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Says it will cut communications with south korea. And will look at how despite being in the new coronavirus to the center cuba has managed to keep covert 19 at bank. Thousands of mourners of brave long lines intense heat and the pandemic to pay their respects to george floyd in houston the city where he grew up he was killed just over 2 weeks ago when a Police Officer knelt on his neck during an arrest john had reports from houston. George floyds final journey brought him to his childhood home tell this is my way of speaking out just by being present i would like to you know harness me into the top of my loans because i know so many black and i cant speak for every black man but for every one that i know know someone that has a friend a Family Member or a relative someone that died from Police Brutality and you need to stop at fountain of praise church mourners paid their respects to the open casket inside some who knew him others inspired by the National Movement his death represents every one city so you can see why we need to do it so we dont have to do this again disobey the last sunday and we did as they cantered. As a collective holiday disobey to last me in a room they came 15 at a time for up to 10 minutes with masks and social distancing to protect from corona virus for which floyd tested positive in april and in his autopsy George Floyds body has traced the path of his life the 1st in a series of memorials began in minneapolis where he died beneath a Police Officers knee and never was held in the state of North Carolina where he was born both through thousands and now after this viewing in houston on tuesday there will be a funeral after which he is buried next to his mother. His death his inspired nearly 2 weeks of protests from washington d. C. To los angeles as mourners passed by floyds casket in houston the officer who knelt on his neck derrick children appeared in court in minneapolis officer doric children should be charged with capital murder because what he did was premeditated he knew what he was doing he should be treated like any other civilian would be treated if they would murder somebody like the way mr play with murder on tuesday his funeral will feature the reverend al sharpton civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump in a video by former Vice President joe biden who met privately with floyds family on monday his death inspired a movement but his family says on tuesday they will celebrate his life which inspired them John Hendren El Jazeera houston. Told floyds brother says his family will not give up its fight for justice. Im just right now appreciate everybody coming out. To personalize. This talk. Thank you so much. For coming out what. All the families will be today. I think. There. Are. Rather. Than that. I think you know we will just. We would not walk alone. As 100. 00 mentioned earlier former Police Officer Derrick Shelvin has made his 1st Court Appearance hes facing charges including 2nd degree murder biol has been set at more than a 1000000. 00 the dog named followed the proceedings in minneapolis. It was a quick preliminary hearing as they usually are chauvelin gave perfunctory answers when called on and the judge gave the prosecution everything they asked for the judge set bail at 1250000. 00 without any conditions but if show when can come up with 1000000 dollars he could get out on bail as long as he abides by the following conditions he does not leave the state of minnesota without permission he surrenders his gun permits he does not have any contact with George Floyds family and he does not attempt to work in Law Enforcement or any kind of security job shoguns charges were upgraded last week once these Minnesota Attorney general took over the case the 2nd degree murder charge in the state of minnesota means that the prosecution would have to prove that jovan killed george floyd intentionally or that he killed floyd while committing another felony it is predicted that the prosecution will take that latter strategy the attorney general has already said that this will be a difficult case to get a conviction on he is asking for the publics patience but of course protesters have 0 patience especially when lives are at stake. Democrats in the u. S. House of representatives have drafted that just nation to change the way Police Departments woke some members knelt 8 minutes and 46 seconds before announcing the proposal thats how long floyd was pinned to the ground the law seeks to ban chokehold to expand the use of body cameras sent created film subjects of Police Misconduct the legislation does not demand the defunding or dismantling of Police Departments and some protesters have called for President Donald Trump says he would never allow that to happen. And im very proud of them. There will be defining there will be dismantling of our police and theres likely to be a dispensing of our police our police have been letting us live in peace so we want to make sure we dont have any bad actors in there and sometimes youll see some horrible things like we witnessed recently but 99 i say 99. 9 but lets go with 99 percent of them are great great people and theyve done jobs that are record setting record setting. Frances bans police from using chokehold staring at arrest the interior minister says the method wont be taught anymore the french government has come under increasing pressure to address Police Brutality and racism or than 20000 people protested across france on saturday. While the 260. 