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Confusing. On the move again in france and spain start lifting some of the toughest coronavirus restrictions in europe. And disneyland reopens in Mainland China cinemas museums and other recreational venues are set to follow. Hello a defiant donald trump has praised his governments efforts to ramp up testing for corona virus as the nation with the worlds highest death toll starts to reopen its economy more than 80000 people have now died in the u. S. But the president says americas Testing Capacity is unmatched an unrivaled and has 9000000 people have been tested for the virus so far and hes announced new funds to ramp up capacity even more giving priority to Nursing Homes this afternoon i am announcing that my administration is and weve got this all approved its all done is sending 1000000000. 00 to americas states territories and so this is all been approved weve got it done completed the money is going out this major investment will ensure that america continues to conduct more tests than any country on earth by far lets bring in our White House Correspondent kelly house and just talk us through the press conference and what we heard from the president and whether we really heard anything new kimberly. Theres a bit of electioneering going on here because even as you listen carefully to the president s own statement there that money that he was talking about and by the way he blundered his own announcement he said 1000000000 for testing but what he meant to say was 11000000000 that was actually clarified later in the press conference the amount of money that he is announcing if you will was already approved by Congress Late last month in fact the u. S. President signed it into law under another piece of legislation one of the very large among the many coronavirus packages that have been approved by congress this u. S. President in this white house they cant just drum up the money on their own thats Something Congress does the president signs it into law so in terms of this money that he says its already been done yet has already been done there really isnt anything new here from what i can see in fact i reached out to the press office to double check that and i didnt hear back but i think that underscores that essentially this money was already approved by congress it allows the states the various governors to ramp up their testing their lab capacity and this is the president pushing back in an Election Year to say look at we may have been criticized at the beginning early on in this virus because there wasnt enough Testing Available but heres where we are right now the president touting it as a success saying that soon every american will be able to be tested but right now that is currently not the case and kimberly he did also answer reporters questions on the coronavirus hitting close to home with some people in the west wing going to write the around the white house not testing positive. You know the u. S. President really bristling at the suggestion that things are out of control here at the white house but it certainly does feel a little bit like that in terms of the number of positive cases of course the president s personal valet live in the middle of last week then late last week the Vice President s press secretary that led to self isolation and quarantine for the next 14 days of 3 of the Top Public Health officials on the Coronavirus Task force notably they will now have to testify before Congress Tomorrow using Video Conference theres also been more than a dozen secret service but whats notable is when the Vice President arrived here at the white house today he was not wearing a mask and it was a little confusing because given the fact that hes had close contact to his press secretary one would assume he would also be self quarantining thats not the case and also we should point out that there has been we understand a memo that went out to a west wing staffer saying moving forward you must be wearing a mask to protect others if you are positive even if asymptomatic but i can tell you that in fact there are many members of the west wing staff that at least today are still not wearing those masks whether or not moving forward they will is unclear but that is certainly the guidance in the u. S. President for his part really downplaying what has happened in the last few minutes he told reporters it wasnt a breakdown he says this was just one person that tested positive we know its more than that and he also said that for the Vice President s part he has tested negative again underscoring that the president the Vice President they can get tests any time they want but in terms of testing for ordinary americans in a country of 338000000000 plus they really are in the 90000000 mark in terms of testing by the end of today so still a pretty long way to go if youre trying to reopen the economy and get people feeling comfortable about moving about again all right carol they have to thank you very much. So governments across the world are cautiously lifting some restrictions as they try to restart their economies without causing a 2nd wave of Coronavirus Infections take a look at france the sidewalks in france have come to life the roads are filled with traffic for the 1st time in 2 months mosques are compulsory on Public Transportation and social distancing measures are still in place roughly half of spains 47000000 people are now allowed to shop in small stores and set out doors and restaurants and bars but its biggest cities like madrid and barcelona are still in lockdown meanwhile india is partially reopening its Train Services from chews day making mosques and Health Screening mandatory for passengers the countrys just recorded its highest rise in daily infections with nearly 800 new cases here in the u. K. The lockdown will be eased than england for wednesday Prime Minister Boris Johnson says more people will be encouraged back to work but everybody should still avoid Public Transportation critics say his message is confusing here so you go with more. In it for the long haul and an easing of the lockdown that is conditional on progress in fighting the virus and as the Prime Minister sets out a new measures to england it was clear that there would be little that would be returning to normal sectors