A follows one girls journey her to her remote village. On aljazeera. Has been going into. This computer. Madonna concert in the community. That you dont. See through too. Much of the body to. Body to the. Lead. Prosecutors it whiskey. Defining a cause. Without evolution i mean is something country that i should make you feel free of a kind of company only that part of the crowd and be can exist at bunco company but surely. Like. One. Z. To need. Make you feel. Make you feel. Why you mean. Venti fool. Said truth to it dont be a story for us consider. A tunis a wonderful mission to keep. The law but i should 1st make you fear for one. Side rule do football. Today bluey bus wont allow the bus only to go back to kong and proceed to starship but could presto solar there for us to do this is worth. He lost he so she went did i ever could. Make you feel as if i was going to get evening off also the key to detroit only he pursued by me all fall dont you do a word minute yeah youll fall really. Disappear telling. You that you. Will make it pretty easy may border because you golf. Can also do what you will you disappoint you did we sold it pretty good to no mother no i put in place always they all had a piece i pulled puzzled out a building that i did. In them not to want to come in a song same concept to lose only my drones it. It be is a a blues not even a good 100. 00 i think n. For me to keep must come out and. Be an ideal keep him in. This commotion get big issue i think was. Said to need give it did a concept in the. And there was this other guy has already said it was or some recently bought a solved by you know what he sold all topical so i mean you have a couple dollars a lot of bush monosyllable pass it down now it shipped off to pay and imam good own son he died just test a title as a kilo cousin just how dull gas. Should be somebody pumped bodies dumped the body. He thought is want he got to think you can. Exile the new. Policy but not gone from the can. Some. Kind of money. Imported from the same man the good teachers. I know you can speak of most you dont but im going to come out and say you know. Thats good nazi thing keeping. Keeping to be you come sign and plan we will use young c. C. Among them if you feel im sure plenty plenty. Nice to accompany you jumping up on the bodies when your party did not consume doing. Plus community deed because you feel you can but. If p. R. T. Wont be here when you can see to meet the parents even to mom time you change about happy because of this your mom says best of all to us a spouse month Washington National debt you develop such agenda devalued you most of the puppets of the more are your destructive and are such it. Really all the mindless all the lobe it people. Give it a. Give us a look yeah they yell. Also if a dog a lot of the less you do theres a large oh yeah it is do when you would when you know all organismic can see me. Both of you then also what. Would you measure this agenda of a. Summit such subversion a kill to kill to me. To disappear the departed make you feel his peers speak that could happen because the drug of you dont make it defaults. So theres a little bit that youre driving you needed if youre both going oh no shocker dont. Feel passat she votes your legs off once here. Because it. Sounds like you were took a shit but youre coming to understand what you mean i know so hes gonna put all the effort at the do the new the same border then come back if we. Suffer from the propaganda oh not going. To go or 27. 00 and be up in q 4 to. See 2 nice. Idea about what is on the money no money telling people there are a lot of them think you take your water. Lover and i hear. This is. Going to do when i least i. Now know. I dont have a. Kid now for example these are fully committed. To keep on loving. Me again this year this year 2 love the. Most here make you feel. Macon is. A model because it was this is. Merely a cover version i presume the whole new expression is. All. Screwed hallmarks of living to live a good start. Its a film. That most cities have decided you dont always get on the simple fact. That its really got this very. Good question from falls in could default. Rate. Of only 35 years everybodys. Got the different dissented. Mission y. E. Is on tom de. Mint. Surely all of. The people say. Because he didnt come across. A mail fast on the fair do bleak said the fair. City. Sank. The trees sank. They called. Daily mup on what he did the new. Way dish on the citys. Care much. You know something. Pretty. Spotty. Kitty. Best. More on the. Designs yeah we all can. Tell you did the we. Can that be you have to tell me. Can vary form of yes hes think when you. Put. A cam i leave. The. List to the near the city for the count saying. We have it and much of. The. If the sun is up to. One the. Need for blood. Probably wants. You to believe. Me. Have you. Bought. Bruce if you default to football but for a kid it will. Cost you more. To win. I took up the sun and the budgeted to and it doesnt just. Need to keep. This. Up to 15 to 50. Pounds if you believe my music or you. Will i dont know nothing. About. The civil give up. The something. Is. Cinesias t. W. To allow allows you to keep. This sealing up on the police keep saying call. Doesnt need to see it didnt suffer and die it was all family does live then we done something you dont but yeah you gave. In. To doing so did many of you said. Did you do that if i looked up to some. Of the departed tikal falso to do a deal on it and going to tell the skeeball what up. Again it depends on all see the job and also diplomacy i think i do want to define the also to make the are there so if they could turn up or he digs a book be. Any book at the comedy december. Good. Peters. If youll shoot. The toxicity. Killers used to tornadoes you could use it and. Put them on a circular simple cortical. No on no account can study it does this in a stop 310 sic on them. Key and also. The ability to move money seek misool still methadone context descends all to it. All yet it thought they would sit in the small said they didnt. Say it did to tell but to. Say. To blame. The deaths all the new dead default jeff is on his human i. Dont get this since when you. Follow me about you funny you must keep defending more than the changes you. Study to