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We meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on how does iraq. The National Guard are no virus cancer has decided to enforce a nationwide lockdown for 21 days with effect from midnight on thursday the 26th of march this is a decisive measure to save lives of South Africans from infection and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. So africas president viral now seeing a sweeping measure to tackle the spread of coronavirus. You are in the stream you can share your questions and comments and join the conversation in a live chat especially if youre in south africa. The announcement on monday of a lot down came just hours after the official number of corona virus cases in south africa reach 402 the country is now trying to stop a mass outbreak that could be disastrous for the nations Strained Health care system covert 19 was 1st confirmed in south africa on march the 5th and the country now has the most confirmed cases of the virus if Subsaharan Africa a nation has one of the highest levels of economic inequality in the world more than 80 percent of people rely on Public Health care one of the governments biggest concerns is controlling the spread of covert 19 in townships and informal settlements these are areas where access to clean water have washing can be scarce and self quarantine practices are difficult joining us to talk about these issues than. He is the dean at head of school of nursing a Public Health at the university of kwazulunatal in cape town civvy we how dare she is a member of parliament for the Opposition Democratic Alliance party and the shadow minister of health honest work with out a 0 correspondent for me tim miller hello everybody its good to have you on a day where youve got really breaking news for south africa most let me show you something where for you when we were asking our audience of african South Africans global citizens what do we need to do in south africa an m. P. To see a said we need a total look down and here we have it what does that actually mean from your perspective as somebody who knows about health and south africa. Yeah i think for me from my perspective i think its an opportunity to be able to break transmission if you think about it. Into bishan period for quite a bit 1000. 00 virus will last basically about up to 14 days even though on average its about 5. 00 to 6. 00 days and with bed additional week of sort of. You would assume that anyone who gets infected before a lot done hypothetically speaking would basically go through there sometimes and recover from from corbett maintain within that into one days and in that period when theyre in fixes theyre likely to be under lockdown not going anywhere or in a Health Care Setting where theyre being treated and in a way that theoretically from a Public Health this big tip that helps to contain the virus to the few that already have it and it helps us to be able to to break transmission basically so the way ive learned so much in the last couple of days just look at how south africa is dealing with the corona virus crisis for instance Business Inside of south africa you are legally required to report on labor as a crime if i was in south africa if you dont you could face time in prison so i think i can explain thanks to me and i think its look i mean these im president at times i think you know they lee and in south africa and as such you know youre seeing an unprecedented amount of support for all the measures that have been put all introduced a new bit that have been put in place and so what weve seen is that africa grapple in the past week with some of the measures that were put in place and some will there. That the issues that were announced in accordance to the National Disaster Management Act and certain some of these things are on the legality. You know who you need to repair locked and who is liable for acts i think is a something thats africans are grappling with but i think they absolutely need to say i think as you said right at the beginning of the show we have a unique set of circumstances and as long as much as weve learned from the Global Community and the reality is that so that will has a unique set of circumstances you know all social economy a status of the people over 50 percent of africans walk who are over 11000000 South Africans one employed and still made me out were going to need to be a lot more heavy handed as me to deal with this matter if we are going to be able to connect in the curves or to speak for me to i just want to bring in some video of testing of people being tested and this was lost weight before they were very serious directors about how South Africans should behave as have a listen to how the testing is done because theres a cost involved in being tested although was. Looked at my daughter was exposed to it in. Monday and then yesterday she started coughing so thats why we that we didnt inquire into instance monday of the medical this is the reimbursed if its positive if its not positive i thought of my pocket just kind of like net access is because of the issues we may be in public making public was that not just the private lives of. These people i dont have mine youre going to have me truly you never going to be able to get to test it people dont really have that much money and the only thing people would want to spend that much money and getting tested i dont think its a 1st priority for a lot of South Africans but. I guess well have to try to make means. This is a as a rule because the cost in terms of rad is pretty high to get a test to explain law. Well i mean the one thing i want to point out is with the 1st gentleman we heard from there where he wouldnt be reimbursed by medical aid given his daughters test was not positive and thats concerning because our people dont hoping the tests come out positive so that they can afford it yeah i do know there is one organization in south africa whos being subsidized is opening a Testing Center in johannesburg is in talks to open a separate separate one so that that cross can be reduced to potentially harm the amount which at this point stands at 1400. 