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Corona virus outbreak. And reunited after 32 years a mothers fight to find his son who was abducted as a toddler. And sport the n. F. L. Owners back a rule change designed to increase diversity in the league teams will now have to interview at least 2 minority candidates for head coaching position. A powerful fighter and has slammed ashore in eastern india and bangladesh cyclon open as the regions fiercest storm ever recorded that we can slightly at how do winds of up to 170 kilometers when it began to make landfall hundreds of thousands of people have sought shelter in india and there have been reports of injuries and a 2 month old baby has already died while neighboring bangladesh has also reported its 1st death after a volunteer drowned when a boat filled with evacuees capsized the government is attempting to get millions of people to imagine seashells is 1200000 range refugees and coxs bazaar have also been asked. Stay indoors until the cyclon passes well tanveer chattery is standing by for us in the bangladeshi capital dhaka jonty karen is in Indias Odisha state but 1st lets go to premier rajaram and kolkata west bengal where the storm is making landfall primo what is the scene there right now here xperia windy how are People Holding up. Its it is i know that this is something that we are all but i need to let some good markets are. In fact even me because it falls all we need a voice. Its morning down and even the whats it all its about is the situation in some of the might be sorry. We dont know there are might not of us as well i think its even more i mean its our sound of the intervening sand the soil of the rain for a while and are as well worn or something that is monticello. Marking the 6 as was me nor words since nixon like he was and are these men are. Making a lamb or was made by him all of the line or or article some folks are arent at midnight im not one who didnt buy nothing. Just for us for the thoughts and for our garden since in fact it. Sounds like a fire tonight. They are the norm and the so we also know that. Among profanity im not at war against the bomb i just. Thought of them. And im actually. I are. Both gotten better on. The mornington situation. For that marine than all of maybe having the right meow that he didnt for coming in from the media on. A formation to get your comment from verse 8 apart but this is more me that he did yeah so were waiting its being used right not working or 185 when all of us thought in many shots off by saying i dont not that this is a mighty fine and a hot 1211. But right now while you still see why did they were chad they are not a gemini is that Migrant Workers who arent johnny back home the less they boil the weight off the little son of a forward not the situation honest im different someone that you dont use now that we dont you can there is just all seems so that might think well those are also not. Exhaust but alright on a thought situation that market in the city and not in a. Prima roger around there for us in stay safe primo well be talking to you throughout the evening well lets now go to jesse karyn jesse youre in addition stated we know there have already been deaths there just how prepared are people feeling. Well as a matter of assurance according to the government of what he said the worst is over an already said because a land falling vest been one that started and there was wind speed which process was through joining this trip so that i can buy less of that and i think almost all of so did the expense im going to put up more than 8200 Kilometers Per Hour and thats as far as widespread damage in those 80 especially when by listening to this case that ive been lost after. These have been reported a lot of damage of people have been reported but the exact data maisies that to be accepted in the District Administration needs to get back on this but thankfully no further deaths have been reported except the in friend who died this morning as as a wall fell on him this morning so as far from that no other casualty have been reported so far but the good news is that the worst is over by now the author does have to get back to that his tradition was absolute and to just to carry on and i dish of fate for us well thats now speak to town via chattering hes live for us in the band Additional Capital dhaka country as weve been saying a Global Pandemic and now this just how have evacuees been coping trying to socials distance amid amid the possible onslaught of the fine cutting. Yeah thats a very difficult situation its a very densely populated country i mean so far what we know is 2400000 people have been sheltered in designated areas now these cyclon shelters or schools that are used as cycling shelters are not you know very that there dont have enough space so in a limited space hundreds and thousands of people are crammed into different parts of the coastal areas its not going to provide any social distance call that is if its there its going to spread unfortunately now theres a bigger challenge of my mother shes facing right now the cycling as we speak it started hitting bangladesh in the southwestern coastal beldin division which is now to calcutta and the shown there by name we spoke to our contacts in those area they said the sea level is rising theres been titled subj already several houses been destroyed as often are we cannot independently confirm but we know that one person an elderly man of 70 years old died when a tree fell in your fashion area another person rescue worker drone earlier in the day in a stormy sea so most of the reports going to start coming out enough to 34 hours once the cyclon crosses roads communication will be slapped electricity will be gone and people will undoubtedly lose their crops and fisheries in the coastal but a major challenge in this pandemic crisis times when all of the economies faltering and thats not shia and weve also been talking about these hundreds of thousands of ranger refugees weve now been told to shelter in place as the storm arrives given the strength of the storm is not going to be enough protection for them. There is 50 shows that been made on hand ready in case they have to move them now we also know that there are 100. 