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Talked to has been satisfied in the things that they bring up over and over again is the fact that these charges the 3 charges of wanton in danger many are because in a neighboring apartment there were 3 people has been a wife and a child who were endangered by the shots so what this means is there are no charges whatsoever for shooting and killing Brianna Taylor in that he has people he said the European Union has put forward new plans for migration and asylum rules to try to end division across the continent are continuing a legal requirement to take some refugees it would end a mandatory quota instead of voluntary pledges would be made blocks asylum system has been broken since the migration crisis started in 2015 with nations on the mediterranean saying theyve had to bear the brunt of new arrivals Natasha Butler has more. What we know is the least its a deal that has been formulated by the commission to try and offer a common migration policy because we heard from the head of the commission their initiative on the lead in saying that the e. U. Can no longer tolerate having this ad hoc crisis driven response to migration the sort of response we saw in 2015 when the e. U. Was so divided over what to do with people arriving in the bloc then and more recently of course on the greek island of last boss so this is a policy would have been a common migration policy a common asylum policy as well and its got a big focus on preventative measures so one of the big Building Blocks of in a way is to try and focus on keeping people out of the European Union in effect stopping them from leaving their home countries in the 1st place there also be a greater emphasis on repatriation on deportation of socalled economic migrants upholstering land and sea borders across the e. U. Too thats another measure that has been discussed now one of the most contentious measures is on Asylum Seekers its only been a Sticking Point in the past what the u. Commission is proposing is that Asylum Seekers are redistributed among Member States of the e. U. But it wont be a mandatory scheme Member States will be given Cash Incentives for example in order to host refugees. Protesters are again broken out in better reuss after Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as the countrys president water cannon has been used with some demonstrators detained by the authorities the start of ricochet because 6 term follows the disputed election last month the exiled Opposition Leaders for atlanta taken a skier called the unannounced ceremony a farce and said she is the countrys only legitimate leader and that that was a bomb in the grads are going as though this socalled inauguration is obviously a farce in reality or has just retired today it means his orders to military and Security Services arent legitimate anymore and can no longer be executed i am the only leader elected by the belorussian people our task now is to build a new bell aris together the russian Opposition Leader alex cena valmy has been discharged from a berlin hospital after a suspected nerve agent poisoning a critic of random if newton has been sharing images on social media and says he has a long we have a taishan ahead he spent more than a month in hospital and was in a coma for half that time german experts believe he was poisoned with a soviet nerve agent novacek his team says it was on the orders of president Vladimir Putin theres a top stories do stay with us around 0 last warrior is next more news for you after that ifa. Good. Luck. And based. Spreading the false. Though is they also are used to give money. And also. I lol ok. Charlie is that sad though that he. I mean this is a give these can be. As he calls. It is that i said i miss you miss. When you dont even. Know if it was i miss you know what it cost is a. Body to. Go. To 14 i think for me. Take 14 i think will be 14 im going to put 14 tiles on my hands but you dont you dont start until i die small house and you hold 7 on time. I could put them into lines. If there are. 6. So what is your family saying now that tell me to stay here. And not there did another did they dont want me to take that that journey and thats when i know they are not telling me to stay here if theres a way i can go back and be aware of it all of the danger earring. Almost a month. And theres nothing you can do for. When i think being alive is better than putting your blessing danger book being the life and just being here being alive is much better and worth their input in the election danger with. No upsets me the most said when i get arrested and im a rest will be no show up. But you know if i show up. Even saw me or even had a chance of doing so means kill if theyre still living here and now i mean you dont know about my situation i know i dont think i dont know youve got youve got your american possible right my dad has to be your door different to me i dont have a british passport im deported from the u. K. And because i was an ex member of our show up it makes everything difficult because im the next spring but its going to make it difficult for me to leave to get back to the u. K. And because i am an expert in bass going to make it difficult for me to stay here because