government was elected last year to the cuban people believe the government didnt act quickly over 7 months there wasnt any increase in air quality of life trust has been lost in the island is turning into a giant hotspot. But other viewpoints will also on display this group protested at coast guard headquarters calling for refugees to be showed more humanity and greater support a stark reminder that migration is a defining political issue not just here but throughout europe jumpstart openness aljazeera lesbos people to judge is ending his campaign for the democratic president ial nomination the 38 year old former mayor of south bend indiana thanked his supporters there who did narrowly defeated Bernie Sanders in the Iowa Caucuses and finished a strong 2nd in New Hampshire but he struggled in states with large minority populations so why should everyone who supported me to continue in the cause of ensuring that we bring change to the white house is working to win the absolutely critical down ballot races playing out across the country this year. For more on this lets bring in alan fischer has run us from austin texas in an anticipation of super tuesday in a days time which will talk about in a moment but 1st. Alan so the democratic field is narrowing what more did he have to say. Well its interesting he was due to hold an event here in texas our own no actually but postpone those plans to head back to indiana. The reality is that he wasnt going to get the nomination he finished 1st in iowa but really didnt get the balance because it took so long to declare the results you remember that 2nd in New Hampshire certain of forth and so carolina things were not Getting Better for him the difficulty convincing voters of color to back his campaign really he didnt particularly any great new strategy any great new theory that made people want to vote for him nothing immediately studio so it was always going to be difficult for him and he also realizes too that its going to be difficult for the Democratic Party to be elected if Bernie Sanders is the candidate in his view he may not be correct in that and so to facilitate their be someone as well as bear on the in the final reckoning hes stepping away from the campaign at the moment we expect hell perhaps give his endorsement to joe biden the interesting thing is though that maybe not all his voters will go into the by the camp its also a political calculation for. Those who are choosing a lot of people have spent a lot of time and a lot of money and put in a lot of effort in all 12. 00 states plus the one territory the vote on tuesday to support the judge in fact 1000000 people in california have already voted many of them for me or pete but at the age of 38 he has a future and the Democratic Party and from the speech we saw just in the last hour you can almost guarantee youre going to get hes speaking sport at the Democratic Convention when it comes to crowning the nominee yeah alison just look ahead for us for super tuesday and particularly in the state of texas where you are how big a prize. Well there are 2 big prizes now and super tuesday california and here in texas it becomes really important super tuesday it really is super important because we suddenly get an idea of who is electable nationwide of course iowa New Hampshire nevada South Carolina all Little Pockets that all get specific things that you can see well thats important and this is important this really gives the folks nationwide picture of who democrats in particular believe could beat donald trump and so that is why this is very important so we will see a winning of the field we didnt expect it to happen 24 hours 36 hours before voting actually got underway but there you have it people to judge is no but it should give us a clearer idea we expect Bernie Sanders to do well according to all the polls hes doing well in texas which is surprising we expect joe biden to do well after his win in South Carolina on saturday it then becomes a question of where the bitter judges voters go and if you look at some of the recent surveys it would suggest that a lot of them are going to Elizabeth Warren which makes it much more interesting as well for. Things no become incredibly difficult. Is here in texas campaigning on sunday night tell us again about remember that name probably not thats because she is making no impact in this race and its surprising to still and so super tuesday is going to be super important and will certainly shape the face of the democratic race from here to the convention all right alan fischer thank you very much. So as allen saying super tuesday is just 2 days away its seen as the biggest day of the u. S. President ial primaries 1300 delegates are up for grabs and 30 percent of those are in california rob runnels reports from their. University students on the march for Bernie Sanders in los angeles showing the enthusiasm many young people have for the vermont senator as a woman who is blocked with hispanic who is my hero i believe hes the only candidate that truly looks out for me lead here in the biggest most diverse state in the us let tito voters are a crucial voting bloc i feel like hes the only candidate who has other countries in mind nearly 30 percent of the states eligible voters are latino and the vast majority vote democratic absolutely letting us have the power to shape outcomes but none of the candidates can afford to take let teano votes for granted direct contact is key to poc and door knock and outreach to the latino electorate thats important for a place like california its a huge robust state but you still have to be here polls show sanders leading by a wide margin in california followed by Elizabeth Warren with joe biden a distant 3rd the senators campaign would like to repeat its winning formula from nevada last month it put together a coalition of liberal whites young people and latinos polls show 3 quarters of registered lets you know voters