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over my left shoulder the clouds are moving so quickly, that's what you see when the system picks up its pace there. few times, once what nah while we see a hint of sunshine. we have a lot of outer bands to work through before we'll be done. every once in a while we get strong gusts. to my left is the huge level of beach erosion we got early this morning when the winds were coming in from the easterly direction. the ocean was up here and now from a north or westerly direction those winds are going back down or the waves are going back down into the ocean. that is just one side here of the outer banks. on the opposite side of us of course we have the sound so the opposite is happening there, where you're seeing the wind or water waves really piling up. remember the sound is shallower water. this is key, guys, when it's shallower the water rises even faster and higher. we're already hearing reports about five feet of storm surge and about less than 20 minutes so that's one of the concerns there and power outages as well.

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