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Thousands of people call for the israeli Prime Minister to resign the largest demonstration in west jerusalem in a decade. And rounded up and thrown in jail the Indian Government is criticised for cracking down on dissent by arresting rights activists. And in sports top level hockey returns in north america. Racism is everywhere. We go and promise to stand up for justice the players unites against racism as the National Hockey league restarts. The number of cases with the worldwide total rapidly nearing 18000000 a number of countries once thought to have control their outbreaks have now reported new spikes specialists from Mainland China have traveled to hong kong to help contain a resurgence of infections there the territory is increasing testing and making it free for its 7 and a half 1000000 people and australia officials in the state of victoria have declared a state of disaster of the cases increased it includes not time curfew and limitations on travel shopping and recreation. From 6 pm tonight im declaring a state of disaster across victoria this will be in addition to the state of emergency that has operated throughout this means that police and others have additional powers we can suspend various acts of the pound and we can make sure that we get the job done and theres no question about the enforceability and the why in which new rules will operate and south africa has confirmed more than health a 1000000 cases its the worst hit country on the continent and experts say its fake is yet to come ill have more on those stories shortly but 1st lets begin with difficult pollin who is in hong kong so how is hong kong working to tackle this surge in infections. Well the government has taken a strong most drastic measures yet when it comes to social distancing only 2 people can gather at any point also restrooms and each weezer not allowed to serve in the evening people are allowed to dine in and Everyone Needs to mosques where the mosque whether theyre in a public place indoors or even outdoors so theyll be fine but perhaps one of the biggest efforts weve seen has been this weekend with the opening of a makeshift hospital providing 500. 00 beds for those with mild symptoms at the airport to the expo site to choose to be used for exhibitions and showcases bitch now of course is no longer or has been empty for quite a while and in addition to that for extra help mainland professionals as you mentioned are coming to hong kong to help with that makeshift hospital in fact 7 of them have already arrived theyre going to be part of a 60 strong team to help with the makeshift hospital and help with testing and along with that another 6 are due to arrive from han and if you recall that was the where the virus 1st surfaced to china was once the epicenter well those experts are going to be coming to hong kong to build a facility from ground up to compliment that makeshift hospital and build an entirely new what theyre calling cab in hospital. Do you how do hong kong was feel about this time is help coming from the mainland i mean it is a very sensitive time with the new National Security law. Thats right well kim you know with anything that has to do with the mainland opinion is always divided and as it is in this case also there are many comments and concerns about these mainland officials or experts coming into hong kong without any consultation it didnt go through the Legislative Council process the general public werent asked whether they want this extra help and so if you look at social media and comments from opposition particularly opposition activists they say that this is yet another instance of beijing exerting its influence over hong kong interfering in hong kongs affairs theyre questioning why Hong Kong Government couldnt handle the situation themselves when they have managed to handle previous outbreaks there also there also have been small pockets of protests with some people worried that this mass testing in which these beijing professionals are mainland professionals are going to help out their d. N. A. Is going to be used in a National Database for beijing surveillance so there is a lot of concern some founded a lot on founded but you know underlying all of this is the fact that hong kongs hospitals are overwhelmed that theyre nearly at capacity Testing Centers are overwhelmed so Health Professionals are welcoming their arrival and there are also those in hong kong that. That actually appreciate the extra help in fact we were at that expo center earlier that makeshift hospital and there were a handful of People Holding flags up chanting slogans and welcoming slogans waiting for their arrival of those mainland professionals think that. Live in hong kong. Well a straight ahead contained it spreads for as we mentioned cases are now increasing the state of victoria dr sanjay send in your care is a physician and associate professor all of medicine Infectious Diseases at the Australian National university in canberra he says a lot down hasnt yet had an impact on virus numbers we certainly havent seen a drop in the day to case numbers now you could also argue that with a place like blue which had a really extensive lockdown it took 4 weeks to really see a drop in cases its only been about 3 weeks here in victoria on stage 3 restrictions and probably just under 2 weeks with mandatory clearly in melbourne but there have been a large rise in the day number of cases and i think there were concerns that things work coming under control so they had to do something more extensive throughout the world weve seen that complacency and i think that key has become an issue with covert as that outbreak has dragged on and on australia has been no exception i guess a poignant example will be that a few days ago authorities knocked on the doors of people who had been diagnosed with heart of it not query probably being diagnosed with covert and they were meant to be self isolating and about a quarter of those doors that were knocked on did not have those people there so despite having code of it though it were not at their house and that is of great concern. As i mentioned