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Itself is set up to benefit those who understand that you have people who actually believe things that are not true that is a crisis for democracy is a crisis of concentration the bottom line on al jazeera. Desperate for a safer more prosperous life millions of people have sought refuge in europe sometimes the dreams have come true sometimes disenchantment until stability have driven them home in the 2nd of 2 films on these conflicting experiences people in power has been to the gambia where disillusioned form a microscope a trying to persuade others from following the site. Combs. Means. Their dream was of a better life in europe. Their return to gambia has put an end to all such aspirations. Pecks. She says are very few one numbers in the world was worth their numbers any more than a group of 140. 00 would be migrants all of whose journeys have gone badly wrong being repatriated find international n. G. O. S. 5 more and 6 more said one of them little girl is indeed. A lot of old she survived. But im going to just because. To do that i dont want to know the amount of money or. A living im quoted to me to be a job for this president at least that is that i had the self i love the life and i have attained was and the only guy who lives in danger to actually do the essex what it was and all of those things that i love that kind of he said. Imprisonment exploitation violence drowning at sea just a few of the hazards migrants face when trying to get to europe and even for those who make it the reality of life as an unwelcome arrival can be far from ideal. In 2017 over 2700 gambians gave up on their dreams either because they couldnt get beyond libya or because public hostility and increasingly tough immigration laws deterred them from trying to stay in the e. U. They had no option but to come back and try to rebuild their lives. But with democracy beginning to function here again after years of autocracy and the economy also now showing signs of life some gambian return needs a rediscovering their faith in their homeland. The outskirts abound jewel capital of the gambia. Show. Going to was once i was in the most awful and karama 1st met in a libyan prison together they endured violence and privation and became Close Friends they also made each other a promise to one day one others who might be tempted to fun of the same path i could only just get one life just like to be that we already know should get destroyed because the truth is very very hard on them the problem is that we have to be sure to leave the problems to be officers who know they are not discouraging them from my exit in one way i discourage in them from going for days but when they will let it go into someones going to get out and you know. Experience that as a foreigner and i live in a foreign country without documents nobody in day even dead no one will identify you it was. Other from a failed migrants have signed up for the association all of them volunteers preparing to join mystify and karama on a remarkable mission crisscrossing the country that aim is to discourage anyone who might be considering the perilous journey thats known to all here as the back way how people are going to see the mystery it depends because the lack of 5 minutes was enjoying the advantage of just getting to know my profession i knew how to farm these who are suffering from dont want this on if one of her own affairs but i wasnt in this favor of. Days. So instead of our son having seeing the last one no not just going to every. Buzzing you know so today. Was the. Mystified grew up pat and sarah couldnt the eldest of 6 children. His family amassed large debts to help fund his attempted migration in the hope that most of us and 90 technician could find a good job in germany. Today theyre still paying a high price for the sacrifices they made to be on our own low. It is like these visits that the 1st season lead to the. Money. Despite his fate and the familys many problems his mother refuses to turn her back on him i dont think its my access i think they have got one now wouldnt i mean one of them would get us and they would get a lady not them. Im not letting some denial that i did not is not something ideology little i do beginning she was still didnt mean like you have to go and look for a job because this is not bringing anything so you understand it you know some of the family will have to i know it as you would you have to look for joy yet in order to help us get to what i used to tell dunwoodie you discuss the sea as an alaskan b. J. Yeah because youre also trying to give you a job which you did just for the use and im showing you how proud i make i do best most yes. Today most upon karama stream is finally coming true on a ferry heading across the mouth of the river gumby to the countrys northern shore. With them off 15 volunteers from the association all former migrants like themselves after months of planning and trying to get financial backing for the trip and mood is upbeat yeah i have a yeah i would like to say you know i think theres a look for is for you to look at the world that i think the whole day or the whole thing and although this is saying things that they are all the way and enjoy. Life you cant ask the same ones. I think. Yeah yeah. I think this you know the one that is tackling. Is something. Not just the beginning. Food for 5 days the convoy will tour through areas where he is a burnett most poverty and unemployment of those people take desperate measures. Think gambia is the smallest nation in west africa but its been one of the largest contributors to the my current flow across the mediterranean. And. We must stop a St Michael School and youre going to one of the biggest in the northern territories. To raise awareness amongst students most often his team have written a play based on their own experiences. Yeah migration is a tradition going back decades a much traveled route to the hardships. That you know growing. Up here but oh my. God what i thought was because it is what i would join in