are ready and eager to vote in the primary with its multiple large urban areas california is an expensive place to campaign multiple high dollar media markets right and its a big state right so youve got to think about barry got san diego and l. A. Are separate markets so youre talking about a lot of media spending billionaire Michael Bloomberg saturated california airwaves with ads but he has little to show for it hes only polling in the single digits. Early voting is been underway in parts of california for more than a week a big win in the west would not give sanders all of the 1891 delegates he need to win on the 1st ballot at the Democratic Convention in july but it could provide him with a lead that the other candidates might find almost impossible to surmount robert oulds Al Jazeera Los Angeles clinton more ahead on the aljazeera news hour including a major setback just a day after the u. S. Taliban deal was signed the afghan president refuses to commit to a prisoner swap. 3rd time lucky voters in israel gear up for polls again after the 2 largest parties failed to form a governing coalition. And support the qatar moto g. P. Is cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions on people writing on the country from italy. In the lead of. The 1st iraqs Prime Minister designate has withdrawn his candidacy a month after his appointment deepening a political crisis sparked by months of mass protests calling for a political overhaul. He made the announcement in a video posted online saying politicians are obstructing his efforts to form a government is move comes hours after parliament failed for the 2nd time in a week to approve his cabinet testers have also rejected him saying hes part of the same corrupt class theyre rallying against earlier one person was killed and 24. 00 others wounded during protests in baghdad denouncing him move on now we Security Forces fired pellets and tear gas at student demonstrators more than 500 people have been killed in antigovernment protests in iraq since october. It is the director of the center for the study of the middle east that Indiana University hes also a former iraq ambassador to the United Nations he says that without a change in approach the next Prime Minister designate will face the same fate single most important thing for up for for whomever the president designates next is the ability to obtain the confidence of Parliament Going to an outsider. Is always a difficult task because the outsider has no base of votes in parliament to begin with so that will continue to be a problem in my view the next government should be tasked by the president to accomplish essentially one task and that is to oversee the production of a full set of laws having to do with early elections just set a date for early elections this calendar year and to get the country to early elections in the hope that the electorate will. Break the gordian knot of the impasse were in now if it does what allow we tried to do which is to form a comprehensive sort of set of agendas which look like a matter of taking years to fulfill the next Prime Minister will have the same problem the next Prime Minister designate will have the same problem and staying in iraq 2 rockets have hit the green zone in the capital baghdad and so the u. S. Embassy and government offices are located so no one was injured in the attack. Chinas hu province the epicenter of the corona Virus Outbreak has reported just under 200. 00 new infections on monday thats the smallest daily jump in cases since january but the total number of deaths across the country is almost 3000 with 42 new deaths confirmed in who bay more than 80000 people in china have been infected in the virus has now spread to 60 countries that includes italy where the famed canals of venice normally swarming with tourists were empty on sunday the gonzalez and ferries remain doctor because of virus fears the number of korean firm cases in italy has surged by 50 percent almost 1734 people have died. In the coronavirus may have been spreading across the u. S. State of washington for weeks thats according to government researchers a day after the 1st official death from the virus was reported to more cases have been confirmed bringing the total there to aids Research Suggests some of the cases are linked through Community Transmission meaning hundreds more could be infected more than 60 people have been diagnosed nationwide including new cases in illinois rhode island and new york and the u. S. Vice president mike pence made assurances earlier the majority of those infected will recover well there will be more cases theres no question but its not my confidence it is the confidence of all of our Health Experts who are widely regarded as the best in the world. That its important that people in this country understand that while there are 46 americans that we brought home from china. And in 22. 00 americans now sadly with one loss of life that the vast majority of those people in the vast majority of any american that would contract a coronavirus that will will be treated. And the u. S. Government says its investigating complaints Health Workers were not given proper training before recent receiving american Passengers Evacuated from a cruise ship in japan but the health and Human Services Department Says none of the staff who had contact with the evacuees are infected about 300 u. S. Citizens on board the diamond princess were flown home 2 weeks ago nearly 700 cases were confirmed on lots ship making it one of the largest clusters of infections outside of china lets get an update and bring in rosen jordan shes joining us from washington d. C. It was a latest on the cases over in the u. S. Rosalinds daryn we are getting word in the last hour that in Washington State a 2nd person has died after contracting the coronavirus Washington State Officials Say the man was in his seventys and had preexisting Health Conditions they have