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A 2nd time. And reunited after 32 years among those fine to find who was abducted as a toddler. And in sport n. F. L. Owners back to rule change designed to increase diversity in the leak teams will now have to interview at least 2 minority candidates for head coaching positions. Now a powerful storm is expected to make landfall in the hit eastern india and bangladesh within 2 hours cycling on point is bearing down on the bay of bengal with winds of up to 170 kilometers an hour its already bringing heavy rain and strong winds to india where hundreds of thousands of people have been moved to shell says there are also been reports of injuries and a 2 month old baby has. Science for the neighboring bangladesh just desperate efforts are underway to protect vulnerable coastal regions from the expected storm surge the government is attempting to evacuate millions of people to safety 1200000. 00 will hinder refugees and coaxes bazaar have also been asked to stay indoors until the site plan passes all candid choudhry is standing by for us and the bangladeshi capital dhaka criminal rajaram is in kolkata in indias west bengal but 1st lets go to just to carry on in addition state judge ozzie edition is no stranger to cyclons there but theyre bracing for the west now yes indeed what we are going to live there the cyclonic plan is hardly less than 100 meters away from the recent course and we are told. In an hour or so it will make landfall and. And when that plan for it happens in a station this yourself or the saw especially in the dark and by live for the very good we are as high as a 110 to 20 Kilometers Per Hour so thats enough to do our stations theres little infrastructure. To do that olivia. Rocks so for elective course ive been approved that would be a massive damage to the infrastructure but however the good news is that there havent been much of the casualties reported so far except for the month old baby who unfortunately died this morning after the fall of taylor when he was sleeping in his house so apart from that no other incidents of guys or that have been deported so far but the year that will be massive damage to the districts where this man from this window grows up with a disturbed by this man what is going to happen to just to carry on there for us in addition to stay safe john hell be speaking to you in the next few hours as well well now lets go to prima rajaram she joins us on skype live from kolkata rima hello allstars hes there preparing for this onslaught which i believe were expecting that in the next couple of hours. Mistake attack do you get back to that bad site which is a single cycle and expect it to recur back i am but theres a distinction i wish id said ok iraq iraq because the process of that well has already begun so im cut Berkeley Indian style that has struck. Again but make sure not to get off me feds as i must article stated mission that group but not for instance i may have a trained before i can claim some that was when you are not an exact problem tuesday evening i read that chief minister has said about a g i she or the rest i will see but then and that means that her sticky bed that seems ready i reckon it will be a bad guess as thanks to shannon if you look east better master what he was actually deeds and it is actually seems i am but i bet thats the staircase out of the City Center Group and as far as a good stock should that has stuck they can make a stand not missing but she had been to the didnt somehow just if he starts of course and as i can sound better ben let me wind and when we grow said ed knows that but just excited any and as the state and that is about her but its a big one to get back at investment banks region which is supposed to. Be his i keep it to me. If i can back up not mattering look at the fed moment the fight was about 55 remember. Between the guy is. A cd. Or a sample. Of the baucus i cry when i bet thats what im going to think about i thank you for what they think about their eyes bad apple present moment i was so about barack shocked to get up members of psychics a christian may just not advice to prevent any side but results and what was the state bad judgment to start to see them assertion that you can accept our ive made sure that the back of that there was so bad that you know but back to the psych meds that wed minimize as much as dish him anyway. Well back to the well you know what go back to look worse. Lets make it so. He said. So all the premier rajaram there for us and whats looking already to be a very windy cold cuts that will be following that closely thank you prima well lets now go to the bangladeshi capital dhaka where choudary is live for us tanveer a Global Pandemic and now this is it even possible to socially distance when youre evacuating in such a densely populated country. Absolutely a very challenging time indeed i mean bangladesh is not its not new to deal with cycle and its very well. But right now you have additional problem how do you manage so many people in the coastal areas millions of them have a limited number of its congested so its going to be very difficult actually to maintain the coronavirus pandemic within the shelter considering so many people taking shelter in there now we know the latest from the government is that 2400000 people actually has been evacuated 14000 shelters been actually located in case there more needs to be able to that this so they can accommodate up to 5000000 people and its expected to probably hit the southwestern bangladesh. Possibly. On mangrove forests which usually take the brunt of the cycle on many of the time in bangladesh and a blessing in disguise because it saves actually this wind to go inwards. Things looks to be quite under control as far as rescue and other paper action goes but people are waiting anxiously it could be within next 6 hours 3 to 6 hours the cycle into the southwestern and southeastern coast line of bangladesh. Tunder i do want to ask you seems that the hundreds of thousands of ranger refugees in talks as designed and often stay in nischelle to is in order to try to protect themselves is that going to be enough given the strength of the storm. Yes i mean there is a danger signal number 9 in the radio which is one. Danger signal which is stan and i spoke to the people in