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Department revises how death sentences can be carried out as it tries to rush through more executions before they buy women straight and takes office. Im natasha patna in paris where shocking video is fueling debate about police found in irans Supreme Leader says the country will retaliate against the killing of a top Nuclear Scientists whom the u. S. And israel accused of masterminding, a secret Weapons Program gunman, a vehicle carrying most and factories a day and his bodyguards near the cops on friday, president Hasan Rouhani says, the killing will not slow down to Irans Nuclear program, which he says is peaceful. Well have more on that shortly with our correspondent doors, the jabari in teheran, but 1st, this report from a bag the aftermath of the killing bullet holes in a car and blood on the floor injured in the attack. Mostyn, factories are there was taken to hospital, but later died. He had been one of irans most senior Nuclear Scientists and had already survived a previous assassination attempt. Based on the report made by the gods 1st, they opened fire to scoff, and after 10 to 15 seconds, a truck carrying explosive materials exploded in a car. Fire continued after the explosion. Officials admit his death is a blow to the countrys defense program. I mean, naanee, iran, all of irans enemies should well know the people of iran and those in charge of this nation are braver than to let this criminal action go without a response. In the right time, a response to this crime will be given. And likewise, the people of iran are wiser than to fall in the trap of the zionist conspiracy. This ready Prime Minister had named fuckers out in 2018 as the director of Irans Nuclear Weapons Program. A key part of the plan was to Form New Organization is to continue the work. This is how dr. Morse, in fact, is the head of project about put it, remember the name for his address. So heres his directive right here. And he says, the general aim is to announce the closure project, but then he adds special activities. You know what that is . A special activity will be carried out under the title of scientific know how developments previous assassinations of 4 ringing scientists between 2012012 have also been blamed on israel with u. S. Officials briefing the press about his rating involvement. So based on the background briefings to the press, there is very strong reason to suspect both israeli and possibly even u. S. Involvement. Given the very public pronouncements of u. S. Officials that they will use this time between the end of the trying to ministration in the beginning about a ministration to do whatever they can to punish iran and. d irans progress in the Nuclear Field and other factors are they had been on the Un Security Council list of sanctioned individuals. Iran had never allowed him to be interviewed by the International Atomic agency. His whereabouts were also kept secret. The killing will also raise questions about the countrys internal security. Iranian officials are already vying to respond while saying the Nuclear Program will continue. But the timing of this assassination comes when iran is waiting for president elect joe biden, to return the u. S. To the 2015 nuclear deal. A treaty intended to keep Irans Nuclear program peaceful, most and for the most senior and crucial scientists killed to date. This threatens to complicate any future talks and further increase tensions in the region. Aside. Big al jazeera, the iran lets go live in teheran so strong reaction to also from the need to say, all blaming israel for this assassination. Yes, we heard a statement that was issued by the countrys highest authority. Thats the hominy who said that the country must investigate the events that unfolded and bring those responsible to be punished as well as those who ordered this terrorist act to be carried out. These sentiments were also echoed by president hassan rouhani, who earlier on saturday, during his weekly coronavirus taskforce meeting, started off by talking about this assassination. But i think the response has been somewhat muted, given the ramifications of this assassination. And the figure that was assassinated, who is very, very high ranking within the establishment and the countrys defensive, as well as the Nuclear Program. There is a sense that the iranians dont want this situation to be used as an escalation when it comes to their relationship with the international community. But there is a lot of discussion going on at the moment as to how they will retaliate. But i think there is a sense that there needs to be some time given and discussion about exactly what to do next, because iran is not in a position to really attack another country. That is not something that theyre interested in. But this incident also points to the fact that there are serious Security Breaches within the country. And that is something that is extremely alarming to many people within the establishment. But for now, iran is using some rhetoric to point the finger at israel and the united states. But given the current political crack climate that were in, and given the fact that the current us president has less than 2 months still left in office, there is very little appetite for iran to get into any kind of a serious escalation with those western countries. So the timing is absolutely crucial here is as you say, with a change of administration in the u. S. So even as joe biden, the incoming president , the president elect, is considering really engaging with iran on the nuclear deal. Certainly this assassination didnt only kill this scientist, but it also killed any opportunity left for dialogue between the ronnie administration in the next 8 months that they have left in office and the incoming biden. Its been a stray ssion. It was seen as an attempt to politically really provide no opportunity for that to happen. And there are already calls within iran from the conservative parliament for iran to completely reduce all of its commitments to the 2 1015. 