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Ellesmere home care started looking after 92 year old John Davis and his 88 year old wife Monica from Burlington after their health started to deteriorate in 2014 call for later became a signatory on their joint account the couple were then moved into a nursing home in Ellesmere 2 years later but the basic called of the couple solicitor discovered at 75000 pounds transfer to Kaufman's bank account he pleaded guilty to 26 fraud charges Judge David Hale told the court that cotland who now lives on told the Street and elsewhere had used the couple's money to modernize his house lineal he said Catherine had been in a high position of trust and that the trust have been broken present Trump has been giving details of his agreement with the North Korea leader Kim Jong un join their historic meeting in Singapore he said Mr Kim Jong un had agreed to have verified process of dismantling his nuclear weapons Mr Trump said the United States would stop military maneuvers in the region but would not reduce its military capability in South Korea. The Rican M.P. Mark Pritchard's been put in charge of the government's plans to ban ivory sales in the U.K. The Conservative Party is trying to push through legislation which would see a crackdown on the buying and selling of Viber the moves been welcomed by wildlife organizations but antique dealers have expressed concerns that they could fall foul of the new law Mark Pritchard says the changes are the right things to do. Climbing all of the World Wildlife Trust is organizing a 3 day litter pick along the river 7 they'll be targeting trees Bray bridge north and I am bridge a flotilla of canoe it will be governing day bring in rubbish from the water and river banks special river boats will carry it away before it's disposed of by structure Council the world's biggest video games convention is taking place in Los Angeles this week the event. It is called $83.00 and is a yearly showcase for the multibillion pound games industry which is going through something of a shake up when it comes to making money on North America technology reporter Dave Lay is there with around 70000 people at tending and millions watching the live streamed events 83 is hugely important to companies generating hype for their games Microsoft is investing heavily in exclusive titles to try and catch up to Sony while relying on long time successful franchises like Halo and Gears of War but it will give games publishers huge pause for thought for the most talked about title of the past year was given away for free fortnight made by Epic Games is estimated to be earning more than $100000000.00 per month by charging players to customize their characters. In football Belgium one of England's group G. Opponents of the World Cup when their final warm up match ahead of the tournament the Manchester United striker Romelu Lukaku scored twice as they beat Costa Rica for one in Brussels Meanwhile England fly to Russia Today Gareth Southgate's side begins its campaign against Tunisia next Monday B.B.C. Radio news and sport at 3 minutes past 10 Thank you Faith today cloud will break so we should see some sunny spells still the small risk of an isolated shower and slightly cooler than yesterday around 19 that's $66.00 just saying largely dry overnight with clear spells and patchy cloud cover down to around 9 degrees and then tomorrow it will be bright with Sunny personally just one or 2 light showers developing temperatures around 20 Celsius travel nice. Radios from C.S. Helping you get where you need to be with the latest a stable a for a 3 still busy 3 more of the moment run South Australia she's the roadworks around the maze bureau terms of the keep south bound minds of all the modern roundabouts no issues in itself but also the fine for the town center shows free and delays now seem to be easing off in shifts it's been slow enough for the morning on the A 464 marketplace shoot of the road works around John. Straight I'm 54 on the M 6 moving fairly in both directions I'm even else usual number. 33550 Stephen beach B.B.C. Radio show Thanks Dave in. The B.B.C. Radio. Head about 20 something that's going to freak me out when it comes to cross contamination about. Maybe I can. Now it's free week this week encouraging us to mail a week meat free how important is meat to you Have you already tried to cut down. Radio show thank you for your World Cup memories that you've been sending in this want to keep those coming if you want 813 double 3 just push up at the start your message football or not related as it were also more people than ever and now looking at reducing their meat intake and vegetarianism is becoming more popular meat free week which encourages us to make one meal a week meat free Jay McGuiness from the band The Wanted and strictly contestant is a vegetarian and he's been speaking to Clara about becoming a vegetarian some people do it for diet some people do it that I did ethically for Animal Welfare and then some me with it for the environment and I at the time that I did it was just purely because I learned about being a vegetarian why people do it and I love animals so I became vegetarian then and then only in retrospect now I've got a bit older I've