the camp we have our contact they said right now its gusty wind there and rain the danger is also torrential rain landslide and heavy wind could blow away the top roof top in the. International organization of migration said this set up about 50 provisional shelters that in case of emergency although its not expected the storm is going to heed the call about the coastline but taken as a great preparation as the can on the considering within last one week at least 5 cases up call had been detected in that camp so theyre in a panic im in a dollar my with this storm approaching right now. Choudhry there for us in the bangladeshi capital dhaka will obviously continue speaking to him throughout the day thank you tanveer well out of the our meteorologist rob mccallum he is now out here with all the latest on whats going to happen the next few hours can you talk us through the path of the storm and in the country what people are going to experience cant you say we were going to make landfall and to us thats the center of it so its been affecting whatever is around as youve seen from the correspondents for the last few hours so this is the pictures its a let me give bit of comparison weve been talking about is a major storm and certainly was the biggest ever recorded 2 days ago but it makes landfall it could be more like 155 Kilometers Per Hour thats more like a category 2 hurricane now its still bad but it certainly isnt the worst ever this more could probably bobble from 6 months ago and that is unfortunate that killed 40 people im not to predict that but thats the sort of size storm were talking about is going more or less directly north to make landfall very soon it will keep going dropping right in the winds will die at that stage and thats not necessarily the biggest risk youve already seen the extent of the rain from the coast of addition weve had 250 meters so far to the other side of the bay where cox is bizarre is reporting rain at the moment so in the next 2 hours this thing will go over the west bengal coast just east i think of the river hooley with those sort of characteristics its still a category 2 hurricane and the storm surge is the thing then next to worry about that is what is water gathered up by the storm and then brought up into the merits of these many rivers of bangladesh this is the landfall when those bang goes the damaged for well in 1900 they sort of take 40 years dury grow so more damage is not going to be welcome it looks like the surge wont go quite as far east as the originally thought but west in bangladesh and just east of the hooli thats 3 to 5 meters of rain and water this high well above me obviously a study thank you very much trouble obviously continue watching very very close. In the coming hours theres also plenty more ahead on this news hour including forces from libyas internationally recognized government make more advances as the u. N. Warns an influx of weapons and foreign involvement from the west and im. Aiming to end the wildlife trade how to chinese officials announced stepping into the market with catch. And in sport israelis footballers will soon know when or if this season can actually restart. And lets bring you to some other news now and a president ial election is underway in burundi despite the risk of coronavirus verges on choosing a leader to replace pm koreas easer who is stepping down off to 15 years in Power International observers were told they must quarantine for 14 days and that effectively bulb them from working raising doubts over just how free and fair the poll is lets take a closer look at all the main pay at play is fesses the outgoing president. Hes a former rebel leader whos escaped multiple efforts by the International Community to try him for alleged human rights abuses now the man with the best chance of replacing him is his ally and the also the leader of the ruling party thats ever east. Hes been part of the former president s Movement Since 1900 and was also a key player in the peace deal to end civil war his closest challenge as i go phone hes the leader of the Main Opposition Party hes run for the presidency multiple times despite his party facing allegations of abuse and intimidation while our correspondent malcolm webb has been following the story and all the developments from nairobi from where he joins us malcolm this is all happening within the context of a Global Pandemic of people in burundi actually coming out to voters. Yes they are both the ruling party and the Main Opposition Party that is i guess on party have promised their supporters victory so there are people lining up at the polls stations and we have little sign of any social distancing now this is been a concern for Health Experts over the last few weeks during the campaigns both the ruling Party Position the holding rallies with thousands of people relatively crowded locations and Health Experts have said that this is this is very risky for furthering the spread of covert 19 the government has only reported about 40 cases of the virus World Health Organization expert in brood d. Criticized it recently for an adequate response they were expelled from the country now the government plays it down they say theyre on top of this pandemic but some activists Health Care Experts as well feel that the response hasnt been good enough and the reason for that is because the government wants to push ahead with this election irrespective of the health risks for the room the ns and malcolm there was violence in the lead up to this election i remember 201500 scale bows and fleeing when one currency is announced he then wanted to run for another term and it sounds like you very much still be involved in politics despite stepping down this time round. But thats right hes just finished his 3rd term that was very controversial 5 years ago as you say when he announced his attention to run the opposition said that was against the constitution because hed reached his limit of 25 year terms in office that prompted street protests and then a crackdown from the police and security agencies and ever since then rights expert rights activists say theres been a shrinking democratic space in burundi with widespread reports of mass arrests of opposition supporters targeted killings disappearances its. A group called the inborn akureyri who are frequently accused