00 nuclear agreement. One of the last things remaining that iran is still abiding by and that is the Nuclear Inspections by the i. A. E. A. Representatives. And there are already calls within parliament that that should also be stopped. That is one of the last things that iran has, the ability to do, one of the last remaining agreements within the nuclear deal that they were biting by. So there is a lot of ongoing debate at the moment, but there is a sense that iran will retaliate, but not in the way that most people would expect. Certainly watch and wait. Ok, dorset thanks very much for that update from tehran. Hundreds of police and paramilitary personnel are being deployed to control protesters in and around indias capital. As a farmers are refuse to move to a designated area and are blocking roads and Border Crossings around new delhi, about new laws, but they say could put them out of business and is agriculture minister has agreed to talks and is the problem has more from the protests the delhi high on a border. We are at the city Border Crossing between the states and delhi where thousands of farmers have remained camped out behind me is the Main National highway in the country. But as far as the eye can see, there are thousands of farmers and their tractors, that truck their vehicles, which have been converted to temporary homes. I mean, this looks like a tract, a city, and they want, they dont want to go to the ground speed allotted to them on the outskirts of the city because they demanded initially was to go to the center of the capital to make the opposition hood and they say that if theyre not allowed to go to the center and theyre only allowed to go to some ground on the outskirts, they will remain on national highways. Who will sing this great and to russia and to traffic until the government repealed these families, which they are against. We are the single crossing and its a similar picture as other Border Crossings around delhi, it is peaceful today. There is a very large police and paramilitary presence. Nearby monitoring the protests. Breaking news from the government has begun an assault against the regional capital of gray. Thats a grand leader has told roy says the city of mcalary has been and has come under a heavy bombardment. A government announced on wednesday that it would launch a final assault on the city after a deadline for that ukraine leadership to surrender expired. We would bring you more on that as soon as we guess has. Meanwhile, the United Nations commissioner for refugees is appealing to the Ethiopian Government to get access to tikrit where federal forces have launched. The assault on the regional capital concern is growing for more than half a 1000000 people in the city of the ethiopias army says is encircled 100000 eritrean, refugees integrate, could run out of food by monday and in neighboring sudan, and far as hes struggling to help more than 43000 refugees who fled the fighting 2200000 are expected. As in the crib, a camp done, which is where many of the refugees of being relocated owner october refugee camp here in sudans got out of state has expanded since it was 1st opened just over 2 weeks. Ago now when it was 1st, open it hosted about a few 100 if european refugees fleeing from the conflict in that figure region. Now the camp hosts more than 7000, its european refugees, and this place is becoming sort of a permanent shelter for them until things ease back home and they say its safe for them to return. Now this is the only formal refugee camp here and about of state despite sudan hosting more than 43000 if you can appreciate over the past 3 weeks escaping from the conflict in the tigra region. The other centers, Reception Center in neighboring customers state and look to hear about of state are all just Reception Centers, including village aid, which is about 30 kilometers from the sudan is the opium border that hosts more than 15000 its european refugees. Now most of them here stand under the scorching sun waiting for food aid and waiting for food distribution. But they say that this is much better than being back home, not knowing what they could have faced. Many families speak of leaving their loved ones behind of witnessing people being slaughtered of atrocities. They say that forced them to flee and come here to sudan seeking refuge, but aid all organizations say that they need help in terms of responding to the influx of refugees. They say that in the coming 6 months, they expect up to 200000 escaping refugees to come here to sudan seeking refuge from the to great region. Because of the conflict. Should the fighting continue. They say that they need Financial Assistance or funding for the program to be