south africa is also seeing a rise in covered 1000 cases hospitals there are struggling to cope with the influx of patients Samina Miller explains from johannesburg. For many in south africa it is quite frightening given that the country has been under some level of lockdown for more than 4 months now while some of the restrictions have eased. Things really arent havent returned to normal at all and its quite concerning to see that number rise now the government also released a statement the president says specifically not long after the announcement of half a 1000000 cases saying that things are bad but not that bad it says that the lockdown has helped to delay the increase in cases of the last few months giving the government time to prepare Public Health facilities and its relied on these Public Health facilities to help people in this country who have been infected by the virus but theres also been concern that in provinces like the eastern cape specifically the presidency has also acknowledged that that province its Health Facilities Public Hospitals have been overwhelmed. Thousands of people have marched in the german capital on masks to protest against virus restrictions there about 17000 demonstrators joined the rally before police moved in to disperse the family is seeing a spike in new infections among came reports from that. On saturday morning 955 new cases of corona virus were announced in germany and 7 new deaths on saturday afternoon thousands of people came out to protest about the measures aimed at stopping the pandemic getting any worse the current rules are nowhere near as strict as earlier during the pandemic but for some people they are still too harsh and they say scientifically unjustified is good 1000. There are thousands and thousands of scientists and doctors worldwide who are not heard they are silenced by a sense it all discredited as Conspiracy Theory defenders even though the run entire universitys protests against the coronavirus measures have been occurring sporadically for many months and this time like in many others elements from the far right of German Society were present organizers of saturdays protests had hoped to bring half a 1000000 people to Berlin Police only a small fraction of that number turned up theres no doubting the strength of feeling of many of the people protesting against the corona measures in the streets but equally theres no doubting the consternation these protests calls in senior ministerial circles not just here federally in berlin but also right across the states that make up the federal republic. Just a few days ago ministers decided to implement mandatory covert 19 tests for everyone flying to germany from high risk areas and in the state of bavaria the Prime Minister singled out what he considers the danger of thinking the threat from the virus is either over or exaggerated. We need to be careful that many individual cases in germany dont become a slowly progressing 2nd wave the main reason is that under reasonable behavior carelessness and in some cases a conscious decision to ignore hygiene protocols are unfortunately on the rise. Opinion polls suggest many germans support that view 87 percent think its right to wear masks in public 73 percent agree a mouth the nose covering is helpful but not these crowds in berlin for them what matters is their personal freedom to not wear a mask if they dont want to and to resist the very social distancing the vast majority of their fellow citizens except dominic came out berlin. Coronavirus cases in latin america have doubled in the past month and close 2200000 people have died mexicos reported a Record Number of infections for a 2nd day in a row and still the 3rd worst affected country in the world registered more than 9000 cases and nearly 800 deaths on thursday the government began lifting the restrictions in aid to restart the economy. Argentinas lockdown was due to end on sunday but its being extended because of a surge in cases on top of that the governments negotiating with foreign creditors to prevent a hard default on its sovereign debt and democrats worsened the already bad Economic Situation as to risible reports from what i said is. Its been a week since these people took over this piece of landing rated one of sightings and its located in that anita about an hour away from the capital. City says he cannot afford to pay for a home anymore. I have no work says the quarantine began im eating what i can i want to place where i can live with dignity i want to work but with the Current Situation its impossible i work as a day laborer building homes and nobodys hiring me. There are over 3000 people here among them dozens of children victims of argentinas dire Economic Situation and of call that 19. Theres been a lot down in place for the past 4 months and many arjen times havent been able to go out and try to find work theres dozens of languages like this one all around one aside is people who are desperate to find a place to live who have lost their jobs and can afford to pay a rent this people are waiting for a government started building their homes but in the meantime they have to bring this tents in spite of the cold weather at night because of all these people say the land belongs to the state but a neighbor says the land is his. And try to remove them by force the dispute is ongoing and. The next few days are crucial period in which they can be evicted by their police. Argentinas government has increased cash handouts in recent months but. Says its not enough they were going to say i knew im 26 years old and i have 3 children and i have nowhere to live my husband has no one i get some help from the governor but its not enough for the said here where the need is the minister in charge of security when a site is an area he says criminal organizations are using the desperate people to seize land. There is an increase in land grabs and there is a housing problem but land grabs are a business and just to slow the land they are taking is generally sold later on facebook. Thats. What this man says this is not the case in netanya god. This is something that came from the people not so young people who