that are allowed to be should indeed be open subject subject to social distancing with a cabbie at this pandemic was going nowhere yet if youre not level begins to rise we will have no hesitation in putting on the brakes reintroducing measures locally regionally or nationally. As the u. K. Tentatively prepares for the changes to its lockdown it is a journey that will be taken slowly with many obstacles ahead some people who cant work from home of being encouraged to return to work some outdoor socializing measures have been east but now England Wales scotland and Northern Ireland all have different rules but leaders more wary of releasing their lock downs as much as england i nor these restrictions continue to be extremely tough and i nor that hearing talk about easing the law makes them seem probably even tougher but please i am asking you for now you to stick with it the u. K. Will soon be imposing a 14 day quarantine period on people arriving from overseas apart from the irish republic and france but no detail as to when it would start and for how long it would last. The British Government is only advising not mandating face coverings in enclosed spaces in other countries such as france people are required to wear them and public transport. The u. K. Still has the 2nd highest reported fatalities from cove of 19 in the world and the new measures have not necessarily provided reassurance to the public its still a bit of confusion around who has to go to work and whos not to go to work and why its dirty got children to hide who is taking her then so it doesnt appear as much time to me its consistent with how the government has operated throughout the whole throughout this whole period which is not wanting some made any hard and fast decisions there are still many Unanswered Questions resulting from the latest guidance and it is a deeply complex operation the knowledge of the virus is constantly evolving as will the reaction to it for some time to come sunday diagonal aljazeera. Frances official death toll has risen 226643 the feste highest in the world countries cautiously emerging from its lockdown were opening schools and lifting restrictions on Public Transportation thats also butler reports. Back to work for some people in france but not quite back to normal in the paris metro staff handed out masks that are now obligatory on public transport and distributed hand sanitizing gel but with a large number of people commuting so should distancing was clearly impossible. For 20 minutes for a train some people were not Wearing Masks and at my station in the suburbs staff were not handing out morse like here you cant socially distance with so many people but you dont need to call me. In metro were not confined spaces its just a shame we were advised to wear mass in the 1st began in france because maybe they couldve been staying home after 2 months of Strict Lockdown the french government has lifted some restrictions allowing some businesses to resume work as people began to move around paris again traffic returned to the citys famous shells an easy avenue and shops welcomed customers many the shops on this street are open even though its not busy there are clearly people out and about enjoying a little bit of freedom but the government says that unless people remain vigilant it could consider reimposing some restrictions see the use of virus begins increasing rapidly again with no control and risking the health of the french people we would be forced to impose confinement measures again either in certain territories or differentiated as we did initially or even more widely if the population were in danger although some restrictions have been lifted many remain restaurants cafes sports and cultural venues a still shot as well as some parks many schools ready to open the. Government says that masks are now easily available i am testing is widespread but with no Coronavirus Vaccine yet they must rely on peoples ability and will to helping an end to the Health Emergency its not your partner al jazeera paris. The number of daily deaths in the coronavirus in spain has fallen to 123 marking a 7 week low my sorrows in madrid to see how one Business Owner is preparing to reopen were at a Mens Clothing shop in the middle of madrid one of the b. B. C. s areas commercial areas that is just getting ready to reopen to the public next week so weve got everything ready weve got the honey ties or we have the gloves we have them last year thats the owner does this infecting all the garments in order to reopen to the costumers today in spain over a 50 percent of the regions have moved on to phase 21. 00 is a part of the deescalation plan of using these lockdown measures after 57. 00 days of a strict low down so people will be able to go to terrorists is and at a capacity of 50 percent will be able to go to hotels still to a 50 percent of the capacity mosque and church and well also be able to meet their friends and families as one of the most important things of biggest singing measures the russian president has declared an end to a partial economic shutdown despite a surge in corona virus infections more than 11000. 00 cases were reported on monday taking the countrys total 2221000 russia now has the 4th highest number of infections in the world behind only spain the u. S. And the u. K. But unemployment has doubled over the past month a lot of reports in says its essential people return to work although some restrictions will remain. Not suitable my starting from the 12th the may and nationwide period of nonworking days for all economic sectors is over however the battle against the pandemic is not over its danger remains even in the regions where the situation is relatively safe. Fears are rising over a potential 2nd wave of corona virus infections after germany reported the disease is spreading faster just days after its lockdown was the viruses reproduction rates will measure as the number of people contract think over 1000 is estimated or 1. 