00 plus knowing i refugees who are kept in quarantine an island called bosham chart insult central they have been put into a shelter because that island is very dangerous during cyclon time not 3rd this did come from theyve been putting to shelter name to National Organization of migration said that rescue workers and this shelter ready fortunately i of the storm is not going to catch cox but that most likely that southwestern part but its going to be devastating in case that wind speed is high and there is torrential rain it could mean mudslide it could mean flood it could mean all the shelters should stop is going to be blown away which we seen in 2017 in june in the psych prone most of the roads are made out of polythene and bamboo so theyre very vulnerable undoubtedly a major challenge again and a refugee camp as well chadri there for us in the bangladeshi capital dhaka thank you very much ted we will continue following this very closely and come back to the studio were going to talk to al jazeera meteorologist rob mccallum hes been following this very closely weve now seen landfall what happens next he carries on as hes been following who you have a towards calcutta called custer if you like we should be there in 2 or 3 hours that it will weaken but thats only stage one you saw what the wind damage is likely to be but we did the 1st so you know following that you got the storm so sure lets have a look behind me this is where it was what ive done is cut of the satellite picture give you no idea of where the main rain belt is and how far it spreads so it goes it goes the other side of the coast to be in ma and bangladesh and of course in addition and west bengal but official landfall to 18 minutes past 5 local time to say it seems the following the who if it was a direct line to kolkata winds about 155 to be brass the equivalent of a category 2 hurricane the storm surge is to follow the amount of rain over the city. We know that 250. 00 millimeters all more in 24 hours the path it will take over the next few hours seems to be more or less directly but just east of north and eventually to northern bangladesh and towards baton and northern india as i said thats thats just rain the immediate future is the storm surge what i got here is a way that moves along the coast because the storm went up the river who really it will be to the east of that the river itself may go even experience a storm surge but all the mangroves and the southern part of biased right towards the coast will see a series of tides next to ties probably lifted by 3 to 5 meters in dating all that low lying land and thats of course brought in because the winds are still blowing so although the rain is further west the winds are still blowing the surface of that water so that takes a storm surge and of course the big waves its at one stage were 50 meters tall so theres still a lot of battering from the water to come despite Everything Else thats gotten us 15 minutes of thank you rob. Well lets take you to some other news now and a president ial election is underway in burundi despite the risk of coronavirus versions their own choosing a leader to replace whos now stepping down after 15 years in Power International observers were told that they must quarantine for 14 days and that effectively balled them from working raising doubts over just how free and fair this poll is lets take a closer look now at the main player is fast as outgoing president here in charisma hes a former rebel leader whos escaped multiple efforts by the International Community to try him for alleged human rights abuses or the man with the best chance of replacing him is his ally and Ruling Party Leader everest india she me she has been part of the former president s Movement Since 1900 was also a key player in a peace deal to end civil war his closest challenge as agathon the leader of the Main Opposition Party hes run for the presidency multiple times well our correspondent malcolm webb has been following the story from nairobi from where he joins us now malcolm this is all of you see happening in the context of a Global Pandemic so all people have theyve been coming out to voters. Yes they have and both the ruling party and the Main Opposition Party have told their supporters that they will win so people have turned up to the polling stations where weve seen no sign of social distancing some of them really quite crowded its been a similar story of political rallies held over the last few weeks for both the ruling party and the opposition where thousands of people have crowded together to hear their leaders speak now this is come under some criticism from Health Experts and from rights activists who saying that the indians right to health is being sacrificed by the government just for going ahead with this election and with inadequate protection for people officials from the World Health Organization including the National Director criticize the government for adequate response to the pandemic theyve been recently expelled from the country so a lot of people rights activists journalists and so on saying this is not fair on bruni in the green amount to vote and a lot of them say that the motive for this is that the government just wants to push this election through irrespective of people right to health but the government on the other hand says that it is on top of the pandemic and that people dont have anything to worry about now when weve been talking about the violence that we saw in the lead up to this election and back in 2015 there were hundreds of People Killed thousands fled when and koreas either at that time announced he wanted to run for another term then it sounds like youll still very much be involved in politics despite stepping down now. Well the candidate the running for his ruling party is a successor chosen by him when 5 years ago the last election we were there when he announced his intention to run for that very controversial 3rd term as it already served 2 terms in opposition and Rights Groups said that hed reached his constitutional limit which is 2 terms but when he ran again people took to the streets those protests were broken up forcefully by the police and ever since then there have been widespread reports of Political