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Apollo Clinic now in Dhaka :
Apollo Clinic now in Dhaka :
Apollo Clinic now in Dhaka
India's renowned hospital chain brand Apollo joins hands with the country's pioneer healthcare brand JMI to ensure access to world-class treatment for patients in Bangladesh.
Related Keywords
Sonargaon ,
Bangladesh General ,
Bangladesh ,
India ,
Dhaka ,
Safiqur Rahman ,
Tarun Gulati ,
Tamjeed Alam ,
Jabed Iqbal Pathan ,
Hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon ,
Apollo Health ,
Hospital Requisite Manufacturing ,
Specialized Hospital ,
Group Founding ,
Administration Department ,
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise ,
Hospital Requisite Manufacturing Limited Subas Chandra Banik ,
Specialized Hospital Limited Md Abdur Razzaq ,
Lifestyle Limited Sachin Gupta ,
Apollo Health Lifestyle ,
Group Md Zahangir Alam ,
Group Md Abdur Razzaq ,
Group Major Retd Abdullah Al Faruqi ,
Apollo Clinic ,
Hospital Limited ,
Lifestyle Limited ,
Founding Managing Director ,
Hospital Limited Md Abdur Razzaq ,
Franchise Business ,
Lifestyle Limited Tarun Gulati ,
Hotel Pan Pacific ,
Requisite Manufacturing ,
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited ,
Chairman Md Jabed Iqbal Pathan ,
Managing Director ,
Chief Executive Officer ,
General Manager ,
Abdullah Al Faruqi ,
Chief Financial Officer ,
Company Secretary Md Safiqur Rahman ,
Assistant General Manager ,