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A hold in the fight. This sacred duty is my number one priority between now and election day a pledge to deliver election ballots on time as the controversial head of the u. S. Postal service has questioned over mailing voting. Rights accounts president goes on the defensive after news footage shows his own brother receiving money from an official. Russian doctors treating one of the kremlins biggest critics for suspected poisoning have now agreed to him being flown to germany for medical treatment the doctors in siberia backed down after initially insisting alexina valley was just too ill to be moved he is in a coma in hospital after collapsing on a plane on thursday the details in this report from murray chalons. Whats going on inside this regional russian hospital is only slightly clearer than whats going on inside the body of its most famous patient with a plane waiting in to take it unconscious alexina valmy to germany doctors spent most of the day saying he was too sick to move then late on friday the change of position was just to show my. Relatives the wife his brother the patient who are fully immersed and have all the doctor about the diagnosis and condition of the patient a ready to take the risks weve decided not to oppose transferring the patient to another clinic sht. Its expected in the valley will be taken to the airport and flown to berlin nobody was a little bit earlier the Opposition Leader spokeswoman had another right struggle to speak to the german doctors who just been in the scene about only to. Look at a moment ago with lisa force you know wasnt allowed to meet with german doctors as you saw they pushed me away just like they pushed her when she is the wife and has a full right to know everything about elections condition which is the full right to speak to german talk shows you should transport him from this to a normal hospital and soon as possible the valleys wife yulia suspects the delay in releasing him is so any poisons in his system will be harder to detect if it does this situation is outrageous authorities wont give alexei to us we think its obvious that something is hidden from us but the allegation that never drank poison tea in the cafe at tomsk airport before boarding a flight to moscow is being denied by the omsk hospital medics who work for. We have come to the conclusion that judging by the fact that there were no poisons found in his blood or other biological materials he has a metabolic disorder lowering of the blood sugar levels to be specific due to a rapid change of pressure everyone thinks it was during takeoff. When he arrives in germany tests and treatment given in a valley will confirm whether doctors outside russia share this opinion but in Moscow St Petersburg and other cities of ami supporters of being gathering and getting detained putin stop poisoning people says this placard never tell me live says another like the Opposition Leaders closest aides theyre convinced this was an attempt on around his life and the fighting may putin has to play. Now to syria. Weve got john mccain in berlin who says the hospital that Alexei Navalny is now heading to is well equipped to treat his condition. When alex in our valley arrives in berlin it is to this hospital the shall 80 hospital in the center of the city that he will be brought to a world Renowned Institution of long standing that has relevant direct recent experience of treating patients who present with similar symptoms similar conditions to those we understand mr novelli has been suffering from since his ordeal began on that flight in siberia the point here is that the organization which has sourced his medical evacuation flight is the same organization that sourced a similar flight for another critic of the government of large emir putin in moscow a few years ago that time that person who is an associate of the pussy riot group was brought here by the cinema for Peace Foundation there were one sourcing news than i have on these flight as well and they believe that mr novelli has been the victim of a poisoning and that goes against what has been said in from the russian doctors perspective but they believe that they will be vindicated and that when the officials in the shiite a hospital get to treat mr neavitt they will find what his side of the story believes is the case they say hes been poisoned and wait to see what will happen when mr advani arrives at the hospital. On to other news libyas un recognized government in tripoli has announced a cease fire as its rival parliament in the east aligned with warlord Khalifa Haftar has also called for a halt to the fighting the tripoli government though says it will still respond to any violence that comes from half his forces many of them one have someone who can enter will have to will respect is this where they will to guarantee he would respect to cease fire after the burning talks or previous agreements if you respects this is fire we will welcome that because we do not want libyan bloodshed we call for peace however if you violate the Peace Agreement were ready to fight and we will force him to leave like we forced him to leave western libya. Just to remind you how libya is divided up on the map these days that tripoli based government which we talk about it controls the grey area to the left. After who is allied with the east in parliament into brooke has the area and read both sides have been gearing up for a battle over sirte right in the middle there which is the gateway to libyas prized oil fields but there are now proposals to jointly demilitarize the area along with the air base in the south crucially sirte is controlled by forces loyal to haftar who have imposed and oil blockade since january its caused around 8 1000000000. 