Violence mass arrests disappearances and political killings its very often reported that the youth wing of the ruling party known as the embalmer akureyri are responsible for this Political Violence and intimidation opposition and Rights Groups describe them as a militia something that the ruling party denies but rights activists say that because of all these things there isnt really a conducive election convincing environment voting in the election in burundi today at all and another report that weve heard just a short while ago is that the government has blocked some social Media Services jack to this say deprives burundians of having access to the information that they need today to be able to have a free and Fair Election now where theyre following all the developments for us from nairobi thank you now. A key figure and theyre wondering genocide 26 years ago is now appearing before a court in the french capital. Was arrested in paris last week the court is being asked to send him to a u. N. Court for prosecution can go is accused of financing who is the militias that massacred as many as 800000 to 1994. Now listen to his new Prime Minister has been sworn in and i cant see majority over the day after his predecessor thomas to bomb a resigned the 18 year old clung to power for months as he denied involvement in the murder of his 1st wife his latest wife had already been charged with that killing 3 years ago. Well theres plenty more ahead for you on this news hour including why in a working class district in mexico city conjure ford to shut down despite the coronavirus. Thing at the plow is how one mans memorial to his mother is growing on a rainy and. Tendon sport it really is football as well soon know when or if this season can we stop. Now brazil has suffered its highest daily coronavirus death toll more than a 1000 were recorded just in the past 24 hours its now overtaken brisson as the country with the 3rd largest number of infections after the u. S. And russia Health Experts fear the infection rate wont peak until next month the pandemic has already claimed the lives of more than 17000. 00 brazilians. Were losing the battle against the bars thats the reality the virus at this moment is winning the war these days coming up the holidays i dont see them as holidays but i see them as battle days the most important days in the fight against the virus. Well the need to airlift coronavirus patients in brazils amazon a state has tripled in recent days doctors say small planes can only carry one seriously ill patients at a time so those who have to be relocated must join a wait list Health Experts say cope with 19 is quickly spreading amongst indigenous communities in the furthest parts of brazils amazon rain forest the state has reported more than 22000 and affections and early 1500 deaths so far. And with the thought of it is such a difficult moment for all the rural areas our location doesnt help us we have a lot of patients in serious conditions and we dont have the infrastructure here we would need better equipment and the ability to airlift patients but we fight with what we have. Opposition politicians in nicaragua accusing president Daniel Ortega and the government of covering up coronavirus deaths by ordering burials to be done quickly and at night the Health Ministry reports 171000. 00 deaths but doctors warn that the true total could be much higher victoria gave the reports. This wasnt the way louis c. Arrow wanted to bury his father where. The local authorities ordered a rushed late night burial which luis on his phone already going to integrate well there were orders that the body must be buried and there was no turning back so the only thing i could do was try and stream it so that my friends on facebook could be there with me at the time because they forbid people to be close to the grave there were even police that kept people away luis is convinced his father a pilot for a nicaraguan airline died of cope with 19. Funeral directors say his familys trauma is increasingly common they say theyve been so busy in recent months theyve run out of coffins. The funeral home owners all communicate with each other and we learn each other vehicles and things like that weve buried about 200. 00 people a night so far without relatives without candles without anything. Their experience contrasts with the governments official figures for corona virus deaths which show very few so far unlike other latin american countries president daniel hasnt implemented social distancing measures he says the spike in deaths this year from pneumonia has little to do with the coronavirus pandemic. We have a normal cycle in mourning the deaths. The important thing is that in beating this pandemic there is no crisis in nicaragua. But doctors say hospitals are overwhelmed by patients suffering from or spirit 3 illnesses and the pan american Health Organization said nicaraguas government has refused to allow its staff into any hospitals adding to concerns that ortigas downplaying the effects of the pandemic Victoria Gate and be. Now mexico has announced its highest daily number of new infections but at the same time its also getting ready to further down but some areas of mexico city never closed as John Heilemann reports. The digging fresh graves in the symmetry of its to pull up a district in mexico city. Outside the hearse is a queuing to get in but with the danger of infection all around ramon continues to sell his flowers almost oh yeah look at what i want to look at he got were living day to day we have nothing saved and if i stop working what will i eat what will my family 8. Days to pull up as mexicos most populous district and the hardest hit by cove it despite that life and commerce hasnt stopped. Mits can quarantines definitely bit of the soul for i. T. With people encouraged rather than fools to stay home and authorities often turning a blind eye towards those breaking the rules not in the us but make you have to do just that the middle because were not allowed to open until the start of june but the truth is we cant last out any more. The countrys just had its highest daily number of cases. That hasnt stopped mexico citys government announcing plans to reopen the capitol but districts like this one never