not identified the man also in the last half hour we have heard from officials in new york state saying that a woman in her mid thirtys is now under quarantine in manhattan after she contracted the coronavirus she recently had visited iran and were not sure when fact when she came back to the United States but it was before the trumpet ministration issued an order on saturday essentially barring people who had visited iran except for u. S. Persons from coming into the United States the statement from the Governor Andrew Cuomo indicates that she had been diagnosed because of a lab that have been established in the State Capitol albany which was able to very quickly diagnose and confirm that she has indeed contract the virus and what is the government doing to calm things down. Well as you showed our viewers daryn the Vice President mike pence as well as the secretary of the department of health and Human Services alex as are were on the sunday Public Affairs shows trying to underscore that the trumpet ministration is trying to get a proper whole of government response to the corona Virus Outbreak you heard there on the Vice President saying that there will be more cases but there is a real concern in the country that the administration perhaps has not reacted quickly enough that its. Recent efforts to cut funding from the centers for Disease Control which is the Agency Responsible for dealing with Infectious Disease outbreaks in this country cutting staff cutting funding has made it harder for the federal government to respond to this crisis but they are insisting that they are trying to do the best they can and that people should not panic of course if you take a look at social media there is a lot of concern about this virus not just here in the United States but worldwide there is a writer jordan thank you for that update holes in israel open sore at me in the 3rd general election in less than a year israeli politics remains as fractured as in the previous 2 elections when no party was able to form a government iran contra ports from western muslim. Driving through tel aviv the Election Campaign is in full swing for the 3rd time within a year in the 2 previous general elections in a poll in september no policy was able to form a government israelis are hoping that will change at this time its important that they have their young son and i want him to know that were still fighting for the future of this country. And everybody should have told hate is quite frustrating to look. Really see. It looks like its all to be the same because its our duty as a state to send and i hope now it will be a difference these 2 political leaders again center stage Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the the could party and his biggest rival benny gantz leader of the blue and white party neither managed a majority in last years elections. So making deals with smaller parties is essential for me government netanyahu has other problems indicted in 3 separate Corruption Cases court cases his rivals say make him unfit to be Prime Minister there was through slim and across as there is a fair that this election will be inconclusive and israel will head to the polls for a full 3rd spoil a many are now asking the question whether needs to be political Electoral Reform theres no doubt that when a political crisis a political deadlock something that is unprecedented and that our electoral system needs a significant reform in order to ensure that our election system campaigns have a decisive outcome the israelis have had a caretaker government since april and voters hope that this election proves to be decisive imran khan aljazeera was truthful. Still ahead on the aljazeera news hour fighting a. Democratic republic of congo hope to declare the country disease free soon. In sports the cyclists who came out of 34 hours of isolation as a coronavirus propulsion to win the World Championship gold peter will have more in our story a little later. Hello there weve seen plenty of rain across some areas to the north in asia beijing is one of those places rain a lot of low clouds and also some sort of mist and some drizzle as well so its been looking like this for the last couple of days you can see that just hanging in the air but it will eventually change monday is a very similar day for you weve got to temperature of 11 degrees celsius meanwhile clearing skies in seoul a bit cooler with just 8 degrees well see some rain maybe some snow just pushing through northern sections of honshu into but really the bulk of the rains will be through the central and southern areas of china a very slow moving system this one pushing sort of very gradually south and extending eastwards things a little bit cooler along the south coast just 20 degrees in hong kong a warm 27 holly but that does come with the threat of those thunderstorms and then down into indonesia weve got the usual widespread rains here fairly extensive throughout much of java and also developing really of the next couple days into central northern borneo very widespread as well across into sulawesi and then india its been all that unsettled out across into karratha meanwhile across into sri lanka that have been some heat warnings posted from the mess department. Over the last couple days temperatures not too bad more of those showers though into canada and hot in new delhi at 27. He started as a modest man. Carry a soldier whod never imagined he might one day become president of egypt. He had an ambitious wife. And son he became an autocrat and was imprisoned for the unlawful killing of protesters. The story of the rise and fall of Hosni Mubarak the famine episode 10. 