00 Rohingya Refugees have arrived in malaysia despite efforts to stop them police intercepted their boats off the island of langkawi reported to have been at sea for nearly 4 months hundreds of others are fit to be stranded for so is live for us now in kuala lumpur for us what more do we know about this boat and about the refugees who were on board. Well we know the Marine Police acted on a tip off and they discovered the boat early on monday morning now they said they were preparing to turn the boat back out to International Waters when they discovered that the boat had been deliberately damaged to such an extent that it was no longer sea worthy so they detained the road instead now they also said they found the body of the dead woman on board the boat now nearly 270 of them have since been taken to a Government Camp and weve also heard a senior minister say just a couple of hours ago at a press conference that malaysia does not intend for these are refugees to stay in malaysia theyve they want the if they did leave from cops as bizarre in bangladesh malaysia said its going to make preparations to send them back to bangladesh and if they didnt they want to speak to the u. N. H. C. R. Thats the u. N. Refugee agency to find a 3rd country to resettle these people now weve heard in the last 2 months from activists and also Rights Groups about their concerns about how there could be more boats drifting in the andaman sea and the bay of bengal they would either have set sail from bangladesh or neon model where they were being persecuted these Rights Groups have also expressed concerns about the welfare of the people on board these boats we saw in april groups of all hundreds of massey aged refugees being helped ashore by bangladesh authorities and survivors of that boat journey talked about how they were starved they were dehydrated some of them were beaten by the human traffickers and witnesses saw people who had died during the journey being thrown overboard now we dont know the conditions of these people who have been detained in malaysia but if the past instances are any examples then they would have also survived an equally harrowing journey for us what is malaysias policy on and on undocumented migrants and refugees in general. Well malaysia does not recognize refugees is not a signatory to the Un Convention relating to the status of refugees now there are about 180000 refugees here registered with the Un Refugee Agency in malaysia and about half of that number are routing are refugees but they exist in a sort of grey area they have no official status so theyre not allowed to send their children to school and they are not allowed to work legally so theyre vulnerable to exploitation now malaysia has also closed its borders since march 18th to stop the spread of corona virus and its also used that justification to turn back working boats but this is not the 1st time that malaysia has turned back or attempted to push back boats in 2015 when thousands of rango were trying to escape from myanmar by sea Southeast Asian countries including malaysia turned by dozens of boats and more recently in april about a boat load of about 200. 00 refugees the refugees were not allowed to land in malaysia they were pushed out to sea after authorities said they had given them water and food so that is how malaysia views refugees the really essentially viewing them as undocumented migrants and recently as well theres been a rise in xenophobic sentiment against her hand in other undocumented migrants and the government has been sending mixed messages with some officials urging people to be more tolerant and others issuing statements reminding undocumented migrants that they have no status here in this country think that of their fans floyd live from kuala lumpur. Some breaking news now iran has announced it will execute a man it says helps the u. S. Assess the nations top general car some sort of money a judiciary spokesman said an iranian citizen gave information about sort of moneys whereabouts to the cia and the Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad sort of money was killed by a u. S. Drone strike in iraq in january for more on the story lets bring in zain at bus ravi who is in tehran zain just remind our viewers of what happened to your money how do we get to this point. Well kim as you said he was killed in a u. S. Drone strike back in january along with a senior Iraqi Militia leader and also the money was an incredibly Popular Military leader chior in iran seen by many people in the country as sort of clean from a lot of the political problems that the domestic leadership had experienced he was head of the lead quds force responsible for the revolutionary guards missions abroad basically responsible for irans Foreign Military assets and their operations in places like syria and places like iraq and he had been a pivotal leader in terms of bringing down the obviously state of iraq in the levant the fight that i saw in iraq and syria as far as iran it iranian assets in the few were concerned now in terms of the case that were talking about today this is the 1st weve really heard of this man his name is mahmoud and so be much him and it appears that he has been condemned by the iranian government for word espionage on has been on charges now espionage charges are something very figured here in iran by iranians and foreigners alike it is a weapon that the government wields anytime it suspects someone participating in activity that it deems inappropriate so these are charges that are faced by many people very often but one of the things you have to keep in mind with this execution. Is that there isnt a great deal of transparency when it