really shutdown in the 1st place just look at the amount of people bank cars that are out on the street so i should mention that not every business here is open to any of those that can afford to close have done so but its pretty clear that in the more working class areas of the city there are a lot of people out and about that it was those kept on driving his bus through the pandemic he says some of his passengers refuse to even acknowledge theres a virus at all i better get as close as we were and there are people that get on board that face most theyre foolish they dont get it but unfortunately i make my living from them so i have to put up with it. Top Health Officials say more and more mexicans are going out before the end of core into the same Health Officials are adamant the cases will go down any day now those 2 statements dont seem to match up especially here in the east the pull up or john homan 00 in the u. K. Of the Prime Minister is promising to step up the countrys code the 1000 tracing capabilities responding to criticism over an alleged failure and testing farce johnson says officials will be able to track 10000 new cases a day by the end of the month well lets now go to our correspondent hes in london john i hear there was a bit of action parliament today. Yes i think this week Boris Johnson the Prime Minister came off slightly better than he has done in the previous 2 encounters against the label edict here starmer when he faced this very forensic targeted unemotional brand of the of karma the fraud prosecutors questioning on the perceived failures of the government during the covert 19 epidemic this time Boris Johnson is somewhat better somewhat on more on top of his material able to deal with questioning on the likes of the care crisis in this country star questioning the governments assertion that it threw a protective ring around the care sector while it was at the same time allowing patients to be discharged from hospital in to care homes until april the 15th without requiring proof that they were in fact not coded positive and able to sort of push on from that line of criticism by highlighting this vastly enhanced testing ability here in this country now testing as much or more than any other european country at the moment pointing out that 125000 care home staff have now been tested with the death rate falling but the real thrust of care starmer as questioning here was on test trace an isolating mechanism so crucial in being able to lift the lockdown safely without risking a 2nd wave he wanted to know when those mechanisms would finally definitively be in place and quite why the government had since mid march given up all effort at test and trace this is nearly 10 weeks he said in a critical period without effective tracing that he said is a huge hole in our defenses will this was Boris Johnsons response. Today you are i am confident that we will have a test and trace operation that will enable us if all the other conditions are satisfied if only it is entirely provisional that will enable us to make progress and i can tell him also that by the 1st of june already we recruit 24000 trackers and by the 1st of june we will have a 25000 they will be capable of tracking 10000 keep the contact of 10000 new cases a day. So Boris Johnson not overflowing with conviction there but able to redeem this section by making a real measurable policy pledge 25000 traces in place by the 1st of june thats a week on monday able to deal with 10000 new cases in order to control future outbreaks its the sort of pledge that will restore a measure of Public Confidence particularly since june the 1st is the date when the government hopes that schools Primary Schools might start to go back amid real skepticism in the Education Sector and among parents when these 2 meet again in 2 weeks time after next weeks recess well theyll either be able to talk about the relative success of those tests trace and isolate measures or care starmer might again be able to challenge the government on yet another perceived shayler turn to how theyre our correspondent outside westminster for us thank you very much tony. Im living on to some other news and in south sudan at least a 120 people have been killed since friday and watch with archies according cattle raids more than a 100 people were also injured during those attacks which took place in rural county in jungle a state a staff member from Doctors Without Borders was also killed on the weekend forcing the organization to suspend operations in the region well we can now speak to solomon hes the commissioner for oral county and he joins us now on the phone from while go thats in rural county mr paul weve had so many varying numbers of dead and this latest attack from 100 which weve been reporting right the way up to potentially a 1000 what do we know. Of what i. Can see from. These dolls and we fear that out of that a dozen of them. Are really busy little ponies. We dont go on that one of the new concerns and 8 on from there he. A does a lot of law does a lot of love you will go to the. Form of your call the people of the house is. B gone by the bucket. Theyre all d trying. To burn them. To be able to believe theyre going to go and maybe that is. All this is busy busy. And mr praed this has been an ongoing issue for some time in other states as well as in jungle whats being done to address the drivers of this violence. 5 yes the last one of these was the live bump on the fire the fire alarm fire. This really. 9 blows. The call were going to hold on 1. 