a deadly journey my brother the fathers of those of such a good husband would journey if you put it into business with you would you become a billionaire the that. My agent told me that he would help me leave within 2 weeks then ill be submissive in my little you. Know oh i just i just dont like it because most of those against me never try to fight we did you send you you know how many going to suggest to the public you know you thought i was going to does it not only are you going to get on some of this gun bans our gun. Brought us only your thing that dont have you oh dear what is the incentive to do but people already got up to get that we can. All who enjoyed it dont want to. So i one flew is because. It is sort of fortunate they are so nice and regrows of wanting to do this and throughout the bonus would follow. Later that afternoon the schools economics and social Sciences Teacher reinforces the Message International migration has become a very serious problem really and we see many People Living africa and somehow somehow i think a particular now one important question for all of you is there anybody who has someone was ever involved in this illegal migration. Right here in the past i mean because the way. They have and see them you would enter into did you believe. Why do you have to go and infosys and i didnt like vision and irresponsible migration goes that we believe this nation we all johnson has done you know so we said we have even the you got to get in you got your names we must be responsible you know this time son upon our words to bend down on the ground the development of our country never the less Higher Education is very expensive in the gambia and even for those who get it well paid professional jobs are extremely scarce aspiration and rhetoric have yet to be matched by opportunity once you says he tells them they need to see something tangible in the country they need to see. The government being responsible enough to was creating employment. For youths they need to see to government response well enough towards this didnt move the test should be schoolers really do would be able to study law study medicine study on a series of education in depth country you know some people no matter how you says it does that once he does he does things in place that will lead to. The same challenges are found throughout the country the convoys next stop is s. So a small town with a population of around 7000. 00. Him mystified and his team plan to use a different kind of presentation based around a large open app projection screen. As elsewhere in the gambia the people here get much of the news and information from social media but its also the medium which spreads most of the myths about how easy it is to get to a better life in europe. The truth is that for the vast majority of migrants those minutes will turn sour margaret from north africa not from britain for their. Images like these will be very familiar to view is of western media but for many here its the 1st time theyve been seen. Karama is counting on them having a profound and lasting effect on their elderly. Is the big deal from what you know the degrees going up just to. Keep your hips to those it. Looks. Like its really showing these images today there will be knowing that what we feel and what we really are telling that also is something what does that real critters. Tell you that you make the figures are really. Stiff upper lip. Wanted to warn you should use the word. Acco another x. Migrant has also experienced trauma and abuse. Kidnapped while in libya she was forced into slavery for several months. Miraculously she managed to escape but her return to the gambia brought new problems here you dont have anything like the madeleine you can buy in from the family of a nanny. Elder but i hadnt been there then didnt want to miss the one hominy and when i gonna stab somebody not as a precondition want to have a plan in. Italy i didnt find out and i think a family thats you know inability to last time to or to italy had a 100 and then has the people of the eco. Not just once dreamt of opening a beauty salon and its only. Now shes having to rebuild her life with other young girls from the association together they have found the courage to speak out. On hagel any bit and his station and into what the link on a loved one and what i want to connect on a staff when asked abby and im not a book i j might not and if the you know im was a matter they thought a fan get a little slack i believe that according to doesnt define a bias in. The following day almost upon his convoy had to with java conduct. A small Farming Community on which migration has taken a terrible toll. The back way has cost the lives of 500 of its people. Something else something to live on the balls. It was our hope that the one thing i wanted to live in this is not the way it was done that and the wind is the love of all the adults is so i did it was a hollow soul says that it was also one single life while i. Was this one and all the walls as its all walls was. One of the. We will. Look at. A meeting has been organized with. The district chief and some 20 local chiefs. The hope is that theyll use that influence so that the families stop condoning their childrens departure. Was. Was was really. So were doing their utmost to find karama take to the stage to push the message. Out. There will. Be there are there are there are theyre never going to put out if. Theyre not going to. Get the real. Ive already. Been told so far there are. Rumors. And many java kind of families the eldest sons are long gone. Santa a farmer has stayed. Hes the last of 7 brothers to tend his familys land. Through the sweat of his brow he somehow manages to look off to acres of ground not and cereal crops but its a desperately hard life out of it out of the. Division infancy and. There are lots. Of additional. None. Let me out of school. Without machinery and with only a short rainy season sinus harvest rarely yields enough to support his family what a lot of the climate of the. Sunnah is from a generation