Tonight to celebrate the beginning of the wassail. So, cheers everybody. Hello and welcome to inside out west. Now, this may seem like a strange question, but whod shoot a cat . Hopefully none of us. But there are people out there who would, and have. We are a nation of cat lovers, but our feline friends face a surprising menace airguns. And they can leave cats maimed, or even dead. What pleasure can anyone possibly get from going out, and shooting an animal . I cant believe that someone would actually physically do it, you know, attack someone elses pet. I want to find out what compels anyone to shoot a cat. And what can be done to stop it. Georgie people just see you as a cat, but youre mummys special baby boy, arent you . This is george the cat at home near gloucester, after spending the last week in intensive care. George went out on boxing day morning, for his usual runaround. After about 15 minutes, he came back in, he was crying quite a lot. When he didnt improve, his owner, helen, took him to the vet. They gave him a shave, and thats when they saw that he had been injured. Reseller, has he been bitten by something . They said, its a pellet. So, the vet tells you your cats been shot . We werejust gobsmacked, we were like, sorry . It was just. It was such a shock, we just couldnt believe it. George had a perforated gall bladder, a hole in his diaphragm, and a tear in his liver. He was rushed in for emergency surgery. It was a very long night waiting up for that call. It was three and a bit hours, but it seemed like a lifetime, just sat there waiting for the phone to ring. We felt sick, it was tearful, you just didnt know what to do with yourself. So, weve never got through so many tea bags in one evening now back home, george is still very poorly. His belly held together with metal staples, and the pellets still lodged in his side. So, does helen have any idea who shot her cat . Maybe someone got given a new toy for christmas, saw him and shot him. But the fact that the vets have said it was close range is. I mean its heartbreaking enough, but to hear that made me feel physically sick, that somebody got that close to him. Yes, its been the worst probably two weeks of my life. Its been absolutely horrendous, notjust knowing if he was going to make it or not. In the forest of dean, ive come to meet a cat coming to terms with life changing injuries. Lily was shot last september, just a few streets from home. The pellet missed her heart by millimetres, but she lost her leg. These are the pellets . How did you feel about what happened . That a large piece, yeah. That was in my cat. Cant believe that someone would actually physically do it. Actually locally, as well. You know, attack someone elses pet. Like lily Allen George Pat that are shot often end up across england and wales, almost 2,000 cats have been shot in the last five years. But, thats just what gets reported. Here in the west of the figure is around two shootings per month. The problem is i am very concerned, we only see the tip of the iceberg. Prosecution in relation to airgun offences, especially against cats, is really, really difficult. We more or less have to catch the people in the act. We can, nowadays, with forensics, match pellets up to air rifles, but, because theres no certification at the moment, we dont know who in certain areas actually owns those rifles. What the rspca wants is air rifle licensing, like they have in scotland. But, maybe the answer isnt legislation, but education. Come on, then, somebody tell me. Always treat the gun as loaded even if you think it unloaded. Ive come to a pub in nailsea, in somerset, to see a gun club entirely for children, some, as young as eight. Always keep the gun pointing in a safe direction, down range. Which way is downrange . Number four. Numberfour never point a gun at anything new do not wish to destroy. So if i said to you, you are in your garden, shooting with an air rifle, shooting some cans, and then a cat walked out, would you shoot the cat . No. Because that is animal cruelty. Thats animal cruelty. Theres no reason to shoot an animal, is there . Yep. Straight downrange. Safety briefing over, its time to shoot. There you go. These kids are good youre teaching kids to shoot guns is that a good idea . Something that i was always brought up with. Education is the key. Kids are like a sponge. So, if you educate them correctly, the process is very simple, because they learn right from wrong right from a very early start. Because a lot of people would say these are quite dangerous should they not be licensed, like they do in scotland . It will not work it here, its unpoliceable. 0ur firearms departments are already overwhelmed with work. And theyre on demand. Adding this to licensing, it would actually inhibit the training and teaching and the education of the children. Do you think teaching the kids will stop them doing things like shooting cats . Would you ever shoot a cat . No. Why . Because its animal cruelty. What do you think youll get from learning to shoot well, like as well as rob does . You can have good skills. We can teach our children not to kill things. Explain to them not to shoot them, otherwise they will face a lot of not so nice consequences. And theyll have to suffer them. A couple of weeks on from his shooting, george is back at the vet. Could you just lift up his front legs so i can have a look at the wound, first of all. . Has he made the recovery helen so desperately wants . Well done, that looks perfect. Good boy. No reason why we cant take the staples out today. Who is a brave boy, hey . Number one. The wound runs almost the full length of his stomach. With no less than 11 staples holding it together. Theres multiple ways he could have been killed by this, and he didnt, so, yes, hes pretty lucky to be alive, to be honest. Its such a relief, and he was so good in there, ijust cant believe how well he sat. It was amazing, it was quite tearful, because obviously, hes been through so much, and to see him well again,. Ijust dont know what to say. I feel quite emotional, actually. Glad to see george on the road to recovery, but tell us what you think. E mail me at. When youve got to go, youve got to go. But where . This one is safe, but Public Toilets are disappearing