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Post by the end of next months. The better roosts protest leader accused of undermining National Security Maria Kolesnikov to face new charges. Army wellings with a sports news is the former head of world athletics is found guilty of corruption let me india it was sentenced to 2 years in prison at the trial in paris the full story coming up. Below un investigators have accused the venezuelan government of crimes against humanity including the killing and torturing of protesters and the Fact Finding Mission found reasonable grounds to believe president Nicolas Maduro ordered the crimes to silence oppression the report says police and military killed and tortured. Anti madeira protest as their tactics included arbitrated tensions the authors concluded the crimes were part of state policy and not isolated incidents based on hundreds of interviews with victims and witnesses report says the International Criminal court should open an investigation if the venezuelan authorities fail to act desirous to raise a boat reports. Your city or your and their leader better they have been demanding justice for over 2 years more in. Their 20 year old son who was killed during protests in venezuela in 2017 he died after being struck in the chest by a tear gas canister not only was very thorough we have gone to every International Organization to denounce our sons execution because his death was part of the passion of exists of use of force by the state we need to stop that the fact that young men go out on a protest and are killed we want reaper ration and memory so that in venezuela never again a person is killed for fighting for their rights. Its been alleged that Security Forces were shooting directly towards protesters human Rights Groups say abuses have been on the rise in venezuela since the opposition started to take to the streets against president in 2014. On tuesday the United Nations Fact Finding Mission in venezuela accused of crimes against humanity is one way sions were committed directly by members of state Security Forces and intelligence agencies. We have reasonable grounds to believe that higher level of thora g. s within these entities as well as political author origins which resized power and oversight over them including the president s and the ministers of interior and of defense were aware of these crimes and either ordered or otherwise contributed to them the un is asking nations and the criminal court of justice to take action for the abuses torture and extrajudicial executions that have allegedly taken place in the country since 2014 the report shows specific studies involving over 3000 cases of violations and crimes you want to talk to included among other things severe beatings psychological torture Garden Finance an execution sorry no more executions lets an execution family members Sexual Assault rape with rachels knowledge which usually. The un report comes out just as the u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei o travels to south america to step up pressure against my will. But while venezuela struggles to find a way out of its economic and political crisis victims saying only International Pressure will help them in their fight for justice untruth that is i will. A slow moving storm is pummeling parts of the u. S. With to wrench rain and winds of up to 165 kilometers an hour former hurrican and now Tropical Storm sally is the 2nd powerful storm to hit the gulf coast in less than 3 weeks and more are on the way 7 storms are currently brewing in the atlantic well sally made landfall early on wednesday between alabama and florida flooding homes and streets along the close line half a 1000000 homes and businesses have lost power moving at an agonizingly slow pace of about 5 kilometers an hour site will make its way to Central Georgia by thursday where forecasters are warning of serious flash flooding losing strength shes expected to continue on a curved path across South Carolina before petering out on friday at the bottom of North Carolina alexia brian reports. Early morning in mobile alabama brought a battering from hurricane sally. Trees uprooted or splinted by the howling wind city streets piled with daybreak only a few braving the elements to survey the damage and stop what could be a long cleanup. Making landfall as a category 2 storm its not sally size thats the main concern but its speed moving so slowly its threatening days of rain with forecasters talking of life threatening flooding still to come jordan muse fled her mobile home in pensacola florida to shelter in a hotel. Is underwater. Relief. As the storm moved in the wind packed a punch leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power the driving rain swamped streets and surges of seawater caused flash floods dozens of people had to be rescued from their homes. For. Sally is the 2nd hurricane to hit the gulf coast in less than 3 weeks and one of the busiest Hurricane Seasons ever earlier this week sally was just one of 5 storms chanting in the atlantic ready hurricane tait is developing out at sea with forecasters predicting it could become a catastrophic catch agree for storm and 0. 