they dont want to chill trance then right where where i mean its not coming to pick overall. In college he was stuck stuck hundreds of time justice here and. Some stupid the whole through that my buy yourself a slow. Boat you thought. Fast not much of a bit but just something that happened you know it was meant to help you what would happen. You know but its not like hes going to be with but hes not hes going to be by his sons life what ever you know. Of it is going to be part of his son sooner or later all. You know. In front of the care about this guy. On how the money he will help nobody. Nobody else now the only person hes goal is me. I was 3 years old. And they just want to stay. Here now. When i was 8 i came to england we had grow up but my stepsisters. I was just like any other kid from. I went to Primary School secondary School College i had friends i play football i hang around the streets. But i grew up down my parents. When i was 16 i going to bad Company Trucks and i was sentenced to prison for 2 years. In those 2 years so i became to change i became to become religious i was looking for a sense of of of belonging. After prison i was deported to somalia and i became part of. Aphoristic i call our show up with a good case for the Somali People maybe friended me. They gave me a way to establish my life in africa. I was never from that soldier i never carry the gun for them i never killed anyone for them because i could speak english and that was it. To the one you had to use a computer he had me doing other things for the. Im not. Im not a terrorist im not a suicide bomb. When i saw the civilians dying in the park. I begin to understand and realize that shrub is a terrorist Organization Kids and some people. Thats when i stopped peanuts. Thats when i realized i was there for this when i realized i was tricked. Just when i realized the major states. Now im hiding in the short trying to stay away from much about. My father has passed away and my mother lives in south somalia where shops that have a lot of power. Ive given. Up on a house that means. I have leadership here in russia has no. Vested president having somebody that knows my. Own son has control on their oil on his lip that has a little delay ill have to load up bobby knight or probably amish kozel or might or might have thought it over does that mean mission wise and i want to in a way to full their fulfill my every move of binay. Because i know how to interact with other love and care in the e. E. O. C. The better i knew how to move media there than a war. Thats going to get the economy. I dont get. How 100. 00 want to. Live alone. Montes could be the last. Show. Too. But all this did this. Who did it do you do if im looking to do did you out the window but the limo my wife doesnt want to come up with im just going to go and that a fair bit of the biggest. Because for me to get there i never done. It in with. You know it didnt show up a lot of what a goodly. Mother how could. You move up the middle of the. Amazon 101. 00 and then. I mean can i have this one problem. That your daughter is here right. And you have to hold on. To your question like him but do you hold it. Yeah. I was in the house with a new window of time. Oldest. Son so. She took. The time sure. She rose to get clear so easy you know and she started. Telling me like that stuff going on inside iraq who are. You having the head. Oh. About myself ah yes. I am going away. I want to listen. To me im not. Feeling. No you dont blow it up. Got nothing else will not. Be getting you not. Good. Can stay here with. Us close. By our congress are wanting to suffocate my son is a. College kid i know you want to read much of the duke you from up. Here because of this i would bet your mind to tell you it. Was. Less legal how much money the movie was muslims than money or a big part of the fun show money you know about. But. Making. It bluntly asleep. So that you can give me cake and just began. Taking calls here i say concussed when i ask the question comes from. The small book still funny to you child. Go bug kill home. Tell contouring. You dont belong here to look. Im already done not going to know what i was born if you did know looking up days i know. Youre calling a silly. Little bit dull glow done you know this come over here man oh still going to blow. Up a little bit too good to us christening can you keep the boy stare not a good number without talking to her because she might need now ok but you know it you know not to look into her eyes i know a lot something other i say like i see them again. This are not one place then there will be no family job or no nothing wrong all. You know all kinds on it will it will mean i will be back in time the biggest is dont say that oh yeah but this guy you know that is i know where im going to go if it does a good cause on the whole yeah but. You know. When you really did for something disappointment i lead us to do what i say im going to do not ok money cause im still single i was held in the ways you can stay with your warning incoming you going exactly the ole dylan kind of have i have a place myself down to know if i will please. If im still here the holiest place you are you want to help. Next by. Soul so. Around. Trying hard not