lived with their parents and one bremer the social network is broken there are no jobs there is a pandemic people criticize us they want to beat us but they should come and see how we live and treat us like human beings difficulties are everywhere in argentina these days millions are finding it difficult to survive they are proof of the enormous challenges that argentina is facing. There is a war and this. Plenty more ahead on the news all including protests demanding the release of a golfer in russias south east of turning into a nationwide movement against the government. And the digital era is here to stay but some communities are refusing to use contact with payment of a cash about buy. And in sport rinaldo gets his hands on another trophy and he will be here with that story. Calls for the israeli Prime Minister to step down are growing louder for a 3rd week in a row thousands of demonstrators have gathered outside Benjamin Netanyahu official residence demanding his resignation its the largest protest in israel for a decade many people are frustrated by the governments handling of the corona Virus Outbreak also upset netanyahu is still in power while facing corruption charges that he was forced out the protesters early on sunday try force that reports from western. Its becoming a saturday night ritual in the square close to Benjamin Netanyahu official residence early evening and the police man increasingly robust barricades by the protesters renew their demand that netanyahu leave office the socalled black Flag Movement has long insisted that a Prime Minister on trial for alleged corruption a step down they say the pandemic has brought new supporters to their cause and colvin just like gave us our slap in the face and made us wake up to the reality that. Nothing is changing and we needed changing we need now the people are all over upset and they. Stay in the house they dont have a war they dont have jobs they dont have food something. And go woken up waking up their leaders have disappointed us and they didnt do their job so they grow up to contact with the citizens and now the citizens are coming together to make them i did do their job and go home i in recent weeks protesters have risked water cannon and arrest as well as threats of an actual physical assault by right wing groups the Prime Minister has labeled them anarchists complained himself of Death Threats and criticized the media for focusing on the demonstrations nonetheless the numbers on the street sunni risen saturdays protest in west jerusalem thought to be the biggest yet weeks and there is no sense of the momentum of these protests is going no sense and people get tired of coming out onto the streets with such frequency the question is what effect all this will have on the political fortunes of the target of these protests the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The coronavirus pandemic deep into its 2nd wave has seen unemployment top 20 percent with more than half of israelis worried about paying bills public trust in the Prime Minister has daily carved suggests one poll to 29 percent less than you know who is denied persist. Reports that hes considering pulling the plug on his fractious coalition with former rival benny gantz and going to elections once more when you have seen this kind of discontent in the street and when you have people that are really really protesting it really really calling for the end to his tenure its not the time to go to lectures he realizes this is going to be the greatest Political Risk that hes ever take it Benjamin Netanyahu certainly no political newbie few a better versed in the tactics of holding on to power but the public pressure isnt going away and this battle is far from over. Kerry forsett out west jerusalem. At least in the u. S. State of portland declared an Unlawful Assembly trying to spurs and the racism protesters gathering outside a Police Building there have been several months of mostly peaceful protests following the announcement that the presence of federal agents would be reduced there were moments of tension on saturday night when bottles were thrown at offices portland has seen more than 2 months of demonstrations following the putting skilling of george floyd minneapolis. Process triggered by their arrest of a governor in russia and now their 4th week demonstrations 1st emerged in the far eastern city of hoffs but have spread to other cities and. Were going back for a gal chanted these protesters gathering in the russian city of office theyre demanding the release of surrogates for a gal the Regional Governor who was arrested earlier this month on murder charges. Supporters say the accusations are politically motivated. For a gal had defeated a pope ramblin candidate to become governor in 2018 but then. The rest of the government like a common criminal ensured that the whole country if that is a slap in the face for us as the citizens are chosen we are not for anneke we offer power of the people and. Many are also angry over the falling standard of living as russia continues to grapple with the corona virus pandemic will but that was the 1st place weve become fed up with this kind of life we want our children to have everything they need good schools and a better life instead of Poverty Level salaries anonymous calling went protests 1st erupted in harbor off in the beginning of july but they have since turned into a nationwide movement against the kremlin. Hundreds turned up in sting petersburg. And moscow to show support for the governor last month on my but i believe one country and we should stick together and support because lots of people that are fighting for their freedom of choice and we support them in this. Police called the protests illegal a number of demonstrators were arrested opposition protests are relatively rare in flight m a putins tightly controlled russia the Security Forces have so far stayed away from the demonstrations in harbor offs testers have vowed to keep going until the governors released and they sue. Lets get more now on those protests in israel against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu im joined by akiva eldar he is a