0 can join us live from miami in florida and andy give us an update what is happening right now. Well the storm has now been downgraded to a Tropical Storm thats normally what happens when these storms make landfall it hit in the early hours of wednesday morning as a category 2 in the grand scheme of things not a very strong storm for the gulf coast residents down there are certainly used to worse but as was said in that report its not the size and strength its the speed of this storm thats causing most concern its moving painfully slowly through the state of florida up into the carolinas and about half a 1000000 people mostly in florida have lost power places like pensacola in the Florida Panhandle suffered some severe flooding as has mobile in alabama where the storm actually made landfall but its also affecting places like louisiana or mississippi remember mississippi is still recovering from hurricane laura that hit about 3 weeks ago as one of the most powerful storms on record all of this happening of course as President Donald Trump continues to downplay any talk of Climate Change or even acknowledge it in fact just yesterday i think it was he said that the climate will get colder scientists across the world of course disagree you know 90 of course there are several other storms currently in the atlantic what sort of a threat they likely to pose to think. Well its too soon to say really we dont know whats going to happen with many of these storms until they get closer but just remember laura picked up a tremendous amount of speed in the last few hours before it slammed into louisiana and Scientists Say a lot of that has to do with Climate Change but the other thing that really brings this home is the fact that here at the National Hurricane center in miami they have names for storms every year and they are running out of letters the next named storm will be wilfrid one be named and thats likely to happen in the next few hours or days then they will have to move on to the greek alphabet that has only ever happened on one other occasion which gives you a sense of just how busy this Hurricane Season is but the last 2 or 3 Hurricane Seasons ive covered certainly ive seen these storms are getting stronger getting slower and getting wetter potentially deadly combination for everyone in their path and in miami thank you and while the east coast of the u. S. Is being battered by Hurricane Sandy the west coasts massive wildfires 5 federal search and rescue teams have now be deployed to the state of oregon as part of a 1200000. 00 relief effort from the government about 18000 square kilometers of woodland in the states of washington california and oregon have been destroyed by fire with several small towns burned to the ground and at least 34. 00 confirmed deaths. Well reynolds joins us live now from portland in oregon central that wildfire imagine. These fires well theyve been going up days now how are the authorities that coping with it. Well theres some cautious optimism here in oregon felicity the firefighters have been battling these blazes that more than a week now are beginning to get a better degree of containment around them and one of the worst fires the socalled alveda fire that burned through Southern Oregon and destroyed several small towns completely is now 100 percent contained a lot of this improvement is due to Better Weather conditions its not as hot its more humid and thats actually caused in part by this shroud of toxic smoke that you can easily see behind me covering the the skyline of Portland Oregon that prevents the suns rays from eating up the fuel on the forest floor and and accelerating the possibility of wildfires nevertheless there are all across the west coast there have been thousands of homes burned and ends of thousands of people. Evacuated there are many here in oregon who are sleeping in their cars sleeping with friends or in cell towers or motels theyre in 8 deaths here in the state of oregon and in california things are even worse the weather is not changed its still tinder dry and still ripe conditions for wildfires and there are several fires burning in the state of california. At the moment with with nearly exhausted firefighters trying to do their best to keep them under control yeah and robust snaky were talking about earlier its quite extraordinary its made its way to the other side of the country its actually even being detected across the atlantic how people dealing with that i mean yourself a struggling a little bit. Well its a little bit i mean frankly i havent seen anything like this ever the closest i think i would i would compare it to is covering the. Oil well fires in kuwait at the end of the 1st gulf war in 1991 the sky was black and the same degree its actually a sunny day today you can see the sun trying to burn its way through this smoke so this isnt cloud this isnt fog this is smoke there have been. There has been a 10 percent increase in the number of people admitted to Emergency Rooms in oregon complaining of breathing problems and obviously the smoke is a major issue for people with asthma or with other lung conditions or who may have had 19 its very difficult to completely stay away from these tiny micro particles of smoke and ash that can burrow their way deep into the long even get into the bloodstream and its not just smoke from burning trees and brush which is toxic enough its also spoke from burning cars tires houses plastics all sorts of toxins in the air here and while there are snow some parts of the state of oregon especially along the coast where the air is clearing out a little that portland is still the most polluted place with the worst air quality on the face of the earth and listen a pretty awful situation. From portland in oregon thank you. A better response test leader who disappeared after being detained by masked men has been charged with undermining National Security maria colace nick over is in jail in minsk after ripping up her passport to avoid being sent to ukraine by force for her arrest she played a major role in organizing demonstrations against the longtime leader Alexander Lukashenko hes accused of rigging last months president ial election al jazeera step vasant in the capital minsk for us she says almost all the Opposition Leaders have either been locked up or forced to flee. These charges are actually quite broad to call for action aimed at undermining National Security instead of what the police earlier sat was a coup detat which was of course much harder to prove but still she is facing 2 to 5 years in prison she was indeed the last