00 grand if that if people have to pay for those tests themselves the government is providing free testing but i think the difficulty people are experiencing is very much were pressing around the world that you have to have a certain conditions or you know you have to have a certain a recent history like travelling perhaps exposure and there is a problem with that is that perhaps is not taking into consideration the amount of Community Transmissions south africa has seen that happen in recent days when the outbreak essentially came from abroad as some people would like to look at it so we issue of testing is one of thats concerning especially in a country like south africa where theres huge disparity between the rich and poor and when many many people cant afford to be interested in i think the issue of peace of mind comes into play and on the other hand you also understand the government saying you know we cant hist everybody out there because we simply dont have the capacity show and if you see how close the the dad was as a little girl in the uk i was laying out her dad said ive got a feeling that if if she was positive the dad is most definitely going to be positive as well let me share something with the most from lee you cheered as a South African audience our International Audience are following our conversation right now so the piece says coloe from south africa i think a lockdown is a good idea we dont have the health care to deal with the sheer amount of the new compromises people want to explain about that the immune compromised people because were talking about things like t. V. As well as. As well as. Well that can be and i want us to look you tell us well absolutely yeah i mean its a its a big challenge its been interesting weve been synthesizing evidence from Different Countries a lot of evidence coming from china. Italy the us and even all of this sort of evidence synthesis by the w. H. O. And other leading institutions theres very little clothes that we find in terms of reference to hiv patients and tb patients but you know for those of us in durban we have considered that the center of the and a lot of tb research is also the in the and the and the question has always been that when we look at the headless categories we say comorbid thinking about cardiovascular day p. D. S. Hypertension and were also thinking the elderly but now its become very clear that we need to be specifically talking about Health Workers as is how to screw up we also need to be talking about hiv and tb but we are not able to explain the mechanism of how each of the t. V. At a Higher Risk Group with relation to quit 19 because they havent been societies where they have this sort of scale of h. L. V. And tb like we do in south africa and many parts of it so its its very clear to us that we are working into unchartered waters all the kind of assumptions we have so far suggests that we are going to deal with a lot more severe disease in these sort of relatively analy people compared to what you see in eataly where they live to plead dealing with severe disease in slightly older people so. You know its going to be a challenge as severe as he nodding your head before i go see one of the media as well and we just bring in chris here who has been tweeting us the most for who will pay for those living in slums informal settlements lack of sanitation rule areas lack of Running Water but government urges people to constantly wash their hands but i do believe that the president saw around the palace and he addressed that he said we are going to be taking care of informal settlements putting water in informal settings its almost like he saw all of the issues and instead of taking screw them for me to get well i mean one question i would want you know to put to the president is if you know we do have the capacity to provide all these provisions for people who dont have alternatives the Homeless People living in impoverished areas in informal settlements but the one point i wanted to touch on around hiv in south africa there are 7000000. 00 people at least have been diagnosed with hiv one is left a known figure there are also people who have not been tested for a number of reasons so they are people who do have an a compromised immune system and if not for this lockdown could potentially be exposed to further risk also we spoke to one gentleman this week who was hiv positive he also runs away in his campaign for the youth should tell me to hold tight hold tight because i actually going to get him to describe it for himself because this is your reporting you did for us on aljazeera so im going to get him to tell his own story lets have a listen it feels like its another. Reload of a sort of bad reaction the elite and something that is a lot of fear words People Living with hiv because we are in the denial of seeing what if i get infected whats going to happen what are the issues thats whats the next steps. So for me to most makes a really good point what if who knows what will happen with south africa. And that is good the major scale for millions of people in south africa people queue up at government Public Hospitals for hours on end to see a doctor often having to take off work or school to get the attention that they need spending an entire day at these overburdened already stressed a public facilities and so bet is a valid question for millions of South Africans what do i do and then also