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Against pyongyang. The new sanctions, drafted by the us, would severely restrict pyongyangs access to oil exports. It comes after the recent missile ballistics test. And deciphering what brexit means brexit really means join our correspondents from westminster and brussels for a special edition of brexit cast, thats at 19. 30 here on bbc news. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. The first visit by a British Foreign minister to moscow for five years has ended in public disagreement with russia accusing the uk of fabricating allegations against it. Boris johnsons visit was intended to try to repair what both sides acknowledge is a low point in relations between the two countries. Mrjohnson accused russia of meddling in the uk election and brexit referendum the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said mrjohnson was making that up and criticised the uk for making what he called a series of aggressive and insulting public statements about russia. Our Diplomatic Correspondent James Robbins reports from moscow. Handshakes can be deceptive. True, this foreign secretary has broken a five year british boycott of visits to moscow. But when russias Sergei Lavrov says he wants a return to business as usual, Boris Johnson says thats impossible. As you rightly say, sergei, things are not easy between us at the moment. The talks aired the grievances on both sides and examined space for limited cooperation, by supporting the Iran Nuclear Deal together, and opposing the Nuclear Threat from north korea. But deep disagreements remain. At theirjoint news conference, that was stark. For all the efforts at banter, there was a seriousness when Sergei Lavrov tried to brush off british allegations of russian meddling in foreign elections. Translation my neighbour, Boris Johnson, recently stated he had no evidence that russia meddled in the referendum on the withdrawal of britain from the European Union. Not successfully. Not successfully, i think is the word. Not successfully is the word that i think you need to introduce. Translation you see . He is scared if he doesnt disagree with me, his reputation will be ruined in the media at home. Sergei, its your reputation im worried about. But this was dark, serious humour. When borisjohnson was asked if he trusted russias foreign minister, he tried to make light of that. You know, its a measure of my trust that as soon as i got into this excellent foreign ministry, i immediately handed my coat, my hat, my gloves and indeed everything that was in my pockets, secret or otherwise, to Sergei Lavrov. Translation i can say there was nothing in the pockets of boris coat. So how did relations go from bad to worse . Russias use of radioactive poison to murder Alexander Litvinenko in the middle of london started the slide. Three years ago, russias annexation of crimea and interference in ukraine, provoked tough eu sanctions strongly backed by britain. Then last month, theresa may accused russia of Cyber Espionage and meddling in the elections. Britain says it has cyber weaponry to retaliate if attacks get worse. So, striding across red square, the foreign secretary was no mere tourist. He was nodding to russias historic greatness, while pressing for a radical change of direction. Coming here to red square, Boris Johnson insists he likes russia. He points to his name, the fact he has russian ancestry. What he doesnt love is the present russian government. So, paying his tribute at the tomb of russias unknown soldier had a particular symbolism. Britain and russia fought together against hitler as allies. Restoring that closeness now seems a long way off. James, it was pretty tense at the press Conference Today between Boris Johnson and Sergei Lavrov. Lets hear more from james who is still in moscow for us this evening. There certainly seems to be no breakthrough that this was a very important meeting. These are two very big players in two different ways. This country, russia, is by far the largest in the world by land area. Britain, of course, is relatively tiny, but has a far larger economy than russias. Both make up together two of only five veto powers at the security council. They really do have to get along much better if they are to help improve global security. There were real tensions in the meeting and at the press conference. There are huge differences, russia talking about a construct of western lies, designed to do russia down. Boris johnson saying he is no cold warrior, but coming here determined to stand up for some socially liberal values. He very deliberately championed, for instance, the rights of the Lgbt Community whilst he was here. He mentioned that in Sergei Lavrovs presents. The also very deliberately laid flowers at the spot where Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov was assassinated under the kremlin walls two years ago. So, some very strong messaging from both sides, no breakthrough, i think. The former leader of catalonia who was sacked for declaring independence from spain has called for talks with the National Government after separatists won a majority in new regional elections. Ca rles majority in new regional elections. Carles puigdemont, who was in belgium to avoid prosecution on sedition charges, set only dialogue could end the political crisis. Mariano rajoy said he would talk to whoever led the blue catalonian government, but only if they obeyed the law. The new catalonian government. Catalonias Pro Independence voters enjoyed their victory. And now they want their power back. Starting with the return from exile of their deposed leader, Carles Puigdemont. But he cantjust fly back from belgium. He faces arrest in spain on the charge of rebellion. So, from brussels this afternoon, mr puigdemont had a message for spain lets talk. We want to be an independent state. This is the wish of the catalan people. The next step is to talk with president Mariano Rajoy. We need to find new ways, the political solution to our crisis between the spanish state and catalonia. That offer doesnt interest spains leader. This afternoon, Mariano Rajoy made it clear, if Carles Puigdemont isnt here, he cant talk to him. Translation i will have