that are. Not all. Right. I did the job done. Well but with. All of that all go. On with. Your pain. Ill keep on going to up to the 5000 s. On. Our self i look into my health. Theyve had to learn still holds. To. Hailstorm that obama was not one of. The only. One with. The right. Hello. Im. On im. On story. About head that head. I dont understand the top scientists on im not you do not actually do much to me. Im not. An. Ounce of. The gun i was given the amount. Of blood and says. You will want to see. That shit you know. Because to. Me. Its lucky you being able to even it is. So vast. And. Then tell it to its then. You. Get to. Know you would be to use its own. Style and. All how it is to just. Eat you and you will if you want. With each other still. So. You know you. Dont want to go east and never get off optimistic about. God dont get me wrong this. It did they never look at the persons but they can and so. The person to be in was but they can so what happens is everything just on the people can think. About. Stances. Gratian context they did. Look at my problem really i am im 100 percent sure. Most of. The. Tons of noise. And the fact that the fact that i was 8 years all the mother and father came to the u. K. That theres so much they didnt consider. Theres a lot to look at you really. Are looking at it its not like you just ask if you. Get it. Right. Because you want to. Use. While on the bus i was shocked just to take care of yourself there are. Long. Run im trying to leave this country. I want to be in place right see my son and i can see you you know. Im saying you. Know i dont know about kings cant get into the movie. Im excited because. Im not sure i now believe there are any other you in country this close to. Just great to see you again. Oh my god it was near a good. God you think ill ever see you again. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something to be told that it. Is on the average in. No country his email and lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space over encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption here and. Nominate now. This is the rose here its a report on the people often ignored but who must be hurt how many other channels can you say will take the time and put extensive thought into reporting from under reported areas of course we cover major global offense but our passion lies in making sure that youre hearing the stories from people in places like palestine libya yemen the sahara region and so many others we go to them to make the efforts we care we stay. From our jury of liberia honduras and cameroon aljazeera world meets for writers and performers this person journeys to europe have changed their lives i can use the force about women who are. On the road that we we are moving fleeing persecution seeking a safe haven and creative freedom hardrock from home journalists and actors on aljazeera. Had to honor and tater in on the top stories on our syria a us Police Officer has been indicted over a raid which led to the death of a black woman in her home but has not been charged over her death Briana Taylor was shot dead in march after officers entered her home without warning a grand jury has decided to charge detective Brett Hankinson with 3 charges of wanton endangerment to shooting into neighboring apartments but not for the fatal shot brianna taters death along with out of george freud sparked a wave of protests over racism and Police Brutality throughout the country john hendren is in louisville and says the decision has caused more anger. Nobody that weve talked to has been satisfied in the things that they bring up over and over again is the fact that these charges the 3 charges of wanton in danger many are because in a neighboring apartment there were 3 people have been a wife and a child who were endangered by the shots so what this means is there are no charges whatsoever for shooting and killing Brianna Taylor in that has people said the European Union has put forward new plans for migration and asylum rules to try to end a division across the continent while continuing a legal requirement to take some refugees it would end a mandatory quota instead voluntary pledges would be made approx asylum system has been broken since the migration crisis started in 2015 with nations on the mediterranean saying theyve had to bear the brunt of new arrivals protests of again broken out in banda roosts off to Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as the countrys president water cannon has been used with some demonstrators detained by the authorities the start of his 6th term follows the disputed election last month the exiled Opposition Leaders for atlanta to konar skier called the unannounced ceremony a farce the russian opposition need to explain a volley has been discharged from a bell in hospital after a suspected nerve agent poisoning a critic of that amir putin has been sharing images on social media and says he has a long rehabilitation ahead he spent a month in hospital and was in a coma for half that time german experts believe he was poisoned with a soviet nerve agent novacek do stay with us on how does their last war is next for news after that. Her. Killers on the. Internet. And they are not in evolution