learnt about the environmental impact of be farming and loads of other stuff and now I'm just a true eco warrior now it's all well and good encouraging people to reduce their intake but a lot of people really like their meat people just aren't going to give it me and they they absolutely love their Sunday dinner or whatever and I don't think there's any shame in that we are human and we make her and choices and that's that's life but meat free week is just about reducing your intake so there are plenty of flexitarian is out there they eat me as and when it suits them they'll happily have a. Like a vegetarian meal you know 3 or 4 times a week and this is just about people who haven't really done that or even for about just just switching out one this week pledging pledge on line and then just switching you know some bonuses for for a value on it isn't that hard and it's just just trying because I'm I get it I used to think like dinner was mean to Vetch and that was it but the times are changing and I think if you recycle and you you know do your little bit and it is only a little bit then you may start think about what's on your plate as well Jamie Guinness speaking about world meat free meat meat free week that's the meat on my mind how important is meat to your Would you be willing to have a meat free meal once a week and that's a mail not just going well I had a cheese sandwich that accounts for it I've kind of moved in this direction and try to have to meet free days every week some ways are have more some ways Our have as many but on average probably does work out about to meet free days a week but are you are you trying to do that or are you going now to meet I need to meet let me know which camp you fall in this morning Oh wait oh right 19696 is the phone number or you can text 813 double 3 just push ROP at the starting a message and if you miss time you can meet Donna from Ginger cow catering who travels the country visiting vacant music and food festival serving up gourmet vegan street food was involved in goal Megan street food you can find out in just a few minutes. I am giving away to 19696. Jim coldly not love her it's a species radio show it's world meat free week would you consider the ad trying one male a week maybe you go further than that maybe go now not for me Donna is from the ginger cow catering who attends travel traveling the country visiting vegan music and food festivals serving at Gourmet feet constraint Food Good morning Donna good morning Ryan good morning we have to ask I think about the name because everyone will want to know why the ginger cow catering This is a question that I'm asked about trailing cattle I'm afraid of animal the Scottish and the ginger just me to sort of the they get it fits perfectly so that's where it came from because a lot of people will think I can and yet you mention an animal that I just asked that question a lot and you know. Animals the grass a lot of clothes do and actually you know the R.V. Going yes it fits their course with me being Scottish and ginger and that which is and I want to disappear on the branding So when did you stop eating meat I stopped eating meat 10 years ago and then set it over 2 years ago I became v good I cut D.V.D. Some practice I wasn't happy with also my grandson when he was born he had C.M.P.D. Which was a cow's milk protein now that you're so I helped make baby food for him I went to of the supermarkets in the range wasn't that great so in the end of thought of doing this at home I then became interested I worked in catering and a lot of people die of true crime and they were born thousands of you know in specific meals so I'd say Dude this is something I love M V Can you know provide food for lots of happy customers there are also different reasons for a favor for giving up meat sometimes it is lifestyle choices sometimes it's to do with health what was it for you what why did you make that decision it was a lifestyle choice I look at an animal and if you think no you know I can't eat it I always think behind there is there is life and they've that and you know driving along the road if you see a lawyer with sheep going to market it's horrible. So that was it that was in the begin call it kind of follow that followed with that what would you say to people who say that we we need a certain amount of meat we need a certain amount of dairy products in order to be healthy is that the case obviously you know you would say not I would say not but I would never try to convert people I always believe you know educate people that move there are there are 10 new tips with a vegan diet you have lower cholesterol you know eating meat a day which is in the high saturated fat but there's a campaign meat free Mondays I try to convince a lot of friends and family to go meet fee most days. Yeah so do it do it the other way around Yes So talk to me about some of the products that you produce that OK with them we do have the good barbecue which is very popular because a lot of times we went to barbecue is as a vegan vegetarian or you'll be offered a salad so I came up with a range I made my own burgers with one called the summer which is that a smoky mushroom Burgo which is diced mushroom and kidney combine with smoked Piqua I