to talk with the person who actually opera translation i will have to talk with the person who actually occupies that office of president of the catalan regional government. For this to happen, they need to take up their seat and be in a position to talk with me. This happened months ago. There followed months ofargument, protest, debate, emergency measures, and then the vote. Now, catalans find that they are right back to where they were when the crisis began. Nobody has really changed sides. For now, the local government headquarters here awaits its permanent occupant. The man who won this election cant come to take up his old job. The law says that all sides now have until april to decide what to do next. James reynolds, bbc news, barcelona. Our correspondent has spent the day in barcelona where he has been getting reaction to todays developments. Manny Mariano Rajoy wants to have talks with whoever forms the biggest grouping here. Lets talk to a professor of economic at the university here and a pro separatist supporter. Well Carles Puigdemont be pragmatic, grown up, wise enough to actually reach out and meet the spanish authorities halfway to bring about some sort of change, because the status quo cannot continue, can it . We dont know. First he will have to be elected. Then he has been offering dialogue and meeting with Mariano Rajoy. But will he put independence to one side to bring about some sort of movement here to allow the country to move forward . This is doing huge damage, according to madrid authorities, to the spanish economy. They have to negotiate with the other party. They are very tight. There is also a coup. First they must agree in what sort of proposal they are going to make. One of the parties has 32 seats. Ca rles make. One of the parties has 32 seats. Carles puigdemonts party has 34. What more could madrid offer the separatist grouping short of independence . Well, it up to them to make a proposal. What do the separatists want . Independence. It is the others who have to offer something. They have independent in their programme. They already organised a referendum. They ran for the elections. They won again. If the elections. They won again. If the others have something to offer it is up to them to make a proposal. Its up to them. Thank you very much indeed. After three months of turmoil, mass demonstrations, hundreds of thousands of people out on the street, either pro or against separatism from spain, we are really back at where we started. Some news to bring you from North Yorkshire police. A 44 year old man has been charged with the murder of Jodie Willsher who was stabbed to death in an aldi supermarket in skipton yesterday. It happened in front of shoppers in the store. She was 30, married, and had a young daughter. A 44 year old man has been charged with her murder. The Un Security Council has passed tough new sanctions on north korea that will cut oil supplies vital for their nuclear programmes. These are pictures from new york with chinas backing the Council Unanimously backed the draft. It is the third time sanctions have been imposed on north korea this year following a series of missile tests. Here is what the Us Ambassador to the un had to say a short time ago. Today, for the tenth time, this council stand united against the north korean regime that rejects the pursuit of peace. The regime continues to defy the resolutions of this council. The norms of civilised behaviour. And the patient of the International Community. Their arrogant and hostility to anything productive as set their country on a destructive path. We can now speak to our un report in new york. Tough new sanctions. Give us a flavour of the debate that happened today. The american ambassador, nikki haley, basically said that further defiance from the kim jong un basically said that further defiance from the kimjong un regime would mean further isolation and further sanctions. To give you a sense of how much tougher these particular sanctions are, according to the us, in 2016 pyongyang imported 4. 5 Million Barrels of petroleum. This cat north korea now at 500,000 barrels. A nearly 90 cut to what is a vital lifeline to kim jong uns struggling economy and to his military programme. This capped north korea. The Un Security Council are trying every single diplomatic avenue to have kim jong un are trying every single diplomatic avenue to have kimjong un reverse course. China, of course, a key ally of north korea, went along with these sanctions. And it is worth pointing out that the us, President Trump had called the chinese president to ask him to cut these oil supplies. Rex tillerson was involved in a debate this month and questioned chinas commitment to peace with their supplies. At that point china said nobody had done more to restrict supplies to north korea. Again we see the International Community rallying together to again try to convince kimjong un to abandon together to again try to convince kim jong un to abandon his programme. Sanctions have been imposed on pyongyang for nearly ten yea rs. Imposed on pyongyang for nearly ten years. Behind the scenes, behind the tough rhetoric, what sort of expectation is there this will make any difference . I asked diplomats just that. I said kimjong un any difference . I asked diplomats just that. I said kim jong un sees the weapons as vital to his regime. The undersecretary general for Political Affairs was just in pyongyang a few weeks ago and what was the first high level visit of a un official in nearly eight years to try and have an opening there. They really do seem like they are not committed to moving an inch from their programme. Diplomats say that at least these sanctions will restrict tests. It will restrict him from advancing his programme at the very least. But there is no good options when it comes to north korea, so this is the main diplomatic avenue people have here at the un. Many thanks. The headlines on bbc news the first visit by a British Foreign minister to moscow for five years has ended in public disagreement as russia accused the uk of fabricating allegations against it. The Un Security Council has unanimously agreed on imposing tough new sanctions against north korea in response to its recent