innocent and out of the one little girl you saw go at the wrong. Target but then youre the. One in a cloud of dust that sells aluminum again a layer of them oh my god they are going to see that and. To this is going to look much to students climbing up the food on the back of the mug from the initial morning ok ive got my gun to be. A hot. Day. Event to come out of the big game ha ha as many of you that i would quote us again ok i said it i merely said im too caught up in players in it doesnt it say in tickling delegates and i believe that means he was the obvious one of the yeah so i really hope im going to also have one of most of it done and i look in some of that on the. Way and thats mayor elected by the underground and europe without the money thats going to the. Sun and ill go one awesome video. Experience. To just. Say. That are in a. Group. In english called lopped off to make. An acting. Out. Smiley. A gene an axiom. Of the specific. A human is totally. Willing. To do that in. The coast only because his liking into blue well its quite the piano models toy a model where the plane landed or die even up by him beloved by a similar behavior by baja. Where the new idea whether time in a month in a passive to add. To the here hoyle or here are bad because to to lower the allow you to see your all of you know look at that if you go because just to look like a cup can easily come like in this case i mean really good as a legal idea we know in toy that took took it all out to learn welding to the duke took the cut it took them where the old the cutting edge of town juke stooges. Come on in my own time know you will you always love me no no no. Well got a lot of. U. K. Ok. Got too hot for me to say well. Listen this and i know you know the college i made the father of my kid yeah bob come say to you ill say to you i love you fool and i love you for i know no matter what happened i was about to go things changed from my side so many things changed. Will one little know im not pushing im not pushing you and his life ok if you want to be in the lead you could be misled by im saying me i knew that but dont think nothings going to happen. If you want to not. Call while youre alive you cant take care of yourself you think you think oh did not. Speak up ok. Well well im telling you im thinking you could run away from him all through i was someone else so have other kids i mean you dust your life but now my love is to life is to. Know. Why. Well ok you guys im not i love to live to love baby i run to him im gonna tell him im going to tell you im going to been in there you know me go on everything. Your best this is. Ok give us a listen. Running. A little home pull to manimal. Do you got the right. A lot of hearing his voice. Of the content to come tonight choosing. One of. The one night. Of the night. The heart surgery on my leg and everything is all ok i think spain was caught. In it the amount of new and it will. Take a cheap tickets to be competent enough to know. And i thought what. What why why one. Had to be i would have to be a. Playmate to live. And they could have a got a greek genie going to our way in the aladdins a night in the goodness of. Mammal im going to show junior mammal now where i live the summer im a summer day and i know you are but i dont think great my house well here i. Love the 100. 00 if we are. Going down to the sea with us you know a couple and you can get a gunman on a mormon missionary ground we are in a fantasy the best you know of who was the most honest boss somebody that could go somewhere but then also but what was something that most of it. And. You know. Only. Ive been trying to believe. Youre not alone surely youre over 14 youre not rich but i guess it is. I know you said youre busy today or so youve been with were. Just going to. Do. Is that. They are. Going to get. Into. This. Just mess up. I guess. You can come to me ruby i meet me yesterday. And you know im just thinking. About it he i just think it is really own that you know we try i best to be show yes it doesnt go like you will or what you can. Watch ill be just like give up tonight at 10 oclock so. Thats what thats why im making this trip you know you have to. You need to take it. You know what if. I hear what its going. To drag. Both of them come out of that with a guy who was not. One of them how come the cardinals are anti god and. Not 100 of the high ill be somewhere you go look up the good you know. Im going to have to i think i think a lot from them because were going to have to think up the pillows 6 of. The way she was so lets face it. The Early Morning gals. The rest of the public will get up a bit were. Going to be coming signing up again. Should all i. Think she put the last person on the line us knowing when to say that why did those the lonely the same doc who is a beloved. Hes doing nicely put. It off like hes been slipping ever sit. Like. Fish. You know. Yeah. I dont believe. Theres a no youre missing. The and. So on the funny was something but now it doesnt i dont. Think. Theres a big mogul and im going to continue. Right now is making it about but i will. Just look about. 