how will it cope how will these facilities cope with our really existing reality existing reality never mind dealing with the call of the 1000 crisis we need to share severe way some of the government information that is going out there for people saying this is what you need to be doing lets look at fucking the cursed South African style im just going to play this graphic here have a lot of hair done here which is pretty dramatic and make a lot of it because everyone can see that. This is what the impact of social distancing can be one more time therefore here. But some africa like many other countries are really struggling to stay apart from each of us anyway. Yeah look i think to me the issue is multifaceted there i think you know it came this week as a shot as i have a guess as to exactly what it is that is needed from them when we speak about social distancing and so i think thats a function of you know public communication and how well the South African government essentially informs the to them and then i think that element that again i think i touched on was that i dare that you know south africa has a unique set of circumstances that many other countries dont have and that is the reality of millions of South Africans who cant even if they wanted to be able to practice social distancing or will be able to somehow quarantine or be able to protect their loved ones in any meaningful way or be able to stay away from work and i think this is why this lockdown is also so significant because i think a lot of South African the tickler this past week well they have perhaps wanted to personally be responsible by not taking on trying to johns board im not going to work but in reality is that a lot of South Africans working class of africans have to go to jobs that are minimum wage paying where if you dont work you dont get paid and a lot of them you know that food is a big driver and because weve got a large amount of South Africans almost homicide africans who are put the reality is that you know if they dont go and work and it could mean the difference between a meal or not and so on and this is also why im interested in how the into ministerial ties team is going to start to tease out some of these details because if youre going to be locking down the country and saying no one is able to move and go anywhere meaning no one is able to earn a living in any meaningful way particularly equal the the working class of africans so how do we. To cater for that how were going to cater for communities will be going to need something is basic as milk and so thats why i am going to be looking out for for that press conference because i think those ministers they need to give at life to some of what that the president has outlined you know i thought that it was quite detailed and outlined a lot of Public Health interventions and economy interventions but we still going to need some of the details particularly around how do we ensure our nable communities are are taken care of how do we in intend on inforcing some of these limitations and we just show his some sorts that can be cured you know weve made a head start and because you know if your other guests you know have faith and let the government will provide meals as the as the minister of social development has alluded to and also if they would be these this tax relief or also sort of a temporary file and so businesses dont have to retrench do you think thats enough well is that were looking for further detail thats definitely where i am looking for the detail and again you know. President of the shared a great deal of leadership tonight and i think you know were South Africans were looking to see exactly you know what is going to happen considering the rising number of cases and so thats good for president to give us a clear direction of where were headed but you know this is where i thought he was let down last week by some of his ministers because then the next day the ministers and a briefing with a we had an opportunity to see just on africa these are the details this is because of the regulations this is how were going to enforce that and it caused a great deal of confusion and so this is that were now getting a real test that tomorrow weve got a rule of which we need to pull those ministers to come forward and to say this is how were going to enforce these limitations this is how were going to provide meals to barnacle communities considering the fact that there are millions of africans who are going to need that government aid wave the money going to be coming from. You know finance minister give greater detail around the sun and earth to find whos going to be managing that so many questions of a way and im just can remind people theyre just tuning in that is understanding what south africa is doing. Stay stay there will be a lot down for everybody unless they are providing an essential service you can still go out and get patch or gas you can still go out and get shopping maybe medication but unless one essential person on a list will come out you cannot go out let me show you how difficult it is to slow the advice that the government is giving and the Health Minister is giving in terms of South Africans washing your hands not touching or face staying away from other people so this is on the Health Minister atul twitter page and i want you to watch this gentleman here and this woman here all right this jet here this woman here and. You know what we should be doing right now were every year are in the world. The information is really really important hundreds of people want to know if this post. The gentleman with the gloves on be careful. Official here 100 of a mouth even when you are briefing the nation how difficult it is to follow the rules and i also remembering must say i hear you i hear