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Year killed 16 people and displaces close to a 1000000. Anger as well as resignation across europe those restrictions are tightened to fight a 2nd wave of coronavirus and m. P. To statements as sports highest court begins hearing the russians appealed against a 4 year ban for anti doping violations. That are just 24 hours left before polls open in the u. S. President ial election both donald trump and joe biden are using the final day of campaigning to focus on crucial battleground states a record 19000000 voters have already cast their ballots polls indicate biden has a lead nationwide but the race appears to be tight in some crucial swing states and gallacher has the latest from. Miami. President donald trump began his campaign sprint of battleground states in chile michigan 4 years ago trump took this state breaking the Democratic Partys socalled blue wall in this nations industrial rust belt as election day approaches National Polls show hes trailing biden. Thank you very much i love you too he told supporters he saved the states car industry that he could keep refugees away and continued his attacks on the former Vice President biden will plunge america and the world into one ridiculous war after another you know i think shes a tough guy remember what he said a year ago id like to take care behind the bar you know mom i didnt want to close i just thing hes got. In pennsylvania joe biden focused on taking back a state the president won by just over 44000 votes last election as part of a nationwide effort to mobilize the black vote he told people theres too much on the line to cities out communities of color have been hit particularly hard by the kobe 1900 pandemic the former Vice President says hell confront all forms of inequality were going to address systemic racism bill real Economic Opportunity of equality of the black community the providers have been taken off every worker people have say theyve seen how bad things are. Trumps whistle stop tour saw him in iowa georgia and florida his message for voters didnt change it any of the rallies in North Carolina he once again said hell keep the economy open despite rising corona virus infections now my dad wants a cruel and very hard place nationwide shut down it wont affect you because youre already shut down i dont know why that has whats going on with your state are you ready to help it out i think so. More than 90000000. 00 voters have already cast their ballots but the u. S. Postal service is struggling to deliver many on time u. S. Judges now issued an order for the service to take extraordinary measures to get ballots delivered if the processing of mail in ballots slows especially in battleground states it may lead to long legal battles in more than half the states including here in florida mail in ballots dont count if they arrive after election day the Postal Service says its employees know its all hands on deck but neither candidate nor voters want to see a delay in results and a gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida well alan fish is joining us live from washington d. C. Allan the deadline obviously getting closer both candidates desperately trying to get their messages across. Exactly were going to see them spread to try and get as many people they think they can get to vote for them as they can on this final day of campaigning dont trump has 5 Campaign Stops hes going to be mpeg sylvania hes going to be in michigan 2 states he won last time around and believes that he needs to win this time around as for the Biden Campaign while they are going to spend a lot of time in pennsylvania its best for joe biden he wants to win pennsylvania its the state where he was born but its also important for him for a path to the 270 Electoral College votes he needs to try and win the white house so hes going to be in pittsburgh his running mate is going to be in pennsylvania what is interesting is that neither of the 2 main candidates or the running mates are going to be in florida on this final day of campaigning the Biden Campaign is sending a brac obama in there obviously hoping that they can get some sweltering voters some independents to make the leap there as well but it is going to come down to a couple of states its going to be pennsylvania and michigan by the looks of things but its interesting that biden is trying to expand the field is well hes sending surrogates include georgia he thinks he could possibly flip that and also hes spending a lot of money in ohio which is normally a staunch republican state which he thinks he has got a chance of flipping as well its interesting that donald trump is going to Michigan State of 2016 hes going to finish the campaign in the same place so a dead 4 years ago hes very very superstitious but what is interesting is hes making 2 Campaign Stops in michigan this monday but every poll you look at the closest he gets to joe biden is 7 points so people are wondering and some in this campaign are wondering whether his time wouldnt be spent elsewhere i guess well know in about 2448 hours has been growing concern that whatever the outcome of the election there is a risk that were going to see some violence how are people feeling about that. Well around the white house and for some distance away from the white house a number of businesses have started to board up now part of that is Insurance Companies telling them they have to do that but there is a can stand here and washington d. C. And theres a concern in the government as well because theyve started to build more body of their own the white house complex if you look over my shoulder you can see the white house in front of that is a road that has been closed since the time of bill clinton and then there is a park all of that has been closed down since the protests in the summer and know that is going to be expanded even further d as well one person said its almost like donald trump is to create trying to create a green zone here in the heart of washington d. C. If their fear of fear is perhaps too strong a word but theyre certainly concerned there certainly why they the results might bring some sort of violence onto the streets either side it could be either side we know that 250. 