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Again and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up Hong Kong Legislature begins voting on a bill that would criminalize mockery of the Chinese National anthem on the anniversary of the chatham and square massacre. And the current virus death tolls in both brazil and mexico saw 2 new daily hydes. Now all 4 Police Officers involved in the arrest of george floyd in the u. S. Have been charged over his death the charges against the officer seen kneeling on for its neck have been now elevated to 2nd degree murder while the 3 others are accused of aiding and abetting his actions many hours on the streets say the charges are proof that the protest movement can deliver results of the say this is just the beginning john hendren reports from minneapolis. For the crowds filling the street here and across the u. S. A sign their demands are being heard and filed in a minute complaint 3 charges the charges former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Shaaban thoughts murder in the 2nd degree through the death of george floyd for officer derek show been who was seen with his knee on George Floyds neck the charge was increased from 3rd degree murder to 2nd degree alleging floyds death was intentional is seen they are forces make a difference they are listening to us is evil we asking for money any bill that we ask for the rest goes be officers and they were minnesotas attorney general announced charges for the involvement of the other 3 officers in floyds fatal arrest of filed a complaint that charges fleece officer king lay in town thought with aiding and abetting murder in the 2nd degree for floyds family it was the justice theyve been demanding. Im happy to all of us have been arrested. Must have not been killed like this we deserve justice. But for many it is just a beginning. George floyds family and the protesters have achieved their short term objectives but their long term goals are systematic change theyre here today for george floyd so they dont have to be here tomorrow for someone else as one city after another across the u. S. Rebuilds from fire and rebellion in the streets of floyd ringback family lawyer says changing a system that allows the killing of one unarmed africanamerican after another will take time the protesters did not start these bonds to bernie it was Police Brutality and a racist criminal Justice System best out of the 5 burning in america and the only way to extinguish these 5 years is to happen these account. Billeted it oneself thus far all minnesotas governor has begun by charging the new York Police Police with Human Rights Violations triggering an investigation into races practices that goes back totally years the messages now and here in minnesota for the last 5 days come back to the issue at hand which is the systemic issues and the systemic racism and the lack of accountability up and down our society that led to a daytime murder of a black man on a street in minneapolis. At the george floyd memorial site many say the charges against 4 Police Officers wont bring protests to an end they just show why the demonstrations need to continue John Hendren Al Jazeera minneapolis. Well the former u. S. Defense secretary says has denounced Donald Trumps handling of these protests accusing the president of trying to divide the country now those comments followed a rebuke from the current defense secretary who said he was opposed to trumps idea of sending in the military mike hanna reports from washington. The protesters are once again out in the Nations Capital gathering in the percentage of the white house and now familiar scenes but in the course of days of demonstration there have been unprecedented sights military Police Deployed alongside Law Enforcement units at the president s instruction military and National Guard helicopters flying low over crowds using the down drop from rotors to cause people to scatter a tactic often used in iraq or other zones of foreign u. S. Military deployment the president has contemplated invoking the insurrection act as seldom used law introduced in the early 1900 century that subject to certain conditions could allow the domestic deployment of the military in the event of civil unrest or insurrection this strongly opposed by the secretary of defense the option to use active duty forces in a Law Enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire of situations we are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the insurrection act president Spokes Person brushed aside the secretarys comments president has the Sole Authority to invoke answer action act it is definitely a tool within his power this president has one singular and that is protecting americas streets we cannot have burning churches we cannot have Police Officers who are shot we cannot have businesses that are looted and destroyed the insurrection act is a tool available the president has the Sole Authority i mean if needed he will use it earlier sources at the pentagon announced that armed military units that had been deployed near the city were being sent back to their home bases but this decision was reverse stopped of the secretary of defense held a meeting at the white house and armed soldiers remain poised for immediate deployment of the president so decide then in an extraordinary statement to former defense secretary denounced the president for dividing the nation esteemed general james mattis resigned in december 28th after serious policy disagreements with President Trump he refused to comment then saying he would when the time was right now hes condemned the president for as he puts it ordering troops to violate the Constitutional Rights of their fellow citizens and he continues donald trump is the 1st president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American