Ballistic Missile tests. A 44 year old man has been charged with murder after the supermarket workerJodie Willsher was stabbed to death at an aldi superstore in skipton, yorkshire. Its a growing problem in countries like the philippines children put to work in front of webcams, forced to perform sex shows for paedophiles watching on the other side of the world. In 2013 a Dutch Organisation tried to find out how big the problem was, by using the fake online profile of a ten year old filipina girl they called her sweetie. More than a thousand men offered her money to perform for them. Now the team behind sweetie are launching a new project this time targeting individual predators themselves and the softwares being offered to Police Forces across the world. From holland, Angus Crawford reports. Online, undercover, searching chat rooms, looking for predators. Sweetie is back. Always its about sex. And always its about adults who want to talk about sex. Look, hes british, like many others, and remember they are talking to what they think is an 11 year old girl. Remember this . Im not real. The computer generated. Back then, sweetie needed human operators to type her chats online. The new version is different. The popping up. Fully automated, she can now handle hundreds of conversations at the same time. So you could be getting the information on thousands of men . There is no end. Sweeties avatar has been retired and replaced by two new ones, sometimes being shown to predators via webcam. But we cant show you or theyd be no use any more. They invite them into their house, which is the cybersex den. So, why is this new campaign . Heres why. In the philippines more and more children are being forced to sell sex to foreigners via webcam. Five people were arrested and there were more than 600 foreign customers in the network. He has turned on his camera. Sweetie first showed us the scale of the problem. Now the team is going on the offensive against men like this. Hes naked and he thinks he knows youre just 12. Exactly. And he wants you. To be naked. To turn on your camera. Be naked, as well. I think he will. Take off his trousers. Their details could be passed to the police. And theyll get a nasty shock. An automatic message sent straight to their inbox. That will have a major impact on their behaviour. We know who you are, we know where you are, we know what you want, stop this. Sweeties job was to raise awareness, not catch criminals. This man, australian scott hanson, was one of the few to be prosecuted. But in many countries this kind of evidence doesnt count. Some Police Forces support the project, others dont. But the sweetie team go on, scarring chat rooms, turning the same Technology Used to exploit children back against the predators who seek them out. Angus crawford, bbc news. Ten members of a moped gang from london have beenjailed for between seven and 18 years for a series of smash and grab raids on mobile phone shots. The judge at Blackfriars Crown court said the robberies had been meticulously planned and that nothing and no one was allowed to stand in the gangs way. A man has been entered in an explosion at a house in leeds. West Yorkshire Police say the blast happened just before three oclock this afternoon at a house on silk mill drive in tinshill, just north of the city centre. No one else is believed to have been inside the property at the time of the incident. A man has been injured in an explosion at a house in leeds. The official christmas number one has been announced and its the perfect present for this years winner. Ed sheerans single perfect wins the accolade with 85,000 combined sales this week, split between downloads and streams. After a career defining year, the singer songwriter said becoming christmas number one is a dream come true. Joining me in the studio is James Masterton the editor of chart watch who also presents the chart update podcast. Thank you for coming in. A surprise, not a surprise . Its one of those occasions where we will look back and say, that was obvious. We like to pretend it will be a race and during the course of the week everybody was playing second guessing about whether it would swing his way or the way of the single against him which was by eminem. At the end of the day it was a lwa ys eminem. At the end of the day it was always going to be his moment and hes revelling in it. He is, he said it isa hes revelling in it. He is, he said it is a dream country. How important is being the christmas number one, compared to ten, or 20 years ago . M seems to be a cultural thing. The British Public like to engage in it. It has become so much a part of the christmas tradition as much as the queens speech or strictly christmas special. If you asked any performer what is their best time of year to be number one they would say at christmas because that is when you truly write yourself in the hours of history, and its when people might even consider themselves lapsed pop fa ns even consider themselves lapsed pop fans actually start to Pay Attention to what is at the top of the charts. If it happens to be you you have written yourself into pop history. Somebody has written out some recent number ones. He joins mr somebody has written out some recent number ones. Hejoins mr bobby and also bob the builder, and also the likes of whitney houston. That is what is so fascinating, you can have really credible axe, and credible performers, but weve also been cursed by novelty acts such as mr bobby in the past. There is no definition as to what a christmas number one is, it is whatever takes peoples fancy the time. You can point to the charts of any particular year and find the famous number two hits, the ones that never quite made number one, such as fairy tale of new york, last christmas, and the mariah carey track, all i wa nt and the mariah carey track, all i want for christmas is you. They were all number twos. Interesting. Thanks for joining all number twos. Interesting. Thanks forjoining us. British passport covers are to revert to blue once britain leaves the European Union in 2019. The current burgundy passports will continue to be issued until then, but without the eu insignia. The home office says the new blue passport will be