also do a B W B burger that I make which is walnuts in Black Bean and naked so Morse's which is very popular No we launched that when it Greenlee cafe because I do a pop up question there every so often and that's like a samosa but with pastry and mustard seeds cumin seeds in that. A lot of the indoor events I do obviously barbecue sauce other meals I do is a chip in cash to not carry a big bin chili Camaron cork you know Curry and green missile and butternut squash those ones we've actually nocive provide is a ready meal range because a lot of customers were coming to vents and asking where can I buy it you want to take home. Also the barbecue we do it-I chili Toffler cakes which is shredded Toffler lemon grass and lying leaves the way to come up with the ideas from usually the middle of the night I wake up with an idea 1st when all of us are there sometimes you'll. A normal dish and you think how can I use it you swap things you're change different things into a dish sometimes it's fun that you just make something completely give it to a friend who's that a meat eater and don't tell until after the finish and then the bill are up really because they're surprised that you know the taste and because you make everything from scratch we know exactly what's in the food we would you recommend if someone is thinking and I would like to cut down on my meat intake but I really enjoy meals with meeting where would be a good place to start would you say come along as seen it should be fed best whether that is then. I'll give you some samples or you can try this what would there be any particular food that you would recommend to start with if you're just trying you know trying to subtly change your diet from meat. To vegetarian may well ask me to vegetarian 1st of all just cut me a lot of rice a lot of poll see if you you know spaces put a lot of flavor in chief in a lot of color just cut meat and there's lots of vegetables and just you know cut at me and improvise T.J. Just try it just just try as and as as a city I have a lot of friends my partner used to 56 days a week he you know. Has vegan food at least 4 times a week and he was a big meat eater job. To change that's it's a small change is you know some people have I spoke to some people at festivals and they've said that you know they've gone straight from Meet T.V. Again which is a big big change others just gradually one thing at a time I suppose it's like if if you have tea with 2 sugars you will you go. And get used to it now you mentioned you going to be food festival this year so that's what you're going to be displaying there OK the fish that's worth taking the Trailblazer barbecues on a barbecue topic can this murder's the B. W. B. Burgers that we make so customers can actually stand watches kick the burgers will also have the big being chili that we do with the dirty fries that that's very part of her tea for I don't see why they dirty. Because you know many people have fries and it's just chips on the Roarin but because we put the big bin cherry on top and I make a cashew cream that goes and talks it out is to take that space is the way we try that so we have samples to give away we have curries as well the same Morse's the Thai tofu cakes you brought some things in here what would go hey let's have a sniff then we go it's a big being chili OK I'm going in I promise not to spit and I think what what's what's involved in this then. I can't tell you the secret. But with the big big being chilly There's 5 different types of beans in that's good and spicy that yeah yeah that's good so is that the secret ingredient that is making us so Spice I can't tell. You I mean teetering I am yes I'm trying I'm trying to cut down like I say I'd try to have a couple of meat free days a week so I'm in that camp yeah so I will leave you on my back to meals here. Next week and we'll see if you cannot at the time there was. A great See this morning thank you very much for coming in THANK YOU THANK daughter from Ginger cow catering put W W W dot the hyphen Ginger cow dot co to EK Is the website you can find out so much more about what she does meat free week out he feel about that 19696 is the phone number here. Radio show. Me to Gina favors had a call from Gina who's lost her Paris he went missing on Friday it's a blue front Amazon parrot those mainly green in color with bits of yellow too has been spotted in Telford today so Gina is heading there but if you spot it please give her a call it's double 7305 double 3675 and we've got that number here if you didn't get it down a time to look out for that parrot that's been spotted around Telford today. And belongs to Gina if you do you see it get in touch with her or get in touch with us and we'll put her in touch with the world meet for a week as you've been hearing we'd love to hear from you if you match any of the following descriptions Have you recently cut. On Meet the trying to have meat free Mondays I was talking about that or a couple of days a week are you a long term. What's the story behind the recent gave up meat in the 1st place or are you. Kind of person you know going to change for anyone. 