of gambians who lived through the oppressive reform a president. Deposed in 2017 after 22 years of brutal dictatorship and economic mismanagement failed to develop the countrys ridge agricultural potential. Thailand that with investment could have provided jobs and plentiful food was abandoned to me a subsistence farming. In java could and habitants came to depend completely on money from the diaspora which paid for a new mosque brick housing facade and for a fortunate few trucked his and farm machinery. Son and his family are among those who rely on this revenue receiving around a 100 years a month from his brothers working in europe you know none of us do all of those inventing was this one. And thats not a lot of. One morning goes by millions of missing by the way around us on him by the. Sun this fall the joy was unable to stop his of the songs from leaving. One of them was killed crossing the mediterranean. Now he would love to see an end to such departure is going to go for the men who call the number in the words but in the hundreds of men. You know one tiger will be. Im not a my im not having my son doesnt are going to prosecute. And you see them by. The gambia is facing a dire lemme one quarter of its wealth comes from the earnings of its people working abroad developing the countrys resources is more urgent now than ever before. Back across the river to the countrys southern shore mystifying karama have a new scheme in mind. What. I believe is a perfect example of migrant reintegration. After failing to get into europe he returned 5 years ago and decided to start his entry can come. But i didnt do it in some way. By losing. Despite a tricky start he now turns a profit and pays his employees a steady wage. A small church st louis. And. They are made to. Leave. The house. To his generals friends this is just about. 200 jobs and yes it is very profitable yeah when you have it for 6 weeks if your market is fast you can see that you are going south and then at least half a percent of its budget is that your vision is descending that you wasnt it yeah even our salon that you learn to use us as a collective farm. With no way of getting a loan and no experience most of his young volunteers have a slim chance of success adly steps in and off has been training them both of us there are. Back with. Us you dont need to. So you move down some needs to name about. A vision while inflaming glades is very high in this country because the authorities failed or didnt know how investing for example for 3 reproducible. In. The. Business. And. Abby hopes that the new government will learn from the failures of the past and put aid money from the e. U. To good use. The country has been allocated around 15000000 euro specifically to create jobs and train young people. Who live in a country a lot of us with nothing to hold onto it can lead to robbery. Increases in crime leads trying to steal and yeah all this can happen frustration can lead to the stability of this country. Abilene story is inspirational but for most of his group to persuade other would be migrants from leaving something more concrete an optimism about the gambia future might be needed. Where at the bar at crow time and one of the countrys busiest. In the way the young people here have lost faith in the promise of change like so many before them they gaze is fixed on europe. 19 year old ibrahim says theres nothing just a 4. Month old camel whatever i mean for the dominican if a law to conduct about. One mile is about what the hell and im not living i dont know my dad but if michael affair but that was whatever and when i john that come with us i dang it i knew that i wanted to give it up to you tom what you saw done it and i wanted a card. To me. First. You know a job friends you had together youre playing both going to School Together but not so much in delhi so i mean to tell you its just as good as it is for you so people are somebody there to be look what you are also make it what are you going to make it no one can make a deal of most of it is. Mostly because what im getting for that makes me glad you are motivated you know this is there is i can take my way and go. One propose new route is anything but say incredibly some him. Hoping to use a canoe to cross the atlantic to the united states. In the face of such a time a nation gambians returned migrants clearly have much persuading still to do. As italy went into Lockdown People empower us to filmmakers to document the effects on ordinary people from the immense suffering in loss the forgotten abandoned or exploited to sing a longs every day heroes and heartwarming acts of kindness the stories they capture reveal how the virus is society to take a look in the mirror and exposing its inequalities coronavirus lockdown italy people in power on aljazeera. What impact will called it 19 on the drop in the oil prices have on the race to the white house can donald trump survive these historic setbacks and does job only have what it takes to beat. Special coverage ill just sit. On counting the costs famines of biblical proportions the coronaviruses advent of the Global Economy so what does that mean for Food Supplies plus grants or loans as italy and spain used to walk down committing your bridge of tolerance on a trillion dollar a rescue. Cutting the cost on aljazeera. Milo to the ramadan a time of spirituality reflection and gratitude raise the floods all the floods every color. The real world well how we are how we reveals the stories behind some of the arab world songs and chants for the holy month this song touched the hearts of all arabs for ramadan songs on aljazeera. Global leaders pledged 8000000000. 00 to speed up the hunt for a Coronavirus Vaccine a quarter of a 1000000 people die worldwide. This and this is all just a a lie from doha also coming up a leaked government document reveals the u. S. Virus death toll is set to double by the end of the month. Families are reunited in italy has restrictions are relaxed but there are fears of a 2nd wave

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