contributor to hyatts newspaper and has been covering the protests across israel of the past several weeks thank you thomas do you think these protests will actually have any impact on netanyahu is there any chance that these complaints will be listened to. Im sure for it will affect him directly but as you know this government is based on a very fragile and coalition i think his weakest part of his political body. But its the head of blue and white and he cannot ignore the protesters because they are part of his constituency or whats left of his goodness you see and i think its going to accelerate we are and he knows the. Verge of a civil war it is why. There is an incitement against the demonstrations the demonstrators tell you how well lose his. In the knesset not to govern. Bunch of p. S. A. Yes the people who dont really have bones in the bodies and these people will not be affected but i have been yesterday and every week on the bridges and in a junction is and you can see people that you know that they voted for the likud you know that they would like to give an inch to the palestinian this is not Clinton House natural security but it is now crossing lines political lines you can see people worry in the yard because. Religious people secular people all the young and what happens is that the message that they are getting the people from the time how is that they are spreading diseases and they are on a case it may just. Show our again and again in about one year his residence near his villa in says urrea and on the bridges. And i can see every week when i go to the bridge i can see more people more of my neighbors and more young people i just had a cabin on one of the things that you said they said benny gantz cant ignore protesters but because that you know where some of his supporters i mean he was able to ignore a lot of people when he entered into this coalition in the 1st place so what is it that you think will be different why is it that these protests you think might actually shake this coalition. It can change the coalition because 1st of all if you look at the polls both natanya al and guns are dropping in the polls and. Sooner or later this government would have to pass a budget which is the next juncture after that netanyahu starts his trial in january and the court decided that he has to show our 3 days in a row every week which means that the Supreme Court will have to look at his capability or each of ability to perform his duties and guidance knows that if he doesnt do it somebody else will do it is the budget it doesnt pass or the court so if you look at his future. In the next elections that will happen some people even believe this here in america so he better join the crowd and join the Prime Minister who looks like a loser ok really good to get your perspective thank you so much that al that that thank you jim. At least 16 people have been killed in flash floods in a village in eastern afghanistan they were triggered by a tour until rain this winter inch of rain rather swept across a whole province on friday most to all of the victims with children dozens of homes were destroyed a team has been sent to help local emergency services. But some of the weather and jenny is here with the latest on the Tropical Storm over the bahamas yet this is already caused produce so widespread flooding across possible homicide damage as well many many passages and more of that of course is likely to continue this is you can see is a satellite this mass you can see here this is the current placement of our Tropical Storm. As it continues its journey up to northwest it could well strengthen right now it is very close to becoming a hurricane again it has hurrican thats actually trouble so within 110 a hurricane is when you have sustained winds of 120 kilometers an hour is moving to the northwest at not a bad speed 15 kilometers an hour but of course it will continue to produce some very dangerous conditions now ahead of that storm system of course people are preparing slightly into miami in florida the beaches are closed as you can see here but also in readiness for these possible Power Outages you can see all the Utility Companies all lined up because obviously the winds are going to be strong and the rain will be heavy now as it goes through sunday the rest of the day sunday this storm system continuing to move up towards the northwest its expected to stay the actual eye of this storm just to the east over florida but what that means of course is in the anticlockwise motion is going to just literally funnel and push all of these rains along with the eastern side of florida thats where the heaviest rains will be but you can see this mass of blue indicating where the rains of course it will be very heavy not as with any Tropical Storm and a tropical system anywhere in the world its never entirely sure the direction its going to take you can see here on monday it is actually specters take a turn more to the northeast as opposed to the northwest where its handy but really it could be anywhere within that cone of uncertainty says we go from monday on into tuesday. That is where we expected to make landfall late monday into tuesday into the carolinas and it continues as a strong storm actually this one came over the next 24 to 48 hours it really hasnt done yeah thanks for that update jenny. Still to come here on aljazeera me and miles Karen Community marches for justice but the soldiers are accused of shooting dead a mother and stealing her jewelry. A make over for a popular u. S. Museum as it reopens after being shot straight coronavirus ill tell you who will guide you around the rare asa fax. And in sports well hear from the tennis player whos been taking a shot at well no one novak djokovic. Kidnappings and murders in crimea since russians forced an extension of the black sea pinche. I dont understand why. Schools of crimea into tongs have been arrested and tortured and killed. Most believe by russian Security Forces. Crimea russias dark secret on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks there is increasing pressure for nandan to turn its back on beijing and the u. K. Is finding itself caught