00. Theres a wave of sentiment around the world people actually want accountability from the people who are running their countries and i think often peoples voices are not heard because theyre just not part of the mainstream news narrative. Obviously we cover the big stories and we report on the big events that are going on but we also tell the stories of people who generally dont have a voice i mean when i was a child my thats a never be afraid to put your hand up not a question and i think thats what our series really does we ask the questions to people who should be accountable and also we get people to give their view of whats going on. War. Hello again the top stories on the aljazeera news hour. Saying it cannot guarantee the safety of turkish planes flying over syria hours after the mosque has said it was shutting down airspace over the developments came after turkey is shot down to syrian fighter jets on sunday as violence escalates between the 2 foundries. Gerges ending his campaign for the democratic president ial nomination the 38 year old former mayor of south bend indiana narrowly defeated Bernie Sanders in the Iowa Caucuses and finished a strong 2nd in New Hampshire but he struggled in states with large minority populations. Iraqs Prime Minister designate has withdrawn from the top job after failing to gain parliamentary approval for how weak u. S. Politicians of obstructing his efforts to form a government. Would to be tried by all possible means to save iraq from drifting into the unknown and to solve the Current Crisis but during negotiations that faced many matches faced many obstacles that were relevant to the issue of the homeland and its interests i swear to god i didnt surrender and i didnt put my own interests above the countrys ones regrettably some parties were negotiating only for getting their interests without paying heed to the National Issue and without any consideration to the blood of martyrs. At least 5 Ethnic Rohingya killed on saturday including a child during fighting between troops and rebels and mars reclined states the classes took place in iraq. Army rebels launched an attack on a military convoy the rebel spokesman Government Troops for the us lets bring in florence though is joining us now from yang on. And you were taken on a tightly controlled visits were kind state florence just talk us through what you saw there. Thats right now northern recliners a restricted area and this is where the Myanmar Military was accused in 2017 of launching a violent crackdown against the mainly Muslim Minority now we were on a tight shot you we were only allowed 3 days and 2 nights in kind but we saw well and we couldnt really depart from the itanium array because we will because government mind as well with us all the time but we did manage to speak to wrangle who say they remain 2 years after the violent crackdown took place. We are heading into restricted territory foreign journalists require permission to visit the northern part of Rakhine State this is where myanmar Security Forces launched a brutal crackdown against the mainly Muslim Minority in august 2017 soldiers and were accused of raping killing and setting fire to. The buddhist majority myanmar government said it was responding to attacks and killings by an armed group called the salvation army. At the Uns Highest Court myanmar has denied charges of genocide and has been ordered by the International Court of justice to prevent further violence while the case is being heard. On this tightly controlled highly choreographed trip the myanmar government tries to show that all is well here in village after village brought to meet journalists in classrooms under the watchful eye of government mind is. On camera that seemed scripted or we have 3 community scares living like a family thats why i dont think we will be affected by completely off camera they were only slightly less reticent telling us they feared violence could flare again it was impossible to speak to anyone without being overheard by police in another village we were made to see government cash being handed out to. Local administrators say its to help the villages rebuilt the damaged homes this mosque still hasnt been repaired more than 2 years after the latest campaign of violence against the daughter and you can see all around the clear evidence of destruction by fire this place of worship would have served the people of this community who at one point numbers around 5000 people now there are only 200 living here around to 3 quarters of a 1000000 let to bangladesh and remain back when we do not think repatriation is a fallujah because as you know we have 2 Reception Centers and we have a transition camp we are always ready to receive them we even plan to open kindergartens 8 many Rights Groups say conditions in myanmar dont guarantee a safe return for the remainder of the last attempt to repack 3000 refugees from bangladesh in august failed because through him they refused to return saying they feared further attacks if they did the myanmar government wants them to accept alternative identification documents which rights activists say deprives them of their rights. That. Alterian motif of myanmar government. What they are doing they are also degrading their citizenship status. So. Willing to be. The rohingya have lots. To return to a phrase government restrictions on travel employment even Family Planning many doubt the situation will change anytime soon. The jungle leadership is trying to control it instead. Of having its you know this kind of populist wave. Is a very disgraceful thing until then the remainder will remain one of the worlds most persecuted minority. Now what you didnt see in the report is when we had an open opportunity to walk around the town itself but even then when we tried to speak to people there off camera they were reluctant one man told us that he was fearful that there may be informants within the community but some of the people we spoke to on the phone said that as long as they were hanging dont have citizenship and they dont have rights they will remain fearful and they dont they dont think that will be a future for them in the country now one u. N. Official said recently that want