Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is one of the leading technocrats today who promotes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and makes techno-prophecies about the future, claiming that AI is advancing so rapidly, that we are the last generation of homo sapiens, because transhumans will soon replace us. Harari makes it clear that "dataism" is the new religion that fuels AI, and he claims: "We are probably one of the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us than we are different from neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. Now how exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data. Those who control the data control the future, not just of humanity, but the future of life itself, because data is the most important asset in the world." Yuval Noah Harari believes that one day we will be able to "hack humans", because he believes that the human mind is no different than a computer, and our thoughts are simply "biochemical algorithms." This is a religion, not science. It is based on a Darwinian biological view of life, which sees reality as simply the observations of the physical world, ignoring the human soul and spirit. In this new religion called "dataism," you must surrender your data to the network, whether you want to or not, because refusing to share all the personal data of your life is "a sin."