able to respond to this refugee crisis that is unfolding. Because sudan as a government, despite hosting them already hosts nearly 1000000 other refugees in various other states and therefore will not be able to cope with this crisis on its own. So while the aid organizations are sounding the alarm and calling for supposed to be able to respond to this current unfolding refugee crisis, people here say they will wait to hear and till things are safe before they go back home and take their region. And if they appear well in my colleagues libata both spoke to philippa ground, a bagel education high commissioner for russia. James, he says more support is needed for the refugees. I want to join those who are, who are calling even more urgently for mediation and end of conflict, because this is what these people around me are fleeing and theyre still fleeing. The numbers have decreased the numbers of our rivals, but still theyre in their hundreds for a day yesterday, i was at the border and i met people just arriving more than 500 arrived yesterday through the various crossing points. I want to be on record to praise sudan for having kept its borders open. Sudan already has a 1000000, refugees, countless displaced people, and yet it kept its borders open. It provided the 1st assistance, and now im here to coordinate and boost International Support to sudan and mobilize resources for this response to be Effective Response or was a little maids. Many reporters were on the ground before your own teams, including our own reporters. Why is that . Why was it difficult for you to get this operation under way . I think we actually moved quite quickly. Its a very remote area. As your correspondents know, all the logistics is difficult, so we have to gear up. But i think that now the response is, is functioning. We have some challenges. People are arriving at the border in various points. We have to transport them to sites like this one where i am. Its an 8 hour drive through difficult, broads, on flimsy buses. Its not easy to do all this. It takes a bit of time, but i had meetings with the authorities here in the region today. And i think we are beefing up by the way. Im returning to how to win tonight. And i am going to appeal on behalf of all humanitarian agencies for 150000000. 00, for the next 6 months. We need to be ready for a few months of assistance, hoping that eventually people can go back. But many of the refugees arent using official Border Crossings from what we understand. So how is the u. N. A. C. R. Able to ascertain the number and the current needs . Well, the Sudanese Government is receiving them also at an official border points wherever they have access and then they transport them to the official once where screening occurs, registration 1st assistance. And then for those who want transport to a more stable places, many people dont want to move from the border. Theyre watching what the situation, how the situation develops in the gray region of ethiopia and making a decision whether they want to go back or stay in sudan for another while its complex. Ok for more on that breaking news from joins us on the phone from nairobi. d and were hearing that the regional capital is under heavy weve heard from multiple sources that the Government Military that theyre offensive on the regional capital. The city of macquarie has begun the leadership, the military leadership of the to graham Peoples Liberation front. We understand there in the city, it described it as a heavy bombardment. Some sources saying that explosions can be heard to the north of the city. The Prime Minister abu yamit spokesperson has just told us that the forces do not have a mission to bombard its air and city and its people. They said that the effort to bring to justice what they describe as the criminal clique of the t. T. S. Will not entailed discriminatory bombardment by refuting the claims of the p. L. F. Leadership. But she also added the Prime Minister, spoke person that the military had captured critical towns close to the city of nicolay as of last night. And it was proceeding towards the city. And she said that there will be more updates on the operations of you Ethiopian Military that will be shared shortly. Ok, theyre calling this the final assault on lay after the last failed to surrender by a deadline imposed on that wednesday. Why do you think this is also coming now . Well, the deadline was specified on the sunday to grin forces were given 3 days to lay down their arms and surrender or to face if this is sold on their final stronghold. But deadline expired on sunday. Before that the syrian government, just the forward said that theyd surrounded the city in 50 kilometer the way. Although were not sure if that was actually the case at that time. But we understand that fighting is continued in subsequent days. And that the government forces, of course, come closer to the city. And evidently now theyre artilleries with range of the capital. And the multiple reports of firing on targets in the city are now coming in. As we know, its very difficult to get information from the to gray region with an information blackout, but as we get more news on whats happening there, we will of course, bring it and speak to again, thanks very much new restrictions will be imposed in los angeles from monday, in response to a rise in corona virus cases, or private