between 2 superpowers with detailed coverage israels missed opportunities on testing and tracing is now being seen as part of a wider political failure to tackle the panda from around the world human Rights Groups say that at least 12 people have been either killed or disappeared by argentinas Security Forces. The. Georgiadis there are a reminder of our top stories this hour specialists from Mainland China have been deployed in hong kong to help contain a resurgence of corona virus 125 cases were confirmed on saturday the 11th day in a row cases have been triple digits. Authorities in victoria australia have declared a state of disaster and tightened lockdown measures for reporting a rise in covered 19 cases 671 new infections were confirmed on sunday nearly 300 more than the previous day. And coronavirus cases in latin america have doubled in the past month mexicos reported a Record Number of infections for a 2nd day in a row it now has the 3rd most deaths from call the 19 in the world. Japan is facing a resurgence in coven 1000 cases tokyo confirmed a record 472 corona virus infections on saturday and the governor says a state of emergency may have to be reimposed in the capital floor but manley has more. As a traditional japanese art form hundreds of years old but its the 1st time its ever been before like the. Number before with a limited. Chest and stick to those who different from the rules on stage. Took years kabuki theater has opened for the 1st time in 5 months with strict guidelines as the capsule reported a record rise in corona virus cases for the 3rd consecutive day as tokyos governor considered ordering a news. The merchant see the theater is at risk of closing once we are so stuck if there were any requests from the japanese or tokyo government we need to respond appropriately and think of a way to adapt the performance depending on the situation this may unfortunately include having to stop partway through the run the so the island of okinawa has declared a covert 19 state of emergency some japanese suspect u. S. Personnel based on the island of importing the disease there is concern that perhaps the reason why its heading that island particularly strongly is because u. S. Forces particularly u. S. Marines have been able to come in and out of japan without going through immigration controls and until very recently without any covert 900. 00 tests under the status of forces agreement a record 71. 00 daily infections were reported in okinawa on friday and hospitals at being overwhelmed the majority of cases a u. S. Troops. In order for us to put every effort into combat in the coronavirus okinawa will issue a state of emergency for the commander of u. S. Forces says it has nothing to do with that basis there has been absolutely no connection to it has been proven to show that there has been any spread from the a costers on the bases to the local community there are many elements that make japan vulnerable to the virus the government launched a travel Campaign Last week to revive the Tourism Industry thats prompted the World Health Organization to call the campaign ill timed with fears the government was choosing business over health. 19 is also the disease the primary kills elderly people to pound the worlds oldest population. In tokyo the kabuki theater still for doing what they can to ensure safety. With an elaborate. The make up as well as the pause before warm hearted drama many feel the dont have the chance to get at least grow while about the boring 13 k. Through outside. Kenya has resumed International Travel have to grounding flights and march because of the coronavirus its National Carrier of reopened routes to our 30 destinations last month Kenya Airways announced it will cut jobs as the industry struggles with the pandemic african carriers are expected to lose 6000000000 dollars this year russia is also resuming its National Flights after more than 4 months moscows share of all airports is the 1st to reopen passengers are allowed unrestricted travel to the u. K. Turkey and tanzania flights to other countries are operating under special rules. Opposition groups in argentina are protesting against a Justice Reform bill put forward by president alberto if an end as they say its politically motivated to defend his Vice President who is being investigated for Money Laundering and corruption and there says the bill is to make courts more independent from politics argentinas Justice System has been long accused of progovernment bias. To india the United Nations has joined calls for the release of human rights activists there some of being held in prison antiterrorism laws while they await trial but the j. P. Government denies accusations that the charges are politically motivated theres a big problem has been speaking to some of the prisoners families every. Year its been 2 years since some of indias most recognizable rights activists were rounded up and taken away by police there were queues to instigating violence during a march by disadvantaged hindus in my state where one person was killed a 2 year old poet and prominent human rights lawyer so the butt of the watch are among the detained there arrests led to nationwide protests by this approaches most of the 11 accused yet to be formally charged. In delhi so the. Reads a letter from her mother sent from jail in mumbai what does this. This is not fair. And its not right this is how to live this is my life and there are. Human rights lawyer shalini gator has worked with so the bout of the watch for 10 years she says only one of the 11 accused was at the watch we feel right from the beginning it was a very politically motivated case as far as a criminal case goes there is no evidence it is really that. Political it was taught that these people need to be punished for the work theyre doing all of them are very well known that human rights activists. Is no stranger to prisons have been previously spent 10 years in jail for inciting communist revolution but he has never been found guilty his family according for his Immediate Release after he contract to the coronavirus in prison. Is hell. Like. Critics say the government is using antiterrorism