Transcripts For ALJAZ Inside Story 2020 Ep 224 20240712 : vi

ALJAZ Inside Story 2020 Ep 224 July 12, 2024

Confronts defeat groups in the south paris to continue fighting in the savage and the pledge follows the killing of french aid workers but his friends capable of confronting the find and how big a threat they pose to peace in west africa this is the inside story. Hello welcome to the program. Struggle to cope with the years of attacks by armed groups that have killed thousands and forced many more from their homes areas out on the capital on the army will last. Secure but on sunday gunmen on motorbikes dog at Wildlife Sanctuary a short drive from the city 6 friends humanitarian aid workers was shot dead along with a night driver and the guide visited protected. The leaders of both france and the can down the attack. And order a military operation to find the killers french prosecutors say a terror investigation is underway and president in. Chad in National Defense Council Meeting to consider further action this is what. Decided to step up security measures for our citizens in the region we will continue in our action to eradicate the terrorist groups with increased support of our partners 7 of the victims work for the french aid group are to its filing a complaint in paris and is urging the International Community to increase protection for humanitarian workers. In the ministry of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs like the nigerian ministries have been exemplary for the past 48 hours but obviously it is a question for helping us in this dramatic situation what we are waiting for with the appeal we are making is for the International Community the state and the Security Council to understand the importance of providing legal rules to protect humanitarians and to punish the crimes of which they are victims the park is in the burial region where fighters linked to i sell killed 5. And 4 u. S. Soldiers 3 years ago also operating there are fighters linked to a book and linked groups they have been launching attacks in this i have region since 2012 the fighting spills into over the poorest borders from neighboring mali and work enough are so they have been hardest hit by the persistent attacks friends has around 5000 troops in the region to help combat the threat they back emily to force from the socalled g. 5 countries new. Book in a foster child and mauritania. Lets bring in our guests in nigerias capital a butcher we have of the way it where go has edge of political and security analyst of the think tank a free politica in aberdeen in scotland mannerly can Say University lecture there and author of the book inherent and contemporary challenges to the African Security in paris now roger below is president of the Africa International media Group Welcome to all of the way with the french prosecutor saying that they are launching a terror investigation is it safe to say at this particular moment that the attack was the work of one of the armed groups operating in the sahara region yeah i think well when when you get a kind of news of course you know the french are working intelligence or the or working on the hunchbacks you know india was perhaps code either one of the jihadi groups or groups in you know in you looked around that you brought out in those regions so its remains to be seen what the outcome of an investigation would be but almost when you see an attack on it walk us or you know or any of the original military its all is you know whos on to be quite. Clear. By one of the groups about i swap or who are manners in this likely to be a tough challenge facing the french prosecutors because were talking about forest area where fighters can come from different neighboring countries and draw attacks were talking about the vast territory is this going to pose further challenges for the french prosecutors. True the the challenges to security in the south region are immense so as you know territory day region is there is that a vast new jet is a vast country. Chasing anyone whether terrorists will or tribal group or any other group in the area its extremely difficult. So yes i should say its a challenging. Task older french and they need cherian forces. Mary im in wooden lets talk a little bit about those targets of the aid workers do you think this is part of an indiscriminate pattern by the armed groups operating of the or that they had a particular message to send by targeting the aid workers themselves. Well i dont think is against the aid workers as such but is against french is a friend against french citizens who should they were waiting for them. The the pot had been sort of closed because of course the not reactive and that were one of the 1st visits to be of the nicest and they had everybody knew that you have to go there early in the morning because theres sort of a sense of insecurity in the afternoon that dach of the day becomes the more you aim dangerously when the ever so theyve been waiting for them and. It shows that there is no saying the place which is safe really outside maybe holmes. Have really got it and what theres a. Change france where the sea where. The French Ministry the French Foreign ministry has issued a map where the show red spots which means dangerous should not go there and sort of orangish spots which is why not its not that we commend it but after you could but was it just something thought lets say for practical reasons because theres no place which he said when you know al terrorists operate is not in with a front way where the at best somewhere they have been moved by people who. Can regroup very easy wherever the camp. And you know that the beat problem you sam but we had terrorists challenge the court even bassam once had what are we going up last seen at a place you say just managed to do it to reassure once which leads me to this question too of a way if exactly what. Mary roger was talking about which is where the friends are saying now there were step up their military operation in the area where do they have to start to tell a very in these areas not a safe area book