to be said that theyre increasing numbers of rain that may tend to human smugglers in that desperation to get out of the country now hundreds of well dozens of are hanged. For traveling out of that committed aerial for not having the right identification papers hundreds are in prison and really they were patty ation program its impossible to see how thats going to happen as long as none not doesnt address these issues of lights and citizenship that theyre working on a rights of florence thank you very much for bringing us that update from yangon and me and more. Lets speak about this further and bring in yes i mean shes a real hunger activist and president of rahane go Human Rights Network shes joining us via skype from vancouver over in canada thanks very much for your time with us on aljazeera so as were seeing our reporter was allowed into or kind stayed in a somewhat of a tightly controlled visits so. It sounds like the government is trying to control the narrative but i know that you are in touch with people on the ground you yourself were in camps just a few days ago tell us what the reality like is like on the ground. It is completely different from what a government is trying to paint it and to it is quite quite bleak in terms of the hopes of people. In in wanting to go back they are acutely aware of the situation on the other side of the river but theyre also very very much aware of the situation within you know in terms of the livelihood in the in the refugee camps thats not any better so my people are essentially stuck into 2 realms of these you know very very much restrictive from both sides but it slightly better in the camps. But a lot of a lot of the people that i talked to talked about family separation and how now that there is no internet in the camps as well as there is an ongoing internet shutdown within Rakhine State theyre not able to connect with their loved ones or check on them or be able to really connect with them and see theyre still alive why do you think of this is all happening despite a recent ruling by the uns top court ordering me amar to protect rohingya muslims. I think it all comes down to economic incentives and how the me and mark of a moment is desperately trying to paint a new picture a picture of reparation and you know amendments with the communities without actually mentioning that its its wanting to make amends with the way. Theyre essentially racing the identity of our people my people completely but at the same time also wanting the International Community to understand that its trying hard to to you know to smooth things over whereas you know its also imposing all these restrictions for example the internet shut down. And cutting off all all kinds of the communication that people would be able to otherwise have to the outside so its its more or less just trying to contain the situation and making sure that it does not lose any more interest of the foreign investments. I cant really i cant really think of anything else that could really make them this set desperate in wanting to really change the narrative right and you wrote in an op ed in the Washington Post in september of last year that the United States has a Critical Role in defending our human rights especially because other countries follow its lead how would you assess the u. S. Position on the roof and then by extension the International Community and where you are in canada. I cant really comment much on you know whats going on in the United States just because were dealing with so many different issues the impeachment trial just was just over i feel let me ask any mother where i mean do you think that the International Community has failed the rowing us. I think i do. Unfortunately anything that has to do with a genocide or mass atrocity should not take this long for the International Community to respond i think its a its a communal. You know a mutual failure from all parts from you know the i. N. T. s community to the actual you know International Communities that is supposed to really look out and protect you know the rights and freedom of the minorities. Its unfortunate that you know it took us almost 2 years 2 years and a half in order to to come this far but im also glad that you know we get to actually see the trial. Proceeding in terms of the trial in. The International Criminal court as well as the. International court of justice that just was just. There was just ordered for the provisional measures to be granted and in and for the case to proceed so there where theres a collective failure were getting somewhere but i think that the International Community can can definitely do more ok in furthering in advancing the rights of people we thank you very much yes i mean a lot for speaking to us from vancouver thank you thank you afghanistans president has cost on a key component of the u. S. Taleban peace deal gone these the government did not commit to releasing 5000. 00 taliban prisoners and says it cannot be a precondition for talks with the group a prisoner swap was part of the agreement signed in cats are on saturday sectors they might compare has expressed hopes that negotiations between the 2 sides will begin in the coming days. Doctors in the democratic republic of congo are hoping to declare the country ebola free in just a few months the 2nd biggest Ebola Outbreak in history started 2 years ago and has killed 2250. 00 congolese the Emergency Response to the disease has been hampered by rebel attacks. Cases are being treated in the eastern region. Reports. When you fast met her in november she was in an incubator how mother had just died of the disease her father had run away doctors told us now is a medical mystery whom theyre continuing to study because hamada the instructs me to the virus to. The mother got sick in the mining area of get cut to relatives brought her to the Treatment Center but when she died no one wanted her father has not been seen to date so my husband and i took her because shes family. 