19696 is the phone number I reckon I should probably just describe everyone in the entire world there so you have no reason not to call. You. You. Know what you're eating. You will be singing for the. Halls. No. I was. Told it was on the top. Of the on the. I. Come from a different. Season. It's an insult to Islam. Is the place that shooting is the. Junks of season. Lol. LOL LOL. Lol. Lol. LOL I was in the. Wrong. It's not to do with their hair it is to do with moving around when she was younger that's my rate travel news. Radio helping you get where you need to be. Looking very busy if you're making a journey on the A for I prefer a more of the moment towards maybe roads other side back towards a modern roundabout just outside the town center of all Sri of course feel right in Ludlow also a bit of looking busy now northbound 49 far away from the racecourse looking OK I'm 54 also if I am 6 Anything else are you 33558 Stephen beach B.B.C. Radio shop shop. B.B.C. Radio these days Telford is a powerhouse of the Midlands economy but it wasn't. A member the time when T.V. Advertising space was taken out to entice people to move. On call Jones and every day this week to mark tells its 50th birthday celebrations take a look at what makes the business community tick manufacturers to new start ups and the movers and shakers who were there at the very start I'm lifting the lid on the tell the business community it's all building up to one half hour Telford business special on Thursday. Every day. Are you ready. Let's watch and there's an old saying isn't there to understand someone else you should walk a mile in their shoes and it's an idea that is in focus today which is being called empathy day the people behind it are encouraging us all to learn more of these social and emotional skills and the good news is very difficult they say reading plays a vital part here that I thought I would back that up. Over it read so many books fiction and nonfiction. With fiction if it's written from a certain characters perspective. And suddenly you've got empathy with that character and you understand things. Here is incident of the dog in the night time leaps out of me. But there are many other examples certainly helping empathize with autism examples that spring to mind in a society where hate crimes are increasing anything that can help us understand other people has got to be a good thing around McKernan is one of the co-founders of the empathy She'll be with us after 11 help to you empathize with someone else maybe it is a certain book that springs to mind maybe watching a T.V. Show that helps you have understanding what helped you empathize with the way someone else sees the world. Plenty. Savage Garden I'm truly madly deeply a B.B.C. Radio show of show so much on empathy Day coming up after 11 o'clock today what was that helps you to empathize with someone else maybe it's a certain book that you read because they say that reading can really help with this and I was saying and I come to the case with fiction and nonfiction because it's written from back character's perspective suddenly you get said that's what it's like to see the world through their eyes or give you an idea of that so maybe there is a book that helps you empathize with someone maybe there was a T.V. Show where something in particular was featured in it and you can email me Ryan dot Kennedy at B.B.C. Dakota EK If you texting today 813 double 3 just push ROP at the stars the message or course the easiest They'd to do is to just give us a call. 19696 We'll talk more about this after 11 o'clock this morning and you can hear from Miranda McCurry who is one of the co-founders of the empathy lag lab who will be with us after 11 today world empathy day its way Shropshire comes to told you why not join the press to be. Counted B.B.C. Radio 3. So the historic meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong un has been and gone hands were shaken meetings were held lunches returned documents were signed pats on the back all round So how did it go what will change what has Donald Trump had to say to the assembled media afterwards meeting with Chairman Kim was honest direct and productive we got to know each other world in a very confined. Under very strong strong circumstance. We're prepared to start a new history and we're ready to write a new chapter between our nations while Adam Kurtley was glued to a good morning at a morning just give us a flavor of this historic meeting when it was theatrical really to be honest and. It started at the Capella hotel on the holiday resort island of center. Modern building but done in a sort of old Singapore colonial style and the main entrance the main entrance with the red carpet in the flags all there and going to the right of the main entrance and going to the left of the main entrance to corridors with O'Connor I mean sort of open to the elements but nonetheless covered and. Kim Jong un appeared from the far end of his corridor or Donald Trump to the far end of his bit like jousting really and they walked slowly together in perfect timing arrived at this middle and stared at each other never met and the only leaders of the 2 countries ever to meet and then they had a 13 2nd handshake and then some smiles at the cameras and then they moved into a private room where it was just the 2 of them and one of them each of them had an