07 that means 100 people in fact 107 others on average more than 7 and a half 1000 people have died of the virus in germany which is much lower than its european neighbors but me other than 50 is is its very important for me to again draw attention to the fact that were entering a new phase of the pandemic it will now be necessary with all the easing of measures to be sure that people stick to the basic rules keeping their distance wearing mouth and nose protection and showing consideration for each other coming up on the news hour malaysia browns are undocumented migrants again in an effort to contain the pandemic. And getting back on track one of the Worlds Largest Rail Networks prepares to reopen for passengers. But 1st more than 80000 middle School Students are back in cars in the Chinese Capital beijing theyre preparing for High School Entrance exams students who are so valid health codes on the 2 week record of their movements on their cell phones to be allowed in about 50000. 00 high School Students return to class in beijing last month in order to prepare for College Entrance exams and the move comes despite china reporting its most significant increase in corona virus infection since april with 17 new cases more businesses are reopening including shanghai as disneyland which will come back crowds for the 1st time in 3 months katrina you reports from beijing. In the u. S. Its known as the happiest place on the. Now disneyland has welcomed crowds back to its gates in china for the 1st time in months the government here says the corona Virus Outbreak is now under control and the shanghai theme park is the 1st in the global chain to reopen since the beginning of the Health Crisis right now here in china and shanghai. Conditions are such that we feel with the right measures in place our health and safety that we are. With vista numbers are capped at 24000. 00 roughly 30 percent of the pucks capacity temperature screenings and social distancing measures are also in place that means no selfies with mickey and minnie mouse for now but fears of a 2nd wave of infections did nothing to deter crowds tickets sold out in minutes for our house and have a feel happy i finally have a place to take my child analysts say to sell out open day points depend up consumer demand but dont expect the chinese economy to bounce back anytime soon i think the overall outlook is going to remain very uncertain on subject as long as we do not have a treatment or a vaccine so the coronavirus still authorities here are hailing the reopening as a model start in chinas coronavirus recovery it comes as beijing is walked in a serious war of words with washington over its handling of the outbreak many believe the true countries have entered a new cold war the trouble white house says it has evidence covered 19 live from a chinese lab Chinas Foreign Ministry says u. S. Leaders are using what it calls dirty tricks to mislead the world about china. Do they really have such little standards and conscience that they can nothing at all for their own political interests not even when human lives at stake but the tension seemed to fall off in the minds of voters enjoying their day at disneyland in shanghai the theme park fantasy a welcome respite from the reality of the pandemic and the political fallout left in its wake. Hundreds of undocumented migrants have been arrested by police in a targeted operation just outside the malaysian capital video released by local media shows crowds of people lining up in kuala lumpur following the arrival of a large group of Police Officers the malaysian government says its trying to prevent migrants travelling during the coronavirus lock down more than 500. 00 were arrested during a similar operation earlier this month florence who is in kuala lumpur with more on why certain areas are be targets. This is very similar to a rape that was carried out at apartment blocks in kuala lumpur on the 1st of may now these raids on monday morning are carried out in an area that is under lockdown which means residents in those areas are not allowed to leave their homes whether for food or medicine things are delivered to them and this is to prevent or contain the spread of the corona virus these are areas where clusters of the virus have been reported now everyone in those areas would have been tested for the corona virus and the government has said that it intends to detain undocumented migrants in areas and lock down and this appears to be what the government is doing in carrying out these raids on monday morning then the undocumented migrants who were detained in the raid on the 1st of may were sent to an Immigration Detention Center and its very likely that the same is going to happen to the ones who are detained in the operation on monday morning however thats several issues with that and one is that there is a possibility that refugees who are not yet registered with the u. N. Refugee agency in malaysia or sign them seekers who may have their registration expired may invest in the have been detained as well and the other issue is these rates could be counterproductive yes the government is detaining undocumented migrants in areas for lockdown but what about undocumented migrants in areas that are not under lockdown then these people will be more reluctant to seek treatment or to come forward to be tested even if they are exhibiting symptoms and this could be a potential health issue for malaysia in trying to prevent the spread of the corona Virus International flies can land in the philippines capital again after the government reopened its airport flights were stopped last week out of the country couldnt cope with bows and the workers returning from overseas so mondragon reports from manila. These foreign visitors are now able to supply out of the philippines after waiting for over a month many airlines. Begun cutting flights in march and a week ago by the us main airport was closed i was going back i dont merge but the good bin laden right now im going but im feeling really good. And im very thankful for them and also for the British Government. The government temporary halted flights as it struggled to speed up testing for corona virus and ran out of room in quarantine facilities since the start of the pandemic thousands of filipinos have been returning to the philippines philippine embassies are used to pray you are the emergency mass repeat ga sion but with this influx the government has had to medically tests and house tens of thousands of people and it admits resources are stretched the government says the flight restrictions will be in effect until early next month and this hopes to ensure that the airport will be able to handle our own 400. 