7 in another town called monkey now where the 1st cases were reported in 28 Health Responders celebrate with come by. Hes just been discharged from hospital having been at me to this month suffering from. When i was told i had a ball and i panicked but the doctor counseled me such a treatment now i feel calm im up here in the ole spittle i was scared because of old old day but he survived. Doctors say monday night is now a ball of free at the height of the crisis hundreds are contracting the disease every week in the town nationwide for the last 2 years more than 2000 congolese have died of the disease which has affected 3 and a half 1000 it is not the end yet because. This is not in vain this is. Not my kid thats me and were going to have it written in the community its not. Going to be a state visit. Almost all of this months cases have been reported here in the city. No region besieged by allied Democratic Forces or a. T. F. Rebels Health Workers have also been. On me all my life up to 11 a baller responders have been killed. And hundreds of Treatment Centers. For us. That. Despite the security challenges Health Administrators hope to declare the country a ball of free in a few months doctors fighting the disease say theyre determined to achieve that catherine saw aljazeera benny in the democratic republic of congo. Or why has sworn in its new president s and louise like out whos leading a center right coalition and doing the sistine your reign of the left as Broad Front Party voters are hoping the new conservative governments will boost the economy cut crime and realign Foreign Policy towards the us tourism row has more from the capital montevideo. Its the beginning of a new era a new one. The center ride with people was sworn in as president on sunday. For 15 years the center left rule this small south american nation turning it into the most progressive in the region by legalizing marijuana abortion and same sex marriage but the new president says its time for change or any and all humans are the citizens gave a strong message to me the people spoke that it is necessary to change but a change with consensus thats now time to fulfill peoples will. Dress and that his inauguration where right wing leaders from the region like brazils j. Rolls on and she lists of. Venezuelans who came to you why because of the crises weve policed president my little was not invited though didnt get anywhere i go there he is a dictator and i hope he can help put pressure on him about what is happening in the country. But its domestic issues like as the poll is said to focus on 1st including crime and the economy as it were yesterday yellow since he wanted to address insecurity that has become a major problem here also education and to generate well paid jobs thats what. Your poll is a lawyer and spent many years in congress before making it to the presidency. Comes from a political family his great grandfather was a Major Political figure in this country his father is a former president he made it to office by creating. Coalition of 5 center right parties that give him a majority in both cambers of congress. Thats why it wont be difficult for him to carry out the reforms he wants hes planning to send an omnibus bill to address what he says are the countrys biggest problems like the fiscal deficit unemployment and insecurity to really look of the he wants to reduce the deficit by relevant reduction of public spending he says he wants to reduce the deficit without touching important social policies he may want to reduce state employees and open up this country to new buckets. Full says he wants to continue the policies that worked and change those that did not when he staffed will be to mentation the stability this country has enjoyed for the past 15 years. That is how will i just see them on the video. Thousands of people have rallied in the truck capital to protest against the government of Prime Minister and. Organizers say the countrys leaders are eroding Democratic Institutions the Prime Minister has faced public anger in the past over allegations of fraud several demonstrations over the last year have put pressure on the fragile when already coalition. The husband of a british woman jailed in iran on charges believes his wife corona virus Richard Radcliffe said that. Refused to. Despite her developing a strange cold that hasnt improved in more than 5 days the virus has spread rapidly in iran and the British Foreign office has called on the government to allow Health Officials into the prison. Still ahead on the. Power. Taking. Thank you so much the moto g. P. Has been cancelled due to Coronavirus Travel restrictions on people arriving in the country from italy the motor g. P. Was due to kick off the new season on march 8th but arrivals from countries badly affected by corona virus must now be quarantined for 2 weeks making it impossible for the races a large number of italian technicians and riders to take part Valentino Rossi for example the moto 2 motor 3 classes will still go ahead as they are already in cutter for testing. Their mark so Michael Moore cove has one or will the track cycling gold just 2 days after being released from 34 hours isolation morkel for had been on the u. A. E. Which was cancelled midway through when 2 team members tested positive for corona virus so to be monitored before he could be cleared to race with teammate loss 107 in sundays madison in berlin released from isolation just in time to reclaim the middle he lost 111 years ago. While the corona virus has not yet affected League Football in spain many fans attending sundays al classico between real madrid and barcelona were taking no chances here they are wearing preventative face masks ahead of the match at the in madrid game itself 12 nil by rail who moved to the top of the standings also at the game as guests of real madrid where we were hands all of see