of these abuses theyre described by the ruling party as its youth wing critics and opposition described them more as a militia and while the government tends to deny these rights abuses what weve seen is that very many journalists opposition activists and so on have fled the country and a lot of them now from abroad say that there really isnt the democratic space left in the room the to have a meaningful election at the moment also no foreign observers there the only foreign observers that were invited were from the East African Community 11 days ago they were told that if they did come theyd have to be quarantined for 14 days on arrival so they wouldnt have even been able to observe today in any case so for opposition and rights activists a lot of them saying that this isnt possible to have a meaningful election in these conditions at all. There for us following all those developments from nairobi thank you very much mark well the new Prime Minister who has been sworn in might get the majority over the day after his predecessor thomas to bonaire resigned the 18 year olds can do about a month says he denied involvement in the murder of his 1st wife his latest wife has already been charged with the killing 3 years ago. Forces loyal to libyan war old khalifa have to have pulled back 2 kilometers from the front line around tripoli they say that gesture is to allow people to carry out holiday rituals and are calling on the un recognized government to do the same and this comes as Government Forces continued a major offensive west of the capital tripoli they recently entered the town of sabah and earlier this week they captured the base which was the western headquarters for hough those forces along with a number of towns well lets now speak to our correspondent went up to wahid hes in tripoli for us mike what even as have to us forces pulled back ostensibly for eat it seems the d. N. A. Is continuing its advance so just how significant have big gains been. Well yes. The Government Forces seem to be determined to keep her will have to force that tax not only in southern tripoli but also in many areas south of tripoli like in the vicinity of the city of recently over the past 24 hours it has been witnessing clashes between have to the forces there is about 120 kilometers south of tripoli city one of have to strongholds in the western mountains especially after the last of the strategic city of the year and last june they repositioned in alice about city and now the battle for us is very complicated the Government Forces say that they are halting the battle of 6 of their fighters were killed by a pro have to draw on this morning but they say that the are going back to have another incursion into the city after they get more early informant from tripoli meanwhile in southern tripoli as illness marty the spokesman of have to stated that the forces of the positioning of regrouping in about from 2 to 3 kilometers in southern tripoli to give the opportunity to the people to celebrate aid but on the other hand the Government Forces take this very seriously these say they are warning people not to go to their homes before their. Explosives experts scan the area because the Government Forces say that they have those forces have been sitting landmines in the areas they are controlled in southern tripoli especially and ends at a neighborhood investor been of sheared in also a Little Village and neighborhood and also in areas in the vicinity of the old in active International Airport but it seems that the Government Forces are now. Hitting precise targets especially after they destroyed over the past 24 hours for russian made it a defense. System units 3 of them in the city of the horn are the major stronghold of Health Services and the 4th one in area is the of the city of misrata. Not going to go ahead their force on the ground in tripoli thank you very much mark and now taiwans newly inaugurated president says she wants dialogue with china but rejects reunification after being sworn in for her 2nd and final term sighing when said both sides have a duty to prevent antagonism and find ways to coexist robert bride reports. Taiwans president so you werent has promised to continue a precarious policy of seeking a more d independent line from Mainland China while still coexisting with it or member were just they didnt dont you will not accept the beijing authorities use of one country 2 systems to downgrade taiwan and to undermine the cross street status quo. The one country 2 systems model of shared government which beijing wants to use to reintegrate taiwan is similar to the way hong kong is governed anger at the perceived lack of autonomy under that system led to months of violence protests in hong kong and in taiwan created fears among voters who gave a landslide victory in januarys president ial election one thing thats clear is that she woke me up on my hand with the Chinese Government on the mainland because shes expected to do that by her constituents who are highly supportive size popularity has been further enhanced by her handling of the coronavirus pandemic transparency combined with a Quick Response kept infections to a minimum winning praise from around the world the regime in beijing certainly does not appreciate the kind of positive attention that i want to as been receiving this has provided a probably on president and opportunity for taiwan to showcase its knowledge its abilities its fuel the contriver see over taiwans exclusion from the World Health Organization at the insistence of Mainland China and side has promised to leverage taiwans unexpected increase in stature to get more International Recognition and she. Will work hand in hand with countries in the region to make concrete contributions to peace stability and prosperity china has already shown its displeasure with increased military activities around taiwan and coinciding with worsening relations between china and the United States the taiwan straits are likely to witness more saber rattling in the months ahead rob mcbride aljazeera. Well now chinas government says its taking action to stop that using about animals such as porcupines bambi rats and snow. Thanks the government offering to pay wildlife trade as in 2 provinces to stop breeding some animals which some chinese love to ease the leaderships on depression a crackdown because the source of the corona virus has been linked by some experts to a meat market in wool him well we can now speak to stephen gulf state he is the International Chair of the global counter Trafficking Organization failand and he joins us now from bangkok lets start with this new initiative from some provinces provinces i say here not the National Government i believe in for instance or 30 is now offering 16. 