00 passengers a day that is the estimate that capacity under the current lockdown there are over 10000000. 00 Filipino Workers overseas around 10 percent of the countrys population thats why the impact of the Global Pandemic is felt so deeply here. Just on the by not borrowed money to come to manila from his home province of cebu to start to work as a seafarer he was waiting to be assigned to a ship when the lock down began. Our food this rationed every day you dont even though if you can go abroad. The philippines provides a quarter of the workforce of the Global Maritime industry since the pandemic started more than 20000. 00 to have returned a majority now stranded and jobless Filipino Workers tell us they are all too aware of the dangers of the coronavirus but what they fear more is the uncertainty of not being able to provide for their families to dogon on. Manilla. Well the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on agriculture in europe is raising concerns as farmers face losing their harvests due to a lack of migrant labor unions in italy have worn the i would culture a sector is at risk of collapse unless Migrant Workers are able to harvest crops over 30 percent of such workers are from elsewhere in the European Union and outside if its in Northern Spain workers are desperately needed to share sheep work typically done by laborers from south america germany has lifted its ban on seasonal farm workers flying in 80000. 00 workers during the months of april and may and this still leaves a gaping hole in the labor force which usually relies on 300000 workers from Eastern Europe its share lets us speak about this with pick up pass on who represents the agricultural organizations and farmers in the European Union so any us via skype from brussels thanks for your time with us on the news hours of the Coronavirus Crisis really changed the way countries as well as the Agricultural Sector use seasonal migrant laborers. Too early to say on the stage we need to see how how this would work or all through the year but i think its fair to say that we already need to how much we are dependent on and we improve access to seasonal labor and we have these people working process on a more predictable manner. Then we need to take a look and do with our european institutions remember shes gone ok so clearly you are unable to assess the long term impact right now but what about the Short Term Impact what what impact is the coronavirus had on the migrants in the laborers. But we certainly are in short with with the necessary labor force that we were looking for in a minute partly you i think it would be to say that we will most probably have in impact number all crops especially fruit of vegetable but also other 6 years. I think in some regions in homs spain italy and germany in particular i could also has been affected and it may actually lead to certain changes and differences in trying to seize in comparison with last year what about your strategy as an organization to help those Migrant Workers whove been unable to travel and to work on farms. Most 1st we are going to close here but the commission another huge 2 chanson Member States to come up with what the European Commission called the guidelines to imMigrant Workers within the e. U. Borders and also when it when they came to europe from other members to other countries outside the e. U. Member states and were very happy that European Commission actually were quite swiftly and now these idolise are being implemented in Member States and we hope that the met you Member States actually would enable the agriculture sectors in these countries to have access to seasonal labor within the you itself and also in certain countries quite importantly from for instance not africa and ukraine has enough action been taken so far by the European Union because what we saw for example over in the United States is the government there has announced billions of dollars in direct payments to farmers to compensate them for a losses as a result of covered 1000. Well we have suffered significant changes in Consumption Patterns and i think that the common nominate her is actually a bit closer or Hotels Restaurants a catering and as a consequence of that we have seen some. New ways of buying people actually go to the supermarkets and is that of staying in hotels or restrooms and that has led to stations that actually we all consume slightly differently and that consequently has had an impact to certain commodities concert in iraq for produce and we are struggling at the moment to feed the European Commission i think we can do that it very confident and together with other partners in the food chain we can do that but it is a struggle and i think we will assist it may impact the total impact of course and iris once we have seen these here costs possibly also next year when and when we see possible development for the quarter numbers itself and see some changes. Our rights when they get there we thank you very much for speaking to us from brussels thank you thank your art. Lots more coming up on the aljazeera news hour including an Iranian Missile has stakes in these strikes and naval vessel more than a dozen sailors are killed us to make sure that that were wiping down 3 times a day in the truck and were sterilizing your hands every time we get in and out of the truck canadian Truck Drivers tell us why the pandemic has made life on the road even more dangerous. And of the still fairly pretty cool across Northern Areas of europe the winds coming down from the cold north meanwhile to the west we have seen plenty of cloud coming in with the rain it doesnt quite reach northern italy just yet it is all the way so this was the scene in milan on sunday also very nice sunny skies into the bone on the northwest coast but not so nice across into Central Falls this is where the rain has been but by tuesday it should be clearing out of the way continue to work its way across into areas further to the east but at the same time not cool at all say feeding across into the similar areas now the rain will clear through moscow a lace on cheese there is a warm day ahead of that 23. 