100 and. 5 that is it if you know that there is that theyre ready for. That also because it is a good event and it is really giving because to do the fighting that good im sure they mean that theres an issue about here but there is also an underlying issue here about communal violence and youve talked about the importance of capital so people are fighting over is also has to is anything being done to address those kinds of issues 9 9. Nothing as is done. So far we are. Forced to. Unfortunately live. 2 alone and other calls. For this part of our aid on the part of. Working for the phone down the line. Thats on him and then the commission of state thank you very much for joining us on aljazeera mr pearl. Still ahead for you on aljazeera. Joe biden tries to secure the crucial latino votes why hes struggling to consolidate this crucial block. From of course well hear from liverpool manager you have been club as the premier league steps up its preparations for a turn to action. Examining the impact of todays headlines extraordinary times require extraordinary measures but these should not be at the expense of our privacy setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions are no order life there was in these walls and now there is no live in the one global experts in discussion in this democracy why are people not voting International Filmmakers and the world class journalists. On the road to syria. This powerful social network is sculpting a global Cyber Society and regulation is playing catch up with us scandals begin to unfold they will witness is that we should not be in this position. They want this much extra content as they can get undercover to gauge how ethics weigh against profits and how the rules are being written. And signed facebook on aljazeera. However youre watching out of there and thats reminder about top stories this hour one of the most powerful cyclings in years has forced more than 2000000 people to seek shelter in eastern india. Bangladesh wind speeds of up to 170 kilometers an hour reported but the storm has weakened slightly sense. An election is underway in burundi despite the risk of the coronavirus. Choosing a new president with long time either stepping down after 15 years in power. And opposition leaders in nicaragua are accusing president done youll take of covering up virus stands by ordering hurried burials at night the Health Ministry reports 17 deaths doctors say the total could be much higher. Now the United Nations says Global Human Development is set to decline this year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic thats the 1st time its happened and that he is since the un started measuring the worlds Education Health and Living Standards global pick capita income the cea is expected to fall by 4 percent 86 percent of Primary School age children in the worlds poorest countries and not getting an education and 20 percent in the worlds richest countries women and children in particular and girls are earning and saving less than theres an increase in gender based violence well we can now speak to pedro consists out hes the director of the Human Development report office at the u. N. Development program he joins us now from new york pedro thank you for joining us theres obviously been a lot of discussion around the health and Economic Impacts of this pandemic but it will clearly go well beyond that weve seen other crises before so how does whats happening now compare for instance with the Global Financial crisis. Well the Global Financial crisis was a crisis that affected the level of Economic Activity and it was a hard hit on the income of many countries and many people around the world whats unique and unprecedented really about the 1000. 00 pandemic is that its 1st and foremost obviously a major health shock and it should remain our priority but its also depressing our economies as you mention and furthermore some of the container containment measures that are being put in place are closing down schools which are not enabling many kids around the world to learn so new being the 3 elements together which are the components of what we knew and if you call the Human Development weve seen for the 1st time the possibility of major sheet to Human Development the wrong world petter i say the uns using this phrase a magnifying glass for inequalities i mean as is often the case where going to say developing countries bad the brunt of this reversal how can they try to claw it back. Well i think if we look at education we can see the impact of the inequalities that were in place before the crisis magnifying as you say the impact of the cries and so we know that theres a Digital Divide with a difference across countries and across families in many countries in excess to the internet for instance now today those kids that have access to the internet are able to continue to learn continue to be engaged in education but that is not an option open to those that do not have access to the internet so not closing these gaps on for instance the Digital Divide. Is not enabling many people around the world to respond as well as others are able to do the crisis so let me ask you then what can governments do about these trends particularly as many of those governments are going to be confronting them at a time when they themselves will be reeling from the economic fallout of this pandemic and have far fewer as also. But they are also mobilizing resources to respond to the crisis our colleagues at the i. M. F. Estimate that globally the physical response to the crisis involves about 8 trillion dollars and so the decision really on how to allocate these resources and what were saying with our report is that its important to have an approach that is focused on reducing inequalities 1st but 2nd also addressing long term challenges like Climate Change so that we not lock ourselves seen in the vestments that make addressing long term issues like Climate Change much if you cant well at this very critical time it also seems that were watching a pullback by some countries especially when it comes to engage with multilateral institutions and giving aid how can this be addressed when donors are stepping back to deal with their own domestic issues and the money dries up. Well i think the crisis is showing that. The virus is contained everywhere its not likely to be contained anywhere and so its a reminder off our collective interdependence in the world we live in today and i think there is a glimmer of hope actually in the response that is been taking place around the world with billions of people really taking action social distance and adopt the measures that will help to to contain the virus. Concept that the director of the Human Development report of us at the u. N. Development program thank you for joining us are out of there thank you for having. Taiwans a newly inaugurated president says she wants dialogue with china but rejects reunification after being sworn in for his 2nd