00 per kilogram of of cobra rattlesnake as part of this buybacks came and this is a 1000000. 00 industry is this going to work so what china needs to do to make this really work is to put more money into this and make it a National Compensation because really whats going on right now in that country and also other countries is a battle between traders and those who make money on the trade regulating it and those who want to close it and theres just so much money based on the what they trade globally in china enormous industry multi multi 1000000000. 00 trade so i think what were seeing is a compromise right now to test this out and see if it works and. That its anybodys guess whether theyre going to be able to push it out nationwide to be tough so stephen this is primarily what this initiative is about breeding right where are we at with trafficking because it isnt just about the the official breeding that goes on. Well actually its a good place for china to start because most of the wildlife trade fed like the wet market in hono or other markets across the country is really driven by the breeding industry these wildlife farms and those are the places many of which act as laundering mechanisms for illegal animals coming at most of these breeding facilities will want new animals from outside because they need to keep their numbers up and they need to keep their genetic diversity they dont want this inbreeding so its a great places are thats really whats driving most of the trade or regardless of what regulations are in place theres always going to be some supply where theres demand right how much of this says about changing cultural norms in various countries and just how realistic is that yeah i know it is all about demand but you know with such demand in a country thats not actually quite as much demand for these wildlife products percentage wise in china as we might think there are some misconceptions 1st about wet markets where the market is an outdoor supermarket essentially where they sell fish and other kinds of me that not even vegetables so we cant really call for closing of wet markets some what markets have wildlife for sale thats what were trying to close our wildlife markets whether theyre inside a wet market or of that market or or whatever they can all transmit diseases but its also its not really about whether its illegal trade or illegal trade by or is dont discriminate between the illegal and the illegal so we believe we need to close down all commercial wild animal trade well let me ask you more about that because i mean china has banned the wildlife trade when it comes to eating but not for other reasons like Traditional Medicine and it isnt real or yes in china where are we at with that i think some of the Asian Countries are also considering doing the same. Yeah again this is a compromise thats going on because of the money involved and its not easy to close down such an enormous trade overnight so we hope that we can help them phase this out and lets see what chinas doing right now actually is a lot more of them a lot of other countries are doing because obviously they feel finger of blame is being pointed at them for coke at 19 and others who are not except breaking but this kind of thing can happen anywhere it happened africa as it has could happen in the United States which a lot of people forget is the 2nd biggest importer of wildlife in the world so really the battle right now is between those who want to close the trade those who want to clean it and regulate it and right now most governments putting china a lot of the Southeast Asian governments the United States for that matter more of all supporting meaning the trade as opposed to close again we think thats a problem staving off today the International Tariff rail and thank you for joining us tonight is there a great tenure in france thank you. Still ahead for you on out of there why a working class district in mexico city cant afford to shut down despite the coronavirus. A living memory of how one man in iran has turned the grief of losing his mother and when the morial brings joy to the masses. And and forth cricketers will be facing up to a major Sticking Point when they return to action carol be here with that story. When a military coup overthrew chiles marxist president when stadiums became prisons and the hunters sole objective was absolute control. Publicly refuse to accept dictatorship episode 4 of football rebels expose the life of carlos cassilis. The footballer whose personal story swayed of votes that altered the history of his country Carlos Caselli and the demise of a young day on aljazeera. This powerful social network is sculpting a global Cyber Society and regulation is playing catch up but as scandals begin to unfold they will witness is that we should not be in this position. They want as much extreme content as they can get on the cover to gauge how ethics weigh against profits and how the rules are being written. And signed facebook on out is there. I dont again im the. Lets remind you about top stories this hour a powerful psycho and has started dumping rain on bangladesh and india eastern coast and india psyko no one is expected to make landfall within the next few hours with winds of up to 175 Kilometers Per Hour neighboring bangladesh is attempting to about create 2200000. 00 people to safety the country is on its highest level of a 1200000. 00 refugees and have been asked to stay inside until the policy. And an election is underway in burundi despite the risk of coronavirus choosing a new president with a long time needed or is either stepping down after 15 years in power. Now opposition leaders in nicaragua are accusing president Daniel Ortega and the government of covering up coronavirus death by ordering burials be done quickly and at night the Health Ministry reports 171000. 