comes to anything that the to sherry does specifically when it comes to espionage related cases so this is the 1st time weve heard of this mans name many journalists here said that as well there wasnt even Public Information about any ongoing cases into solo money step but they say that this gentleman had passed by the information about the codes worse and about salute moneys movement specifically to israeli and american intelligence officials said helped in his targeted killing back in january we have to keep in mind. That the judiciary in iran has come under criticism by human rights organizations for not being transparent enough and not giving defendants the appropriate legal help that they need to defend themselves so as we move forward with this as this story moves forward many people will be thinking that theres just not enough information about this case and about this mans execution but nonetheless the judiciary nonsense today that they have sentenced him to death for involvement in the killing of general Hossam Salaam thanks for that update. From tehran. Still to come here on aljazeera we speak to a palestinian boy who survived an off an attack that killed his parents that is right there is due to be sentenced. And words of caution from new zealands Prime Minister after she declared her country free of coronavirus and. How it got some nasty thunderstorms rumbling away across parts of central you see the crowd here just around the southeast of france pushing into italy affecting a good part of the alps as well not the area of low pressure here big and thundershowers could lead to some flash flooding large hail as well further east we got this weather system also bringing some rather heavy rain into that east side of europe just around the Baltic States pushing down so that eastern side of poland ahead of that look at 826 celsius in moscow 31 in kiev the heat actually extends its way right up to parts of the Arctic Circle so some bobby conditions going on here as well the showers continue across Central Europe as we go on through what choose day down into the balkans further west says a little drier some wet weather there into Southern France but this was the weather that we have around the British Isles will sink further south which as we go through wednesday though only 15 degrees celsius on a blustery showery day in london for wet and stay there the show is continuing to central parts of showers continue further east and the heat continues across that western side of russia and across a good part of Eastern Ukraine northern parts of africa stay fine and dry we got the usual showers there plus west africa all the way to liberia. But. You know isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise the. The looking at another side of this story not the information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact its reality and you have. Exposing the optics try to manipulate the rhetoric and claim but they cannot manipulate the fires listening post your its like going to the media which is the era. Youre watching aljazeera her reminder of our top stories this are thousands of mourners have been paying their respects to george floyd out of a moral and Houston Texas thats where he grew up his family says it will continue to fight for justice for the funeral will take place later on tuesday. Iran has announced it will execute a man it says helped the u. S. Assassinate its top general qassam sort of money its accusing an iranian citizen of telling the cia and israels Intelligence Agency about suit about his whereabouts. More than 260. 00 Rohingya Refugees have arrived in malaysia despite efforts to stop them the boat was intercepted off the island of langkawi have reportedly been at sea for nearly 4 months hundreds more feared trapped at sea. North korea is threatening to cut communication with south Korea State News Agency says it will close a hotline as a 1st step towards ending all contact pyongyang wants seoul to stop defect is sending propaganda leaflets over the border south Koreas Unification Ministry is urging pyongyang to Keep Communications open from a bright isnt so says relations have been going backwards for months. Certainly for the south korea this is being regarded as a very serious setback into korean relations weve had hints that things have been moving in these this kind of direction in recent weeks attacks from the north are being getting particularly bellicose and then last week we had direct threats from north korea that they were going to close down this Liaison Office that exist in the border city of case on which we north and south if south korea didnt stop these groups of defectors as they often do releasing these balloons that float across the d. M. Z. With north korea carrying propaganda messages against the north it is something which always outrages north korea and they have now used this a stent simply as the reason why they are cutting off these lines of communication interestingly when they made this threat last week the south korean north already has moved very quickly within a matter of a few hours in trying to bring in some legislation to make it harder for these groups to fly balloons so it does seem as though the South Koreans realize that we were at some sort of Tipping Point while they have the North Koreans are now seem to be carrying through on this threat to cut all these lines of communication are these lines of communication most of them have been established since 2017 which is when the relations between north and south were at their lowest ebb and it means that if they go through with this threat to cut this last line of communication today tuesday the only means of direct communication between north and south would be by megaphone across the barbed wire which is put this back in the bag old bad old days of 2017 but what of course we dont have is the same level of tension because of the Nuclear Missile testing with south korea will certainly hope this does not have all the return to. Libyas National Oil Corporation says an armed force which it did not identify as entered an oil field in the south and demanded employees shut it down in a statement the company told its workers not to obey those orders the hamada pipeline running from oil field reopened on sunday after being closed by fight isnt january or lord holy 5000. 