00 degrees celsius but once that goes through the cooler air pushes in and 12 is the daytime highs are really feeling quite cool and set in single figures in stockholm 8 degrees celsius and then well see more rain in the forecast through central southeastern france and again across into northern italy theres a new system working its way across into portugal as well so what well see on tuesday is that system which is bringing the rain into spain and portugal that will also bring the rain further south into areas of morocco beginning to push its way across into coastal areas of algeria and then through wednesday weve got another system just developing off the far west coast of portugal so late in the day the rain will push into a bat and well see if they cool feel to things with a high of 21. As yugoslavia disintegrated war descended on its inhabitants. Amidst the death and destruction one man created a peaceful microcosm for boys whose fathers faced each other in battle episode 3 football rebels enters the world of footballing legend push each. Who when from coaching boys football to teaching young men like president bush each of the siege of sarajevo on aljazeera. Political ideals grassroots activists and polished speech in its lines takes you inside the battle for the democratic party. And asks if its base is too polarized to take home the white house theres a generational divide thats real you might ironically see the outsider mantle the most corrupt incumbent president ever langs americas divided democrats on out his era. Following on the top stories on the aljazeera news our u. S. President has defended americas coronaVirus Testing to use the National Debts or crosses 80000 its. Britains Prime Minister has faced criticism that his plans to use the lock down are confusing advising some people to return to work but not use Public Transportation. Both france and spain have begun easing walked on restrictions for Free Movement as loud in areas but regions and cities with more cases in both countries remain under tight controls. To some other news. And there has been fierce fighting in libyas capital as the un recognized government tries to end the warlords and have to his campaign to seize fighters allied to the tripoli government made this force after have to force loyalists they had entered the city Southern Suburbs as our eyes fired rockets at the citys only functioning airport on saturday killing 5 People Living nearby without the 100 reports from tripoli over the fire has been exchanged between the 2 all warring sides in many axes in southern tripoli and the Government Forces say that they have targeted have to his forces locations in the village and axis in southern tripoli destroying a number of. Launchers and all saw a truck loaded with the ammunition. Also they say that they managed to neutralize a number of have to his forces in many axes in southern tripoli what is new today is the Government Forces are saying that they have been showing good pictures of landmines actually anti tank or tee to lot of. Mines and they say they have to those forces. Planted those mines in civilian houses abandoned civilian houses in southern tripoli before the was that all from that area meanwhile. Air force the Government Force according to the military commanders of the government of national called they carried out a number of aids strikes targeting his forces inside a with is that also according to the government managed to destroy a number of military vehicles. A powerful aide to the president of the democratic republic of congo has gone on trial on corruption charges which out to marry is accused of embezzling 51000000. 00 from funds to build homes in disadvantaged communities the 61 year old is the president s chief of staff and leads the union for the Congolese National Nation Political Party malcolm webb reports. Supporters of the talcum mary thing dont protect any of them they think its other politicians who should be facing corruption charges can marry the democratic republic of congos chief of staff was arrested and jailed last month prosecutors say he stole 50000000. 00 of public money along with 2. 00 collaborators. Of the police are chasing is away because authorities dont want people to know what happened in this case all accusations against america are lies he didnt do anything wrong this is why there chase he has a way. Mary is being held in here the mccullough high security prison in the capital kinshasa. Behaving took place inside where supporters and journalists are not permitted proceedings or pool cost on National Television mary was working alongside president felix to security until his arrest they both lead Political Parties which are in a coalition of arrests and trials of senior politicians almost on herself in congo camero hes denied the charges. Im going to go to we are not here to entertain an audience i have an important job to do i have the notoriety that corresponds to this job and so i must act as a statesman through truth we will achieve justice if convicted comerica be sentenced to up to 20 years hard labor the trials jus to continue in 2 weeks time. Outside police moved porters away corruption is seen as normal here corruption trials are not thats why a lot of camero supporters think his trials politically motivated mary had to deal with president kennedy to succeed him but the future of that deal and their Ruling Coalition is now unclear and congo is fragile politics have been thrown into further turmoil malcolm webb aljazeera. At least 19 sailors have been killed after an iranian warships head a navy support vessel with a missile by accidents 15 other sailors were injured in the incident during an exercise in the gulf of oman its iran 2nd Major Military disaster in just 4 months on the same bus ravi reports from to her on its hurting the reputation of its armed forces. A military exercise gone wrong in the gulf of oman resulting in the deaths and injuries of dozens of iranian sailors 24 hours after sundays incident the navy verified the worst of the unconfirmed reports already on social media. A missile test by an iranian frigate the jumper on hit a smaller support ship to caracas killing 19 and injuring 15 the government was quick to declare the men heroes before dawn i was informed of a painful accident for the canary vessel and the deaths and wounding of our brave Service Members who protect to rein in Maritime Security which deeply hurt my