People does not even pretend to try instead he tries to divide us we are witnessing the consequences of 3 years of this deliberate effort we are witnessing the consequences of 3 years without mature leadership heavily on National Guard troops deployed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial a graphic image of a society divided putting troops against a city and its residents they are meant to serve. I can ill just say or washington. Well now the mayor of los angeles is reversing a planned budget increase to the citys police force in an effort to appease protesters there erica said he also announced that hes ending the curfew there on thursday and hes introducing new regulations that will require Police Officers to report inappropriate use of force by their colleagues the mayor said a commitment to change is needed with action and not just once a former u. S. President barack obama has addressed the crisis brought about by the death of george floyd he says people of color have witnessed too much violence and called for more progress on Police Reforms i want to speak directly to the young men and women color in this country. As well just so eloquently described we have witnessed too much more too much. And you often some of the violence has come. From folks who were supposed to be serving and protecting you. I want you to know that you matter i want you to know that your lives matter that your dreams matter. Derrick johnson is the president of the National Association for the advancement of colored people thats the. He says the new church the new charges will satisfy many people but there are still many issues affecting the black community. But i think we now start a process that should have started to be good. We had a dish good turning in that county who held the hose system hostage he owns that city hostage at the base and nation hostage so im glad now that the state attorney general has been given the ability to step in we will see the process evolve. Charges can be increased if more information is provided what the very minimum was starting the process to administer justice for the ford family and i think thats the most important thing we should keep focused on. This staff. Creates a junction a road for people to begin to slowly retreat from the protests as it relates to this case now there may be other protests taking place around larger issues that are not national in scope to feed so we have a lot of restlessness across the country you have a lot of people who are expensive economic insecurity the health pandemic. Has to be a to. A space where people have a lot of pent up energy and so the question is how can we funnel that in energy to november but then the police the people understand that many issues that come from the communities today is based on Public Policy bunk state and credible and the way to address that is address those who are sitting in elected office and many of those individuals are on the ballot in november. Well still ahead on al jazeera. Thousands defy locked down in argentina to protest against the killing of one. And levin on is money exchanges are back in business after a month long strike. Plenty of hot sunshine across the middle east at the moment as it should be but you can see we have still got that pesky area of clout there just around yemen thats still continue to bring some very heavy showers the remnants of our old tropical system of course and that will continue to bring some rather heavy rain is to western parts of yemen as we go through thursday else where theres the heat theres the sunshine 48 celsius in kuwait we getting up into the mid fortys in baghdad a rather more pleasant mid to high twentys there just around the levant for beirut and forgery slim winds really picking up over the next couple of days just around the gulf so here in concept can watch out for some lift the dust and sand that is the case too for bahrain into that eastern side of saudi arabia just notice the showers yet on friday theyre continuing their that western side if you mean the starting to fizzle out you can leap across the waters there. Follow that line of cloud right into the heart of africa war heavy showers coming through every show was a coast just around the gulf of guinea into west africa more big downpours continuing here theyll be a few showers just around the coastal fringes of somalia maybe into kenya for a time and well see some rather live is shall is continuing to cross the eastern side of madagascar elsewhere across Southern Africa is fine and sunny. But. I know its very 5 go to would like to if its not. Its Something Else that the not. Just an 18 year old was going to get the release once and for some reason. To. Want to make the most of the state senate. Again. Lets remind you of our top stories this hour the Police Officer who knelt on the neck of unarmed black man george ford in minneapolis is now facing a most serious charge of 2nd degree murder 3 other officers who were on the scene when floyd diet have been charged with aiding and abetting him the incident has sparked more than a week of mass protests across the u. S. All the time some of those demonstrations of time violent buildings and cars set on fire shot through said donald trump had threatened to send to the National Military his defense secretary says hes against that idea. And former u. S. Defense secretary jim masters has criticized trumps handling of the crisis hes accuse the president of dividing the American People saying the consequences are the result of 3 years without mature leadership. Now on to some other news and several prodemocracy politicians have been kicked out of hong kongs legislature as it votes on a bill that would make insulting the Chinese National anthem a criminal offense a debate on possible amendments to that bill was halted after