female Opposition Leader still in the country and because she ripped up her passport avoiding being deported to ukraine she has turned tear into a National Leader the Opposition Movement is not really relying on its leaders to be honest so it wont affect the protests that we have been seeing in the last couple of weeks in fact only one of the opposition members of the council that was a created to have this Transitional Government by the opposition is now still free and here in a ballerinas and she is in fact being protected by european diplomats 24 sevenths so they come to her house to make sure that shes also not being arrested. Or i still ahead on this news from london a horrific culmination of failures the u. S. Congress report slams boeing and regulators for 2 deadly crashes. Families in pakistan call for an end to the kidnapping of underage girls who are being forced to marry and convert to islam. And as for south americas biggest Club Football tournament returns despite the coronavirus contest make. Now the head of libyas internationally recognized governments has confirmed he is stepping down Prime Minister made the announcement in an address on National Television peace talks on due to stalls in geneva this week so rogers tripoli based government will negotiate with iran. Ministration in the east of the country which is led by the warlord Khalifa Haftar there are says he will stay on until the end of october while a new leadership is chosen or Mahmoud Mahmoud can join us live now from the capital tripoli and mahmoud tell us why the Prime Minister has decided now is the moment to announce his resignation. Well felicity that thats what everybody expected from the Prime Minister today but he tweaked it he just mentioned in his statement that he is excessive pressing his willingness to hand over power to a newly elected executive authority he means a new a new president ial council and your cabinet to be chosen by the 2 dilute committees that are presenting the 2 rival parliaments in libya and sponsored by the United Nations support the mission in libya so he is not literally resigning now but he is he wants to say that he is willing to hand over power. But he also mentioned that he is he hopes that the International Mediators including the United Nations support the mission in libya along with the 2 did a geisha as a presenting the 2 rival parliaments will choose a new executive authority and you a president ial council and cabinet by the end of october were there not this his wish will come true that remains to be seen as you know that the the international mediations have been trying to bridge the gap between rival factions including the meetings in mortal last week and switzerland and also meetings in morrocco that gathered civil or even factions in libya and that was sponsored by the United Nations support the mission in libya and the humanitarian sinter the center for humanitarian dialogue so. It will remain in poland until. A new cabinet in a new president ial council is chosen no one knows for certain when this will happen but we know that according to the montauk so its real and conclusions. Are rival factions agreed to extend the interim stage until for 18 months so it has been always calling for early president ial and parliamentary elections in march but no one of the evil factions has agreed. To hold early elections all right joining us from tripoli and keeping an eye on that story for us thank you for afghans have been charged with arson after a fire that destroyed a massive refugee and migrant camp on the greek island of less force last week 12000 residents of the morea camp and now without shelter United Nations representative in greece is asking european nations for help in housing that Stephanie Decker has more now from last boss. Its a story of 2 people those cleaning up this all of grove the islanders whove been hosting thousands of refugees and migrants for years now and those who try to find shelter here on this private land after their camp burned down to the ground last week. My life has changed completely we can all look here soon we should start harvesting the olives how can you harvest here it is not possible them and us we understand them but they should also understand us something that sadly isnt happening. Ever since fire swept through moria camp here on the greek art in the best vaults thousands of refugees and migrants have been forced to mostly fend for themselves so this gives you an indication of just how many people still remain on the streets youve got men on one side youve got women on the other and what theyre waiting for at the moment is food handouts by one of the n. G. O. S there is still very much a lack of coordination and aid effort here and this is what anybody says not the deadline that. Was not. Ready but yet the greek authorities have made it clear that Everyone Needs to be moved here to a new camp many are reluctant they face terrible conditions at moria and dont want to enjoy the same again the head of the Un Refugee Agency in greece came to visit the new camp they had criticized the conditions in moria before its not manageable to manage a camp with 5 times its capacity or even times the capacity to be insomuch as we speak you need c. R. Is a pushing the authorities to act actually make the process so that people do not stay too long in these places the local population is getting more and more frustrated that these cocky nellies is remora village he takes us from the village to where you can see the burnt camp. We have to hear. Dramas here on fortunately its constantly the drama in Living Conditions of the migrants thats talked about and never the locals who have gone through very hard times since 25th and before straighted these people should be put in a closed and controlled come far away from the local population. Many islanders were hoping that this meant a thousands of