00 National Guardsmen have been called up in washington d. C. Other states have their National Guard as well there is a concern that if the results arent known quickly if the results arent clear if one side claims victory when that shouldnt happen because the results arent clear then it could lead to trouble on the streets so i think all the authorities then and then businesses and homes around here people are taking precautions allan thanks very much indeed for bringing us up to date from washington d. C. Ok lets talk to christine salumi whos joining us now from doylestown pennsylvania Kristin Allen was just explaining to you 2 are saying that pennsylvania is a key state for both campaigns what are the key issues for the people in pennsylvania. It is a crucial state for both campaigns president told supporters at a rally here if we win pennsylvania we win it all and joe biden spending a lot of time here today and that is because this is a state that donald trump narrowly won in 2016 and while the polls show that joe biden has been leading here that lead has been tightening and now he is ahead of john and trump only about as much as Hillary Clinton was in 2016 when trump pulled off this upset winning by just 44000 votes joe biden today will be really focusing on getting black voters out to the polls getting them to vote for him this as there was a Fatal Police Shooting of a black man in the states largest city of philadelphia just a week ago that has led to some unrest in demonstrations. President trump for his part has been attempting to go back to the strategy that helped him in 2016 and that is appealing to working class voters talking about the economy but we have been all around the state talking to voters and the coronavirus remains a top concern for many of them even in the industrialized areas outside of pittsburgh that have benefited from some of president charms policies. Donald trump or joe biden its hard to tell who is more popular in western pennsylvania but theres one thing almost everyone in this Industrial Zone outside of pittsburgh seems to agree on the importance of natural gas a letter sent to both candidates crediting the industry with revitalizing the local economy was signed by commissioners from 3 counties and both Political Parties they point to this massive plant being built by the Energy Giant Shell as an example of the Economic Growth spinning off from the industry including an increase in manufacturing. Obs which President Trump has been attempting to take credit for the Democratic Party age bracket they hate call good beautiful clean coal. They hate america get energy and joe biden will shut it all down hes going to in fact joe biden has called for an end to federal subsidies for oil and gas and no new permits when it comes to drilling on federal land but not an end to fracking adverts rendition from their own yes the shell petrochemical complex under construction behind me here will eventually take by products from fracking and turn them into plastics 6000. 00 plus people are currently employed building this facility and thats helped drive up average income in this county 55 percent that was before the coronavirus brought the economy to a halt here and nationwide in the last year Beaver County has seen factories close and layoffs a racing many of the gains i think the striking thing is that the race is as competitive as it is in pennsylvania despite the strong numbers leading up to the pandemic the strong economic numbers the director of the Beaver County chamber of commerce says managing the pandemic is a top concern for local businesses large and small many folks just dont know what its going to look like this year right will people have the confidence to shop in a way that they normally would will they come to stores physically or will they turn to online and when they go online for our local chamber of commerce of course we want them to shop locally as much as possible the chamber is careful not to endorse a candidate but voters on either side point to the handling of the virus as a top reason to support their candidate were dealing with somebody who changed the world for us and fortunately the coronavirus came and attacked us all and i think that mr trump has done a wonderful job. I feel like biden is just steam better with the thing to gain on i feel like hes being more careful and caring about the people who can best manage the virus and the economy may be open to debate but there is no question these issues are important to voters in this election christian salumi aljazeera Beaver County pennsylvania. Funnyman had on the news hour including. Holding out hope to children including a toddler are rescued from the rubble in turkey 3 days after a powerful earthquake. Not a journalist is killed every 4 days well find out why most proper traitors are not held to account. And in sports christiane over naldo marks his return from quality and style his event is peters going to be here with the action. At least 19 people have been killed and 22 others injured during a gun battle at Kabul University multiple attackers entered the campus as students tried to flee the scene victoria gave reports. To students rushed to get out of competition in the city gunshots could be heard close by. Witnesses say attackers entered the campus through its north gate and started shooting indiscriminately as i wanted to know the others in the mine or didnt you know we saw them when they entered they were shooting at every student they saw even shot at students who were running away a few of us managed to leave the scene through another gate. Security forces quickly surrounded the campus but it took them hours to bring the situation under control as parents of students trapped inside waited for news. I was downtown when i heard from people that there was a Suicide Attack at Kabul University i got here so quickly and started ringing my sons phone i dont know whether hes in class or somewhere else in the University Campus i asked him where he is but he just told me to pray for the attack happened during a book exhibition by afghan and the iranian publishers no one has claimed responsibility the taliban says its fight is on not involved the afghan Vice President is not convinced he tweeted one day we will correct our intelligence failure is that