enough us is not a safe area northern mali is not a safe area part of mauritania is not a safe area wherever they go in this area despite all this military presence all those years it seems that they are in a way or another back to square one. Yes well not necessarily because we have the boom box you know somebody empowered to understand days is strategy in place theyre just like they did a member of the g 5. And unthroned a Front Operation bucket you know all operate in the region so these these forces the route theyre the regional manager forces they are not strangers who are going to new or it because respective countries very well what i think we did is the tendency of you know for us to be a bit reactionary very sense now immediately after the fall into that you know you need your own government the expanded it up in my view in a city in terry terry joined us around you know at the capito of nam you know us not spent on house or suspended access in a reserve but thats how long are you going to keep that there perhaps you have new job forces and French Forces working in yeah thats why dad had to end up there as would have been access you know i was in the lease is that up the margins what the bigger issues are saudis are of course we have to keep in mind that davies you brought us truck that was i really are in her area this year and you go in to follow up some it was you know in knocked up the words in your deep all stays i agreed that yes. You know but you know dana. Exactly well we have too many seeing all of these you know strategy Going Forward being reactionary now manno if you look at what has been said over the last few years particularly from operation servant operation barca the International Community the americans and the france in particular have been saying that they have made gains and that they have in a way or another undermined some of the armed groups operating in those areas but when you look at another itself 2017 the kills 4 special forces soldiers from the u. S. Now they are killing french aid workers is in this an indication that the fight is far from over. I think youre buried their fire fight is very far from over and like the. Gentleman said from. Niger its this east shoes happen. In mind or war east going on because sikhs french nationals have been killed then we sent many interested in what is going on its not an isolated incident its this it seems that the happening or cross this i have a region on a daily basis we want to pick up more new when it includes foreigners especially westerns so the security situation in this a hell region is not Getting Better whatever the strategy you want to mention its getting worse and thats why we need to really understand the issues happening and decide how you have to go really deep into the history of the region to know there were one of the earliest seemed to date is as a resort or soul many different processes. So i see your point lets talk about the issues start by one by one and by that my question to mary rose and. It seems that a minute a minute or a victory is impossible it might take ages many many years in the navy for them to be able to defeat of those groups without addressing the core issues what do you think we should start should we talk address tribalism corruption poverty Climate Change what do we do we need to start 1st of all. You know well actually i agree with what was said before that. They have been made you know the evil men and the floor of the their defense minister was boasting about significant steps and resent being. Which have been achieved against being Islamic State in sahara the problem is that definitely those groups abin been weekend as major groups with with organizations you know the problem that they asked. If they had to got to homs or in a lot of like you have now 8 People Killed here in. A couple of months ago beginning of the year they were lacked 200. 00 military. Troops in the air so they can always be very active but its always have to also tackle the military aspect ok but now doing so are you have to be aware that this not did not stat from some from nowhere. Youll have at it depends on the country all of the countries dont have exactly the same structure if the compare me share and modern mali is worse off because there is no administration this state is the very weight you have places when you would not have any officer for the whole budget and the russian is huge in a nice share is a glint big difference and you are not dont have these ethnic. Sites in the same way you know the ethnic conflicts they have not degenerate at like in mali and you havent a government trying to fight corruption was not a big scandal and b. The general staff of the has been moved up the and even things happening back trying to but so you have to tackle the problems as they appear and in my. I see i see a point of a way so if we are to tackle the urgent issues where do we need to start because when you look at the map of the region Climate Change leads to poverty migration of people from the rural areas into the cities and this is where you get the fault lines people are concerned about their caves of corruption and the political elite widely seen as disconnected from reality how can you win a war against those armed groups if the general sentiment itself among the local population is against the political establishment. Yeah i think one thing we have to realize is that you know this is a constant conflict bringing to have before the country took a violent turn and one of the you mention my sure Climate Change and thats a conflict between you know these the residents of this i have probably style and theyre very men in a conflict between the people and their political leaders and theres a conflict also between some faction of people which is Islamic Jihad these we were against the government so just tuts tuts you know to resolve a conflict of course many comprehensives do didnt you know afterwards that takes into question issues of human rights abuses which is rampant among all the security and the military general military forces and also