heart i dont know what to say to make it better we are all indebted to those loved ones who sacrificed their lives for our security and well being. But what happened is still unclear reports suggest the smaller ship was setting floating targets and did not clear the impact zone in time to avoid the destroyers missile fire it happened in the iranian waters of the gulf of oman a short distance from the strategic strait of hormuz its proximity to a major shipping corridor is likely to have World Leaders concerned you can imagine that if another ship would have passed close close by it could have led to an accident and what is very important here is that any incident because the situation is so volatile i could actually lead to further escalation and thats that is the real issue. Last month President Donald Trump said the United States would shoot and destroy any iranian boats found to be harassing american ships in the region. Iran responded with a similar order for its own naval forces everything irans military does in and around its territorial waters is to project power a friendly fire incident like this hurt irans carefully managed public image one that is still recovering from another incident involving an accidental Missile Launch in january the military shot down a civilian ukrainian airliner over to run killing all 167 people on board the same old a 0 to. Saudi arabia as tripling taxes on basic goods and imposing around 26000000000. 00 in budget cuts came to his grappling with economic blows from the coronavirus pandemic and a drastic fall in oil prices unlike say obrian reports. This is where a new way of living began the saudi crown princes megaproject new york was touted as a 500000000000. 00 city state that would transform the kingdom but it and other projects linked to mohammed bin solomons vision 2030 plan could be at risk as part of efforts to rein in spending by about 26000000000. 00 the kingdoms finance minister says the new measures are painful but necessary the economy in saudi arabia has been under a lot of stress that thats why. The government would draw 23000000000. 00 from the reserves in march this is the largest withdrawal from the reserves ever in the history of the country the plans include tripling sales tax from 5 to 15 percent a tax introduced 2 years ago to reduce saudi arabias reliance on oil income but its not been enough to counter what the finance minister described as the 3 economic shocks from the coronavirus the decline in oil prices the shutdown of the local economy and extra spending on health care from the start of next month a living allowance for Government Employees will be suspended though all the savings are unlikely to address the kingdoms huge budget deficit i think the failure of economists are going to be a no one can understand it without looking at the leadership and the basic production and mismanagement of the sources if we reacted to the. Perfect Foreign Policy that followed in the last 10 years its going to be understood. That you know this kind of cuts will continue actually this is the starting point the kingdom has waged an expensive war in yemen for more than 5 years its caused what the u. N. Says is the worlds worst humanitarian crisis and. Even as it tells its own people the stares he measures and needed the government is trying to finance a 372000000. 00 takeover of the English Football Club Newcastle United like many countries the coronavirus has betted saudi arabias economy. This is the grand mosque in mecca during the muslim fasting month of ramadan there are usually 1500000. 00 visitors now just a few dozen. Many employees and a large staff from workers technicians and also translators theyre all idle because theres no work. The vision 2030 plan had called for slowly moving away from depending on oil and diversifying the economy by this year the kingdom was supposed to improve Living Standards and increase terrorism instead 2020 will likely be remembered for its Economic Hardship brian aljazeera. A group of fishermen have returned to indonesia after more than a year of work during which they say they were exploited in their time on board chinese Fishing Vessels 4 of their fellow workers died the indonesian on Chinese Government are launching a joint investigation but has been received with skepticism as just go also reports from jakarta after 13 months working on the high seas these indonesian fishermen are relieved to come home but some of their fellow crew members never got that chance at least for died while working for the dolly and ocean Fishing Company in recent months one died in hospital but others died on board the chinese vessels the fishermen say their bodies were thrown into the Pacific Ocean crewmembers told aljazeera what they enjoyed on the ship. Our salary was meant to be 300. 00 a month but in reality i received 120. 00 for the whole 13 months just h. I was food was the same as fish bait for tuna it was reading me. The men say they worked around 18 hours each day catching fish including endangered species and cutting the fins of sharks. Just in reality sometimes we have to work a shift of 30 hours or more. Whatever fish required we are asked should be process sort of not if they said yes we did it as the months went on the fishermen say one of the hardest parts of the job was watching their fellow crewmembers fall ill and die. I feel so free now free from how the company did not respond to aljazeera as questions indonesian authorities are speaking with the men and say they will launch a joint investigation with beijing into what happened. We condemn the Inhumane Treatment experienced by the indonesian crew who are working on chinese vessels the government is very committed to solving this issue by improving regulations. Millions of indonesians are employed in the fisheries industry and the exploitation is rampant most of them young men were herded by agencies in their home towns and many dont know what theyre signing up for advocates say its not the regulation thats the problem but the lack of action by the government to protect the rights of these young workers. So what we need is a Law Enforcement so we dont we dont need. A new regulations he says until that happens more young men will risk their lives on the high seas just the washington aljazeera jakarta. Indias entire rail