and final term time when said both sides have a duty to prevent antagonism and to find ways to coexist rather bribe reports. Taiwans president saying word has promised to continue a precarious policy of seeking a more d independent line from Mainland China while still coexisting with it or level it just. Will not accept the beijing authorities use of one country 2 systems to downgrade taiwan and to undermine the cross street status quo. The one country 2 systems model of shared government which beijing wants to use to reintegrate taiwan is similar to the way hong kong is governed anger at the perceived lack of autonomy under that system led to months of violence protests in hong kong and in taiwan created fears among voters who gave a landslide victory in january president ial election one thing thats clear is that she woke me up on my hand with Chinese Government because shes expected to do that by her constituents who are highly supportive size popularity has been further enhanced by her handling of the coronavirus pandemic transparency combined with a Quick Response kept infections to a minimum winning praise from around the world the regime in beijing certainly does not appreciate the kind of positive attention that i want to has been receiving it has provided a probably on president and opportunity for taiwan to showcase its knowledge its abilities its fuel the controversy over taiwans exclusion from the World Health Organization at the insistence of Mainland China and side has promised to leverage taiwans unexpected increase in stature to get more International Recognition and she sounded like yes she will work hand in hand with countries in the region to make concrete contributions to peace stability and prosperity china has already shown its displeasure with increased military activities around taiwan and coinciding with worsening relations between china and the United States the taiwan straits are likely to witness more saber rattling in the months ahead robert bride al jazeera. A chinese man has finally been reunited with his parents 32 years after he was abducted and its all thanks to face all Recognition Technology to her for. The moment got to hug his parents. After 32 years of searching leaching could finally touch her sons face clinging on to each other making up for lost years this time she told him she wasnt going to let him go. Now you him was snatched in 1988 outside a hotel in Shanxi Province his father had stopped off to get some water he was only 2 years old from then on his mother quit her job and dedicated her life to finding her son as she searched she reunited 29 other children with their parents now was found after a series of tip offs to police his identity confirmed by d. N. A. And facial Recognition Technology now you and was sold to a childless couple in neighboring Sichuan Province they raised him as their own and changed his name he had no idea they werent israel parents until the Police Showed up. When the police came to see me i didnt believe them i was still in shock even after i did a d. N. A. Test its not clear if action will be taken against the couple who wrongly adopted him there are no government statistics on the number of children who disappear every year in china but it is thought to be in the 10s of thousands of duction as became common the 1980 s. The communist partys one child policy was introduced in a country traditionally favoring boys over girls in the last decade more than 6300 kidnapped chinese children have been reunited with their families thanks to d. N. A. Testing in 2016 the government also set up a missing child alert system via social media or text it has successfully reunited many more families and its hoped that new technology such as facial recognition means more children like maui and will be able to meet their parents once again after so long so hard at aljazeera. Well lets now speak to your boss antonopoulos he is a professor at Teesside University in the u. K. And is also editor in chief of the journal trends an organized crime he joins us now from the north for your last child abduction of been long been a problem in china how widespread is it now especially since the one child policy was a polished. The truth is that we dont know because internally it was not system to record Human Trafficking whenever we had discussions with the chinese or so its as to whether we could have. Some access to data. The request was always declined because the issues very sensitive and also or child trafficking is an open problem in china in the media not exactly bund from reporting such cases official said use of internal traffic in do not exist or all of the not publicized. And i keep confidential due to the political sensitivity that actually brought so we really dont know there are estimates that for instance will fall the trafficking victims in the country some 40 to 50 percent of children. And that about 70000. 00 children are kidnapped on a yearly basis. But we dont know exactly what the real scale of the problem is your us Human Trafficking is also notorious for its links to organized crime which you work and i imagine thats all the also the case when it comes to this internal child trafficking in china how keen have the authority has there been to prosecute. Well the authorities are d going to prosecute. Especially when there is a really significant significant organized crime to use because it might be cases in which a single individual is the organizer for or for trafficking scheme. But the problem very often with child trafficking is local protection is in china provincial governments in china are. Basically treated Us Enterprises by the Central Government in terms of Economic Performance and success so in this context local officials primarily have an interest in enhancing local economy performance and regional richey days. Rather than dealing with Human Trafficking is especially. If the child trafficking is beneficial in economic terms the local authorities have very little interest in actually dealing with it in an efficient way know in a robust way there have been cases in which. Were connected with the local authorities. And the there have been cases in which struck because were actually illegal intrapreneur screw exploiting. Big