00 deaths but doctors warn that the true total is much higher Victoria Gate and the reports. This wasnt the way we see arrow wanted to bury his father where. The local authorities ordered a rushed late night burial which luis on his. Their orders that the body must be buried and there was no turning back so the only thing i could do was try and stream it so that my friends on facebook could be there with me at the time because they forbid people to be close to the grave there were even police that kept people away luis is convinced his father a pilot for a nick or argue an airline died of cope with 19. Funeral directors say his familys trauma is increasingly common they say theyve been so busy in recent months theyve run out of coffins. The funeral home owners all communicate with each other and we learn each other vehicles and things like that weve buried about 200. 00 people a night so far without relatives without candles without anything. Their experience contrasts with the governments official figures for corona virus deaths which show very few so far unlike other latin american countries president daniel hasnt implemented social distancing measures he says the spike in deaths this year from pneumonia has little to do with the coronavirus pandemic. We have a normal cycle in mourning the deaths. The important thing is that in beating this pandemic there is no crisis in nicaragua. But doctors say hospitals are overwhelmed by patients suffering from or spirit 3 illnesses and. The pan american Health Organization said nicaraguas government has refused to allow its staff into any hospitals adding to concerns that ortigas downplaying the effects of the pandemic Victoria Gate to be. More brazil has suffered its highest daily coronavirus death toll more than a 1000 were recorded in the past 24 hours and its now overtaken britain as the country with the 3rd largest number of infections after the United States and russia Health Experts fear the infection rates werent peak until next month the pandemic has claimed the lives of over 17000. 00 brazilians. Were losing the battle against the bars thats the reality the virus at this moment is winning the war these days coming up the holidays i dont see them as holidays but i see them as battle days the most important days in the fight against the virus while the need to lift coronavirus patients and brazils amazon a state has now tripled in recent days doctors say small planes can only carry one seriously ill patients at a time so those who have to be relocated must train a wait list Health Experts take over 1000 as quickly spreading among indigenous communities in the furthest parts of brazils amazon rain forest the state has now reported more than 22000 and factions and nearly 1500 deaths so far. I see now with the dogs it is such a difficult moment for all the rural areas our location doesnt help we have a lot of patients in serious conditions and we dont have the infrastructure here we would need better equipment and the ability to airlift patients but we fight with what we have all mexico has announced its highest daily number of new infections but is also getting ready to fire that is a lockdown but some areas of mexico city never closed as john holmes reports. The digging fresh graves in the symmetry of its to pull up a district in mexico city. Outside the hearses a queuing to get in with the danger of infection all around continues to sell is flowers of almost all you know look at the work of one of the were living day to day we have nothing saved and if i stop working what will i eat my family. Used to pull up because most populous districts in the hardest hit by covert despite the life and commerce hasnt stopped. Mits can quarantines definitely been of the sulfur it. With people encouraged rather than fools to stay home and authorities often turning a blind eye towards those breaking the rules youre not going to last but make you have any doubts that he made a record were not allowed to open until the start of june but the truth is we cant last out any more. The countrys just had its highest daily number of cases. That hasnt stopped mexico citys government announcing plans to reopen the capitol but districts like this one never really shutdown in the 1st place just look at the amount of people bank cars that are out on the street so i should mention that not every business here is open to any of those it can afford to close have done so but its pretty clear that in the more working class areas of the city there are a lot of people out and about that it was those kept on driving his bus through the pandemic he says some of his passengers refuse to even acknowledge theres a virus a toll i better get a slew and then people that get on board that face most then foolish they dont get it but unfortunately i make my living from them so i have to put up with it. Top Health Officials say more and more mexicans are going out before the end of quarantine for the same Health Officials are adamant the cases will go down any day now those 2 statements dont seem to match up specially here in mr palapa john home and how does either. Turning to some other news now and in south sudan at least 120 people have been killed since friday and what or 30 is according to cattle raids more than 100 people were also injured during those attacks which took place in Orange County and state a staff member from Doctors Without Borders was also killed on the weekend forcing the organization to suspend operations in the region well we can now speak to David Shearer hes the u. N. Special representative for south sudan and he joins us now from juba david its often hard to verify the number of dead and massacres like this especially the ones that take place in such remote areas ive heard estimates here of more than 240 dead what do we know at this stage i mean this isnt the 1st time. No i mean this been ongoing between the moonlight tribe in the lone new a tribe and this is spain ethnic over the last few months in particular whether theres been scrimmages in the in the months before that as well but this is one of the biggest attacks weve seen recently youre absolutely right about because a number of this happens in the weekend but were still looking at what the situation is on the ground for the city that the village of the eyrie which is in the low no area was rice to the ground without a patrol we have a couple yesterday and