you chatting chuckling there about a month ago you know back in january i was seeing the jokes there were south is south africa he is a coronavirus people were having a lot of fun doing it south africa was joking way way way way down south it hasnt touched them yet what is the mood now are people being serious. Yeah i think i think that me a lot of people are afraid now and in my view i think that we we need to change behavior and teaching behavior is difficult i like to touch my hand theyre real and it becomes it becomes automatic but when we started of with the campaign we said there is one level which is having information and becoming aware that is just one level you can know something but to turn it into behavior thats a whole new level altogether and so for us long as we dont in gauge and in force that behavior change to leach it becomes difficult i actually think that i dont necessarily see that the lockdown in my view as a way of. Completely break in transmission i actually see it more as an opportunity for us to position ourselves for this kind of in a new way of living for innocent youve read my letters i wanted to bring in dr tatar arsons the head of the World Health Organization here in africa hes an ethiopian and he said. Health ministers around the african continent you need to test for stay alert and i want to share his thoughts with you. In other countries we have seen how the virus actually accelerates at after a certain tipping Tipping Point so the best advice for africa is to prepare for the worst and prepared today its actually better if these numbers are really true to credit from the bible and thats why were saying we have to do the testing we have to do the Contact Tracing we have to do that is relating isolation and cut it from the blood. So again from the Health Minister or south africas own twitter feed these are the current stats coming to us on the 23rd of march and these are people that we we know have it or have been confirmed to have. 19 look here right here no deaths that we know of that we know of so south africa could really get a jump and this also because were talking about all the things that could possibly go wrong but perhaps here breaking some good news because soon as to how Health Announces that theres been 4 recoveries in the province are just one in civvy way are you optimistic about what might happen in south africa from these recoveries from the no deaths as far as we know it so far and these 5 pretty serious directives for what south africa has to do come thursday. Yeah look i think i mean the the problem for me has been i mean i can ever see him theres been a great acceleration in terms on the tests that have been conducted but if you look at a week ago all we. Did you know 2nd round the 3000. 00 mark of tests that have been conducted and then listing one the bases of that these are there at the positive cases you see obviously if you tasting less than you know you are obviously going to only discovered. A small margin all cases that test positive so i am encouraged by the amount of tests that are being done by the in i. C. D. And some of its partners out because we sitting it over 12000. 00 now and obviously as a consequence of testing well were going to be discovering a lot more positive cases but i think if the South African government as has been indicated by the president this evening rallies we can fire with great detail that we need tomorrow and we can get her africans to truly and this is their right as. This just the beginning for south africa thank you so much of the way for me to also for joining us on a day that is pricing is for south africa there will be a lock down this coming to a state change to our desired outcome youll see me up as a strain anytime and so what you have. The. April on aljazeera. Countries are imposing drastic measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic well bring you all the latest developments from around the world both Untold Stories from across asia pacific one i want east brings new insights from the wells most populated region as the democratic president ial race now arose how will the corona Virus Outbreak impact the u. S. Election campaign and in get to be investigated were actually running cat group of independent journalist im becky wrote in the global fight against fate means the u. S. Will count its population and a once in a decade census with coronavirus concerns will it get the full picture april on aljazeera singapore is being accused of expanding its coast on illegally dredged suttons some of the islands off the coast of indonesia miter vanished did some big business smuggling sam when they go take the sale of their influence the same. And it is fair to say this beautiful beach but behind it is something thats not so full of tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency soundboards at this time on aljazeera. The biological and chemical agents are weaponized throughout history a lot more from the 1st word its head like me and started fighting developed by nation states there could be enough to expect every child. Now within reach of those seeking caves finding the most toxic substance in the world with that many invisible thread on aljazeera. Hoping to try to use province wide covert 19 the guy who behaves as its about to and many restrictions on travel. So on when you what you are just their life my headquarters here and also coming up new rules are empty in the streets across india around a 1000000000 people now under orders to stay at home. Also spains government brings in the army to help disinfect its streets to prevent further infections. And delays of pakistans a rapid transport project has many blaming the prime ministers provincial government corruption

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