the taliban the like minded satanic allies next door would be able to wash their clinch and see if this stinking and non justifiable attack on Kabul University this is the 2nd attack on a School University in the last 10 days while government and taliban negotiators meeting cattle to broker a peace deal violence continues to affect the lives of many afghans victoria gave him the aljazeera. Lets go live there for the oconnell for in cobol the 1st question obviously has to be do we have any idea now about who might be responsible for this. Well rob no so far the only thing that we do know is that the taliban so far have denied any involvement in todays attack and in fact just so a bit earlier they even condemned the attack and this is just one in a serious of such brazen attacks that have been happening across the country and especially here in the capital kabul by unknown gunmen who just go and attack soft targets like the one that weve seen less than 6 months ago when this one target clinic was attacked again by unknown gunmen who just joined the clinic and they started shooting down mothers with there are known babies then almost 6 months later we still do not know who did it and no one has claimed responsibility and there is more smaller incidents with his unknown gunmen who just go and they gunned down government officials and Civil Servants and this is something that has caused a lot of concern among afghans here who feel that you know theres nowhere where there is saved anymore one of them was telling me earlier that we cant go to work we cant go to school we cant go to a hospital someone please tell us where can we go so we can feel safe rob thats going to be one of the key questions as far as the Security Forces are concerned because there are going to be questions about how safe the Security Forces in afghanistan can actually keep the public. Well yes exactly and thats another concern here you know a little bit earlier i did have the chance to go around that area where the couple university is the entire area was cordoned off there were helicopters buzzing overhead and i did see convoys of Foreign Military vehicles and nato vehicles in the area standing by probably to step in and and help and there are reports that there were some Foreign Forces that where involved in supporting todays Afghan Forces it was a very complex operation that to call for 6 hours to bring under control with a 3 gunmen being shot down and like you mentioned 19 people confirmed dead so far 22 injuries some of which are in Critical Condition and if any of those pictures. That are circulating on social media here in kabul in afghanistan about what happened inside those classrooms have any value i did see some of them and what things show that happened inside those classrooms it seems like a massacre or so the death toll as more people are being transferred to hospitals and the minister of interior said all of them are students and faculty it will take a while for them to identify who is who the death toll may become even higher rob for the concert for you in kabul for you think you were stalker he was a conflict peace and Security Specialist who says factions all those on the taliban have been posing a threat for years. And afghanistan there are so many troops operating and they have been trying to spoil the whole ongoing Peace Process and in the past we have had the experience where these are islamic states as they call themselves and operate from the eastern parts of honest ones have been the undertakings thats off the. Academy distribution and then they have been claiming their responsibility to put. The expectation is that. The outfield would be behind this because this truck strong would have been dismantled or 2 of the books of last through the years and since then they have been doing these. One off attacks on a very sensitive is to do shoes such as mcdonough do holmes are Academy Things to do you shouldnt do that with a white child you have one Security Forces or that also can take your sort of conflict and this should continue to challenge the outcome forces also look at the 2nd one credited. With phony security to gaza city he has been in existence failure so i think this will continue to challenge the on intelligence institutions its not really easy because people are the activist embedded within the spike what is the. Purpose that is going on in the city from whatever they get organized and then undertake that attack. Cleanup operations have begun in the philippines after super typhoon goalie hit the country at least 16 people have died in the storm and 3 others and missing as extensive damage to homes in one province as reported around 90 percent of it infrastructure damage gone it was one of this years powerful typhoon well until then has more from all the problems of the philippines which is some of the worst damage. Read ovarian early today to buy and that usually takes about 9 hours but it took us 13 hours to get here because along the way there were many roads that were difficult to cross because of the very appalling electricity lines and also some areas that are so quite flooded now what we did is we went straight to the area believe you worst hit by safely going the it is a town called him a bath and by and we spoke to civilians there who showed us basically what our farmland community used to be now its just been completely rubble and mud more than 300 homes have been believed to have been very there or either swept away with spoken to civilians who said they are grateful theyre able to they were able to survive only with clothes on their backs basically because they had to flee they lost everything their homes their livelihood well others are actually with the backhoe operator as he was with the thinking who they are the rubble hoping that there is so are survivors you know so this is quite a difficult situation and you know by then and thats one area among the many areas that actually has been severely affected by the strongest storm going to be it is your 3 year old child has been found alive in turkey after being buried under rubble for 65 hours the young girl was rescued along with her mother and 3 other siblings that is near and were found in an Apartment Building which were collapsed in fighting quake. Earlier a 