network one of the largest in the world was completely halted 6 weeks ago as part of the efforts of stop the spread of the corona virus some services will restart on tuesday elizabeth purana has a latest from. Government has announced that from tuesday 15 trains will start traveling from the capital new delhi to major cities around the country including to mumbai to chennai put a win on the poor. And more and to give you some context Indian Railways is one of the biggest Rail Networks in the world and it carries around 20000000 passengers every day so you can imagine the number of people who work or study in different states the numbers who were stranded when india cancelled all trains from the government cancelled all trains with no prior notice in late march 10 days ago it stopped special trains to carry some of the millions of Migrant Workers who were stranded and 500000 have been taken to their home states in the last 10 days but from tuesday everyone will be allowed to get on these 15 trains as long as they have tickets and tickets are going to be sold only online in about 15 minutes from now no ticketing booth at any train stations will be allowed to open people will have to be screened they will only sell the right number of tickets to ensure social distancing everyone has to wear a mosques the trains gradually restarting. As the country prepares to end the lock down the sunday its due to end on sunday and Indian Railways is expected to announce more trains in the coming days yemeni authorities are declared aden a quote infested sit in a resurgent coronavirus cases the port city is the seeds of yemens internationally recognized government officials there have reported 16 new infections in the last 2 days taking the National Total to 68. 00 at least 10 people have died of the. Health system has been shattered by years of war who w. H. O. Warns the corona virus is spreading undetected. Shopping centers and hairdressers are reopening in turkey auster nearly 2 months but increased Safety Measures are in place so istanbul where some businesses say its too early to begin returning to normality this is the 1st day of the gradual normalization process and turkey and the we can look phones are going to continue on until the ramadan holy month and at the end of may but it beginning of today the Shopping Malls are being open the bar varies and hazel loans are reopening since they have been shut down at the end of march it has been a very strict time for all of them and now the Shopping Malls are opening but some of the Shopping Malls have decided not to open and now there is a there is actually a conflict between the Shopping Mall administrations and the retailers because the government recalled mended them to shut down at the end of march it was a natural fact an act of god like like a disaster but right now the economy the economy managements have has been pushing them to open the parliament this close most cyclers restaurants cafes spires theyre all closed but the Shopping Malls are being open and people believe that it is too early for normalization or the Shopping Malls as this could indoor Shopping Malls may cause a 2nd wave of a coronavirus new zealands Prime Minister has outlined the 10 day return to normality in many areas of Life Shopping Center as restaurants on james will be the 1st to reopen this thursday schools will start to reopen on monday with most other businesses following by wednesday zealand previously had some of the tightest restrictions in the world and was under lockdown for nearly 2 months more than 20 people have been killed by covert 1000 there are nearly 1500 cases confirmed heres where hey with more. The new Zealand Government moved very quickly to try to stop the spread of coronavirus in this country in fact on the 21st of march the Prime Minister just doing announced a 4 stage alert system and then soon after move the country into the highest alert level for that meant for 5 weeks all nonessential businesses and schools were ordered to close 2 weeks ago the Prime Minister then announced some of those restrictions were easing allowing more businesses to open and now plans of a move to alert level 2 have been confirmed that means that most businesses will be able to reopen now including restaurants and bars with some strict social distancing guidelines still in place and schools can reopen as well for the most part i think New Zealanders have supported the government strong action to try to stop the spread of the virus here but increasingly there is concern about the state of the economy and the effect that the shutdown is having on businesses and theres a growing sense that the country needs to get moving again with the number of confirmed cases being reported each day getting very low in fact on monday it was just 3 having said all that New Zealanders are also watching very nervously other countries that have eased restrictions only to see a resurgence of the virus 100000 free tickets are to be given away by Qatar Airways to Health Care Workers around the world chief executive officer of quarterback has told al jazeera its being done to recognise the hard work in the fight against covert 19 Health Care Workers can register online to receive their free tickets cats are airways is also hoping to resume flights to 80 countries by the end of june. Truck drivers in canada have been working overtime to keep supplies flowing across the country but with many people stuck at home those in the freight industry are facing their own unique challenges as david mercer reports their crystal lesser its are not going unnoticed. Outside his shop in calgary chris standing prepares to pick up a load of dry passed up his routine has changed more in the past few months than journey his 25 years in the Trucking Industry and with the corona virus still spreading across canada chris wants to keep his family and his clients safe we set up a Company Policy to make sure that that were wiping down 3 times a day in the truck and were sterilizing her hand every time we get in and out of the truck whether its going into a client or just picking up a load in the pandemics early days says hauling goods was a bit like driving into a freak storm a little scary and a little exciting at the same time he feels safer now as most businesses have introduced protocols to reduce face to face contact even so today chris has to enter a warehouse to sign paperwork and with workers coming in going social distancing is a challenge but the biggest risk he says is when filling up everything in the beginning that a lot of the major spread of or 3rd out on. The board that would talk all of our guy for make sure even when theyre using the keypad make sure they put their smaller gloves on so that they could still hit the numbers despite their vital role transporting essential goods truckers have faced harsh conditions since the start of the crowbars pandemic Truck Drivers have struggled to find open businesses to buy food use the washroom and wrath but their predicament has also led to random acts of kindness and brought out bollen tears to truck stops like this one calgary Sikh Community is one of many groups helping truckers across canada they give out around 100. 