refugees would be moved off the island that is something many of the refugees say they want to but for now with the new camp expanding by the day neither side is getting what they want Stephanie Decker aljazeera Lesbos Island greece to say still air crashes which killed 346 people have been blamed on a horrific culmination of failures by the plane make a boeing and the Us Federal Aviation Authority the 77 marks was grounded last year after 2 separate incidents within 6 months 189 people were killed when a lion air flight went down shortly after takeoff in indonesia in october 28th seen honored 57 people died when an Ethiopian Airlines flight crashed in march 29th seen an 18 month investigation by a Us House Committee found the crashes were not the result of a singular failure or technical mistake is said theyve been blamed on a series of engineering flaws mismanagement by boeing and a severe lack of federal oversight some politicians have suggested boeing was motivated to cut costs emphasizing profits over safety david gleave is an aviation safety investigator and researcher at Loughborough University as you can see he joins us live now from london thanks for being with us on the program how shocks are you that a company of boeing International Stature and standing could have had such failures when it was developing and designing craft. I think were all very disappointed to find out there are so many for us that have been uncovered here i think we knew that were going to do one of 2 things that were found out of the very 1st investigation and then after the 2nd crash to find the whole catalogue details in this house report is really quite shocking one of the should happen now also to the f. A. A. Because i have to say the thing i was not shocked about when i was looking at this report was the fact that it was hinted that effectively the f. A. A. Was in boeings pocket essential and didnt do its proper oversight didnt do its job. Yes the spill be very difficult to find a whos got a culture problem as well as boeing its going to have to hold the whole i think essentially it needs more funding and it needs more cease. I think preparing some bill lists the costs through congress very shortly which will give the f. A. A. Most needs and it will certainly clarify the roles i think of the conflict the representation thats for in the current employees the sort of much a federal employee in the middle of the representatives the between the 2 essentially Corporate Companies people because assume if they reported problem to boeing to the f. A. A. I want to run this all the reports of the f. A. A. That boeing are trying to do something i dont agree with then you have the whistleblower problem personnel find out more cost you can be a fairly quickly if your whistleblower about safety you actually and this is an International Problem is it as well this close relationship between the Big Companies and the all various countries is that place relationship a problem right across the world. It certainly cant be this huge political pressure because obviously your balance of payments is grossly a fact if you cant explore marginal lines around the world so quick to find out from the accountants youre wrong these big Engineering Companies now are all good engineers to some to the ministry of trade say you could lay norm the relevant authorities are less is just on display hes hes always there so theres always going to be a conflict mauls accountants running these Companies Rather than the engineers i dont see any real problems that were highlighted in this report the engineers didnt know about already that really is shocking i mean how soon could the 737 return to the skies and boeing are really pushing it right now but will pass and just feel safe to actually travel on it but i think that the last 3 weeks you holsters the test flights the europeans to test in they are quite out of vancouver last week dont want to see when those reports come through and one of the decisions like where you go to the park small trending will still allow some of the technical deficiencies to the carriage until he gets the money to go away but everything has to be fixed before there are points like a i think many Different Countries will have different answers to those 2 or most up to 40 bucks you get a free ticket to get your analysis of the situation joining us live from london thank you. Marlys says it needs more time to choose an interim president after west African Leaders threatened an embargo on the landlocked country the 15 member Economic Community of West African States says malis military leaders must announce a civilian Transitional Government within a week ecowas says already stopped money getting into the country and shut its border its always neighbors have been pushing for a return to civilian rule ever since president abraham typical case that was ousted in a coup last month. Listen. We did not go to a cross to make a decision and for the moment we cannot make an announcement we ask to have more time to return to our country to meet and discuss to put a committee in place here all positions and allow the committee to make a decision and if you accept this update from dhaka in neighboring senegal well they have just a few days to try to find a president a Prime Minister and so they said just just as we heard that they are going to appoint a committee now that will decide on who will be the president and who will be the Prime Minister and who will be the Vice President now who will be members of that committee what we dont know will that be members of the military jones that will be appointed from members of Civil Society 5 or the opposition it seems that its an additional hurdle for this military leadership that seeking to gain recognition at stake here for the millions is to find a new leadership that will bring security to mali and and to jumpstart their economy to reassure the population and to bring back this state where the state has so longer so so far been absent all badal says reviving its plan to remove Queen Elizabeth as head of state and become public in a speech written by Prime Minister amir multi the governor general sandra mason said it was time for barbados leave its colonial past behind the government hopes to become a republic on the time it celebrates the 55th anniversary of its independence with the u. K. In effect but next year all fatal swells a british colony or 350. 