00 in losses and so the cease fire calls for that Oil Production to resume it also wants elections to take place in march as long as libyans can address agree on the constitutional basis for such a its a child stratford now taking a look back at the recent conflicts in libya. Libya has been in turmoil for nearly a decade. With a rich longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 the roots of whats often described as this old rich countrys civil war started after the disputed elections in 2014. Disagreement between the then house of representatives and the General National Congress made worse over a socalled road map for libyas future. The country split into 2 rival administrations the house of representatives led by the war lords relief after moved to the eastern city of 2 broke and what became the un backed government of National Accord led by Prime Minister fayyad as raj remained in the capital tripoli in the west. Thousands of people have been killed and many more forced to flee their homes by 6 and a half years of fighting. The un accuses regional powers of repeatedly breaking a 2011 arms embargo on libya by supplying weapons to both sides egypt the u. A. E. And russia have supported hafta while turkey and qatar have backed the government of National Accord. In april last year half to ordinary fences to take control of tripoli aiming at what he described as cleansing the western zone of terrorist groups. His forces have shut down or taking control of major Oil Facilities in Eastern Libya depriving the country of billions of dollars in revenue tripolis only International Airport has been repeatedly bombed using heavy artillery many civilians have been killed and wounded large areas of southern and western tripoli have been almost completely destroyed in the fighting repeated attempts at un bank cease fire talks of failed. A ceasefire is a decision made by the power brokers by the circumstances and it is not necessarily a libyan decision despite the fact that its the jna and the look who announced this decision this time to decision is not libya the decision is uniquely turkish russia with some input from some of the International Powers and as long as it stays that way its unlikely the cease fire will break. Friday cease fire announcement comes amid fears of an escalation by both sides mobilizing for a battle over the town of sirte the gateway to the major all terminals which are under the control of pro have 2 forces for now at least theres hope that agreement between powerful countries that many say have contributed to libyas suffering a backing a cease fire that could and its civil war chance strafford up al jazeera but. The head of the u. S. Postal service has told a Senate Committee that mail in ballots will be delivered on time out of the november election the parks master general those to joy has faced criticism for making changes to the service that have been causing mail delays democrats accused him of just being president trumps accomplice in trying to suppress the vote how does your caster as a report. Calling the accusations against him outrageous lewis to joy says the cuts hes made to the u. S. Postal service were long planned and aimed at making the agency financially solvent not to complicate mail and voting in november as we head into the election season i want to assure this committee and the American Public that the Postal Service is fully capable and committed to delivering the nations election manal securely and on time thats a reversal from what the Postal Service said last month in a warning to 46. 00 states the agency had cautioned that millions of ballots may not be delivered in time to be key. Counted amid the public fallout adjoin ounce further cuts for the Postal Service will be postponed until after the election both the service will live every ballot and process every ballot into the. President from claims without evidence that voting by mail can lead to massive Election Fraud thats despite voting by mail himself were not prepared for this 51000000 ballots. It will be a tremendous embarrassment to our country it will go on forever and youll never know who won so i say that for you i say it for the cameras because they assume that goes but i will tell you that this is a very serious problem for a great democracy democrats accused of trying to sow doubt in an election that polls show him currently losing without a budget and those who want to vote by mail without a president who like him best of all without a president who well like you in the polls those ulcers not do well to joy was a trump mega donor before becoming postmaster general in june a Postal Service board member resigned in protest accusing the trumpet ministration of interfering with the independent agency now an internal watchdog is investigating and 6 states are suing the Postal Service for harming their ability to hold free and Fair Elections the house of representatives will hold a rare saturday session to take up legislation against the Postal Service changes and the joy of face and nother day of grilling before a house panel on monday. Castro aljazeera washington. Meanwhile in the last few hours u. S. President ial nominee joe biden has said he would be prepared to shut down the country to prevent the spread of coronavirus he made those comments a day after outlining his whole Campaign Platform at the Democratic National convention. I would be prepared to do it every takes to save lives because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus that is the fundamental flaw of this administrations thinking to begin with in order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing