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Assam: Initiative Taken Towards Supporting Talented Students
Assam: Initiative Taken Towards Supporting Talented Students
Assam: Initiative Taken Towards Supporting Talented Students in Digboi
The pass percentage has dropped drastically this year as only 56.49 per cent has finally made it to the merit list.
Related Keywords
Guwahati ,
Assam ,
India ,
Digboi ,
Aditi Bhuyan ,
Anant Jain ,
Rameshwar Dhanwar ,
Nilabh Pathak ,
Antara Mobasshira Hoque Khandakar ,
Sanjana Kaur ,
Jatiya Vidyalaya ,
Upakul Parashar ,
High School Leaving Certificate ,
Mary Hs School ,
Child High School ,
Secondary Education ,
Happy Child High School ,
Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya ,
Digboi School Scholarships ,
Ducation Initiative For Talented Students ,
Inancially Challenged Families ,
Education Program ,
Ameshwar Dhanwar Scholarship ,
Ree Education For Poor Students ,
Igher Secondary Scholarships In Digboi ,
Certificates Distribution ,