00 meals a day theyre really appreciated like we have a foreign call on. And you had a dime so then you show up at the truck stop even on the highway even at the beer hall. Trucking companies and associations are now worried by a huge increase in socalled empty miles this happens when theres no cargo to haul back home after making a delivery the cost of an operation is basically. Increasing while the Revenue Generating aspect of the truck is decreasing and you cant pass on the cost to the customers because there are clearly hurting tough times ahead for these Unsung Heroes who are trying to steer their country out of a pandemic david mercer aljazeera Calgary Canada still ahead on the. Celebrating mothers day during a pandemic how women and lock down latin america happy mothers day coming up. The in. The the on the will. Come again a hairstyle that fell out of favor many years ago is back in fashion in east africa thanks to the corona virus so this hour on and kenyas capital nairobi is offering what its calling the corona hairdo the braided spikes echo the shape of the virus parents say its educational as well as a cheaper alternative to other styles. People across latin america have taken part in mothers Day Celebrations with an eye on social distancing the days events and to lift spirits as many marked the holiday under the shadow of the pandemic has more. In unexpected musical numbers zips down the streets of sao paolo brazil on sunday. As musician. Played the piano from the back of a moving truck brazil is the hardest hit country in latin america with a coronavirus death toll nearing 11000. For the eagles says his music is a way to make mothers day special for those who are corrine teen and separated from their families i am. But its an amazing feeling to be able to share my art so that people can feel good and i feel good to be here collaborating and to be part of this history that we are going through. Through the eagle is one of dozens of artists who have volunteered their time and skill to celebrate brazilian mothers. In many countries in the region this years mothers day has required a bit of patience and creativity to celebrate when i would also what im going to get a woman in she has capital santiago a socially distanced party was held for 101 year old. Greeted visitors from a distance of at least 6 feet and sent her love to grandchildren and great great grandchildren over video calls i really need to get them where you the only thing i want which i ask of god is to have compassion over us to sort things out because its a disaster with this virus crime everything is always the case when good is lost then evil arises here i buy sunday chilean officials said the number of covert 900 cases had reached nearly 29000 in ecuador mothers who work as doctors and nurses have had to put the holiday on hold hoping 1000 cases here are approaching 30000. Making the country one of the worst coronavirus hotspots in the region said a mad a so not response i believe that the man being a mother is an immense responsibilities and now with the crisis that were going to fit in with a pandemic we have put our families aside to dedicate ourselves 100 percent to the hospital. At least 19 ecuadoran medical professionals have died after contracting the virus. The festivities at this hospital on sunday were twofold celebrating the mothers day holiday and the heroism of these medical moms bundled up a little 0. 0 an 11 year old brazilian boy has put his time off school to good use by shredding a state boarding record sure it has become the 1st person to land a 1080 degree turn dots the riffle spends on a vertical round isnt practicing on a ramp is family built in his grandmothers backyard in tampa largo skateboarding is there to make its olympic debut at next years tokyo games and back in a moment of more. To win these young street kids who filmed in the indie little could they have imagined that 30 years later theyd be reunited on camera. An intimate portrayal spanning a lifetime probes the twists and tons of friendship survival and the. Asked for meaning. In another life and witness documentary on aljazeera. Reporting in the field means i often get to witness not just new as this is breaking but also history as its unfolding crossing from serbia to hungary to read one day i might be covering politics and the axle of my covering protests. But whats most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. We believe everyone has a story worth hearing as we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was people started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to become of this closure on the job and investigation reveals how even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs we think ok well send our you waste to china but we have to remember that air pollution travels around the globe death by design on aljazeera. We understand the differences. Of cultures across the world so no matter what we are using. That matter to you. The british Prime Minister outlines his plans to lead the country out of a pandemic but critics say his message is confusing. He was held as their ally from london im dare you navigate also ahead on the move again france and spain start lifting some of the toughest coronavirus restrictions in europe. Because a trump announces a massive boost in funds for Virus Testing but the money isnt new

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