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At annual town meeting, Lenox voters approved a $35 million
At annual town meeting, Lenox voters approved a $35 million
At annual town meeting, Lenox voters approved a $35 million budget that will raise their tax bills about 5.6 percent
With just over 5 percent of the town's registered votes on hand, it took only an hour to power through the annual town meeting warrant, with mostly unanimous approvals.
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Veronica Fenton ,
Weston Sampson ,
Lenox Dale ,
Gary Knisely ,
Ventfort Hall ,
Christopher Ketchen ,
John Mcninch ,
Robert Vaughan ,
School Committee ,
Community Preservation ,
High School ,
Department Of Revenue ,
Town Moderator John Mcninch ,
Lenox Memorial Middle ,
Select Board Chairman Ed Lane ,
Town Manager Christopher ,
Select Board ,
School Committee Chair Veronica Fenton ,
Community Preservation Act ,
Lenox Budget ,
Annual Town Meeting ,
Rest Of River ,
Lenox Memorial Middle And High School ,
D Lane ,
Omefarm ,
Community Development Act ,