apply. To. Us. Shows. You. Really. Dont. Perform to the family. That could be. Found. Also. I can point. To. You. Degrees you can. See. Emotional journey it to the haunt to send of if you keep the falls to pieces youre glad. I shot for. The muscle in my eyes when i did not and was you sincerely still not. Getting as sick to keep. Supporting the things must go on compulsive. Holding to taking a long table and field and getting. Paid the tab i. Said to keep its jumping. On a passing. Good thing but not yourself song and. Getting angry. Because its that you need to go into a so depressed it all to be your all to be less ball ball role more. Is having each of us enough to some things will switch that weve got to go until she turns out among the sheets but talk to me if he puts la he is there plus a profound love to get him upon whom he was hed love you for only the lot of what hes gone jenny on 600 b. Did he keep a fine liz i stall so i thought this another different board awful but that would be to let you all know can deposit to keep the diffident voice. Mail ive been the only other thing that leaves a. Tizzy keep it all to mope or as rick concluded and is he more if you say an idea not mine hes not if he does with want to know but because of the. Good enough he found his response. Dont think you could know this. Book at all if you are. So that you only should tell. The doctor to dissolve the our city told it dont do did not to belittle. To tip off. Our soldiers if you want to travel so any of the cell phone wires for shes or just. Me. I want more. Like im right. Of 10 percent mean 2 percent while im out of place a moment thank lando so more food to. Get me is all to school to but deceptively and ms wanted to do miss you or she mean place you dont do vietnam. Soft it didnt get to all boys until the pledge a year. Or 27 or memo and do it like or dont you just pointed out yeah sit there miss you keep bob fosse am pick up sit there miss you care vicky all false line as always you pull pon the. Seas of the matter is they have already shown out. On us youre too deep ill. Do you know ill jump. Nor not bet but to defaulting. One is a but to you all for both dont was a but for. That the. Young. Pylos why. Im no nearer still. On the list. All the time this is all a pick up paul comment no one talked to for but. They do period to settle in me as it is hittin the moss message think in your. Kit to the. Choir but. A month. From now. Ill see. You know best about. Your place all news will fit you. To define any good. Morning i have errors here. If you could fit a stick on account of my mail mentor should go west on a mans share and eventual say very nice you. Know that hes going up. 2 your video we compose it when you know it is the dealership will sort of 1st but still to do it. Legally. Do we had to both equal you said to. Me by his opinion mccarty a professor youre not your blood daughter is on the bomb. Proof you have it is a. Prob one of wall of Water Bottles for the gullible for the year because of the 2nd call and then ive got some cause theres no curse of yellow color spot. Gal yeah except they are. Then the kitty. Politicus jill. 20 off also long clubby said tonight when you could. See come in the boss said pick us a to poke us entails for us on the. Bus on the. Doggie tell cipel i want our democracy to need that it would. Be just the start is that its in the blood a lot you popped on the beat you. Well i should make you feel ya go or you dont want to possibly be too stupid but he lost them oh. Him. Just because you can spot us. Mil or not just technique on this what does need to know. If i said. To it because this cup has always and i thought something must be changing and just think nneka. Silat will publique all of us you. All love. All your people especially washes over need to see this is what i thought. This guy says that it would be all. Or no would be you will never be use all the power there will be you. Will be a jury for show us to preclude mcgrew feet tall ive got to really go nuts. Every fish work you did. d it could be done in a pretty. Big 2nd skills if youre not in law school. He said to keep the finance to need me to log to move. The middle. Of a new beginning. Let me come of out of order something oh the office and before somebody else on you if that was always. Over this you suck. So the. Man. I. Bought. Is yugoslavia disintegrated war descended on its inhabitants. Amidst the death and destruction one man created a peaceful microcosm for boys whose fathers faced each other in battle episode 3 football rebels enters the world of footballing legend praed right push each. Who when from coaching boys football to teaching young men like president bush each of the siege of sarajevo on aljazeera. Award winning programming from International Filmmakers i think its yeah we are going to watch insect life if we carry on this way ill just be arrests thats the stage that is not longer here naivety is no longer an excuse for giving voice to the voiceless so were ready to go for a long pull expats and discussion that cultures dont fit and youre still combating that today open your eyes to an alternative view of the wild today on al jazeera. You know isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise youve been looking at another side of the story not from our information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact its reality and you have to leave the long exposing deal 6 trianon for manipulating rhetoric and playing but they cannot manipulate the fire listening post your insight going to the media on aljazeera. Cell of being in control dont know really what its tremendous for the country so i think you know he was determined to could use a look at the point of the sword to avenge its people. 8080 years he smashes the frankish on the couch is the king of jerusalem he sees is the true cross and this is the great military victory the crusades an arab perspective the result 3 unification on the jersey of. A senior whistleblower says the us president sought quick fixes to treat coronavirus trying to fast track on proven drugs. On sami say this is just there are live from our World Headquarters in tow so coming up south korea relaxes restrictions on social distancing as the country gradually reopens. Migrant workers packed into dorm