14 year old was found alive beneath the rubble shes been toppled there trapped there for nearly 60 hours crowds cheered as rescue workers moved her to an ambulance more than 70 people are now confirmed dead but crews are still working to find more survivors the earth quake in the aegean sea also caused damage in greece. Several countries in europe are imposing tough new restrictions to tackle the rapidly rising number of covert 19 infections a socalled wave breaker shutdowns in force in germany restaurants bars and other recreational facilities are going to remain closed until the end of the month in portugal the governments asked the president to declare a state of emergency the move would clear the way for measures restricting the movement of people and coding social gatherings in italy restaurant and bar workers are protesting against the latest government restrictions in rome and telling officials announce new measures including the closure of museums and limiting movement between regions and in the u. K. England is headed for a tougher lockdown starting on thursday nonessential businesses will be closing for the month wales scotland and Northern Ireland also have their own restrictions in place and were going to get more and germanys new lockdown with dominic cane in berlin shortly for us lets to go to paul brennan on Oxford Street in london paul this was a country where the economy had already been hit very hard by the previous outbreak of coronavirus now its going into another like lockdown and it does not look good for the economy. Now it doesnt i mean the reason why we switched from westminster to Oxford Street is to highlight that Economic Development facing Boris Johnson when he takes to his feet within the next hour in the Parliament Building here on Oxford Street for example they would expect the 8 week Christmas Period to see 42000000. 00 visitors and about 3200000000. 00 worth of revenue is the forecast from the trade association for this year facing us they do. A minimum 4 week long down is that that will be reduced to about 9000000. 00 visitors so less than a quarter of what would be expected normally and around 600000000. 00 so around a 5th of the revenues normally expected and the shots behind me theyre mainly at Fashion Stores theres some cafes and restaurants as well on thursday afternoon all of these will be closed and these are Flagship Stores so you know the impact is going to be enormous its no mean task for Boris Johnson to stand up in the commons and i advocate this shutdown bearing in mind that for many many weeks hes gone on a on a strategy and ive sold a strategy of regional locked out so its a screeching u. Turn by the Prime Minister hes going to get a lot of criticism from the opposition parties hes going to get a lot of criticism from even on his own party benches and from people who believe that the economy is more important nevertheless he believes that he has a moral and a medical responsibility to pursue this lockdown strategy now paul thanks very much indeed that some paul brennan talking to us from Oxford Street in london ok dominic keynes joining us live from berlin dummy just as we were saying a moment ago they the lock down the shut down the wave breakers shutdown is being called in germany seems very intense i know the angle of merkel has been speaking whats he been saying about this. Anger merkels point of view is Pretty Simple that the progression of the 2nd wave of coronavirus in this country is so bad that the numbers are rising so steeply that there is no alternative but to go into another lockdown although the lockdown that is now in place taking place right now hes not as steep is not as severe as the one that was inforced back in the spring the interesting thing is that some shops that sell essential items remain open schools remain open and interesting the many teacher. Associations a deeply unhappy about that because they believe that some of their teaching colleagues are as it were on the frontline of coronavirus in a knot or insufficiently protected but nevertheless schools remain open but very many other industries now must lock down and so theres a practical argument being made by many in those industries who are affected saying well theyve already tried to make the enterprises covert safe and now they find themselves being locked down anyway and and facing an Economic Loss over the government is going to recompense them as also an ethical argument being made by some on the right and far right to society who say this is a real erosion of individual Civil Liberties but im going to miracles argument is very simple she says that right now the metric that matters in so far as coronavirus is concerned is that 127 new infections are happening for every 100000 residents around the country and that is more than double a rate at which officials believe they would be able to track and trace new infections she says that data is so bad that they have to lock down on one of the thoughts or a member of one in 5 almost one in 5 of all the infections germany and suffered so far have happened in the last 7 days alone. Dominic thank you very much indeed thats dominic came talking to us from berlin. Still ahead on this news hour Turbulent Times from nationwide protests to our times president ial election why the u. S. May be facing a crisis. Im celebrating 20 years in space well look at the past and the future of the International Space station. And in sports find out what spot means wild celebrations and italys top Football League thats coming up with peter. Hello weve got some right in the forecast for the middle east over the next couple of days some are all the thick cloud heavy a burst of rain coming in to the eastern side of the mediterranean rolling across the levant and there really will pep up cyprus seeing some terentia downpours possibility some localized flooding i would also say that west the weather just pushing its way into lebanon jordan and israel some of that whatever it is why its the west syria as well theses lot is a cool some flooding certainly something to keep an eye on and you can see how that cloud and rain pushes right up its essential in eastern parts of just want to see showers towards the caspian sea much of the middle east is going to be dry and 5 here in