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ASIA/INDIA - The Cathedral of Calcutta launches "food for al
ASIA/INDIA - The Cathedral of Calcutta launches "food for al
ASIA/INDIA - The Cathedral of Calcutta launches "food for all" initiative
Agenzia Fides: Organo di informazione delle Pontificie Opere Missionarie dal 1927
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Germany ,
Bangladesh ,
Ireland ,
India ,
Calcutta ,
West Bengal ,
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Nepal ,
Irish ,
German ,
Mahesh Kumar Sharma ,
Franklin Menezes ,
Annbandhu Foundation ,
Catholic Church ,
Agenzia Fides ,
Most Holy Rosary ,
Little Flower ,
Father Franklin Menezes ,
Global Hunger Index ,
Concern Worldwide ,
Welt Hunger Hilfe ,
Food Security ,
World Food Day ,