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Proceedings so we will bring you the verdict lives a it happened in approximately 15 minutes. In the meantime authorities have confirmed the identity of the gunman who opened fire, including this navy marine recruitment facility the gunman has been identified as mo had maam. He was killed by police at the end of a Second Military facility where he opened fire, abdul was reportedly born in kuwait but lived in tennessee which is nearby chattanooga. Police said he acted alone. The fbi is now conducting an investigation in just a few minutes ago, we heard from president obama. I just receive add briefing from f be, i director, as well as my White House Team about the tragic shooting that took place in chattanooga today. We dont know yet all the details we know that what appears to be a lone gunman carried out these attacks we have identified a name, and at this point, a full investigation is taking place, the fb lie be in the lead. Working closely with local Law Enforcement. We have also been in contact with the department of defense. To make sure that all our defense facilities are properly attended and vigilant as we sort through exactly what happened. And as detailed proceed we will make sure the fbi are providing the public with all the information that is involved. My main message right now is obviously, the deepest sympathies of the american people. To the four marines that have been killed. It is a heartbreaking circumstance for these individual whose have served our country, with great valor, to be killed in this fashion. And although the families are still in the process of being contacted i want them to know that i speak for the american people, in expressing our deepest condolences and knowing that they have our full support. I also want to say that there are reports of gyres to chattanooga, local Law Enforcement officials thankfully as far as we know at this point, they have survived the assault and we want to make sure that they know we are thinking of them, they are in our thoughts and prayers. We take all shootings very seriously, obviously when you have an attack on a u. S. Military facility, then we have to make sure that we have all the information necessary to make an assessment in terms of how this took place. And what further precautions we can take in the future. And as we have more information, well let the public know. But in the meantime, id ask all americans to pray for the families that are grief stricken at this point. And i want everybody to understand that we will be thorough, and prompt in figuring out exactly what happened. Thank you very much. President obama expressing the nations condolences of the four that were killed this morning in chattanooga just near downtown, this is the second of two shooting scenes. The first capable at an Armed Forces Recruitment center, and you can see the video there, where the gunman apparently drove up in a convertible and opened fire with a high caliber weapon. Firing at least 30, perhaps as many as 50 shots nobody was killed at that particular location. Although theres reports that at least one member of the military was injured but from there the gunman went on to this second location about seven miles away the Navy Operation center where he opened fire and killed four marines he himself was gunned down and killed by police. In an exchange there and a Police Officer was apparently wounded in the t shooing. Again, Law Enforcement authorities have identified the gunman as mohamed usef, born in kuwait lived in hixon tennessee which is just near chattanooga. Yet it has to be a difficult line for the white house in terms of people throwing up the words terrorism and the speculation given his name, what this all means. Obviously a sensitive moment, the president just getting off of marine one on the south lawn, the president ial helicopter, of course he is in oklahoma and his event on sentencing reform. Walking straight into the oval office, there you may have noticed him on the couch sitting on the sofa in front of him in the oval office was the fbi director, having just briefed the president on the late nest the situation in chattanooga. Echos of some disturbing attacks that we have seen over the course of the last few years during the obama administration. Another recruiting station two Army Recruiters killed in little rocks arkansas, of course, the tragic shooting from nadal hassan, the army major where 13 were killed two years ago was the navy yard and another 12 killed and the president addressing one of the questions that has already popped up here how do you defend these recruiting centers . The armed forces how can they be defended. When the point is to be a welcoming center for individuals young men and women to come in and speak with recruiters about the possibility of a future in the armed forces. The president say they are looking at every precaution that can be made. Another in a line of grim and tragic attacks on u. S. Military facilities. The president wieseing no times lending their thoughts thoughts thoughts and prayers after another shooting. Our hearts are particularly heavy not just in chattanooga but also at the u. S. Department of defense, where they are so used to, of course military members being killed on the battlefield, but not when they are sitting at a desk in an operation center. The pent gone is going through the grim process of notifying families and the next of kin, of the four that were gunned down today but you know the unfortunate reality of todays social media is probably most of the families were able to figure out pretty quickly that their loved ones had come under fire this was just a totally unexpected attack it started at this first location, you can see from the number of shots that were fires through the glass, that there was really a fuselage of gunfire and that member rack lousily only one marine was wounded at that location, most of the others were able to get out of a back door and out of the way before they cam under too much fire. Thats apparently while there were no fatalities. They called 911 by that time the gunman has taken off to a second location, as Naval Reserve and support center, where four marines were shot to death. One interesting comment that was made here is that they were told by Law Enforcement that the gunman never set foot on federal property, which might have indicated that he was shooting from some distance away, maybe even shooting at marines who were outside the building we wont know until the investigation is over, later in the day the mayor the police chief and the u. S. Attorney always spoke at a press conference. Immaterial to say again, it is incomprehensibleble to see what happened and the way that individuals who proudly serve our country were treated, two different locations this individual went to, and as a city, we will respond to this with every available resource that we have. And right now the big question is what was the motive. 