and people employed you have to fix the virus you have to deal with the virus so if the Scientists Say shut it down i would shut it down i would listen to the scientists in the news ahead. A victory celebration in mali after the coup the military genter still insist the president went willingly. And the Thai Government takes unprecedented steps to deal with the surging student protests. How once again welcome to another look at the International Focus still no letup in the heat for shanghai and also for tokyo we have got some rain in the forecast and hopefully that will help the least in japan this seasonal rain sliding across the Korean Peninsula thats just going to sink a little further southwards as we go on through the next couple of days so some wetter whether theyre pushing down into south korea not just some showers starting to crop up. Japan 35 celsius in tokyo on sat stay forwarding back over the average to around 30 celsius on sunday or Something Like a 10 degree drop or temperature we saw earlier on in the way further south we have got this developing system that will gradually make its way up towards japan as we go into the new week for much of central and Southern China it is dry few showers down towards the south further north notice yet more heavy rain coming in here posing the threat of further flooding for many heavy rain continues across northern parts of the philippines live the showers continuing here and its the usual scattering of showers across malaysia one or 2 of those heat of the day showers also brewing up across indonesia in the coming days sas for india plenty of showers across northern parts of india into bangladesh still some showers there just pushing a bit was a northwest in southern pakistan. But. The 21st century began with extraordinary. Konami growth across much of latin america. But since this whole tour in 2008 has been a political shift to the right on a continent where socialism once thrived. And actual land politician goes on a journey to meet leading leftwing ficus to understand why that politics have lost ground so dramatically. In latin america a giant in turmoil on aljazeera. The top stories this hour on aljazeera russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny has just been transported out of hospital these latest pictures coming from when the bombing was being treated his supporters are trying to airlift him to germany for treatment they say he was poisoned and they concerned about his safety in running. Back the government announced a cease fire and the leader of the rival parliament in the east has appealed for a halt as well forces from both sides been mobilizing around sirte the gateway to libyas oil fields. And the head of the u. S. Postal service has told a Senate Committee that mail in ballots will be delivered on time for novembers. Election the postmaster general lose to joys face criticism for changes that have caused postal delays. Mexicos president and the rest Manuel Lopez Obrador swept to power in 2018 after promising to wipe out corruption but that was own brother has been implicated in the scandal after footage appeared to show him accepting cash the president insists his brother is innocent but is still called for an investigation as John Heilemann reports from mexico city. It was eclipse because this is the brother of mexicos president receiving an envelope stuffed with cash in a restaurant money putatively donated 20. 00 his money. Political movement before he was elected people thought it was a good 26000. 00 here. Its caused controversy president will. Run the promise to wipe out corruption. Just to be clear this video doesnt prove that anything illegal happened but it does raise serious questions for example who was this money declared d to mexicos electoral authorities and most importantly where did it come from if this was public money from any area of government that this is illegal. Silat ima latinos the Media Outlets that published the videos claims that ive read lay on the man handing over the envelope mentions the government of chapel although that audio is not included the idea is to support thats the goal for the. President Lopez Obrador said he didnt know about the money that it could have been lots of small donations that lay on had collected though. I can tell you that the people supported me i had a bank account where they deposit money to keep the party going and thats where i got my salary that happened 4 years in the. Context is important here the videos come out just as Lopez Obrador as attorney general is investigating a Corruption Case that could implicate 3 of the president s predecessors. Videos been leaked of alleged bribes there too and the president s critics say hes using the case for political gain not just this in turn he claims this new video is there retaliation it proposes game is this could damage the government it does seem like a war of corruption videos a marker for nand this part of a government watchdog says is only going to be won in past on fortunately the sick change of b. D. S. I mean is very likely that is going to reflect in a lower trust of citizens to work institutions their ocean of these institutions lower confidence in the market and greater satisfaction and mousy distance. And that loss of public trust is only likely to deepen is the politicians fight it out on social media john homan how does it or mexico city role but it is not as a Political Writer and analyst also a professor at the National University of mexico who we spoke to he says the scandal is happening at a time when the president is trying to crack down on corruption more widely. The president is leaving a big question is can now against the 3 