00. Still ahead south Africa Coronavirus restrictions opening borders to travelers with a negative case of 19 tast. And in school one of the most expensive footballers in the world wants to rejoin his former club. Hello there still some nice warm sunshine across much of Central Europe also faily clear on the satellite want to bits and pieces of cloud nothing more than that because he pointed cloud streaming in across Northern Areas and still are all the stuff and our precious just sitting here and now sort of drifting towards the east end of the mediterranean but warm and sunny in paris and damages have been will stay above average for the next few days and not just in france as well across into germany as well temperatures have been a little bit above average but its the fine fine and sunny as well so people out about enjoying that nice weather through thursday the front sweeping across the region thats what this line of rain is here little bit cooler behind it a bit of cloud around as well and some heavy rain already pushing across into Western Areas of russia but through thursday the rain beginning to push across into Northern Spain and portugal and really becoming quite widespread on friday some heavy downpours at times and the ground has been very dry so this could lead to some localized flooding Central Regions remain fine and dry so for london for the next few days too much is about the average but some a nice sunshine sunny to round out the week all the more cloud around on sunday and then in paris again touches down by about sunday this cloud and rain showers there but it certainly bit cooler madrid and fairly unsubtle for the next couple of days. It could be the biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations lay claim to territories under the oceans 21. 00 geologists are secretly plotting new borders. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Oceans manakin on a 0. 1 half scottish and half lebanese diversity is really important to me and aljazeera is the most diverse place ive ever worked its we have so many different nationalities and this is east brought together in this one News Organization and this diversity of perspectives is the flexes in our coverage giving a more accurate representation of the world we report on and thats a key strength of aljazeera. The. And again undermined at the top stories on our un investigators have accused the venezuelan government of crimes against humanity including the killing and torturing of protesters a Fact Finding Mission found reasonable grounds to believe president would duros order the crimes to silence the opposition. A powerful weather system is pummeling the United States gulf coast with life threatening storm surges and 165 kilometer an hour winds are akin sorry weakened to a Tropical Storm several hours after making landfall in alabama. And a prominent better receiving process leader has been charged with undermining National Security area kolesnik over has been held in jail in minsk since last week and she ripped up her past falls to avoid being expelled crying. More than a 1000 girls in pakistan are kidnapped every year and forced to marry and convert to islam Prime Minister imran khan says the practice must stop stratford has this report. Jali but he and her family are pakistani hindus they like generations of hindus long before the partition of india in 1947 have lived in the Southern Province of sindh all their lives the ali says on september the 10th 3 armed men forced their way into her home and kidnapped her 15 year old daughter. There i dont know what theyve done to her if she is alive or not and what about her life here 2. Police suspect pasha who is 3 years under the legal age of marriage in pakistan has been forced to convert to islam and marry a muslim man. For our Human Rights Commission of pakistan says more than a 1000 normal muslim girls were forced to convert to islam every year theres been widespread outrage at the practice among muslims and norm muslims in pakistan members of the religious minority communities protested demanding better protection their rights. Hindus and christians make up around 5 percent of pakistans 220000000. 00 muslim majority population the government is helping to renovate around 400. 00 Hindu Temples places of worship often neglected since the partition of india more than 70 years ago by the Prime Minister imran khan has been praised for a recent program that gives indian sikhs visa free access to visit a shrine close to the border evidence he says of pakistans commitment to ensuring freedom of worship he says the kidnapping and forced conversions to islam have to stop. It gets. Really hot related how can you forcefully convert someone to islam or force them into marriage either by threatening them or at gunpoint as we have heard incidents like these and sent all these practices are totally under slotnick. The terms of changing the law remain a challenge in 2016 the regional cinda simply trying to pass a bill banning under eighteens from converting to another religion some muslim religious parties objected to the age limit. They threatened to besiege the assembly if the governor approved the bill which he then refused to sign into law a revised version of the bill was signed into law in 2019 but religious parties protested again a Parliamentary Committee on minorities and forced