fast. Bbc radio bristols emma britton is on the case. Come on, then. Wee wee . Good boy my billy can go for a wee anywhere, but for us humans, we need to find a loo. Ah, phew, this looks promising lets go round the back. Oh, it stinks around here. I wonder why come on, billy. All of bristols 18 roadside Public Toilets are due to close permanently, all at once, and in two days time. The citys council does have a plan b, though a Community Toilet scheme. Local businesses are being asked to volunteer to open up their toilets to anyone and everyone. Well, heres a cafe, lets see how i get on. 0h, billy sorry weve found very little evidence that the new scheme is ready to take over. Come on. Youve just come out of the cafe, what were you doing in there . Well, i hadnt planned on going into the cafe. I only wanted to go to the ladies, but unfortunately, the good old toilets which weve relied on for years are locked, we had to end up buying coffee and a cake in order to go to the loo. Unless you use the cafe, where are you going to go . Way over on the other side, by the gorge, the thousands of people who enjoy the downs can still visit the toilets near the viewing point, but they, too, are on the Councils List of closures. The toilets by the clifton suspension bridge are also due to be shut, even though theyre used by streams of people every year we visited one of the toilets due for closure, and have so far found none of the promised signs directing people to the nearest Community Toilet. Over at st george park, these toilets have already shut. We discover theres some foul play going on, and the public are facing a health hazard. What has been causing you problems . Lot of poo. Dog poo . No, we have a big human poo problem. So, what kind of areas have you found the human poo in . Everywhere. Bottom of trees, side of paths. Its too far for the kids to walk, so they go wherever. People having barbecues, and parties, they go where they can go. This is a destination park, and people dont know where the nearest toilets are. Giving us a map saying, go to the nearest pub, isnt go to help. So, can these Community Schemes work . My next loo cation is a converted toilet block in sea mills, which has operated for six years as a Community Cafe and toilet. I am here to meet professor clare, who is a world renowned expert on Public Toilets. Shes not impressed by the councils plans. As far as i can understand, there is no actual financial returns on this. There is no contribution from the council, which has occurred in some other local authorities. So, why would they want to do this . Who would this impact the most . It would impact everyone, but some groups more than others. It affects tourists coming to the city. It affects commuters stuck in traffic for ages. People with incontinence problems. It particularly affects women more than men, because women have more reasons to use the toilet then men. Women who are menstruating need the toilet more. Women who are pregnant. Look at small children and babies, they need the toilet, they have to have it pretty quick. Lots and lots of people for years have depended on these toilets, and now they are suddenly going to find that they dont exist. So, this is a very real issue, and the council has not thought this through. Here in shirehampton, im meeting two of the local residents personally affected by the toilet closures. I have inflammatory bowel disease, and i tend to have this with me, which im lucky to have. All i need to do is show this card and say, sadly ive got crohns disease, can i use your loo, please . And the only time i have used it is because there hasnt been a Public Toilet or a cafe around. So, ive been lucky so far, but who knows in the future . Ruth, tell me about your Walking Group . We basicallyjust walk and set the world to rights as we walk and go along. But, the walk leaders have to recce the walks, and they always know where the toilets are. We are all 55 plus. Fresh air makes you want to go yes, and you cant expect a small cafe to expect a dozen of people to come in and say, can we use your toilets . Theyre going to say no. Do you think that local businesses will sign up to be scheme that Bristol City Council are proposing . There are health and safety issues and the security issues. A lot of the toilets will be up the stairs, or at the back. So, i think the answer is going to be no. To find out for myself, i go across the road to the village cafe. Mustafa, if someone came in to use job toilets, and they werent a customer, what would you say to them . Sorry, no, you cant use the toilet. Why . Because its a customers toilet. You wouldnt want anyone who isnt a customer to use it . No. What can i do . Cant do anything, you know. Time to head over to city hall. The toilets here are available to the public, just like they are in other council buildings, like the city museum. By closing the 18 street toilets, the council are saving £400,000. We have not invested in our toilets over many years, so a lot of them are in various states of disrepair. There is a lot of anti social behaviour going on in them, and the alternative was to look at bringing in a community and business toilet scheme. In the cabinet papers it says, a smooth transition from the existing arrangement to the new one, is very important. Yep, it is. How Many Community businesses have signed up to the toilet scheme . We have got 12 businesses and Community Organisation signed up. We have over 20 pending. Does that include Bristol City Council owned buildings . It does. So, if you take them out of the equation, that doesnt sound like many. And the ones we visited, that are closing on 31st january, there is no signage, a that they are closing, and b , where the nearest toilet is. People are quite literally going to be caught short . Not necessarily. We still have a week to go. Would it not be better to delay the closure, when youve got a viable Community Toilet nscheme up and running . It is simple to say that, but i am feeling confident that we will have a Viable Community scheme, and is one that is only going to grow and grow. Is it all right if i use your loo . You can use the loo, go on there is some late news. The committee that looks after the downs have agreed to look after the toilets