and public gatherings of people from different households have been banned, it comes as the number of recorded infections nationwide passes 13000000. This week, millions of americans traveled for the thanksgiving holiday despite warnings to stay home. The World Health Organization is warning countries to remain vigilant, even if corona virus cases decrease. And also said more data is needed to review the efficacy of coven of Oxford University in astra zeneca as Coronavirus Vaccine downs have been raised over its effectiveness after people taking part were given different doses by mistake leading to varied results. What weve seen is a press release. And what is really the next most important step is that the data really needs to be evaluated based on more than a press release. Theres only a 1st of all limited amount that can be said in a press release. And secondly, it really needs to be reviewed in terms of the data and questions asked about the data that may come up in the course of the review. More than 400000, people have now died from corina virus in europe, as the constant undergoes a 2nd wave of infections. Despite that, france is reopening stores ahead of the holiday season. President emanuel says the, peak of the wave has passed and the u. K. , that accounts for nearly 2 thirds of europes death tally is braced for protests later on. Saturday chalons is in london with more on the restrictions there. On december 2nd, england comes out of its 2nd National Lockdown and it goes back into a 3 tiered system where different regions of the country will be put under different tiers of lockdown. Now weve had one of these tiered systems before before the 2nd National Lockdown, and its going back to that. But the tears are slightly tough. And in some cases, and there are many m. P. s, particularly on the right wing of the governing tory party who are not happy about this. And think that this is sacrificing the economy on the altar of Public Health and that the 2 should be better balance. Theres going to be a vote on it in parliament on chuse day. There are also protests being planned against these lockdown measures for the for englands are on saturday. Michael goves, one of the big hitters of the governments cabinets, has basically come out saying that this is absolutely necessary that you have to do this to protect the National Health service. I think the warre, amongst some m. P. s and worry amongst some people in the public, is that there seems to be no exit from these tears that its some kind of purgatory and that you might get as the Sun Newspaper or a paper is reported. The country might be languishing under these lockdown measures through until say, april of next year. And thats a rather grim proposal for many people around the country. 4 French Police officers have been detained. d after a video emerged, showing them beating a black music producer in paris, present emanuel has called the incident unacceptable and shameful is still to sparked outrage towards a police force already under scrutiny for heavy handed tactics and action. But there are reports and a warning the viewers may find some of the images in her story disturbing. A shocking video. Police officers brutally beating a man in a music studio in paris. Images captured on c. C. T. V. Record producer micheles seculars says police force their way into his studio physically and racially abused him without telling him why. And then arrested him. If there was a policeman pointing a gun at me hiding, why did they think i was armed . Were they going to shoot if they could find that angle . Of course i was afraid. Im a person. I was scared. The people who are supposed to protect me were pointing their guns at me. French news organization, loop sider, published the footage alongside pictures of michelles injuries. The video sparked anger from some politicians and french world cup stars, who denounced racism, prosecutors throughout the case against the producer, and opened an investigation into 4 Police Officers. Under pressure to react, frances interior minister condemned the violence as measures like it. The pictures are unspeakable. Extremely shocking, and as soon as i found out about them about what happened, i asked for the Police Officers to be suspended. All 4 Police Officers have since been arrested. The video of michelle has been highly publicized in france. This is the front page of one of the countrys main news papers. It also comes there just a few days after some people say the Police Used Excessive force. While clearing a migrant camp from the square, a Police Inquiry was ordered after Police Officers were filmed, beating migrants, and journalists, as a true way, is one of frances best known campaigners against police brutality. She accuses police of causing her brother adamas death in 2016, while he was in custody. We see these images now, but can you imagine all the people that have suffered Police Violence that have died because of police brutality, in cases where there were no videos . Thats why families like us continue to shout. So everyone knows that Police Violence and racism exist. The focus on Police Violence in france comes as pressure mounts on the government to scrap part of a controversial new law that would crack down on peoples freedom to film and publish images of police on duty. The government says its necessary to protect offices, but