legislation which allows detention without charge or trial. Human rights watch is among many groups asking the government why it hasnt investigated the alleged role of head the nationalists in the violence that rolland but of watch are in jail for even though a Fact Finding Mission found Hendren Ashton this leaders were responsible to justice the government and so theres no political interference in the case because their position is that we going to protect. You know democracy because people are saying something. Because there are people who say go give it all to your. Watch is waiting for her mothers next bail hearing shes been joined by the United Nations and European Parliament who are calling for the release of human rights defenders Elizabeth Parata Al Jazeera new delhi. And the rest of human rights activists in india has being seen as a crackdown on dissent by the Government Trade Union activists. Is among dozens of lawyers and academics arrested in connection with a rally in maharastra state for disadvantaged hindus which elizabeth mentioned in her report in recent months student leaders scholars and local politicians mostly most im so have been rounded up for their role in protests against the citizenship law many see the law as discriminatory and oppressive and some farmers rights activists were arrested in some states earlier this year which evade ansari is a senior journalist and for the school commentator he joins us now from new delhi thank you for your time what does all of this say about how seriously dissent is being cracked down on under the modi government. But increasingly by the day this present government headed by Prime Minister knowing the modi is showing a shocking lack of very a tremendous amount of dollars towards any kind of dissent even questioning of government and even attempts. Even cartoonists have now been hauled over the coals charged under does jeconiah in law discovered one of the hallmarks of his government to unfortunately use it its its pretty brazen lack of any kind of tolerance towards any form of cleared criticism this is being used as a tool to browbeat and settle scores with political opponents with dissidents and even cartoons ok the people in elizabeths report i mean thats just one tranche of people from one protest but there are also as you mentioned those who protested the citizenship lord that are still being detained what sort of strategy is the government playing here look the government has now decided that the need to deal with the government feels very encouraged because it has a majority in both houses of parliament and on the back of it to now believe that any form of dissent its one thing to be decisive its quite another to be a targeted in that 10 line this government appears to have crossed ready a long back and now with correct impunity it believes in putting down dissent with an eye on iran. So so def all of that is very little room for competition there is very little room for dialogue every critic every dissident is now but i kicked it under this direction in law of sedition charges with sedition and the imprisonment terms of anything from 3 years to a life term and do you have to weep and the onus of proving your essence unfortunately is on the accused not on the accuser and therefore of this is that this law was brought in by the british in 878 they have since discarded it but independent democratic and out unfortunately continues with this law and more increasingly a large number of people of our falling are facing the the put on to of this trick union law which has now been amended and under they are not for peoples unlawful activities act even students students who are at the forefront of the agitation against the citizens an Amendment Act have now had to do you have suffered the consequences of this film how do you see the future of civil and Political Liberties in india well there is a big question mark and unless the giudici the onus is now on the epix court of the country the Supreme Court to step in. Unless you step in and in short that the law is voted up up there and there is enough accountability and checks and balances and governments irrespective of who isnt bar was done to neutral misused is wrong because the tendency is to arm ourselves with increasingly more powers sometimes even bordering on the decor nion and therefore it is for the for the its for the apex court to Supreme Court of india and a higher court to ensure that there are enough checks and balances and doors to predict who will miss sure to destroy or are held to account thanks so much for your time for your analysis and sorry their journalist and political commentator to be at least 13 people have been killed by suspected buckle her arm feiss and cameroon grenades were launched at a camp for displaced people and most all go in the countrys north 8 more were injured attacks by the armed groups have killed and displaced tens of thousands of the past decade in nigeria and neighboring countries. Mean miles military says 2 soldiers accused of killing a woman from an ethnic Minority Community will face a Court Martial the killing has reignited the anger and karen states where theres been unrest for decades ago probables. Anger on the streets of neutral in myanmars northeast protesters march for justice after a 38 year old mother from the ethnic Karen Community were shot dead by soldiers the men then stole her jury members of the community accuse the military of rights abuses and want them out or you die. We want for you in communities you have the power to put pressure on the minima government to stop the use of violence to karen and all of the groups in myanmar stop raping killing and treating the villages like animals. Karen Community Leaders say the army is using coronavirus lockdown measures as an excuse to attack villages. Your come home now karen villages have a problem of finding food they cant leave the village as movement is limited they cant people cant move with them in my army can hold. Up. Karen rebels were among the last ethnic groups to sign a cease fire deal with me and most government in 2012 after more than 6 decades fighting for self rule many current