interpreter nobody else there they talked for about 45 minutes then they went off with the rest of the diplomatic group to have a working lunch which they did very nice lunch and then they came out and Donald Trump said it's been better than expected I really get on within with this is historic we're going to have great moving forward with our 2 countries it's top flight and then he said We're off to do a signing and nobody was expecting that to actually sign anything today and they did and it was a wee bit of a delay but they then signed it you know the way they signed it passed it over the other one they signed in all of that and then they left Donald Trump in his motorcade back across the causeway to the mainland to where he was going Kim Jong un didn't take part in the press conference that he does journalists really and he went off I think to the airport to fly back to North Korea so do we know what was signed we do we know the gist of it is 4 key points from this Trump Kim declaration now has come in for some criticism of being a bit wishy washy and nothing much to it but there are 4 main tenets one that the United States and North Korea commit to establish relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of both countries for peace and prosperity So OK we're going to try to get a lot of it better to that they will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean peninsula now that could mean signing a peace treaty because actually technically they're still at war it was only ever a truce in $153.00 so there could be moves that have to get South Korea to agree to it but maybe that's what that means 3 committing towards the complete denuclearization. Of the Korean peninsula now North Korea is already committed to that with South Korea so it's a reaffirming of that nothing new there and fourthly the United States North Korea committing to recover prisoner of war and other remains including the immediate repatriation of those already identified in other words reuniting families from the other side if you like with their relatives bodies you mention is quite theatrical and some cynics have suggested the could just be for publicist he did did did did they really get on with you say well obviously I don't know in the sense that I don't know either of them that they did seem to get on I mean Donald Trump looked a lot more comfortable but then he's used to he's a performer he presented a reality T.V. Show for goodness sake can John looked a little more stayed and actually was slightly less glowing in his language he said it took us a long way to get here we had obstacles but we overcame them but they did seem to mean business and I think Donald Trump's interpretation of it is that Kim Jong un is brighter than you think he loves his country and he realizes that things have got to change if his people are going to be any better off but this is a man who runs one of the most brutal regimes on earth there are gulags where people going to slave labor half the population are starving and any dissent and you could be in real trouble so humid rights was raised at the press conference and Donald Trump said yes we did talk very firmly about human rights but not in public I think that was just between him and Kim Jong un So what happens next. Well they'll have to go home both of them now issues and their diplomatic people and politicians will start to talk to each other sort out how it's going to work they've got to also inform the rest of the world and all Trump is talking to the president of Japan or South Korea and obviously China is involved as well and need to work out what role China will play in all of this so the devil of course is in the detail and the most cynical people would say well it decided that a paper Hitler did that they didn't do much good I think the feeling is from this meeting that there's more goodwill than that actually both sides really do want something to happen and indeed North Korea has already started blowing up its tunnels where some of these nuclear weapons are stored or at least tested so I think Donald Trump is saying you know I'll be watching it we're not in a place yet to remove sanctions this is a long way to go we'll be watching them like a hawk but there is a feeling I think that there's goodwill there certainly is a historic moment Adam Kelly thank you very much from Washington this morning. Historic meeting between President. And his Barry White the out Wow wow wow. The 1st. B.B.C. Radio. Show the challenge of coming up with. Doing. It the fun way to spend time with. Be all music hall you know so weekdays from 12 on the B.B.C. Radio show up shot. Its way Shawshank comes to a great song enjoy your favorite song list 6 days to try to keep all the all counting leaving see radios for all. The. Well my. Time and. Good. Times. Through it will be worth. Let the music play on. Yeah everybody's thing about it and. We're going to. Come on a good thing and all. I'm. Gonna. Come . In all. My long. Long long long long. Long long long long. Long Long Long Long Long. Long. Time for this is. Below the fold. Is good. Let's. Let the veil. News. Trump has been giving details of his agreement with the North Korean leader.

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