2 what chance there afghanistan president ashraf ghani is addressing the u. N. General assembly lets listen in. For the statement he has just made well you know. I will now give the floor. To the distinguished representative of gas of afghanistan to introduce the statement of the head of state. Thank you mr president. As we meet today 75 years after the founding of the United Nations i have the pleasure to represent a new afghanistan a democratic republic with Constitutional Rights for women and minorities and you at the forefront of the Society Today i have the distinct honor and high privilege to introduce the predicted statement of my president as excellent see president musharraf funny the president off this lawmaker to Public Office ganesan whose leadership dedication and perseverance have ensured the realization of new afghanistan thank you. Its been great mr chairman it is in gent. We the people of the United Nations this year up to 57 anniversary we do so at the time of unprecedented global turmoil all of us here today share a common condition a condition that does not distinguish between developed or developing countries this turmoil that defines our times is a global phenomenon and while all of us better share of the burden of this turmoil some countries better much larger share than others. Understand is one such country we find ourselves simultaneously at the center of need to know the opportunity and also at the center of the manifestation of global problems whether sternness position right at the heart of fish are all water ties together our cultures and languages give us a common denominator south asias need for Energy Resources and central asia is abundance of it makes up understand a critical connector. Asia cannot integrate without us we are right at the heart of Untapped Potential that could bring prosperity in peace to our region but this means that we are also right in the middle of the turmoil that is affecting us all today we are experiencing the worst of it but that could be a model for successfully overcoming the turmoil we all face that task like the turmoil is one that belongs to all of us we must 1st identified the drivers of this turmoil there are 5 sources all of which one is than has been dealing with simultaneously the covert 900. 00 pandemic exposed out of their abilities to the point that we as a Global Community could no longer afford to ignore that we are funds were fortunate to contain the 1st wave of the pandemic to close government business and society to corporations with minimal input from the un agencies but the pandemic is exposed gaps in our Global Systems that must be at. The covert 9000. 00 pandemic is done for as world war 2 did for generations before us both had such immense human costs and were phenomenal that its such a Global Impact that then and now we are forced to Pay Attention and take unprecedented action. In the face of not abilities exacerbated by the pandemic another driver of inequality and unemployment is up ending our world the 4th Industrial Revolution that digital age is upon us challenging us to adapt the ways we consume the ways we work in the ways we govern and of what is done we are experimented with how to adapt so that this digital revolution can be wielded as a source of Economic Opportunity for our overwhelming the population as well as a way to strengthen our systems of governance in rule of law were looking for ahead with the knowledge that if we try to replicate 19th or 20th century models now they will become irrelevant as soon as we stabilized the same can be said for global attempts to harness that drive of the 4th Industrial Revolution we have to think ahead of our time in this new kind of the dusty old revolution combined with the pandemic presented challenges in planning and executing this very gathering and yet the Un General Assembly leadership is managed to creatively transform this experience into one that is more efficient effective convenient and far less risky i want to congratulate is excellence evoque on. Not only on assuming the presidency of this 75th session of the. But also for his success in overcoming the particular challenge of hosting a massive gathering of Global Leaders during the pandemic. Violence in warfare its also evolve and evolution we have floods have witnessed and suffered in rio type we are living and dying inside the 5th wave of global terrorism and which Global Terrorist Networks are closely linked with global criminal. Making warfare totally and conventional in peace building even more of a challenge to state and society weve demonstrated the commitment compassion and cutting edge to take heart decisions to start direct peace talks with the taliban this wont be enough for sustainable peace in afghanistan we must get to the root of the terrorism problem blighting go region and address it as the global phenomenon. That it is done told so all of that one people particularly women and children during the last 40 years serves as a reminder of the relevance of the un charter and also of its unfolds the problem is of maintaining International Peace and security. Climate change is effected another type of violence and suffering on our people afghanistan is the 70 worst affected country in the world just last month hundreds of fans were killed or injured and had their entire homes and livelihoods destroyed when