00 forces seize the fields during an offensive early last year. One of the other head joins me now live from tripoli for more so what more can you tell us about about the storming of this oil field. Welcome nor now until this moment to the affiliation of that are much group as the National Oil Corporation does the state oil for are opposed to that. Group forces another closure of shut our oil field the countrys it Biggest Oil Field about 700 kilometers of the capital tripoli then he seems to be very concerned about the consequences of this force its closure especially it says that the closure will definitely affect the equipment the pipelines and will have a major impact on the production as well as you know him that. Oil field that supports. Its link it to. Our oil compound so powerful that Oil Production comes in from im sure other goes for exports the other have goes to that he did finally there and so you had a finery about 50 kilometers west of tripoli and from there its been distributed to many areas in western libya. So it will definitely have a major impact if this closure continues we know that and the past. Have to militiamen very force and other closures several times over the past year but this time the according to the state oil firm the National Oil Corporation does not know its not known as of yet the identity of that group and why the have they have conducted that closure and would it clear tell us how important it is in shaping what is happening on the ground in libya will. Reveal news as you know kim out of the bag borne of libyas National Income and its its in the heart of every conflict in libya the oil because libya relies on the oil revenues for everything for imports and for salaries to pay the citizens so is very strategic in libya the country relies on oil revenues for for salaries and for funds. Now the oil christian area in a sense where libya is under the control of forces loyal to war of all of the family for have to also all the oil fields in the south and as you know when have forces launching a military campaign 2 years ago to take control of the oil fields in the south of libya and also the move to the west to take control of the feel and our oil fields to put pressure on the internationally recognized government based in tripoli so. Oil fields and Oil Installations play a major role in this conflict. Thank you for that update there from a head live from tripoli. The Afghan Government has released another 250. 00 taliban prisoners bring in the total to more than 3000. 00 its part of the doha agreement the u. S. Taleban deal signed in february stipulated that the Afghan Taliban set free 1000 Security Forces in exchange the prisoner swap is said to be a confidence Building Measure before talks between the government and the taliban. And israeli settler convicted of murdering 3 palestinians and a fire bomb attack in 2015 is due to be sentenced on tuesday the only survivor of the attack was a young boy who is still receiving treatment for his burns it for him spent time with his family in the town of duma in the occupied west bank. Is really prosecutors won a conviction last month against the news release. But the only survivor of the crime continues to suffer. His parents and 18 month old brother were killed 5 years ago settlers attacked the family home with a fireball leaving the 4 year old with serious burns he now lives with his grandparents. I forgot everything i dont have many memories of my parents. His family says he saw more that he wants to remember israeli settler i mean on been you leader was convicted of 3 charges of murder attempted murder and arson the court said hes carried out a terrorist attack but acquitted him of belonging to a terrorist organization. Around maybe middle of the civil sentencing wont mean much to me as it wont bring my family back or reunite them with. Them for years but i hope that it serves as a deterrent for settlers many here say the killings are the worst crimes to have been committed by Israeli Settlers in recent years they say settlers have the support of israels army and judicial system and that their presence in the occupied west bank is a crime in itself settlements are considered illegal under International Law Israeli Settlers are tried in civil court unlike palestinians who undergo military trials the suspected killer of eyeshot robbies under house arrest as the court case against him continues she was killed by rocks thrown at her car in the west bank 2 years ago speaking in their home in biddy a Village North of the west bank her husband says he lost the love of his life. All 4 female grandchildren born after her death are named the high but then. There were 4 suspects then they came 3 but now they are prosecuting one although they were more accomplices if the perpetrator was palestinian they would have a recent my whole village Israeli Human Rights Group deen has been