the opposition staged a protest inside the chamber the bill is expected to be approved today now that all those considered to have misused the anthem could be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison and that move coincides with the 31st anniversary of the chairman square crackdown as activists plan to defy a police ban to hold a vigil to commemorate victims well lets not speak to our correspondent sara who is in hong kong so lets start with all that action weve been seeing today in the legendary talk us through what happened and if we will still see a vote today. Well the last 30 minutes or so weve seen 2 of the prodemocracy lawmakers being a victim from the chamber they threw some liquid on the floor and as a result the security moved in take them out of the chamber in the last 30 minutes or so another reason for doing this is simply trying to disrupt the debate which is going on about this National Anthem law its a controversial bill which a lot of the prodemocracy lawmakers are trying to fight now a bit of background on this particular law it was introduced last year but then was quickly withdrawn in january last year simply because it was fueling further antigovernment sentiment this was at the heart of the beginning of those antigovernment protests which went on for months last year but last week carolan reintroduced this particular bill and specifics that she wants to prioritize the law she wants of passed and as a result within a week we do expect a vote to happen today but we have had these 2 prodemocracy lawmakers being a victim as a result the debate has been adjourned there are still a number of speakers who are discussing amendments to this and as you mentioned earlier this particular law it criminalizes the mocking or the ridiculing of the National Anthem chinas National Anthem and if you do if you are found guilty you face a 6000. 00 fine or potentially 3 years jail now a basically that the scenario the critics say its the heart or or but it bites at the heart of hong kongs key freedoms democracy as a result and its forced patriotism and as a result the prodemocracy lawmakers have been trying to resist and filibuster of the last few weeks to delay this vote but carolan has said she wants to prioritize it and she wants a vote to happen but were yet to see if will go ahead and whether or not that device would turn the softer tone in hong kongs lots of Council Building and there are the other thing were waiting to see if it if it will go ahead as that yearly vigil that takes place for talent screening this is the 1st time it wont be able to officially go ahead and after the protests that we saw last week presumably there will still be a gathering of some sort. Well we do expect some particular people together and defy that ban or we have 3000 police have been deployed on thursday to stop access to Victoria Park which is the mine area where they hold this annual vigil but this could be the 1st time in 31 years where is the 1st time in 31 years where this particular gathering has been bad organizers are calling for a rally or some sort of vigil to go online there also theyve set up some various booths are around the city but we do expect the police to try to enforce that ban and the reason why this particular ban is been extended or put in place to mark this particular ban as a gathering going ahead is a covert 19 rules that extended the social distancing rules so gathering of more than 8 people in public has been banned as a result i should say hong kong is one of the only few cities macau included where theyre allowed to commemorate or mark the people who lost their lives defending or fighting for democracy in town square in 989. 00 but the future of this vigil could also be at stake the organizers are concerned that the chinese introduction of the National Security laws in hong kong could threaten this rally in the future of events like this because we often have a number of people at these gatherings yelling or chanting and email and sentimental and email and slogans and therefore the National Security laws could threaten or certainly target those people who the government might consider political dissidents sarah clarke there for us watching all those developments in hong kong thank you very much there now at least 40 students and teachers have been injured in a knife attack at a Primary School in Southern China state media say a Security Guard carried out the stabbings and the province of guangxi hes since been arrested although his motives remain unclear now 3 of the injured including a headmaster and a student are said to be in critical condition. Mexico has recorded its highest number of crane of virus deaths in a single day and reported 1095 tallit is on wednesday thats more than double the previous days feta mexico also saw a record sent in new infections our John Heilemann is in the capital mexico city and explains why the figure is a so high mexico has just broken the 100000 case mark and also the daily death toll for corona virus now the government explained that the death toll was actually for one day it was cold late over a larger period of time as results came in but one thing is for certain and thats that the number of corona virus infections and the number of people dying from this is increasing in the country rather than going down and thats a bit of a problem for the government because they were thinking that the peak to this would be about 3 weeks ago and that hasnt happened its also a problem because the country has been gradually reopening from the 1st of june now at the moment its meant to be only essential activities and essential industries and people are really meant to be going out in public now in the more affluent parts of mexico city where we are now you can see that thats been largely a bait in the working class