opponents say its an erosion of rights. And the without images like these Police Officers wont be able to be held accountable for their actions. Its national bottler aljazeera, paris. Thousands of people are protesting against that controversial security bill in old city was one of the flashpoints in last years antigovernment protests or clashes between demonstrators and police. And other protests against the bill is expected in paris in the coming hours with fewer than 60 days until president elect Joe Biden Takes Office the u. S. Justice department to share a number of federal executions and has expanded the methods that can be used beyond that lethal injection clearing the way for poison gas and firing squads, where theyre allowed under state law. Biden is against the Death Penalty and says he will work to end it. I can or has more from washington d. C. The news of the new protocols only came out because it was printed in the federal register as it has to be by law. The impact of this, though, is to give the federal government a far wider range of methods of execution to use. Normally, it has been by lethal injection, but the Justice Department is now saying that it has got to keep the option of using a form of execution used in each particular state. Now states decide what form of execution they use most have used a lethal injection. However, some have moved away from that because of the shortage of the drugs needed. So the Justice Department is attempting to say that it needs to do this to fall into line with protocols exercised by the states in which a federal execution will be carried out. Now this is significant because finite executions have been shared between now and the 20th of january when joe biden comes into office 3 of the months and 3 to next month. So this now the Justice Department is able to exercise what form of a death sentence is pickable to a particular state where its carried out. It must be noticed as well. Is that the death sentence, federal death sentence was on hiatus from 2003, before Justice Department, reinstated federal death penalties earlier this year. And since then, there have been more people executed by the Justice Department. Then there were in the last 50 years, workers at amazon have gone on. d strike in several countries, demanding better pay and working conditions. Garment workers in bangladesh say they want to pay for orders that were completed even if they were cancelled due to coronavirus and trade unions in calling for a parliamentary inquiry into what they call dehumanizing working conditions. Protests coincided with black friday, one of the companys biggest sales 3 days of National Mourning have ended in argentina following the death of football star diego marathoner. Its been a time of reflection for many fans on both his magic on the pitch and the controversies off it. And the reports from the neighborhoods on the outskirts of where it all began. The residents of v. A few would be insulted if you called their neighborhood a slum for theyre proud of what they have proud that one of their own lived and played here before leaving to become the greatest footballer the world has ever seen. Diego maradonas death on wednesday. Hit them hard. So not on the other morning when you feel its in the neighborhood its side, many people are crying. The whole place is practically in silence. Usually its happy music, but now theres a terrible silence. Of course, everyone of a certain age has a memory of the cheeky little boy who could do incredible things with the football. Played regularly with him when they were 1213 years old. He wasnt surprised to see diego school, his wonder goal against england in the 1986 walcott was me. It was a great goal, but it was normal for us to see it here. As a keeper, id give him the ball and hed go past 123. All of us and score, he says the eagle gave them joy, a real commodity in a place like this. It is here live on in our hearts and minds not just for arjun times and here in fiorito, but in the hearts and minds of the whole world. The people here say theyre proud that maradona never forgot the never forgot where he came from. It was on pitches like this one in the fiorito covered in dust and stones. That diego maradona, the boy formulated his footballing skills to one day, display his magic in the best stadiums in the wild maraton. His precocious talent was spotted early and he made his professional debut aged just 15 for one osiris club continues. Dounia is in the heart of the law, but the now neighborhood where his memory continues to inspire. 1 i was given this space to fill it with what i felt. So i did the world cup, the dear god brought us. It has to be here for played from when he became so big. He outraged many with his behavior, both on and off the pitch accused of being arrogant, aggressive a cheat, many more with his artistry with the football and continues to inspire after his death. And beyond that, one of cyrus top stories and breaking news, there are reports of heavy shelling in the capital of the government announced on wednesday it would launch a final. d assault on the callee after a deadline for degrading leadership to surrender expired. Welcome. Webb has more from nairobi, the Government Military that their regional capital refuted mccain a big leadership, military leadership to go

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