conversions wants to eventually make the law a political across of pakistan. Religious minorities struggled through the independence of pakistan with our muslim brothers and sisters but certain loopholes were left in the constitution which they used by certain groups against them we are fully aware and all the parliamentarians from all parties are on one page and will soon constitute a lorry gainst the brutal crimes of forced conversions and marriage. Police believe the statement posted online of kasha saying she was not kidnapped but willingly converted to islam and married a muslim man was forced they say kidnappers often threaten victims into making similar claims. Thank god passes home her family is distraught the army says she cant live without her daughter and she just wants her back stratford aljazeera. Well i wish acidic a is an academic specializing in the politics of south asia and islam as well as military affairs shes also research at the school of oriental and African Studies and joins us now from london via skype thank you so much for being with us on the program why are these girls targeted in particular by the kidnappers who are they. Well. You know these kidnappers are just greg alone normal people and its to do with politics or. Religion and sunni. Insurgents sobers the one in the Southern Province of sindh in pakistan is the one province where you have majority of windows and thats where the issue of conversion comes up in our comes up you know over and over again. You say over and over again how common are these cases and are the Police Always informed. Well you know its the people who support forced conversion are powerful people. These are people who are related with you know the sort you shrines they are what died or if you will do law lords and spiritual laws and so theyre very effective political in the beliefs of course is less far of their religious law inspired people and in fact when the Prime Minister. Brown harm seems to say that hes against forced conversion and something should be done about it i think what he forgets is that one of the members of his own party. Though he can sas me are mid to in sin if somebody who is supposed to be a symbol of force conversions so all these are very powerful people indeed i mean you pointed out that a man can and said and we sort in that report that the kidnappings have to stop and that nobody should be forced to convert and he said there was a commitment to freedom of worship what more needs to be done in places like sins to stop these abductions. I think sensitize ation of the police is the 1st thing that should happen sensitized to minority brides sensitize asian to womens rights or police which is a very conscious mind full of the fact that nobody should be forced into converting and it is this an issue that falls into that why do issue of the way women in pakistan are regarded the way they are treated. Such starkly disconnected and when one is is the issue women but the other is that hindus there you know this is this is also linked with this historic tension between hindus and muslims on the basis of the witch box that it was created in 147. 00 and so the hindu Muslim Divide has become much more intense much more integrated into the social polity of pakistan and therefore the police the security agencies nobody thinks that its above board and that it should be guyed lee condemned a valid hindu or in the girls dead converted forcibly converted or that and a final thought what actually happens to these girls once that conversion has happened and once they have married to any of them managed to escape that marriage and go back to their families so its the part of the problem is that in some cases these girls are kind of are you know fall in love and they get married but in even if theyre there they fall in love and get married the conversion discourse the book so on and because theyre so relieved challenges around an existence the idea of a scape never comes you know crosses their mind and its not even a possibility for them so they are all things theyre caught i mean their parents. They want to kind of rescue them but there is no possibility its with baba baltics through and through really get to speak to Ayesha Siddiqa joining us there from london thank you the u. K. Prime minister has been forced to compromise over controversial plans to break International Law or as johnson had been facing an internal rebellion over his internal market still which would give the government the ability to override parts of the brics it withdraw agreements but johnson has agreed the parliament will be able to vote before those powers can use. Thats a day suger has been confirmed as japans new Prime Minister a longtime ally of the former leader shinzo abyei the 71 year old pledged to contain the coronavirus and revive japans economy while mcbride reports. Its the ultimate victory for a selfmade politician yasha he had a super who in a career spanning decades has finally risen to the highest Political Office in the land. In contrast to many of japans previous Prime Ministers his previous sessa shinzo are being included suger does not come from one of japans elite political dynasties hes the son of a strawberry farmer his elevation means a change in style but not in substance as a faithful right hand man to say he is expected to follow the same conservative economic policies while applying his acknowledged problem solving skills to the continuing covert 19 crisis and the ill fated Tokyo Olympics that the pandemic has delayed and now threatens to wreck. A well known figure on the domestic political stage it was super powerful chief cabinet secretary who heralded last years succession of emperors unveiling the name of the new imperial era. His appointment as Prime Minister was confirmed at an imperial palace audience with emperor and ira hito while hard working and reliable many