today and that theyre clicking because im looking at the situation the really sad thing about whats happened is that up until the outbreak of code that there was quite a lot of reconciliation between the 2 sides we actually really had real power that they might bring reconciliation and we might be in a would see some base in the area bunch of really kind of the is and drop that and the fighting is going david weve also been seeing progress with resolving the federal crisis in south sudan and theres now for instance a unity government that as you say there are still many local tensions whats driving this violence is it results is is it race is it culture whats going on happen. Well youre absolutely right the Political Violence is as has come down and they the 2 rivals president care and Vice President react to sharon now in the one government together but the intercommunal fighting has continued on and theres a couple of reasons in this particular area was being driven 1st of all there was flooding in the area in august which killed thousands in a castle in these societies are very much part of this in the around catherine that the bible was ended on the fact that the so many catholic died real christian economic pressure. On the society and the 2nd thing is as possible the reunification these coming into the one government one that has not been result being that the appointment of governance right at the site of junk with the surviving think that life has not yet had a governor appointed the governor is a very very important person and this that because they bring together many of the tribes and they also have the authority to do to bring to reconcile and action where the monk compliant. By need to have the governance. Gently. Done we will see more of this violence across the across the country as d a result of this was that to back him up our if you like is the result of this impasse but david despite this vacuum of power there has been ongoing trade criticism about the lack of accountability for made such as that is there any indication from the government that there will be people being held to account fat for whats taking place. Well youre exactly right on that so you know i mean this if there really is a need to ensure that we get to the bottom of who was actually instigating a lot of those pilots and whos perpetuating the cycle if you like the real shame as i said before is the coronavirus and that the room attentions on us being able to move from area to area bringing people together in large numbers all of those things that were ongoing up until a couple of months ago and were actually having some. Chance there creating some resolution that had to stop and when the some attacks on the other side lono run from early areas happened a few months ago the low no or top women and children as well as lots of numbers the peple on them are like beck theyre iranians and this is a retaliate by the mother i get that loan no its and some dont you know standing back from it its actually some of these the issues are really easy to result in some respects although its been ongoing for a long time but the corruption of ours unfortunately has prevented us from being able to move backwards and forwards and provoked and talk to people in the way that we would like to i mean you have to understand these are very very remote period but dont have Internet Access dont have telephones and things like that which we can which we can use but were continuing on. But were also. Very hard for the central government. To be become involved and also as you say all these people to work out some of the trade of the of the violence david as you say there is the current virus pandemic going on and i do want to ask you because i understand that the u. N. And yourself have been asking people who have been displaced in these protection camps that the u. N. Runs to actually leave and go home and is there going to be protection for them in the places that you are asking them to attend to. Well theres a number of things that are that are ongoing obviously within the camp some people who are not able to go im obviously because to kill or raise them which it just so often if you have an opportunity to lay them got to be a village then remember that the. Possibility of social distancing and things that we need to try and prevent. The coronavirus in the fight is going to be very difficult so you want to type where people are living so i question to give the story despite many of the areas around jaipur and many of the other places around south that people are living in close confines with each other and help help spread the possibility of spreading this is the but i have to side with a lot of the communication a lot of the. Hand washing. The distribution water deliberates or because the thing 2nd bites inside the inside of the camp that were giving everybody the best opportunity to prevent it that we possibly can are probably the one thing that we have really had a problem with my mouth i was the protection. Health workers need to chew with weve got help think its all over the country and by doing credibly impose stopping malaria. Diarrhea all of those sites that element which could kill most people if. Not then the actual coronavirus well we cant get the p. P. A. To protect myself with this it is impossible quite as light. To get a hold of them and thats becoming an incredible i mean inequality if you like that we are not able to provide that sort of throughout health with this right across the country. David shearer the the u. N. Special representative to south sudan speaking to us from juba thank you for joining us on aljazeera. Frank thank you. Well china will be holding its biggest political gathering of the year on friday 3 months late because of the Coronavirus Crisis the National Peoples congress is likely to announce measures to kick start the struggling economy after the outbreak caused the biggest decline in decades katrina you has this report from beijing hopped on the. This time last year levy was running from one International Business meeting to another but because of the pandemic who work as a freelance interpreter has dried up shes turned to teaching to make ends meet oh i find its quite challenging and depressing for me. Sometimes but. I would be reminding i by people around me and to understand