scale exploiting children and their and their businesses were highly profitable so at the authorities decided to turn the blind eye to that activity sure hell us antonopoulos there a professor at Teesside University in the u. K. Really good to get your insights aaron out of there. Now donald trump hopes an increasing number of latino voters are back his race for reelection polls show that while rival joe biden has a lead amongst hispanics a significant chunk still support trent bidens advisors say he needs to do more especially in battleground states such as florida and gallagher reports from miami. Its estimated that every 30 seconds a latino in the u. S. Turns 18 and becomes eligible to vote in the 2020 president ial election a record 32000000 people who identify as latino will be able to cast a ballot making them the largest voting bloc after whites everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect for both candidates reaching out to the Latin Community will be vital although according to a recent latino decisions poll President Trump may have an early edge just under half of registered voters a backing joe biden polling experts say republicans are better at targeting and research while the Democratic Party has taken support for granted you know how to go after specific motional issues democrats unfortunately have democrats believe that they have. Very little to do to keep these is very. President ial i think President Trump launched his latinos for Trump Campaign last year targeting swing states like pennsylvania arizona and florida a big part of Trumps Campaign machine is labeling biden a socialist that something many in the Latino Community fear but democratic strategists say joe biden has experienced the counts how many times has struggled to latin america once. 20 how many times joe biden go to latin america 16 times so i think that absence speak louder than words the former Vice President s task of reaching the Latin Community has been complicated by the coronavirus pandemic and his campaign is not as well funded as President Trumps latino strategists say biden needs to show more urgency and a better ground game to increase in few years and in his president ial Campaign Joe Biden strategy for reaching latino voters is being called sluggish but the former Vice President may have an ace up his sleeve hes made it no secret hes thinking about a hispanic running mate which may boost support either way analysts say he needs to do a better job of reaching out to a voting bloc that cant be ignored and gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Well spores. And crackers as will be facing up to a major Sticking Point when they return to action will be here with that story. Business later is brought to you by now brown spar. With. Business leaders as to why no brush paul. The old. Welcome back now in south korea hundreds of thousands of High School Students are back in class for the 1st day was cut short for some 2 of the 32 new infections reported in the past 24 hours back to school nia sold all students and teachers Must Wear Masks and follow social distancing rules and temperatures are checked in Hand Sanitizer before entering classrooms while what started as a personal gesture to the memory of his mother has become a landmark in irans capital the memorial has taken on extra meaning jury described in 1000 pandemic then was ravi has the story from tara. Homeowner the bill is mother loved flowers. Growing up he remembers their house filled with them. Every year since her passing hes planted tulips on a street to honor her memory my plan was to change the sadness of losing my mother and convert it to making other people happier so i now saw that he suffered an accidental head injury and died suddenly planting flowers for her was her sons way of coping with the grief. What began as his celebration of her life has become a major city attraction. A small flower patch 8 years ago now stretches for a city block and sadness at this sad day this year there were fewer visitors than previous years not many people came to visit because of the coronavirus quarantine little by little ive seen families driving up to see the tulips from their cars as the system has a job that i was just passing by when i saw the tulip for mothers sign i was curious to go to house of the car to see they are very beautiful. Are the billy splits his time between homes in the United States and iran a foundation he set up overseas his passion project beautifying public spaces is something he says is good for the whole community and hes in talks to duplicate the project in cities around the world tulips from others imports bulbs from the netherlands staff plant tens of thousands of flowers along this teheran street every year. The flowers are time to bloom around no rose the persian new year and this has become a kind of unofficial annual event a way to mark the beginning of spring in fact this spot is so popular that it even has its own location marker on google maps. In these dark days of the coronavirus the foundation is also displaying posters in memory of the men and women from iraqs Health Care Sector who died fighting cope at 19. Each poster signals a grief stricken family in lost some of the doctors nurses workers in the medical field so if something they post there is and and with their name and their picture at the to live side bar i can do something very nice. For the medical workers who lost their lives for us. The tulips last 3 to 4 weeks are the usually plants a 2nd round of lily flowers to make the most of the spring season. This year he decided to do something a little different he delivered lilies directly to iranian hospitals as a way to bring some joy to the places that have recently seen only tragedy a small gesture or to billy says to thank local heroes and a reminder perhaps that no matter how cold the winter there is always spring the same bus ravi old is here at the iran. Well its about time for sports on his foreign minister thank you so much and i fell owners have back to rule change to aim to add to increasing diversity in the league teams will now have to interview at least 2 minority candidates for head coaching positions the 32 team league has been criticized for its poor track