the Chinese Super league team who play in the city with the outbreak began they were on a preseason 2 of spain when the virus was detected back home and have not been allowed to return players havent seen their relatives in more than 2 months and one has already lost a Family Member because of the virus. Tensity udall years it hasnt been easy for any of us players we miss our friends and especially our families back in with because its them who are going through an extremely hard time i hope they will percivale in order to go back to normal and get better as soon as possible the director of italian title chase is in turmoil and says he believes the city our season will have to be cancelled if many more games are postponed due to corona virus into ventus one of those called off on sunday atalantas game did go ahead with fans screened for sometimes as they entered the ground that alonso winning 72 to remain in 4th and the highest scorers in the league. The protests against a team owner in the German Bundesliga have continued on sunday despite the match between brian munich and often im being suspended the day before another banner against hoffenheim owner did more harm was unveiled by union berlin fans on sunday especially also halted despite players asking their teams ultras to put the banner away has been targeted by fans around germany who either have these bad growling half an eye when most clubs are not allowed a private majority stakeholder the incidents though have raised questions on why matches have not previously been stopped for racial abuse of players. Sri lanka wrapped up a 3 mil one Day International whitewash over the wasting days on sunday and can be betting for this person 307. 00 although its in there for fear of his thats true. He was the top scorer with 55 former captain Angela Matthews then took 4 wickets as the windies came agonizingly close to win by 6 rounds. Now to one of the wildest Winter Sports youve possibly never heard of ski jory which means ski driving in norwegian was once a popular mode of travel in scandinavia its now gaining popularity in north america where theyve given it a new adrenaline fueled twist aljazeera as david has more. Its billed as one of the fastest sports on snow with horses pulling skiers and snowboarders around the course at speeds of up to 65 Kilometers Per Hour ski jorian started in scandinavia combining crosscountry skiing and dog sledding but here in western canada home to cowboys and trick skiers its all about the horse power and getting big air its just about. Having a good horse but you can ride into battle skeeter canada started in 2017 since then competitions have drawn medal skiers trick riders and championship cowboys and cowgirls riders and sliders to test their skills in events such as circuits sprints relays and the long jump winners take home a few 1000. 00 but nobody takes the competition too seriously were hoping for the best of times. Down the strip and from all those people and hopefully not die come a long way from its roots in scandinavia and organizers here say that its now the Fastest Growing winter sport in north america what started as a private event for a dozen people 4 years ago now attracts more than 150 competitors from across can. Then the u. S. One of the crowd favorites came from much further afield we have our 1st ever irish team competing at this years your dear they dont have snow in arlington so theyve been practicing using garbage bags and mud many of the 4000 spectators came out to cheer on family and friends and then there were those who were curious to see how to very different sports could be brought together i think its very. Also why there are these classic oh you know that and maybe when users clarity we wanted to come and see discipline together skeeter canada is a need to create a National Championship in the years to come blending together Mountain Culture with the cowboy lifestyle in an exhilarating sport thats hard to forget david mercer aljazeera in millersville canada well leave it there for now see you again later for more sports news thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera much more news coming up in just a moment with thanks for watching but by. Culture a downs thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to brace and maintain their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are and whether. This is a suburb of the capital new delhi so be refugees here since 964. 00. Have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient such a Better Business says im looking for work independently but for some its not enough. Chinese authorities the putting those they say have committed a crime and changing but are they show trials or genuine confessions. But i want to east investigations. On aljazeera. Its the day that will define the democratic race for the white house and. 14 states get to make their choice who should challenge donald trump in the president ial election join us for americas super tuesday special coverage live on aljazeera. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bush fires usage really wiping out the politics of Climate Change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 School Children know what the law is on d a bogus argument is astonishingly patronize an indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of the new iraq of the new conscious and aware of use of the struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera. Moscow will sign curb but it cant guarantee the safety of turkish planes in airspace over italy following the downing of 2 syrian fighter jets. Hello welcome to aljazeera live from doha im Martin Dennis also coming up. Tear gas and tension on the Turkey Greece border as hundreds of migrants attempt to cross into europe. Be butchered drops out of the democratic president ial race after a poor showing in South Carolina. Career

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