more high tech and secure to prevent fraud and forgery. Our Home Affairs Correspondent tom symonds reports. The Great British passport shortly to be available not in european burgundy because, it turns out, brexit means blue. The government admits it is largely symbolic, restoring our national identity. Outside the passport office, what is the reaction . Its blue, isnt it . Back to england. Ijust think its a crying shame. We have this fantastic ability to travel around the rest of the world, and we are looked upon favourably with our immigration policy and everything else, but now itsjust a bit embarrassing, to be honest. I think the decision was a huge aspect of the country moving forward. And i think in order to move forward, there needs to be changes. And if that needs to be distinguished by a simple colour, why not . What is the difference . Its a different colour. Thats it i just preferred it when we were in europe. Just everything. The last true british passport was hard back, much bigger and a very, very dark blue. The european one, which replaced it in 1988, was smaller, floppy and much easier to put in your pocket. The new one and this isjust a mock up will be roughly the same design, but it will keep all of the security features which make it so hard to copy, and it will add some. This is the passport of the future. And its in circulation from today. When the red eu passport was introduced 30 years ago, britain agreed to a common standard. It didnt have to accept the colour. Croatias passport remains blue. Even so, the burgundy one was never loved. I think it is one of the most revolting, insignificant, tiny minded, small pieces of paper ive ever had the misfortune to witness. Its not really a british passport, is it . These days passports are redesigned regularly to cut fraud, so the blue ones should not cost more. They will start appearing in 2019. People who already have a passport have no need to do anything at the moment. Even at that point, if people have still got time left on their passport, we not be asking them to change at that point. But obviously people can renew at whatever point they want, should they wish to move to the new passport. Brexit is tough. Changing the passport colour is relatively easy. But like brexit, its dividing the nation between those who say at last, and those who say, why bother . Tom symonds, bbc news. How do you keep the memories of the holocaust alive to answer the questions of future generations . Holocaust survivor eva schloss the step sister of anne frank has been taking part in a Ground Breaking interactive project that will allow people to ask her hundreds of questions about her life and will preserve her testimony long into the future. Reeta chakra barti has been to meet her. Three, two, one, go ahead. Meet eva schloss. She is 88 and survived the horrors of auschwitz. She has spent days being filmed recounting her past, so that people now and in the future can question her virtual self about what happened. My name is eva schloss. Would you like to ask me some questions about my life . Survivors are worrying what will happen when we are not around any more, who is going to continue telling the story . Because they think it is very important. Now, at the museum of jewish heritage in new york, people can directly interview eva about what it was like in auschwitz, how she survived and how it has affected her since. One of the questions was, what was your most terrible moment in the camp . One day my mother was selected to be gassed. We were separated. And i thought i had lost her. But through a miracle she was saved, and about three months later, we were reunited. Over five days, eva answered more than a thousand questions about her story. And while she was doing so, a film maker recorded the process. I think whats different about this experience is it puts the viewer in a really active role. So instead of passively watching a movie or reading a book, youre forced to think of your own question, what you want to ask. And this is more or less the only picture i have with my mother, my father and me, because my father usually took all the pictures. Eva schloss lost her father and brother in the holocaust. Remarkably, she says she has no hatred or bitterness in her heart. But she does want people to listen and to learn. This is what we have to teach our young people to get involved in what goes wrong, and if they see things going wrong, to speak out. Technology is helping to prepare for the time when the survivors of this monstrous crime are no longer alive. It means eva schloss can continue telling her story for many decades to come. Reeta chakrabarti, bbc news. Lets ta ke lets take a look at the weather now. It is more likely to be a grey or wet christmas rather than white. Overnight and we still have the cloudy, grey skies and misty weather over the hills in the west. Wind is picking up the Northern Areas of the uk, drizzle into northern scotland, more persistent rain into the northern isles. A mild night. Temperatures will not fall much. Between eight and 10 degrees. Saturday starts cloudy. Stronger winds across the north. Punching holes in the cloud, especially east of high ground. Brighter skies, sunshine further south, but over the hills and west misty all day. This is pushing back south in scotland. Another mild one, temperatures between ten and 12 degrees. Christmas eve, stronger winds for many parts of the uk, feeding in a lot of cloud, rain for scotland and northern ireland. Most of england and wales will be dry, either ten or 11 celsius. Hello, this is bbc news with reeta chakrabarti. The headlines at 7. 30pm. The first visit by a British Foreign secretary to russia in five years finished with accusations of lying. There were hopes a meeting between Boris Johnson and the Russian Foreign minister would repair relations but they ended up in public disagreement. You should recognise that russian attempts to interfere in our elections and our referendums whatever they may have been have not been successful. I think youve made all this up in your western community and youre hostage to this subject. Its very difficult for you to climb down from the fence now

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