parts of the city it really hasnt been weve been in places where theres been a lot of people out in the streets a lot of them need to go out to earn their living thats what theyve been telling us but that cools a problem in terms of the hospitals were in an intensive care unit just yesterday and there they were telling us that theyre worried about this for opening because they think that the hospitals could get more and more such rated until they cant cope especially if the curve hasnt yet been flat and the last thing to say about this is that the countrys president and his mother were Lopez Obrador is himself actually on tour so he is definitely not staying home and theres been questions over what sort of message that sends 2 of the mexicans. Now brazil has also reported its highest daily number of corona virus deaths as the pandemic continues to take a toll on last americas west affected country the number of cases in the region has been growing steadily since it became the epicenter of the Global Pandemic last month and some governments have already started lifting restrictions to try to help stem the economic fallout. Reports. Some of brazils famous beaches have reopened although not everyone is heading there more drive through test sites for corona virus have popped up across the state of video vision nato just as many hesitantly make their way back to work. No more mail i dont think its time it businesses and other things i think we should wait a little more but were brazils economy tanking some think the opposite is true Industrial Production in the country fell by almost 19 percent in april the biggest drop on record so president. Hus powerless to lift lockdowns once again criticize the restrictions still in place. Whats happening with these measures the poor becoming miserable the middle class are becoming poor everyone in brazil is becoming the same and it seems they have no idea when this will End Supreme Court left decisions in the hands of me as a governess yet the already record high 19 deaths are still on the rise and the numbers of infections is expected to double by the end of the month yes. Its terrible we havent even reached the peak of the pandemic and everything is open its all about money. Elsewhere in the region are stepping up testing as their economies restart in the peruvian capital lima Health Care Workers are knocking on doors to test informal workers dont see this we understand that many people live day to day that they need to go out for their survival for this sustenance. But controlling the spread of the virus is proving hard across latin America Chile is extending its Strict Lockdown for at least another 7 days the daily rate of deaths there has doubled in a week. But as the region grapples with a deepening crisis many are trying to help the worst saw some of the trendiest restaurants have reopened their kitchens to prepare meals for the poor who must make do without their usual informal jobs offering a lifeline and some relief to those who needed the most. Well found people in argentina have defied a crowd of are still down there to join protests calling for an end to the killing of women but not one Less Movement has been gaining momentum over the past 5 years as femicide continues to rise to reason by reports from one of their. Its been 5 years since the not one Less Movement in argentina became a force to defend women rights in this south american country. The spread of 19 prevented the gathering of thousands of people in front of the president ial palace but some of them saying they cannot stay at home when women continue to die almost daily. That we started because we were angry as theres no justice and it hasnt been resolved and continues to fail every 26 hours a woman dies because theres no budget assigned to fight violence. Says the quarantine was imposed in march at least 57 are known to have been killed by their partners or former partners 77 children lost their mothers even though the government has created a Womens Ministry and implemented measures to try and prevent women from being abused n. G. O. S say more needs to be done. You know that they believe that imposing a protective measure to defend a woman can prevent violence but so and its not the case right now there are women living with their aggressors and nobody can protect them especially in times of corn to. N. G. O. S say proof that the current policies are failing are the 300 women that have been killed in the past year people came here not only to demand more Government Action to prevent various sides in this country but also to demand illegal i say send off ive ordered it argentina abortion. Rights in this country if i will make life a risk or in case of rape going to argue that of a man this was expected to present a new law in congress this year to legalize abortion but the whole process was delayed because of coalwood 19 to undergo but soon its a divisive issue in argentina where the gap. Church pulled friends says who. Are strong opponents. Will it be futile says its time to divide church and state in this mostly catholic country but it is there but. What we want to stop with the church from this tape because they get millions of subsidy and when theres only 1. 00 per woman to protect them from gender violence over wants a priest they can pay for it the government shouldnt give money to an institution that goes against will lose you right. Right these people vowed to continue fighting for to see womens lives. To do so will just see the. Whole police in senegal have arrested more than 70 people there after protests against coronavirus restrictions turned violent angry demonstrators torched Police Vehicles and a Health Center in the city of tuba near the capital dakar they were calling for an end to the state of emergency nighttime curfew and regional confinement due to covert 19 senegals interior minister is expected to announce the easing of lockdown restrictions on thursday. Now mum by appears to have been spared the worst of cyclon a saga which has caused destruction in 2 states along indias west coast now the storm was initially forecast to batter the commercial capital but it made landfall south of the city local media say at least 3 people have died thousands were evacuated from coastal areas to avoid overwhelming facilities already strained by the corona virus outbreak. Now money exchanges an 11. 