former president who have problems with corruption incite mexican always kompany premix and because of this and he is trying to show that hes a harness people hes prosecuting these bear stearns. Organized a big really big you shall investigation on that but right now he hes suffering the same i think who would be the really there mounties a few armont compared with the biggest they are mounted in the millions of us dollars compared with all these companies what is important to say that this is an electoral this candle now the use of money against the law it with electoral porpoises by looks ororke 5 years ago turkey has announced its biggest natural gas discovery a 320000000000 cubic meter field and in the black same turkey currently depends on imports for most of its energy needs and present reject typer one said he hopes to find more reserves in turkeys controversial explorations in the mediterranean well. Weve been making concerted efforts over the past years both exploration vessels will be doing the same in the Mediterranean Sea both vessels of chilled 9 worlds in both the black sea and the mediterranean by the grace of god we found this big discovery and im certain that we will have some of the good news from the mediterranean and our correspondents and im concerned who is in istanbul and says the government is really hoping this find could be a much needed boost to the economy. Size of the gas reserves found by that by turkey is of course very small compared to the energy giant countries like china or United States or russia but will it be a remedy for the ailing turkish economy thats the question and this is what the turkish government is very positive about turkeys and that Energy Imports are country for instance in 2900 took imported 45000000000 cubic meters of natural gas and it costs around 15000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars for turkey and it constitutes at least half of turkeys current account deficit so for a country like turkey totally dependent on Foreign Energy supplies even though its a short term gain its of course the size the scale of the. Resource is not enough to be a game changer but its going to provide tricky a lever it in the black sea also a legitimate station of Energy Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean this is how the government sees and of course this is good news for the ruling party to consolidate its electorate given a fragile economic turbulence turkeys going through the World Health Organization chief says he hopes the world can end the Coronavirus Crisis in less than 2 years which will be faster than it took for the spanish flu even so this pandemic has to date killed nearly 800000 people infected close to 23000000 worldwide of course with more good news the virus has better chance of spreading it can move fast because we have more connected now. But at the same time we have also the technology to stop it and the knowledge to stop it so we have the disadvantage of globalization close in its connectedness burton advantage of bit of technology so we hope to finish this pandemic before. Liston 2 years meanwhile virus experts are concerned the rollout of a russian vaccine may actually encourage the corona virus to mutate russian Authorities Say it is safe and effective even though full scale trials have not been completed but some scientists are worried that deploying a vaccine that is partially effective could cause the virus to evolve more quickly while such mutations are rare stronger vaccines would give a virus less opportunity to learn how to evade the antibody defenses as such. Now protesters in southern iraq are set fire to the local parliament after demanding justice over the killing of 2 activists. Security forces fired live rounds into the air demonstrators marched on the buildings in the city of basra protesters want the provincial governor sacked after a series of attacks on activists by an identified gunman. Thousands of people have been out celebrating in malis capital after the president was overthrown in a military coup opposition parties have backed the militarys plan to eventually hand power to a civilian Transitional Government every member of a calculator announced his resignation on tuesday after soldiers detained him there are fears though this will destabilize Regional Security the u. S. Has suspended cooperation with malis military and the west african bloc to us is sending a delegation on saturday to discuss malis political future. Hes supposed to tell you of a 2 lizards hes doing very well as a rule the others they arent under arrest they had a tank and he kept in safety for their own security youll agree with me that after this kind of situation this insecurity for example after he left his home some people attacked his house after hed left some people even come to us on their own initiative for their own safety. And can keep an eye on things. And address is following the story for us from a boot journey explains now how the mali and military will want to handle this visit im sure by the time the course delegation arrives malia obama called tomorrow the only one to show them that the people are with the minute new military leaders and they want to inform them that it was and the society that the army intervened of course the narrative now is that they did not intervene bramble took action left and so they wanted to fill up a vacuum so as to stay the course of the country so but what is important for them is that they want as much as they can to show to the rest of the world that they still have been x. That they have been accepted by men by george of money and and of course they want to use it as a bargaining chip for whatever sanctions that may come