doha a pleasant 30 celsius light winds sunshine looking good over the next couple of days sunshine the showers meanwhile across central parts of africa theyll be a few showers there just pushing into somalia the short runs there for a kenya whats a weather to it only coastal fringes of tanzania and plenty of showers over towards angola pushing up into the gulf of guinea want to rush you notice coming into what botswana we see some showers into zimbabwe maybe some showers 2 to more than and central parts of south africa but last you try to the fos out. A journey of personal discovery i found this which is the kochi of a letter nazi germany addressed to my grandfather aljazeera as barbara traces her family links back to the regime of Benito Mussolini the nonspouse is fascism returned to italian poetry freshers in the family it makes me sick this letter alone and i found it. On aljazeera. When coronavirus struck america care homes for the elderly became ground 0 they cut corners things dont get done and people die as a result full klines reveals how a troubled industry imploded under the weight of the pandemic we put profit above patient care. But isnt that the american way. Tells us what kind of people we are. When covert hit americas nursing home mike mary and i just see it up. We want to go to 0 a reminder of our top stories this hour donald trump and joe biden have just one day of campaigning left before the president ial election a judge has ordered the Postal Service to take extraordinary measures to ensure all ballots are delivered on time. At least 19 people have been killed and 22 others injured during a gun battle inside Kabul University attackers entered the campus earlier on monday and Security Forces killed 3 of them after a long standoff. Several countries across europe are imposing tough new restrictions this call the 19 infections brines a socalled wave breaker shut down is in force in germany and in the u. K. England is headed for a tougher long starting on thursday. But lets return to the u. S. President donald trump has been telling supporters he might fire one of americas most respected Infectious Disease experts. Dont tell anybody but let me wait till a little bit after. Dr Anthony Fauci is one of the lead members in the White House Coronavirus task force has become more outspoken about the president s handling of the pandemic saying trump has repeatedly ignored his advice trump has previously expressed concern about the criticism he would get if he fired before election day. Meanwhile the f. B. I. Says its investigating an incident in texas where a convoy of Trump Supporters surrounded a Biden Campaign bus several pickup trucks with proton flags can be seen driving dangerously close to the bus on the highway President Trump shared a video of the incident on twitter with a caption i love texas also tweeted his support for those involved he said in my opinion these patriots did nothing wrong instead the f. B. I. And justice should be investigating the terrorists and agitators. Who run around burning down a democrat run cities and hurting our people and its been a challenging year for many in the United States were going to speak to Jack Goldstone in a moment hes director of the center for study of social change institutions and policy at George Mason University also helped predict that 2020 would be a year of political upheaval in the u. S. He created a model which estimates how vulnerable a country is to a political crisis along with his coauthor goldstone propose the past revolutions were triggered by the actions of the elite they say the main factors are growing inequality shrinking opportunities for social and economic mobility and a resistance taxes all 3 of these factors are in play in the u. S. Leading the pair to predict the rise of what they call the verse of populist leader and a period of turbulence that prediction was made before trump was elected but goldstones model suggests the instability is not going to end this year in fact its going to get worse they say nearly any outcome from tuesdays elections likely to generate even more instability. Well judge goldstone joining me live now from washington d. C. We appreciate you joining us on aljazeera so thank you very much indeed us as a country is based on merit talk recy it made it what it is today and yet it seems to be at the heart of the troubles and the divisive divisions that were now seeing how did we get to this was it inevitable. Probably its difficult for people in the midst of a whirlwind to see what is happening and the belief as you say that meritocracy you would lead to greater openness and freedom was pretty entrenched we didnt realize until recently that a meritocracy based on people getting into the right schools and getting into the right professions would actually exclude millions of people from progress and indeed leave them angry and resentful i mean we just have seen that coming but its hard to avoid sorry for interrupting you in history has there ever been a situation similar to this which has been pulled back from the brink that has not resulted in violent action are a revolution of sorts there have been a few probably the best example is britain in the 18th thirtys and fortys just like the rest of europe britain was facing workers protests and experienced some violent clashes between police and workers but britain decided to change leadership and open up its political system with a series of reform acts they chose to take advantage of the aides to to sions they head in parliament and open those institutions to bring more people to the table now thats unusual normally elites resist sharing power and that leads to greater conflict but when you have institutions and you use those institutions effectively it is possible to back away from the brink and in the United States i think that is still possible but not likely. In the us we have seen periods in history where this has happened before when weve seen large scale protests be it over racial issues or Economic Issues but these are fundamentally different what in view of your view makes this situation different to perhaps anything that the us has seen before. Well in this century weve had protests d by women seeking the vote in the 1st couple of decades weve had protests by