00 on have ended a one month strike after reaching a deal to control the volatile currency market the government had blamed them for the devaluation of the lebanese lira but with foreign currency in short supply its fear that the attempt to stabilize the market will do little to ease the countrys unprecedented economic crisis then acosta reports. Money exchangers are back in business after a month long strike they were protesting against the crackdown by lebanons government after it blamed them for the rapid devaluation of the local currency believe after it has lost more than 60 percent of its value since october theyve now agreed to an Exchange Rate cap hoping it will drop to 3200. 00 lever to the dollar in 2 weeks its not the 1st attempt to control the money markets. They leave for me then i would even with the rate of 3000. 00 or 3500. 00 the central bank will face another problem because it will exhaust its foreign reserves the market might be controlled for a couple of days but in the long run we will have more than one Exchange Rate in the market and lebanon is facing its worst economic crisis in decades foreign currency has stopped flowing in and its reserves are dwindling banks which have imposed their own capital controls no longer give out dollars making every day transactions difficult for people in an import dependent economy because of this inflation. Rate. The official Exchange Rate of 1500. 00 leverage to the dollar remains in place to import basic goods like wheat and fuel other rates are being used. For example dollar depositors can sell up to 4000. 00 a month at the rate of 3000. 00 while the rate of 3200. 00 was set by the central bank for Money Transfer company. This is affecting the governments talks with the International Monetary fund thats demanding to move to a flexible Exchange Rate before discussing any financial assistance. The government argues floating the currency without poor and creditor support will have a disastrous social impact many lebanese are already struggling and many businesses have shut down a sudden we have been badly affected we lost 80 percent of all would a business due to the dollar crisis we are. It was an exchange of foretold instilled order if we had run out of dollars we will be forced to go home caps on Exchange Rates may do little if dollars remain in short supply and as long as there is little faith in the political and economic system. Beirut. Hello again this is al jazeera and these are the headlines the Police Officer who knelt on the neck of unarmed black man george freud in minneapolis is now facing a more serious charge of 2nd degree matta 3 other officers who were on the scene one for died have been charged with aiding and abetting as actions the incident has fox more than a week of mass protests across the u. S. John hendren has the reaction from minneapolis. Where they lighten the mood a little bit here and there was one of the children mans was that all 4 officers face charges in the fact that the charges against mr shabaan was increased people were happy to see that because that means the charge itself suggests that killing george floyd was intentional. It wasnt premeditated but it was intentional the 3rd degree charge simply meant that there was a reckless disregard for human life and the family and the protesters know that was not an appropriate charge. Well president now says he doesnt think it will be necessary to send in the military to quell the demonstrations on monday he threatened to deploy forces to cities that failed to bring protesters in line thats all come as former u. S. Defense secretary jim masters has criticized handling of the crisis hes accused the president of dividing the American People saying the consequences are the result of 3 years without mature leadership and several prodemocracy politicians have been kicked out of hong kongs legislature as it votes on a bill that would make insulting the Chinese National anthem a criminal offense a debate on possible amendments was halted after the opposition staged a protest inside the chamber the bill is expected still to be approved later on thursday at least 40 students and teachers have been injured in a knife attack as a Primary School in Southern China state media says a Security Guard carried out the stabbings in the province of. Brazil and mexico have recorded their highest daily coronavirus death tolls mexicos government blamed the sharp rise on previously unrecorded fatalities while brazil is latin americas worst affected country but the 2nd highest number of cases in the world after the United States well those are the headlines will be more news here on aljazeera after witness stay with us egypt strongman is ruling within a family and faced on the silence from his allies is deafening us was perfectly happy to trade off the march for sea for security why western leaders turning a blind eye when even the citizens have told him to his repression executions torture censorship is not acceptable and you wont hear such strong words from lets say berlin or paris or london in cairo on aljazeera. Well as you watch the old school goes bust the one that came out when i was. Oh well if i was still in danger as we now is very much we use my. Interest in you

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