there. But, elsewhere around the city, there are no signs of a reprieve. We are drinking more of somersets finest every year, but how does it get from this to this . Weve spent the last year on a legendary cider farm with a celebrity following. Tucked away down a small muddy road near glastonbury lives a cider maker to the stars. And this year is a very special year. The farm is 100 years old. Its the start of a new season. Lands end farm is in full colour, and the signs are, this years crop is going to be a good one. Ive been cider making cider now for over 50 years. Ive never known two bumper crops of apples. And, at the moment, the way the blossom is looking, theres going to be another good crop again now. But two good harvests mean that roger is flooded with cider. I got 33,000 gallons. Normally i only sell about 20,000 a year, but because weve had two bumper crops, we got the actual stock has built up all this is cider, out here. Really, we want a bad crop, this year, not too many unless i can get some cider drinkers in to drink it roger also has 120 head of cattle, but cider has always been the agricultural lubricant at the heart of the family farm. Weve traditionally made cider on the farm since my grandfather came here in 1917. Years ago, if you didnt have cider on the farm, you wouldnt get any workers, because workers would go around and try the cider, and who had the best cider, thats where they would go to work, because they got paid virtually in cider, cheese and potatoes years ago. That was the wages. By mid july, the blossom has turned to apples, and its the peak season for customs. Roger has become a legendary figure in the somerset landscape, and visitors come from all over the world to drink his cider, and have a good chat. And, for some, this has been their local for decades. According to roger, 40 years, hes got a better memory than me its the same as it is now, when i first started coming here. Except, rogers dad was around. But roger used to do all the running about he was younger than he has also had if you famous faces in to buy his cider. Theres jamie oliver, there. I did havejohnny rotten in here. That was about eight years ago when he came in here. Joe strummer used to come in here regularly, from the clash. Lovely man. Lily allen. She had cider off me as well. He even had a visit from a mysterious graffiti artist. The people who came in, asked me to turn everybody out at eight oclock at night, asked me if they can put a painting on the wall. It is supposed to be me i shall never take it off, anyway. Well, we have kept the prices down, we havent put them up for three years, but theres such a glut of cider out there, at the end of the day youve got to be able to sell it. No good making it and not sell it. Years ago, proper cider, you could sell no trouble at all, but unfortunately, now. Now, they all want it clear and fizzy and sweet and weak. A0 years ago, all the old boys would not have looked at all this factory cider, they would have tipped it down the drain. The apple season has started now, beginning of september. I dont aim to shake any apples at all. The good lord put them up there, and the good lord will let them down. When the apples drop, thats when theyre ripe. This is a hilly orchard, we have got to pick them up by hand. I used to pick up apples when i left school, 18, 19 years old. That was the big hessian bags then. Years ago, i used to carry them all down on my shoulder, bloody hard work. A lot of people walk away, they dont want work do em . Had an 0ap up there, they said, hes out there picking up those apples, i couldnt do that. But he was as happy as a sand boy up there i would rather be up there then sat in an office on a bloody computer, isaid. The harvest takes three months, but its not all sunshine, as roger will be working away in his noisy barn. We cut the bags of apples, we tip them into this hopper. At the top of the elevator, there is a high speed crusher. The apple pulp comes down through this stainless steel hopper, and into these. Into these nylon cloths. That is roughly 100 weight of apple pulp on each layer. When weve built up the 12 layers, we put it on the trolley, put it up under the press. The press actually presses it 3,500lb a square inch. Its called a 100 tonne press. About 20 minutes, hes pressed out dry. Good stuff. This year, roger also celebrates his 70th birthday, but how many years will he keep making cider . Im hoping that my grandson will keep doing it. I shall keep doing it until i die. As long as i am fit, i will work. When i die, thatll be up to they. Hes taking an interest now. So im hoping hes going to take over. We feed all the apple pulp to the beef cattle so theres nothing wasted. Its sweet as a nut, and the cows absolutely love it. Itll be mad later here, when they all get in there and start dancing and singing its mid january, and the night of rogers famous wassail. Its an old tradition thats supposed to be to get all the evil spirit away and to get a good apple crop. Leading the facilities this year is a new old father time. Youre not here to have fun, youre here to make sure that we get a good harvest next year. If the apple trees fail, we all have no cider next year. Then well have to start doing all sorts of things like burning virgins in wickerman and all sorts of stuff. To refresh the soil 0ur queen will pour this cider from last years labours around the base of the tree 0ur queen will play some toast in the branches of the tree to welcome back the birds and Small Creatures to our orchard. The big finale to ward off those evil spirits. As the dust settles on the wassail, the question is, has this year been a success . Record crowd this time i think. More than weve ever had before. Ive come from selby, 260 miles. Its quite a long round trip. It is quite unlike any where youll find in the west country. It is amazing. I think roger is an institution in somerset. It is what somerset is all about. Well, thats it for tonight. Thank you for watching. Well see you next week. Cheers good morning. If your sunday has got off toa good morning. If your sunday has got off to a slow start i would suggest getting moving and getting out there if you can. It is a beautiful looking day across the country. Blue skies overhead across the ci