taking the question you know what i mean Political Authority because for instance you have in places like the mighty where the my colleague here just mentioned that there d is no state presence and then when you have search and that just does just muddy and then youre up to the part of the country where there is no presence so you just have the strength in our restocked it occurred and that does one of one of the pillars of the Style Coalition that was decided in the past some way that still you know it was the press knew that mr originalist 30 in my view is a key pillar of this i acquired a sharp empowered board that weve seen if you tertian of state of 30 in mali so i think if were Going Forward we need to focus on p. B. And what i mean by peace its not just the absence of violence where the presence of just justice restored to justice the people who feel theyve been marginalized the people who feel that their government does not represent them people who feel like the government does not the rules fight for their interests and their inability to. So ok so we lost you that you would ok i see that angle about the need to solve the issue of justice corruption and mismanagement. If history teaches us anything about the need to tackle issues that were delayed for decades particular since the independence of men a country is in africa im talking about dynasties impious the reigning of those parts of the sahara region and then when the disintegrated this old political structure remains and that clash between those structure structure is what has resulted in the this contend that we see these days true that thats very true and its good to do your your point is linked to the previous gentleman who was talking about the state so as you clearly said this particular region in africa decide how the region thats straight shes from really from the. Coast right down to the western Atlantic Coast is the area where you have to guess hes tree or african states and you could start from the empire gonna do marleys song guy could come down to kind him then bono or dont socalled right to the european conquest you have different types of states that have existed in this region including this people. And you so for example can in borno started as a very traditional indigenous african state dannii east. And then you have a look at all that cover some of the areas on nice dinner we are talking about which stack it really as a sunni jihad. And create in the end the 19th century and created war was a very. Powerful Islamic State then you had what you would core apps might cut this when you are in your program what you want christian european jihad then fort and destroyed this did step this is an area so you have to read really 3 types of competing ideologies the traditional african ideologies islam each political ideologies and the european imperial. States never i have to be im after dick organization i see your point when you talk of yeah when you talk about the strength of the state you would then ask the question which they do you talking about birth and you say that its mostly a presence in northern mali you ask what state are you talking about with this. Problem the east. And the european imperialist the problem is the core of the issues were talking about what i see your point with what were left with a few minutes or less before what a different angles of this particular story mary rosa the. The french say they are determined to stay for as long as it takes to defeat armed groups in operating in the area and on theyre likely to face the same problem the face the americans in afghanistan and iraq they said this was initially a matter of theas and then they stay there forever. Well for her thats not the plan of course of course yes as the used to stress they say were on you for a lie but what we see that whatever we say very soon we should tackle the problem or problems rounding these issues these and that the best thing the lead do is to wrap up the big summit that was in. With the 5 g. 5 the 5 g. 5 head of states and even eating more jenny and recently what you see is only a military action and and what people have swarthy or not i mean they dont know how much all of that cost this is so much money and they say see the little room and this united casualties are just glowing terms and the people that watch it we dont you know president can say today no we had not intending to leave. Heres or we need. You know this kind of situation when you dont have a real control of the results they might be there for much longer and they wish to be and you see reactions african reactions of ok. And you dont know how this will play out and that im a veteran that until the sentiment was more pronounced recently in areas like work in a fossil and molly of a way if the french are determined that there was stay for as long as it takes the americans are most likely going to review the whole policy in the region they are most likely going to withdraw troops from the area and pull out potentially from the military base the built in itself is over something which is going to undermine the efforts of the french to defeat the armed groups. Yeah ok 1st lets start with the initial possible in the drawdown of u. S. Troops yes of course you know the big negative. Has been critical in terms of providing logistics for some back on and also in the providing intelligence because you know the french have the forces on the ground terms of sheer numbers after the post summits being created for 5500 to about the part of the 140 the american that really runs intelligence when you cant surveillance. That you know the french out of britain so its going to its going to be part of the america but i think the broader issue is we cannot allow this to help because another guns and thats something i think im going to connect to what you know. Before me. Saying about. We need to when we talk about. You know in that have that has to be at least 10000 every piece of thank you of course left with that was that regardless of this this without islamic

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