minorities seeking civil rights but these did not get 40 or 50 percent of america against the other half of america with such anger and hatred it was really about one group trying to catch up to the others at this point we have Something Different weve had record levels of economic inequality record levels of immigration and for the 1st time in American History some real obstacles d and restrictions to economic and social mobility and were getting all of these at once at the same time that the government is deeply in debt and therefore is restricted in what its been able to provide for people so we now have a situation where d probably somewhere around 40 percent of americans have been acting out of anger and fear and theyre fearful that america is losing the traditional character and had theyre anxious about immigration theyre anxious about economics and jobs theyre anxious about different groups coming to power and i think thats only about 40 percent of america another 50 or 60 percent welcomes diversity believes immigration is good for america and wants america to be a globalized and global leading country but the 40 percent that is angry and frightened has helped put President Trump in power and they are extremely anxious that a Democratic Political victory would not just mean some small changes but would reinforce everything that they fear and this is why they are so angry and fighting against this kind of democratic victory. That looks inside but i think they will d resist i was talking earlier to our correspondent on fischer in washington d. C. About the level of preparations that people in washington d. C. Are making against the potential of violence in the immediate aftermath of the election lets talk about that 40 percent that youre talking about who are unhappy with the risk that the country that they see is at id risk if a biden government gets in all of that 40 percent what would you say is it possible to see how much of them are the armed militias that people are so frightened of how great is that do you think from the armed groups that we have seen on occasions as the campaigning has gone on. Well the armed militias are only a tiny tiny fraction but that is enough to create disorder you showed the film of the trucks in texas that were hounding of biden truck off the road and that was truck supporters acting against the law to harass their political opponents theyve done similar things and instead of being condemned for it as you saw the president has encouraged that kind of dangerous smallest behavior so it only takes a few dozen individuals to start a fight and that makes everyone else fearful and say gosh if theres a fight coming i may need to grab my gun and protect my people and then theres the fear spreads and people start to take sides that is when you head toward Something Like civil war i hope it wont come to that and i think its not the most likely outcome i think its more likely that well see very widespread peaceful protests thats the american way but americas history is also full of incidents of violence and when you have a president that encourages lawless behavior then violence is a very serious risk really interesting to get your thoughts on this judge goldstone we really appreciate your joining us and aljazeera thank you very much indeed. My pleasure and lets hope for the best thank you. Zanzibar has sworn in its new president dr hussein morny who was elected to govern the islands which are a semi autonomous region of tanzania sounds about as oppositions rejected the outcome calling for mass protests the opposition is also denounced the votes in tanzania and the main Opposition Leader has been charged with Terrorism Police arrested freeman lowboy ahead of planned protests against the results of wednesdays election they say he and his supporters planned to blow up oil stations in Dar Es Salaam the opposition is alleging widespread voter fraud after president John Michael Foley was or cleared one of a 2nd term the Electoral Commission insists the vote was illegitimate algeria will get a new constitution after a proposal to change it was backed by nearly 67 percent of voters in sundays referendum thats despite the low turnout of just 23 percent there will be a limit on president ial terms with more power allocated to the parliament and judiciary the government says its in response to the demands of those 2 part in nationwide protests that toppled president that has these both a flake of last year a protest leaders say the changes dont go far enough moldovans will go back to the polls for a run off after candidates failed to secure a majority in sundays president ial election Opposition Leader sundin finished slightly ahead of incumbent igor dog on the countrys been divided between those who favor closer ties with the European Union and those who are pro russian sonia gago reports from the capital. The president ial elections have put the pro e. U. Contend my asunder ahead of the incumbent dawn by 4 percent now the last time these 2 faced each other in 2016 you got a lot of was ahead of her by 10 percent so theres been quite a reversal over what the electorate in moldova are searching for nevertheless when we spoke. About her victory in this 1st round she remains still cautiously optimistic we know that our opponent doesnt believe in free and Fair Elections he has been trying to do the elections and we cant exclude that. We try to the war of the next 2 weeks at the same time we have been more. Better prepared this time to defend our votes now one of the factors thats affected my asunder strong turnout in this round is really down to the moldova diaspora there are younger working people who are abroad who made up 70 percent of the support for her in this round now its quite evident that it is they who want to change from the Current Situation question now is that there is a campaign to go for the next 2 weeks that could turn out to be quite bitter and certainly. Was not on test a painting that perhaps he would be behind at this stage it would be more protests in the bangladeshi capital dhaka tens of thousands have been voicing their anger against french president Emmanuel Buchholz recent controversial comments on islam some of them have called for the removal of the French Embassy. Dozens of