believe he lacks the charisma needed for the job in particular in his dealings with other world leaders. Thats something that comes naturally to shinzo of a who leaves the office having set a record as japans longest serving Prime Minister but are trying to muster i would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the people who supported me in both tough and difficult times i submitted a mess of money next today the sugar and demonstration will be born i would like to ask for your strong support for the ruling l. D. P. Party suga as mission is to act as continuity Prime Minister for the next year before elections are called with japans mounting problems suga needs to prove he has the required leadership skills to do that rob mcbride aljazeera south africas coronavirus prescriptions are being rolled back after a decline in the number of infections president Cyril Ramaphosa says the country will move to a lower level one as of midnight on sunday curfew hours will be reduced to between midnight and 4 am 100. 00 people will now be allowed to attend Funerals International travel will also held from october cannot afford a resurgence of infections in our country a 2nd wave would be devastating to our country and who would again disrupt our lives and livelihoods. It is up to each and every one of us south africans to ensure that this does not happen indias official tally of corona virus cases is now past 5000000 2nd globally only to the United States where the 90000 new cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours the true number of infected people is thought to be much higher because of a relatively small Testing Program in a nation of more than a 1000000000 people or that 82000 people have died of cave 19 across india. So i had said on the program new yorks fashion week a time some more socially distant look as the industry tries to come back from the coronavirus. Action from the n. B. A. Basketball playoffs in choosing a game of winning block us coming up with me in school. Hello again welcome back asp obviously has just bought felicity thank you very much a star with a former head of water fix living day act has been found guilty of corruption and sentenced to 2 years in prison this for his part in a scheme which covered up washing pay in return for bribes as david stocks reports. I mean diac was the most powerful man in athletics for 16 years but on wednesday in a dramatic fall from grace he was found guilty of corruption at a court in paris hes been convicted of multiple charges including accepting more than 3000000. 00 in hush money from russian athletes in return for covering up their doping offenses the 87 year old from senegal was sentenced to 4 years in prison with 2 of them suspended and find nearly 600000. 00 his legal team confirmed they will appeal. Bell to see if this is your this decision is unfair and inhumane unfair because we see that the judges have tried to be politically correct and if wanted to use mr jack as a scapegoat. Diac was originally charge 5 years ago hes been under house arrest in paris ever since and the case has attracted global attention it was a big question the trouble. It was the 1st. One of the for a school wide case involving the main leaders in the noon Sport Community so we understand that there was a big media to put it to pressure its not the 1st time that a friend german english judge has difficulty trying to resist resist pressure. Diac was head of a. It was then called the i double f. From 1999 to 2015 his help in covering up russian doping and that many athletes who were cheating were able to keep competing at major events all at the expense of clean athletes. You can see the smile on my face with the mask but im very happy to have been recognised as a victim of the corruption by the leaders and im also happy for all the other athletes who are victims we need to continue the fight against doping. The court had a guilty verdict to 5 other people including d. X. Sun saturday ak who worked as a Marketing Consultant for the i w f when his father was in charge 15000000. 00 were funneled to his Companies Including commissions from t. V. Rights deals. Lives in senegal which is refusing to extradite him he was sentenced in absence to 5 years in prison and find more than 1000000. 00 as for his father the appeal keeps lamine diac out of jail for now he himself made no comment as he left the court david stokes. On the football and tottenham manager. Refused to talk about reports gareth returns of the london club they all left spurs to join ground 124132000000. 00 which was a world record for the time hes agent has had washed out wants to come back and work under marina. Bay there is a real madrid. Players from other clubs can you confirm talk to taken place with. His representatives no thats not my. Thats not my job to have contacts with. With agents. Well south americas mind card competition a couple of its doors has resumed after a 6 month suspension juge the pandemic restrictions have been introduced to allow the games to go ahead as reports. Back in south america but not as we know it. The Regional Football Association cami ball has implemented a series of measures to deliver to doris cup can resume in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. Come a ball has designed and implemented a Detailed Program to enable us to restart our competition with dogs checked out at the return to football will be safe. Those measures include no spitting no kissing one another or the ball no exchange of shirts the obligatory use of mass through those not on the pitch and of course no fans theyve also ruled the 32. 00 clubs in the competition can choose their teams from squads of 50 rather than 30 players some will need to the Argentine Club 6 times neighbors adore is champions baka juniors last week announced more than 20 of their players were infected. We cant rush to be a 100 percent it doesnt exist we hope to be the best we can and im relaxed and hopeful we will be. Called the ball is allocated 95000000. 