villages were forced from their lands during their rebellion and many remain living in camps along the border with thailand you need to recognize our digit as peoples right to land and resources. And instead off ticking away these results are from us and displace us from the forests they need to really protect the people the government says soldiers responsible for killing karen civilians will be punished but there are concerns with the proceedings will be fair and transparent for now protest as a cushion for compensation for a husband and 3 children whove been left without a mother barbara aljazeera. Still ahead on aljazeera henceforth also a celebration a record 14 times a winner in this f. A. Cup and they will be held that still. Has been in turmoil if youre like police cars or soccer game and youre not like time youre. About to make a political hole in my city are you from the state representative back in 9091 to me it was out of our game one of the guys without a gun and my brother was killed my hood dont look no different to any other hood out here than Michael Brown was give me my son in 15 years and i felt like you know it just my time to stand. This is the most and bill for us im just not willing to accept the word sustained so legislation can i get through thats going to speak to a major need for my community that this bill identifies use violence as a Public Health epidemic last year we had 200. 00 murders the Ripple Effect of violence when it comes the youth it stretches far why. Are you aware. The rule. The world. Electronic banking the Digital Economy and now coronavirus means an increasingly Cashless Society the notes and coins in our pockets are being rapidly replaced by Contactless Bank cards and mobile phone payments but not everyone in england is comfortable with the technology or brand of reports from essex where many want to stick to traditional pounds and pence. Coins and notes have been the foundation of trade for centuries and the weekly market in the town of rochford is as traditional as they come my own opinion is i think we will get to a stage where you got fascists and i hope we dont we dont but satisfy you know i dont think we can get to that. But while a decade ago 6 in 10 transactions involve cash today its less than 3 in 10 and falling rapidly. J. Mack butchers can cope with cash card and electronic. But many customers still strongly prefer cash. Up to give you a list of all is wrong as low as they always use cash though i wont use anything else i need to have cash in my bag every day how about expect because at the end of the day. I dont not using a card if i might be spending 3 pounds. In 2019 the access to cash review warned that a Cashless Society would leave 8000000 people in britain struggling to cope in poverty was an even bigger factor than being elderly if you are less than 10000. Times more likely to be dependent on how should if youre in over 30 yet and not because actually cash is still in the best way that budgeting eboni of the dinner of the week youve got 15 or. With that significant numbers of elderly and disabled and low income residents rochford was an ideal candidate has an access to cash pilot scheme one idea under consideration here is to set up a local finance hub Offering Bank Services Without being tied to any specific bank brand the community its taking ownership of this problem and providing solutions for each other we would use the hub as an outlet for those services rochford last remaining bank Branch Closed in 2017 the post office often struggles to cope the lack of access to cash was being a drain on the towns economy and then came coronavirus at the height of the pandemic here in the u. K. A. T. M. Usage collapsed by 65 percent its only just now recovered to 40 percent and the estimate is that 5 years of cash decline has been accelerated in the past 5 months what we need is everything in place to allow the recovery to be as smooth as possible and access that cash is a part of that ratchford is keen to learn the lesson of sweden where a rapid switch away from accepting cash payment led to irreversible damage to the cash infrastructure the warning from sweden dont sleep walk into the same point of no return paul brennan aljazeera rochford in essex. Some of sport has andy thank you so much kim while the National Hockey league is made its roots and more than 4 months after the season was suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic games are being played in 2 canadian cities and edmonson for a small reports. Jane. We scream for the week. Hockey is back but it looks a lot different ladies and gentlemen please will much has changed since the n. H. L. Is last game in march before the league resumed in edmonton players showed their support for the black lives matter movements racism is a man made creation and all it does is deteriorate from our collective prosperity. Racism is everywhere. And promise to stand up for justice and fight for what is right. The Edmonton Oilers and Chicago Blackhawks listening to the words of Minnesota Wild player matt duma sort of protest against Racial Injustice thats been echoed throughout the sporting world. The n. H. L. Has brought 24. 00 teams to canada to finish the season in 2 halves cities no games are being played in the u. S. Players will be tested frequently and isolated from their families i suppose chad and the writer can the teams have gone straight into playoff action. In toronto the Carolina Hurricanes are one game up in their series against the new york rangers. Big effort for us 1st period and thats playoff hockey was a great period and then special teams took over. And then hang on for game one so thats thats a good way to start were just Getting Started though so thanks for all the support and more. Fun no fans are allowed in the van used the target for the players remains the same. To reach the stanley cup finals which in this years list start at the end of september far is smile aljazeera. And australias nick curiosus pulled out of the us open which is due to start behind closed doors at the end of this month curial says he has safety concerns gizzi the coronavirus pandemic in a social media