massive flood waters ripped through the province of part one and 13 other provinces 2 years before the other extreme drought led us to nationwide we tried to just end up ended the livelihoods of the majority of our population who rely on jobs in agriculture to put food on their tables drought and floods or seasonal occurrences for afghanistan we need Regional Solutions based on the National Models to address the problem of Climate Change we have signed a memorandum of understanding. With a foretaste called metals to change afghanistan and to a leading green Industry Energy and intent to produce 20000 megawatts from high draw and use it to could use missions steel and other products from minister mated one trillion dollars men drug resources we are also in discussions with other corporations to turn 70000. 00 megawatts of wind and 220000 megawatts of solar into Renewable Energy there by becoming a hub for Renewable Energy and green industry in the region the 5th driver of turmoil is a culmination of the 1st 4 and then president explosion of inequality that will continue to perpetrate the state of turmoil until or unless we take action in afghanistan we are focusing on Human Capital and Human Security to create the equality of opportunity for our fellow citizens and to site the stability for our people. I come back now to the 1st grade the covert 900 pandemic because the scope and scale of its impact forces us to see the other 4 bravers which will worsen in the highlighted by the pandemic the pandemic thought thats an urgent lesson we can no longer ignore these traitors the cost of our inaction is uncertainty were asking ourselves at this General Assembly what kind of future do we want to live in include the extreme levels of uncertainty make the future very difficult to predict but if i work try and address that question my answer would be simple we have to get back to basics we have to go back to the foundational values of the United Nations and the documents that in trained the un charter in the universal declaration of human brains and we have to fulfill these yet unfulfilled promises the future must hold to quote the preamble of the universal declaration of human Rights Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and in alienable rights of all members of the human family which is truly the foundation of freedom justice and peace in the world these values have been embraced the world over the universal declaration of human rights is today universal discourse its values have been reflected in almost all state constitutions since the demise of the soviet union but these values have not been actualize these should not be lofty ideals and aspirations of the International Community they should be achievable goals and afghanistan they are in real problems we can apple with the. What will it take to fulfill these promises of peace prosperity dignity justice and freedom to shape our shared future in a direction that will fulfill these promises for all of us will take unprecedented acts of cooperative in court the need to do actions at all levels of the global Villages Community economy and governance we need frameworks for the future that present Pragmatic Solutions for collectively missing and solving the 5 drivers of turmoil particularly global terrorism and Climate Change this will require the type of imagination and leadership that give us the universal declaration of human rights the un charter and the capabilities that overcame the global turmoil and selected on the world by world war 2 with these frameworks in place we can get back to the foundational basics that the United Nations was created to address in the 1st place the United Nations that we need is an organization with that parities capabilities capitals and commitments to fulfill the purposes and principles of this charter i would like to commend is excellent the secretary general good tears for the progress made so far in his reform agenda for the u. N. But we have much further to go and we all have a shared responsibility to shoulder and efforts to progress the Sustainable Development goals and progress peace prosperity and security across the globe. And afghanistan were moving into the next 5 years with a clear plan for progress in the values of the u. N. Which are enshrined in our constitution and working port prosperity security and peace and our own country our plan is based on building markets for Economic Development moving from an aids drug trade model increasing our laboring capital productivities years in which we have a competitive advantage the objective the south reliance moving away from donor relationship to mutually Beneficial Partnership at the same time we will invest in strengthening state governance structures to create an environment conducive to growth this means continuing to combat system corruption improving our Public Financial Management systems and strengthen provincial and district level governance were looking closely at the gaps and weaknesses exposed by the pandemic and strengthening our systems for the long term though we are facing multiple drivers of turmoil all at once and afghanistan above all peace remains our most urgent and important priority

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