documenting attacks against palestinians for the past 15 years it says only 8 percent of Israeli Police investigations and settler attacks lead to indictments. There is a government policy not to implement laws on the settlers which in the end helps implement the occupation strategy of controlling more palestinian lands. Family and friends are trying to help get over his loss his burns are Getting Better with what says its painful these are treatment but some of the scars are not visible and might never ever heal. Or him as. The occupied west bank. That america has been hit hard by the Global Pandemic of the caribbean island nation of cuba has gone on days about a death of a 90 minute apparel has more. Than ever this is become a relatively normal scene in havana cuban doctors going door to door screening for any symptoms of coke at 19 you know if you know im on the its a strategy that has apparently paid off monday morning 9 days without any new coronavirus deaths in the country if those who doubt the most of whom i believe that these results are based or care protocols they are based on the facts 1st Early Detection is important because were going to detect the person would several days of evolution of the disease would cyril days of symptoms the possibilities are decrease an early addiction is achieved through screening through case funding from. Many latin american countries are struggling to curb coronavirus contagion but compared to the rest of the region cuba is miles ahead when it comes to containment am white i dont know unless we see once again that despite having the difficulties were going through our country has managed to control the epidemic and has achieved figures that are reasonable relative to the rest of the continent and despite not being developed countries weve achieved good control of the pandemic. The streets of the cuban capital are once again filling up albeit with a great amount of care as many who bencher outside do so wearing face masks which have become mandatory by the government refusing to wear when it could lead to a fine or arrest. Cubas success in mitigating contagion is being seen as a ray of hope for the region though International Health experts warn that in other parts of latin america the hardest days are still to come so theres a lot of work that needs to be done and we need everyone to remain focused on achieving the goal at hand which is stopping this pandemic which is suppressing transmission and saving lives and theres a lot more work to do so lets celebrate the successes that we do have but lets remain focused on. The remaining work that needs to be done because unfortunately this is far from alone. With no new reported deaths in over a week authorities have declared the outbreak in cuba under control when it up a little. Bizarre just there are these the top stories thousands of mourners have been paying their respects to george floyd had a memorial in Houston Texas thats where he grew up his family says it will continue the fight for justice floyds funeral will take place later on tuesday iran has announced it will execute one a man it says helped the u. S. Assassinate its top general custom sort of money its accusing out iranian citizen of telling the cia and israels Intelligence Agency about sort of moneys whereabouts and describe it has more from tehran this is the 1st weve really heard of this man whose name is mahmoud so much and it appears that he has been condemned by your right your government for espionage on has you know the charges now as you know charges or something very few years here in iran by iranians or its like it is a weapon that the government anytime it suspects or to supporting an activity that it deems inappropriate so these are charges that are faced by many people very often. Well the 260. 00 bring the refugees have arrived in malaysia despite efforts to stop them about which was intercepted off the island of langkawi have reportedly been at sea for nearly 4 months hundreds more fair trapped at sea. North korea threatening to cut communication with south Korea State News Agency says it will close a hotline as a 1st step toward ending all contact young and wants to stop defect is sending propaganda beef thats over the border. Libyas National Oil Corporation says an armed force which it did not identify as entered an oil field in the self and demand that employees shut it down the company says its told its workers not to obey those orders the hamada pipeline running from the shut our oil field were opened on sunday after being closed by fighters in january. The Afghan Government has released another 250. 00 taliban prisoners bringing the total to more than 3000. 00 its part of the doha agreement the us taliban deal signed in february stipulated the Afghan Taliban set free 1000 Security Forces in exchange. The news continues on aljazeera after the stream dont go away. To old news there oh. Let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment to stop all the 30 action this is the moment to concentrate on fighting everybody we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter to 0. Hi anthony ok youre watching the stream as a journalist myself and most of my colleagues china would be hard not to be the story just to tell the story but what happens when your black journalists and youre covering issues about race and. We are still in the stream some black journalists around the United States what it has been like covering the jewel of tastes and this is what they told us being allowed general as and general as charity but especially

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