00 to help overcome the just equal difficulties since commercial flights have been suspended and there are different degrees of lockdown in the 10 competing nations but why in this time of crisis are they playing football a top the National Team championship the americas cup has been postponed until next year and they paid no Club Football here in argentina since march those hot beds of footballing passion like the iconic block of junior stadium behind me have been eerily silent. The football here is a fundamental element of many peoples lives and life must go on as part of the gradual return to some kind of normality. As well as a reminder of one of the places were missing somewhere for all the clubs that play they. Need the money we need the dollars and especially a National Gene in venezuela. In your way so they have to play. And play they will continuing a 61 year tradition that pits the best of south Americas Club sides against one another only this year and until the final in Rios Maracana stadium in january theyve covered 19 to contend with to. That shrine there aljazeera one of cyrus. Tennis number one Novak Djokovic has won his 1st match box since being disqualified from the u. S. Open he was tired from it in new york facts dont be hitting a line judge with the ball but hes back on course of the italian open debate Salvatore Caruso in straight sets talk which is using the tournament to get ready for the french open which starts on monday. On a 1. 12 time champion of the french open but the king of quiet not played in 200. 00 days before wednesdays much because of the pandemic showed no signs of rostock dropping just 2 games as he trashed problem. In straight sets 61. Back on the door. Feeling is not the best now you know. Playing without a crowd especially here while everywhere not here in rome the crowd is very enthusiastic so yeah i miss them honestly no. And so the n. B. A. Playoffs and the Denver Nuggets completed another remarkable comeback to reach the western conference finals for the very 1st time yet again by fall from behind against the l. A. Clippers to win a deciding game 7 jamal marion nickel a jock itch the standout players the nuggets of the 1st team in n. B. A. History to rally from a free one series deficit twice in the same postseason meanwhile the Eastern Conference Finals are already on the why and the miami heat edged the Boston Celtics to win game one in overtime jimmy butler put them ahead with 12 seconds left but it was an incredible block by a bye to stop jason titans dunk that might short of the win. Thats all the Sports Illustrated by explosion defies now new yorks fashion week has taken on a different look in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic the new normal of face masks and social distancing has been the talk of the town and is critical when reports the wider fashion industry has been hit hard. New York Fashion Week has a new look yes the styles are cutting edge but the live shows are fewer and the guests farther between thanks to the coronavirus for designer mico underwood whos showing for the 1st time the pandemic has brought with it major challenges from disrupted supply lines to the staging of the show itself we all have to be super cautious we have to be you know awful of the space stuff a little social distancing making sure that everyone is feeling ok in the moment that they show up making sure that we provide masks and gloves and the all of these things you know just very new environment this year fashion week is only 5 days instead of 7 with the majority of a vent online and spaces that once host of events turned into production studios fashion week aside the industry particularly Luxury Fashion has been hit hard by the pandemic stores may have reopened but many people are still working from home if they have a job and go eat out less all of which means less demand for new Clothes Department stores like Neiman Marcus and lord and taylor which cater to high end customers have declared bankruptcy and the mall based stores like j. C. Penny Brooks Brothers and j. Crew are also struggling experts say retailers without a strong line presence are particularly vulnerable of consumer demand wanes for a pair of high heel shoes add a glamorous dress retailers were going to have to pivot very quickly and as you see demand for mass are going up demand for the essential items are going up which brings us to this years must have excess free as designers we all have to look at with this new accessory was the mask and what does that mean and has that look like Going Forward as a creative i think its challenges are good for me and it stretches me to be more innovative so a fashion trend embraced by designers but one that everyone hopes will be short lived particle hain aljazeera. Just times reminder you can find out much more about many of the stories were covering by going to our web site usually dress for us ill sarah dot com. Thats it for me from. Far away though were back with more in a couple of minutes time to see that. 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For decades criminals made millions trafficking drugs through thailand one when east explores why the country has now become the 1st in Southeast Asia to legalize medical marijuana. On aljazeera. U. N. Investigators find evidence of crimes against humanity by venezuelan Security Forces and say president Nicolas Maduro supported it. Again obviously bahrain youre watching aljazeera live from london also coming up to wrenshaw rain on the 165 kilometer per hour winds a powerful storm smashes the u. S. Gulf coast and is expected to cause unprecedented flooding. Libyas internationally recognized Prime Minister fires also ross says he

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