post he points at least criticised world number one of a joke of its fold and i think a series of exhibition events in june for players including djokovic tested positive for kobe 19 time tennis players you have to act in the interests of each other and Work Together you cant be dancing on tables when you go your way around your or trying to make a quick buck hosting an exhibition thats just so selfish think of the other people for thats what this farce is about for you vance has lost at home for the 1st time in 40 games but still got to lift the trophy just on our knowledge of 18 how to already secured a 9th straight sariel title before the celebration that they were beaten 31 by one and that meant in the final standings they finished just a point clear into the lap. Thats what finishing 18 English Premier League allstar will still play in the iraq police next season after winning the f. A. Cup america bomb young scoring both goals in a c. One win over chelsea under worth reports. The coronavirus pandemic meant that none of the usual 90000. 00 fans brought wimbley stadium to see christian policy which became the 1st american men to score in the fake cup final i was joy was short lived those he was help from the field later in the game with a hamstring injury that will rule him out of the Upcoming Champions League match against buy in munich arsenal head to one if they were to feature in europe at all next season q captain pia in morocco barry and. I scored from the sports midway through the 1st half. And then again in the 67th minute to secure the wind was demi youngs future at the club is shaky much like his trophy lifting skills his contract expires at the end of next year and after the game he wouldnt be drawn on whether he would stay but manager mcallister titters hopefully can find a way to keep hold of the striker i everything is based on my conversation with him you know how he sees your teacher why is it from me im a team and i want to be around him and the conversation i had with that of varying. I the 21. 00 when handing out aces 1st trophy after just 28. 00 games in charge of the club but the celebrations will be short lived if he cant lock down his star provender with aljazeera. Aloes hamilton will be in pole position for the 7th time it has hung british grand prix after a series dominated qualifying on saturday hamilton coming back at the spinning in the 2nd session said now he beats a mate Valtteri Bottas to the front of the great rest that sames more than a 2nd slower at nico holcomb berties only driving after surge. Paris tested positive for the virus on thursday hell start down 30. Ok looking for now thank you very. Philadelphias penn museum is widely renowned for its ancient artifacts from the middle east africa and Central America now in a modern twist thats Getting International attention now has 2 guides from those places to christen some of the reports. Thank you so much for coming as a tour guide in philadelphias penn museum youd expect me in a sardar to know ancient middle eastern history but so revealing is how personally she takes her subject matter like this 4000 year old wedding headdress from the tomb of the mesopotamian queen a personal favorite this is my its me with a very very special occasion my wedding day i were approximately 2 pounds off their gift nearby for like. Other queen probably for one day mina is from damascus syria a refugee employed as part of the museums Global Guides Program which gives recent immigrants an opportunity to work in the u. S. And stay in touch with their roots and nino fled civil war with her husband and 5 children and arrived in philadelphia just 3 years ago dealing with artifacts from my home from the middle east im connected to my culture. Or why or why door open can you to share my culture the initiative involves intensive training in history and storytelling the guides come not only from the middle east but also africa and Central America and are encouraged to read their own experiences into the tour Museum Officials say its popular among visitors one of the things people told us is theyve been coming to the museum specifically to hear from these guides which in many ways makes a lot of sense all of the kind of Historical Context from it and they give you can get from wikipedia all right but you cant get anywhere else as the personal stories about whats going on in the world today in the lives of the people who are from there at least a dozen museums from around the world are now looking to set up their own global guide programs bringing modern relevance to these ancient artifacts christian salumi aljazeera. Well thats it from a can but else this news asset is that i will be back in just a few moments thank you was there. August on out is iraq at the us republican and Democratic National conventions delegates officially nominate their partys president ial candidates for the 2020 elections in india witnessed policy young conservationist tackling the deadly human elephant conflict with an unlikely strategy coexistence 10 years after the chilean mining disaster we revisit the victims of a story that captivated the world one a one east enters the violent every night makes martial arts in russia and the former u. S. S. R. And the un special tribunal delivers its verdict on the assassination of former lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri August on aljazeera. As a weapon of war leaves the very deepest scar those. Scars so raw that the victims men and women can barely talk about it. They are the only witnesses who can help bring about justice aljazeera fall as human rights campaigners in libya investigating right since the 2011 revolution. Libya unspeakable crime on aljazeera. With entry. As infections rise in Hong Kong Health workers from the mainland are deployed to conduct covert 19 testing for millions of people. Brings that voice and others have additional kaos. Australian authorities in victoria declare a state of disaster a night curfew to contain corona virus infections that. Im sam is a that this is al jazeera live from the also coming up thousands of people called

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