indonesians are protesting outside the French Embassy in jakarta the protests come after the beheading of a french teacher who showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class president emanuel defended the images and says hell tackle what he calls radical islam indonesias president says mark wrongs comments that hurt muslims everywhere. Latin america and the caribbean are some of the most dangerous places to be a journalist thats according to a u. N. Report that documents the number of journalists killed in the past 3 years between 2018290156 reporters and media workers were killed around the world but that number is actually one of the lowest in recent years in the last decade its estimated a journalist has been killed every 4 days and unesco the uns education scientific and Cultural Organization says no one has been held to account for the majority of cases in which members of the media were targeted. Is a chief of the section for freedom of expression and the safety of journalists at unesco and he says there are a few things that can be done to protect journalists. What we are watching here is a failure the failure often dress a comprehensive policy to protect journalists that should fall of 3 basic pillars one prevention measures Protection Measures in prosecution off the crime so these environment where it goes in you know those killers are not working its the problem that they are keeping the cycle of violence on and as you said we are watching a journalist to be killed every 4 days and we are not speaking here about their all their problems of violence that journalists are facing during the scene same prior period although we have these good news that the killings have reduced but other sorts of violence is are still present and we need to Pay Attention also on them we are really watching journalists that are speaking about important issues for our daily lives the environment human rights and elections corruption corporate wrongdoing on journalists that are trying to keep Police Forces accountable are to drill is that are being killed in 2 different regions of the planet so its very important that every sits and can Pay Attention in those numbers because we are we are seeing that these people that are helping us every day to make troops to prevail they have been targets by different sorts of violence including killings. Still ahead in sports pages going to tell you about the young russian tennis star whos collecting 2 titles in 2020. 20 years ago the 1st group of people went to the International Space station since then more than 200 others have followed before me experiments that have led to scientific advancements here on earth under schapelle looks at the future of the i s s as it heads toward retirement. Crews have switched to a wide angle 350 kilometers above the earth the hatch was opened on a newly assembled station and on a new era of permanent human presence in space 20 years in 150 1000000000. 00 later the International Space station has grown to the size of a football field circling the world every 91 minutes. They would hope you. Would need a car for this is where we eat we have a dining table and with this we can get hot and cold water and make ourselves something to eat and very much we start with news from dutch football champions. On the i assess each day were learning something new we find something that breaks in a different way than we expected performing experiments that have led to life saving advances here on earth from taxing development and robotic surgery to air and Water Purification systems and Cancer Treatment station harnessing the ever they are. And it is really a testament to the fact that if minds does something if we listen to the experts we Work Together as a see an accomplishment. All up astronaut scott kelly has spent nearly 500 days on board including a 340 day mission with russian cosmonaut mikhail korean co to better understand how the human body copes with long stints in space the program has also shown what nations can accomplish together even while squabbling back on earth or. You know sometimes when im out of events and our earthly politics come up i say that we should send all our president s to the i assess for at least a month theyll learn how to cooperate and all our problems down here on earth can be solved in this way. As its 2024 retirement looms so to do Business Opportunities tourists are expected late next year after hitching a ride on a commercial space x. Rocket we have bob behnken from space x. Demo to mission entering the International Space station another private company axiom plans to attach a module to the i assess which would eventually break off and grow into the 1st commercial space station and as nations again look to the moon and onward to mars the experiences aboard the i assess over the past 20 years will prove invaluable preparing women and men for the more grueling journeys ahead some glum. Its not just like a business trip to another city or country where you feel nostalgic but its the absence of the earth itself its difficult psychologically and the next generation who fly to mars need to confront this but itll be even tougher for them because they wont even see the earth out of their windows we could at least see the earth from our window it is the most audacious thing weve built so far proving almost anything is possible when we put our minds to it and are chapelle aljazeera. Its time for sports and heres peter thank you so much we start with news from dutch football champions i. X. In amsterdam where 11 players have tested positive a covert 19 just a day before the latest European Champions League match it comes just a couple of days since they thrashed 14 or so top 52 to stay top of the dutch mirror the v. C. Set to play danish side f. C. Mitchell on tuesday in the Champions League group game meanwhile 6 players at ukrainian side dynamo kiev have tested positive ahead of their game against barcelona portuguese superstar Cristiana Ronaldo has returned to action in style after a few weeks out of testing positive for corona virus himself on sunday he came off the bench to score twice for you venters in a 41 victory over spezza and said they are now there came on in the 56th minute with the match tightly points that won one thanks to his contribution youve a move to 3rd in the standings. And last ceos match against torino on sunday finished in dramatic fashion torino leaving 32 at the 90 minute mark what would have been their 1st win of the season was spoiled by chino immobile a 5 minutes into added time and then philippe i said all right to the winner to secure a stunning 43 win law to move 9th what has been an indifferent start of the season for them but as you can see they all seem quite happy about it its taken 7 and a half years but gareth bale has finally scored a premier league go for taught them on spur again admittedly he spent the bulk of their time away from that rail madrid he rejoined tottenham at the start of the current season and they did the winner on sunday against brighton 21. 