their way especially now that the west African Republic or the Economic Community of West African States to lob some sanctions on mali either into. Cutting financial flows imposing london blockade on. On mali as well as introducing some sanctions apart from of course at their summit yesterday they exempted food and medication maybe medical supplies from those sanctions so they wanted to use this as an evidence to show that money is i in support of what theyre saying and that removing what was necessary to right the wrongs in mali from the elections to the security challenges in the north and central parts of the country. Time police have begun arresting student antigovernment protest organizers authorities are concerned this movement is growing and so for the 1st time a minister has actually sat down with some of the students scotland in bangkok ask him how it went the month old antigovernment protest was founded fronted and organized by thai students from high schools to university. I want democracy and equality where there is no difference whether one person has a higher social status than the other. Earlier in the week just after High School Class dismissal 100 showed up in front of the ministry of education asking for the minister to resign and for reform of the education system. More democratic this after students said they were prevented from showing their support for the movement on campuses like using the 3 finger salute a symbol of the protest or wearing ribbons a sign of solidarity thailands Education Minister not upon it. Came out to speak to the protesters the 1st direct engagement from a top Government Official is this something that you think the top levels of government will continue to do kind of maybe follow your lead its not follow my lead i think its that dialogue that ive had with the Prime Minister and i think that by listening to them you. Will minimize the damage that that will be done if there were. They would be escalating you know the level protest the minister says that he and others in the government are willing to continue and expand discussions with the protesters but theres a mixed message because more protest leaders are being arrested and its clear that the call by some of the protesters for an overhaul of the monarchy is a no go subject for youth is one of the 1st and largest groups to start protesting what i thought if i. Am going patting had we have goals demands and a dream and a dream is to have a country that is ruled by a true Constitutional Monarchy like england japan didnt mark or norway when the monarchy is under the constitution and the highest power belongs to the people. Although the movement is being driven by the students of this country others are joining the gatherings especially on weekends and the maid organizing groups have already started to plan for the next round of weekend protests in September Scott heiler aljazeera bangkok. These that help stories in the russian Opposition Leader alexei is being transported out of hospital these pictures coming in from. An airport near the city where he is being treated you see the ambulance on the runway and that plane that has been sitting there ready to take him away his supporters trying to airlift him out to germany for treatment they believe the kremlin critic was poisoned and a concerned about his safety in russia. Our mission is a human chair in mission bringing a plane making sure that he can come safely to learn and get his treatment all speculations about posing a pretty good background is not really our business obviously the sheriff. Is famous for doing a very good job in trying to save such people and obviously also to find out what kind of substance is an waltzed so we will see what the charity will actually define and find out where the headlines and libyas u. N. Backed government has announced a cease fire in fighting the leader of the rival parliament in the east as soul so appealed for a halt forces from both sides have been mobilizing around sirte the gateway to libyas oil fields the head of the u. S. Postal service has told a Senate Committee that mail in ballots will be delivered on time for novembers election the postmaster general there is to joys faced criticism for changes that have caused postal delays turkeys announced its biggest natural gas discovery a 320000000000 cubic meter field beneath the black sea if it can be extracted it will reduce the countrys dependence on Energy Imports separate explorations are underway in the Eastern Mediterranean which is increasing tension with both greece and cyprus protesters in southern iraq of set fire to the local parliament after demanding justice over the killing of 2 activists and when the provincial governor sacked after a series of attacks on activists by unidentified gunman and thousands of celebrated in malis capital after the president was overthrown in a military coup opposition parties are back to the militarys plan to eventually hand power to a civilian Transitional Government abraham cater announced his resignation on tuesday after soldiers detained him the west african bloc sending a delegation on saturday to discuss malis for future up to date with the headlines on aljazeera the latest edition of inside story is next. The most prominent critic of the russian government is in a coma alexei of on his supporters suspect he was poisoned this is not the 1st time such an attack has occurred so a russian. Risk more than a this is inside story. And i welcome to the program. The leading russian opposition politician say enough is fighting for his life at a hospital in siberia his family and supporters say he was poisoned of on the fell ill

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