that its not just the me its actually everybody and there are people being hit harder than me when chinas leaders gather for the National Peoples congress on friday the slowing economy will be front and center local corner virus infections have slowed to Single Digits and Manufacturing Activity has resumed but theres a state harm and investment is down shuttered Small Businesses are a common sight while closed borders have hurt the tourism and conference industry this is the Biggest Convention center and during this time of year its usually overflowing with crowds of people and tending International Trade shows and conferences but because of corporate 19 all of these events have been canceled and this venue has remained closed some months millions have taken a pay cut or are out of work the official Unemployment Rate is 6 percent but analysts say in the 2nd quarter the real figure could be closer to 18 percent unemployment is. Closely related to social instability and for chinas government the number one jobs this year is to create enough jobs to absorb those unemployed myrons and the upcoming new universe it graduates this year nearly 9000000 graduates who entered the worst job market in chinas recent history and its not just students who are worried. The epidemic has their own economy auditor people are less willing to spend money. Leaders attending the congress are expected to announce further economic stimulus measures and a growth target for the year lee bay is hoping virus related travel restrictions will be relaxed so International Events can resume until then like millions around the world she sustained harm and standing by katrina you aljazeera. Well what started as a personal gesture to the memory of his mother has become a landmark in irans capital and the moral has taken on extra meaning during this pandemic then he has the story from tara. Homeowner the billies mother loved flowers growing up he remembers their house filled with them. Every year since her passing hes planted tulips on the street to honor her memory my plan was to change the sadness of losing my mother and convert it to making other people happier Shahnaz Saberi suffered an accidental head injury and died suddenly planting flowers for her was her sons way of coping with the grief. What began as his celebration of her life has become a major city attraction. A small flower patch 8 years ago now stretches for a city block and sadness of a sad day this year there were fewer visitors than previous years not many people came to visit because of the coronavirus quarantine little by little ive seen families driving up to see the tulips from their cars plus this is some of the joy that i was just passing by when i saw the tulip for mothers sign i was curious and got out of the car to see they are very beautiful. Or the billy splits his time between homes in the United States and iran a foundation he set up overseas his passion project beautifying public spaces is something he says is good for the whole community and hes in talks to duplicate the project in cities around the world tulips from others imports bulbs from the netherlands staff plant tens of thousands of flowers along the street every year. The flowers are time to bloom around no rose the persian new year and this has become a kind of unofficial annual event a way to mark the beginning of spring in fact this spot is so popular that it even has its own location marker on google maps in these dark days of the coronavirus the foundation is also displaying posters in memory of the men and women from irans Health Care Sector who died fighting cope with 19. Each poster signals a grief stricken family in lost so many doctors nurses workers in the medical field so some of the posters and and with their name and their picture at the to live side by i can do something very little. For the medical workers who lost their lives for us. 3 to 4 weeks are usually. To make the most of the spring season. This year he decided to do something a little different he delivered directly to iranian hospitals as a way to bring some joy to the places that have recently seen only tragedy a small gesture. To thank local heroes and a reminder that no matter how cold the winter there is always spring. Well it is now time for sports in his far this sound see i thank you so much and a fellow owners have back to rule change aimed at increasing diversity in the league teams will now have to interview at least 2 minority candidates for head coaching positions a 32. 00 team league has been criticized for its poor track record in hiring minorities in key positions around 70 percent of n. F. L. Players are africanamerican but the league only has 4 non white head coaches minority candidates will have also have to be interviewed for general manager roles well the rooney rule was established in 2003 it required at least one minority candidate to be shortlisted by n. F. L. Teams for head coach vacancies for the 2900 season 8 n. F. L. Teams hired new head coaches but only one team the Miami Dolphins chose a nonwhite coach as of 2020 the n. F. L. Has 3 africanamerican head coaches thats the same number there were 17 years ago when the rooney rule started a proposal to reward teams with an improved draft position if they hired a non white coach didnt get the go ahead earlier we spoke to Robert Le Taleb black Sports Online he said the idea had received a lot of backlash. When doing Something Like that i think its offensive to both sides of this equation i dont think if you have to tell a n. F. L. Team where you have to make an incentive of an n. F. L. Team to actually just interview minority candidates by offering their better draft position and stuff like that is very insulting and it really says a lot of what you think of the hierarchy d and what you think about some of the owners of the n. F. L. Team and on the flip side you know if im not a minority you know i dont want to feel like i didnt get a job because a team wanted a better giraffe position so they hired so wanted that they didnt really want it but they wanted the draft of this year more than they wanted you know the best qualified person for the job so i thought it was a terrible idea because i thought it was offensive to both parties i thought of the fans of the minority that a physicist to the white males or females who were