record in hiring minorities in key positions around 70 percent of n. F. L. Players are africanamerican but the league only has 4 non white head coaches minority candidates will also have to be interviewed for general manager roles all the rooney rule was established in 2003 it required at least one minority candidate to be shortlisted by n. F. L. Teams for head coach vacancies for the 2900 season 8 n. F. L. Teams hired new had coaches but only one team the Miami Dolphins chose a non white coach as of 2020 the n. F. L. Has 3 africanamerican head coaches the same number there were 17 years ago when the rooney rule started a proposal to reward teams with an improved draft position if they hired a non white coach didnt kept the go ahead earlier we spoke to robert lee taleb black Sports Online he said the idea had received a lot of backlash. When doing Something Like that i think its offensive to both sides of this equation i dont think if you have to tell a n. F. L. Team where you have to make an incentive of an n. F. L. Team to actually just interview minority candidates by offering the better draft position and stuff like that that is very insulting and it really stands a lot of what you think of the hierarchy d and what you think about some of the owners of the n. F. L. Team and on the flip side you know if im not a minority you know i dont want to feel like i didnt get a job because a team wanted a better giraffe position so they hired so wide that they didnt really want it but they wanted the draft of this year more than they wanted the best qualified person for the job so i thought it was a terrible idea because i thought it was offensive to both parties i thought of the fans and the minority that if it was the to the white males or females who were applying for those jobs as well until the actual ownership from the top down gives more opportunities to minority candidates put them an entry level position so where they can wait work their way up to Foreign Office positions i really do not see much of a change it seems more like a p. R. Move than anything its actually going to make a substantial difference in the hiring of minorities in the n. F. L. Pittsburgh steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has been criticized by Pennsylvania State governor for breaching chrono virus guidelines but the specter was found getting his beard trend in a barber shop at a time when salons in the area arent meant to be open. When you go to Something Like a barber shop and youre not protected and if youre who you are the chances of that virus actually wreaking havoc on your life increases. Liverpool manager European Club says its the right time for English Premier League clubs to be back training the league as confirmed 6 positive tests from its 1st round of mass testing for coronavirus players are now able to train in small groups with a view to restarting the season behind closed doors in june and all the physical not was an. Incredibly high 17082. 00 a bit running so without anybodys fault you have to that you have to run just because you want to because you do it for your. People you have to be play for this club we play for 100 percent wrong and fight for. Italy sports minister says a decision will be made next thursday as to when and if syria can resume the government has already given teens the all clear to organize Group Training sessions in the case of a positive taxi in fact a player will be put into quarantine for 2 weeks the rest of the squad will go into isolation but can continue to train together. Cricketers will be facing up to a big Sticking Point when they return to action the games governing bodies said to ban the use of saliva when shining the match ball bowlers deployed a tactic to help make the ball swing in the air medical experts though say there is an elevated risk of transmitting coronavirus through saliva. Right you know some people used to look at me if you knew before id grab the bull the you know people used to showing the bull is going to be you know sort of a statement you know hopefully we got on the practice some of us is going to be mistakes ok and that is all your sport for now and just as youre back to thanks so much for well thats it for me in a study a tape of this news that dont go away ill be back and just after you minutes with more of todays news. These men are survivors of covert 1946 year old is a limousine driver is the only one here who needed to go to hospital when he became ill in early march with the. Order of the balance board in november so deep as a 34 year old driver for guitar a family and he tested positive my body is good it will be small but what you want to build the Health Officials say the rate of new infections has slowed the goal here is to conduct a broad serving to better understand transmission and asymptomatic cases which in turn could help paul see this issues in the future so it would be easy for us to inform the it Decision Making on a what to do next the goal now is to increase testing and contact tracing. The government provides free testing and medical treatment for those who need it while campaigns to raise awareness continue. When a military coup overthrew chiles marxist president one stadiums became prisms and the hunters sole objective was absolute control. Publicly refuse to accept dictatorship episode 4 of football rebels expose the life of carlos cus a lead. The footballer whose personal story swayed of votes that altered the history of his country Carlos Caselli and the demise of i ended a on aljazeera. Critic of bodies on the on indias biggest on off but the industry stunt performers are unknown and under 101 ace made the name and women risking it all for the brought lots of bowling on aljazeera. If you want to help save the world. British. Sneeze into your own. Millions seek shelter in eastern india and bangladesh as a powerful psych makes landfall. Hello again im the stars here and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up voting takes place for burundis new president despite a number of obstacles including the corona virus outbreak. Rages in south sudan killed more than 100 people the latest violence in a centuries old dispute between cattle

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