24, the Law Enforcement is still working on that. Jaime, thank you very much, we want to switch now to our other top story a verdict has been reached in the colorado Movie Theater. You can see the judge is in, the jury is in and perhaps just a few minutes away from hearing the verdict, holmes is facing 164 counts of murder. We believe he is doing that right now thats a listen to see if he is hearing anything. The judge is going through the various jury forms it is important to remember in this case, the jury must first indicate whether or not on open of these counts james holmes is guilty or not guilty. If they identify him as being not guilty then the jurors have to indicate that it is what the reason is and if it is by reason of insanity. And one other thing to keep in mind, because this is colorado and not a federal court, in colorado the burden rests on the prosecution to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that james holmes was. If this was in federal court and complaining not guilty the burden would have been on the defense to prove that their client was insane. So again the burden was on the prosecution to prove that he acted acted and knew what he was doing at the time three years ago when he went into that theater and injured people and killed 12 others. What should we be looking for. David like you, i am watching this watching the judge go through the forms and that verdict packet is some 659 pages so the judge may take a few minutes before he has assessed that everything is in order, and he is ready for the verdict to be read, as you mentioned holmes has been charged with 24 counts of murder, 140 counts of attempted murder, and depending on whether he is whether the verdict is guilty or not guilty, there will be another series of determinations that the judge will then walk us through once he hears from the foreman that count is for possession of an explosive device, that is related to the bobby trapped apartment for what he thought would be a diversion during the shooting back in july of 20 00 12, almost three years ago. That three Year Anniversary coming up. There is also a 166 count that is a crime of violence count the sentence enhancement charge rather technical that will apply if he is found guilty on just one of the murder or attempted murder counts. So the judge still going through that sentencing packet, we will wait and see what that will be. We. Proked our viewers as soon as the judge starts talking we will stop talking. I wanted to read with the instructions was that they can find him insane if he was so distressed, or defective in mind at the time of the commission of the acts to is to be incapable of distinguishing right there wrong, with respect to that act that was the instruction the judge gave, and again the jury has taken approximately 13 hours to go through all 164 counts and make up their mind. If in fact, the jury has found him guilty on any one particular murder count he would face a possibility of the Death Penalty at what point, would the judge in the courtroom then move to the sentencing phase . It is our understanding it would begin immediately, but because it is late in the day, i think that will be delayed until monday the jury is not in session tomorrow, when deliberations were still on going just yesterday so assuming there is no further Court Proceedings the penalty phase would begin on monday, and then they will be penalty arguments from both sides so we still have another delay before the deliberations began. So at least until monday, we will not have a final determination on holmes sentence. That would be the amendmentiest. I know you have seen the pictures from the courtroom, and i think you said you have a feed, can you identify the prosecution table, and the defense table which is which . And which particular person we are see back of head which is particular person is james holmes. I can, if you look at the large colorado courts screen there here comes the judge. All right. The verdict form count one, murder in the first degree. After deliberation, jonathon we the jury, find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree, after deliberation. Thats part a part b is left unmarked. Part c. Did the defendant use or possess and threaten to you of a Deadly Weapon answer yes. Verdict form count two murder in the first degree, after deliberation, alexandar voight. We the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree, after deliberation. Part b. , is left unmarked. In part c. , reads did the defendant use or possess and threaten the use of a Deadly Weapon answer yes. Verdict form count 3. Murder in the first degree after deliberation. Jesse childress. We the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered. And part c is marked yes. In response to the question did i mention a couple of times already. Verdict form count four, murder in the first degree, after deliberation, we the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered, and part c is marked yes. Verdict form count 5 murder in the first degree, after deliberation we the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the part be is unanswered part c is answered yes. Verdict form count 6 murder in the first degree after deliberation. John larry moore we the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered. The answer to part c is yes. Verdict form count seven murder in the first degree, after deliberation Matthew Mcquinn, we the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered. And the answer to the question on part c is yes. Count 8, murder in the first degree after deliberation, mckayla ed manic we the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation part b is left unanswered and the answer to part c is yes. Verdict form count nine murder in the first degree after deliberation, veer con caMoser Sullivan. We the jury find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 10, murder in the first degree after deliberation. Alex sullivan. We the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 11, murder in the first degree after deliberation alexandar kieves we the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part c is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 12. Murder in the first degree after deliberation rebecca. We the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form part 13 murder in the first degree, emtreatment indifference, we find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference part b is left unanswered and the answer so the jury has found james holmes guilty on all of the first degree murder charges 12 murder charges in the first degree for each of the victims. Each of the People Killed three years ago the jury is also now finding the defendant guilty on the second murder charge represented to this and that is indifference to the death of each of these victims. So it would appear that james holmes is going to be found guilty on every single one of the 24 murder counts that was brought against him. And that the jury rejected the claim that he was not guilty by reason of insanity, in order the jury found that james holmes at the time that he committed this act was capable of distinguishing right from wrong when he acted that night and shooting up that colorado Movie Theater in aurora. After the 24 counts they will then get into the other counts related to the 70 people who were injured so we will listen to that but when would presume if the