00 to spurs to go 2nd in the standings so of course im very pleased with him and policed specially for him because it is or was that he deserved that im going to. When i have 5 minutes im going to. Do safari to look at. Madrid websites to see what this. Russians appeal against its 4 year ban for anti doping violations begins in switzerland today and theres a lot riding on it because if russia will not be allowed to compete at major Sports Events david stokes reports. It was 11 months ago that the World Antidoping Agency delivered a devastating blow to russia effectively shutting them out of world sport the consequences include the fining of russia from the olympics fictional World Championships all caught signatories for 4 years the decision centered on the russian Antidoping Agency who it is claimed manipulated test data from its moscow lab while wired it was trying to investigate previous violations russia denied the allegations and this week take their appeal to the court of arbitration for sport in switzerland but what is new president is confident their case will hold up under scrutiny while there has been no star unturned in preparation for this hearing and we are looking forward to having their party unity to preserve our case clearly and thoroughly to the peril if the punishment stands russias flag and anthem would be banned from next years delayed Tokyo Olympics the 2022 winter games in beijing and the football world cup in qatar theyd also be blocked from hosting major events which could see them stripped of the ice hockey World Championships in some petersburg coming up in 2023 some russian athletes and teams would still be able to compete under a new true flag if they can prove theyre not implicated in the state sponsored doping scandal which 1st came to light after the Winter Olympics in sochi 6 years ago russian president Vladimir Putin made his views clear on what his punishment back in december. At least looked at least you i think one has every right to say that these decisions are not based on careful Clean International support but on political interests that have nothing in common with sport and the International Olympic movement the cash hearings will run until thursday although a decision is not expected for several weeks and even if they fail russia can still take their fight to Switzerland Supreme Court david stokes our jazeera unless russia manages to overturn its ban their rising tennis star andre rube laver will be unable to compete for his country at the olympics in tokyo next year the 23 year old has had an incredible season so far to learn just on a go to clinch the vienna open title which is hes 1st title of the year it also seems entire world number one Novak Djokovic with the most matches one in 2020 they now have 39. 00 victories each of the world number 8 says this one is particularly important. Even in these difficult times decision was quite full so i want to say thanks to you and specially this tournament is really special for me because my grandma was also are so young so i have assembled and its also. Thank you thank you. So its also really special for me world tennis number 2 rafa nadal has won 20 grand slams but this week the spaniard will be chasing the 1st of 2 titles that have so far eluded him he heads into the Paris Masters and then the a. T. P. Tour finals in london. He stood out here i had a lot of times. I had to retire from the tournament a couple of times but didnt in the world of finals i had been there quite a lot of times in semifinals and final couple of times i didnt win these at the tournament or in playing against the best players in the world and the difficulty was dances i dont know im going to keep trying my best as i did on my desk area. I hope to give myself a chance. More sport later rob thanks very much indeed and thats it for me for this news hour but im going to be back in a moment with more of the days news and staying with them if you cant see them but i. Well im not happy with when the president of the United States speaks out the rest of the world takes notice. Aggressive negotiation on trade deals. Unparalleled military might International Agreements hanging by a thread will the next u. S. Foreign policy put america 1st. Or be a Leading Light for the world at large. Examine the key issues of the us elections on aljazeera. 5 g. Internet Technology Game changer thread 1st i dont want to be a human leverage activists. The. Conspiracy theorists engineers and World Leaders this is only the beginning. Are going fiercely over control over the latest Wireless Technology the truth about 5 g. On aljazeera. I care about how the u. S. Engages with the rest of the world were willing and fit in taking you into a place you might not visit otherwise and feel that you were there. Rewind returns with updates on the best of aljazeera is documentary. The moving story of 2 young tuckman girls in afghanistan. At last able to get an education up to indias oppressive taliban occupation. But what has become of their dreams. Rewind pencils and bullets. On aljazeera. Donald trump and joe biden make a last minute push to voters with less than 24 hours to go to the most anticipated u. S. Election in recent years. To come about this and this is all to live from doha also coming up. Front it seems a couple university has gunmen killed 19 students and teachers during an hours long attack all. Kinds of treatment heart surgery life saving procedures movies could be

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