applying for those jobs as well until the actual ownership from the top down gives more opportunities to minority candidates put them in entry level positions where they can wait work their way up to front office positions i really do not see much of a change it seems more like a p. R. Move than anything its actually going to make a substantial difference in the hiring of minorities in the n. F. L. Thats very steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has been criticized by pennsylvanias state governor for breaching coronavirus Guidelines Office berger was filmed getting his beard trends and a barber shop at a time when salons in the area are meant to be out that. When you go to Something Like a barber shop and youre not protected and if youre who you are the the the chances of that virus actually wreaking havoc on your life increases liverpool manager harrigan club says its the right time for English Premier League clubs to be back training players are now able to train in small groups with a view to restarting the season behind closed doors in mid june the league has confirmed 6 positive tests from its 1st round of mass testing for chronic virus nobody want to bring anybody in danger with all the things we know about. Dealing with or speaking to the social distance rules for us are we testing as often as possible and stuff like this. The players will be will be safe so germany showed it already know not nothing really couple of players have had a causative test on period train 5 weeks now a play already stuff like this id like to get a 10 or 12 positive test that sounds great like a society in a society that we really trust. Nothing will happen there thats a tough but it will stay a tough time for all the boys because its still its long gone italys sports minister says a decision will be made next thursday as to when and if sorry i can resume a government has already given teams the all clear to organize Group Training sessions in the case of a positive test the infected player will be put into quarantine for 2 weeks cricketers will be facing up to a big Sticking Points when they return to action the games governing body is set to ban the use of saliva when shining the match ball medical experts say there is an elevated risk of transmitting coronavirus through saliva. Right you know some people used to licking their finger before i grab the wall there you know people are used to showing the war is going to be you know sort of a statement you know hopefully. Its going to be mistakes ok and that is all your support for now necessity back to you thanks so much for. A chinese man has finally been reunited with his parents 32 years after he was abducted and its all thanks to facial Recognition Technology so our heart reports. The moment got to hug his parents. After 32 years of searching leaching could finally touch her sons face going on to each other making up for lost years this time she told him she wasnt going to let him go. Now you must snatched in 1988 outside a hotel in Shanxi Province his father had stopped off to get some mortar he was only 2 years old from then on his mother quit her job and dedicated her life to finding her son as she searched she reunited 29 other children with their parents now was found after a series of tip offs to police his identity confirmed by d. N. A. And facial Recognition Technology now you and was sold to a childless couple in neighboring Sichuan Province they raised him as their own and changed his name he had no idea they werent his real parents until the Police Showed up and the power when the police came to see me i didnt believe them i was still in shock even after i did a d. N. A. Test. Its not clear if action will be taken against the couple who wrongly adopted him there are no government statistics on the number of children who disappear every year in china but it is cool to be in the 10s of thousands abductions became common the 1980 s. As the communist partys one child policy was introduced in a country traditionally favoring boys over girls in the last decade more than 6300 kidnapped chinese children have been reunited with their families thanks to d. N. A. Testing in 2016 the government also set up a missing child alert system via social media or text it has successfully reunited many more families and its hoped that new technology such as facial recognition means more children like mowing in will be able to meet their parents once again after so long so hide out. Well thats it for me for this news hour but fully by the by will be here in just a moment but more of the days news and ill be thier new after that. And. Another Early Morning another ceremony to bed Health Workers by well. 29000 cuban doctors and nurses are working in 59 countries around the world has confirmed cases of coronavirus increase so does demand for cuban medics medical services at the on its main export while western commentators assume cuba sends doctors mainly to expand influence experts on the Others Health system draw a different conclusion youre making a big sacrifice why are you willing to go for pay out of it because there are other people that need many people that is sick and dying and not isnt right people shouldnt be dying when there are people who can help them a bag. Full of protest by a palestinian out east using a symbol of National Identity to create postage and possible steps. Allows for some burglaries in obviously during your life to be a good come fly anywhere sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict out of this awful to come to palestine. Palestine sunbed a stamp of defiance on aljazeera. The bodies on the lawn indias biggest on earth but the industry stunt performers are unknown and under one o one a fleet the men and women risking it all for the brought lots of dollars on aljazeera. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is to stay. The air the air. Millions seek shelter from a powerful storm as it bears down on eastern india and bangladesh. Where youre watching al jazeera live from my headquarters in doha fully back to board also ahead voting is underway for brandys new president despite a number of obstacles including the corona Virus Outbreak ross refusing to bow to pressure from china taiwans president rejects reunification ashes

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