jury is finding him guilty on both of the murder counts that they are also going to find him guilty on the criminal counts related to all the 70 people who were injured lets continue to listen for a few more minutes. Murder in the first degree, part b is left unanswered part c is answered yes. Verdict form count 18 murder in the first degree, we the jury find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference, part b is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Count or verdict form count 19, murder in the first degree Matthew Mcquinn we find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree imitrex imdifference, and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 20, murder in the first degree extreme indifference, we find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference verdict form count 21, murder in the first degree extreme indifference, vironica Moser Sullivan we the jury find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference, part b is unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 22, murder in the first degree extreme indifference, alex sullivan. We the jury find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference, part b the left unanswered and the answer on part dr. Is yes. Verdict form count 23, murder in the first degree alexandar teagues we the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference part b is live understand answers and thence on part c is yes. Count 24. Murder in the first degree extreme indifference, rebecca wingle. We the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of murder in the first degree extreme indifference, part b is left unanswered. And the answer on part c is yes. Is. Hogan we the jury, find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of attempted to commit murder in the first degree after deliberation. Part b is left unansweredansweredanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Adan we the jury find the defendant James Egan Holmes guilty of attempted to commit murder in the first degree, after deliberation. Part b is left unanswered and the answer on part c is yes. Verdict form count 27, attempt to commit murder in the first degree after deliberation, Brandon Axelrod we the jury find the defendant now we the know the jury is finding him guilty of the attempted murder. Thats again, there are 140 attempted murder charges two for each of the people who were injuried and you are hearing the name of those injuried and right now they are going to the attempted murder charges and on every single one the jury has found james holmes guilty. Earn surprise that the jury did not buy the not guilty on anything. Not with only 12 1 2 hours of deliberation, it was clear the jury has rejected one side interpretation of this case. They did not wrestle with it for very long, they didnt believe he was insane at the time of the crime. As a result they are heading to a verdict where they will head guilty to all 164 counts are you surprised at the course of the trial. The defense acknowledged that he committed the act so the first twothirds of the trial were really nonclimate, what happened with the whole case came down to the four expert psychiatrists. And it is very clear that the jury bought the prosecutions interpretation that he was clearly sane at the time. Yeah, the two prosecution psychiatrists that said he was sane on night the night of july the 20th in part because he spent several days planning the attack, and then the two that pointed out he has been skit friendic, and could not have been sane but clearly the jury did not believe the defense and they accepted the prosecution argument, for everybody looking at this, that is james holmes in the light blue shirt at the very top of the screen next to a woman attorney and then a man looks like blondish hair. Looks very are different in the bizarre pictures of him he will have to stand and remain standing throughout the entire reading of these counts. Joining us again, kurt, so they are going to move obviously, to the sentencing stage what would you expect at that stage. Well, it is going to be a reiteration of the gruesome facts the prosecution is attempted to illicit an emotional response, and the defense is going to get in the entire background of his life including the real details of how long he has been mentally ill, no nobody denied that he was skins friendic, the question is was the schizophrenia the cause of these acts. There are a number of people that say though who are schizophrenic are still able to plan things out. You can have dill lewises it doesnt mean you are incapable of planning things out. It doesnt fit the definition of insane, there were a lot of people that watch this, and felt like if this was in federal court, it would be a slam dunk, because the burden is on the defense. But in this particular case, the burden is on the prosecution to prove he was sane beyond all reasonable doubt. And for that reason a lot of people thought well, all the journeyeded to do was find a reason to suspect that he might have been insane, and that he would have been able to go with the defense. Yes but i dont think in this case i think the overwhelming emotional impact of the carnage that is created just swamped any possibility of that the prosecution pointed to 1 really interesting point they comment on the fact in his interviews with the psychiatrists he noted that hi picked the midnight showing to minimize casualties to children. And they said that was the ultimate proof that there was sommer reality, some right and wrong going on in his head. In order, this was a case of he certainly was a question between murder and madness, and in this case the prosecution was able to say because he had some rational thought it qualified as murder. The trial has gone on for three months obviously extremely emotional. Theyed would also then come back with a verdict of giving him the Death Penalty. I think thats probably likely but unlikely, during the guilty phase here, the defense put on almost no case, other than their expert psychiatrists they didnt bring up anything. It is going to flip, they are going to bring up every aspect of james holmes life, that might lead one juror to believe that he shouldnt remember, they dont need anything other than one juror saying life without the possibility of parole in order for that to be the sentence. They can say it is more painful for him to force him to live with his crimes than to make it easy on him to essentially be executed absolutely. The prosecution is limited what they can argue what can lead to a Death Penalty so all they have to do is find a juror that they can make a compelling emotional or morale argument to avoided certainly jury instructions the closing arguments are you seating any rea obviously the judge is still reading through the forms what are you picking up so far. Well, david before the verdict was read, the judge gave the courtroom once again very specific instructions about emotional outbursts and what he had said in the past several times he has given the same instruction that if anyone feels an emotional outburst coming on they should remove themselves from the

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